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41V Ay Ay Ay "Here the Press the People's Rights Maintain, Unawed by Influence and Unbribcd by Gain.' For All That Is Right In The Republican Par l J. A. MENZIES, Editor and Publisher. YALE, St. Clair County, Mich.. THURSDAY, October 18, 1917 $1.50 Per Year, In Advance Vol. XXXV, No. 29 30 TH YEAR.4 Give Your Wife a Check Book A CHECK account is a business education for a woman. A few years ago tvomen knew little of business methods. Today there ore thousands who do their own banking. Has your wife a bank account? If sho hasn't, give her one today. The wives of successful business make ft deposit. They know how to draw a check. Women are becoming a part of the business life of the coun try. We strive to please the ladies. JSP 0 Remember: II is usually the unexpected that happens. You can never know when your home may require the services of the fire de partment. Friends can carry out your furniture, but only you can save your papers of value. If you keep them in a safe deposit box in our fire-proof vaults you can know they are safe, not only from fire, but also from theft or loss. Yale State Bank Our Red Tag Sale Closed Last Saturday It was a hummer, and we wish to thank our customers and friends for the part they took in making it such a success. 55 h i ffJl f 0 1 COLUMBIAN CRAFONOLA Price $85 men know how to Cochrane Your o on this splendid ..COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA.. You can arrange practically your own terms of purchase on this splendid model of the Columbia Grafonola. A low first payment and other monthly payments arranged to suit your means and your purse, Come in to talk it over today. Mathews & Wight L e a d i ng D r u g g i s t s Fred T. Palmer Honored. A banquet was tendered Fred T. Pal mer at Oddfellow hall, Friday evening, Oct. 12th, as a farewell reception pre vious to his departure for Newberry where he will continue in the mercan tile business. About fifty business men and friends assembled at the hall where a table the full length of the room was spread with eatables fit for a king. Fred was called in and a more surprised man could not have been found in a day's travel. All sat down and partook of the meal. After the party had their till the chairs were pushed back, cigars passed and impromptu speeches were made and stories told. It was a bunch of joliy fellows well met and the evening was one of enjoyment, and good feeling pre dominated. A neat Masonic charm was presented to Fred as a slight re- FRED T. PALMER membrance and a token of the good fellowship that exists between the citi zens of Vale and him. Fred has spent his whole life in Vale and when he attained manhood entered into the business circles of the city, be ing a prominent factor in building up every enterprise that tended to making this place what it is today. He has held olllces of trust and tilled them with honor to himself and the satisfaction of the people. It is with regret that we see .Fred leaye for new Melds, but join with a host of friends in wishing him un bounded success and prosperity in hie new location, lie expects to leaye for JS'ewberry this week or the first of next. A Pleasant Surprise About 40 friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. James Guy gave them a happy surprise Tuesday evening, Oct. 16, the occasion being their leaving the farm where they have resided for many years and taking up their residence a mile north and a half mile west of Yale. Th eyening was pleiwautljr spent, and before leaving the company pre sentedMr. and Mrs. Guy with a pretty pair of curtains as a remembrance of their frendship. Hev. E. Charles made the presentation speech and followed up with asplendid talk on the Liberty Loan. All departed for their homes feeling that it was good to be present. HOGS AND CATTLE Will load on Friday, Oct. 20. Owing to the scar city of cars, don't know when 1 will load hogs again. Ed Sheeny. S!U 2 "God's Country and the Woman" 8-reel play at Princess Theatre Satur day, Dct. 27, afternoon and evening. E'l'i'irft 7'''"w'ii'' Ter 09 ! m ( The High School Tattler ( Editor in Chief-Mildred Williams. Junior Representatives-Mildred lluh and Lawrence Skifllngton. Sophomore Representatives Pauline Fead and Kay Alexander. Freshmen Representatives Helen Palmer and Max Fead. OUADE NOTES Grace Law has returned to tlrst grade after an absence of four or live days. Maynard Andreae was absent from school on Monday, as he was visiting in Wayne. Isla Kilbourn was also absent from the first grade the early part of the week. 15 ruce Ruckineer has entered the third grade. On Monday of this week, the fourth grade's stock of knowledge was con siderably increased by an expert sent from High school by Mr. Drouyor. The expert, with much grace and skit!, successfully demonstrated the art of hang a transom. Tlin sixth grade has a new border on the board. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Mr. Drouyor explained the Liberty Loan Thursday, lie is very patriotic, for he is doing his bit and he urged all the teachers w.ho could, and all the pupils who culd, to buy a bond. Teachers' meeting was held Tuesday night. Current topics of the day were discussed. The Senior Virgil class visited the dramatization of the "Conspiracy of Orgetorix," given by the Caesar class, they thought it was fairly good for the Sophomores. Fern Garrett, Duncan Sloat and Myr tie Wilkes visited High School Monday. The Seniors have selected their class rings. One of that honorable class re ports that they are very pretty. English Literature class is studying Bacon's essay on "Revenge." The Sophomore class was organized Tuesday. They elected . Ray Alexan der, president; Lydia Meikle, secretary and treasurer. Mr. Rarr has the Auditorium ready, the ball is blown up aud practice will start the tirst of the week. All they lack is a whistle for Mr. Menerey. The American History class is sum ming up Colonial History, In a paper, giving the story of a voyage to America in the 17th century. The Modern History class are dread ing their test which is to be held on Thursday aud Friday. It is noticeable that our boys are be ginning to court "wisdom." Mildred Williams has been elected editor iu chief of the High School Tat tler, with a corps of uttl&tabU from the various grades. The High School U engaged iu a great Civil War, which is expected to come to a climax Thursday evening. Above the din of the Freshman class meeting was heard, "1' nominate ice cream aud pickles." 1 County S. S. Convention The 30th Annual Convention of the St. Clair County Sunday School Asso ciation will be held in the First Con gregational church, corner Seventh and Wall Street, Port Huron, o'u Thursday, October 'J5th. There will be a morning, afternoon and evening session. The time for be ginning is 10 o'clock, central Btanaard time. II. R. Moore, of St. Clair, is President of the County Association, R. S. Campbell, secretary and William J. Powell, treasurer. IJesides the pastors ot the different churches In the county and superin tendents of the schools', who are ex oflicio delegates, every school is re quested to elect two representatives, pay their expenses, and the Sunday following the conyention give theee representatives an opportunity to make their report to the home school. This convention will elect delegates to the State Sunday School convention which will be held in Detroit 'Novem ber Oth, 7th and 8th. Please Take Notice. A home on Orchard Hill, new and convenient, very cheap for cash, great garden spot, barn suitable for auto or horse, hen coop, etc. J. C. Hart. 29-2 ADYTXTISCD UTTERS. Yale, October 8, 1917. Mr. J. L. Desmond C. L. MoliflsenskI Mrs. Victor Royal Miss Susie Schultz: Mrs. Jennie Chapman F. W. Farley, P. M. Try an Expositor Liner. MENNONITE CHURCH Rev. J. A. Avery, Pastor Miss Annabell, Assistant Services held in the Rrlck Chapel. The prayer meetings are Increasing in interest .and spirituality. Come on Friday evening at 7:30. The liible school Is at 1:30 Sunday afternoon. Next Sunday this school expects to start on a trip to San Fran cisco. Everyone in the school will be included iu this. Re on time next Sunday and get started with the rest. Special attention will be given the new scholars. If you do rot attend Sunday school elsewhere we urge you to come here. It is a spiritual school and is equipped with spiritual teachers. Preaching by the pastor at 230 and 7:30 p. m. Sunday. The Holiness convention will begin Wednesday evening, Oct. 24th, and continue over Sunday. There will be services every afternoon at 2:30 and every evening at 7:30. Rev. R. M. Dodd and Rev. R. W. Herber will be present and preach, in this convention the JUble standard of "Holiness" will be lifted up. There will be good singing, Hpiritual preaching and lively testi mony meeting. There will be no other announcement of this meeting. Re present at the lirBt service, Wednesday evening, Oct. 21th. M. E. Church Notes. Waldkkn Geach, Pastor. The new church building is progres sing eplendidly. There are eight com petent carpenters working on the church this week. It is expected that the city clock will be installed this week. - The committee hopes to be able to dedicate on Nov. Uth as first decided. The choir is busy getting special music for dedication week. Services will be held next Sunday morning at 10 o'clock standard time. Sunday school at 11:15. There will be no evening service. The pastor having the responsibility of the church building enterprise, finds it too much to preach three times on Sundays. Everyone invited to be at the morning service and Sunday school and encourage the pastor at least by their presence. Mechanic Street Church .of Christ Eldred Charles, Minister. Sunday, October 21. Morning service 10:30." Subject, "The Modern Crusade, or Retaking Jeruse- lem." Note Sunday is Fathers' Day and will be so respected in the Christian Church. The subject will give special honor to the fathers of the reformation aud restoration movements. Sunday school at 11:30. Let each teacher be on duty. The Young People's meetiug will take place at 7.-00 o'clock. There will be no eveniug (service as the minister preaches in the Ridleman school house at 2:30 and in the Melvin Raptist church at 7:30. All are welcome to these services. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH J. II. Rheingans, Pastor "Our urgent need of soldiers has im pressed us with the truth that the av erage American citizen is physically and morally unlit."- "If the nation wishes healthy, upstanding citizens to fight its battles, it must produce such citizens." We expect to keep these needs steadily before the people at our church. Services at 10 a. m. aud 7 p. m. Sun day school at 11. Topic, "The Temple Rebuilt and Dedicated." Ezra 3: 8-13; 6: 1-1-18. The Westminster Guild will meet at the Manse Thursday evening, Oct. 25. The Westminster Circle will meet at the Manse Friday evening, Oct. 26. FREE METHODIST CHURCH Quarterly meeting this week In Yale. Preaching by Rev. A. L. Rrown, of Mayville. All services local time. Fri day evening, 7:30? Saturday afternoon, 2:00; Saturday evening, 7:30; Sunday morning, 10:00; evevlng, 7 30. At the District quarterly meeting, which was held last week in Port Hu ron, it was decided that the District will hold its next Campmeetlng at Yale, probably the first of July. G. A. Kelley, Pastor POULTRY WANTED. I am in the market for poultry of all kinds and will pay the highest market prices for same. Tiring In your poultry on Wednesday of every week. Inquire at residence, opposite feed bam, Yale. 35- Henry P. Ohmer. Start your Christmas shopping now. ;.B N.LI J In our army of savers and help the Uuited States of America to win this war for DEMOCRACY. It's your Duty; It's a Pleasure; It shows your Patriotism; It's the safest investment. Don't Think because you bought one through. You're not. You must r YAtLEi MICHIGAN The Bank That Says "Thank You." Member of t ho Federal Reserve System 'Li As Good As The A full lino of Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Canned Goods and Preserves, Salt JL'ork, Ham and Bacon, National and Aikman Baked Goods, Peanut Butter and Ap ple Butter. I havo a good white Laundry Soap at 5c a bar, 11 bars 50c Don't forget that I havo tho famous Bad Axe Bread a largo 20 or 22 oz. loaf for 12c (2 different brands.) 1 also handle tho Yalo Bread. As careful consideration given tho children as you would receivo yourself. tdgTCrcamery Butter always on hand. Highest Price for No. Store Open Eyeninga Phone31. I. A. L. ROY FULLER J K VV E L E R Yale, -:- Mich. s VWWo SPECIALIZE in Have You Bought Your Liberty Bond ? If you haven't, do so at once. It's a duty you own yourself and Undo Sammy. Better get busy and help our boys put a stop to the bloody work of tin; mad Kaiser. As to Groceries if you soo us before you buy you can save monoy and still get tho best on tho market. Wc would like to supply your grocery ncods. Store Open Evenings. Phone 49 - Prompt Delivery - Yale Subscribe for the Expositor Liberty Bond that you're keep on buying them. f 1 Best Place to Trade 1 Butter and Eggs. city Delivery JONES. With a complete and up-to-date line of Jewelry moderately priced, and of quality unexcelled, ne can furnish anything desired to the ut most satisfaction of the purchaser: We do expert Watch or Clock repairing. Coods Engraved Free. m GROCERIES OF QUALITY. on $1.50 a year, and worth it. oo urocerv