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AW (if ' ITfj) J. A. MENZIES, Editor and Publisher. "Here the Press the People's Rights Maintain, Unawed by Influence and Unbribed by Gain." For All That Is Right In The Republican Pa 1 1 Vol. XXXV, No. 26 3G TH YEAR. YALE, St. Clair County. Mich.. THURSDAY, September 27, 1917 $1.00 Per Year, In Advance Efficiency In Banking We take pride in the way oar bank i run. Our deposU tore include the biggest men inv town. Each individual account i given special attention. We are opening new ac counts daily. Come in and talk over your banking with us. Our officers will be glad to meet you. It is the man with cash in bank whose voice is heard. Checking and savings accounts. Remember: It is usually the unexpected that, happens. You can never know when your home may require the services of the fire de partment. Friends can carry out your furniture, but only you can save your papers of value. If you keep them in a safe deposit box in our fire-proof vaults you can know fhey are safe, not only from fire, but also from theft or loss. Yale State Bank It starts Saturday turn to our big double page ad and to think of selling 84x86 heavy 3-lb. Crochet Bed Spreads at $1.89 Japan Pearl Buttons, per doz 5c Good knap Fasteners, per doz 5c Cotton Kerchiefs at. : 2c Curtain Scrim, per yard, 10c; etc. Cochrane COLD CREAM A smooth, rich massage cream that cleanses and beautifies. It may be rubbed completely in to the pores of the skin and rubbed out again, leaving none of the shiny appearance which fol lows the use of ordinary creams. Exquisitely dainty and fragrant. A trial will convince you of its superiority. Put up in two sizes. If not perfectly satisfied you get your money back. Mathews & Wight Leading Druggists' J The High School Tattler J Lawrence Skiffinglon, Editor. OUADE NOTES Laura Thomas is absent from the second grade on account of sickness. The Shoefelt girls have return ed to the fourth grade. Marion Curtis has returned to the eighth grade. Eighth grade Arithmetic class is studying stocks and bonds, man school notes Mr. Boyer, of the Allyre and Bacon Company, visited school Thursday morning. Since Mr. Drouyor was detained in the office Thursday morning, we missed his talk; although we enjoyed several selections on the victrola. The Freshmen were royally en tertained at the new auditorium Monday evening. Each Senior, Jun ior, and Sophomore pledged him self to see that at least one Freshie had a good time, and each one car ried out his pledge nobly. After the grand march, in which everyone joined, many games were played. Last, but not least, In the minds of Seniors, and Juniors as well as of Freshmen, ice cream cones were passed. Hurrah for the Freshmen and their entertainers, and three cheers for Mr. Barr, who made the pleasant evening possible! English X classes , have been doing some very interesting work in dramatizing this week. They had organized a banquet last Fri day, Ray Alexander ably fulfilling the office of toastmaster; the members of the class responded with a joke. Poor Ray got most of the jokes though, and concludes its too much responsibility to be toastmaster. An interesting teacher's meeting was held Tuesday evening. The Physics class has started laboratory work. The local high school foot ball team will make their first appear ance at the city park with Brown City Friday, September 28th. It has been agreed upon by Brown City that we play three outside men, since our coach Mr. Menerey has had a hard time to rake up enough men for the team. Every one come; a fast game is assured. ROSEBURG SCHOOL NOTES Mary Dafoe and Helen Garrison are editors. Charlie Herbert haft returned from his trip to Canada. There was no school Wednesday on acount of Miss Wood going to the fair. Examinations next week. The eighth graders are studying bones in Physiology. The little folks are busy'making chains. The fourth grade is studying about ants. Tom, George and Edward Guill iat were absent on Thursday. Laurine Kappler has been ab sent two weeks on account of chicken pox. Ruth Dafoe was absent Thurs day and Friday on acount of sick ness. Dear, Dear, what can the matter be parents don't visit the school? Wilford Gingrich has been ab sent for two weeks on acount of chicken pox. LAST CALL TO SUBSCRIBERS This is positively the last week in which, you can take advantage of the $1.00 per year rate for the Expositor. Starting Monday next, Oct. 1st, the price of a year's sub scription will be $1.50 in the Unit ed States and $2.00 per year to Canadian subscribers. A great many of our friends have taken advantage of our offer and some have paid two, three and five years in advance. But there are quite a number who have not as yet been in to see us and we would be pleased to have them call this week and pay up. They can also renew for as many years as they wish at the $1.00 per year rate. . This is strictly a business prop osition. Everything that goes into the make-up of a newspaper has advanced, the same as prices on every commodity. What the farmer pr anyone else has to sell brings a lot more money than it did a few years ago, and we can't see any reason why our paper should not. Try and pay up this week and extend your subscription for one or two yeara. OCTOBER JURORS Following is the list of circuit jurors drawn for the October term, St. Clair County: Martin Hunter, Kimbal; Albert Brough, Lynn; Justin R. Duff, Marine City; Herman Tracey, Mar ine City; William Goulette, Marine City;. William Leach, Mussey; Her man Kuhn, Port Huron; Alfred O'Sullivan, Port Huron; Frank Haslett, Port Huron; George W. Brown, Port Huron; Thos. Beck ton, Port Huron; T. P. Walsh, Port Huron; S. O. Aikman, Port Huron; Wesley W. Murray, Port Huron; George Higgins, Port Huron; G. A. Brown, Port Huron; Edward Kus chel. Port Huron; A. C. Collver, Port Huron; Frank Waytt, Riley; William Wells, St. Clair; David C. McElroy, St. Clair; Archibald D. McMichael. St. Clair; Fred Goul- ait, St. Clair; Everett Parsons, Wales: George Cameron, Yale; James Shaw, Yale; George Youngs, Yale; David Graham, Berlin; John Conroy, Brockway; Angus Mcln tyre, Burtchvllle. SOUTH BEND MALLEABLE RANGE DEMONSTRATION HORSE RACES IN YALE Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 9th and 10th will bring to Yale one of the largest t strings of race iiorses ever seen in our city, and if the weather is fine there will be a large crowd hereNfor the event. The Driving Park Association is putting forth every effort to make this two days of real sport the kind that's worth coming miles to see. There will be some good special attractions for each day, details of which are now lacking. Watch next week's Expositor for complete pro gram. POULTRY WANTED. I am in the market for poultry of all kinds and will par the highest market nricea for same, llrinff in your Doultrv pn Wednesday of every week. Inquire ai residence, opposite reea Darn, xaie. 3.v- Henry r. unmer. Subscribe for the Kxpositor. Beginning Saturday, Sept., 29th and ending Oct. 2nd, The South Bend Malleable Range will be de monstrated at the hardware store of C. E. Richards. During that time an expert from the factory will be here to demon- srate and point out exclusive feat ures and points of advantage, the South Bend Malleable Range has it over any other range made. It is the only range with patented Key stone copper, bearing aluminum fused rust, resisting flues through out. Be sure to come and bring your friends. Useful souvenirs will be given free. Remember the date Sept., 29th to Oct. 2. RED TAG SALE C. S. Cochrane uses two pages of this issue in announcing his 5th annual Red Tag Sale which commences next Saturday and con tinues for two weeks. As usual, he is offering some veryflattering bargains and it will pay the careful house wife to read every word of this big anni versary announcement, as she will be able to save many dollars by taking advantage of the big bar gains offered. Notice We are prepared to do oxy-acetylene welding and solicit any work you may have to do In this line. Do not throw away your broken castings, etc., bring them to our (hop and let us weld them for you. We can save you time and money. 4- Jha. Uarr, i ale COWS WANTED Would like to buy Ave cows, two due to freshen soon and the rest later. W. A. Sllverthorn, lloute , phone 30 il v ,19 FOR SALE: A few white leg horn cockrels for sale, $1.00 each. Lewis Mandeville, Route 1 Yale. 2G-4 Brockway Township List A list of the subscribers to the Red Cross fund from the township of Brockway turned in to Treasur er E. F Fead and as fast as the other school district turn in their list of names the same will be pub lished. Any one wishing to sub scribe to this fund can do so by handing their subscription to the Treasurer. Ethington Knisley $ 6.00 J. E. Chandler 5.00 Earl Greene 5.00 Thomas O'Grady 5.00 Clinton Stevens 2.00 W. A. Cavanagh 12.00 John Conroy 5.00 Eli Silverthorne 1.00 Joseph Yuill 5.00 A. F. Oatman 5.00 John Hale 1.00 Alex Woods 5.00 Harvey Hydorn 6.00 Mrs. John Paxton 1.00 James Moore 1.00 Mrs. T. Parkinson 5.00 Stephen Barr 6.00 H. G. Holcomb 2.00 M. J. Kilborne 5.00 Lloyd McColl 5.00 Jessie McCall . 5.00 John F. Menerey ' 5.00 Elston Huffman 5.00 W. C. King 5.00 S. O. Black 1.00 Mrs. Wm Patterson 5.00 Wm. Wilks 5.00 John L. Patterson 5.00 John Gathergood 5.00 Pat McKinney 5.00 Wm. Leacock 5.00 Hugh Hodgins 5.00 James McMahon 5.00 Chas. A. Wilt 5.00 Alex Lovelock 3.00 Peter-Kelly 2.00 John McKenney 5.00 BertM. Holden 5.00 Ed. Ellis 4.00 Mrs. J. J. Jackson 3.00 Floyd Eachenburg 5.00 Claud Payfer 5.00 Mrs. A. P. Reid 5.00 Geo. C. Shannon 5.00 R. F. Cameron - 4.00 Thos J. Rapley 5.00 John Kelly 3.00 R. B. Halsey 4.00 Wm. Jacobs 5.00 John II. Manns 3.00 Harry Carless 1.00 David Rose 5.00 Walt Brown 5.00 John Cavanagh 5.00 Wm J. Newell , 5.00 Joseph Cavanagh 5.00 N. J. Meharg 2.00 Mike McConnell 5.00 Neil Connell 5.00 Wallace Adams 5.00 Thos Carless 5.00 Robt Lewis 2.00 Saml Edgerton . 5.00 Horace M. Hall 5.00 John P. Reedy 5.00 Chas Shuchtzler 4.00 Thos Cavanagh 3.00 Elton Miller 2.00 Joe Edgerton 5.00 Robt Turner 5.00 A. B. Churchill 5.00 Mike McMahon 5.00 Sunday School 5.00 William Hyde 10.00 Eleanor MtElroy 1.00 B. VanRentenghetie 2.00 Earl Freeman 2.00 Fred Bontrager 1.00 Geo. Kerney 5.00 W. O. Bidleman 5.00 Chas Warner 5.00 Earl J. Rose 10.00 Wesley Collins 2.00 FredSheardy ' 1.00 Claud Armstrong 2.00 Geo. B. Mosher 7 2.00 Arthur C. Hall 2.00 Ed. R. Waldorph 1.00 Augustus Smith 2.00 G. L. McConnell 1.00 J. E. Owens 2.00 Hiram Freeman 2.00 John Phillips 5.00 John Bullock 2.00 Wm. A. Woodward Willie Key worth .50 2.00 DcLaval Cream Separators Repaired. Any and all persons who have Do Laval cream separators that Deed over hauling and repairing there will be an experienced man here Tuesday and Wednesday. Oct. 2 and 3, to do such work at my warerooms. Bring In your separators and have them put In the best or order. t . j . w lit, l aie. LOST: In Yale Saturday night Sept. 22, Mackinaw Coat, color green, brown and black. Liberal reward will be given for return ing same to Expositor office. A Good Recommendation The business man has contidence in the boy or other umpl jyf e with a bank account. He know3 that any one who can p.hvu for himsalf can save for him, and that money1 savtnl stauda for character. It does not mean how much you have saved, but the fact that you have shown a determination to do a certain thing; that a eav ings bank book is in itaelf a good recommendation. You can have this kind of a recommendation by coraiug to thH First National Bank and opening an account. One dollar will do to start and you can add more whenever you have it. 4 Interest Paid on Savings YftLEi MICHIGAN 'Che Bank That Says "Thank You." Member of the Federal Reserve System The Soul il 11 D-iwurocery i Meet Me Here! I have a shipment of MEAT in the way of SMALL HAMS, BACON. SALT PORK, DRIED and CORNED BEEF. Also a nice line of APPLE BUTTER, JELLIES and PRESERVES. We would be glad to have you try these goods. We handle the THUMB BREAD made at Bad Axe, Mich., a 20 to 22 ounce loaf for 12c Also the YALE BREAD Whole Rice at 10c per lb: Bananas 20c doz. I have a Prize Package Cof fee (Santas) No Blanks. The Prizes range from a plate up to a covered vegetable dish. One pound net weight Coffee and one Dish lor 30c. Toilet Paper, 5c roll; 6 rolls 23c Sweet Potatoes, Celery, Onions, Oranges, Lemons and Apples always on hand Call, Look and Buy. I will try to satisfy. Highest Price for No. 1 Butter and Eggs. Storo Open Eyenlnga City Delivery Phoe31. I. A. JONES. i L. ROY FULLER JEWELER Yale, -:- Mich. With a complete and up-to-date line of Jewelry moderately) priced, and of quality unexcelled, toe can furnish anything desired to the ut most satisfaction of the purchaser. We do expert Watch or Clock repairing. ' Goods Engraved Free. m t-Vo SPECIALIZE in GKOCEK1ES OF QUALITY. ...Something Mew... Have just put In a new line of Bulk Coffee, and am installing a ntw j motor, so will be prepared to quickly grind what you want. Owing to the I high cost of tin for cans, we have decided to stock Coffee in this way, i which will give you a saving of from 3c to 5c a pound. Prices on New Brands, 22c, 28c, 38c lb Our car of Cold Medal Flour will be here the last of this week or the first of next week at $12.50 a barrel at car. Be on hand if you want some Remember, we carry the biggest and best exclusive grocery stock in the city, and it will pay you to trade with us. Store Open Evenings. Phone 49 - Prompt Delivery - Yale 3 Subscribe now for the Expositor Only $1 a year.