Tuesday, November 12, 1918.
Don't Coax! Your Uttle Pet
Needs a Candy Cascaret
Look at the kiddie's tongue! Then hurry! Gire
Cascaret to work the naity bile, touring food and
constipation poison from the little liver and bowels.
Children love "Candy" Cascarets. HarmlessI
Never gripe! Never disappoint! Cost 10 cents a box.
Wednesday LAST DAY
Of Our Great Half -Price Millinery Sale
Many New Hats Just Arrived From New York and Included in This Sale
Any Trimmed HAT in Our Stock
All Memphis on Streets Cele
brating the World at Peace
and Democracy in Victory
Over Autocracy
MOTHERS! When your child is irritable, feverish, when the
little tongue is coated, breath tainted, nve harmless Cascarets to thor
oughly cleanse the stomach, liver . J bowels then don't worry!
Full directions for children's dosage at all ages on each 10 cent box.
When Your
Head Aches
"VOU will enjoy the
cooling, soothing
and refreshing effect of
that famous French prod
uct, originated by Dr.
Jules Bengue of Paris.
This preparation has
been for years recom
mended by doctors both
here and abroad. You can
get it at almost any drug
store in the United States
in spite of war conditions.
But be sure you get the
original French product,
as difficult to imitate as its
name is hard'to pronounce.
Get your tube today.
American Afents New York
Here is
Quick Relief
Famous Old Recipe
tor Cough Syrup
rmVit and (Imply made at home,
but It bfU them all far
quick results.
Thousands of housewives have found
that they can save two-thirds of the
money usually spent for cough prep
arations, by using this well-known old
recipe for making cough syrup at
hone, It 19 simple and chonp but it
really has no equal for prompt results.
It takes right hold of a cough and gives
immediate relief, usually stopping an
ordinary cough in 24 hours or less.
Get 2 Mi ounces of Pinex from
any druggist, pour it into a pint
bottle, and add plain granulated
sugar syrup to make a full pint. If
you prefer, ust clarified molasses,
honey, or corn syrup, instead of sugar
syrup. Either way, it tastes good,
Weeps perfectly, and lasts o, family a
Jong time.
It's truly astonishing how quickly
it acts, penetrating through every air
passage of the throat and lungs loos
ens and raises the phlegm, soothes and
heals the membranes, and gradually
hut surely the annoving throat tickle
nd dreaded cough disappear entirely.
Kothing better for bronchitis, spasmo
dic croup, whooping cough or bronchial
Pinex is a special and highly concen
trated compound of genuine Norway
I nne extract, known the world over for
ts healing effect, on the membranes.
Awid disappointment bv asking
Jour druggist for "2U. ounces of
. mex" with full directions and don't
accept anything else. Guaranteed to
give absolute satisfaction or money
promptly refunded. The Pinex Co..
It Wayne, Ind.
FORT SCOTT, Kan., Nov. 12. Rov
Sherrlll and Roy King; accused of par
ticipation In the hold up and robbery
of an M. K. & T. train near Koch, Kan.,
July 10, pleaded guilty yesterday In
federal court here and were sentenced
to 25 years each in the federal peniten
tiary at Leavenworth, Kan.
Mother, Who Lives in Tennes
see Mountains Where Black
Draught Is Relied on in
Many Troubles, Says
It Made Her Boy
Sound and Well.
Coal Creek, Tenn. Up in the moun
tains, quite some distance from town,
lives Mrs. U. S. Fritts, who relates her
experience with Thedford's Black
Draught as follows:
"My little boy, James, took sick with
diarrhea, about five years ago, and
was badly swollen. He had the measles
and this ivas, no doubt, an after-effect.
1 made him well by giving him Thed
ford's Black-Draught. I gave it to him
three times a day for a month. I firm
ly believe it saved his life.
We- always keep Black-Draught in
our house. It Is our doctor. Always
easy to get and prompt in giving relief.
A small pinch of Black-Draught af
ter each meal and at bed time for
headache, stomach and liver trouble,
and we are well the next morning.
It certainly works wonders some
times and saves no end of trouble, re
lieves pain, and there is no need for
another doctor.
I have recommended Black-Draught
to all my neighbors and will continue
to recommend it."
Thedford's Black-Draught Is a pure,
vegetable herb liver medicine, acting
gently, yet promptly on liver and
Thousands of people, everywhere,
have found it to relieve constipation.
Indigestion, biliousness and many sim
ilar dsordere.
Try Black-Draught. Your druggst
sells it. adv.
Don't Suffer
From Piles
No Matter If Ton Believe an Opera,
tlon Necessary, Sead at Oaee
for a Free Trial of Pyrasald
Pile Treataaeat.
Try Pyramid first. It will give
quick relief and has saved thousands
from the knife. A free trial will
Against Colds Wliich Lead to
Influenza and Pneumonia
According to mortality statistics,
pneumonia is one of the most frequent
and fatal diseases to which humanity
is subject. This is one of the dangers
that may follow neglect of a cough
or cold, and is, therefore, the best of
reasons why one should check a cold
at the start. The moat simple and ef
fective remedy known, is Virgin Oil of
Pine, for sale at all druggists, and
prepared only by the Leach Chemical
Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. adv
Bead News Scimitar Wants.
Good Looki Without Good Hld Are Aa
Awful DfawppoiataMat.
convince. Send today or better still,
get a 60 cent box of Pyramid Pile
Treatment at any drug store. It Is
the right thins; to do. Do it for
your own sake, to stop itching,
bleeding or protruding piles, hem
orrhoids and such rectal troubles
Take no substitute.
U7 Pyramid Building;.,
Marshall. Mich.
Kindly send me a Free sample
of Pyramid Pile Treatamemt. In
plain wrapper.
Name ...
Street .....
Beautiful Shade In Few Days.
No matter how gray your hair may
be C-Nu will restore it to a beautiful,
silky, brown shade In a few days.
Thousands of women are using It. Your
druggist guarantees It. Prise Mp.
Parade Dissolves Into Sections
Churches Hold Thanksgiv
ing Services-Theaters Take
PartLittle Disorder.
Dignity was dethruned in Memphis
Monday nieht and the Joyous king of
carnival usurped his place. For ,th?
world was at peace, democracy bad
won a signal victory over autocracy
and all Memphis was on the streets to
fittingly celebrate the evem. au ii
nla and laiiL-hter were keynotes of
happiness never In the city's history
was such a merry crowd on the streets
and never was a momentous event more
fittingly observed.
Men. women and children weaved
through the streets, shouting and sing
ing, throwing powder and confetti,
blowing whistles and horns, beating on
drums, tin pans anything that would
make a noise. For noise was the para
mount feature of the evening, There
was little music and no dignity in the
racket that made a veritable pande
monium of Main street, but there was
a great deal of enthusiasm and patriot
ism and high spirltH in me noise, ana
everyone was satisfied.
A huge sign witn a aeep norocr in
black adorned tli Ford Motor com
pany's plant Monday. It read:
Closed for the day to atiena tne iu
neral of Kaiser Bill. Interment in
Potter's field."
And the funeral was concluded Mon
day night. For down the street drove
a big float with a nuge DiacK conin
resting on it. The casket bore this
line: ,
"The Kaiser's I-.ast Submarine."
But noise lots of noise was the real
keynote of the celebiallon and every
conceivable type of racket maker was
very much In evidence. "1'ime storeB'
were raided during the day and scores
of small frying nans sold to the cele
brants made ideal castanets. One man
dragged a big garbage can down tin
street to act as a sounding board for
an electric horn. A miniature bathtub
suspended from a polo was carried on
the shoulders of two men who were
armed with huge clubs, imitated a boil
er factory. Two boys who had placed a
wasntuo in a wneeiuarrow nan neaten
that once useful article out of all sem
blance of shape. One man found a lard
can lid in the street and It made a
beautiful racket as he kicked it down
the street. He used the lid for a foot
ball for several blocks.
It was a merry, good-humored crowd
and the man who could make the most
noise was the Ideal celebiant.
An attempt at a systematic parade
was quickly frustrated by the celebrants
for hundreds who had not been counted
In on the parade lineup Insisted upon
marching, and soon the regular parade
dissolved into sections, each sectlin
added to by scores of enthusiasts. But
that was the kind of parade that the
crowds wanted and Ihe crowds ruled
Memphis Monday night. Now and then
a big silken banner of America or
France, Italy or England was carried
by and then only was there a strain of
seriousness In the celebration. For
thousands of heads were instantly
bared and the crowds stood at reverent
attention while the flags went past.
Little Disorder.
But in all the shouting and singing
and boisterous noise making, whereby
the crowds vented their good spirits,
there was little or no disorder. Now
and then the horseplay among a group
or men or noys would grow too rough,
but this quickly subsided.
All of the Joy of victory, however,
did not take the form of grotesque
sound, for at St. Mary's cathedral many
men and women assembled to return
thanks to God for the wonderfully com
plete victory that had crowned allied
arms. All the Episcopal clergymen of
the city aided in the service, but the
nrinelDal address was made bv Rt Rev
Thomas F. Gallor, bishop of Tennessee,
who gave an eloquent review of the
mighty tasks performed by the armies
of America and her allies. He told of
how the Hun monarch and his mighty
war machine had attempted to conquer
a world and how the forces of France,
Kngland. Italy and heroic little Belgium
had held the field until America fin
ally threw her strength into the bal
ance and turned the deadlock into a
victory for right.
The nig'ht's celebration was but a
continuation on a larger scale of the
day's observance of victory. For all
day long crowds thronged Ihe streets,
shouting, singing and making all the
noise that lay within their power. City
hall and courthouse offices closed early,
as did many factories and shops, and
hundreds of workers were added to the
merry-makers. Hundreds refused to
leave the downtown district to go to
their homes for the evening meal and
restaurants did a flourishing business.
At an early hour those who had
gone home returned to the business
section to resume the celebration, and
until long Into the morning hours the
Jollification held sway.
Victory had come and Memphis fit
tingly observed Its coming.
Four-minute men in theaters Monday
night stirred their audiences to wild
enthusiasm by their sneeehes. At
Loew's Lyceum Rev. W. E. Clark, Uni
tarian minister, told his hearers, amid
vociferous cheers, that he wanted to
see William Hohemrollern and his six
sons sentenced to life work in the
depths of the Belgian coal mines as
retribution for their clmes against Ihe
honest and hard-working man.
He warned his listeners to be cau
tious of the German reports that re
publics had been coclalmed in certain
municipalities, until It wns an abso
lutely established fact. He said "the
boys" over there would have to police
the country for several months before
coming home.
Rev. Clark's our-minute talk was
preceded bv a series of patriotic songs,
participated In by the audience, who
rose to their feet and roared forth "Mv
Country. 'TIs of Thee." "Over There"
and '"'.'he Star-Spangled Banner."
Cheer after cheer rang out for presi
dent Wilson and Gens. Pershing, Foch,
Haig, Petain and Diaz, while Loew's
Current Events were portraying In
moving pictures scenes at the battle
front In France.
From a police anHe the night was
also a busy one. Three alleged foot
pads wel-e nabbed by, officers on com
plaint of celebrants, who claimed they
were robbed. Most of the entire day
and night forces were placed on Main
street to direct traffic
Only one accident, however, marred
the enthusiasm on Main street. al
though 500 automobiles participated In
"he melee. Paul M. Acen-a butcher R 1 g
wast Tripe avenue, and Minnie Rake-,
negress, !I10 Florida street, were hurt
when a speeding auto, noilce allerre,
pinned them against a Florida street
car at Jackson Mound avenue.
Acerra was taken to St. .Tnfwih'n
hospital in Thompson Bros.' ambulance
in a serious condition. The nolo wal
numbered 59839, police sav, and record'
show this car as beloiu'lnp to W. K
McKwen. route No. 4. Three occupants
of the car sp-ang out following the ac
cident and disappeared.
Edward Turk, 226 Iowa avenue, was
probably fatally Injured at 7:30 o'clock
Monday night when a Jackson Mound
car struck his wagon as it crossed
the tracks at Illinois avenue and Penn
sylvania street, throwing him sialnst
a boulder. He has not regained con
sciousness, and physicians say his
chances for recovery are slim.
Witnesses told the police Turk was
going north on Pennsylvania street at
the time. The horse he wns driving
was Instantly killed and the wagon
demolished. Turk's skull Is fractured.
Emergency Officers Taylor and White
made an Investigation. There have
been no arrests.
Among the Hats
Included in This
2A Price Sale Are:
at IPrice
Fur Hats Excepted
Almost a thousand hats to select from, all
new, beautiful and in the height of style
Gage Hats
Fisk Hats
Hyland Hats
Jane Marsh Hats
Castle Hats
Evelyn Veron Hats
Also our exclusive Andrea
and Consello Models
The Season's Greatest
Millinery Offering
All Hats That Were $ 5.00, Now Reduced to $ 2.50
All Hats That Were $10.00, Now Reduced to $ 5.00
All Hats That Were $15.00, Now Reduced to $ 7.50
All Hats That Were $20.00, Now Reduced to $10.00
All Hats That Were $25.00, Now Reduced to $12.50
All Hats That Were $35.00, Now Reduced to $17.50
Also All Trimmings Go at Half Price
BELGIUM, Nov. 12. iBy the Asso
ciated Press.) Peace descended like a
mantle over the battle front at 11
o'clock yesterday morning. The last
big gun crashed Its challenge and a
great overpowering quiet replaced tur
moil, death and destruction.
Almost coincident with the signing
of Ihe armistice by the desperate en
emy, the city of Hons capitulated be
fore relentless Ilrillsli pressure. I 'ii
this hallowed ground the troops now
are resting on their arms, happy in Ihe
thought of the fitness of (heir final
triumph. They had driven the enemy
out bv the same gateway through
which Field Marshal von Huelow and
Field Marshal von KlUck burled their
great armies against the valiant little
force of "oonteraptlbles" in 1!H4.
The population of Mons today
paraded the streets, cheering madly
their deliveries. Their glad cries must
have reached the ears of Ihe Germans
outside the walls of the town.
Punctually at 11 o'clock the firing
ceased. Fleets of British airplanes
dropped showers of signal lights which
descended with the momentous mes
sage to those below.
News of Rivers
River BuDettn.
Memphis. Tenn..
Observations taken a
meridian time.
Pittsburgh ti
Parkersburg 116
Cincinnati 50
Ixiutsville 28
Evansville 36
Nashville 4(1
Chattanooga 33
.lohnsonvllle 26
Paducah 43
Davenport 15
Omaha 19
Kansas City 22
St. Louis ! 3n
Cairo 45
Helena 42
Fort t-'mlth 22
Little Hock 23
Vlckshurg 45
Shreveport 28
New Orleans 18
Nov, 12, 1 1 I .
t 7 u.m., 75th
The opening lecture In the six
weeks" Institute, which Is to bo con
ducted In Memphis by the Ited Cross
for training social workers, was de
livered at Ihe Nineteenth Century
club, by Dr. William Flenshrlbcr, the
subject being, "Work and Organiza
tion of the Bed Cross."
After giving a short history of the
origin and divisions of Ihe organiza
tion, Dr. Flneshrlber spoke of Uie
possibilities and readiness of the In
ternational Ited Cross to create, a bet
ter civilization for a united world.
"The social worker must he a dream
er, ever alert to go beyond whar aid
apparently or casually seems neces
sary," said Dr. Fineshrlber. when
speaking of the great field whlcn the
students of the Institute are about to
Miss Edith Thomson, of the Atlanta
division of the Red Cross, director of
home service Institutes, presided over
the meeting. She also opened and
conducted the first class of study at
9 o'clock Tuesday morning.
LONDON. Nov. 12. The press asso
ciation learns that Germany Is accus
ing Ili-illsh agents of fomenting the
revolutionary outbreak in the German
navy. The association says ft under
stands on the highest authority that
there Is not the slightest foundation
for the accusation On the contrary,
the revolution Is deeply regretted be
cause It robbed the ltrltlsh navy of
un MMiA4mlv t,, ..Moll, II . naval
tory for which it has been watting
since jiih.
Hgt. dig
6.7 0.1
10.9 0.1
11.5 0.4
8.2 0.6
13.2 - 1.4
8.9' 0.2
8.3 0.6
7.0 1.8
13.7 1.8
2 7
6 o
IUbo. Fall.
River Forecast.
The river In the Memphis district will
continue to fall.
Princess to Friar Point.
Kcllpse to Ashport.
Whisper to Luxora.
Control to Caruthersvllle.
idlewlld to Bruins.
Wednesday's Departures.
Iola to Osceola.
Twenty years ago this week the new
Kate Adams was released from the
Howard shipyards at .leffersonvllle,
ind., and Capt. James Rees, her own
er, was getting her ready to com to
Memphis, where she was to enter the
Memphis and Arkansas trade.
The John Barrett is due In from the
Ohio river with two empty barges, she
will take to the lower bends for logs.
The United Slates lighthouse tender
Oleander arrived late Monday from St.
Louts. Capt. Thomas Good, her com
mander, will leave shortly to readjust
channel lights between Memphis and
New Orleans.
The Control and two barges loaded
with cotton, arrived Monday from
Caruthersvllle. She got away Tues-
aav arternoon.
The SlTnilant In Hue In frn, '
Kouge with two barges of oil for the
Standard Oil company, She broke
part of her machinery at Helena tnd
was compelled to stop there sieral
hours tor repairs.
J. X. Wood, u railway truck foreman
at Beechbluff, Tenn . TutiB&y filed a
voluntary petition In bankruptcy with
the federal court, listing Habllltfea at
$2,100 and asgetR at $800. Included In
the latter arc weven pig and a mute,
Clear Your Skin
Without masieRint or other tiresome, ex
pensive treatments, just smear redness,
roughness or pimples with the Ointment,
Wash off in five minutes with Cuticura
Soap and hot water using Soap freely,
best applied with hands.
amylt lh Tre bj Mftfl pott-card:
"OsUoir., Dipt a ftMtM " nt rwhero.
8up 2tc. Uintmsnt and Mr Talcum 26c
Many Big Fortunes
Have bien accumulated by regular
savings. You can open an sccount
with $1.00 at the
Union and Planters
Bank and Trust Co.
The co-operation given by our patrons last night made
it possible for us to furnish light to every home in the
city. Of course the number of people down town was
also a great factor in the reduction of the amount of
power required for residence lighting.
Tonight Is the Critical Time
It will be the test. Burn as few lamps as possible,
and if your lights go out for a moment reduce still
further, for it will be a warning that your circuit is car
rying more than its share, and unless a reduction
comes at once it will be necessary to cut out all lights
on your circuit for the remainder of the night.
To Business Houses
When you close tonight turn out all display and deco
rative lights.' See that your porters in cleaning up burn
as little light as possible. By complying with this re
quest you will help to make it possible to keep light
in your home.
Gas and Electric