Newspaper Page Text
PAGE TWO. THE NEWS SCIMITAR. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23. 19U. SPANISH INFLUENZA STRIKES SUDDENLY Pneumonia Often Results. Victims Seized Without Warning Making Precaution Doubly 'Necessary. Much of the difficulty experienced By health authorities In che.klng th spread of the panlah influensa ues In the fact that It sutkcs IU victim with out warning. Although state and Moral authori ties are taking every possihN- precau tion In their effort to mop Die sprean of the epidemic, the disease In many action of the country has gotten en tirely beyond control and is claiming lie victims bv the thousands. It li universally agreed by all well Informed Demons that Ire surest pre ventive 1 to get the system In the beet possible physical condition In order 10 De aoie to mrow on un nue'uuo Ae has been previously stated it Is pus alhtu fn narfect the nowera of resist- anee of the human aystem so that It can throw off almoet any Infection, not esosDllus Spanish Influenxa, which Is one of the moat contagious diseases, known. Medical authorities agree that people who are weak and run down are tho earliest victims of the Influenza epi demlo. If you find yourself weak or losing flesh, or If you aro In a generally run-down condition, you are really In Treat dancer if you should come in con tact with the Influensa germ. ! a nnwerful reconstructive tonic and system builder, Teniae Is without eauai. This is a statement of facta and la fully supported by recognised authorities. According to all accepted refsrenoe works, Including the united fctates Dispensatory, Encyclopedia Hrl tenniee and leading text books used in the school of medicine, the principal WILSON DECORATES ALLIED GENERALS WITH WAR MEDALS Ingredients of Teniae possess tho most valuable tonic properties Known to sci onoe. This statement Is further proven ky the fact that millions of persons who have actuals taken Tanlsc have testified to lu extraordinary merit as a medicine. Tanlao restores health and strength to tho weak and run-down aystem by enabling every organ of the hody to ferform its proper function In nature's own way. It creates a healthy appe tite for food nourishing food, and Is an Ideal strengthening tonic for per sons who are fn a run-down condition and who are suffering from the after effects of influensa. grippe or bronchial troubles. Tanlao Is sold in Memphis exclusively fly Weiss' Pharmacy (suc i sesor to Jacobl's Pharmacy Main St., and Union Ave, and warnoek Drug Co., In the Osyoso hotel block. adv. IF THE WORLD KNEW THIS Much Suffering Would Stop. Tells of a Home-Mixed Medicine for Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis, Etc. The Blackburn Products Co. Tenv Sin As I was mixing some more of. the Mentho-Laxene In syrup mis morning I rouid not help nut won der If you really knew what a won ilerful cold remedy It Is, even If you uo put it up. Lust fall, we were really worried about my husband, as he had tried so many remedies, ami the doctor did not help him at all, when one day he happene to read an ad of your Mentho-Laxene and ne said: I will give it a trial .hen give up, I guess, If It doesn't help me." But, can you believe It? He begun to feel easier right away, and long before the first botile was gone ne was nu over ins terrioje eougn, and by taking a little when feeling hoarse Just a little we both have warded off every bit of colds and coughs since, until Monday of this week he got his feet so wet and by night he coughed again quite badly, but this morning he was o. k, again. This la 3:00 p. m., so you see how quickly It worked. We have gotten ever so manv others to use It by giving them a sample of ours. This Is Just a line to tell vou how grateful we both aro to you and your remedy. Tours truly. MRS. UKultilK K. GATIS WASHINGTON. Oct. H Marshals V, V l. fn and Hair and tlene. 1'e tain. Plax, rershlng and Gillian, chtef of staff of the Helgian army, were awarded the distinguished servloo med al hv Preaident Wilson, acting as com niander-ln-chlef of the United .Stales army. Hen. Pershing was directed by He reiarv Itaker to act aa President Wi son's renresenutlve In presenting the nn-dals to tie. military leaders of toe allies and to express to them the regard of the people of the United Slates and of (lie American army for the distinguished and patriotic service thev have rendered In the common cause. Gen. Tasker H. Bliss, fefrmer chief of staff, now assigned to the Interallied war council, will represent the president In presenting the medal to Gen. Persl Ing. He has been directed to say that the president awards the medal to the i om mander of the American expeditionary forces aa a token of the gratitude of the American people for his dlstln- Rulshed service and In appreilation of te success which the American armies have achieved under his Isadershlp. ASUALTY LIST! c; fContlnued From First Page ) S34 N. Hickory street uwosso, Mien adv Mounded severely: l'rlvats Seaf F. Dalton, Dalton. Wounded, degree undetermined: Pri vates Van A. Moss. Itussellvllle; Ott Manor, Advance: ltey Black, Russell vllle; Claud A- Founhee, Newport. Missing In action: Privates Lewis K. Bchull, Grubbs; James T. Todd, R. 1-'. D. 2. Hot Springs: Jim Jacks. Cleve land. ALABAMA. Killed In action: Busier Willie M. Ttedd, Montgomery; Privates John T. Hassell, Andalusia; Oscar Gilbert, Decatur. I'leJ from wounds: Corporal Lee A. West. L'nlontown; Private James H. Haywood, Hylacauga. Pled, accident and other causes: rl vste Willie A. Hybart, l'lnela. Wounded severely: Corporal William Crosby, Phoenix; Privates Sam Barr, Bessemer: Jesse Avery, Black. Wounded, degree undetermined: ser geants Gladden Harrison, Jr.; Mont gomery; Lewis F Hawkins, Annlston; Lloyd Shirley, Abbeville; Corporal Rob- J. Clardy. Mouiton; William J Cooper, R. F. V. 1, Alabama City; William I. Davis, Cubs; James 1 Glllls. Troy; Walter Hughes, Selma; Isaao N. Fres, Chocoloo Vslley; Samuel L. Splnks, Thomasvllle; Martin Hatcher, Jemlson; Duncan D. Harris, Ashland: Leon M. Brown, Birmingham; Max Brown, R. F. D. i, McKlnsle. Wounded slightly: Bugler ciisrua Coker, Alabama City; Privates Dewey Amos. Albertvllle; Georgo I. Tierce, Opp: Corporal Robert Thompson, Stockton; rrivates r.owarn s. imousu, Cullman; Lonnle Mesks, Gadsden. Missing In action: Private ueorge v. Parr, Alabama City. KENTUCKY. Killed In action: Prlvato Herbert Reno, R. F. D. 1, Central City. Died from wounds: rrivates Btepnen O Ross, Stillwater; Gussle Rich, union. Died of disease: Lieut, josepn n. Calvert, Maysvllle; Privates Hugh Campbell, Central city; Aiiurew Mir acle, Mlddlssboro; James t. Thornton, Morcland. ,,,,v- Wounded severely: corporal unimri Wilson, R. F. D. J, Paint Lick; rri vates Taylor 71. I.uttrell, Larue; Irvln Chllders, Ash Camp; Horace Campbell, Avers, Elmer uomaus, i.uumw. Wounded, aegtee unuetermuiwu. noi -geanl Raleigh R. Rudolph, Kevll. wounueu suaiui. . Bapp, Lebanon. , , Missing In action: Privates Calvin Jackson, Olney; Aulher Franklin, Wil der; Frank It. Olrdler, 11. F. D. 1, Rom ersot; Ivan W. Wallace, Hodgenvllle. LOUISIANA. Died of disease: Privates Richmond 11 Qamett, 11 Moss ave., New Or leans; Mattle Glrllnghnuse, ollle: James Pnlloco, Plaquemlne, John Brewer, Simpson: Isaao Smith, Donaldaonvllle, Wounded ' severely: Prlvato Fred H. Strong, West Monroe. Wounded, degree undetermined: Frl vates Joe C. Scanlon, Lafayette; Anton A Schnelda, 2224 N. Roman at.. New Orleans; Optat Bellars, Milton. Missing In action: Privates James .T. Bell, Alexandria; Angel Duhon, Cam eron. NORTH CAROLINA. Died of disease: Sergt. Grant W. Rector, Mount Airy; Privates William F Brothers, R. F. 1. !. Elisabeth City; John Brown, R. F. D. 1, Speeds; Thom as D. Roland, Franklin. Wounded severely: Private Joseph T. Murphy, Spray. Wounded, degree undetermined: Pri vates John H. Hall. Wlnston-Balem; Walter Smith. Charlotte; Charlie C. Washburn, Ohal Wounded slightly: Sergt. Kmest T. Cooper, Mount Airy; Corp. Solomon I. Euro, Euro Missing In action: rrivates Joseph Wrr 1 "gsssssssWl.sH Lill.'. i "II aggw- JP Ml A UNIQUE selling event for one day only. Items are reduced from our own regular prices or are newly arrived articles offered at less than elsewhere in Memphis. Buy Thrift Stamps Official Agency mt Our Store. ORIGINAL tags remain ing on all garments at once indicate the price sav ings. Look for the numbers 1 to 20 and you will find each items exactly as advertised. Buy War Savings Stamps Official Agency at Our Store. Tomorrow Will Be the Day ol 20 Specials First1 Floor Women's 50c Lisle Hose at 39c Pair -4 An exceptional value- a special reduced price for 6gf IVTv I the day of "0 specials. As many as you wish to -C Vlafe 11 Uo I buy at Bio Instead of &0c per pair. White, fflal, hlnc-lr una tan All urm S Each a True and Timely Economy For One Day Only! THE numbers corresponding to each of the items here announced will be found upon sign cards at the counters, tables and racks where the merchandise is displayed. No telephone or mail orders for these specials can be accepted. Women's Boot Silk Hose at 73c Pair C Another renllv good bargain for Thursday only, S rrt F Women's boot silk hose of good quality, In black, J lvUe Zi white nnd lending colors, at 73o tho pair. Look m ill . "for "Sneclal Xn. 5" First1 Floor 75c Madeira Handkerchiefs for 49c Nt.8 A lot of very pretty genuine Madeira Handker chiefs In the regulnr 7Cc kind, will go on sale Thursday at 49c each. Many dainty designs. An unusual bargain. 49c No. 3 Regular $1.00 Net Veils at 59c Smart ready-mad net veils. In all the popular shades ami black, F.fc Thursdsv only. The kind that usually sell for a dollar. Come. 59c no. 9 Regular $1.25 Camisoles, 98c Camisoles made of good quality satin and crepe de chine a good assortment of designs, all new and beautiful. Thev are splendid values at 98c Second Floor Regular $45 Velvets Suits $35 No. 14 Rich velvet suits of distinctive styls and extra a C W quality. All colors and all sixes. The price I h has been J4o. but If you come Thursday you I may have your choice for only )35. Regular $5.95 Waists at $4.65 No. 15 ry choice waists of fine Oeorgette and crepe de chine In suit shades as well as white, bisque and flesh trimmed with henta ana entDroiaery. tailored styles. only. Hound neck, hlarh neck and Reduction Is for one day T.attipr TTflnri Tlncra 451 RA fiimli't.v frvr QRr MVWMFVAAW HMM.Jf WW . XT. A You need a new hag buy It Thursday for Mo ll INOe I I 10. tX Inetr. d of one fifty. A limited number to t,rt f -M. J ve "X ,ola rtia.-K only. Look for special No. 4. tJ i! $3.50 Glove Silk Undervests, $2.49 One of tho most interesting of the entire 20 specials. Undervests of fine glove silk, handsomely embroidered. Our regular 'i.hO quality, but worth more hence an excep tional value at 12.49. t 2i! $2.95 Leather Hand Bags, Thursday $1.95 Beautiful now bags of pin seal, morocco and 4 ftC Second Floor No. 5 panther leathers. Very good I3.05 quality of fered to shoppers for the one day at the special prlos of '.: No. 6? Women's $2.50 Kid Gloves, $1.79 Pair The new gloves of the season In the regular d 7 A liiaiity as a special inducement to Tiiurs- f I fionnera at J1.7S. White and tvnrv nnlv I - " hut all slsee. mm Our Regular $18 Satin Dresses, $14.50 -4 A reduction made for the one day only M CA VTy I n selected group of satin dresses regu- I I 1,1 Uo larly priced at $1J choose Thursday only -- mm m. ft ji4,5o. Many new models. Our Regular $25 Dresses for $19.50 Look for rack No. 12 and select one of -4 C the many dresses on it for $19.60. These f CA I 9 are fashioned In crepe de chine, satin and if I J.wV XlUe I L-t trlcolette and satin combinations. Hand- ;: 1 SB1 some effeftK. verv neu- and deslraliln. VV $9.75 and $8.75 Waists Reduced to $6.75 -4 Tailored and trimmed effects In round and n mm Tv I A-tv square neck styles In dark shades, white and JstT .75 llUe I l""i. Exceptional quality of Georgette and W -t- V crepe de chine. Regularly 9.7o and 18.76. J reduced to J.JThursdaY only. Regular $5 Taffeta Petticoats, $3.75 T i F7 PH,'cats In desired shades, made of good t C tr Mfk quality taffeta silk; deep embroidery and I J .1 0 11 Ui II ruffled flounces. The kind we sell regularly - " w at 16.00 choice Thursday at IE.T6. LF $14.50 Separate Skirts Reduced to $9.75 ' -j O Smart skirts In brand new styles of black f mm N I W ,n1 F?1IIe "llk- Toke and Pnel mod- $ ilUs I fl "" rimmed with small buttons. Selected Vf 1 g V especially for this one-day sals at $9.76 for J 1 Third Floor Neckwear A Sale at y2 Price No. 7 - LS Regular $35 and $29.50 Suits at $25 II -d C A specially selected group of suits which will gar iTl I1 XT I J l'e soI(' at 'h reduced price Thursday only. O I II I I! f I .1 Hea'.itiiul gaberdine, burellas and serges, sty- I V.A. i'Vi X.K9 lishlv made and trimmed. Each has the J. mmixj Summerrield label a token of quality. A collection of collars, sets and vestess odd pieces, broken lots, tnm we must dispose of. All stylish and desirable, j M.L. vrtur atlAi'tlona Thnradav i, t 1 ,1 Off. Regular $7.50 and $5 Trimmed Hats, $3.95 d About 100 pretty hats, smart and new. se- XT. I U , tea rL,m,ou,r rular '.50 and J6.00 dls- tn AC f. I Pays. Black hats, brown hats, taupe, nur- -C.5IO '" JL S P". s. Look for "No. 19" on the tag it rilRH.IlH U H i 1 11 TBrlair nn sr mmrnr ' """" I 4fi I $18 and $12 Trimmed Hats at $10.00 rx Beautiful dress hats and street hats XT 9 I marked fit nd 112 regularly-130 of them t i i X.I I -reduced to J10 for Thursday. Black V I II 11 Uo dJXJ and all tho desirable colors-style and III quality at a reasonable price. -- J IT'S NOT YOUR HEART; IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS R. Medlln. It. t. D, 1, lx)ulsburf ; Wil lie Daniel, Northampton. MISSOURI. Killed In action: Vrlvates Allle I). Dyke. New TruxWn; Harry K. Keane, St. Louis. Died from wounds: Sergt. Hubert Mc Dnugall, Klrksvllle; l'rlvate cleorgs 10. Ulhlant, Kayette. Died of disease: Corp. Thomaa Hlrka, St. Louis; Private Ernest lllschoff, Ht. Joseph; Raymond E Qarnsr, He Kalb; Edgar 0. Carey, Kansas t.'lty. Wounded severely: Lieut. Verne R. Wilson, Avu; rrivates Ota Y. Adair, Ht. Louis: Harry L. Spltsenberg, 8t. Louis; .lames W. Williams, Macon; tit-orge Uangert, Ht. Louis; Martin O. l'felffer, t. Louis; Charles H. Clark, Philadelphia, James H. Swanstoue, Rocheport. Wounded, degree undetermined: I'rl vnto Everett A. Morris, Hrookflekl. Wounded slightly: Sergt. Klvln a Patterson, Hollo, l'rlvate Krank U. Ila ger, St. Louis; Roland Walte, St. Louis. Missing In action: Privates Richard Auhuchon. St. lnuls; Edward C. Lov ln, Battalia; William F. Ixiuber, Flint hill; Hon Muhoney. Sedalla. Kidney disease Is no respecter of per-, signals to warn n that the kldneva sons. It attacks all classes, regardless nv,i help. You slmulil use OoLli Ml'.l' of age, sex. or conditions A malnrltv I A'J Has' lem till Capsules Inimetltately. of the Ills sffllettmr rZ! . . ? " hf h'"11" StimulatSi the be traced I hick to tf .'kSKl, ' "'' rn kfBMyg, relives InfTammatlon and do" 0?WdnovV are .S.NSSS' 1trott'' stroys the germs which hate caused orians of h. w,k T,'m'st LmR?FlHt - 1)0 ""' a4t until tomorrow, Oq to trfars the nurfir h'y fl'vu,l,' dniggi.t todav and Insist on his tt?M!MMh d i supplying you with a box 0 t Ol h tissues bv thl I fl. ' ' " ,fr"'.n ""' MBDAt Haarlem Oil Capsules In 3 " ugh the I m ill: :l""lr"'""",r' 'I M l-eaUh and vigor form or another wW' , '"" nf on' , t etuming and will hies,, the day vou . vlcVlm ano,nr WI" claim you as a ; first heard of GOLD MEDAL HsArlem WMMS:sadfeea.reS?lly V'Tf by : ' Af,er. W fl that you have cured r.uvin, sciatica and lum- Ask for the original imported dOI.D All these it.rin.m.(. atr-nAi. pran.i. Three Mies. 1 nimv Ail mese flersjigements are nature's I refunded if they do not help you adv Buy the Best The old saying, "It pays to buy the best," applies more strongly to your dental work than any other one thing. On your dental work depends your appen ranee, your comfort and your health, Winfrey Quality Dentistry Is the bert to be had. It ! the product ot J7 years' experience ana goe. out unuer an ansoiute guarantee. It must be correct In wy pncee are the lowest that can be made on the every wty best work. 11 Years at Main and Union. "The Old Reliable" Over 87 Years' Practice. DR.C. C.WINFREY, Dentist M Union Ave., Corner Main -Oter Drag more, ' m 0tUt4t Honr,: to Sundays, O a.m. to Noon. MEMPHIS SOLDIERS ENJOYING BATTLES Officials Hold Undertakers As "Coffin Ghouls" NEW YORK, Oct. 23.-In an Investi gation here of the activities of alleged "coffin ghouls" the federal authorities have caused the arrest of two tinder taki's on charges of attempting to de fraud the government. Tho undertakers, It Is alleged, by representing to relatives of dead sol diers that the government coffins In Which the liodlCB were snippea nome were "( heap pine boxes," obtained or ders for expensive caskets and then annroiulaled the government coffins, in some enses reselling ineui to toe aov ernment The "cheap pine boxes" cost the government JS'i each. The "coffin ghouls" aro suld to have reaped a rich harvest since the Span ish Influent began taking Its toll In the training camps, and several more undertakers are said to be under In vestigation her. MISSISSIPPI COUNTIES ASSESSED 50 LABORERS JACKSON, Miss. Oct 2S. ( Spl.1 If Mississippi Is (,i furnish her quota of 1.7M laborers ier essential war work witnin the next SO date, each count; must furnish iu men. according to W It. Lockwood. Superintendent of the T'nlted States employment service for this district, who plana to appeal to the women to take the places of men In nonessentials and allow them to go puwuer pant and oilier war In dustries. Those in nonessential employment would do well to find essential employ ment as soon a possible Lookwood urges Mstttngl of tocul hoards will be Mllsd and nonessentials defined As soon sm proper time Is given for em- pioyos io nnd oilier work they will be iiiiuisnrii wim transportation to the war plains Women dl be ssknd to fill tholr placet in the nonessential thev left. Two Memphis boys with the HBIh field artillery in France, which par ticipated In the St, Mlhiel salient bat tle and later around St. Quentln and presumably in the Argonne forest, where the boches made such a des perate stand, have .written home sto ries of the life led by the boys under fire. Both are so observant of the censor's wishes that neither letter bears his stamp of cutting out portions of them. Consequently both boys speak verv lit tle of the actual battle, for their' part In which they were mentioned In offi cial dispatches by Flshl Marshal Half, but tell very Interesting tales of other Incidents. Sergt. Mark F. Heffernan, headquar ters company, son of Mr. snd Mrs Tat Heffernan, 619 Chelsea avenue, writes: "A few lines from the trendies to let you know we are getting along fine and aro enjoying the hest of health. I have traveled over the big gest portion of France with my bat tery, through most of the rrlnrlpal cities you read about In the papers. I also have been through lots of places where there wssn't a building left un damagod by the boches. "The scenery of Kranr-a elsewhere is so beautiful that I could not describe It If I wanted to. Back of the line everything Is serene, but near the trenches It Is very different However torn in ii yt! fApecieil HI Wfl r tiniOS We are on the firing line now and so far I have enjoyed It Immensalv as It Is exciting as well as Interesting you know the American people fn civilian life crave excitement, so vou know how tho American boys feel right at home along the front and fight like French veterans. "I have witnessed several air fights and they are wonderful. It rtrialnly ELECTION COMMISSION . WILL MEET SATURDAY W, B. flrsy. chairman of the Shelby county election commission, has called a meeting for Saturday meriting al the coiniuiBitiouei s loom at the (lolltlnoise tor tne purpose 01 Hcieotlng oificr. f the nov, i election. Tna other mem. here of the commission are 11 O Trus, secretary, and H. L. Hnokmchuni. Very Utile Interest has been Mani fested in the election and us there will be no public meetings ami no sp eohes the candidates are relying upon th friends to help them In a persona) can vass. The candidates to be voted for are United Slates senator, governor, pieinbor of the national house of repre sentstives, railroad commissioner and members of the stale legislature. BISHOP BROOKxTdEAD. CHICAGO, Oct. Itlshop VYanrls Key Brooke, of ihe Protestant Episcopal church of Oklahoma, died at the Pome of u daughter here after months of iii health. He was born in Gambler, O. Nov. I, 1 S T 2 , and was educated at Ken. yon college and the University of the South, lie was consecrated fht bishop of Oklahoma snd Indian Territory In ANT1FEE SUIT AGAIN DEFERRED BY COURT There was never a time when the sacrifices and the help of women were more appreciated than at the present time. Women should learn war-nursing and nursing at home There Is no better way than to study the new edi tion of the "Common Sense Medical Adviser" with chapters on Kirn t Aid, Bandaging, Anatomy, Hygiene, Care of the Sick, Iilseases of Women, Mother and Babe, tho Marriage Relation to he had at some drug stores, or send BOO (o Publisher, 654 Washington street, Buffalo, ft. Y. If a women suffers from weak back, nervousness or dltgtneaa If pains af fllct her. the best tonic, and corrective Is one made up of native herbs and made without alcohol, which makes weak women strung and sick women well. It is tho prescription of lir. Pierce, used by hliu In aotlvs practice many years snd now sold by almost every druggist in the land, In liquid or ill tablets. Send Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.. 10c for trial package lr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are also best for liver ai d bowel trouble Tryon, Okla "I am pleased to have the chance io tell thai In. Pierce's cavorite Prescription did wonders for me. Last ear during expectancy I was so poorl) and was gottmg go vveaa that I couldn't uo my housework until a friend told me of 'Favorite Prescrip tion.' After taking four boltlaa I was so much better I didn't feel III,,, th. same person, our baby is now set en months old. ami although he had the Whooping OOUktl last Wltltei. he vvp'ghg nineteen nouno;-, "Will advise h'I expectant I., others to use 'Favorite I rescrtpUon, for It did ho much for me I am si te It will for them ' -Mrs. Karl Ktit,Mt his planes can keep those of the enemy from finding our range. The airmen are our best friends. The bochc Is fighting the war with machine guns, and they fight very well, but we'll get them. In tho end. "We have quite a number of visitors in our dugout that are never welcome. They are of the animal species com monlv known as rats, and wo keep big sticks for their entertainment Instead of having 'Darktown Strutters' Balls' here we have 'Rat and Cooties' Balls' every night." Private Kwlng T. Thomas, of Bat tery V, 115th field artillery, writes to his friend. F.arl H. Cowan, of J. Gold smith company: "llavo been at the front and given Frltxio a -taste of Tennessee fighting. 'Tis thrilling Indeed to witness an aerial combat. Have visited several French cities and It was very Interest ing, as things and customs are so much different from those in America. We are living In dugouts and so far haven't been bothered with cooties, though I fear this can't last too good to be true. '''War Is quite different from what I Imagined. We have Fritale on the blink snd eventually victory will be ours. "As I write this I am sitting on a lot of shells that will carry our 'peace taiK to a 101 oi uermans. while walk ing around the other day 1 found a slip of paper dropped by (lie German planes an 'propaganda' and will keep ii iur h souvenir. "While writing I can also see air planes circling above and hear the hum of their motors trvlng to lontte our positions. Thanks to Providence, we have as yet had no casualties." MILITARY TRAINING BEGINSMMEDIATELY Military instruction will he Inaugu rated immediately at the students' army training camp, college of den tistry. University of Tennessee, act ird Ing to a statement by Dr. J. A. Gard ner, dean. Lieut. Harold C. Center, commandant of the 8. A. T. C has arrived In Memphis and will at once take charge of the military work. Ho will also have charge of the army training branch In the departments of medicine and pharmacy. One hundred and thirty-five students have been enrolled and will be put through the regulation drill exercises every afternoon, except Sunday, on the campus I ' front of lingers hall. The university authorities have let oommls sarv contracts to supply the students with toon, ano a mess room has lieen erected for this purpose In the base ment of lingers hall. New uniforms guns and all necessary equipment are expected to arrive at tho college within the next few days. Pean Gardner slates that the new system will allow the students to con tinue their regular studies without in terruption and that they will be thor oughly taught the rudiments of mill tarv service. Admission to the school was closed Oct. IS. KN'OXVItLB, Tenn., Oct. ti. (Spl.1 Again postponing the test case institu ted by Sheriff Joseph W. Wright, of Davidson county, which Involves the constitutionality of the antlfee bill, the supreme court of Tennessee In session here announced that It will be heard November 11. This is one of the most important causes to be heard during the term, which will have a far-reaching effect In all counties of more than .10,000 pop ulation where the antlfee bill became operative and placed county officials on a salary basis Aug. 1. Should the antlfee bill be declared unconstitutional all officers In counties of moro than 30,000 will revert to the fee system which has long been in vogue prior to the passage of the antl fee bill at the last session of the state legislature, at the instance of promi nent cltlzenB and officials Who were opposed to fee grabbing. AIR MAIL SERVICE TO CHICAGO IS DELAYED CHICAGO, Oct. 28. The Chicago New York aerial mall service, which was scheduled to start Nov. 1, will be delaved about one month because about 115,000. required for the building of a hangar In Chicago at Ashburn field, has not been raised, It Is announced. A chamber of commerce committee has undertaken the raising of this fund. Inefficient Yards Denied Contracts By Fleet Directors WASHINGTON. Oct. 28. Beosuse of their Inefficiency, from 16 to 20 ship yards now building wooden ships for the Emergency fleet corporation will not receive any additional contracts. In making this announcement Chair man Hurley of the shipping board said there would be no curtailment of the shipbuilding program, the step being taken to save material, labor and money. As fast as the yards complete the ships now under construction, the workmen will be sent to other plants, which constantly are In need of addi tional labor. Mr. Hurley would net make public the names of the yards, nor did he indicate when the closing of them would begin. 1 The yards held to be inefficient have failed to deliver contract ships within the time or at the price specified in the contracts, Mr. Hurley said. DEBS FILES APPEAL. WASHINGTON, Oct. 28. Eugeno V. rebs. socialist party leader, who re cently was sentenced to 10 years' Im prisonment for making disloyal utter ances In a speech at Canton, O.. has appealed his case to the supreme court. The records In the proceedings have been received and a brief will be filed ister. Debs was released on (10,000 ball. LOCAL MARINE OFFICE WANTS? STENOGRAPHERS cm Unrd7.lte(!eTtlPCS,0.t,,e Memphis re cruitlng district and they are requested dlymmoerniPnPf.'?atl0n 1101 later th" F rw" ?r 8,u,lleIp haa bpen issued by Capt. Frank Pllotte, in charge of the raaSFtt PSSmW Strict as III result of a pending order, the execu- force at toi "onm'nlsloned office E at. focal headquarters to active ersewhe8?."""6"'8 ln trainln o? The. id'er t'Pulates that the women accepted must enlist for four years ut rleased, ,at the conclusion of Hon -fh?y n,aklnPe''sonal appllca Th!, salary allotment Is 9S a month exclusive of uniforms. Physical as well as mental examination will be wXhfn,0,' eac. a"P'loant. No woman" weighing less than 110 pounds will he accepted. At least fpur letters of rec ommendation will be required and ail applicants must apply at the marine recruiting office, third floor, Odd Fel lows building, by Friday morning. Orent PREPARE FOR DRIVE. Spl. ade jaukpU.N, Miss.. Oct. 23. fSnll pie oaranons are helno- ron.l state neaoauartera here for ih w at united war work campaign which is to be conducted In Mississippi Nov. 11-18 Thousands of pounds of campaign lit erature are being sent out dally. A meeting of the four-minuto men here today pledged aid. JeUe? EIGHT ACCEPTED AT LOCAL MARINE OFFICE Kiglit appll'-aniH were accepted for senloo ai the marine recruiting offlo Tuesday afternoon and Will be sent t Purls Island, S C immediately for duly, as follows: Matthew C. Thomas, Gleiiwood, Ark.; P.uhe Rogers, Parsons. Tenn ; W. O. Buck. McCool. Miss . Tont V. Hot-tier, Itatner, Tenn., .lames K Humphries. Leslie '. Hogan. Rives, Tenn : Warren C, Sanders. Friar Point, Miss ; Percy W. Luckelt, Senatoblit. Miss. Capt. I'ilotte is making n tour of In spection throughout bis recruiting dis tfict and will lalt the Little Rock and Pine Bluff offices before his return to ItetnphtS Friday. FUNDS PAID SCHOOLS. I IACKSON. Mls . Oct ill t sri i I Twenty agricultural high schools In Mississippi are receiving 11,(09 snob, as their angre of the state , hool fund In the tVtober distribution As soon as the other !! have reported to thet state deportment of education ihelr ai I lotsient alb be sent forward. Critical Tastes arc bath pleased and satisfied with the aroma and flavor of Postxiia It goes without saying that its healthful and nourishing quali ties far outclass those of coffee and tea. Postum comes in two forms; Postum Cereal, which must be boiled, and Instant Postum, made in the cup in a moment. They are equally delicious and ihe cost per cup is about the same Decidedly "There's a Reason9 for POSTUM mWKmWmWmWmmVmWmi