Newspaper Page Text
lSSg ClllIIF. Tho Now American Cultivator U po well ami favorably known, a description of it seems hardly necessary. For many yearn it has Lccii popular, ami tho constantly increasing sales is satisfactory evi dence that its friends are sincere and appreciative. It is a Harrow as well as a Cultivator, and with the full Ptction cultivates ahout live feet wide. Tho spring tooth machine is equip ped with three sections of live teeth each. Tho Center Section is re moved for cultivating row crops. It can lo equipped with as many 3 eleven shovels for those who prefer Shovels to Spring Teeth, and either one, three or live removed for row crops. Harris & Newell. This Bank It tlci;:m' (r ; tin' poor tho rich, tlio ol! ami the young -turn ;inil women all tin wi !mi W p.iy 4 prr cnt . Iiitcri-it mi :iin"t account and rm-hc ! J . -i ; u a... FIRST NATIONAL BANK YALE. MICM SECURITY FOR DEPOSITORS, S80.000.00. TI1I1 l' ! iin.l. r I'lUiiI s:.i!c Mi(n- !Moll. We Can Sell Your Farm, Factory. Butlnfit or RttiJ uence. .N" n..iiii r w lien Ikh'.-I Wo h.,vc i-.t. Iimi.irl of cIlu r. Win t - -in l.iivr ni oiikj' rtutSiil whicl I I'lTH fili. Sl'llil '.ri t!(l'. 11 nti! juitc nm'. vc nl '1j:u how. MONEY on Cood Mortgages. Ui i;i.-!n .t uf.r OTTNER A CO.. 816 Other in nil 11 'net-. A. A. I 1 TV- ir,7.U.VA::'U 1 1 e run., ri 5.00 '4.00 3-5O3.00 2.5052.25 FOR MEN. $3.502.00 1.75 v Kin Or us-r:- tVtKT rvi"" It wT.l pay you to examine tho W. L. Iouglas (hoes, and sco for yourself that tlicy are just good in every way as those for which you have lrn paying $$ to $7. For style, com fort, and service, they cannot bo burnosacd by custom-made hots. FOR CALZ DY Yalo Clothing House. -Si IDEAL BK04NZli 'iURKEY EGGSI From Fine Stock-For Sole. If Ton inf t rt" 1 ui k wliv iiot rl th "si .' it ) ! voii inini ( in Stonzc Tix'.:e;- m,. lui. aii'l lianly and CMiiii m in i: i 11 v riMiv. Tun LvKs tor $3.00. Al. Wl ifr fhi 'i.i tli ;,M-k C'omJi Txuliorn I fk1 Ironi ll.oinn.l.lai i tm k nl f IM cr ieltinti. Adli.s .J. N. DKKllY, Cromwell, Mich. RMnir tvr inil iiorfh o( Fremont Town ITall. Krnnotil Tlililp. MH-n Pronortv for Snlo. Y"nr anU. a. linn rcKidrnro on Main-et. ppositc Kullrr'i itori. For particulars pplj to tue owner, i. Maniej, laie. 1 AX'-A v I A I V EVERY KlNDprVrVS m UARDIAN'S HALF. OF KKAL KSTATK. MHt of Michigan. Countv of St. Clair lu the iii.iIIt o( llin rt at e uf Aiunttu St'hroo drr. Hit Inviiiif Mrnoii. Notice U licrfliv Klvpti, t h At In ptiruiaiM'o ami t y vii t in of an order crujitol IU uncl.-r'ik'nnl, hi giiarttUu ( lUf t-Ktatt ni Kuhl Anuusta Ht lirom l r ly tlm lion. Sti'iihrii A. (iraliain, .IikIki of I'roliati 111 uikI for .iiil i'ouiity. on Ui l ull l.iy of A lll, A. I). ttirn w 111 Im h1I Ht IxiMu-vn.diK-. to ilii hUhit illtT. nt tli front l(Mr of Hi Couit llonf In tin flty Fort Huron In aii l onniy, on 1 ri'iiv, ihrt uiii iav 01 .iiuii, . P.. l :t. at one m U k In t ! aid-moon l 1l.1v 11. 1 I hi rU'lit, till-. aii'l illicit st of vil.l Auuit.i .st'liiiH-tli-r In Hiol lo tli( following il- .! 1 Im-1 laiuW unit iri'inli'. In tln town of ( awo.Coiinty of St. rial r, SUtf of M n liirfan. to w It : An uiiiliviili'il one niMli (Hi intrrt'ti in iihI to tin north half (iiof the north hall in ol theitonth east g t er 1 ; )o( tii-tion twnity H'lil 1. tiiwn lour ( li tiortli. rane niii-i'it a-t. I li north hall 1I1 of tin north hill lit of the north half 1 1 1 i. the futiit llt'st H U lT ( i I of net' lion t etiiy -win r.'Ti. tosn four M) north. 1. 1 lice Dlti'i'ii 1 IM ami the iicul li one half ( 1 1 ol the north one-half ( r of Hie south one half 1 ! I ol the north rait nailer (i of itIihii thlit- three (J.ti, tow n lour 1 4 1 noiiii, ratn.'' niui-n ibl eilt, xuliject hofer to tlower llitereil of l arollne lellow. Ml.liiwul I reilerh k Irllow, leeeaoeil, but iiit'linliu the reversionary iihl thereto. Cm m s 11 ic imnt. 1.. II. Ul(KK, (.uanllau ol the r.t ate Attorney for FitaW. of AuutiHtH Si liPN-ler. Ialrl April -.Ith. 1.I. 7 GEORGE ZUELCH, Dealer io Dry Goods and Groceries, Mcncy to Lean upon good iiotrs and other securities at low rates or intt-rt'St. PAY WHEN CURED 0. The Detroit Modlcal and Enrtrlca Zcatitute U tiic only institute of its kind lu the State that has a FtalT of Cox or 71 o ray, . . Catarrh, jLataua, WtUURt Brononitia, Ilheu xaatiam. Tlta, Faralyela, Ectema, Piles, rietulaa, Tumors, Cancers, Uloera, Scrofala, Iluptures, Varico cele, Hydrocele; Spermatorrhoea, railing1 memory. Weak Mind. In sanity, Heart, Lang, Skin, Bleod, Sidney, Bladder and PRIVATE DI6BASES of Men and Women. No matter WHAT your diseasa or weakness cr who baa failed to cure you, consult us. CONSULTATION IHE2 If yoahvebrndecelvclliy Frauds, Humbugs Uuacks, Frco Helta, or called .specialists," call for testimo nials. Our beet reference PAY Wit UN CURED. Wo will wait for our ray until Curo Is iiiarle. If you will deposit money in Innkor with wme reliable friend. DK. I. M. VOOItiriCKS, cue . our consultlnp; physicians; the eminent toclallt, who can name and locate? diseases without anoint? questions will le at tho following; hotels. Call and sea him or write us for Information, enclo'in? ptaiun for reply. Addre;i the fresiflcnt. On. IL M. IIAnFEIl. or Dotroll Medical and Sarjrical Institute, 301 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Llich. Tonccommod.ntcpeoplo DR.V00RHEES will be at tho following hotels luoutly 171 IT! Hotel Pahlev. p) a. in. to lALiJ w ,HS,l;iy, May 5th. Tako Notice Notice in hereby Kiyen HihI the io tercet of I.. F. Vanl'amp In tho Yale MarneM Co. lm been ntlil to Iva Sil erthom. The new firm U to rollect all accotintu due the compMny an'l to pay all debt of the old organization I.. F. Vax'amp, Yai.B II AHM M Co. Dated April l.'ib. luo.t. For Salo Or exchange for tillage property or a cood 40-acre farm mv 80 acre farm iituatel 2 miles eoulb and 1 milee weft 01 lale. tiooa buildine, cooa orchard, well watered. All ImproTed. call on or addreee reter Kmpey, Yale. G u! 1 a ML 1 1 z.Jzz, rt 1 am,' mm f in it COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. (crrzciAXo) Yale. Mich.. April 21, I'M. Council met In special Henslon. l'resident Feud in the chair. TrusUes present Adams, Andreae, Fuller and Windsor. Moved by Adams and snpjorted by Andreae that the, bond of J. C Holden with John lloldeu and (Irant lloklen as sureties be approved. Carried, The following report was received from the light and water board. To the Prtsidfiit and Council 0 the YUlag of I'i: Your light and water board would report that they have appointed F. T. l'almer as secretary of the light and water board at a salary of $10 per month for the ensuing year and request that the appointment be continued. John IIoldkn, K. A. (Suiswoli), liEKT McDonald, L. & W. Hoard. Moved by Windsor and supported by Fuller that the appointment bo con llrmed. Carried. Yale, Mich April 17, 1903. To the President and Council of the Village of Va le: Your light and water board would respectfully report that we have made a careful estimate of the expenses of the light and water plant and would re port that the same can be run for $150 per month for the ensuing year. All of which Is respectfully submit ted. .loilN IIOLDKN. F. A. (illlSWOLD, IIkkt McDonald, I,. V W. Hoard. Moved by Adams and supported by Windsor that the above reo!t bo re ferred to the ordinance committee for consideration and report at the next regular meeting. Carried. Moved by Fuller and supported by Adams that the Mret t deeded to the village by K. II. Drake and Alice Drake be accepted.-Carried. Moved by Windsor and supported by Fuller that the clerk notify h. II. Drake and A. S. Farks to remove the fences from Drake street preliminary to open ing Mid street. Carried. Moyed by Fuller and supported by Andreae that the clerk notify all puinb ers and electricians to furnish bonds as required by ordinance, .same to be presented at the next regular meeting. Carried. Moved bv Andreae and supported bv Fuller tha't all closets draining into public sewers te disconnected and that tho secretary of tho light and water board be ordered to refuse to issue any water permits for closets with outlets into public sewers and that any plumb er connecting a closet with a public sewer be lined and his license revoked for one year. Carried. Moved by Windsor and supported by Fuller that any sidewalk torn up and relaid by cement without being con demned by tho village council shall not be entitled to the rebate allowed by the village. Carried. Moved by Andreae and supported by Adams that the secretary of the light and water board bo instructed to fur nish Dan McMartiu with a list of peo pie having closets connected with the water system, and for said Dan Mc Martiu to ascertain the present outlet of said closet drains. Carried. Council adjourned. Fretl T. l'almer. LlerK. Yale, Mich., AprilJS, l'.n);t. f'.iltlieil liw.t ill StufM!tl M-HSi)lll W'itll l'resident Fead in the chair for tho pur nose of approving liquor bonds and fix ing rate for village taxes. Trustees present Andreae, .uams, Fuller and Windsor. Moved by Adams and supported uv Windsor that the liquor bonds or Dart MrVnttv with Tims. Wharton and Kd- ward Young as sureties bo accepted. Carried. Moved by Adams and supported bv WiiwUor tli:it the honor bonds of J. II. Faisley with John llolden and Phil Walker as sureties bo accepted. Carried. Moved by Adams and supported by Windsor III. it the limior ItondS of Ab- ner II. Jackson with K. F. Fead and Thos. U. Wharton as sureties be ac cepted. Carried. Moved by Y Indsor and supponea uy Andre. tho village assessment roll of HK3 as reviewed by tho board of review lo approved. Carried. To the President and Council of the Village of Yale: Y'our ways and means committee ivntihl rectiertfullv renort that after a due consideration, that they would es timate that it will be necessary 10 raise fortliH rontlntrent fund flOOO to tav nutt.mdinff notes civetl for the deli- ciency of the light and water fund the past year, ana J mj 10 pay me vinage share of the arc lights and hydrants and itlmnl ft' urn for llm running ex penses of tho Tillage and that there be raised ror me mguway muu. ciuoo ior cement sidewalks andf'JOO for culverts and about fjoo for incidental highway purposes, and for tho sinking fund that thero bo raised to pay the interest on tho bonded indebtedness. All of which is respectfully submit- ted. A. WinDhOU, Jam km, 1. W. AN!ltKAK, Ways and Means Com. Moved by Fuller and supported by Windsor that tho village assessor be or dered to spread on the tax rolls of l'.HCI f l.'IMl.? as a contingent tax, $172 )71 as :i hi(7hv:tv tax and jm).:'.i as a sinking tax. Yeas Andreae. Fuller, Adams, Windsor (D. .Nays .None (U). Moved by Fuller and supported by Wimlftor that the village treasurer Im allowed titty days from May 1, 11W3, to collect taxes and that ho bo allowed on per cent tor his services. Carried. Council adjourned Fred T. Palmer, Clerk. Twenty Acros for Salo. 1 have twenr acres of good land all cleared ami ready for cultivation, lying within ft mite and a half of Yale. Will fell reasonable. For further particu lars and price, address John Ilichard eon, laie. 1-tf A Quick Arroat. J. A. (lulledge. Verbena, Ala., wae twice in tho hospital from a fceverocaso of ptlee causing 21 tumors. Alter doc tors and all remedies failed, Itucklen'e Arnica Salve quickly arrested further Inflammation and cured htm. It con ouere aches and kills paio. "c at Ciraut Holdeo's, druggist. Faro. The Flax Co. i drilling a well at their dwellings. Our merchants are enjoying ft thriv ing business. The Key. Kinney is repainting the M. P. parsonage. Samuel Henehaw, an old and very much respected pioneer of this county, patteed away on the 23rd inst, aged 7o years. Mr. Ilennhaw was born in Lin colnshire, Kngland. in the year 1823 and migrated to this country at an early age. He was the father of fix eons and four daughters, of whom nine survive him. These eurvivcrs, as well as thoHQ who knew this old gentleman, know that ho parsed away with the sweetest, purest and beat ot thoughts. Arthur Roberts, our young and much CHtecmed friend and neiglibor, with his most estimable wife took their de parture from the parental home some two weeks ago to make ft new home in Ilroadripple. Indiana. Art was born in the township of Oreenwood, and withtheexception of ft few years, epont his life here. It is needless to say we regret to know that hehasgone. While with us he tilled township and county political positions with honor and great credit. You need not thank us Art for the honor for there was no be trayal of the trust by you. While we are the losers of your values the good people of Uroadripple will be the bet ter of your citizenship and that of Mrs. Roberts. Peace and prosperity be with you our old time friends. THC X-RAYS. Recent experiments, by practical teste and examination with the aid of the X Rays, eiUblish it as a fact that Catarrh of tho Stomach is not ft diete of it self, but that it results from repeated attacks of indigextion. "llo Can I Curo My Indigestion?" Kod' I Dyspep sia Cure is curing thousands. It will cure you of indigestion and dyspepsia, ami prevent or curo Catsirti of the stomach. Kodol dii:c-U what you eat makes the t-tomacii sweet. uld bv (irant llolden. EXCURSIONS VIA THC Pere Marquette SAtilNAW AND RAY C11Y, STNDAY, MAY 3. I'M). Train will leave Yale at 8:13 a. m. Rate $'.. See pouters, or nk agents for particulars. PORT IICROX, Sl'NDAY, MAY 10. Train will leave Yalo at 0 -7 a. in. Rate on cents. See posters, or ask agents for particulars. GREATLY ALARMED. Uy a Poralatont Couh, but Perma nently Cured by Chamberlain's uoukm itemeuy. Mr. II. P. Imrbage, a student at law, in (ireenvilln. S. ('.. tind I.cmi t r 111 t.I for four or live years with a continu mid liillir)i u liwli " itri'tt I i v ulurm.wl mn causing me to fear that "I was in the itri ..t ...... ..f ...... t. nii'i pmj;u .11 ?.iiii jiiivj 11 .ill. ItiirliUttn liuviniv iinim I 'li in lior I t ti Cough Remedy advertised, concluded 10 try 11. .ow read wnai no fays 01 11: "I soon felt a remarkable change and al ter using two Lotties of. the twenty live cent sue, was permanently cured." Sold by ( Irant llolden. Tako Notlco. On account of having a largo farm to work and being unable o secure help, it is impossible for me to get out on tho road to take orders, therefore I have decided to tako orders for I. S. Cream Separators at my premises one mile north and four ami one-quarter miles east of Yale. I will sell ma chines at a great reduction. Anyone wanting new machines or repairs will tind fiame at my placo at all times. 00-3 (ieorgo Kricker. Tror Your K ittncya For llhoumntinni. When you are sutl'ering from rheu matism, the kidneys must bo attended to at once so that they will eliminate the uric acid from the blood. Foley's Kidney Curo is the most elective rem edy for this purpose. It. T. Hopkins, of Polar, Wis., eays, "After unsuccess fully doctoring three years for rheu matism with the best doctors, I tried Foley's Kidney cure and it cured me. I cannot speak too highly of this great remedy." For sale by all druggists in Yale. Loarn Dross Cutting. I am again prepared to teach the Delamartin system of dress cutting and invite all wishing to tako lessons to call and see me. I charge .G0 for whole course, including system. Have taught this system to a. number of la dies and I have yet to find ono who is dissatisfied. Itesidcs the abovo 1 am ollering bargains in bazaar goods. Come in and see our line. o(M Mrs. Wm. Fitzgerald, Yale. Chicken Cholera. Chicken Cholera can positively be cured. Tho most severe tests have proven this without a doubt. "The proof of the pudding is in tho eating of it," and so it is that hundreds speak in positive expression as to their de lighted results in using Star Poultry Powder. Kven when they are so far gone they cannot eat, nine out of ten can bo cured by moistening tho feed and sprinkling it thickly with Star Poultry Powder, then feed it to them. Your poultry will not have cholera if you will feed it, and beMdes tho in crease in amount of eggs will doubly pay for the powder. It is a settled fact that the Poultry business is ono of America's leading j industries. The con- t i f sumption of rggi alone 7 Vv enormous, yet the ..V-JrpL average price is contin " ually advancing. Are your hens laying as they should? You can force the production of eggs as you can crop of corn or wheat. You can forco the production of eggsasyou can work from a well cared for horse. See that your poultry is healthy and tilted for their task by feeding Mar Poultry Powder. It pays for itself. All you have to do Is feed it. Put up in two sizes, 25c and f 1 packages. You save 3-c by buying the large package. Guarantee: Anv person who feeds a $1 package and is not satisfied with re sults, I will refund them the tl. T. X IIOX-3DIZ2.T, Imlay City, Mich. firSold In Yale by Grant llolden. ssssssssssssssssssssss "SirfeHir our Trousers mm mm In Men's, Youths' and Boys' Spring m Suits we can show the best and most 16 complete assortment in town. Also in Hats, Caps, Shoes and White Vests. n . . .- g J. 1. ROSENTHAL 'S -S -JS That's what vm will anything you may n.-k keen them rirlit. Our cordially solicit your That's our hohny, mid liver t any part of the village. ( iivo us your next order and wo know you will he pleased with the treatment you receive. rcr cttvLraay: -Strawberries, Lettuce. Qniutis and Ilananas. 0h "Huller ami Kjrs taken in exchano for (Jtiods. 2'7"Monky To Loan. H. E. V'r'. V. s'- S S?' sT"- ' T. sC- STANDARD Rotary Shuttle Sewing Machine i rj ir iifi'llV ; STANnaan otiKt). a well raoirr. LOCK AND CM.V STITCH. TWO MACHINES .V ONE. BALL BEARIS'Q STAND WHEEL, We also manufacture sewing machine that retail ram $12. 00 mp. The hiAniUrU" KMary run. nilrnt aalhe tick of a watch. Make 3U0 alitthea while other machines make '.'(U. Apply to our local dealer, or If there 1 n dealer la your town, addremi tub Standard Sewing Machine Co., CLEVELAND. OHIO, Per Salo Uy Harris Newell, Yale. We're Headquarters For WALL PAPERS (iood I)esirns and (iood Color ings are tho comhinalions that make our papers pre-eminent; and as for variety, that s here too. There's hardly a Coloring or Style of Paper that we cannot supply out of our larro line. Then there is another point to rememher; we carry a Iarro us sortmcnt f 44Kxcluive Dcr ins' which cannot he sivn cNcwhere. Our llordera are sold by the roll at the same price as the papers. 905 and 007 Military St. Port Huron, Michigan. Foley's Honey and Tar forchUdren,s&fc,sure. No opiates. tJ "A j NUFANGL TROUSERS.... Are the latest out. For fit there is Nothing Finer. -ZS 'ZtuS'jJJ'tS find at our store. YV I lavr r for in this lino and wu always Driers !irc iivmnn ililn ti.1 tVi. hj7 trade W wo arc always pleased lo dc. i BEARD. 7. sC' T. S. s-r. s 1. sT". r. . HEAR YE! We have been advertising w intir goods long enough, and now wisli t call your attention to our largo and well assorted line of Lap Dusters, Sweat Pads, Fly Nets, Sun Bonnets Ktc. Our prices are right and wo w iH alvas be pleased to see you at our shop. Repairing Neatly Done. Wallace Adams. Pere Marquette 7A1T. ID. IOCS. Tit A INS LR.WK YALR AS rol.l.OWN: For Tort Huron an I ;uul e.nt 9:17 A. it. Mid 8:W r. M. For Salnaw ami way Stations J.U a. M. and 7 ;15 r. M- For tiraixl IUilt, I.iutlnirt"n ami wrtu-ni oliiH. Petrol! aud Toledo tMJ a. St. F.A. tiRISWOLI), II. F. MOF.LI.EIt Auent. (Seut-raJ I'AMriiKer Agi-ii, Have You Tried Our Plain iMI't'l lift r.r i iiv (If MIXKI) lMCKLKS, t HASiMlKl.UV, V STUAWHKKUV AMI riMJAITLL phkskijvks, avvia: iujitlk. The? are tii.o go-d nnd will 5Uit your taste. Ask for anything in the line of iir class ineat.i and we can Hiipply you uL reasonably low price and guaranty you good weights, and quick delivery. Ilcspectfully, HOLDEN BROS. E H. DRAKE. - - Attorney at Law. ABSTRACTS EXAMINED, MONEY TO LOAN n IN.U Kitatr Marrl.tce Uwnrrii olitatixNl. I'roliat Ir tir a Mi-rrlaltT. Mio.wrfo Lnw l'ractir anU o-u .f JuJe lUrvry Tajijaii. We hoot Cat this utt ThUcat Is n ot ry rwttl. A frUiUsl ruar t.:.f . nuh ovrry rxiltlw 1 jt ( o( its men's and b in 1 u Itoot Cotiptj HyUip l.itinis. It currt n ity J r ir. n-'i-a'acoiich. Ilrntirtfl J Tt i '!.'. btliMt.ConTin3V (ouutro;; C5F25 Itc.I ' ui.Af.)matW.W v.v, l. ;rijv ouriln I i c' . Ffc. lturMls V I fy t H I rnling jHjwrr . iW wLarw. T.F.tiCL. in'i j.oo. fvna cr L, cir..tnijr cuiviuta 7