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The news scimitar. (Memphis, Tenn.) 1907-1926, November 28, 1918, 4th EDITION, Image 3

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The Pre-Christmas Opportunity Sale Tomorrow
Greatest Event of the Year
Opportunity Day is looked forward to by thousands as an economy
event of the utmost importance to them in the planning of expendi
tures for Christmas. Our purpose is to supply every year during
the Opportunity Day which occurs just before Christmas an insur
mountable amount of desirable merchandise, suitable for gift-giving
of the seasonable, practical kind.
We have gathered hundreds and hundreds of special lots sufficient
to keep every employe busy all day long. Therefore we feel justi
fied in asking you to shop as early in the day tomorrow as possi
ble and carry as many parcels as convenient. This is the co
operation that will be advantageous all around. The early visitors
will undoubtedly have the best choice.
Again we ask you to shop as early as possible in the morning and carry as many packages as you can, for undoubtedly this will realize a greater volume of busi
ness than in any previous sale.
Store closed today in honor of Thanksgiving Day
V Memphis
Express Your Christmas Sentiments
Best and Live Longest
Watches, diamonds, articles of adornment, silverware, en
graved glass, artistic electroliers and the like are sensible gifts.
Sensible because useful, and, therefore, practical. Sensible
because of lifetime beauty and worth. Sensible because senti
mental, conveying your message of love, friendship or affection
as nothing else will.
Compare. Tall tomorrow at your jeweler's note the desir
ability of each article to you. Put yourself in the place of the
one for whom you are choosing the gift nearly everything you
see at the jeweler's yon would yourself appreicate as a gift. Be
cause the value intrinsically is high.
Gifts Should Be Mailed or
Expressed at Once
Your sentiments are also partly expressed at least
by the manner in which the gift arrives. If you would
have it reach its destination in time, send it now, for
transportation difficulties will be encountered soon. Your
jeweler will prepare the package for you and mark it "Do
not open until Christmas."
Retail Jewelers
of Memphis
Loew's Lyceum.
In order to care for I hi' holiday
crowds which have always overcrowd
ed Ixiew'H Lyceum on holidays. Man
ager .Stalnback has arranged for four
performances to ho given looay, u
first vaudeville program starting at St
'clock and others at 4. 7 and 0 o ciock.
This Is "first day" for the new bill
which moves Into the theater for
Thanksgiving matinees, and no less a
'.median than Charles muck is neuu-
linlng th hill. Mack is an Irish come
dian of recognized ability and his coin-
edy vehicle. Is "A iTlendly Uali,
in which he is supported uy a com
pany of capable players, others on
ha hill include Calvin and -mormon
In "At Pier Five;" Kvans and Sidney
In "At the Painter's" and th Three
VWanuB in aerial feats. Dorothy Dal
ton ill "Vive la France" Is the film
star In thin absorbing story of war-
torn France.
With their vehicle. "The Traveling
Salesman and the Female Drummer.
Devfne and Williams are drumming
their way into the hearts of their audi
ences ana sending tneir songs aim
omedy traveling across tno lootiigius
mill tn the loihs nut mere in a
fashion that is the pride- of every con
scientious artist. The two characters
are well drawn and the dialoge be
tween them is full of laughs. Tne.ir
ongl are new. Another act on this
week's bill that Is pleasing audiences
at each performance Is the one, offered
by Hums and Krahito. A near wn
might call Hurns and Frabito's new
act "The Italian Front, because they
appear "all dressed up and no place
to go. These comcoians ineioseives,
however, are satisfied with their gag
line, "Shop's."
Burglar and Fire Proof Safes
naaka Filine- Cabinets, Sectional Bookcase, Office Stationery,
Twlnlock Looae-Iewf Irfxfrers.
COVINGTOX, Tenn., Nov. IH (gel.)
Union Thanksgiving sendees were
held In the First Methodist church, this
city, this morning at Id o'clock, the
annual Thangsglving sermon being de
livsred by Rev. W. C. Kerr, of ths Aso
Moving Pictures
New Majestic No. 1.
The fourth social
Madame oiga Petrova h
hide In which
Been at .New
cstlc No. 1 today, Friday and Sat
urday, uonlama several absolute inno
vations in the matter of photographic
effects, serving as an excellent exitm-
le of the most approved methods or
amcra technique.
Tempered Steel, the vehicle in ques
tion, was written especially for the
Polish actress by George Middleton, au
thor of the Broadway play, "Pony With
Past, and directed by HRIph luce,
he picture is an exciting melodrama,
dealing with theatrical life In New York.
In contains Innumerable "ptim h
scenes, some of which required an ex
traordinary display of skill on the pari
of the cameraman. Harry Harris, the
photographer in question, has succeeded
In achieving remarkable results in tint
irrvlng out of the melodrama effects
desired by Director Ralph Ince.
MKUIPIAX, Miss. Nov. 28. (Hp!.)
The Baptist state convention Is largely
attended by delegates from all over the
state and each train brings more church
workers to join the hosts already hero
attending the annual session which con
vened Tuesday night at the First Kap
tlst church, liev. .1, F Byrd, of Mount
Olivet, presiding, The Initial sermon
was by liev. .T. f,. l.lpsey, of Jackeon,
The feature of the morning session was
the address of walcoms by Rev. K, .1
Batsman, of this city, and committee
meetings of various kinds. Hoards of
trust es of various Baptist, institutions
made reports during the forenoon.
A feature of the afternoon was re
ports on the B T. P H. bv 0. P
Barton; W. M. U. work, diss Lackey;
report on hospital, K, 1. Wesson, and
it-port on laymen's work by l,. L, Tyler.
Dr. A. .T. Beaslcv discussed minister,
ml education ut the evening nessioi
Prof. J. t Johnson, of ibe Mississippi
Women's college llattlcshurg, made a
i -port on the education toi.imh.Mnu of
the southern Baptist convention J. 11
Quln mads a interesting talk on de
n:,n Inatlopnl colleges
The convention will close Thursday
with appropriate Thanksgiving exer
Mrs. Marv B. Smith, 1130 Park etrrct
believes that Corp. Juel Bush, listed
this week In the casualty list tu killed
In tctlon, Is her brother, although she
baa received po telegraphic notice from
ths government. In Ho- casually list
his adress Is given as 1830 I'ark street
Mrs. Smith has a brother n Maine
ht fh inm nmne It Is probable, SC.
cnrrtlns- to authorities, that the notlfl
ration teleeram to Mis. Smith, (111
to the latter address, never
COVINGTON, Tenn., Nov. 21. (Spl.)
- With a quota of 112,600 In the recent
war work drive, Tipton county sub
scribed $18,382,315, with s e eomrnunl"
mm yet to send In reports, according
to County Chairman Olrdner. I he cam
paign among the negroes resulted 111
subscriptions of J6.214.60, with quota
of 14,600. The esrn and give division,
of which K. W. Sanford is chairman,
trebled Its Quota.
Majestic No. 2.
I would produce but one comedy a
year if the others I attempted did not
measure up 10 inc gianuaru a piiw.p
necessary for the satisfaction of theater-goers.
This is the policy mat nas govereeo
the work of Charlie Chaplin In pro
ducing "Shoulder Arms, the three-reel
humoresque on trenen lite, wuien is
shown for the last, time at Majestic. No
3 today, nnd which made his previous
production, "A Dog's Life," such a success.
Loew's Princess.
Znza," starring Pauline Frederick.
provsd a revelation to film patrons
who haw this great French drama
Wednesdav at Loew's Princess, It Is
the atlractlon again today. The pie
turlzation of this celebrsted play In
which Bernhardt appeared periodically
for manv years Is seldom equaled in
magnificence. The role of aza Is
ono that demands the best efforts of
the actress playing It and Miss rreu-
rlck rises to ine greatest neignu 01
her career In several scenes The add
ed feature la .lames Montgomery
Flagg's comedy, "Homanee and Brass
In the earlv days of our country
grandmother was the druggist, and her
drugs consisted mostly of roots and
herbs gathered from the fields und
r..rauta Thorn was oeooermiiit for In
digestion, mullens for coughs, skullcap
for nervousness, thorough won for colds.
wormwood for bruises ami sprains aim
so on They were successful remedies,
too. It was from a combination of such
roots and herbs that Mrs. l.ydla I',,
Plnkhum, of Lynn, Mass.. more than
forty venrs ago. originated her now
famous Vegetable Compound: and dur
ing all theso long years no other rem
edy has evsr been discovered to restore
health to Blling women so successfully
as this good old-fashioned root and
herb medicine. Rdv
Featuring Last Moment Styles at Substantial Savings
Make These Savings Possible
A Helling, event of extraordinary Importance to every woman who appreciates liberal savings on the
season'! most approved, stylet) In skirts made possible hy a combination of trade Ills which affected the
market anil brought substantial reductions. Our buyer hits Just returned the past week, being on
the spot at the opportune moment, and brought wonderful results, which we are proud to share with
you beginning tomorrow.
Owe It to Yourself
Look Young;.
Activities of Plainclothes Officer W.
A. (Jrogan, J2. 142 North Third street,
In the nest of alleged bootleggers on
North Main and North Front streets
In the last few days, caused him con
siderable discomfiture Wednesday night
w hen he was dangerously slashed across
the cheek by a negro
The cutting occurred as Orogai'
passed on alley near Eirhange avenue,
the wlelder of the knife springing from
the darkneBS (Jiugan's wound, which
extended from mouth to esr, was
treated at the General hospital It re
quired nine stitches.
ilrnasn avs he has partially Identi
fied the negio and fellow officers are
on the search.
Woman Is no older than she looks Is
sn accepted truth Women who permit
gray hairs to make them old lire Inflict
ing a great Injustice on themselves. As
sert yourself. Flght old age with C -Nu.
It will restore your gray, faded or
stresked hair to a beautiful shade
Your druggist guarantees It. Price f0c
While wrestllne In a "fun match
with a comDKiuon at the iliverside
school late Wednesday afternoon. W il
liam Ansohuu, aged , mai Pioneer
SJ In no group are the opportunities
more plentiful than In this splen
4, did l"1 "f smfirt new skirts at
1 $7.1). and you know we've had
remarkable skirts in this group
all along -all the newost style
thoughts, In
Rich Satins, those wonderful
I wearing Failles, Brocaded
and Embroidered rallies,
fine French nnd Men's Wear
H Serges, Gaberdine!, all-woo! Pop
1 Hits, nnd those jaunty plaid wool
en eaves trimly plain tailored,
box. knife and accordion pleated,
draped, paneled nnd fringe
j trimmed All the fashionable col
I prs. In sizes 24 to 7 QE
' 39, featured at V e7D
In a great nuilibe
of Instances -
fact, most cases the hand
some materials that fashion theae
wonderful skirts would cost more
by the yard than these chic neHv
skirts embraced in ibis group at
Handsome Kitten's Far and
riuronet Rutins, Chiffon
Broadclotlui, all-wool Serges,
Channelise Satins, Ducolettei,
gracefully draped, and paneled,
yoked, pleated, lucked, (rlngeand
inittoti trimmed in the correct
Kali and Winter coloring!, as well
ns those especially attractive new
plaids. In sizes
ti to 39, at . .
We Specialize in Extra Sizes
SKIRTS $5.00
No matter bow fastidious and dis
criminating, you can't fail to be
delighted with the handsome
skirts in their chic, eicluslve new
models that comprise this group
at 9l8.no and the workmanship
Is In keeping with the materials
and models.
Malllnson's l'nssy Willows,
Francaitfl Failles, Kitten's
Far Satins, fine nil-wool
French and Men' Wear
and a wonderful selection of
those nobby woolen plaids and
stripes In striking color combina
tions. An almost endless selec
tion of models in the correct new
colors, and sizes 24 (fe 1 CA
to 8!), featured at
lM I hmV, a mall hnnfl in his ankle
elate Reformed Presbyterian church, be-1 H wi caTrisd to the Baptist Memorial
fere a large congregation. 1 houltal
It is not necessary to shampoo your
hair so frequently If It Is entirely snrl
properly cleansed each time bv the use
of a really good shampeo. The easiest
to use and quickest drying shampoo
that we can recommend to our readers
Is one that brings out all the natural
beauty of the hair and may lie en
joyed at very little expense, by dis
solving a teasooenful of Canthrox,
which can be obtained frnm any drug
gift's, In a cup of hot wster. This
makes a full cup of shampoo liquid,
enough so It is easy to apply It to all
the hair Instead of Just to the top of
the head. This, when rubbed Into the
scalp and onto every strand of hair,
chemically dissolves all Impurities. It
Is very soothing and cooling In Its ac
tion, as well ss beneficial to b,iih scalp
and hair. After rinsing out the lallci
so created, you will find I he SOS IP Is
fresh, cln and free from dsndruff.
while the hair dries quickly and evenly,
developing a bright luster and a soft
flufflnsss that makes it seem very
heavy. adv.
Any way you look at these skirts, you'll be impressed
with their unuiualneB! one out-of-tbe-ordlnary fea
ture is the liie range, which embraces skirts for waist
measures 24 to 45- -and we're more proud of them
than any we've had to feature at this popular price
French nnd Men's Wear Serges, Poplins, Satins.
Failles, etc , in good plain colors, plaids and stripes -scores
of smart' models fl!C AA
to select "T mm at
h iiniiiHiMii aMHK'ii M,J!Wi iuilh.liilffllllllllillillllllMtilllllil.illlllllllUlillIri,, I 1 1 M 1 1 HH I UN '" :t 53 3"! " f
iEfll immiMKmmmmmmfim -
IUKA, Miss., Nov. !. (Hpl.V A tele
gram frnm Washington slates that Al
lien gcruggs died In France Nov. J Ks
whs the only son of Msyor A. T.
Scruggs, or luka. and was one of the
I rsi volunteers from here. He went to
Memphis a veer ago and Joined there.
His father, mother and one sister sur
86 N. Second Street. Both Phones
i We excel In eterchsd en! seft shirt and cellar

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