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The news scimitar. (Memphis, Tenn.) 1907-1926, November 28, 1918, 4th EDITION, Image 7

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i r
Alterations , jtfmjM yWT&A wjrjWr' Wjffrimm
J Free of : BlSflf
The Only
Medium and
Price Ready
m Memphis.
Two Great Specialsor
Regular $30 and 35 Coats m-
You'll want a fresh,
new coat to wear.
You can select 'a per
f e c 1 1 y satisfactory
one from this lot we
place on sale tomor
row special at $24.75.
They're coats of velour, kersey, pompom, etc., 'full
length models, belted and shirred, full and half
lined. Silk plush and fur used in different ways
as trimming.
Tailoring is equal to that found on garments of
much higher price, and we ask you to compare
them with coats you'll find offered at $:55 else
where. This comparison will prove to you where
you can save money.
Colors are navy, burgundy, green, brown, taupe,
reindeer and black.
A Great SUIT Offer
96 suits in this lot, all the wanted colors
and sizes. Actual values $20.00. $22.50
and $25.00. A rare opportunity to buy a
good serviceable suit at a low price. A
sensational offer, $12.75.
lash na (any
oaves jou
Real Joney
EFFECT TOMORROW ! In the future you
won't have to wait until the season is over to
get stylish footwear at bargain prices. All the
accumulations of each month will be cleared out
on the last two days of each month. In that
way you'll have an opportunity of buying really
high-class, stylish footwear at sensational price
reductions, right at the time thev arc in vogue.
a '
m v
IMP ! r UMfT A
No mail orders no ex
changes or refunds
none on approval or sent
C. O. D. COME FRI- j
DAY I The earlier the
For a Quick, Decisive Clearance
We Have Arranged These Bargains
For Friday and Saturday
$7, $H,'$J) and $10 LADIUS' SHOES
' Gray kid lacfe boots with leather Louis
heel, Champagne Kid and lirown Calf
with buck cloth tops; also many other
smart styles, on special sale at
c hided are ladies' patent leather and
black kid boots with cloth topR. For
this mnnth-end CASH AND CARRY
SALE, you may take your choice ot the
lot for only
$C .oo
In buying footwear never lose sight of the fact that a "cheap'" shoe Is expensive at
any price. This storo ever sells "cheap" shoes. Our stock always reflects the high
est Ideals of style and quality and instead of offering you "cheap" shoes at a
"cheap" price, we give you FINE SHOES at a great reduction.
m wwtiTti imii sgr mam m ti tttmii sssbhsd
ead News Scimitar WantB.
for Men only
The matter of a suitable Christmas present and the question of financing
Is no doubt worrying lots of you fellows. Come here. I ran help you
out. Klrst, by suggesting what will plense her most. and. second, by
giving you credit on your purchases. Mrs. Miller's' MUUnerv Hhop. 238
South Main, near Linden. Furs. Coats, Suits. Dreeses, Ttats. Waists.
Skirts. Paradise and niHny other articles sult.'ible for Christmas nresenta
Questions of International
Policing Give Rise to Specu
lation as Just How Allies
Will Arrange World Navy.
WASHINGTON', Nov. !. A'ith the
passing of ilerman sea power, the Im
pelling strategic reason for keeping the
main strength of the American navy
massed In the Atlantic ocean no longer
enlets. Naval officers here anticipate
therefore that the fleet will he divided
when the war emergency has passed
and substantially one half of the rnin
fighting strength of the navy go Into a
re-organlied Pacific fleet.
Secretary Daniel! indicated today
that a general rearrangement of the
fighting ships was to be expected He
gave no Inkling of what Is under con
sideration, however, his statement hav
ing been brought out by uuestlons when
he announced that Vice-Admiral Sims,
commanding American naval forces In
Kuropean waters, would be. nominated
to the rank of admiral when Admiral
Knight, commanding the Asiatic fleet,
tetlres next month. Hear Admiral
Cleaves, commanding the convoying
forces, will be named by President Wil
son for the vacant vice-admiral's post,
thus created No change In assign
ments will accompany the promotions
which w1!lte made for merit
Plans Launched.
There are Indications about tlio de
partment that plans are already afoot
for reviving the old Kuropean squad
ron. With the Increased responsibili
ties of the United States In Europe
due to the war and the expanding
merchant marine, II Is regarded as
probable that a definite naval firce
win be maintained In European wvters
hereafter and It is possible that steps
mav be taken toward establishing lim
ited base facilities for the upkeep of
the force. The navy now has a sta
tion at the Azores and officers belle vo
an arrangement with the Portuguese
government under which the station
will be continued for some lime at
lca.-;t, is to be expected.
In discussing the ruture of the fleet
officers realize that the creation of a
league of nations may produce new
considerations. As the United State
is sponsor for the proposal for a world
league, it Is assumed that a concrete
plan of action has been mapped out tor
President Wilson by his military ad
visers. This would Include the pro
posal of a plan under which the com
bined fleets would operate to police
the world.
The most practical way of arrang
ing for an International police forte
of the seas, many officers believe, la
to so provide that the locality of the
disturbance to be quelled govern the
composition of any International fleet
to be sent to the scene. That, also
would obviate any difficulty as to se
lecting the officer to command.
Should the trouble arise In a section
of the world where British Interests
were dominant it was suggested the
major portion of the naval forces to
he assembled would be British and the
commander British with squadrons of
the other naval powers attached to
show the unity of purpose. Where
American Interests were chiefly In
volved, the main fleet and commander
would be American.
This Bumrest ion arose from the feel
ing among some officers that the Idea
of an international tieci unaer a nu
preme commander, and kept constantly
mobilized for operations In any theater,
Is not practical. It was admitted,
however, thai nothing definite was
known as to the plans which may have
been evolved for carrying into execu
Hon the league Idea.
Treason Charges
Create Uproar Of
Italian Solons
ROME, Nov. 28 Assertions were
made In the lower house of the Italian
parliament that prools had neen ob
tained, that several senators and depu
ties were involved In pacifist and an
archistic activities which resulted In the
Caporetto disaster. Amid the greatest
excitement former Premier Giovanni
Glollttl said that concerning the accu
sation of treason he demanded action
bv the chamber within 24 hours to de
termine whether the chamber contained
tjaitors or calumnators.
"It Is plain," he exclaimed, "that one
or the other must leave this chamber."
Premier orlRtido supported the prop-J
Ooseo appoiouneni ui it r-ii-i.ii iinoon-
gatlon committee of seven member!,
Such a resolution was adopted and a
committee was appointed, hut after
examining documents In the hands of
secret service men the members stated
that they were unable to decide wnetn
er or not the accusation was justified.
NORFOLK, Va.. Nov. 28.-Three
transports the Pocahontas, Rotterdam
and President Grant loaded with
American troops, have put Into Hamp
ton lloads.
The President Grant had aboard
nearly 6,000 troops, some of whom had
been 'to France, but had been turned
back before reaching the front.
The Rotterdam landed several hun
dred wounded who were sent to the
hospital established at the National
Soldiers' home, Hampton.
The Pocahontas also landed troops
turned back at sea after the armistice
had been signed. These men are tem
porarily quartered at the army base
depot. Others will be distributed to
various camps to be mustered out.
JACKSON. Mill., Nov. 28. Sp!.)--A
at ate-wide Kale of farm products. In
cluding choice offerings of live Mock,
will be held at. the Mate faln?roiifnlfl
here Dec, 17, 1H and lit. Canned good,
put up by members of Oirls" Canning
clubs, and every conceivable nort of
farm produce will he offered.
Refnitered cattle, hogs, sheep and
horges will he on sale. The aalo wai
to have been held during the state
fair in October, that event bring can
celed because of influenza.
gj Beginning Tomorrow Morning Our Annual
a . Ti i : C -1 - cT
Drastic Reductions On Suits, Coats, Dresses and Furs
St aril
i letit, -i
a la' It 1 J 'II I il
awiiii t u i KMiiormw. wniurti in iniviiiriii win rrn in most1 mi uvee
anticipate bin' b;irLr;iins these are" the greatest of the rear. Kashionablv
joes mi sale at tremendous savings, liuv earlv to secure satisfactory selec
ivlctt ;ii
Wonderful Offerings in Smart Coats
l landsome fin'-collai nd,
plain-tailored '-oats, llneil
throughout with ffuaran
tncil si'k and satins, warm-
1. Interlined. Even'
Hhfme and fabrh
pasted ahien at
Pur-ti Innmed 'nata, lined
In plain and fancy silks.
Materials, Wool Valour
( ordurovs ( Uforda,
I 'oloi s, black. nav-
ftundy, taupe and all popn
nr inadei. Your choice
EQxciuatve rtiodeletl Coals,
trimmed In Nutria, Seal,
Mole. So. u lire I ed , Ma
terlnls, K ura Cloth. Bo
h via, Bllvertonea, Pom
Tom, etc This group In
corporates thti uit ra-fashionable
IllOih'lH ilt- -
Sensational Values
Smart Suits
New sviit models in velour,
tricoline, broadcloth, etc.
Handsomely styled suits in
screes, nicotine, tranerame,
silvertone, etc,
Specially priced
Individualized suit in ox-
ion s, silvertones, veiours
duvet dc I. nine,
etc. Reduced to.
Fur Sale
0 Regular
T1 1
Orlgimil Price TiiRf llciiinlii.
Higiit ivt tiio pinnacle o( t ho demand
for furs coniPH tliln most extraordi
nary event In truly deilrable modes,
chle CoatePH, imarl Scarfi and Wrapt,
handsome Onpcs und stolon exclu
alvo. Ftylea at L'O p"r cent off the, rt'n
tiinr price
Furs for Gifts
( an nnytlilnK IiIiik morn pleasure or
represent tielter taste anil Jinipmciil ?
Big Bargains In
Fine Dresses
i iroup No, 1 Serpe,
Georgette and
Group No. 2 Voo! jersey,
atiii, scrpe and velveteen
Group No. 3
t ieorgette, satin
$85 4
and combi
.' vfy 3j L J tjj
, n L J 3
Special Dispatch Says Things
Are Moving Along Calmly in
Munich Without Any Big
I'AHIS, Nov. 28. The revolution In
Havana lias not brought sboul much
itiangp in Munich, according t" n P
rial illapateh from that city I" the
Petit Parisian, and the aUto machinery
continue to run alni"i normally, r.v
eryone In Bavaria it dlacuaalng the
Most Diseases Traceable" to Inflammation and Con
gestion of Mucous Linings
Science has at last fixed the origin of the majority uf the
ills of life upon Catarrh. Nine times but of ten disease is due
to the fact that a catarrhal condition is preventing some organ
or organs from functioning properly and that in turn throws the
entire human machinery out of gear result- you arc sjek. Il
further evidence of this is needed it is found in the hundreds and
thousands of letters from the users of Peruna, people who suf
fered from various diseases but all evidently coming from catarrh.
Georgo Clark,
Newark, N. J
124 T'nlon
writes: ' I
A letter from Mrs, Willln Frem
iti. R. K. D, No. 3. Iiov 4-. Vmkiini,
tr,A Pomno nnd tnr rnmrhi; colds. Tex., leaves ii o room for (lollllt con
grip, stomach and bowel trouble." cernlnK the merit uf Peruna: ' Af
Krom Mtr. P. Ludvlgsen, SO I ter suffering 11 years with sjsjtemlc
Crane street. Austin, Minn., comes catarrh I took feruna. It worked
an equally cheerful message: "I 'ine. It also cured my children of
am rid of liver troublo, can eat any-' Catarrh of the head, none and
tljlng I want and feeling fine. There : throat due to diphtheria. My hus
is no buzzing In my head or pain j band took Peruna for any Illness,
around my heart." I e.n recommend both l'eruna and
Mr. H. C. 8wartz, R. F. D. 2, Box j Manalln."
219. Bellingham, Wash., recom
mends Peruna for either man or
woman: "Thirty years ago a friend
advised me to use Teruna as a good
blood purifier and system renova
tor. My family has used it ever
Bince. Peruna is a good, straight,
honest medicine and builds uy the
whole bodj-."
Dr. Hartmiin's World Famous
Peruna Is for Catarrh and Catarrh
al conditions. Taken in time It
helps ward off the grip and Spanish
lnfltieti.a and Is an Invaluable aid
during recovery l'eruna may be
purchased anywhere in either tab
i let ur liquid form.
revolution, but if if a calm discussion
of an unforeseen complication vhioh
has to he Milled In the I'i'Ht way.
The movement in Bavaria, tho cor
responden! declares, was and iw com
pletely Independent of the othor move
ments In Germany The conviction that
tlm war at iutt completely turned
tin' people against the government,
and for some time before the revolt
the situation In Bavaria had been seri
ous. An election lo replace Deputy Wool
mar, who resigned from the relchstsg,
then came tip, The majority eoclalists
brought forward Herr Auer and the
minority socialist, Kurt Qlaner, The
political campaign was the spark which
se off the mine Added to thli the
question of demobilisation became urg
ent and the Kovoriunent measures to
deal with It were Ineffective.
Kl.tner, the Pel if Pttrlslen correspond,
put continues, feared that tho demo
bilised musses of Germans and Aus-tro-Hungarlans
in the neighboring
countries would hring about a chaotic
situation in Bavaria lie decided on
quick lotion and organised resistance
:i h i tti. t d. inner.'- likely to favor the de
velopment of Bolshevism, There are
several versions of the. beginning of
the decisive phase nf tin crisis, says
the correspondent, but the most re
liable seems io phow that it came from
.i carefully elaborated plan prepared by
Louis Gandorfer, a hiiud peasant,
with greal Influence, undertook to
raise the peasantry against tlm Mint,
hut to Indues them to continue fsedlug
the capital.
At present Hie majority soilnllsti
and hourgolsfl parties are preparing for
the elections tu the national assembly,
which will he held soon.
The result of the election, the cor
respondent deolares, will have a de
cisive effect which will not be con
fined lo Bavaria,
After Grip
Or Influenza
NEW York, Nov. MaJ. William
Thaw. Amorlcfcn has bftn pro
moted to n liutftnint-colonelcy, ac
cording in advlcsM received iwn by
Alan it lawtey, president of tho Aero
club f America.
Lieut. -Col, ThHw n 2 yeari oM and,
according to llawley, 1h unc nf tin
youngeat offloera of that rank in the
American or allied arm lea, Ho recently
nan awarded th l'niti Statea dla
tiriKnihp'i lervlets croaa with two rita
tloni and had prevloualy been similarly
honored by the Ptench government
while n member of the LaFayette es
cadrllle. a younger brother of Tjtit.-roi.
Thaw, Ueut, Alexander Blair Thaw,
waa killed laat August In France,
DBN'VKR, Nov 91 .William Msr
diek. a recluse In the mountains near
Puoss Hprings, spparsntly never heard
of the world war, according to Deputy
fnlted stHtes Marshal W, J. UoClel
land, who has returned, from that district.
The Wonderful Tonic Properties of QUININE and IRON,
undoubtedly, have saved thousands from the ravages of
Grip and Influenza, and the value of GROVE'S TASTE
LESS chill TONIC in the treatment of Colds, Grip and
Influenza could hardly be estimated.
To Save and Rebuild Strength when attacked by Colds,
Grip or Influenza is the real problem, and this is
accomplished by Purifying and Enriching the Blood.
After Grip, Influenza or Pneumonia, the
weakened system needs building up, and
Tasteless chill Tonic
should be taken regularly until you have fully regained
Strength, Healthy Color and a Good Appetite.
The Specially-Prepared QUININE and the Specially
make it an Exceptionally Good, General Strengthening
Tonic for the Child, the Mother or any of the Family,
young or old. You can soon feel its Strengthening,
Invigorating Effect. It is acceptable to the most
deUcate stomach, and does not cause nervousness or
ringing in the head. Pleasant to take. Price 60c.
Read News Sjgimitar Want Ads,

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