PAGE TWO. THE NEWS SCIMITAR FRIDAY, OCTOMK IS, 1e Every Prediction We Made Has Come True to the Letter We predicted months ago that men's tailored and ready made clothes would sell ;it higher prices this fall than were ever known before. We prophesied that the government would take over the entire output of raw wool and it has done so. Today a good garment in the ready-made stores costs $40 or more the minimum price for a suit or over coat in nearly, it not all. the better tailor shops ranges from $75 to $90. Price Jae; arc omitted in most window displays, though every fabric we display bears one. A Well Tailored Pure Wool Suit or Overcoat As Low $01.50 Made to a8 J. Order Others at a price range up to $50 A price actually lower than you arc asked for a ready-made garment. In tailoring at tin'-; minimum price wc are reach ing the absolute limit in value-giving, as an investigation will prove beyond question, There ;.re some beautiful weaves and materials in our $33.50, $40 and .S45 ranges, all of w hich, under existing conditions, are very moderate ju ices - independent of what you pay. the strongest guarantee of any tailoring concern in America is back of your purchase, Prices MAY go higher in the near future -they surely will not he LOWER for a long time to conic. Better leave your order N )V. A "Samuels" Hat Will Cost You But $3 You can't pay more here, tor $.1 is our highest and lowest price. I'.lse where you must pay up to $5 and get no more in quality, style or value. Wear a "Samuels" hat and enjoy real hat satisfaction. Tailors and Hatters POPULAR PRICE raj E9 5 South Main St. Memphis A Letter From the Front Sergeant O'Shaughnessy, writiiig home, says: "It ouly takes about a week for a 'fellow' to fraternize with the bumps in u Straw mattress." Well, thousands of com in most enthusiastic terms that to form the rrreatest attachment irt-loving MentpMahs Avill tell 'yon t require a minute lor (toesu the Soft, Smooth, Resilient Surface of a Fairy Felt Mattress And the most easily pleased can and superlative value there is in one is nothing equal to it. BUY ONE TODAY eadily detect the superior comfort if these. For the particular there PURE .FELT TRADE MARK Rr6lcUrRCD Sold by Reliable Dealers and Guaranteed by U.S. BEDDING CO. Makers tf Blissville Bedding Memphis, Tenn. SANK HEAD FOUND DEAD IN CHICAGO HOTEL ROOM CHICAGO, o, president "i Uic Lurk In Natlotu of l.iit'litn, Tex . and vice-pretd'lent of ihe Jones Motor Car company, of Wich ita, KM,, was found dead in his room at 11 hotel here early todav Mr Collin, win, wax 40 nin owl, Arrived at the hotel from Wichita on Oct 30. Heart dlaease whs glvi n .1 , the cause of dentil Buy the Best The old snyincr. "It pays to buy th best," applies more strongly t your dent a one thing. depends comfort a ixl worl' On lum vour d any nt ill itli er your ap your health. work vour Winfrey Quality Dentistry Is the best to be had It u the product of 37 years' experience ana goes out unner an at.soiute K.inrantec It must ba rtorrut in lowost that can lie made on the every way. beat work My prices are the 11 vein at Main and Union. "The Old Reliable" Over n Yssrs' Practice. DR.C.C.WINFREY, Dentist Ml t'nlon Ave., Corner Main Over Onif store. Office Moure: ft U )l, Sundajs. 0 a.m. to Noon. Snow and Cold No Bar To Growing Vegetables (F liaise a winter ar (arden. Just becauae atiow and cold are com ing ih no reaaon why growing; of vege tables should ceaae. One Memphis busi ness man has solved the problem of winter vegetables. On a lot in North Memphis Is a space II feet square, solidly covered with glass. Old windows did the trick. They are placed over a hole In the ground four feet deep. The hole waa once the beginning of a eellur In that hole, no matter what the temperature outsMe, you will find onlona, radishes, beans, tomatoes, pursnips. turnips, In fact al most any kind of vegetable that does not grow too high. Of course a coating of window glass would not keep out the cold and enable cge(ab!es tO grow all winter, but here's the secret A wall of boards has been built Inside the old cellar, leaving a spare of six Inches between it and the earthen wall. That space Is filled with cottonseed hulls. The hulls generate enough heat to keep the winter garden warm. In fnct the gardener frequently has to let the cold winter air Into the cellar to keep the vegetables from burn ing Tho Idea of this winter garden dates back to the boyhood of the gardener When only a youngster hla father one winter bought a supply of cottonseed to feed the family cow. The boy in vaded bossy's pantry and buried him self in the cottonseed. He declares thai he nearly burned to death before he could escape from the cow's larder That youthful recollertion, coupled with the sight of the half-comnleted cellar generated the idea of the winter gar- urn. nut me winter garden Wan is not the only gardening innovation for which mis man is lespnustbie. Here's one that combines profit and beauty. By taking an old barrel and boring It full of holes, six inches apart, punc turing a stovepipe with a series of holes, placing the stovepipe in the barrel, fill ing the barrel with earth and the stove pipe with manure, one has the frame work for an aerial strawberry garden. Strawberry plants are placed In the holes, and, through filling the stove pipe with water, the plants are given moisture. The result is complete cov ering of the barret with green straw berry plants and the hearing of delici ous berries Four such barrels during the summer supplied the gardener's family of four with berries the entire season. Here is another stunt this gardener suggests for agriculturalists. When readv to stack hay, sprinkle the ground with rut potatoes and stack the hay on top of them The potatoes will grow under the haystack and throughout the winter all that Is neces sary Is to burrow under the hay pile, find a potato vino and drag out the tubers. What's the use of relying on the vegetable man? WILSON'S REPLY MEETS APPROVA L OF ALLIED PRESS London and Paris Newspapers Express Quiet Satisfaction at Firmness of Note to Germany. LONDON. Oct. 25 The popular com ment on the president's note here Is that It contains the strongest language ever addressed by the head of one great nation to another In modern times. The note Is welcomed, first, becauae It brings matters to a new state; further proceeding, if there are to be further proceedings, will be in the hands of all the governments Interested. Illth erto, so far as the public knows, t!ie nations associated with the t'uited states, and which have more at stake perhaps than has the I'nlted States, have been onlookers to the correspond ence. The note Is welcomed, secondly, he cause It promises to bring the season of discussion to an end altogether, one way or the other. No one sees how the German chancellor, Prince Maxi milian, can fail either to accept Presi dent Wilson's platform or reject It. Ac ceptance will be taken to mean that the Hermans regard their position as ItO pa IsSS and that disaster Is imminent Hope for Division. The general opinion Is that Germain s lilltary position Is not so bad but oat her leaders will fight on, If only vlth the hope of creating division niong the allies, which has been lier aany's reliance of late. The text of President Wilson's reply o Oermany, which reached London In ihc early hours Thursday morning, is given great prominence In the evening newspapers, which uuote with satls- j faction his decision to refer the ques tion or an armistice to the allies anil his Insistence that the only armlstli e must he one which will make a re newal of hostilities on the part of Oer many Impossible. The t'.iolie. which would havtSpre ferrcd that the president had declined to make any reply, says, however, that his note "is quite uncompromising and altogether admirable.'' The Westminster liatette Hays: "Whether the Herman government ac cepts this piopoltlon for an armistice will depend on Its cstlmale of its mili tary and Internal situation and upon nothing else. All democratic, nations will be grateful to the president for having forcibly projected the issue be tween free peoples and military des potism into the foreground i ibis stage of the war. But let It be said again that the choice, rests with the Herman people. It Is for them and not for tin to say how they shall be ruled. All that wo can say Is that Hccordlugh' as they choose, so we must act. And that is the president's Isst Word. W can ne gotiate with a free people, hut we must demand surrender from a military autocracy." BAN ON ARKANSAS SCHOOLS IS LIFTED t.tTTI.i: ROCK. Ark., Oct. 25. (Spl ) -lir. C. V Harrison, state health offi cer, has nnounced that the Influents epidemic quarantine regulations have been amended in permit one service In churches Sands- . providing local health officers do not ,em It InadvlsaHr, ami t" permit the University of Arkansas, all colleges ami private schools to re sume sessions I nmedtately. In cities where street cars have been regulated as to the number of occu pants the rule ma he lifted Friday night if local efflclals deem It permlssl. ble No children under 11 must n'tcml church services Sunday, thus preclud ing Hunday silv,i sessions i olleges and such Institutions ntlay open if tbsre are no Influenza esses on the campus. Teachers and students In boarding houses where tlierr is In fluenza a'c barren from attending schools, and likewise such who have let! cities where gUCh Institution! are located . not leave their hornet for the echo., Is until the quarantine IS lift ed generally. According to reports to Tr. Garrison the epidemic throughout the state Is diminishing. PARIS SEES HOPE. PARIS, Oct. H, President Wilson's reply to Oermany was published by the newspapers here In Knglish as well as In a French translation at the request of the authorities. La Liberie says that If Oermany gives guarantees as demanded by Die presi dent It will be materially impossible for her to continue the war. "Kvcrv thing Is now In the hands of the military, says the Temps. "The reply has moved the problem from the domain pf controversy to tin domain of fa. is The president attaches such Im portance to the essential Ides that an armistice must make It impossible for Hermany to resume the war that he ex presses It three times "Now the allied governments In Mu rnpe must consult with one another," the t emps concludes i neir po-qtlort Is simple. They have taken pari In the elslmiHt Ion of the programs which Prealdettt Wilson has developed as re gards future peace nor in the exchange of notes which have passed between Hermany ami the Totted Slat's There can le no question of discussing con ditions of peace. The allle I of Kurope aaaoclated with the United Htatee face s inn civ military problem Hermany asks for an armistice, what are the guarantees which must he expected" Marcel nambat 'ii tHeure. says: ",o reels of tee president's, In our QPtltton, lias equaled the present one In frankness To the carpers in the I'nlted States who implored mm not to reply he turned a deaf ear ',, hettet arulng could bs given Oermany than that she be Ms her fate In her own hands. Will she uncrown the k.ijsei and become n free people, or will she i, main Infatuated with the military Imperialists? The choice is hers. Wc will treai her accordingly The official comment to Ihe Asso dated l'reaa on President Wilson's re Tta Wended ul Call ply to Germany can be summarised as followa: "President Wilson's answer resolves the whole thing Into a military ques tion that can be decided by Foch, llalg and Pershing. "The situation, however, Is virtually unchanged, though the exchange of notes hBS given an insight into affairs in Hermany ami has perhaps hastened hei Internal reforms. The next answer will have to be a military answer from her inllltsrv authorities. "The French people feel that the uin st ion of the internal government of Hermany Is not so Important as an as surance against a recurrence of Ger many's militaristic policies, which pre cipitated the war. "We do not know how sincere Oer many is ahnut her International reforms. We "have reason to doubt the sincerity of her aims In this direction. The great thing for us Is to make sure that things shall not again be 111 the same position as before the war. "An armistice Is almost Impossible, as the conditions would he so unimagin ably drastic. An armistice would be full of danger if not guarded by all sorts of conditions." The teellhg prevails in general among French officials that the latest note from the president " just what the allies have been wanting to force upon the enemy. Police Hopes Are Blasted; Workhouse Doesn't Cure Fiends Police officials, who were led to be lieve they had found at the Shelby count v workhouse a remedy for per plexing question of how to deal with the hundreds of drug addicts in Mem phis, have had their fondest hopes blasted. For several weeks they went under the hallucination that drug ad dicts were being cured there. few days ago an addict, discharged after serving Ids sentence at the work house, voluntarily panned a letter to Turnkev Joe I 'ole. thanking hlni and t lie police department for sending him to the workhouse. He said a 110-day sojourn had been the greatest blessing f his life in that it cured lum of the drug habit. ( ole proudly exhibited the letter to fellow officers and to Judge FltshuCh. The stumbling block that hud halted federal, state and city officials had evi dently heen removed. Then the dream bomb exploded. ole met the man face to face In the dope lineup before Dr. Leslie Miller, police, surgeon, who deals out dope prescrip tions. And now the police, as well as their federal and state fellow-officers have become resigned to the conclusion that only a drug hospital lor Memphis will be the only remedy to the acute situation. like ' Blast of Heavenly Trumpet When Call of Motherhood It Felt. THREE ARKANSANS TO FIGHT HUN PROPAGANDA e,ii i I'AMP P1KK, Ark., (let. ?:. (Bp I William 1 Huhheii, for eight years business manager of llen.iilx college nt Conway, C V. Pickens, president of Ouachita college, ami 4 L Harher. of Conway, have been called bv the V M. C A war work council for Italian "Y" service The work will be to counteract Herman propaganda among the Italian troops U. S. ENVOY BACK. TOKIQ, out ?s. (Hy lh fcifoeiated PrtftM- nolnnH S Mcrrtp Hie A nrU : it ntl'Hr'".d"-. retUfHM 10 T'kin after ftbwnct ol m month In ViUvoiloh und Munrhtirifl, .iiifcrrmg with 1ltC() urnl CLAIMS CZARINA GAVE TIP TO KILL KITCHNER NEW yoriK. Oct 25. Information which made it possible for Herman sub marines 1 oslnk the vessel on which Lord Kitchener was lost was furnished the Herman government hy the former Russian czarina, according to an as sertion made here by Henry W. Mapp, Salvation Army commissioner, who has just returned from Russia. :,ir. aiapp aeciaren no loarnea in Rus sia that the csrina maintained a pri vate wire In her apartments at the winter palace In Petrograd, over which she transmitted to the German govern ment all Information In regard to the military plans of the allies which was received by Russia as an ally. CITIZENS OF FRISCO MUSTJIVEAR MASKS SAN' FRANCISCO. Oct. 26. An ordi nance compelling the wearing of gauss masks by every person in san rran olsco, as" a means of preventing the spread of tho influenla epidemic, was passed today by the board of super visors at the requests of the hoard of health. Penalties for violation are fines ranging from $5 to $100. or 10 days' Imprisonment, or both. The total number Of cases of Spanish influenza in California passed 50,000 today. ALLIED FORCES IN V0L0GDMMCT0RI0US AMCHANOKL, Oct 25. The Itusso Sllled expedition which sailed from the shores of the Arctic and thence down the Meaen snd Vashka rivers, reached the district of Ugor, in the province of Vologda. There they were Joined by forces of the yrian tribes Inhabiting the 1 ral region, and drove out the Bolshevlkl In this section. This was the first victory for ihealllcd forces In Vologda. FRUIT DROPS S00NAFTER PROFITEERS ARE WARNED NKW TOBK, Oct, 18. Immediately following the announcement of an In vestigation hy the federal food board of alleged profiteering in oranges and lemons the price of trie former dropped from t.1 to f per box at public auc tion here Several dealers have been summoned to appear before the board today to ..M Ian the alleged exorbitant prices they hsve been asking recently for these fruits. PUBLISHER DEAD. MI.N'NEAPOUg, Minn.. Oct. 25. Wil ilam lames Murphy, publisher of the Minneapolis Tribune, died Thursday In Chicago, aged He purchased the Minneapolis Tribune In 1M11 and since lias been its soic owner and publisher. ih all Hie most vital tines in a wom an's 4fe the Coming Of baby is fraught with the glee test meaning. Csre should be axeiclted to insure that the crlltg is passed in safety Apprehension is avoided by (he timely ink' of Mother's Friend, n preparation of penetrating oils and medicinal Ingredi ents, which rendera the muscles, cords, tendons and ligaments pliable, and thus tension 1s avoided. The usual nervous ness. nausea, bearlng-dow 11 snd stretch Inu pains are counteracted and the period Is one of calm repose The broad, flat abdominal muscles re lax with ease, and when baby comes the lime at the crisis is lesa aiid pain and danger la avoided. Thousands of women for half a cen turj hava used tbla penetrating exter nal application, prepared especially for expectant mothers, ana every woman awaiting the crista should tte nature a helping hand. Write Hie Hiudfield Regulator Com pany. Oept. r, Lamar Building, At Is'iia. Oeorgla, for Ihiir .Motherhood Rook, of gieat value to sil woman. ml obtain a bottle of Mother's K lend from Quick Way to End Stomach Trouble Prepare It at Homo for Few Cents, Take It Regularly for Week or so nd Just Watch the Reeulte. Russian leaders there. The embassador the drucslst and begin Its application I iiur naxt msal returned by way ol Korea. regularly night and morning. ipmr am ami, Wouldn't you like to know once more what It means to feel a good healthy appetite and then Bit down and enjoy a hearty meal without eufterlng from In digestion, ims, belching, bloating, heart palpitation, nervousness und other dis tress as you usually do? Then take this advice nnd get two ounces of concentrated liquid Marllx (aromatic) 76 cento worth, from your druggist or by mell from The Msrlix Co., Fort Wayne, Ind. Dilute the Msr llg with double the quantity of purs water and take a teaspoon hi! before each meal. Just see how quickly you get blessed relief. Its effect le wonderful. o mat ter what you've tried or what has fail ed to help you, thla simple old home remedy has got to help and benefit you or money back. That a how aure it Is. Tou'll say It Is worth a hundred times the price. Get it now and try It beforl PIGGLY WIGGLY ADDS ANOTHER S LINK in the CHAIN V THE s 16th STORE OPENS TOMORROW AT POPLAR AVENUE AND FOURTH ST. The Piggly Wiggly system eliminates money waste, man waste and time waste. At Piggly Wiggly you pay cash, personally select what you want and carry your packages with you, as your grandmother did fifty years ago, at an average saving of twenty per cent. Piggly Wiggly stores are clean, the goods are clean, packages in Piggly Wiggly Stores are weighed and sealed by macnines, insuring exact weight and cleanliness. Purity and goodness are sealed in dirt, vermin and moisture sealed out. ECONOMY, EFFICIENCY AND CLEANLINESS RESIDE AT PIGGLY WIGGLY Stores open at 7 A. M. and close at 6:30 p.m. Saturdays open at 7 A.M. and close at 9:30 p.m. mmmmm :S.S:S'.v Hp V THE primary idea of Piggly Wiggly is that waste is wrong, and that the elimination of waste should begin with humanity's first need FOOD. This is the one big reason why there is an urgent demand from nearly every town in the United States for Piggly Wiggly Stores. Piggly Wiggly stores now in operation in 67 cities and 19 states i mam. BOLSHEVIKI SPREADING TERROR IN TOWNS e - COPENHAGEN, Oct. 25. (By the As sociated l'reaa 1 On the heels of the Herman evacuation of the Rumanian districts eatl of Brest-I.Uovslt demar cation line, detachments of the red armv of the nrmv of the Rusalan HolshevlUI followed and nre extending the red terror unioiig the defenaeless Inhabitant, Two delegates from the Lithuanian neople are now In Copenhagen anpeal Ing to the American, British mid French missions here for help. Describing the situation to the correspondent today on. of the delegates said the Hermans had derided 1" evacuate all the terrltorj named In the Brest-I.itovsk treaty, in cluding the districts of Desna and Minsk and a portion of Mohllev. The Inhabitants of these districts, he said, were unarmed and unorganised and had no means for preventing murder or pillage. The people asked that the evacuated territory he occupied hy American, French or British troops. AWARD WAGE BOOSTS. WASHINGTON", Oct. 16 Awards in oontroverMCH in the cases of 10 street railway companies and their employee were Announced last nifht by the war labor harl. Wages were at Issue In seven of the casen and in each increases w eve gran l -mI the men, COURT TERM DEFERRED. HAHDV, Ark., o. t, 3&, iSnl..- The quorum court for Sharp count y -heen adjourned to Knday, Nov. i. The court w to have eonvoivNI at Kvenluic Shade Wednesda but no quorum Was prcatnt The sheriff has been ordered t summon all the juaiicrn of the pda-ia lo be yrcseiu Nov. v . Important Notice i On and after Nov. 1, 1918, the banks of Memphis will make a sen-ice charge of 50c per month on all active checking1 ac counts showing an average balance of lets than $100 per month. This rule will not apply to accounts which are not checked against or those accounts on which only occasional checks are issued. Memphis Clearing House Association Read News Scimitar Want Ads. i mm I