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m II St. Clair County's Quota of the ECONO LIBERTY LOAN Is Two Million Dollars WHAT'S GOING- TO BE -YOUR SHARE MR. PARMER and MR WAGE EARNER? ill m i ml Em mi FAS II r Etta .WELL DRILLING. A m prepared to drill wells from 2 Inch to 8 inch holes. Have had 22 years experience and guarantee all my work. . Pump Repairing a Specialty.. ' If you need my tervices and want a first class job done call on or address GUS COLBERG, MNKLVIN, -:- MICHIGAN Furniture of Quality Perhaps there Is something In the Furniture Line ymi need. Something to fill In a vacant spot It will pay you to look over our line before you buy. We can fit you out In anything Parlor, Sitting Room, Bed Room, Dining Room or Kitchen Furniture at prices which will surprise you and please our purse. We can meet any catalogue house price d save you the freight .George Gough. Licensed erabalmer and funeral director. Phone 132 Yale .Fleece Wool Wanted, Wrile me, giving full particulars Robert A. Pfeiffer 49 Martin Place, Detroit, M, Dr. J. O. STEVENS VKTKMNARY HUKOEOX, ORADUATK of I li Ontario Veterinary College, also th llitlvt-ritltjrof Toronto. All calls nleht or day promptly attended. Phone a. Otllce at residence on Knnuliick street. . YALE, -I- MICH. J. W. TOMLINSON, M. D. . Fhyiiclan and Surgeon Office Over Mathews & Wight's Drug Store. YALE, MICHIGAN This isn't a rich man's loan. This is for the AVERAGE MAN, It's going to take millions to raise billions. You Can Buy a Bond From Any Bank You are not giving Uncle Sam anything. ,You are loaning him the government of the United States your money at Four Per Cent Interest and no taxes while you live. There isn't any saler in vestment in the whole world. MORTGAGE SALE Notice Is hereby riven that on the 10th day of January, luofs (leorge (1. Moore and Elizabeth M. Moore, his wife, executed a mortgage to the Commercial Bank of 1'ort Huron, Michigan, a Michigan corporation, such mortgage being re corded lu the otllce of the Keglster of Deeds tor the County of St. Clair, on the :4th day of Jan uary, 1905, In Liber UG of Mortgages, on page 41H; that thereafter, and on the 2;rd day of Jauuary, lm'i, said mortgage was duly assigned by said The Commercial Bank of 1'ort Huron, to Emily K. O'Neill, of fort Huron, such assignment be ing recorded In the otllce of the Keglster of Deeds for St. Clair county, on the lsth day of July, 1917, In Liber a of Assignments of Mort gages, at page luu. That default has been made In the payment of said mortgage, and that there Is now claimed to be due thereon the sum of eight thousand sixty-three ($h,x3.oo) dollars, and that no suiror proceeding either at law or la equity has beeu lustltuted to enforce or col lect said mortgage: Therefore, to satisfy the amount due ttieroon. together with an attorney tee provided in said mortgage, and In accordance with the power of sale contained therein, notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by sale of the promises therein and hereinafter described, at public auction, to the highest bidder, on the 27tn day of October, A. D. lyn. at ten o'clock In the forenoon, at the front door of the Court House In the City of 1'ort Huron, Michigan, that being the place wherein is holdeu the Circuit Court tor said County of St. Clair. The premises so mortgaged and to be sold are described as follows: Lot Mo. 6, in Block :f, ac cording to White's Flat, of a part of the City of Tort Huron, St. Clair County, Michigan. Dated July 2, VJll. KM1LY K. O'NKILL, P. 11. 1'HlLLirs, Assignee of Mortgagee Attorney for Assignee. 113 STATE OF MICHIGAN The Circuit Court for the County of St. Clair In Chancery. Mary (iarrett. l'lalntlff vs. Robert (iarrett, Defendant At a session of said court held at the Court House In the City of Tort Huron on the th day of Keptember, A. D. 1917. 1'resent, the Honorable Eugene F. Law, Cir cuit Judge. In this cause It appearing from aflldavlt on file that the said defendant, Robert (iarrett, is not a resident of the State of Michigan, and that his whereabouts are unknown, therefore, on motion of John M. (ileason, attorney for plaintiff, It Is ordered that the defendant, enter his appear ance In said cause on or before three months from the date of this order, and that within twenty days plaintiff cause a copy of this order to be published in the Yale Expositor, said pub lication to be continued once lu each week for Ix weeks In succession. Kl'OKNK F. LAW. Circuit Judge JOHN M. (JLKASON, Attorney for l'lalntlff. XI White Block, 1'ort Huron, Mich. iM-7 CTATEOF MICHIGAN. O The Circuit totirt for the County of St. Clair, in Chancery. Anna M. hchramblin. I'lalullff vs. Frank P. hchramblln. Defendant At a session of said Court held at the Court House In the City of Port Huron on the lsth day of September, A. D. 1917. Present, the Hon. Eugene F. Law, Circuit Judge. In this cause It appearing from affidavit on file that the said defendant, Frank P. Schramb tin Is a resident of this State, and that his whereabouts are unknown, therefore, on motion of John M. Gleason, Attorney for Plaintiff, It is ordered that the defendant enter his appearance In said cause on or before three mouths from the date of this order, and that within twenty days plaintiff rause a copy of this order to be published In the Yale Expositor. Haid publication to le continued once in each week for six weeks In succession. EUGENE F. LAW, Circuit Judge JOHN M. GLKASON, Attorney for Plaintiff, 32 White Blk., Port Huron, Mich. itfr" J. B. WEYMOUTH General Law Business Solicited REAL ESTATE & LOANS RAPLEY BLOCK YALE, -:- -:- MICH. COWS WANTED-Would like to buy Ave cowb, two due to freshen soon and the rest later. W. A. Silverthorn, Boute 5, phone SO 1L 2S. 19- BUY YOUR BOND NOW PROBATE ORDER JL State of Michigan, The Probate Court for the County of St. Clair At a sesslou of Maid court, held at tha Probate Office In the City of Port ilpron, in said Couuty, on the itt day of Septemlf-r, A. D. i;il7. Present: Hon. Hugh H. Hart, Judge of Probate lu the Malterof the Estate 01 Samuel Simmons Deceased. Florence M. Simmons having filed her petition with this court praying that a certain instrument now here on tile may be allowed and admitted to Probate as and for the lxst will and testament of the said deceased, and that the administration of said estate may be granted to Guy M. Davis or some other suitable person. It la ordered that Monday, the 29th day of October next, attcnu o'clock In the foreuoon. at said Probate Office, be appointed for bearing thereof: And U Is Further Ordered, that a copy of this order be published three successive weeks prev ious to said day of hearing In the Yale Expositor a newspaper printed and circulating in said County of St. ( lair. (ATrueCopy.i HUGH II. HART, GEO. L. BROWN. Judge of Probate Register of Probate 27-4 J Free Trip to Port Huron J Owing to the heavy rain. on last Friday morning I did not get to Yale on that day. Was sorry .to disappoint so many of my custo mers. To all who can get to Port Huronand meet me at my office 307 Huron Ave., second floor on Saturday, October 13th. I will pay R. R. fare one way with one order or both ways with two or ders. These famous Richman $12.50 suits and over coats, you buy direct from factory at whole sale or save one half. They are going to be higher. Hurry. .Will not be at home again until Satur day, October 27th. E. C. Boice. NOTICE "The Michigan Sugar Company will start the campaign this year about the 15th of October. All per sons desiring employment at that time are requested to file their ap plications with the Company at once as we are making up our crew for the campaign. The usual length campaign is expected. Michigan Sugar Company, Croswell, Michigan. FOR SALE CHEAP FOR CASH: House, barn, hen coup and, park, two large lots. Inquire of John Hart. FOR SALE: I have a hard coal burner which I will sell cheap if taken at once. Inquire of Ralph Tenniswood. Vale 27-2 FOR SALE: A few white leg horn cockrels for sale, $1.00 each. Lewis Mandeville, Route 1 Yale. 26-4 ROOMER WANTED: I would like a lady roomer, with or without board. Comfortable room, .well furnished. Mrs. Mary Baxter, Mill street. ' 27-2 ROSEBURG SCHOOL NOTES Helen Garrison and Verne Smith are editors. Everyone is loving the stoye these cold days. Our school room is prettily dec orated with October decorations. Archie and Sylvia Nugent were absent most of the week. Some of the other pupils who rccieved 100 were: Verne Smith and Julia Rector. The eighth graders have finish ed drawing, the hinge joint of the elbow and the thin slice of the bone. The first, second and third grade are learning the story about the 3 pigs. We have finished our new song, "Canning the Kaiser." A pleasant time was spent at the home of Mrs. Wm. Garrison Thursday evening, when the Cth and 8th grades had a surprise party on Helen and Emma Garri son before leaving for their new home. The evening was spent in games and music after which a delicious lunch was served. They rfave the best wishes of their many friends. Vern Beckett one of our 8th graders put the drawing- of owls on the board for the October Cal endar. OBITUARY Mrr. Thomas Ueadle. aired 48 year. died At hpr home in Port Huron Sun day morning, Oct. 7th, 1917. Cora Schell was born at uiaawin where she made her home until she mnrrifd Thofi. lieadle 27 years aaro. Two children were born to this union, Kennetn ana ueuun. About twenty years ago the, family mnved tn lirockwav townshiD And ro- aidfd on a farm for a time, then to Speaker township and Jed do, where Mr. neadie was postmaster ror seyerai years. For the past year the home has been in Port Huron. Deceased was a faithful and consist ent member of the M. E. church. Funeral services were held from the hrtmn on Sunerior street. Tuesday. Oct. 9, at 2:30. Interment in Lakeside cemetery. Mrs. Beadle will be missed by the husband and children and a large circle of relatives and friends, she being well known and well liked by everybody. Notice We are prepared to do oxy-acetylene welding and solicit any work you may have to do in this line. Do not throw away your broken castings, etc., bring them to our shop and let as weld them for you. We can save you time and money. 4- Chas. J3arr, Yale SEWING WANTED lam prepared to do sewing. If you need my ser vices call at my home on Park Ave , fifth house west from bridge. Mrs. B. McNlnch. 28 2 The Big- Drive in St. Clair Co. Begins October 15th Don't Wait to Be Solicited Be a Volunteer. V Here's What It Means in a Nutshell For Every $50 Bond You Buy You Get Back, if You Hold it 171 Years, $100 in'Gold. If you want to sell it or dispose of it before that time you can do it and get four per cent interest while you have held the bond. AUCTION SALES Florence Simmons will sell by public auction at the premises on Mill street, Yale, Saturday, Oct., 13, a quantity of household furni ture, etc. Sale to begin at 1:00 o'clock P. M. Usual terms. G. W. Bell, auctioneer. The undersigned having rented his farm will offer for sale at the premises 4 miles west and 3 miles south of Yale, on Wednes day, Oct. 24th, all of his farm live stock and implements. Sale starts at one o'clock P. M. sharp. Usual terms. Geo. W Bell auction eer. Frank Kelly, Prop. Having decided to quit farming the undersigned v:ll sell by pub lic auction at the premises, 4V miles west of Yale, known as the Sol Ticc farm, on Wednesday, Oct. 17th, a quantity of live stock, farm implements, household fur niture, etc. Sale' begins ot one o'clock P. M. sharp. Usual terms. Geo. W. Bell, auctioneer., Albert E. Ross, Prop Andrew Cavanagh, having rented his farm, will sell by pub lic auction at the premises IV2 miles south and 4Va miles west of Yale, on Tuesday, Oct. 16th, all of his farm live, stock, and imple ments, etc. Sale will begin at one o'clock P. M. sharp and the usual terms will prevail. Geo. W. Bell, auctioneer. The undersigned, having decided to quit farming, will offer for sale by public auction at the premises 1 mile south and 6 miles east of Yale, or 4 miles north and l mile east of Avoca on Tuesday, Oct. 23, 1917. all of his farm live stock, agricultural lmpla raeuts, etc. Sale to begin at one o'clock p. m. Usual terms. U. W. Hell, auc tioneer. John S. Abbott, Prop. The Talk of Port Huron Not only the town people , but strangers are talking about the beautiful tiew fall corset Models Mrs. E. C. Boice of the "Avenue Corset hop" has displayed in her show window on 307 Huron Ave. Even the men stop and admire them. The women know it costs no more to have their corsets fit ted by expert corsetierres who know at a glance the corset best adapted to their figures. Lace front or back lace $1 up to $15, beautiful Brassiers 50c to $0.50. Corset alterations and repairs. by 'xperts. You are invited to make this your headquarters when in the city. Auction The undersigned, having rented his farm, will offer for sale by public auction at the premises, IV2 mi. south and 4V2 west of Yale, Tuesday, October 16th, 17 The following described personal property, to-wit: ' Hay mare, C yrs. old, wt. 1400 Bay mare, 10 yrs. old, wt. 1000 Bay mare, 7 yrs. old, wt. 1200 Brown horse, 6 yrs. old, wt. 1400 Brown horse, 13 yrs. old, wt. 150U Bay colt, 2 yrs. old, wt. 1500 Black mare colt, 1 yr. old Bay gelding, 1 yr. old Brown Mare Colt, 1 yr. old Jersey cow, 4 yrs. old, due Dec. 20 Red Durham cow, 8 yrs., due Dec. 20 Red Durham cow, 4 yrs., due Nov. 10 2:lIol8tein heifers, 1 yr. old llolstein steer, 1 yr. old 2 red steers, 1 yr. old TERMS OF SALE: Sums of $5.00 and under, Cash; oyer that amount twelve months time will be given on furnishing good, approved endorsed 110U-1 bearing interest at the rate of seven percent per annum. SALE TO BEGIN AT ONE O'CLOCK P. JI.", SHARP ANDREW CAVANAG-H, GEO. W. BELL, Auctioneer Auction The undersigned, having decided to quit farming, will offer for 6Ale by public auction at the premises, (Sol Tice farm) miles west of Yale, on Wednesday, October 17, '17 Commencing at one o'clock p. m. sharp, the following described property: Sorrel horse, 14 yrs. old, wt. 1100; brown mare, 12 yrs. old, wt. 1100; bay coit 3 yrs. old, wt. 1300; llolstein cow, 6 yrs. old, due in Feb.; llolstein grade cow, 3 yrs. old, due April 10; red cow 2 yrs. old, new milch; red cow, 10 yrs. old, dun March 4; spotted cow 10 yrs. old, due March 15; 2 black and white steers, 1 year old; 2 red yearling steers; 2 calves; 10 pigs 3 months old; Deering binder, in good shape; Deering mower; Deering dump rake; Sterling Champion side rake; Keystone bay loader; set Hat drags; 2 horse cultivator, new; set disc harrows; set 15-tooth Syracuse harrows; Farmer's Favorite plain drill; land roller Colum bus wagon, box and rack, nearly new; top buggy; set bob sleighs; No. 4 Almont Peerless plow, new; 2 sets double harness, one nearly new; set single harneic; tool grinder; buggy pole; cast Iron kettle; 120 ft. hay rope, fork and puiley'n; about 35 grain bags; 75 Uhode Island Bed chickens; 30 hens, 1 yr. old: 25 tur keys; Belle City Incubator; Laurel range, new; wood heater; 2 kitchen table; couch, buffet; 6 dining chairs; 2 rockers; U. S. cream separator; 150 ft. chicken wire; 180 shocks corn, and other articles not mentioned. TERMS OF SAL K Sums of $5.00 and under, Cash; over that amount 12 months' time will be given on furnishing good approved endorsed notes bear ing Interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum. ALBERT E. ROSS, GEO. VV. BELL, Auctioneer Proprietor Jersey heifer, 1 yr. old 4 good spring calves 4 shoats, wt. 100 lbs each Narrow tire wagon and box (Jood top buggy Single harness Set double harness Mission parlor suite H oak dining chairs 8-foot oak table Linoleum 12x15 feet, new SnowbaIl washing machine Heating stove, nearly new Faultless oil Btove, new And other articles not mentioned Proprietor Bale