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375 The Clositi TWO DAY p ill rT7 g-Out s U (CI V MS OUll VJ1.I ?3S II H HI ma J YALE, MICHIGAN TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, October Oth, 17 THREE FAST RACES EACH DAY PROGRAM: 111 933 i til TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9th WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER lOth 2:17 Trot or Pace $150.00 2:14 Trot or Pace : .$150.00 2:35 Trot or Pace $125.00 2:24 Trot or Pace $1 50.00 Race for Local Horses $ 50.00 2:35 Trot. $125.00 FREE HAY AND STRAW I ...TWO DAYS OF REAL SPORT... RIVERSIDE DRIVING CLUB D. E. MIDDLETON, President 72 PCT72 (T72 W ETT2 KTU TA KXKi l A. MENZIES, Secretary g 5 Perhapt there l something In the Furniture Line you need. Something to fill In a vacant spot It -will pay you to look over our line before you buy. We can fit you out in anything Parlor, Sitting Room, Bed Room, Dining Room or Kitchen Furniture k price! which will surprise you and please rur purse. We can meet any catalogue house price n d save you the freight .George Gough. Licensed director. embalmer and funeral Phone 132 Yale ..Fleece Wool Vahted.. Write me, giving full particulars Robert A. Pfeiffer 49 Martin PlaceT .Detroit, M. Dr. J. O. STEVENS VKTKBINARY 8UROKOX, GRADUATE of the Ontario Veterinary Collet, also the UnlTrrnlty of Toronto. All calls nleht or day promptly attended. Thone jw. Ofllce at residence on Kenninck street. YALE, -:- MICH. I J. W. TOMLINSON, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office Over Mathews & Wight'. Drug Store. 'YALE, - MICinCAN MORTGAGE SALE Notice is hereby Riven that on the loth day of January, iyn. tJeorge O. Moore and Elizabeth M. Moore, his wife, executed a mortgage to the Commercial Hank of I'ort Huron, Michigan, a Michigan corporation, such mortgage being re corded In the office of the Keglster of Deeds for the County of St. Clair, on the LMth day of Jan uary, iuo.r, In Liber tw of Mortgages, on page 41K; i ii inereaiier, ana on me ztru uay 01 January, iWi, said mortgage was duly assigned by said The Commercial Hank of Port Huron, to Emily K. O'Neill, of I'ort Huron, such assignment be ing recorded In the ollieo of the Keglster of Deeds for St. Clair county, on the th day of July, 1917, In Liber 2e of Assignments of Mort- ?:ages, at page lou. - That default has been made n the payment of said mortgage, and that there Is now claimed to I due thereon the sum of eight thousand sixty-three ($M,ofi;$.oo) dollars, and that no suit or proceeding either at law or In equity has been Instituted to enforce or col lect said mortgage: Therefore, to satisfy the amount due thereon, together with an attorney fee provided In said mortgage, and In accordance with the power of sale contained therein, notice Is hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by sale of the premises therein and hereinafter described, at public auction, to the highest bidder, on the 27tu day of October, A. 1). 1U7. at ten o'clock In the forenoon, Ht the front door of the court House In the City of I'ort Huron, Michigan, that being the place wherein Is holdeu the Circuit Court for said County ot St. Clair. The premises so mortgaged and to lie sold are described as follow!,: Lot No. 6. in Itlock w, ac cording to White's 1'lar, o' a part of the City of i'ort Huron, St. ( lair County. Michigan. Dated July -.v.. v.)l. KM ILY K. O'.NKILL, I II. 1'HILI.I I'S. Assignee of Mortgagee Attorney for Assignee. CTATE OF MICH tO AN O The Circuit Court for the County of 8t. ('lair In Chancery. Mary Garrett. I'latntlff vs. Robert Garrett, Defendant At a session of said court held at the Court House In the City of I'ort Huron on the nth day of September, A. D. l".t;7. I'resent, the Honorable Kugene F. Law, Cir cuit Judge. In this cause It appearing from affidavit on file that the said defendant, Robert Garrett, Is not a resident of the State of Michigan, and that his whereabouts are unknown, therefore, on motion of John M. Gleason, attorney for plaintiff, It Is ordered that the defendant, enter his appear ance In said cause on or before three months from the date of this order, and that within twenty days plaintiff cause a copy of this order to be published In the Yale Expositor, said pub lication to be continued once In each week for six weeks In succession. KUGKNK K. LAW. Circuit Judge JOHN M. GLEASON, Attorney for 1'lalntliT. Si White Illock, I'ort Huron, Midi. 24-7 Auction Sale CTATK OK MICHIOAN, The Circuit Court for the Cuuntv of St. Clair, in Chancery. Anna M. Schramblin. Plaintiff vs. Frank P. Schramblin, Defendant 'At a session of said Court held at the Court House In the City of I'ort Huron on the isth day of September, A. D. 1917. Present, the Hon. Eugene F. Law, Circuit Judge. In this cause It appearing from amdavlt on file that the said defendant, Frank P. Schramb lin Is a resident of this State, and that his whereabouts are unknown, therefore, on motion of John M. Gleason, Attorney for Plaintiff, It Is ordered that the defendant enter bis appearance In said cause on or before three months from the date of this order, and that within twenty days plaintiff cause a cony of this order to be published In the Yale Expositor. Said publication to be continued once In each week for six weeks In succession. KUGKNK F. LAW, Circuit Judge JOHN M. OLE A SON, Attorney for Plaintiff, 32 White nik., I'ort Huron, Mich. 2.V7 J. B. WEYMOUTH General Law Business Solicited REAL ESTATE & LOANS RAPLEY CLOCK YALE, MICII. PRORATE ORDER i State of Michigan, The Probate Court for the County of St. Clair At a session of aald court, hold at the Probate Ofllco In the City of Port Huron, In said County, on the 27th day of September, A. D. 1917. Present: Hon. Hugh II. Hart, Judge of Probate In the Matterof the Estate of Samuel Simmons Deceased. Florence M. Simmons having filed her petition with this court praying that a certain instrument now here on Hie nmy be allowed and ndmltted to Probate as and for the last will and testament of the said deceased, and that the administration of said estate may be granted to Guy M. Davis or some other suitable person. u is oruereu mat Monday, tne 2W aayoi October next, at 9:oo o'clock In the forenoon, at said Probate Oflkce, be appointed for hearing thereof; And it Is Further Ordered, that a conv of this order be published three successive weeks prev ious to said day of hearing In the Yale Expositor a newspaper printed and circulating In said County of St. Clair. J A True Copy.) . HUGH II. HART, GEO. L. BROWN. Judge of Probate Register of Probate 27-4 VISIT WINDSOR & JARDINE fou a First-Class Shave, Hair Cut, Shampoo or Sea Foam Everything neat, clean and up-to-date. Hatha. Charges moderate Yale, Michigan Yale, Mich., Saturday, October 13th The undersigned will sell at public auction at the home of Samuel Simmons, deceased, on South Main street, the following: Brown mare, aged 7 years ; buggy, cutting box, corn sheller, hay fork and rope, cultivator, pair cutter runners, cream separator, lawn table, G dining chairs, sideboard, 3 rockers, center table, 2 stands, hartl coal burner, laundry stove, wood heater, cook stove, two burner oil stove and oven, wash ing machine, copper wash boiler, 35 gallon oil tank and many other articles not mentioned in bills. Usual terms, G. V. Bell, auction eer. Florence Simmons. MOOS AND SHEEP I will ship one week from Friday. Highest prices paid for hogs If you have anything to sell let me know. Ed. Sheehy. 27- WOMEN HAVE THEIR TROUBLES Not only middle-aged women, but younger ones, too, suffer from back ache, pains in side, swollen ankles, sore muscles, rheumatic pains and kindred ailments, without knowing that these are most often the result of deranged or overworked kidneys. Foley Kidney Tills are good medicine for kidney trouble. II. T. Hennessy, adr Will continue until everything is sold. No lady should miss this great oppor tunity. There are still good bargains for everyone. Ladies' Winter Coats, selling from $2.50 to $7.00 Children's Winter Coats, selling from $1 .50 to $6.00 Children's 2-piece Munsing Underwear for 59c jj All Hose, per pair. 19c Children's Winter Bonnets, Toques and Mufflers. Great bargains in Fancy Work, Pillows, Towels, Night Gowns, Etc. 30c balls of Royal Society Cotton, Saturday Special, 30c Persons owing bills to me should settle same at once i Mrs. Tom Johnston 5! 3! r.'rfi'.r.T'r - isso raxra EAST KENOCKEE The Allen L. A. S. will meet at the home of Mrs. Frances Mc Auley on Wednesday, Oct 10. Lunch will be served at four o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Porter, of Tilsonburg, Ont. spent a few days last week with John Barham and family. A large number from here at tended the sale at Mrs. F. A. Beard's on Tuesday. Farmers in this locality are very busy, the hay pressers, threshing machines, and silo fill ers all here at one time, J. Morgan and wife, Alvin Mor gan and wife and Earl Grant mo tored to Richmond Sunday and spent the day with F. Lawrence and family. Mrs. Barham and two sons, Frank and Martin, were in Port Huron last Saturday. C. Wahl is ill at his home here and under the doctors care. His children, Bertha, Emma and John, of Saginaw and Henry of Pontiac, have been called home on account of his illness. $100 Ft ward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to lrarn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In its stages, and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional ditease, requires a cob stltutlonal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, acting direct ly opon the blood and mucous surface of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, ana giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors bare so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. .1. Cheney A Co., Toledo Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Tills for constipation. , ANNOUNCEMENT. Owing to the confusion In the names of two Doctor Frazers on Military St. Dr. It. C. Frazer, specialist on Eye Ear, Nose and Throat diseases wishes to announce his oQlce on the ground floor of the Yokom Hldg., opposite the Harrington Hotel, 1011 Military street I'ort Huron, Mich. POULTRY WANTED. I am In the market for poultry of all kinds and will pay the highest market prices for same. Bring In your poultry on Wednesday of every week. Inquire at residence, opposite feed barn, Yale. 35- Henry 1. Ohmer. HOSE BURG SCHOOL NOTES Report for month ending Sept. 28: Number days taught, 19. Total attendance 909 Va days. Average daily attendance, 47 Number boys enrolled, 28. Number girls enrolled, 27 Total enrollment 55 Percentage of attendance, 87.2 Star pupils for month, 6th grade, Wm. Sischo, Emma Gar rison, Howard Smith, Genevieve Pletcher, Marie Beckett, Velma Hunt. 5th grade :-Edna Rector, Mad eline Dafoe, Harold Sischo. 4th grade .-Alice Garrison and Mildred Sischo. George Hinkley, Allan Garrison. Pupils receiving 100 on exams were Mary Dafoe, Marie Hinkley, Emma Garrison, Howard Smith and Edna Rector. There were 16 pupils who were neither absent 'nor tardy during the month. Notice We are prepared to do oxy-acetylene welding and solicit any work you may have to do in this line. Do not throw away your broken castings, etc., bring them to our shop and let us weld them for you. We can save you time and money. 4- Chaa. liarr, Yale THE WHOIf NHCHBORKOOD KNOWS Mrs. Anna Pelzer, 2526 Jefferson St., Omaha, Neb., writes, "Foley's Honey and Tar cured my daughter of a bad cold My neighbor, Mrs. lienson, cured herself and family with Foley Honey and Tar, and in fact everyone in our neighborhood speaks highlv of it as a 6ood remedy for coughs and colds." L. T. Henne6sv. adv. COWS WANTED-Would like to buy Ave cows, two due to freshen soon and the rest later. W. A. Silverthoru, Route 5, phone 30 1L 23. 19- ..Dry Cleaning.. I have taken over the Dry Cleaning outfit recently opera ted by Charles Cavanagh and am prepared to do work in this line in a satisfactory manner. If you have clothes or garments needing to be cleaned or press ed bring them to me. Prices reasonable. At residence on North street, Yale. ROY PHILLIPS THE ROAD TO DETROIT . FAST and FREQUENT SERVICE PORT HURON TO DETROIT BY THE Rapid Railway Limited cars leave Fort Huron, Eastern Standard Tirm, 7:30 a. ni. and rvery two hours. 7:30 p. m., also 6:10 a. in. Mond and 10 p. m. Sunday. Limited cars leave Detroit, 8:15 a. m. and every two hours 3:15 p. m. Sundays only 11 p. in. in I H .WELL DRILLING. Am prepared to drill wells from tDch to 8 inch holes. Havehad22y HtN experience and guarantee all my woik. ..Pump Repairing a Specialty.. If you need my services and want h first class Job done call on or addn ni GUS COLBERG, MELVIN, MICHIGAN For Sale by O. W, 7on, Jkvoca, 2lc2x. And Alt Cood Dealer. We Buy Old Junk 1 will pay the highest market trin for old iron, brass, copper, rags, old paper, hides and fur. If you have any thing in these lines see me before you sell. Abe Kline, Yale. 16-52