OCR Interpretation

The news scimitar. (Memphis, Tenn.) 1907-1926, December 05, 1918, 4th EDITION, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn98069867/1918-12-05/ed-1/seq-2/

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its news sciJHrrAic
i truly
exprezed in
our tvle
A Bit of "Pep"
The Spice of Style
THESE things com
prise the "bio;
idea" in clothes for you
prep men. You'll find thorn ',
all in our
Suits and
at $25 to $50
Varsity welt-seam waist types
are the favorites in suits, overcoats
anil ulsters. They are very
"sporty," but also very practical.
Henry Hulls
55 N. MAIN
Dave Halle
WASHINGTON, Dec 5. ChemUti in
government employ have developed
new lynthdtlu process f making gly
cerin by fti men tut ton f kurju- Ht lew
coat, which officials say will revolu
tionize product Ion. Thin secret, ai i
fully pruardtd white thsj war lasted,
vas difciiHPd in a treasury report.
in a little laboratory in the treasury
building, rhemlatu worlfad for months
on informal inn reaching the govern
rnent lust year that Uermany by pro
duclng glycerin through a fennrutatltin
process, waa able to turn out explu
Ives requiring great quantities of
glycerin, in spite of the icftrclty of
The proceaa waa tried out on a large
scale and found to bo commercially
profitable, Thru the secret was con
veyed to allied government! and to
manufacturing chemists who propoae to
undertake commercial exploitation of
the procCM.
REDDING, Cal., Dec, 6.- Judge
Charles Wells, !7. said to have been a
personal friend of Abraham Lincoln
w;ih buried here, following his death
Monday Born In Tennessee, Judge
Weill WftS a lawyer in Illinois when
Abraham Lincoln wan practicing In the
same courts.
SMT.T KTK. MARIE, Mich., Dec, f
Twn French mine iweeperi anil their
craws, numbering about HO men, are
believed to have been lost In one of
the severe Ht frrim that have swapt
over Lake Superior In the lat two
weeks. Three hoars l"ft Fort Williams.
Onl . where they were built for tho
French government, on Nov. , mni
loit one has arrived at Kingston, Ont,
No word has been received from the
orders for over r week. The vessels,
which wore bound overseas, were ISO
feel long and tarried tour-Inch guns
fori ami aft.
(Continued From Flrat Pace.t
VaiiKhii, Kant Chattanooga; Henrv
elltier. Nashville. Oscar A. Barrett
Woodbury: Calloway Fain, R. f, y
I, Datidndge.
Wounded, degree undetermined: Fri
Pate Jamee H. !... Elk Valley
Wounded allghtly: Lieut Alvln M
TaJley, Knoxvllle, Sergt.-Mal Vance
Hoe. 403 West Osborne St., Humboldt
S.er' ,1.,.?.n.ry K w. Nashville.
Lorpa. William Farmer, R. F D 1
.Mountain City; Joe T. Dickey, Kelso'
Filiates Saul Solomon, Nashville; Jas.
.lone. ;r,7 l'oplar st.. Jackaon. Bethel
Heshearee, Smlthvllle; Thelbert N
Caldwell, U. F. U. 2, Troy.
Missing In action: Frlvate Walter
McCaleb, R. F. D. 1. Hickman.
Killed In action: I'rivate De Witt
Oohrr, Itosetta.
Died from wounds: Frlvate Henrv C
Stewart, Oxford.
Died, accident and other causes- Pri
vate Barron P. Blue. 0j Washington
it., Brooklutven,
filed of disease: Lieut. Lewis W
Kitchens, Benatobla; Privates Uenon
Leggett, Re nova; George A, Bartee
Quitman; Carl J. S. Senhurg R F D
i. i leister. Ixninie C. Rollins! R. F li
1, Nettleton; Vance F.. Tant R ii
J:,,;V"""3.; PelT? A"n'r. Gulfport;
Ulftoll I. BosWIC. Collins; James
Carson, Charleston; James E. Chapman
Terry, lorn McDonald, Caesar; Jamoa
U. Smith, I! K. D. 6, Fhlladelphia.
Woun.ie.l severely: I'rivate Walter U
Butler, 321 N. fine st., Natchez.
Wounded, degree undetermined' Pri
vates Fred ('. Henderson, Dalevllle
Sain K. Newell, Randolph.
Wounded slightly: Privates Henls
Humes Auburn; Travis w. Bradford
Hattiesburg, Richard K. Gould Lake
Waller B. Johnson. H. F. D. 3, Oxford!
Killed In action: Privates Forrest
B. Cummens, Corley; William L. Cason,
Atlanta; ueorge F. Bates, Big Fork
I ued from wounds: Corn. Rav S
iiraniord, Hear den, Mechanic John
Swann, Leachvllle,
I ' of disease: Privates George
Brittaln, lola; James S. Hodges Va
den; Clarence Whttten, Mineral springs
Will Savin,-, Cleveland; Willie Hicks!
Plnckney; John K. Manning, Sedgwick
Wounded severely: Privates Bud
Parten, Blytheville; Lester B, England
McRae: James A. Clark, Newport.
wounded, degree undetermined.
Lieut William S. Fox, 814 Walnut
street, Pine Hluff; Privates Barney
Peeiier, Luieka; John W. Oden, Amity
Wounded slightly; Sert. Rufus Wil
lis, hay ton; Private Rufus Johnson. R
F. 1). 1. Bebee.
Missing in action: Privates Thomas
R. Crawford, Decatur: William C. Pel
lows, Plggottj l,afayette Morgan
1 'unvllle.
Killed In action: Privates Dave
Marsh, Wylam; Grover L. Hann, R. F
D, 6, Titus. Marcus L. Shortnacy. R.
F. D. li. Murray Cross.
I 'led from wounds: Privates Joseph
W. Franklin. Clayton; John R. Givens.
R F. D. 1. Robert dale; Michael A Za
taney, Birmingham l Richard Williams,
Pied, airplane accident: Lieut. Ar
thur M. Itoheits, Birmingham.
I Med of disease Privates James W.
Cornett, Birmingham; Oliver Kllgore.
R. F. 1 , 4, Oakman, William J. Posey,
R. F. IV 3, Wlnfield, Noah Braxton,
Birmingham; Columbue Burrough. R.
F. D, I. Greensboro; Cleveland Dixon.
Cloe; Herbert W. Mci.emore. R. F. D
li. Athens. Willie Mosely. R. F. D. 1.
Qllberttown; Onnle Bnefl, R. F. 1). 3,
Dletaville; Thomas J, Parker. R. F. D,
1, Bva; Mallard P Brown, R. F. D. 2,
Ashland; Thomas Hlakley. Cecil; Syl-
veater P. Krepa, Cullman.
Wounded seveiely; Lieut. James K
Christmas Gifts
Suggested By
Your Jeweler
- will have the distinction of real beauty through artistic design; will be "f connine
utility, ami will represent tlio utmost in value. Because your jeweler himself insists
Upon these three essentials when selecting his stocks you may depend upon his judg
ment. F.ach of the hundreds of Christmas Gifts t. he seen at your jeweler'sarticles of
personal adornment, watches, diamonds, useful and decorative articles is of the
character you would have it, inasmuch as ti is useful ami of permanent quality.
Buy Christmas t lifts at your jeweler's ami thereby avoid the things less worthy
to express your sentiments, Make your selections now, that you may have fust
choice. A small deposit will hold any article until you call for it later.
Packages Sent Now Will Arrive None too Soon
Mail and Express Delays Are Probable
If the ijifl is to lie scut away, dispatch it nt once, for this
year the poRtoffioo and express companies are working
under dift'erenl conditions from any before encountered
and must give preference to the nation's needs.
Retail Jewelers'
of Memnhis
The Only-
Medium and Popular)
Price Ready-to-Wear;
in Memphis
Two Great
$4 A-75 $- M
1U If
About 100 Dresses in serge, jersey and sat
ins. All colors and sizes. Regular values
to $20.00. Anniversary $10 75
Lot 2
A big assortment of stylish Dresses in all
the wanted materials and sizes. Arabics to
$2,").()0. Anniversary
A fortunate purchase of coats from
a well-known coat manufacturer,
whose exclusive creations are fa
mous internationally for their indi
viduality, enables us to offer an ex
ceptional value in coats in a varietv
of stvles, colors
and sizes. Fur-
trimmed collars,
a h s o 1 u t ely the
best value we
have ever had the
good fortune to
offer. With one of these coats you will
be warm and comfortable during the win
ter's severest weather. Come in early.
Sale starts at 9:1a a.m. tomorrow.
.Newell. Dedevllle; Seret. John J. .Stone.
Kneley; Corp. Florence H. Held. R. K.
D. 1, Kdna: Btyrlar Marvin 10. McClus
key, Albany. Privates Alonzo Bailey,
It F. D. 1. Halleylon; Joseph W. Hates.
I'lper; Shelby Fletcher, Andalusia; l-.u-c
l 1'. Mi'Imyre, Coffeevllle; Ambrose
W Lindsay, It. F. O. 1, N'ewvllle,
Cievtland liawkins, I.lnden.
Wounded, decree undetermined: Trl
wites Charlie Cash, Sheffield; George
Ashi'raft. Oordo; Lee Templeton, II
F. I. 1. Adamsvllle.
Wounded slightly: Sergt. Howard G.
Cooper, Gadsden; Corps. William L.
Hachman. Birmingham; Myron C. Ixb
man, Montgomery; K. H. Kreeinan,
mitsvllle; Oscar D. Stephens, Lincoln;
I'rivates Dolphus 1'osey, R. F. 0. 4.
Koanoks; David L. Gann. Henegar.
John C. 'arden. .Temison; I'aui B. Rea,
N lasugla; James H. Seay. R. F. I).
I Hrundlge: Walter Williams, Garland;
Hugh H. Thorpe, Mlllvllle; Thomas B.
u Hiden. Dalevtlle; Fred T. Johnson.
Montgomery; Rufus K. Harry, R. F. P.
: Wadley; William A. Hlpps, R. F. P.
1 Blountsvllle; Ollle Lee, Flatwood;
Marcus A. McMurlan. R. F. T. 2. Lin
coln; Millard N. Franklin, Lockhart.
Missing In action: Privates Colum
KKrldge. Dehan: Andy F. ''lark,
R F. p, 1, risgah; Mllvln Uvlngston,
K r . v. B, t unman.
Killed in action: I'rivates Felix
Clark. Preston: Dennle L. Story.
ilrangc City; Roland c. Mlnton, Waver
ly; John W. Allen, Louisville.
Died from wounds: Privates George
Luck, Covington; Wes Ross, Wlck-
llffe: Charles C. Stanley, Sebree; Dan
iel E. Williams. R. F. D. 1. Lewls-
Died, accident and other causes: Pri
vate Harrison Vlckers, Gilbertsvllle,
Died of disease: Corps. Walter R.
Robinson, Valley View; Jesse H. Mul
berry, R. F. I. 1, Badlevllle; Bvgler
Squire B. Outlay, R. F. D. 2, Walllnj
ford; Horseshoer Eddie Stafford, R. F.
D. i, Murray; Privates John E. Donan,
ampbellsville; Ed L. Lane, R. F. D.
Kevll; Fred M. Walter, Louisville;
urt T. Wise, Lebanon Junction; Geo.
Kramer, Parksvllle; Tennessee J.
Bishop, Byron; Malcolm E. Boarth,
Millwood; James H. Collins, Gerrard;
James G. Hymer, Lexington; Sherman
Richardson, Win; William W. Foley,
Humble; Earl W. Witt, Fulton.
Wounded severely: I'rivates Samuel
IS. Watson, Glasgow; LeBlie Stephenson,
Wounded, decree undetermined:
Sergt. William M, Hull. Hasel; Corpi,
loe Faulkner, luunweii; cawaril Taul-
bee, Cannell City; John R. Turns, Mun-
lordvllle; Privates snailer Bowling,
Rector; Joe AUrams, Panola: George
Wesley, Dayton; Huguely Shearer, R,
F. D House.
Wounded slightly: I. lent. James W.
Neal, R. F. D. 6, Taylorsvllle; Privates
Andrew Logan, ( late; Isaac Miller,
Eastvlew, Bee Smiley, R F. D. 3,
Richmond; McKlnley Plgg, Louisa;
John H. Helton, West Liberty; Frank
C. Kelly, Belmont; harles E Sims,
Wot'ley; James C. Castleherry,. Dalton;
Fred Clark, Asniauu; tineo crowdtr.
Missing in notion: Privates Corbet.t
.1 Burch, Molleyvllle; John J. Graham
I'nlontown; Benjamin H. Love. Brad
enberg; Grover Masden, Muldraugh;
nav i asanin, ninoman; .lase nawyeri
Lick Creek; Rolla Maliooat, Threef
Died from wounds: Privates Bruce B
Bush, l.eesvllle; Leonard J Thomas
Bryceland; Henry E. Meredith, Colum
bia: Charles E. Miller. Flora.
Died airplane accident: Lieut. Phillip
.1. McMahon, New Orleans.
tiled of di'- ase: Privates Jules F.
Galloway. H: bel; Henry Hlginhothan
Morgan City; Sullivan l.owerv, Scan-
ion; John M. Kyle. Converse; John
Ford. I'letown; Willie Crump. New or
leans; Harry W. Hall, Stonewall, Sam
Grlffen. Bolivar.
Wounded severely: Privates Stanley
Barrns. Broussard, Lester B. Grlswold
Alexandria; Gilbert White, HminiH,
Wounded slightly: Sergt. Thomas t
OnuBhan, New Orleans; Corp. Divl
Robertson, Morvllle IfUatis Andrew
Bresua, New Orleans; George R. Rob
erts, Shreveport; Luclen Hoffpaulr,
Missing in notion: Privates Edwin
Chapman, Grangevllle: John A. Eth
erldge, Crew Lake; John N. Nesom,
Killed in action: Corporals Leonard
W Moore. Durham: Cardon O Perry.
Council; Walter H Price, R. F 1 V 19,
Matthews: James I! Watklns, Manson;
i'rivates Floyd W Booker, Greensboro;
William 7. Edwards. Chlcod; Jack W.
Montague. Elm city; Qua Norton, R. F.
1 4, Mnxton; Luther Poplin, Mount
Gllead' Nathaniel K Thornton, R. F
1 1 i, Benton vllle; Robert O. Walt, Trin
ity Major WlUlnmi Seven S' rings;
Frank B. Mitchell. R F D. 1. Kittroll;
Mi'hie B. Pearce. R. F. 1 t, V .ungs
vll e Gerflebl l.owerv li F D. I, I'en
btok'e: Robert R. R bblns. R F. D. 1,
HharpthurSl Mnrlon C. Whltener. Hick
Died from wounds
ustln. I'nlonvllle:
i !.(ter. Hc'derson
pled airplane ace! t: Lieut. Sld
n, v w- White, RlUlb h City.
ll,,d of disease: I. eut, Fie.lerl.-k C
Minnlng. Raleigh: Privates Frederick
1 Finlson. lUmseur: Barney C Mot
(itt Sanford: Morris E Bmlth, Char
ltt'c Samuel Hen gin. li V D I,
Matthews: John W. 1,-aier l.r..lts:
Lace H Met allum. R F D I. Max
ioV Samuel W. Wright, R F D, ,
Jacksonville; Luther Bumpas. R F D
Wounded sevrri . wni'. ntn u.
Kdney, Tryon: Edward s Elliott, It F
Lieut Judge E
Jergt. Eugene T.
byfiil Elk Park; Privates John A. Car
son. Rocky Mount; Paul W. Wrlghtsell,
Burlington; James It. Pope, Currle; Rov
Gay, R. F. D. 3, Zebulon; Howard H,
Hopkins, Jamesvllle; Isaac MeKlnnon,
R. F. D. 1, Rnynham; James B. O'Brien,
It. F. 1). 1, Timberlake; Sandv Q. Por
ter. R, F. P. 3, Charlotte; Robert H.
Salshury, Haasell; Carlos C, Stroup,
Wounded, degree undetermined: Cor
poral Joe Antwlne, Jacksonville; Pri
vates James C. Lucas, Arden; Henry
Morgan, R. F. P. 4. Hlckorv; Samuel
R. Wlnslow, R. F. P. 5, High Point.
Wounded slightly: Privates Earl
Grimes, R. F. D. 3, Mount Olive; Mack
K. Starnes, R. F. D. 7, Concord; Hardy
0. Bryson, Brasstown.
Missing in action: Sergt. Ezor Mc
Entlre, R. F. P. 3, Gilkey; Privates Jas.
H. Hellen. R. F. D. 1, Chlcod; Ross J.
Yount, Newton; Robert Williamson,
Lawndale; Henry S. Reynolds, R. F. P.
1. Yadklnville; Roscoe C. Greene, Mount
Killed In action: Corp. Ledlle F.
Hickerson, Wellsvllle: Privates William
D. Marston. K. F. P. 6. Odessa: Au
gust R. Broemmer, Hannibal; Louis II.
Hpelng, Washington; Toney L, Lewis,
Sabula; Clarence 1. Roth, St. Louis;
Roger C. Admire. St. Louis: Ernest
G. Campbell, Agency; Clarence Inger
liam, Neosha; Jusse S. Vance, Potosl;
George Lsughlin, II. F. D, 1, Hamilton.
Died Irotn wounds: Lieut. Charles A.
Wagner. Surlncfield: Seret. Vincent M
Bowles, Independence; Privates Ray
Branson, Springfield; Gustav H. Baur,
St. Louis; James T, Godfrey. Valley
Park; Ixiuls M. Maupin. Ashland: Roy
McElllsh. Princeton: James I). Cln-
lingcr, Morehouse.
Died, airplane accident: Private C.uv
W. Rosecrans, St. Joseph.
Died of disease: Nurse Katherlne
Hoffman. R. F! D. 2. uueen Cltv:
Sergts. Dennis E. Fowers, Moberly;
Clinton F, Moss, Kansas City; Corp.
Wylle Woods. New London; Privates
Vincent ICades. Chillicothe: Charles E
Walkcnhorst, St. lxuis; Dan L. Steeg,
Garden City, Hugo F. Vlehland, Oer-
mann; rioyn s. iounsr. Hunker: Klovd
Hlacliburti. St. Joseph. Carev w.
Clark, Baring; Oscar M. Bramel, R. F.
P. 1, Washington; Oscar Brouk. R. F.
P. 15. Valley Park: Joseph F. Evans.
Mountain Grove; Thomas R. Probasco,
R. F. D. 4, Unionvllle; (ieorge F. Bush
ey, St. Louis; Perry Cartmlll, Lexing
ton; Thurlow Mullins. Bakersfield:
Archie Phillips, East Leavenworth.
Wounded severely: Lleuts. John O.
Burnette, Kansas City; Hurry J. White.
St. Ixiuis; Sergts. Gregory O'Brien, St.
Louis; Claude E. Sweetin. St Ijiolu
Corps. Woldon S, Martin, Shelbyvllle;
Harley P. Vaughn, Boonevllle; Charles
(S. Pavls, St. Louis; Silas E. Swear-
Ingen, Rutledge; James L. Mincher,
Viburnum; John W. Longhauser, St.
Louis; John J. O'Brien, St. Louis; Pri
vates Eddie M. Brown, Madison;
Wright E. Eaton, Bonne Terre; Ewlng
J. Gunn, St. IxjuIs, Ralph F. LaChasse,
.n. uouis; Ellsworth uoonner, It. F. D.
2. Collins; Argyle A. Schaeffer, St.
Iuls; Clifford M. l'ahlman, Jerh'O
Springs; Luther B. Pulse, R, F. D 1,
Camden; Matthew J. Scanlon. Univer
sity City; Harry Choulett, Downing;
crank Cohen, St. Louis; Clifford Mel
ton, Springfield; Walter D. Noe, Alex
andria; Herbert T. Zoller, St. Louis.
Wounded, degiee undetermined: Cor
porals Jesse Bowen R. F. D. 4, Hurd
land; George O, Lamm, R. F D i,
Sedalla; Privates Tecumaeh P. Colvllle,
Tlndall; Adrian Deford, SI, Louis; Louis
C. Belsncr, Rookwood; Frank De Board,
Fairfax; George E. Hoyes, Marshall:
icsier n. i nrislv, Stcwartsville; Free
man Jarwood, Klrkwood; Jacob M.
Kappel, St. Louis; Noah T. Ricks.
Stontsvllle; George Vanzaghl, St. Louis;
William C, Wandfluh, Amazonia.
Wounded slightly: Sergt. James T.
Fltzpatrk'k, St. Louis; Corporal Jesse
Newman, R. F. 1). 1, Portageville ; Bu
gler Ralph A. McOlaln, Mount Moroah;
Privates Joseph 1.. Nevlns. Thompson;
Walter C, Osboni, Clark ton; Charlie
Anderson. R. F. D. 1, Richmond; Tony
Harth, Kansas City; Thomas E Bars-
cnag, mi Louis, Lee AndreweJewakl st
Louli; Harold Llvaay, MaryvTlle; Harry
o Hefner, Bethany; Vernon Divine.
I.ockwood. Wunen L CrUtcher, Mem
phis; James F Davidson, Senalh.
Missing In action Corporals Albert C.
Fielding. Washburn. Emmelt F. Me
Roberts, Clarksburi;H. Ward Hunter.
Kansas City; John Powell, Kansas city;
Stluson W Ooddard, Ht Louis; Ralv'di
A. Pickles, Morrellton; John W. Oooae,
St. Joseph, Thomai 1 Hay, Kansas
City; William F Herring. Chllllaothe:
(harles It. Gibson, Hennell; Paul M
Rogers. St Louie; I'rivates Howard S.
Bull. St. Joseph, Walker W. Carter.
Santa Pi . Fred M Berry, R F. 1) 3.
Plattsburg, Edward R. Buckley, Has-
taln; Elbert L. Bunch, R. F. li. :, El
don; Raymou W. Bunttn, Borard; Lon
s CaJdwaU, Dudl.y; Roy t. earner,
Boynton; joaaph u Haritay. Laxtntton:
Freilerlck S. Evans, Kenneth; William
M Gauer, R. F. D. 3. Grccneastle; Ar
thur T. Graves, Quitman; Cecil Harris,
Bethany: Manns n Hatfield, Worth.
Ington, William R Head, Kansas City;
Paul llennenhoefer, St leutls; Robert C.
Davidson, Lakenau; Adoiph Klatt, Cal
ifornia; Walter A Upper, Wvaeonda;
. Limes H. Manntng, R F. D. 3, Camp
bell; ('harles M. Mayer, Kansas City;
William Miller, Aud; Louis .1. Naff, St.
Joseph; Herman P. Nelson, Excelsior
springs; Jay G. HoUlnnrworth, Dodaon;
Joseph I.orens, SI Louis; August Mah
rlnger. St Lipuls; Louis E. Munden, St
Joseph; Oliver II Pfeffer. St Louis; Jo
seph Vlslineau, St Louis; Hoy I'. Dun
can. Stanberry; Sydney T. Quayle. Car-rollton.
Run Down writes! "Is It possible to
find a medicine w'lch by its tonic
or nutritive powers v. ill bring the glow
of health and ambition back to a man
who has everything In the world but
health and happiness'.' I am dull, for
getful, despondent, weak, trembling,
short of breath and suffer more or less
with pain In spine and back of head."
Answer: Tour condition Indicates the
need of a strong, harmless tonic nutri
tive to restore nerve equilibrium, which
in turn fortifies and strengthens the
organs of nutrition, thus vitalizing the
blood and promoting new cell and tis
sue to take rare of the waste forces.
Three-Grain Cadomene Tablets, packed
In sealed tubes with full directions, are
recommended In all such cases:
Mrs. F. writes: "My husband Is sure
ly afflicted with some kidney disease.
He has become weak and suffers with
headache and pains in his back and
groins. Pains are like rheumatism. His
ankles swell and his feet seem to be
tired all the time. Some days he has
chills and no appetite. Please pre
scribe." Answer: The symptoms Indicate de
rangement of kidneys and should not
be neglected. I would advise Balmwort
Tablets, a compound well suited to
such cases. Obtain In sealed tubes with
directions for home use.
Otello writes: "My hair Is combing
out. my scalp Itches and dandruff Is
much annoying, and I want something
to cure these conditions."
Answer: For hair and scalp troubles
I have never found anything to equal
the beneficial results of a thorough
treatment of Plain Yellow Mlnyol. It Is
cooling, cleansing and invigorating, and
The questions answered below are
general in character, the symptom! or
diseases are given and the answers will
apply in any case of similar nature.
Those wishing further advltjjp, free,
may address Dr. Lewis Baker, College
Bldg.. College-Elwood streets, Payton,
Ohio, inclosing self-addressed stamped
envelope for reply. Full name and ad
dress must be given, but only initials
or fictitious names will be used in my
answers. The prescriptions can be filled
at any well-stocked drug store. Any
druggist can order of wholesaler.
thousands now use It regularly aa a
hair and scalp tonic.
Grace writes: "Two years ngo I used
your great prescription for kidney
trouble, and it wholly overcame the
trouble. I want medicine now for con
stipation and impure blood, for I am a
sight with pimples that make big,
lumpy sores."
Answer: I would advise the taking
of Three-Grain Sulpherb Tablets (not
sulphur i for several months to purify
the system.
Mother writes: "Can a sufferer from
bronchial trouble be relieved? Doctors
do not seem to help me; what would
you suggest?
Answer: To relieve chronic cold, sore
throat, bronchitis, I would advise the
use of Concentrated Essence Mentho
Laxene. Purchase this at any drug
Btore In 2-oz. packages and mix ac
cording to directions given on bottle
and you will very shortly be relieved
of all bronchial trouble. This will not
only relieve, but will correct, and Is
very pleasant to take.
NOTE: For many years Dr. Baker
has been giving free advice and pre
scriptions to millions of reople through
the press columns, and doubtless has
helped In relieving Illness and distress
more than any single Individual In the
world's history. Thousands have writ
ten him expressions of gratitude and
confidence similar to the following:
Dr. Lewis Baker, Pear Sir: I am
glad I was recommended to your pre
scription for medicine. I was pretty
well run down, nervous and loss of
ambition; felt tired all the time; could
not sleep. Iosb of appetite, felt weak
and trembled from weakness. I find
Three-Groin Cadomene Tablets are
helping me very much. I was writing
to my sister about my run-down con
dition and she advised me to take your
prescription of medicine, for she was
as bad as I was and the Cadomene
built her nerves up and also restored
her health. I am more than thankful,
etc. Yours truly,
6206 Pear Ave.,
adv. Cleveland, Ohio.
Mountain Corporals Andrew )' Parrlsh
Meddlers; Charley F Wallace, R F D
United States Railroad Administration
W. J. M'ADOO, Director-General of Railroads.
Important Change in Schedule on
Southern Railroad to the East
NEW TRAIN NO. 24 Leaves 8:30 a.m. Through
Pullmans and coaches to Washington. Direct
connection to New York.
TRAIN NO. 20 Leaves 5:30 p.m. Separate
through Pullmnna to Chattanooga, Washing
ton and Xew York. Coaches to Washington.
LIMA, Peru, Dc f. Three American
mitsers are expected to arrive her
Family Debts
Worry Wage-Earners
Money Loaned on Liberty Boitdl or Other Collateral
Why not let the Gammon System help you? Group
your debts and borrow enough to pay them all at
once. Any wage-earner of good character can
tfocure loans here at 6 per cent, to be repaid con
veniently In weekly or monthly installment!.
,.sk Spencer Ogilvie About the Gammon Systerm.
Memphis Savings & Loan Corporation
t, Washlnfton; Mechanic Jules E. Xur- from Sta Francisco in a few daya.

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