PAGE TWELVE. THE NEWS SCIMITAR. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1918. COTTON MARKETS Bears Basing Confidence on Weakening jn Spots, But Sellers Conservative. Thursday Afternoon, Oct. 24. Burs art at 1 11 displaying more or lM confidence and are apparently bas ing It on the accumulation of t lie ac tual In the tielt and some evidence that .pots are gradually weakening. (Junta -tlont) however, are still above futures, and that serves to em mirage conserva tive action nniong sellers Opinion leans to the down side, as there is little ac tivity in spots, and the claim is made that there is in reality less underlying strength in then than appears on the surface r indiiatcd by the. quotations. quotations In the contract department did not chang'- much tofliy, there waa little sign of recovery, and tin the bulges, whl.h were credited to ab sorption of offerings bv trade Interests, more pressure was displaced The tech nical condition of the affair Is naturally weaker, as prices have declined over !ii points recently, with a consequent short Interest created. et the burden of proof appears to bo on the believers in the Pull side The weather in the belt continues favorable on the whole, although ftiore rains than are best have been fulling within the last day or so overnight aome heavv ones fell in the lower part of the central belt and more are prom t.ed. including the entire eastern half of the bell The western belt was prom ised fair and cooler, with possibly some froet In the upper part The hears arc assuming thai the crop Is still being added to. and they also expert the glu nlng report, due tomorrow morning ni the openinr. win snow aaproumaxeii I 7.000.000 bales turned out This will he fairly large, when It Is considered thai manv gins have been closed down. II will compare with S, 719,91 f. to Sepl 25, with R.&7.WI to Oct 18 last vear and 7.303,13 to same date two years ago. Liverpool was due l come 26 to 22 points to the had. hut finished 31 to J6 Inner, tone .ailed quiet The traders from that market also were credited with being among the leading sellers on this sine, evidently being impressed By the situation In ttils country. Spots In the foreign center were marked down 30 points, good middling to If.lgd, with sales 2,000 bales. Including 1,50(1 Amer ican, ami nothing was received. At the opening prices were hut little different from nrevlous close, but a little covering by shorts and-some Inn ing for spinners' account sent pi Ices up about a quarter of a cent, December reaching Us ,16c. But demand subsided and In n Short while the option was back to 29.16o The political news was regarded as suggesting continued fight ing, but perhaps a more direct influ ence was the lack of Indication that spots were doing any better In the belt and soma advices telling of more will ingness to sell at concessions. The mar ket backed and filled for a time, al though at one time working up to al most the high of the forenoon. Lower spot quotations caused some easiness in the afternoon Futures ulnsed 3 to 25 points up, tone steady. New Orleans closed 54 to 8 points higher, tone steady Spot were marked down ion points, middling to 29 BOe, with sales 1.37s hales. Liverpool Is due to come unchanged In the local market sales reported were 86n bales and quotations were off 100 points, middling to JO.Mc Spot sales: Norfolk 208, AtiRustn 1.028, Little. Hock 656, Houston 3.418. MEMPHIS COTTON. Memphis cotton closed steady at de cline nf inn points Middling. W.Oflc. Sajes 880 bales, including 150 previous evening. Tods v I'rev, 26.00 27 00 29.50 30.60 81.50 32. So 33.50 34.50 flood ordinary 25.00 Strict good ordinary Low middling Strict low middling . Middling Strict middling Good middling strict good middling Mlddllnr fair It an 28.60 30 60 31 50 32 60 38 60 84 00 35 Oil yellow tingcit, ann to U.O points lower; blue stained, 650 to 400 points lower; yellow stained, 600 to 400 points lower. DAILY STATEMENT. 19(8. 1017. 1918. Rets today, net.. 1,731 1 4.772 dross 3,591 7.992 (1,987 Kcts since rriaay ii.ois 9i,iu 11,141 dross 19,418 42,961 49.915 Since Aug. 1. net. 97,334 87.476 229.499 Gross e.149, 675 149,951 337,233 Shipments today 3,227 8.480 5,861 Since Aug. 1 139.635 193,837 210.228 Stuck on hand . .. .188,008 105.411 183.645 DAILY PORT MOVEMENT. Middling. Tone Ttcts T'dv Yes. Stk K. Orleans, sty.. 6,851 29.50 30.50 276,509 Galveston, qt. . .6,182 81.00 31.85 282.187 Mobile, at. . 299 28.75 29.25 20.32:1 Sevan nali Charleston .0,9(18 . 470 .1,122 .2,465 29.00 29.25 mil 60,163 12,820 85,4111 6.081 91,616 11.76.". Wilmington Norfolk, qt Baltimore, nom. New York, qt. . . 30.25 30,75 31.55 31 43 Boston, qt 333 31.46 32.00 Philadelphia, qt 31.80 31.70 10.511,1 Total receipts 23.680 Total last year 34.034 CONSOLIDATED PORT. 1918. 143.388 30.578 1917. 207,615 '63,263 1916. 288.372 146,104 26.273 47.261 Tlcts. 6 dav . Eg, (It. Hrit Ex. Trance. Ex. continent . 77.382 8,209 Ex. Jap.. Mex 100 18.79 Total stocks. 1.148. 984 836.956 1.170 690 Total rets. ...1,367,687 1.714,842 2,674,430 For. exports.. 934.668 1,188,884 !.. ".69,27:1 DAILY INTERIOR. Middling Ret. Toy, Yes. R'ock Tone Memphis, stv. St Louis Augusta, qt. .. Cincinnati Houston, sty. . . .3.591 30,50 81.50 lf.s.008 ....2.225 14.603 . .. .2.407 29.12 29.62 113 922 ....1.322 18,849 . . 9.968 31 80 31 50 254.748 sty 1.078 31.00 31.00 21,715 Little Rod Dallas, sty 29.85 29.80 Total receipts today . . Same day last year .20.691 .34,653 TOMORROW S ESTIMATED. Last Week 4.863 6.019 1918 l,0004St,000 i, 000() 8.000 1917 13.287 N. Orleans Galveston NEW ORLEANS COTTON. NKW OKI, HANS, Oct 21 After hesitating on the opening today and losing two to six points on the most active months cotton took a fairly strong bulae, and at the end of the first half hour of trading was :: m 33 points iner yesterday's close Tin. rise was In the nature of a reaction from recent declines. Nervousness over the bearish kIiiiiiiik returns expected tomorrow i .,.' . . I Sell. Ing, on which prices went 3 to G point., under yesterday's close. New buying came In at the decline and at noon the market was at u net advance of 18 to 22 points. . Fluctuations became narrow. At 1 o clock the trading months w ere at a net advance of 1 1 to u points fpots closed steady at Oecllne of inn Mmts. Ordinary. 2! 00c; good ordlnarj 22.25c; low middling. 25.76c; middling, 29.60c ; good middling. 30.5Oc. Sales nn the spot 640; to arrive, 7JC delivered on contract, none. Future closed steady at advance of 54 to 8 points. Close oosn. High. Lew. Today. Pre Jan. . March May . Oct. . Dec. 27.34 ft 49 27.66 27.40 27.25 29.64 2S.0 27.50 27.32 27.12 29 Oil 27 92 27.29 27.03 19.15 28.00 27.64 27 44 ' 29.70 28.25 27.26 27.03 29.90 27.87 NEW YORK COTTON. NKW TORK. Oct. 24 The coiton market was less active, but firmer dur Inar tndav's early tradinr Tl, Rmttl,. fern selling which had been a feature on tne decline or late sterda was very little in evidence at the reopen -ing, while there wa considerable cov- srfng on a belief that the market was tin a firmer technical position or on re viving optimism as to peace prospects ' After opening steady, seven points low 4lf to eight points higher, Deceuilmi contracts sold up from 29.20c to 29.66c, and January from 28.S0c to 28.94c be fore the end of the first hour, making net advances of 28 to 32 points. The early advance met renewed pell -In for Liverpool and local account dur ing the middle of the morning. Indica t ions that the cold snap predicted for the bait toward the end of this weei, would not materialize and continued talk of heavy ginning returns ser jd t" encourage bearish sentiment and there as 1 break to 2S.loc for December and Wins War Cross For His Heroism CAPt. RAYMOND GORE, '.int. Gc.uge Raymond (lore, formerly of The News Scimitar counting room force, now with the 53d pioneer Infantry in trailer, nas rcceivwi ine stcih-ii war itb for bravery in action at Chateau I ho i n , In the midst of the fighting in the battle which turned the tide of the war toward an allied victory, a captain and WO lleutcnuuls' were killed, ('apt. 'lore, then second lieutenant, although bleed ing from a wound In the side, tools enm ii and of his company and led them "over the top " m i apt, Hole received his commission as second lieutenant al Fort Oglethorpe. tla.. in June, 1917 He was stationed at Spartanburg, S. C, with the 63d pioneer Infantry, wnleh. left for France In July. 2S (ii for .l.munry, or 2 to' 13 points helOW last night's closing. At this level there appeared to he a moderate trado demand anil the market was steady around midday, with general business quirt. arly afternoon rallies of 20 to 25 polntswere followed by Irregular fluc tuation, with the market quiet around 2 o clock, as though waiting for fresh political developments. Decetnoet" ruled around 29 3" and January 28.75. Futures closed steady at advance of 3 to 25 points. Close Open, lllirh. Tiow. Todav. Pre Jan. ... 28.60 28.94 28.59 28.75 28.62 Feb 28,56 28.45 March . 28 36 28.58 28.20 28.41 28. 30 April 28.30 28.15 May ... 28,14 28 35 27.92 28.20 28.05 July ... 28.03 28.21 27.99 28.07 28. Oil Aug 27.85 27 511 Sep 27.15 26.90 Oct. ... 30.46 30 77 3n. 40 80 65 30.47 Nov. .1 29.46 29.43 Hoc. .. 29.25 29.56 29.15 29.36 29.28 LIVERPOOL COTTON. LIVERPOOL, Oct. 24. -Spot cotton quiet, pines lower. Good middling, ft. ltd; middling. 22.76d. low middling, 21 "i'd, good ordinary, 20.18d; ordinary, It.Md, Sales 2,0011 hales, Including 1.500 American No receipts. Futures closed quiet. October; 22.U31; November, 2l.46d; lie. ember, I0,ld: January, 20.4Sd; Feb ruary, lo.frtd. -Close Today, prev. February 20.06 20.38 October 22.03 22.35 November 21.45 21,76 December 21.25 January 20.45 20.79 Contracts closed quiet at decline of 31 to 36 points. Cotton Belt Weather. Moderate temperature prevailed with night temperatures mostly above nor mal Moderate to heavy ralna in con- t i n I districts bin local in Louisiana. Light to moderate rains in Oklahoma, locally In Texas, some rain in south east but special reports from Savan nah district missing Heavy rains: Alabama- Clanlon 1.70. Livingston 2.10; Louisiana- Amite 2.10. Covington 1 64 Arkansas Malvern 1.60; Mississippi one to two Inches' at numerous sta tions excel)) three to six southeast Texas UninfaH --Austin .16, Brown WOOd "I, Columbia .04, Greenville .12. Houston 12. Ilunlsvllle 30. Kopperl .10. i.ampasas .IS. Lake 14, Long view 10. Mexlu .02, I'uris .Oil Weath- erford .10. Memphis District. For the 21 hours ending at 7 a.m. 16th meridian lime. Memphis, Oct. Stations. Hteli Arlington. Tenn , oldv. . 7 21 191S Low, Main II .75 .41 nouvar. ciouiiy Brownsville, cloudy .. 1 'ovlngton, clwidy I lyershurg. cloudy ... MEMPHIS, cloudy ... 68 67 64 61; 69 58 68 62 6s 58 60 5S 59 62 60 58 58 68 60 52 .70 60 .40 .70 .40 .12 1,01 .68 .78 .78 LOU 1 47 1 20 .60 1 10 1 21 . . . 68 ...84 . ,. 70 Milan, cloudy Nushvllle, rain . Bate.vtlle, Miss . cloudy 69 ciarksdalc, cloudy 68 1 'orluth, cloudy 67 Greenville, cloudy 72 Hernando, cloudy 63 Holly Springs, cloudy. . . 69 Tuscumbla, Ala . cloudy. 63 Osceola. Ark., cloudy. .'. 78 Marianne, cloudy 64 Wynne, cloudy 62 Average 81 NEGRO IS HELD FOR FEDERAL INVESTIGATION e W. L. Dean, negro. 'charged with be ing a war loafer, was ordered held for federal Investigation bv Dollot Judge rltxhllgh Thursday when be declared oe was oniy i , at the tune of the Sept i: registration I he court said he looked lu i.e an years old. The cbaige of war loafing was ill. missed against him upon proof that he ..a., ueen ens lately ana out or woik SCHOOL BOARD TO PREPARE FOR OPENING --e . Mans for the opening of the cltv scnooin win oe discussed at a meeting of the board ol education to be held ai ueaiupiai lei s, (ini.iiwvii lnstlttlt building, Monday night at 7 30 Although the schools will not open i. inn uie ii.t.uo oi neaini reels sure that ua.iKci i.i nit- ijwuenoa epiaetnlo are over, member! of the school board hope to have the classroom system si, yeell organised t hat the children may re- some ineir lessons exactly where they iru en wnen i ue schools cloed jacobsTTkesfrance BUT WANTS A FIGHT . A letter from Corp Lloyd B, Jacobs ot the I lilted stales . nrtlllerv to Ids parents, Mr and Mrs. Q Clarke .lacntu, ien or ins safe arrival I France. ( Orb. Jacobs was one of the first .Memphis nova to enlls when Amerlr: entered the war lie likes Krance tine ne sins, nut is anxious to get Into the grcai game at ine front. WORKS TAKEN OVER. Ml,.Mii;io. x , , not 24 -The ape rear .Machine works, located here have heen taken over by the Liberty r-iiipnuiining company, under lease l was announced today bv Louis K. F,.r guson. general manager of the sbli building company, and Its output , castings will he used In construction of concrete tankers that are in linn of maning here lor the government. BIO WAREHOUSE BURNS. MERIDIAN, Miss. Oct 24 (8pl 1 More than a quarter of a million dnl tars went up in smoke with the burning o. a warehouse at I'nlon. Miss, Mon day night, when 250 hales of cotton were reported destroyed by flie,4 GRAIN MARKETS Commission Houses Lead Sell ing of Corn Early Oats Show, Strength. CHICAGO. On. 24.- Seilinj on th ;! ' of lending commission house guvd the corn market a swing to decidedly lower levels today. Opetllna; figures, which rimged from S decline to S': advance, with November 41.27 S to, mitt December. II .2214 to 1.24. ware followed hy minor fluctuations and then a break nil around A report t hut the allies had agreed as to grtuiftict terms acted as chief bearish factor There alao was talk of Importations of corn from Argen tina Pritf''. closed heavy. 2 1-4 to 3c net lower, with November $1 2&H to $1.25 1-1 a n d J ecen i be r 11.21 to Wet weather that appeared likelM to restrict the movement of oats made the oats market relatively firm. After opening unchanged to c higher, with November to 69Tfcc, allies eased down somewhat, but kept within nar row limits. Trovlslons weakened with com. Halites which later took place were unimportant Selling, though, was only of a scattered sort. Close Today. Prev. 132 Open. 1 36 Nov 1 274 High Low. 1 35', 28 1 24'j 1 25i 1 271 24 1 20',, 121", 124 ,70'4 .6, 70', .69 ., 69i 9I 684 .H8S .69 34.10 34,00 34 11 35 00 '37 60 37.70 25 00 24 6 26 00 24 20 23 92 24.20 24 20 23 03 22.70 22.92 23 10 21 00 20 70 20 75 21 07 20 35 20 15 20.30 20 32 ! yellow, nominal; No. S, Dae. l.fttt I Oats Ort. 70', Nov. 69S Dec. .69 H I'ork Nov. 34 00 .Ian t Lard- not. . . 24 90 Nov. . . 24.12 Jan. .. 23 00 Itlhs Nov. . . Jan. . 20.97 20 25 Corn No SI 43il 48; No. 4. H.10CM.M. Oats No. 3 white, 6Sri(o, standard, 70HJ7lc. live No. 2. tl.lMsOMl. Barley, ITcflll.M. Timothy, 7.oof(iio.oo. i 'lovef i nominal. I'ork, nominal. Lard, 2.r. Hlbs, $21.001822.50. I ST. LOUIS, Oct. 24. No 2 yellow. 11,51; No. oats, steady; No. 2, while, 72c. -Corn, steady; 2 white, $1 47. "0 l-4c; No. 3 KANSAS CITV, Oct. 24. -Cash wheat, unchanged. No. 1 hard. $1.1IU!.1$4; No. 2 nominal; No. 1 red, $2.18; No. 2, nominal. Com, steady; No. 2 mixed, $1 45fal.4S. No. 2 while, $1 47(311.60; No. 2 cllow, $1 474J1.60. (lata, nominally unchanged; No. 2 white, 6$H4J70c; No. 2 mixed, 67,c. Bye, $i.S2(n.M. AGENTS BLOCK PLAN TO ESCAPE SERVICE e A plan to (jet deferred classification for a number of draftees living near Vlldo, Tenn., was blocked when agents from the department of Justice, caused the arrest of C. C. Hllman, who has been bound over to await action of the federal grand Jury at Jackson, Tenn. Two others, alleged to have been Im plicated In the plot, probably escaped arrest by joining the army The prosecution of unman was brought about by W. E. McKlveen, chief Investigator at Memphis for the de partment of justice. It is alleged that Hllman and two others had about obtained deferred classification for themselves and others, but the exemption busrd. handling their cases, heard the testimony of a man named W. Moore, which resulted In placing the defendants In class one. Later the three erien met Moure, It Is charged by federal officers, and beat him, CLAIM IAPAN HAS MADE CONDITIONS TO CHINA ... PHKINO, Oct 24. (By the Associated I'ress. I Newsnapers hero print long editorial! on the report that Japan lias attached conditions to the return of the Boxer indemnity, it Is said that It Ih required that China shall frame a schedule of Subjects to be submitted to the peace conference under Japan's guidance and that the Chinese and Jap anese delegate to the conference co operate under the latter's guidance con cerning matters of policy. It is also said that Japan asks that China will not contract loans with other noWgra diirlna the war and also will allow free export of minerals and cotton to Japan. Inquiry has failed to substantiate these reports, but there are indications Hint there Is no good basis for (hem. LAND OWNERS TO MEET AT JACKSON e Owners of cutover or swamp lands lit (his section will meet In Jackson. Tenn., Nov. 4. to dlsmuss with IV YV lloss, engineer for the I'nlted States reclamation service, the possibility of government purchase of large tracts of such land lo be used ty returned soi- llerd and sailors with the coining of ueace. The ineellng has lieen called hy the nitod Stutcs employment service and is In accord with plana under way liy the government for preparing tracts nf land to be nold on easy payment to ic- utne.l iigbtitiK men, ilio licetl tha 'back to the soil" call. REFUSED $5 A DAY; WORKS FOR 40 CENTS e . Mildred Anderson, young negress, 666 Saffarans avenue, boasted to the "white folks that she woiililn t work tor less than V a day, but sho will begin ser vice Thursday at the sncioy county workhouse at 40 cents a day She was fined tin by Police Judge Fllr.hugh on dlsoriieriy conduct charge officers Mi Calm and Thoinil said she aroused the neighborhood with her bolltrousness and (bey wrested her on complaint of neighbors. KAISER CHANGES NAME. KNOXViiXE, Tenn., Oct. :t. Hpu Thi lUrtlftinfl (f Kalmr In nut to tu tolcnitmi. ni lotiM ho one patriot c Aratrioftft thinks, imperially if the name 1m thr t'ouinHiH'n of the alorosnWI Ain'r- loan cltlien. Therefore Dr. btnni GI- liuilf i it !;'( . iciiiiri lYinuajiiif num. new residing al l.os Angeles, !.. h;i Informed his host of frtemw here that h has 1 (( hi, name ami will here after he known m Dr. Kdward Ramon Klit la ri. WOODMEN TO MEET. t'oluni;hlnn Woodmen fromVlYnneRnee. .11 . Indiana and Illinois will niee! In Memphis NOV. 2 Jutt how many days the convention will le In senlon Imn not nren announriMi Secretary llnylcy of the Chamber of COjnmerCt Thursday received n letter from Ldoyi 1 1 in ford, of Atlanta, iMnlnent counsel f(ir the nrnnltvatlon, ennounctni that the convention naa aeon railed in Hemp i on vent Ion sessions prohnbly will bo nera at wotei cnieom. FLY YOUR FLAG! the (''liamber of Commer'e is still Urftllg business men to display more tlacs and buntinc about their establish ments Many eomplalma of lack of dis play of national colors have been n I'etyed from soldleis and sailors passll thioiiKh the cltv Uuarterlv dues no. tires being: setit to members carry with them an appeal for greater display of iiass. BREAKS WHEEL SHAFT. The Memphis and Friar Point Back at Harry, broke her wheel shaft while hacking away from Trotter's landing late YVerinesdn She was lowed Into port and will be laid up about a week toi repairs. The steamer Princess will leuve next Tuesday morning to take the Injured boat's place. u. s. court'deferred. KNOXVII.I.K. Tenn . Oct 24. (Hpl ) -Federal court, scheduled to convene In t'hattHiumpa Xo. tl and in Kunxvl'le Oar. 2. has been postponed because. I lie teTin schefluled tq bkgla In Nashville Oct. 7 was also postponed on account of influema. aafcafc '-InmWi tJmlm FROM WALL STREET Uncertainty Regarding Money uonaitions Occasion for Ir regular Trend Early. Xh.w YORK. Oct. 24.-lJncertalnty regarding local money conditions Influ enced the uneven course of prices at iur uiperiiug ui roaay s stock mark"! Speculative issues were most affected by this condition, some of the oil loshm one to three points, while other rose i i ;. uaiawin locomotive again featured the strong war shares at an advance of almost two points; U S Steel and other Industrials and equip ments gaining fractiona. Southern Pa cific, Marine, preferred, and Btudebak er made substantial gaina before the end of the first half hour, with such specialties as Wilson Packing, Interna tional Paper, Industrial Alcohol and American Sugar Standard rails and shippings recorded extreme declines of i- to JV4 points during the, dull trading of the noon hour. Pacific reflecting the most prees ure. Kqulpments and coppers, sagged 1 to 21-j nolnta. hut Baldwin Locomo-tl-. and (' S. Steel rallied. War shares, oils and United States Steel roso to highest levels of the day later, but reactions set In toward the end. The closing was Irregular. LAST SALES. (By the Associated Press.) American Beet Sugar .' 68 Amerlran Can 44 American Car and Foundry 87 American Locomotive 4 67 American Linseed ibid) 41 American Sugar 112 America 11 T. and T 106 Anaconda Copper , 70 Atchison . . 98 All . (iulf & West Indies 111 Baldwin Locomotive 87 Baltimore Ohio 66 Bethlehem Steel "B" 74 Canadian Pacific 168 central leather 66 Chesapeake ft Ohio 594 Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul 49 Chicago. !. I St Pacific 274 chlno Copper 41 Colorado Fuel and Iron . Corn Products Crucible Steel Cuba Cane Sugar Erie General Bleotrio (Jeneral Motors 43 44 , 67 31 1V 164 128 !reat Northern, ufd 94 (.rent .Nortnern ore crts 32 Illinois Central 101 ahaplatlon Copper 66 int. Mer. Marine 30 Int. Mer. Marine, pfd 121'., International Paper 36 Kennecott Copper 17 Louisville Nashville U'H Maxwell Motors ' 32 Mexican Petroleum 156 Miami Copper 28 .Mtuvaie Meei Mlssoprl Pacific , New York Central Norfolk A Western Northern Pacific Ohio Cities (las Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Coal Ray Consolidated Copper Heading Rep. iron and Steel Sinclair Oil and Refining Southern Pacific Southern Railway 47 26 79 109 93 43 47 '61 24 92 86 35' 101 30 Btudebaker Corporation 62 Tennessee Copper 16 Texas Co 188 Tobacco Products 75 I'nlon Pacific 132 I'nlted Cigar Stores 103 V. S. bid. Alcohol 110 I'nlted States Rubber 65 Lulled States Steel 110 I' tab Copper 89 Wabash Pfd "A" U Westlnghouse Electric 44 Willys-Overland 21 American Tohaoco I 184 Atlantic Coast Line 103 70 1 83 66 143 . 66 40 (llllf States Steel (bldl Seaboard Air Line (bid) Sloss. Shef. Steel & Iron (bid).. I'nlted Fruit Virginia Caro ('hem N. Y. N. H. & H MISCELLANEOUS KANSAS CITY. Oct. 24 Butter, eg and poultry unchanged Potatoes steady, J1.85lfj2.2!i. CHICAGO, Oct. 24. Butter higher; creamery, 61fft65c. lOggs higher; receipts, 11,730 cases, firsts, 50tt52c, ordinary firsts. 48g60c; at mark, cases Included, 474350c. Potatoes lower; receipts. 77 cars; Min nesota and Dakota bulk. Jl 7o1.80; do. Backs. 11.901(2.00; Wisconsin bulk, I1.70B1.I61 do. sacks, LUO200. Poultry Alive lower; fowls, 2428c; springs, 26c. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 24. Poultry, mid eggs, unchanged. butter NKW YORK, Oct receipts 9,819 tubs; 4. Butler, firm; creamery higher than extras IiQi68c; extra (92-score) 67; firsts bbifblc. Kggs, Irregular, receipts 7.923 cases; fresh gathered extras, 6960c; fresh gathered regular packed extra flrtfts, 56ifi'(8c; do firsts, 52ri65c cheese, steady; receipts 3,526 boxeH; state whole milk flats, average run, 32S3c. . Poultry, live. Irregular; chickens, 33c; fowls, 34j(36c; turkeys, 12038c. Dressed easy and unchanged. NKW YORK. Oct. 24. --Metal ex change quotes lead unchanged; spot, 8.06. Spelter, easy; East St. Louis de livery, spot, 9.15169.45. N EW YORK. Oct. 24. Raw sugar, Dentrltufal, 7.L'8c; fine Kranu- steady : ited, K LIVE STOCK MARKET. KANSAS t'lTV. Oct. 24.--Hobs, re celpts 8,000; steady to 10c lower: hulK llfi.wy; heavv. Jis.r.oii 17.40 lights. 116.0(1 . 17.55; pigs. 112.50014.50, ( attle. receipts (i.000; no southerns. steady to strong; prime fed steers llT.tOfl 19.26; dressed beef steers. $12.60 017.60 southern steers, I7.00O1I.60 ows, $5.50(11 11 60: heifers. $7.00 12.50; stockeis. $7.00(114.00; calves, 16.00B is.utit Sheen, receipts 15.000: strong: lambs I11.50B16.76; yearlings, $10 00fn'11.60 wethers. I6.60W10.50; ewes, $VOOff9.50; Stoeliers, Jli tlinil IH.Od. ST l.lll lS. Oct. 24. Hogs, receipts, 11.000: UKir20e lower on best. 25c lower on other, l.lgbis, iU.25ffll7.S0i plus $14 26ff 16.00; mixed and butcher, $16.50 Si'li. 40; good heavy. $1 . .2581 17 10: bulk 116.5149 17.36. Cattle, receipts. 6.000; strong; native beef steers. U. (0011.25; yearling steers and iieuei-s, $;.f.u5 1;, :.ii; cows 17. 50012.60; stockeis and feeders. $8.50 Si 12.00; fair to prime southern beef steers. $10 OfldflS 00: beef cows and heif ers. $7.50(1( 15.00; native calves, $7.75 17 .25. Sheen. receipts. 1.700; steady: lambs $16.601 16 ,5. ewes. $11 nnr r'Hil ; cat! nan and choppers. $5 0002,00. -e t'HICACd net. 24. .Hogs Receipts, lii.i.iiii. lluti-ners. JH, ;,ii-,i 1 i.llli llghi. IU.00OI7.l5l packing, IM.OOtt 16 75. rough. 111.10014.00; pigs, good to choice, $13 hum 14.21. t"attle Itecelpts, 14),000; steady to higher Beef cattle. $15., ,.! 60. com toon and medium, 9.eO01e.26; butcher cows and hellers. n.i6013.75; canners 15.1501.75; choice stockers. $10 26 12.75; common and inetlliini, $7.5(lfilO,25; choice veal calves, llti.mi'ii 16.50. Sheep Receipts, 23.1100, quiet but steady. KOttT WOBTH. Texas. Oct tie. receliits. 6,500: steady; t 50t 14 60 Hogs, receipts. 1,500; steady $17 15W17 .26 4 Cat beeves Heavy Sheep. receipts. 600; unchanged l.amhs, !'.' IHIIU 13 on. MONEY. NKW nrtK. Oct 24 Mercantile pa per. I. Sterling. 60-dav bills. $4 73 commercial 60-dy bills on banks $4 72iv; commercial 60-dav bills. $4.7 demand. $4,75 40; cables. $4.76,65. Mexican dollars, 77V4C . Olverntnent bonds firm; railroad bonds irregular Time loans strong; 60 dais, 90 day six months. 6 bid. Call money strong: ruling rate, bank acceptances, 4S. BANK CLEARINGS. ("lea ranees Thursday. Oct 24 Thus far. this week . . Previous week Same time in 1917 Same lime In 1915 .. $ ,(.221.011 I ...976,1 .-.6.1 11.936.113 1.41 . 13,218.920 81 . 9,367,411.64 ROUND THE TICKER Cotton. New York. Journal of Commerce re iew of Wednesday market, said: "Weight of the crop keeps clipping prices despite buying by French, Jap anese and American Interests, big gin ning estimates for tomorrow. Prices are coming down steadily under the weight of the crop, the pressure of sell ing yesterday and some decline at the stock exchange." New York. Hutton A Co.: We still can see little in the cotton situation that warrants taking the long side. New Orleans, The weather map is rloudy and wet; . temepratures rather higher. President Wilson's prompt re ply to Germany Is a surprise and the answer must be disconcerting because he states In the plainest language that the word of the kaiser is no good and that what the Lnited States and Its associates In war want is the surrender of Germany. Shepard & Oluck. New Orleans. Bear forces controll ing; may make concentrated effort for bearish statistics tomorrow, but weather and technical conditions bull ish; buying policy advisable; think low enough Clark to Cotter & Turner. New Orleans. According to the of ficial forecast the storm crossing the country will bring more rain to the eastern lielt tonight and tomorrow. There Is no cold weaTher in sight. Gal veston exports 25,000. Shepard & (Jluck. New Y'ork. Liverpool not selling so freeiy; South selling against actual In a small way; fair trade demand; think market oversow and should Tally cieve to Cotter & Turner. New Y'ork. Geran an4 Gwathmey selling, after buying by McFadden stopped, some outside selling came In, put ting market off. Hubbard to Reese. New' York. After early wave of lo cal short covering, market turned easier again on renewed Liverpool selling, narrow, no special features Gwathmey k Co., to Foster.' New Y'ork. Do not see how any cot ton can be brought here to deliver at present and believe that differences will tend to widen; there has been con siderable speculative selling both of December and January; Liverpool, how ever, steadily sells March and May. Hubbard to Reese. New York. Would certainly sell cot ton on all strong spots Burke to Shepard ft Oltick. New Orleans. Think further liqui dation likely, though much depends on news as received and attitude of spot holders. Shepard & Gluck. , Ne wOrleana Advances are not wbll Mistalned because of nervousness over tomorrow's ginning figures. The report Is due at 9 o'clock and a total of about 7.000,000 bales is expected. Fair and cooler weather Is the forecast for the western half of till belt Shepard & liluck. , New York There are indications that large traders consider the extended short Interest for lllverpool In rather iiangerous position. S. T. Hubbard to Keese. e New York Moderate trade demand met by hedge selling and scattered liquidation. Advices indicate spots ac cumulating South. Market may have rallies, but think tendency still down ward. Gwathmey to Foster. New York Heavily oversold; acts like recovering, but no Investment demand. Washington says no price fixing. lluh bard to Reese. New York Cone good t)uyer Janu ary; think Liverpool; scattered Orleans, Southern and local selling. Further Orleans and Gwathmey brokers selling. Looks like decline about over for pres-' ent. rather expect, reaction. Robertson ,v Co. to Hancock. Gram. .Memphis receliits: Corn 2. oats 4 and hay 20 cars. Hogs receipts: Chicago. 38.000; Omaha. 6.000; Kansas City, 6,000; Sioux City, 4,500; St. Joseph, 6.500; St. Louis, 11,000. Chicago Receipts: Wheat, 392.000, corn, 5(ia,00O; oats, 325,000. Shipments: Wheat, 26,000; corn, 150.000; oats, 186, 000. ... St. Louis Receipts: Wheat, 79,000; corn. 61,000; oats, 74.900. Shipments: Wheat, 26,000; corn, 40,000; oats, 47,000. New York. A few hundred thousand time money appeared In the market for first Ime in several weeks, loaning at 6 per cent Hensley. Chicago Kxnorters are still out of the market and little domestic demand noted Wild, s New York Opinions are divided as to Germany's next diplomatic move, but it must be patent to all that as her army pushed hack she will Become more Inclined to accept the Inevitable "un conditional surrender." The money sit uation just now is the dominant factor t lie stock market, can rates may run up to 6, 10 or 12 per cent, but It must be remembered that only a small nercentaae of money loans at abnormal rates. The market Is likely to become irregular, it ib inoiu in Mouie quai -ters that copper metal prices will re main the same for the remainder of the year Hensley to Shepard & Qhiclt. Chicago Bartlett Krazier selling corn. Chicago. Corn shorts covered on signs of winter campaign, talk of car permits that could not he filled, chance moderate and some nenei trat corn and bog products will receive food con trol attention. Kcports ot a, govern mental offer of $1.30 for No. 4 corn, track New York; talk of Hoover that Kurone will reauire vast foodstuffs amounts and the efforts of food leadsrs to keep up the manufacture or meats are general factors. Wagner & Co. Cblcaco -Corn market somewhat easy as a result of the 7 per cent advance in two days. Primary corn receipts mod erate at 630.000. Political news sug gests a winter campaign. Allies have notified Turkey tp surrender or they n lane possession ot i oiisiaiiunooie French onta crop poor. Recent crops In Prance have run to 260,00(1,- 000. Her largest orops before the war were around 350,000,000. Wagner & Co, Chicago Hogs closing weak. 26c to 50c lower than yesterday s average. RENCH LAWMAKERS FIRM FOR MAKING HUNS PAY PARIS. Oct. 24. tHavas.1 The cues tlon of the devastation wrought by the Germans in Northern France was the topic of a discussion in parliament yes terday. In the senate Antonin du Bost, president, asked that victory should givo an its mignt to cnasiiaement oi the offender and reparation for the crime. The enemy will be condemned to restitutions, for which we will take guarantees, not being able to rely upon his word," said Stephen Plchon, foreign minister. "v e arc near the end of sacrifices Imposed by savage aggres sion, for which its authors try to es cape responsibility. Their calculations have neen upset uy I'resioicnt vvuson. Senators from the liberated regions filed a resolution asking that commis sions be sent to ascertain i V extent of the devastations which were described as heart-breaking. The resolution was unanlinjHialy adopted. WINS COMMISSION. ' KNOXVII.LE, Tenn., Oct. 24. (Spl.) i. Vnudeventer. federal court clerk for the Eastern division, has been commissioned captain 1n the army and his successor may he soon appointed by Judge Sanford. Butter and Beef at least cost Thrifto Mixed Feed Made entirely, from Cotb.nseed Meal and Old Process Hulls, properly com pounded, to make a natural, satisfac- torv-oaiancea rauou. All Feed 10 per cent rrotein. IS per cent Fat. 87 per cent ("arbobydrates Put up In 100-lh. packages SOl'TH'S CHEAPEST FEED. Immediate shipment, carloads or less. F. W. Brode & Co. 119 Madison Avenue. MS1PHI8, TKNNIWpli Old Phone Main 252. New Phone 252 V We also handle Velvet Bean Meal. Co conut Meal. Peanut Meal I naMinnnsVur' No Drug Hospital; Judge Releases Girl "Dope Fiend" Acute need of a permanent emergency hospital In Memphis for treatment of morphine, heroin and cocaine addicts was evinced In police court Thursday morning, when Aline Rutledge. a young whit girl, residing at 161 Union ave nue, was placed on trial for stealing a i3.9l shirtwaist from the Bry-Block lercantlle company. The condition of the girl, who ad mitted a drug addiction of seven years, and who recovered four days ago from broncho-pneuiaonla, aroused the sym pathy of Judge Kltihugh, Who declared he could not send her to the workhouse. Although she pleaded guilty to the charge of shoplifting, she was released upon her oath to leave the city. She declared she wanted something pretty to wear. It was only after Judge Fitzhugh in quired of several persons in the court room If there was a place she could be treated that he released her. Miss Rut ledge sobbed during the entire trial. MESSAGE UNDELIVERED; JONES WA'MTS DAMAGES Declaring that the Western I'nlon Telegraph company's fallure'to deliver a message on time prevented htm from seeing his mother before her death, A T. Jones, Thursday filed suit against the corporation for damages In the sum of $25,000. Anderson & Crabtree are Jones' attorneys. Jones alleges that his brother sent him a message from Memphis on Aug. 22 to his proper address at Mussel Shoals, Ala., stating that hia mother was very ill and for him to come at once. He did not receive the telegram until Aug. 30. his mother dying on Aug. 25, he says. ARRANGES FOR FUNDS. ATHENS. Oct. 24 By royal decree which was signed yesterday subscrip tions to alleviate the condition of lib erated Greek peoples in those portions of Macedonia which have been occupied by Bulgarian troops will be received by a commission under the presidency of King Alexander. DAILY TEMPERATURES United States Weather. Memphis, Tenn., Oct. 22, 1918 7 a.m. Low. High. Raid. hllene o4 54 66 .00 66 66 .02 60 .. 1.60 36 48 .00 42 60 .00 46 62 .00 58 62 1.04 20 42 .00 68 66 .08 54 58 1.16 60 72 .22 62 .. .00 63 .. .42 40 68 .00 62 '. . .02 50 60 .00 54 72 .00 62 64 .54 64 76 .00 60 66 .00 33 44 .00 34 50 .06 70 76 .36 54 64 i .18 68 64 .00 62 64 .20 60 68 .28 64 . . .00 62 64 .70 66 66 .02 40 . . .00 58 70 .13 66 82 .72 34 68 .00 56 60 .08 46 . . .00 60 72 .00 74 .. .84 48 68 .00 44 52 .00 60 68 .00 38 . . .00 38 56 .00 58' 76 .00 42 68 .00 64 70 .00 58 74 .00 42 .. ..00 58 ... 76 54 58 .26 58 62 1.18 46 50 .02 18 40 .0IV 72 .. .01 62 . 68 1.06 40 64 .00 32 40 .50 56 . . .00 Atlanta 66 Birmingham 62 Boise 36 Boston . . . . , 4.4 Buffalo 50 68 20 58 58 60 64 Cairo Calgary .... i nattanooga Chicago , . . Cincinnati . Corpus Christ! HI" Davenport 62 Denver 42 Detroit 56 Dodge City 60 IM l'aso 64 Fort Smith 62 Galveston 66 Ilatteras 66 Helena 36 Huron 36 Jacksonville 74 Kansas City 64 Knoxvllle 58 Little Rock 62 Louisville 60 Macon 64 MEMPHIS 62 Montgomery 68 Montreat 40 Nashville 68 New Orleans .... 68 North Platte 34 Oklahoma 56 Omaha 48 Parkersbtirg 64 Pensacola 76 Pittsburgh 50 Portland 60 Raleigh 54 Ko.set.urg as Salt Lake 42 San Antonio 58 Sania Fe 44 Kan Francisco . . . i4 Shreveport 60 f-'pokane 42 Springfield, 111. ... as Springfield. Mo. St. Louis St. Paul Swift Current . Tampa Vicksburg .... Washington . . . Winnipeg Winnemucca . . 66 . 46 . 18 7i , 62 . 46 . 34 . 66 DAILY ALMANAC. Length of day. 11 hdurs. Length of night. 13 hours. Sun rises Friday at 7:15.' Sun sets Friday at 6:14. Moon rises Friday at 11:39 p.m. Last quarter on 26th. Morning stars, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. Evening star, Mars. BIRTHS. Antonio and Marv Granito Guldl, 319 South Main, Oct. 21; boy. Robert and Odetta Botto Jackson, 727 South Orleans, Oct. 12; girl. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Edfth Esteile Bone to Thurl B. Mfrls Charlotte Savannah Rogers to Vincent Bernacehi. Alberta Gray to Will Lane, Florence Taylor to Joe Smith, Linda Logan to Dave Jones, Llllle Lindy to Mathews Frleson. DEATHS. George Maxwell, 18, General hospital, Oct. 17; broncho pneumonia, influenza. Mrs. Monlce Smith. 45. 275 McLemore Oct. 17: pneumonia. Influenza. Annie J. Harris. 27. 524 Summit. Oct. 16; lobar pneumonia. Mtejia May Puke, 20, Exchange and Main. oct. is: mriuenza. J. M. Stephens. 35, 395 Trigg. Oct. 15; pneumonia, lntiuenza, endocarditis. Robert A. Shields, 72. 1114 James, Oct. 8; lobar pneumonia. Bright s disease. Grace Lee Easley. 7 months. 599 Vol lentlne, Oct. 18; broncho pneumonia, In- nuensa Joseph Sgarlotte. Jr.. Bantist Memo rial hospital, Oct. 19; lobar pneumonia, Influenza. ' II. Charles Denham, 39. 860 Vance, Oct. 21; pneumonia. Influenza. Georgia May Vicchlnl Riddick, 36, 200 East, Oct. 21; broncho pneumonia. Thenia C. Fergesson, 55, 1064. South Nomerville, Oct. 2s; lobar pneumonia tnriuenza. Vernon A. Valley, 31, 300 .Tacksot Oct, 22: lobar pneumonia, influenza. E. H. Deffenbaugh. 29. Ued Cross Enjergency hospital, Oct. 22; pneumo nia. Influenza. Johnnie Cnpeland. 9 months. 1421 Greenwood. Oct. 22; broncho pneumonia Influenza. Elzora Milton. 33. 669 North Third, Oct. 16 Influenza and asthma. Arthur Neely, 3, 672 South Somervllle, Oct, 12. Influenza. Mat tie Parham. 25, 966 Crawford, Oct. 10; lobar pneumonia, Influenza. Clara Jones, 70. 1062 Mississippi, Oct. 20: broncho nneumonla. influenza. Alex Johnson, 4a, residence not shown, Oct I; lobar pneumonia, influenza. Fannie J. Buffonl. 28.- 369 Sandforri. Oct. 21, broncho pneumonia. Influenza. Mile liodson. 1,, General hospital. Oct. 21; pneumonia, meningitis. Influ enza. Lizzie Williams. 35, 973 Texas, Oct. 21: lobar pneunaonla. Influenza. Tbelma.Joy Cooper. 14, 740 Zelphla, Oct. 22; Influenza. Early Carter. 33. 995 Texas, Oct. 22; pneumonia, Influenza Ben Satterfleld, S7. General hospital. Oct. 22: broncho pneumonia. Jnfluenza. Etta Sanders. 26. 2S8 West Trigg. Oct. 22; lobar pneumonia. ANNOUNCEMENTS. OF ATHS. SPENCK At SL"r Joseph's hospital. Thursday morning. Oct. 24. 1918, at 8 o'clock, Knox B., husband of I.ennle Peeler Spenee: father of Knox B. .Ir ; brolher of T. B. and C. B. Spence. Mrs. H B. Martin and Mrs. V. T. Wlnbiirn, Due hntice of time of funeral will be given. J. T. FARGASON CO. COTTON FACTORS 115 3, FRONT ST. MEMPHIS, TENN. s rauerson iransier company Established 18341. 02 Yean of Public Service. CHECK YOUR BAGGAGE FROM RESIDENCE TO DESTINATION AND AVOID DELAY SAYS HUSBAND'S POOR AIM SAVED 'HER LIFE Esma Durant, negro, of Rosedale. Miss., charged with shooting Willie Wil liams, another negro, through the hand Wednesday night, came to Memphis to shoot-his wife, but Ms poor aim frus trated his intentions, according to Dora Durant, who prosecuted her husband. Williams was shot while making a hasty exit through a rear door. Dora declared to Judge Fitzhugh that she was the "bull's-eye" at which Durant was shooting and that she was in fear of her life from her husband. Durant was bound over on the charge of shooting with intent to kill. PARK FIELD WILL HAVE WEEKLY PAPER Park field is to havo a newspaper. A weekly publication edited by em bryo flyers at the aviation school soon will be launched with the co-operation of the Chamber of Commerce. Mem bers of that organisation will aid the aviators in obtaining advertising for the paper and In arranging further busi ness details. The new publication has net yet been named and the date or its. first ap pearance Is still to be announced. Read News Scimitar Wants. Classified Section ANNOUNCEMENTS. CARDS O F THAN KS. I WISH to thank the many friends and neighbors for their kindness during the illness and death ot my beloved wife. Hargls Gosson. Also for the many beautiful floral offerings. WILLIAM H. GOSSON. NOTICES TO BIDDERS. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Bids will be received until 2 p.m.. Friday, Nov. 8. 1918, by the Memphis Artesian Water Department, at the Goodwyn Institute building. Memphis, Tenn., for coal handling machinery. i. nun tons or run ot mine coal is to De annually unloaded from hopper cars, and distributed In the coal rooms. Blue nrints showine Diana and eross- ectlon of the coal room, and specifica- tloi of general requirements may be obtained from the general superintend ent. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. WIRT J. WILLS, General Superintendent Memphis Arte sian Water Department, Memphis. Tenn. TRUSTEE'S SALE. Default having been made In the pay ment of the debts and obligations se cured to be paid In a certain deed of trust, executed the 24th day of July, 1913, oy r,. B. vverts ana J. w. Rhea Ihoth nnmarrledl to the under signed as trustee, as same appears of record in the office of the register of Shelby county, Tennessee, In book 570, page 179, and the owner oi tne oeni secured having requested the under signed to advertise and sell the. prop erty secured by said deed of trust, this is to give notice that we will, on FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 15. 1918. commencing at 12 o'clock noon, at the southwest coiner of the courthouse, Memphis, Shelby county, Tennessee, and. at tne Adams avenue entrance inereoi, proceed to sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash the following described property"; to-wlt: Situated in Shelbv county. Tennessee. as follows: Lot No. six (6) of the Union bank subdivision, more particularly de scribed us beginning at a point in tne north line of Hass avenue, In the city of Memphis (now Jefferson avenue), at- the southeast corner of lot No. 7 and the southwest corner of lot No. 6 of said Union bank subdivision; thence east with the north line of Jefferson avenue four hundred and slxty-fountand five-tenths (464.5) feet to the west line of lot 5 of said subdivision; thence north along the dividing line between lots 5 and 6 four hundred and nine and two- tenths (409.2) feet to the northeast cor ner of said lot six (61. being a point In th center of the proposed extension of Washington avenue; thence west along said center line and along the north line of said lot 6 four hundred and sixty-two (462) feet to the east line of lot No. 7 of said subdivision; thence south along the dividing line between lots 6 and 7 four hundred and nine and two-tenths (409.2) feet, to the north line of Jefferson avenue, the point of beginning, being 1 the same property conveyed by W. F. Taylor, et ujc, to K. s. werts and J. w. B. Rhea by deed of record in book 413. page 276. of the register's office of Shelby county, Tennessee. The covenants of warranty in said trust deed do not apply to the north twenty-five (26) feet of said lot 6 above described, tne same railing in tne pro posed extension of Washington avenue, but the said E. S. Werts and J. W. S. Rhea quit-claimed and conveyed to the said trustee whatever title that had In and to said 25-foot strip. All right and eauity of redemption homestead and dower waived In said deed of trust, and the title Is believed to be good, but we will sel and convey only as trustee. BANK OF COMMERCE & TRUST CO., Trustee. By S. J. SHEPHERD, Trust Officer H. Gannaway. attorney. This Oct. 24. 1918. TRUSTEE S SALE. By virtue of a certain trust deed exe cuted to Percy Galbreath, as trustee, by R. C. Reeves and wife. Amanda F, Reeves, dated Dec. 15, 1913, and re corded in record book 683, page 294 register's office, Shelby oounty. Ten nessee. default having been made in the navment of the Indebtedness as se cured and contracted for in said trust deed, and unon the request of the own er of the said indebtedness, the DSoto Building and Loan association, I, M, V. Burke, aecretary of said association and ex-offlelo trustee, under the terms of said trust deed will, on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1918, In legal hours, at the southwest en trance to the Shelby county court hoiiae. the Adams avenue entrance, In the city et MempniB, sneiny county Tennessee, orrer and sen at public out in the highest bidder for null thi following real estate In eaid city of - . "-P T r " . . - . - Memphis, wneiuy county. Tennessee: Lot No. 51 In section "A" of the unrecorded subdivision of the Speedway Terrace: beginning in the south line of Favon avenue. 170 feet west nf the west Ufi of Claybrook street; running thence southwardly, parallel with Clay brook street. 160 feet to the north 'line of an alley; thence westwardly with the north line of said alley 50 feet; thence northwardly parallel with Claybrook street. 160 feet to the south line of Faxon avepue; thence castwardly with the south line of Faxon avenue 50 feet to the point of beginning. Equity of redemption Is waived in said trust deed. Title believed to be good, but I will sell and convey as trustee only. M. V. BI'UKE. Trustee. Robt M. Beattle, attorney. Memphis, Tenn.. Sept 30, 1918. TRUSTEE'S SALE. -. Whereas, on May 1. 1911, C B. Wil liamson and wife, Osie Vivian William son, executed a trust deed, conveying the land hereinafter described to C. C. Gillespie, trustee. . for-, the purpose of securing an Indebtedness described In nn.l secured by a certain trust deed recorded In the register', offlc. . of DANIELS URGES FORD'S CANDIDACY FOR SENATE e WASHINGTON, Oct. 24. Secretary Daniels, In a public statement today, urging Michigan voters to support the candidacy of Henry Ford for the United States senate, declared naval officers of the I'nlted. States and foreign coun tries have pronounced the Eagle Isoats produred at the Ford plant in Detroit as "next to the destroyer, the hestp weapon to exterminate the submarine." By next summer, Mr. Daniels said, the government expects to have a hundred, or more of th'ese iew craft in (he water. m In referring to Mr. Ford as a sen atorial candidate the secretary's state ment says: "In war he knows how to produce weapons to win peace and in the prob lems to beVsettled after the war his practical Judgment as senator would be of the highest value." FIRST YANK PRIVATE ESCAPES FROM HUNS BERNE, Oct. 24. The first American private soldier among the prisoners in Germany to escape is a Pennsylvania,! named (deleted) originally of a Lithu anian family. He has regained his regi ment in Alsace. ' TRUSTEE SALES. Shelby county, Tennessee, In book 514U page 423; and Whereas, on Oct. 3. 1918, bv instru ment recorded in book 694, page 456. register's office of Shelbv county, Ten nessee, the undersigned, A. L. Helskell, was substituted In the place and stead of the said C. C. Gillespie, trustee; and Whereas, default has heen made In the payment of the indebtedness se cured by said trust deed, and the hold er thereof has made demand upon the undersigned to proceed to advertise and sell said land in accordance with th' provisions of said trust deed; Now, therefore, by virtue of the pow ers so conferred, the undersigned will, on FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 16. 1918 at 12 o'clock noon, at the southwest corner of the courthouse in the city of Memphis, Shelby county, Tennessee, at the Adams avenue entrance thereof, proceed to sell at public -outcry to the highest bidder for cash certain real estate In the city of Memphis, Shelby county, Tennessee, described as fol lows, to-wlt: Lot No. twentv-one (21) of the Moj Gehee & Livingston subdivision of lot seventeen (17) and a part of lot six teen (16) of the Wltherspoon subdi vision, as per nlat of said McGehee . Livingston subdivision of 'record in plat; book 6. page 69. in the register's office of Shelby county, Tennessee, to which reference is here made. Said trust deed waives eoultv of re demption and dower and homestead, ana tne title to the said land Is be lieved to be good, but the undersigped win oen ami convey as trustee only. A. L. HEISKELL, Substitute Trustee. A. H. Murray, attorney. TRUSTEE'S SALE. Default having been made in the pay- ment of the debts and obligations se cured to be paid in a certain deed of trust, executed the 8th dav of April, 1913, by Edith L. Landstreet and hus band, A. C. Landstreet, to the under signed as trustee, as same appears of record in the office of the register of Shelby county, Tennessee, in book 564. page 238, and the owner of the debt secured having requested the under signed to advertise and sell the prop erty secured by said deed of trust, thlj. is to give notice that we will, on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1918, commencing at 12 o'clock noon, at the southwest corner of .the courthouse, Memphis, Shelby county, Tennessee, and at the Adams avenue entrance thereof, proceed to oll at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash the' following described property, to-wlt: Situated In Shelby county, Tennes see, as follows: Part of lot No. five (5 of the T. N. Williams subdivision at Colliervllle; beginning at an iron stake -In the northwest corner of said lot, fifty (50) feet south of the center line of the Southern railway; thence south eighty-two (82) degrees east with the south line of the Southern railway four and sixty-nine hundredths (4.69) chains to an iron stake; thence south fifteen and eighty-four hundredths (15.84) chains to a stake In the center of a 25-foot road; thence west with the cen ter of said road two and fifty hun dredths (2.50) chains to the southeast corner of the lot occupied by an old negro and his family; thence north with the east line of said lot one and forty hundredths (1.40) chains to a stake: thence west witli the north line of said negro's lot two and eighteen hundredths (218) chains to a stake; thence north fifteen and ten hundredths (16.10) chains to the point of beginning, con taining 7.26 acres, exclusive of said ne gro's lot, which Is shown on the plat. All right and equity of redemption, homestead and dower waived in said deed of trust, and the title is believed to be good, but we will sell and convey only as trustee. BANK OF COMMERCE & TRUST CO., Trustee. By S. J. SHEPHERD, Trust Officer. R. P. Cary, attorney. This Oct. 24. 1918. TRUSTEE'S SALE. Default having been made. In the payment of the debts and obligations secured to be paid in a certain deed of trust, executed the 19th day of March, 1918, by Mary J. Page, Emma Jones, Margarete Hanna and L. T. Bearcy, trustees, to the undersigned as trustee, as same appears of record III the office of the register of Shelby county, Tennessee, In book 680. page 233, and the owner of the debt secured having requested the undersigned to advertise and sell the property secured by said deed of trust, all of said in debtedness having matured by default In the payment of a part thereof, at the option of the owner, this is to give notice that we will, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29", 1318, commencing at 12 o'clock noon, at the southwest .corner or the courthouse. Memphis, Shelby county, Tennessee, lnrt at llir. ft,iv,u n, thereof, proceed to sell at public out cry to the highest and best bidder for casli the following described property, Situated In Shelby county, Tennessee, as follows: In the city of Memphis: Part of lot two (2). block 62, South Memphis, mcfj tartleularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the north line of Beale avenue with the east line of DeSoto street, now South Fourth street, thence east along Beale avenue twenty-two and one-half (2214) leet to point: thence north one hun dred nd thirty-five (435) feet; thence west twenty-two and one-half (22V leet to South Fourth street: thence south along South Fourth street one hundred and thirty-five (136) feet to the begin ning, being the same property conveyed to Charles Podesta by deed of record in book 465, page 152, of the register's office of Shelby county, Tennessee. Under the terms of the trust deed hy virtue of whlclv this sdle is made no cbasge or alterations of the buildings on said .premises are to he made until arter four of the principal notes se cured thereby have been natd unless the plan of such alteration has been indebtedness aid hi. wrlu'eu 'appro'v'al , uuiiiie.i 10 ine in... ..f