OCR Interpretation

The news scimitar. (Memphis, Tenn.) 1907-1926, November 18, 1918, 4th EDITION, Image 12

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn98069867/1918-11-18/ed-1/seq-12/

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The News Scimitar is first as an advertising medium
with Memphis business men. They see results from
their advertising expenditure and results count.
MONDAY, NOV. 18, 1911.
This paper brings the news while it is news to your
home when you have the leisure to read. It w
your duty to yourself to read the ivorfh-white npx$
Step on it show some speed now
wake up and get that order in
Thanksgiving day will soon be here,
and Christmas is not far off.
We have fortified ourselves against
prevailing market conditions, and of
fer you a really wonderful selection
of patterns priced much below what
they are worth today. Prepare for
your share of the coming prosperity
by looking the part. Let us show you.
The Tailor
83 South Main Si
Rupture Kills
7,000 Annually
Svcn thousand persons each year are
aid nwa ihp burial certificate being
marked "Itupl ure." Why '.' Because the
unfortunate ones had neglected them
e!TH or hud been merely taking care
if the sign fa welling') of the affliction
and paying no attention to the cause.
What are you doing? Are you neglect
ing yourself by wearing a truss, appli
ance, or whatever name you choose to
call it'.' At best, the truss is only a
makeshift--a false prop against a col
lapsing wall and cannot he expected
to act as more than a mere mechanical
support. The binding pressure retards
blood circulation, t luis robbing the
weaUened muscles of that which they
need most- nourishment .
But science has found a way, and ev
ery truss sufferer in the land is invited
to make a FREE test right in the prl
vacy of their own home. The PLAPAO
method Is unquestionably the most
scientific, logical and successful self
treatnient for rupture the world has
ever known
The PLAPAO PAD when adhering
closely to the body cannot possibly slip
or shift out of place, therefore, can not
chafe or pinch, Soft as velvet easy to
apply inexpensive. To bo used whilst
you work arid whilst you Bleep. No
straps, buckles or springs attached.
Learn how to close the hernial open
ing aj nature intended so the rupture
CAN'T come down. Send your name
today, I'LAPA CO., Block r8r,, St.
Louis, Mo., for FREE trial Flapao and
the Information necessary. adv.
Surely Breaks
Most Severe Cold
at Once
Endt All Misery From Grippe In Juit
a Few Hours.
Sold to Vou Under a Positive
The most seven mid will he broken
and sill cold misery stopped after
taking Hie first dose of Lehman's
Cold Cure. You will distinctly feel
all the disagreeable symptoms leav
ing after the verv first dose. This
most miserable headache, dullness
head and nose stuffed up. feverlnh
ness, sneezing, running of the nose
sore throat, mucous catarrhal dis
charges, soreness, stiffness, rheuma
tism, pains and other distress van
ishes. For sale by druggists, or will he de
livered by
Edward Lehman
185 Union. Memphis. Price 25c.
Flush the Kidneys at Once
When Back Hurts Or
Bladder Bothers.
No man or woman who oats meat
regularly can make a mistake, by flush
ing the kidneys occasionally, says a
well-known authority Meat forms
uric acid which clogs the kidney pores
so they sluggishly filter or strain only
part of the waste and poisons from ht'e
blood, then you get sick. Nearly all
rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble,
nervousness, constipation, dimness,
sleeplessness, bladder disorders come
from sluggish kidneys.
The moment you feci a dull ache in
the kidneys or your back hurts, or If
the urine Is cloudy, offensive, full of
sediment, Irregular of passage, or at
tended by a sensation of scalding, get
about four ounces of Jad Salts from
any reliable pharmacy and tae a
tablespoonful In a glass of water before
breakfast for a few days and your kid
neys will then act fine. This famous
salts Is made from the acid of grapes
and lemon juice, combined with lllbia
and has been used for generations to
flush flogged kidneys and stimulate
them to activity, also to neutralize the
aolds In urine so It no longer causes
Irritation, thus ending bladder disor
ders. Jad Salts Is inexpensive and cannot
Injure: makes a delightful efferves
' cent llthia-water drink, which all reg
ular meat eaters should take now and
then to keep the kidneys clean and
the blood pure, thereby avoiding serious
kidney complications. adv
Furs Furs Furs
Just received a beautiful line of
Purs. We have a number of
Taupe Fox and Wolf Skins. Be
Ore to Bee our line before you
We also make over Furs Into
the latest styles.
Scheibler & Co.
180 JT. Front St.,
Memphis, Tennessee.
Herd News Scimitar Wants.
(By I he Associated Tress.)--Russians,
Italians, French and Rumanians by
thousands all released by the Hermans,
.... . ...... .. i,,., ,-,Hiriiciiii jincs nun-
day. The question of feeding and hons-
..M iii c inxing wic uictiiiies of the
IlllnV inrl t I... .... .(. .... , I .1
which have beaji furnishing the Amcrl-
-In hplncourt the Americans found
Ollll hlltli.iv Ihivvlunt, ...--I I-.- a
-., .. .o linn mio i, null-
day started to transfer them to Ver-
mni u iiucks wnicn had hauled sup
plies fur the American advanced troops
, . nnui iKo U n,OU Oil
Saturday two horses were killed at
.Spincourt, but this meat only half sat
isfied the Russians, who had been freed
, , '""""" several days ago.
iwnng me roan trom Verdun to Spln-
Olirt a .iltOiinci, nf mV-... or ft
v., .,,,,,, i(J nines,
released prisoners of various nationall
t es traveled t.iwii.) vA...i.... i .
. .-tutu in urcat
streams, passing the Americans golmr
in tiw, ,,,w,ui .it .i 9 v. a
: " .'i-i-wa.iu wuctuuii, many or the
former prisoners were attired In Her
man castoff uniforms and had their
y.i.-.is in wneeioarrows, carts, band
1 rucks and baby carriages. For the
mm part the prisoners were well
clothed, but hungry.
Alreadv the A ,nrl,.. .. ...
outpost 'feeding stations, where they
. " 'izZ: "mi" canned
e','.'C'tt"l,,UBK,''l ?" ,Am"rl" Wck load-
...... . . vumi uo uunii onea.
Gold Star Order
For Relatives Of
Martyred Soldiers
OMAHA VnK y.,i 10
ti,'i , : ' z v r
, , awns oi wmon may
bo fathers mothers, brothers, sisters
or wives of Americans who died In the
' i in 1 ,np ''"lied states or
sun ;M V'S&'LW. T
nw,KJ,,'.1'!';r '"'"lcr. " elected
, v,, Mr nKtionm i'ounru.
seiiRers, turned over while travellngaaf
i urert . . .. .. r ' Among the in.
i 'anio Hb.rM.iT "xl ''ow"n, from
Pftkett Springs line oates"''" "lfl
ItlP ni'1'irl.-.tit .. . a. .
.... ...,..,, .'v mini it n itir vnr wm.m
timing Into the business district. A
"; "'""'.n, 1,1 soimers at the inter
Hcctlon of the streets Where the iccl-
(llMll or.-nri-rtrl 1.11.1.. J .... nK l
n J,,?,?"0" 10 ,h" mass of h i-
falailv ini rert ' V ".
MtjE hehosPv;.: bura
iniReij onuses and
Rashes from flying gfM, dressed it
nearby drug stores. at
Mrs. 1. KraU. of this city, suffered
a fractured skull and her condition U
regarded as serious; a negress was In!
erna v hnr.il n.. .. .
has not hern determined
K"'nv n i w m
rTrSXn v!!;,.k'!"! 'fr.
The Joy of
MotheHmod Told
Woman T0 How Tkay Mab EtuI
Oa f Grswt HappuMts.
In even- pnrt of the land there are
women who tell how, through the ap
plication of Mother s Friend thev en
tirely avoided the suffering usually In
cident to motherhood. Thev relate in
no uncertain terms how from its use
the days were made bright and cheer
ful and the nlghls calm and restful
how the crisis was passed without the
usual suffering experienced when na
ture is unaided, and how thev pre
served their health and strength 'to de
vole it to the rearing of their children
and to the things life holds for them
Mother's Friend is a most penetrat
ing remedy, prepared especiallv for ex
pectant mothers from a formula of a
noted physician. Strain upon the liga
ments is avoided, and Instead of a
period of discomfort and constant
dread It is a season of calm repose
The hours at the crisis are less, and
Moihers Friend enables the nibther to
retain her natural grace, and her skin
Is not rracked and does not become
hard or disfigured
.Write to the Bradfleld Regulator
Company Dept. J Lamar Building.
Atlanta, Georgia, for their Motherhood
Prilall0b.flnJR '"V" of Mathers
Friend from the druggist today
(Continued From First Page.
to the south ::f the troops had
been stationed to await orders for the
advance and at 5:30 o'clock yesterday
morning the patrols marched out, not In
line of battle, but in columns along the
highroads, which are only slightly im
paired. The first steps' of the Americans into
regions so lately controlled by Ger
many were not spectacular. The men
were keyed up and keen for the new
adventure, hut like they were on the
day of the signing of the armistice,
there were comparatively no demon
strative manifestations of their enthu
siasm. Many of the men had been newly
uniformed, and all of them Were "pol
ished" as though for inspection. The
men appeared eager for the word to go
for ward.
The relatively small units that are
moving forward as advance guards,
were sent to the line before daylight.
The night had been cold and the mud
that yet marks the roads, notwith
standing there have been two or three
days without rain, was slightly frozen.
The men shlveree) as they rested.
When the command finally was given
lo advance, the elements who wore to
push forward, in some cases miles
apart on the long line between the ex
treme left and right, moved off into the
mists that uppeur always to shroud
this part of the country, and disap
peared. For tho first time since the Ameri
cans had been ordered to advance into
enemy held territory, there was as
surances that they would encounter no
hostility. The Intelligence department,
which has never ceased t function,
had accurately reported that, the Ger
mans were carrying out their agree
ment of evacuation and (here wa evi
dence the heller by both officers and
men that there was no trap awaiting
No chances were taken. however.
The engineers erc the second unit to
press forward, and thev carefully he-
gan thetr work of looking out for mines
and tainted water. Every obstacle was
examined before it was moved In order
to rind out if it masked explosives. For
some time the Hermans have shown a
spirit of co-operation in informing the
Americans where mines were located
and In themselves destroying them.
it was some tunc alter the engineers
moved forward before the heavier col
umns took the roads. The entire armv
finally was moving, and moving along
Hie lines of peace days. But It was In
such order that il might quickly be
transformed Into battle array. Every
brigade was covered by a regiment of
77's, the heavier artillery following
close behind. The flanks of the ad
vancing columns were well protected.
It lias been impressed on officers and
men alike that this Is an operation un
der dn armistice: that war still exists
and that the possibility remains that
at. any time It miiv he necessary for
them to play their part with thu same
grininess of the past .war.
Fraternization, not. (inly with the Ger
man soldiers who may be found either
as stragglers or voluntary prisoners
but with tho civilian population, has
been sternly forbidden. Looting and
even souvenir hunting also have been
forbidden. It has been plainly Im
pressed upon the men that properly Is
inviolate, and that those persons with
whom they come in contact must he re
garded as enemies.
(By the Associated Press.) The allied
armies have begun their march to
ward Germany. The Belgian forces
have already occupied Antwerp, which
v:l ULU cut ..it 1,,- l. .........
...... . -'i-"i. on rrinav
and immediately taken over. Brussels
,,,,, ue ,ree 0 lierman
soldiers veaterdav
Tll ,v 1 1 1wl I'll n- ', i fa.M
"- iniiii Miiwerp was
accomplished without untoward incl-
... .... ,. ma. correspondent vis-
ted the city Sunday the people were
In the midst of a celebration for their
deliverance. Burgomaster Max hns left
Brussels for Ghent to visit the king.
LONDON, Nov. 18. Confirmation has
been received here that Genua nx me
pillaging or destroying property In the
suburbs of Brussels. Although the
movement Is In no sense revolutionary
It is regarded probable that allied mili
tary steps will be necessary to enforce
the armistice
Advices received In London sav that
the entry of the Belgian king and
queen into Brussels has been post
m!KIH, Nov. II. The American
Third army has beeu designated as
"(he army of occupation." It will be
under the immediate direction of Gen,
Pershing, the commander-in-chief, who
will be in command of the American
positions in occupied territories.
The Third army will consist of the
First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth.
I went v-sixth. Thirty-second, Forty
second, Eighty-ninth and Ninetieth di
visions which, divided among the Third
and Fourth corps, will consist for the
present of about a quarter of a million
man. It will be commanded by Mai.
Gen. Dlckman.
PARIS, Nov. II -French troops have
Occupied Mulhausen, Sedan, Grnvelotte,
the torts south or Met?., Minister and
Aitkin h, according to the French of
ficial communication issued last eve
BASEL, Nov. 18. - French (roops Sat
urday entered Colmar and Mulhausen,
two of Germany's great fortresses in
Alsace, according to a dispatch re
ceived here. There was no trouble In
cither plaOC,
LONDON, Nov, II. The official an
nouncement nf the advance of the al
lied armies says
"Gen. Plumer's Second armv and
lien. Rawlmaon I Fourth armv vester
day commenced their advance. In ac
cordance with (he (erms of the armi
stice, In conjunction with the allied
armies. At the end of the day's march
our advance troops bad reached the
approximate line of ( icrfoutalnc. Pry,
Pleton, La l.ouvirtv. Solgnles, Bnthten
and south of Nlnove."
PANAMA CITY. Fla.. Nov. 18 The
(wo Blackwell brothers, Thomas and
William, charged with the murder of
Bud and Nancy !avis. no and To years
of age. In Okaloosa'countv, Florida, to
day wenl on trial for the (bird time in
Hay county, Florida A vear ago dur
ing tho height of a slnrm thev escaped
from a jail In Pensacola and were
trailed through South Alabama and fin
ally captured at Thomasville. Ala
They are charged with robbing and
then killing the aged couple
Twice they have been convicted anil
sentenced to hang and both times their
cases have been sent back for new
trials by the supreme court of Florida
Alleged prejudice against the defend
ants In Okaloosa countv led to the trial
being transferred to Bay county.
Gained Thirty Pounds On Tan
lac and Feels Like a Brand
New Man All Over Now, He
"I feel like a brand new man all over
and have gained 30 pounds In weight
besides since I started taking Tanlac,"
said Levi Thomas, an employe of the
Chattanooga Furniture company, Chat
tanooga, Tenn.
"I was frail and puny looking from
years of suffering with stomach trou
ble. I had lost weight and strength
until I was as weak as a kitten. Ev
erything I ate gave me hours of mhjery
and I tried so many medicines without
getting relief that I had begun to thlnli
I'd never be well again. I was so
nervous and rundown that the least
exertion would tire me out completely.
"It may seem wonderful, but before
I hud finished my second bottle of Tan
lac I was feeling like my oldtime self
again, and 1 began to build up. I now
weigh one hundred and eighty-five
pounds, can eat like a farmhand, and
feel strong and fit for any kind of
work, and am gaining every day. My
Improvement Is the talk of everybody
who knows me."
Tanlac is sold in Memphis exclusively
by Weiss' pharmacy (successors to Ja
cohi's pharmacy) corner Main street
and Union avenue, and Warnock's drug
store, In (layoso hotel block. adv
(Continued From First Pa(e.
was rendered impotent, and that this
would have deprived the Republicans of
much of their ammunition In the con
gressional campaign. -
Answer Raps.
The answer to this, given by those
who agree, absolutely with the position
adopted by the president and the secre
tary of state, is that the determination
of the I'nited States was sufficiently
explained in the note to Germany of
(id. it, and that any effort made to
create an opposite Impression was sim
ply a systematic campaign to prove
that Air. Wilson was untrue to his
word. 1 he fact that the president in
sisted in his first note to Germany
that all Invaded territory must be
evacuated before there could be a peace
conierence, and the tact tnat Mr. Wil
son Insisted in his second communica
tion on terms amounting to surrender,
is pointed to as adequate explanation
at the time to all who were disposed
to follow the president In foreign pol
icy, regardless of internal politics. In
this connection there will some day be
published the communications of an in
formal character, passing from this
government to its allies, explaining in
detail to them the principle Involved In
this -paragraph of America's note to
Germany of Oct. 14.
"It must be clearly understood that
the process of evacuation as the condi
tions of an armistice are matters which
must be left to the judgment and ad
vice of the military advisers of the
government of the United states and
the allied governments, and the presi
dent feels It his duty to sav that no
arrangement can be accepted by Jhe
Sovcrnment of the United States which
oes not provide absolutely satisfactory
safeguards and guarantees of the
maintenance of the present military
supremacy of the armies of the I'nited
States and of the allies in the field. He
feels confident that he can safely as
sume that this will also be the judg
ment and decision of the allied gov
ernments," Furthermore, in the second note ol
Oct. 23, the United States said:
"The president deems it bis duty to
say again, however, that the only armi
stice he would feel justified In .submit
ting for consideration (to the allies)
would he one which should leave the
I'nited States and the powers associate,
ed with her in a position to enforce any
arrangements that may be entered into
and to make a reign olj hostilities on
the part of Germany Impossible "
Mr. Wilson wasn't proposing an armi
stice, but absolute capitulation, and
much of the publication of the exact
terms of the armistice, officials feel
that, regardless of tho domestic Issues
lhat compelled the downfall of the
Democrats, history will prove that
President Wilson was unjustly accused
by his critics of being willing to let
German autocracy escape and the Mer
man military power remain unbroken.
ltesentment Is more frequently ex
pressed by administration olffcials
against Messrs. Taft, Lodge and Roose
velt, who are held to have alarmed the
country needlessly concerning the true
purpose of our government. The forma
tion of "unconditional surrender" clubs
at a time when the government was
Insisting on an armistice that lias since
been proclaimed as more humiliating
to (Jermany or any defeated nation than
anything in history was looked upon by
the administration as largely instru
mental in creating a dlstn- ,i
president's policy not justified by a
can ful reading of the note of Oct. 14,
On the other hand, the question of
Whether the government plavcd Its
cards well, whether It gave sufficient
publicity to what it was doing in this
council of (he allies, or whether it was
in a defenseless position, because its
critics could talk while the government
was bound In confidence wllh the al
lied governments (o withhold the pro
visions of the armistice until certain
changes had occurred In Ger
many. All this will he revealed some dav
when all the facts are available and
the last shred of censorship and confi
dential restriction has been removed
from the Intercourse of the belliger
ents. (Copyright, mis, bv the New York leve
lling Post Co,)
COVINGTON, Tenn., Nov. 18. (Spl )
.1 II. Rice, of the Liberty neighbor
hood, has received news or the death
of his son, Paul Lytic, In France His
death Is believed to bo the result of
wounds which the young man rcceli ;d
in action some time ago.
WINONA, Miss.. Nov: 18 (Spl )
Alvln Brown, negro, was arrested ves
terday by Policeman Lee Gray for hav
ing whisky in his possession.' The ne
gro had two cases in pint bottles, lie
was arraigned before Mayor Staples
and fined IL'OO and costs.
Quick Way to End
Stomach Trouble
Prepar It at Home for Few Cents,
Take It Regularly for Week or o
SI and Just Watch the Results.
Wouldn't you llko to know once more
what it means to feel a good healthy
appetite and then sit down and enjoy a
hearty meal without suffering from in
digestion, gas, belching, bloating, heart
palpitation, nervousness and other dis
tress as you usually do?
Thou take this advloe and get two
ounces of concentrated liquid Marlix
(aromatic) 76 cents worth, from your
druggist or by mall from The Marlix
Co Fort Wayne, lud. Dilute the Mar
lix with double the quantity of pure
water and take a teaspoontul before
each meal.
Just see how quickly you 'get blessed
relief. Its effect is wonderful. No mat
ter what you've tried or what has fail
ed to help you, this simple old home
remedy has got to help and benefit you
or money back. That's how sure It is.
You'll say it is worth a hundred times
the price. Get it now and try it before
your next meal.
Here is What One of the Largest Banks in
the South Thinks of DELCO-LIGHT
a. u. antes
U. S.Swvs
met eitsi vict -
251 Monroe
(By the Associated Press. 1 Two 16-incn
cannon turned over to the Americans
at Sptncourt Saturday were guns used
ny the uermans to shell tne vcraun
region. Forty-two guns of various cali
bers were surrendered.
The efilranoe of the Americans into
Spincourt Saturday was one of the
most spectacular features of the Ameri
can advance. Although the details of
the American plans had been communi
cated by wireless to the Germans, the
schedule was delayed. The Americans
were, expected at 10 o'clock but did not
arrive until 2 In the afternoon be
cause of roads which had been shat
tered by shell fire.
Lieut. Emmett Oruner, of St. Louis,
represented the First army with Lieut.
Robert Nicolson, of Salisbury, N. C,
going as military expert to see that
the guns were all in good condition.
The lieutenants were accompanied by
an infantry sergeant and four privates.
Lieut. Oruner, the sergeant, and one
private went ahead In an automobile
carrying a white flag. Lieut. Nicolson
and the other privates followed.
Upon reaching the outskirts of Spin
court they were met by a lone Ger
man lieutenant, who spoke English. He
conducted tne Americans to the vil
nv the Associated Press. )Offlcers of
the First division worked last night
upon ttlCir plans lor inununj, iiumru
In quarters at Ktsln which until Fri
day had been occupied by German of
ficers The Americans entered Etain
about daylight. There was not a liv
ing tiling in sikoi.
Etain, above grounn. is preuy wen
pounded to pieces The German quar-
t ' i mn.l uie iim erirroiiiid
ters wic "i .... ... . jr: "r-"
The Americans ioocu mii- inmc .me
ters which were all wired for electric
...A. ...n,,M.nrfi.i vAnfral'a niliir-
llf nil, iiw . .,...,b. ---" , .
(era even having (he electric bulbs In
tact All that was necessary was to
attajfh a portable dynamo and turn on
'nfCUi'". ...... S PVenrh e.ivlllana
greeted the first Americans to arrive;
KNOXVII.I.K, Tenn , Nov. IS. (Spl.i
A chopping block and two large pots
where the Germans boiled thetr dead
lo make explosives and grease was dis
covered in a dark dungeon in a tunnel
captured by the 117th Infantry near
"They had a pile there and one bodv
was actually In the pot boiled to a
i rlsp. It was the most horrible sight
1 ever saw.'' says Sergt. Joe r. Ool
lette In a letter to his mother here.
"They made a moving picture of the
tunnel," he added 4
MERIDIAN. Miss. Nov. 11. (.Spl.)
Levi Bothenherg has been elected presi
dent, succeeding the late Kdwtn Mo-
Morrie. ns head of (he First National
bank, and C. W. Cochran added to the
i r
terate. . ;,.
Jtrr.Henry R.fColTjy,
Del co -Light i 2?1 Monroe
Dearer. -.Colby,--
1 want to'expre'ae'our'ejppreciatioji
of 'the servioe rendered ue by your Del co-Light plant on
November 9th. when the. city electric eyetem wae.out.of
oommleBion. .
The line'of wire that you put' through
our bank and ' through the accounting rooms, enabled us to
continue our work as usual and without interruption, a
service that could not have been accomplished in any other
The illumination wae fully equal to
that to wtiich our accountants were accustomed and in every
way supplied the service ordinarily obtained from the city
plant. I thank you very much for this great accommodation,
and I assure you that I was very much pleased and. astonished
at the efficiency of .the service rendered.
HENRY R. COLBY, Distributor
Ave. Phone Main 1151
lage hotel, where billets had been pro
vided. After saying he was glad to
see them and expressing his relief that
his responsibility was past, the Ger
man said: "I am damn giad the war
Is over."
As the Americans entered Spincourt
the rear guards of German divisions
which had held the place, were just
withdrawing, the Germans rejoicing as
they marched away. A few artillery
men were pottering around the big guns
as if they dreaded leaving their pets
behind. All the cannon were camou
flaged and some had names. One
eight-inch gun was named Martha and
had a prominent place, on the front
Lieut. Nicolson and the German be
gan checking the guns and continued
the work until dark. Then the Ger
man entertained the two lieutenants at
dinner. The German continued wear
ing his side arms until after the din
ner, tlie Americans alsp wearing theirs.
After dinner the German said he
thought he did not need arms, but re
marked that he had felt nervous dur
ing the afternoon after the German in
fantry retreated, as he was uncertain
as to what the Americans might d&
All three took off their side arms and
spent the night at a hotel. The Ger
man slept on the first floor and the
Americans directly above.
they had remained tip all night, for
they had heard that the Americans were
coming In force. The women and old
men shed tears, while children stood
on the curbing waving flags. But the
Americans went on about their busl.
ness, only stopping at Spincourt for a
few minutes.
All along the line similar scenes are
reported. Most of tne, villages are fly
ing French flags.
All over the reocqupled country where
the Americans have passed there is
evidence of the wholeheartedness with
which the Germans quit. Camps with
temporary buildings have been leff In
tact. Not one was burned.
Here and there have bVen seen great
piles of helmets and gas niasks. which
betrayed the manner In which entire
companies threw away the equipment
they had learned to rely on but also
to hate.
NATCHEZ, Miss., Nov, IS. (Spl )
Special thanksgiving services on the
ending of the war were held at all
fhurches f Natches Sunday. For the
past five weeV. ; the enurehes " oftho
city have been closed m response to
the order of the board of health placing
restrictions on assemblies on account
of influenza.
GREENWOOD, Miss., Nov 18. iSpl)
Lieut. Ward Hamriek is dead some
where "over there." according to the
information which reached his relatives
In this city. The report slated Lieut
Hamriek was killed in action on Oct'
IS Lieut Hamriek is a son of Mr
and Mra. J. J. Hamriek, of this city
....... 'i'"'
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Yours iverytrulyi
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Sore Throat. Coughs and Colds;
What to no for It How to
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The remedies below should be used
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grippe as well as to cure It. Order
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Hambleton's Quick Kojd-Kaps. One
dose gives almost instant relief. Re
lieves the fever, aching and sneezing
with the first dose, ft also quickly
atops those awful Neuralgia headaches
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If the throat is sore or coughing
Kold-Rub should be used also. Rub
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nose and head, relieving Croup, Coughs,
hard breathing and pains. Keep both
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take a Kold-Kap and rub with Kold
Rub at bedtime Kold-Rub is the
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dren with croup, sore throat, coughs
and colds. Mother should not be with
out It at home. Kold-Kaps and Kold
Rub come In 25 and 50-cent packages
each. Pon t accept anything else. If
your druggist hasn't It ask him to or
der it for you Or you may send P. o.
order to The Kold-Rub Co., 90S Madi
son. Memphis. Add 10 cents extra by
mail. adv.
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