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MOVIES AND THE STAGE Four Stars Appear In SensationalPhotoplay, Stolon Orders" To Bo Seen for Pour Days 'at New Majestic. "Stolen Orders." William A. Prady's c photoplay, which will h tho at -rartion at New Majestic No. 1 Sun ay, Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday, t a stupendous play of the present :mp. President Wilson, himself, ap ears in several scenes in the produc lofl in a striking: manner, these scenes (in secured while Mr. Wilswi was ellverfng one of his memorable ad resses As -would be. judged from the title 'lis piny deals with the theft of some ifhly important war documents from 1e commander of a (treat American eet. The manner in which these doc- ments were stolen and what came of tie theft make a suiter-feature of ex raordinary entertaining powers, an at it What Women Can Do'9 Is New Headliner a t Loew's Two Superfilms, One by D.W.Griffith, Also Booked During the Week The vast field which women vaiide II entertainer rover In amuslnp the eater-Roers. will be shewn In concen atert form as the feature act of the iw hill at Loew'i Lyceum. berfnnlng inday afternoon. "What Women (,'an n" '"the 'HI' of this noveltv In luneville and the art curries complete iraphernalla and u company of five The act has a hi lot of special enery, threo bis sets with special .ectrlcal effects. The net opens with prologue which Introduces each mcm r of the company, and consists of eadlnirs. excellently rendered, to and lever acrobatic dunces, whistling; Ini 'allons, food sliiRlnK and some 'won erful sharp ihootlng by Miss Anna ivlan. B Kelly Forrest, president of the lonos union, will offer new stories nd annua. Harvey and Tlnnlon will present their imuslnn skit called "Who1! ihe Rnhe " combination of s"nKs. comedy and ances. and anoiher hi feature will he eck and Snyder. In blackface and Siit tw. nedlaiui who have the blllty and the material to niako everv ne smile. ifiMfi lWtll ta sponsor for the lm attraction to be offered for the irst naif, ''The Hun Within" is Griffith's latest elease in which he has starred Doro hy Olsh, the Impish little Kr who rea ed such a hit In "Hearts of he Vorld She is Lillian $ffn sister nd Is just as talented, The story eals with an American girl who foils HPS ,fpy agents because thev inter- illed w h h,iT l0V0 ,l.fa,r MmI 11 ,H iriim, Mhlh? s,;n8lllt'" for which snmu Is most noted. IQEW'S PRINCESS Continuous 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. '- LAST TIME TODAY Marguerite Clark in "Wildflower" With Harold Lockwood and Jack Pickford SUNDAY SPECIAL Cecil B. DeMille's Success "We Can't Have Everything" No matter what they hnve, most people want sometliiiiK more They got all they uanted. How? That's what makes this sueh a wonderful photoplay. See Kathlyn Williams, Theodore Roberts, Elliott Dexter, Sylvan Bremer and Popular Stars. LOEW'S WEEKLY NEWS MONDAY AND TUESDAY David Belasco's Stage Success "The Girl of the Golden West" A Motion Picture Masterpioec. Cast Includes Mabel Van Buren, Theodore Roberts, House Peters and Anita King LYONMIORAN COMEDY, "THE VAMP-CURE" WEDNESDAY A Triumphant Star PAULINE FREDERICK In Her Greatest Achievement "FEDORA" The Strangest of All the Stage's Immortal Heroines. Paramount-Sennett Comedy, "SLEUTHS" Friday and Saturday You remember "Cud dles," the "cute" little girl in vaudeville? She's now the latest successful screen star. A nict.ure for vrmncr r - - - - j ana tneir eiaers. Loew's Current Events. Our Big Screen Offerings Come So last That One OVrleap.i the Other. 10c, Including War Tax. traction that hn'ds every spectator spellbound from the start of the first reel to the erd of the very Inst reel. One of the most exciting occurrences ever seen in motion pictures the Kreat fight in the basket of a dirigible balloon, the fall of the fighters into the water below and tho rescue by a hydroalrplane of a jrlrl who falls into the water. These scenes were taken at Atlantic City, where the presence of the monster dirigible attracted an extraordinary amount or it t tent ion. Prom start to finish "Stolen Orders" is a tnastT production, parked with Interest and entertainment. Kitty Oor don, June Klvidge, arlyle H lark well and Montague 1 - e are seen In the east. The headliner ffr the last half will be "The Reel Guv." an elaborate travesty on the movies in which two comedians and six pretty and stylishly garbed girls take part. The act Is specially staged Raymond Wylle and Rusty Benson in "The Futuristic Jailbird " Harry Ross In fun and hours and Carbrey and ravanauph in new eccentric steps, Complete the bill "The Source." with Wallace Reld, Is snother Buperfthn which will be of fered for the lust half. In this thrill ing seven-reel feature Held is cast as a no -account loafer, addicted to drink He Is shanghaied to a logging camp where a piri takes an Interest In him with startling results. Several fights, much romance and many thrilling situ ations make, this film above the aver age for sustained Interest. Loew's attest war episode dealing with the rnrning of peace and other film novelties will bo presented as ad ditions to both bills. THREE KILLED BY BLAST IN BIG SHELL PLANT PENNY MAN. Va . Nov. Ifi -Three men were killed and several injured In an explosion at the shell-hiading plant at the Dupont Engineering company here. The cause Is unknown. The killed were: W. 8. Thomas, of Texas, foreman; Clem Reese and W. T. Cav anahi operators. Carlos Plummer, oiler, John Hundley, Walter Hart and Walter Hudson, operators, wens Injured. AND THURSDAY T T T . ;r JfCfiamountykrtun Big ShowsLittle Prices. i Cuddles To Be In Picture At Loew's Princess CuddlM, known to the pl l ure world n Mini Ulu. Lm, makei tier debut In the fllma during the coinlnK week, when Mie will bo presented HJ art of the week's Mil at Ixiew'a Prlneess, Thw young stiir's (imt production xUci'd under the Paramount banner. I "The Crumo of the Make-Belleveg, taken from the popular story of thi amin' name by Torn Qallon, English novelist, who has written ssveral "boat sellers t'udillM will be presented iiext Frl dny mill Baturday. This Klrl star la well known to Memphis as co-star with Little Qeorgte In vaudeville. She has come under the Paramount banner as one of the now atara of screenland anil the delightful fairy story In which alu la to be Introduced to the film world la described as admirably nulled to her talents. The bill for the week opens Sun day with the presentation of (Veil De Mules "Wo t'an't Have Everything," With an all-star oast. "We Can't Have Everything" la the story of a way ward husband, a sacrificing wife and an actress As the added feature for Sunday Loew s News weekly will bo shown. The offering for Monday and Tues day will be "The tilrl of the fjnlden West" In which Mabel Van Huron, a new star for PrllJOSSS, patrons, will be featured Miss Van Huron la east as an .orphan Rgrl who makes her living through tho operation of a saloon In a Western town during tho days of tho gold rush She la the storm center of rough characters, Intense hatreds and thrilling loves. The T.yons-Moran comedy, "The Vamp ("ure," will bo tho added attraction. Pauline Frederick, In "Fedora," the thrilling and Intense plcturlsation of vioiorien naraoui novel, win be the tar for Wednesday and Thursday. 'Fedora." deals with the lives of a Russian princess, her husband and nn- other woman a husband besides sev eral minor characters In this tragic ro mance as customary Wltn most of Sardoii's novels, tho ending Is tragic but the five reels are obock full of thrills that will allow no abatement of suspense. A new Paramount Mack Sennett comedy, "Sleuths," with the Sennett beauties, will be the added at traction during thla engagement. TRY THIS FOR II COLD-IT'S FINE! 'Tape's Cold Compound" Ends Severe Colds Or Grippe in Few Hours. You can oml irrippe ami hrriik ho a Bpvrrr roU either in hetttl. ihent, bodv or ItmbB, by taking a doit of "rape s rohl i;ompnund" every two hours until three QOMI aro taken. It promptly optni clonvd-up noBtrtli ami air passftges in tho head, Itopl nasty discharg or none runninv. re lieveH Pick lipaiiarhe, dullnenH, feverlnh neRH, Bore tin oat, sneezing, soreness and t if fness, Don't May stuffed -up. Quit blowing and snuffling Mnso your throbbing head nothing lse in tno world gtvea such prompt relief an 'Tape's Cold Compound, which costs only a few cents at any drug store It acts with out assistance, tastes nice, and causes no Inconvenience. Ue sure you Ret the genuine, adv The next time you buy calomel nsk for The purified calomel tab lets that are entirely free of all sickening: and tali Vating effects. Medietas) cirtoes vastly improrst Corn tri if TK drcgi.t. SolJ aljuiiisktlpcl. fricsMt lotaLs Lila. I ee 1htCrxxisp Of- ihp tloK BpIipvp' Theda Bara Starts Week At Majestic No. 2 George Walsh To Be Seen for Three Days in "On the Jump." "A Fool There Was" did much to es tablish Theda Bara's supremacy, "Cleo patra" cinched it. "Salome," just fin Ished and soon to be produced. Is de clared to glorify her art much as a sunset crowns a mountain prospect. Hut it is her "Clemenceau Case," which will be shown at Majestic No. 2 Tuesday and Monday that haa always been accorded foremost rank In being typically Baraesque, and It is because of repeated unrt manifold re quests that William Fox la Issuing a revised edition of this masterpiece, fte taklnga, re-tltllng and general re-editing, which has sharpened the scenes, are factors which oonslltute the 1918 version of "The Clemenceau Case," vir tually a new offering. tlermnny's attempt to subsidize the American press, through purchasing newspapers here, is the basis of the plot of "i in The .lump." a comedy fea turing Qeorge Walsh, which will come to Majestic No. 2 for Tuesday, Wednes day and Thursday. Walsh is seen aa a reporter, who gets nn Interview with President Wilson by means of strategy. He later turns hia talent toward selling Liberty bonds and disposes of llflOJOO.OOO worth. Then he digs up the fnuttaltl head of tho Ur man spy syatetn, tjhe sabotage head quarters, and the depositary of the HU,uWiWV luiiu wnicn ine lo'rman ani-l hassadnr left In this country for the I ....,.UnaA t A m t ..I . n n I 'UI V ill:' , I.' I, All II'", , 1 One of the atrongest, most gripping drama! in which Hesslo Hanlscale, the I'aralta star, has yet appeared is "Within tho Cup." which will bo the attraction at Majestic No. 2 ttext Fri day and Saturday. In It Miss Barris cale as Thlsbe Lorraine, suffers the uncanny warning, delivered by "Tea Cup" Ann. a Bohemian fortune teller, that her soul Is cursed anil that, though she will forever try to realize the love for which her heart craves, true love will never be attained. The horrible prophecy and the ghost of her past hijunt her throughout the play, one of the most impressive which I'aralta has yet produced. CASUALTY LIS! (Continued From First Pag',.) Missing In action: Sergt. Al 11 Stal ling, Shubuta. ARKANSAS. Killed in action: I'rivate .take Ueeves. Iloxie. Died from wounds: Trlvntes ISdward M. i'ruitt, Osark; Jasper Jones, Ueebs, Wounded slightly: Corp, luis K Plshback, Kort Smith; Privates Ches ter II. Flsackerly, 1'anghuru, John M. Slnunons, Ulaek l''orks. Missing In action: Privates Homer It limiting. Little Rock; William U. ETord, I'lainvlew. ALABAMA. 1 Med of dlseitse: Privates Alhert T. Donde, Red Hay; Lee II. Jonea, N'at ches; Lucius Styres, Talladega. Henry .!. I 'awson, it. F. 1). 1, Kingston, .las. A. Thomas, R. F. D. 1, Greensboro Wounded severely: Privates Mc Cleveland Ilakcr, Canoe; Joe Smith Lanett, Wounded, degree undete rmltied : Pri vate! Melvln Martin R. K. 1. 8, Mon ford; Angilon I'arrell, Ulrmlngh.'im. Wounded slightly: Privates Irn Iled good. Brewton; Marvin S. Basary Moundsvllle, Alhert B, Harris. Millport: Samuel F. Sims, Village Springs. KENTUCKY, Killed In action: Corporals (lenrge Wolf, rellvllle; William Stallev, HI gerla; Privates William Luttrell, N'ew Liberty; William Parker, Bet; Robert A l.ivls. Hartford. Pled from wounds: Corporal Bdwtrd S. tleorgc. Louisville; Private! Kililie Downey, Lockporti Hartan Perry Wrlnley; Richard Dennis, Lily. Pled of disease' Privates William Karnian. Pellevtie: Free; B McCialn, Concord; Rufflce Adkins, Button. Wounded slightly: Corporal Josh Cunningham. Canton. Missing in action: Cook William T Thompaon, Covington; Private RuMell Pay, Elliott LOUISIANA. Killed In action: Privates John Ro bella. Current ; Odd Ray. Bunkle, Pled of disease i'rivate iluy 1 Oandy, R. F. D. 2, Bnreveport. Woumltd severely: i'rivate lon Mon trose, Trees. NORTH CAROLINA. Killed In action: t.teut. Thomas J James. Ferguson: Sergeant Walter It Kills, R. V. D. I, Burlington: Corporal! l.iov.i lrvm, it f . 1'. L'J. Hunters vllle: Willie (1. Macon, R K D. 5, I,ouisburg; l'rlvstes Dewey M San ders. Blacoe; John it Wall, u. f p. t. Randleman; Joseph J Bumpaa, Bnfleld; Colon Ooforth, ft. F D. S. Marshall; Lovett J. Wood, It F. P 4. Dunn, Pled from wounde: Private! Arthur C.reen. F.Ik Park. Lewis Joyner, K. F. P 2, Kooky Mount. pied of disease Private Flocrt An derson. It. F P. '.'. WUkWboro: Arthur C MeWhorter. R F P I, WaxhaWl James i Moore. Scotland Neek; John A Woodeoi'k, lvanhoe; Lafayette Wal ston, R. F P. J Kim City; Elllha Ed wards, Maeelesfield. Wounded, degree undetermined Cor poral John K llennlng. Wlnvt on -Salem Wounded slightly: Privates Lee '! Galloway, Rosman; Dock Banther, it. v D 1, Doxaway, MISSOURI, Killed In action: Cook John W Rrady. St. Ixiuls; Privates Ernest C Adams, Springfield: Joe T Faster, Naylor; Ernest D, Wyckoff . Ttnobvtew ; j&varett B. JBean. UUuu. Jesse Blaotoo, ' EDT1MD UNCLE WIGGILY AM) BY HOWARD R. GARIS. (Copyright, II1I8, by MrClure Newspa uer Syndicate.) "What do you say to a sice pudding. Uncle Wigglly?" asked Nurse Jane I'uzzy. the muskrat lady housekeeper, one morning, as she went to the sit ting room of the hollow stump hunga low, whero Mr Luugears was reading the paper, "What do I say to a rice pudding?" repeated the bunny uncle, looking over the tops of his glasses at the muskrat lady 'What do you mean? Has one 'ailed at the front door, and do you want me to go out and shake paws with it?" "1 h, mercy, no!" laughed Nurse Jane " meant what would you sav if I should make you a rice pudding?" "Why," spoko Uncle Wiggily, slowly, "if you should make a nice, brown, sw.cet riee pudding I would say, 'Hur ray!' and also 'Joy!' " "Then you may get readv to sav it," went on Nurse Jane. "Hut first you'll have to go to the store for me' and get some rice." "Oh, I'll do that all rlca I mean all right." answered the bunnv rahhlt gentleman. Putting on his tat. silk hat and giving his pink nose an extra rub, so It looked polished, like the top of the piano, away started the bunny rabbit gentleman to pet the rice. Now you may wonder what this has to do with an apple core, but have pa tience, as the milkman says, and you shall sec. I'ncle Wiggily was hurrying along to the Rtoro to get the rice for the pud ding, when, all of a surtilen. he saw on the path that stretched through the woous, an apple core. There: What did 1 tell you? And tho funny nart of it was that the apple core was moving nlong the path, just as If It had legs. Of course, it was not going very fast, but it wan going some. "That s queer! said I nolo Wiggily. Then he leaned over and started to plik up the core of the apple In his paws. Put nil at onco as he did so a little voice cried: "Please don't! Let us alone, If you please! Don't fuss or hurry us! We are doing the best we can! "My goodness me, sakes alive, and a bushel of soap bubbles'" cried Uncle Wiggily. "An apple core that can walk and speak Is something new to me!" But just then, out from under the apple core came a lot of little blaek ants, and one, the. largest, said: St. Louis; Lee T. Goff, Richmond Mnlnhts: Rav Ct.odwin. Laeleile: Frank Oswald, Cameron; Qeorge II Phelps, Richmond; Morris J. Stark, Wellston. Pled from wounds: privates Howard J. Lawrence, St. Marys; Joseph Riley, St Louis; Edward Laves, St. Louis; Arthur W. Neda, R. F. D. 36, Deep water; Albert B, Thomas, Dearborn; Oliver it. l'lens, rtt. iuis; noma r.. Honey, Salem. Died of disease: Corporal Carl Donley, Norhome ; Privates Ouy A. Hathaway, Willow Springs; John T. Payne, R. F. D. 1, Elston; Hiram L. Still, New Cambria; Earl S. Osborn, St. Joseph. Wounded severely: Private William W. Nitisehc, St. Louis Wounded, degree undetermined : Cor poral Frank A. Giant, St. Uiuls. Wounded slightly: Private Cecil L. Dunlvan, Campbell. STORMS SERVANTS' HOUSE; ARRESTED Joseph Brown, negro, of St. Louis, Mo.i has been arrested by Police Sergt. Hob Crosby at the point or a pistol after It Is alleged he attempted to kill Roberta Walton, negress, cook at the residence of J. W McClure, 1418 Cart avenue. Police say he was incensed because the woman would not return to St. Ixuils with him. Night Cant. Kehoe received a tele phone call that a negro was attempting , bleak in the servants' house, Whlcfi the Walton woman had hart leaded as a means of defense Winn Sergt. Crosby arrived he disarmed the negro, and after taking him to the police station charged him with assault with a pistol and trespass BICYCLES STOLEN. Bicycle thieves have taken the place of auto thieves, and Friday night four wheels were reported missing, Those who lost them were R Mi Karland. 3(6 Gaston avenue; Raymond Hodges, 27 Saffarans avenue; Aaron King, 181 P.ast Iowa avenue, and D. 8. Kwing, Iowa avenue ami Louisiana street. CHURCH RENAMED. The Lenox Methodist church, begin ning Sunday, will be offielaly known as the 0ntn Avenue Methodist ehureh. The name wa-s ctiangeii 1 uesuav nignt at the regular meeting of the quarterly conference. Dr. T. K. Sharp presiding elder, will preaeh the first sermon of the new church Sunday morning. M U sIFgETLICEN S E8. All hamburger and hot tamale stands B11d vinden must obtain their city 11- eense from the regular bureau immedi ately or be liable to arrest, according to orders Issued Saturday by Police Chief Hurnry youtITruns away. Freddie Haker, 10-year-old youth, of Forest Hill cemetery, extracted JU, from his mother's purse Friday, according to a renort made police, and ran away from home. Patrolmen have been re quested to bo uu tb lookout lor bim. kS TO THE APPLE CORE. 'Oh, it's only you. Is It, Uncle Wig gily? We thought it was a cow lady going to eat our apple core!" "i'our apple core!" cried tho bunny. "Is that yours?" "Why, yes." answered the little black ant lady. "That Is. unless it's yours. We found it here In the woods, where it was thrown uwav, maybe by Johnnie or Billle Bushvtail, one of the squirrela. We ar taking it home with us, we ants are. For, though an aiple core may seem a very small thing to you big animals, it is large to Urn and will keep us in apple sauce ad win ter." "Faney now!" cried Uncle Wiggily. "Yes." went on the ant lady, "these other ants sisters of mine, I may say --were moving the apple core by pull ing it when you tried to stop us." "Don't say that!" exclaimed the bunny. "I didn't know what it was. 1 never saw an apple core walk before and I was surprised. Hut allow me to assist you," he added politely. Then Uncle Wiggily, being large and strong compared to a little ant. lifted the apple core and put it in the ants' storehouse for them. "Thank you!" they cried. "If ever we can do you a favor we will." Uncle Wiggily laughed and hopped on 10 get the rice for the pudding. He hardly thought the ants could help mm. isut wait and see. iin liis way home to his hollow stump bungalow, a bad old Skuddle magoon chased the bunny. The Skud dleniagoon didn't catch Uncle Wiggily, hut the bunny ran so hard he dropped his bag of rice, and all the white kernels spilled out on the ground. "Oh, dear!" signed Uncle A'iggily. "Now I'll never have a rice pudding. I never can pick up all those little pieces of rice!" "Ah! This is where we help you." said some small voices, and out swarmed the black ants who had been helped by the bunny in the matter of the apple core. There were fourteen million, seven hundred and fifty thou sand and two black ants, and they nulckly picked up the grains of rice for Mr. Longears, who thanked them, and hurried home so Nurse Jane could make the rice pudding, which she did, and very good It was. too. But it might never have been baked if it had not been for the ants. So this leaches us that even a rubber ball may he of some use. snd If the bread and jam don't stay out playing with the lollvnoo until the ice cream cone goes to sleep, I'll tell you next about Undo Wiggily and the leather duster. POCKET PICKED. A swift-fingered pickpocket went through the ckdhing of William F. Dil lon, 1263 Faxon avenue, Friday night ah he was riding on a Suburban street car, and obtained $54 in cash. STEALS OVERCOAT. Private C. R. Llaenby. of Park field, has reported to the local police depart ment the loss of his army overcoat, stolen while in Memphis. Soak hands for some minutes on retiring- in liot Cuticura soapsuds I ry and gently rub them with Cuti cura Ointment until it creamj. Wipe off surplus Ointment with tissue paper. Nothing better thsn these uper - creamy emollients for red, rough, chapped or irritsted hands. A noon to young housewives. lunula luk Tm to VU1I liMm ct r.rrt "Cgtfau.. tia. Ho. ton " Hold orarTwhan Mip aw utattsfmt e .ad :wo 1 kJoacn mo. Beethoven Club Trcscnts Rosalie M illcr, Soprano. Augusta Cottlow, rianlst. TUESDAY, NOV. ith. :t P.M., UOOI ) W v N INSTITUTE, Tickets lino, si .50, $?.oo, In cluding War Tax. Seat Sale and Reservation 16th, ISth and 10th, O, K. Houck riano Co. mm . JHHK) v7 One-Night y S Cuticura Y -j Treatment Ay for Red VV Rough Hands Carl Jorn to Headline Week's Bill at Qrpheum Marie Nordstrom in New Sketch Also Billed as Joint Joint headliners will he In vogue at the Orpheum beginning with the mati nee Monday. Carl Jorn, the celebrated tenor, and Marie Nordstrom, the authoress and playwright w lis share the headline honors. Carl Jorn, tenor of the Metropolitan Opera company, New York, and Knyal Opera. London, Is one of the celebrated song birds who has perched In the vaudeville cage. Jorn was coaxed from irio Metropolitan in the middle of the season. In operatic circles it Is said that Mr .Torn Is the only member of Ihe Metropolitan Opera company whose popularity in any way approaches thit of Caruso. For his vaudeville imUMiMl Mr. Jorn is rendering a program that ap peals to the masses. He sings several numners irom grand operas In which he has scored, and also a number of selections of the lighter vein. -viarie Nordstrom will present Det s Fretend," written by her sister. Frances Nordstrom. When Miss Nordstrom created the lead In "Bought and I'aid for, her performance of the wife, who was more or less of a chattel, was con sidered one of the finest lilts of dra matic acting the New York stage had seen In years, and when she went to the New York Winter Harden, in "The Show of Wonders," it scarcely seemed possible that the same woman could disport herself so liirhtlv. In private life Miss Nordstrom is the wife of Henry E. Dixey As an added attraction to the bill, W. L. Thorn and company will present "The Notorious Delnhlne." a sketch of mystery. To tell wnat it is all about would take away from its ef fectiveness. Oeorge Yeoman and Dizzio will offer a little travesty, "Editor of the Assassi DEWS SUN. MON. TUE WED. "WHAT WOMAN tSl fAKI lafV' Title of a Most 0rif?inal Unll UKJ Novelty Headlines This Show A Study in Versatility by 5 Clever, Beautiful Women B. KELLY FORREST President of the Hobo Union Harvey & Hanlon In "Who's a Rube" The Hun Withik" With Dorothy Giskv Gtorrjt Fawcett and a Special Star Cajt Che t Withe THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Two Headline Acts A Musical Satire j The Futuristic Jailbird "ThenReeTGuys" I RayrTco Wy,ie AND OTHER FEATURE ACTS WALLACE R E I D IN- "The Source" A Special Picture of Intense Heart Interest 1 0" Cents Matinees, Except Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. INCLUDING WAR TAX I IIWII HI! HIT 4 s.mi uui s fk fjf i MSTJIIO -1 :i , I :sWi BH . . , , A I sjndays & bHL. aHKUjhUoMVH 1 u u am , -- ... WEEK BElJllNJNlJNlir JNUVJCjiTiurin, xowi CARL JORN Distinguished Tenor, Formerly of Metropolitan Opera nonse, New York. Royal Opera, Iondon. I T t GEORGE YEOMAN & LIZZIE In n Yittle Travesty. 'Editor of the Aiaslnated Press. LEON SISTERS & COMPANY a ttt l.l i 1 Trv rrrr OFFICIAL ALLIED WEEKLY WAR REVIEW EXTRA W. L. THORNE In "THE NOTORIOUS DELPHINE." Headliner nated Press." Qeorge Yeoman and Tail zie make the "Editor of the Assassina ted Press" one of the (tiost humorous skits of the season. Va'.ente Brothers are generally conceded to be among the foremost accordionists. Chester Spen cer and Dolly Wilson, a rollicking chap with natural ability as a comedian, and a little blonde, pretty and vlvnrlous. will he seen in a skit called "Putting It Over." The Leon Sisters and company have something new to offer In a com bination of iron-jaw and tight-wire act. The Orpheum Travel Weekly, In In teresting scenes of the golden West, and the AlUed Weekly War Review complete the bit). POSTPONE ENTRY OF BELGIAN ROYAL PAIR PATHS. Nov, 16. (British Wireless Ser vice .) The entry of the king and queen of Belgium into Brussels has been post poned. The solemn event probably will take place Nov. 23, coinciding with the reopening of the Belgian chambers. Meanwhile special trains are being or ganized for the transfer of the Belgian administration and diplomatic, bodies. MRS. WILSON NAMES FIRST CONCRETE SHIP PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 16 Mrs. Woodrow Wilson has given the name Atlantus to the first concrete ship built for the United States shipping board, the emergency fleet cinoration an nounces. The vessel will be launched at Brunswick, C,a., next Thursday. .--------"-"''" 1 Continuous j 1 to 11 P.M. 9 ..-"--- PECK & M'INTYRE Darktown Fun and Filosofy T Loew's Latest War Pictures Are of Unusual Interest This is no picture of fancy but of fact See for yourself the way the Hun-snakes work. See their cunning, and then rejoice in that swift er, alerter brain of Uncle Sam which check mates them by night and by day. A great picture see it! Nights 10c, 20c and 30c mm m .TATTTllfTirtn 1 Oil, MARIE NORDSTROM :: 4 LET'S PRETEND" t I By Frances Nordstrom maimer nnnrrn 4 IRLCn I C DI1U I ft trio A Accordionists I Chester -SPENCER & WILSON--Doily I A over.- URrrltUM TRAVEL WEEKLY 4 Zlon Canyon, Utsh. T K TV UK. 9 & COMPANY j e