THURSDAY, DECEMBER S, 1914. THE NEWS SCIMITAR. ('AGE fliKt.. JOSEPH CAILLAUX Charged with Treason MME. Slayer "THE CAILLAUX CASE" A SCANDAL OF THE PRESENT WAR THAT ELECTRIFIED THE WORLD. In this picture you will tee a film dramatization of the greatest International tragedy of modern times. It Is the story of a man and woman who sold their souls for power and German gold, BASED UPON THE CRIMINAL CAREER OF BOLO PASHA. THE AMERICAN PRESS, DURING MAY,' JUNE AND JULY, PUBLISHED PAGE AFTER PAGE ON "THE CAILLAUX CASE." EVERYBODY HAS READ ABOUT IT. NOW SEE IT. NEW MAJESTIC NO, 1 (Next to Hotel Gayoso), TODAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. - LAST DAY TODAY AT MAJESTIC NO. 2. (Opp. Hotel Gayoso.) HAROLD LOCKWOOD in"PALS FIRST MADE SOMEWHERE IN TENNESSEE. A story of unusual heart interest. This Is one of the last pic tures made by MR. LOCKWOOD before his death, Oct. 19th. COMING FRIDAY AND SATURDAY "TELL IT TO THE MARINES." , A Big Fox Feature. LAST DAY (Between Union and Monroe.) HARRY MOREY in "THE KING OF DIAMONDS" The Story of a Terrible Vengeance Wreaked By a Supposed Leper. COMING FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NORMA TALMADGE in "DE LUXE ANNIE." Repeat Select Feature EMPIRE NO. 1 (MAIN AND JEFFERSON) TODAY ONLY. MISS PRECILLA DEAN in "THE BRAZEN BEAUTY." ffevatIl EMPIRE NO. 2 (OPP. HOTEL GAYOSO) TODAY ONLY. GLADYS LESLIE in "THE LITTLE RUNAWAY." Vitagraph Feature Have Blankets and Quilts There we KNOW we excel. To see the fluf fiest, brightest blanket possible for cleaner or laundry to do try us in your preparations for winter. Maybe we will make a custqrner for all classes of laundry work of you. Model-Bluff City Laundry Main 1525-1828. The next time you buy calomel ik for The purified calomel tab lets that are entirely free of all sickening and sali W.ting effects. Medicinal virtues tmttlf iapfWtl Goaran tt d by j oar druggist. Sou) onlj in titalcd package, fries 3Sc Ho More Piles A Frre Trlnl of Pyramid rile Treat tent Ik One of the Grandest Events 1 ou Kver I : I pel it'iii'Cd. Ton are svifl'erlnK sbmcthinp: awful with Itching, bleeding, protruding olles or hemorrhoids. Now, go over Yea Positively Cannot Afford to Ignore These' Remarkable Pyramids. to anv drug store and get a fiO-cent box of Pyramid Pile Treatment. Ite lief comes so quick you will jump for Joy. If you are in doubt, send for a- free trial package by mail You will then be convinced. Don't deiaaV Take no sunsrttute. FREE SAMPLE COUPON PYRAMID DRUG COMPANY. M6 Pvrnmld Building., Marshall. Mich. Kindlv send me a Free sample of Pyramid Pile Treatment, In plain wrapper. Name Street .qtate. The Sensation of Two Continents CAILLAUX' of Calmette BOLO PASHA Shot i a Traitor A MIGHTY SMASH FOR AMERICA. TODAY AT OLD MAJESTIC NO. YOU Kept Your Pledge? New 1525. FROM THE LOW FEVER COUNTRY Cheering Message From South Georgia to People Subject to Fevers and Other Ills, Try Black-Draught Liver Medicine. Ocllla, tin. Mr. J. H. McNeill, a resi dent of this place, says: "I and my family have been users of Thedford's Black-Draufht for years and never yet found its equal for liver anil stomach troubles. It Is without doubt the host medicine for headache. Indigestion and such Ills on the market. I firmly be lieve if a family would use It regularly they would never have any fever, as it keeps the liver active and Is so easy to Uiko. We have never had any fever In our family since we began its use, although we live in low country in Southern Georgia. I use It In broken doses for indiges tion, gas or sour stomach, but for colds I use a full dose." When you feel bad aft over, stomach not right, bad taste In your mouth, head aches, bilious, etc, try that old, reliable vegetable liver medicine you have heard so much about Thedforrt u Black-Draught. You have read over and over again tho statements from users who found It of great relief to them In their suffer ing. Try Black-Draught for yourself Why should It not bring ynu relief, too? At all druggists. adv. TO BUY Iron, Scrap MHnl mid Paper Stock H. BLOCKMAN & CO. OVERTON AND N. FRONT ST. Main 1UI niw IK. in GASTON CALMETTE The Martyred Editor 1. Returning Soldiers Share as Part of Welcome Ovation Given President. NEW YORK, Dec. 5. More than 5.000 American soldiers arriving here from England Wednesday on the trans ports Lapland and the Mlnnekahda shared as a part of their home-coming reception the tremendous ovation given President Wilson as he sailed for France on the George Washington to help seal their victory at the peace table. The Lapland, bearing more than 2,0011 officers and men, most of them avia tors, came in Just as the presidential ship was about to sail. The Mlnne kahda, which came In a short time later with 3,039 men aboard, passed the Ueorge Washington in the Narrows. On each occasion cheers 'or the presi dent and cheers for the soldiers were blended as the ships passed. The demonstration which attended the arrival of the Lapland and the de parture of the George Washington had just begun to die away when the Mlnnekahda hove in sight, but Its ap pearance stirred the crowds gathered on the shores and the water craft whistles Into another tumultuous greet ing. secretary ot war (taker, who had ome to New York to witness the presl- lent's departure, visited the SLaplnml as the troops were being debarked and snent two hours fhattine- wt:h the men fhe British ensign over the stern of the Mlnnekahda was flying at half mast In tribute to Walter L. Hart, of Malakoff. Tex., a member ot the 111th Construction company, who died of pneumonia during the voyage. FUEL CHIEF'S AID TO PLANTS IS WITHDRAWN WASHINGTON, Dec. 5. All requisi tions of the fuel administration for the shipment of bituminous coal to indus trial plants have been canceled. The administration announced today that Its policy In the future will V to have to the plants themselves the work of obtaining fuel, which it is believed can ba accomplished without difficulty. EYES EXAMINED Glassed fitted and repaired by our expert optometrist Geo. TBrodnax INCpRPORATED. OPTICAL DEPARTMENT 22 South Main St.. MEMPHIS. i Stop Itching Eczema and failed, you can ctopburning, itching eczemaquickly by applying a little zemp furnished by anydrujrgistfor35c. Era lcre bottle, $1.00. Healing begins the moment remo is applied. In a short tine usually every trace of eczema, totter, pimples, rash, blackheads and similar s'.tin diseases wifl be removed. For clearing tho skin and making it vigorously healthy.alwaysusezcmo.the penetrating, antiseptic liquid. It is not a greasy snlve and it does lot stain. When others fail it 13 the one dependable trestmi-nt fTSkin troubles of all kinds. R W. Kom U., QavaUod, O, 5,000 U. S. TROOPS LAND IN GOTHAM RECORD SET BY PRODUCING "LAND BATTERY NEW YORK, Per E America's fa mous '"land battery" of BO caliber 14. o inch guns, which Waved bo Important a part in ih- German defeat, was de s.'ribed for the first time in detail by Lieutenant - Vtv.-.vander !. r. Hue. I, of the naval r serve, at the annuaj meeting here of the American Society of Mechanical Kngmeers. I he seven guns of the battery, n said, were built tn m7 for use on bat tleships. Thev fired a 1, 100-pound pro jectile at a mutrle velocity of 2,800 fet per econd and haU an extreme range of nearly 30 miles The project of putting them on the I movable railway eairtages for use in France, he said, was first conceived in the spring of 1918. The first mount was complete, at the HaMw in 1-ooomottve worn April 26. just 7-' days after th bids were opened and 'JO days ahead of schedule, and the last one was deliv ered SO days later The guns were tented at Sandy Hook and fhtpped from TELLS STORY OF MURDER OF WHOLE ROMANOFF FAMILY LONDON', Pec. 5. A dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph from Amsterdam says the Kiev newspapers publish a story by the valet of the former emperor of Russia of the murder of the entire Romanoff family by the liolshevfkl. According to this story, the once royal fam ily was compelled to live in a single room of n convent at Kkaterluhurn for weeks before the murder, uader guard of Bolshevik soldiers, who insulted them shamefully. The valet said on July 17 all the members of the family were taken to the cellar of the convent and placed iiKainsl the wall and shot, one after the other. According to the story, the murderers granted the last request of the former Kmperor Nicholas, that his wife, who was 111, should die in bis arms. According to the valet, the Grand Duchess Tatlana was only wounded by the shots of the riflemen and was killed by Mows from their rifle butts. All the bodies wire, burled in the outskirts of Kkater-lnburgs CHURCHILL SAYS fiCE HENRY OF BRITAIN WILL NOT I PRUSSIA TO STICK SEEK HELGOLAND WITH KAISER BILL (Continued From Klrst Pafe.) Important naval base, it lies In the North sea off the mouths of Bum and Weser and of the entrance to the Kiel canal, which it dominates. The Island was a German naval Stronghold throughout the great war. Its occupation by the allies was under consideration shortly after the signing of the armistice, when the German naval revolution made it appear doubt ful If Germany would comply with the naval terms of the armistice. These, however, seem since to nave Deen iui fllled nearlv in their entirety. There will be no formal surrender of German airplanes, as was at one time MNfiri . because it has neon round Impracticable to assemble -,000 air planes at one place and it Is doubtful whether Germany has a sufficient num ber of reliable pilots for that purpose. itenee me ttrsi surrenuer in inniory as an air fleet is being effected by piece meal. The Germans are shedding their wings in the course of retreat and the advancing allies are picking them up. BIG HOTEL IS, ASSIGNED TO'AMERICAN DELEGATES PARIS, Dec. 5. Quarters for Secre tary Muuini ana i he inner Amencnn delegates to the peace conference have been assigned at the CrjUon hotel on the Place ae uoncorae. mil .arse hotel hai been divided up into suites ot rooms for the delegates Bach suite win comprise living quarters and a business office for each delegate and hi.M Immediate secretaries. The apart ments overlook tii" Rsnianade "f Place (1m la 'oni'iirdf, wbii h Is nnw filled ivith war trophies and where stand the great statues of Strasbourg, Line and nets. SCJl covered with uMenntrs ami flags. Bach suite is handsomely furnished and haa patittlngs and tapestries, There ire com i nod lo tin baths und sleeping hambers. The deietaies will nndiably dinp together in what formerly was tho hotel restaurant. All accessories, in- luritng the bar. have been removed. Most of the conferences between the American delegates will be held in the large salon In the hotel CHUon. The business offices of the delegation, where several huAdred experts tn international law, geographical bouiWarles, intelli gence, etc.. will work, wri he In a large build I uk Immediately adjoining, Joseph (.:. tirew, secretary of the peace aeie Ration, has established quarters there. PARIS FILLED UP AND' PRICES GO SOARING paths, nee 5. Paris is rilled to overflowing. Prtces of all hotel rooms, since tho requisitioning of 26 hotels for peace conference purposes, have doubled and tripled and are still go ing rp Kood In restaurants and prices generally ure similarly mounting, A breakfast of coffee, bread ami but ter continues to cost net weeit $1 and SI. 60 at hotels. It Is virtually Impossi ble to lunch or dine for less than three or four dollars fur a simple meal. People arriving In the city frequently no to ir or 20 hotels before they get rooms for which the owners demand large sums and refuse to lower their rates. Baying they can get Hie price. Tho city is becoming more crowded daily, with the bulk or the conference officials and others interested In get ting rooms, such as snveral hundred of t he world's newspaper correspond ents not yet here. Where persons of the latter class are going to find ac nnm,dat ions nobody tn Parts knows, In addition to all trie other arrivals, Offerers and men of all the armies are com inn to Parts on les ve in consider able numbers, Sometimes as many as 2P officers stand for an hour In front of hotel offices watting for somebody to leave, when they ull demand accom modal ions. PRESIDENT WILL BE GIVEN GHENT DEGREE LONDON, Her, 5, The University of Ghent has decided to confer the degree of doctor on President VVtlsOn, Premier ( 'h'TTumcri u Pnti i In r I Jovd (leorce, MarhalFoch, Marshal Joffre, Admiral Sir David Beatty, den. lman, the de fender of Liege, and Cardinal Mercler. The Brussels communal council will confer the title of burgner of Rrussali on Herberl C Hoover. BrantJ Whltlemk, thp sfarQUlS do VlllH'obar. Spanish min ister to Belgium, and Jooat van vollen poyen, director of The Netherlands bank arfd head of the imtch commis sion to the I 'Jilted Stales. SOCIAL CORRESPONDENCE PAPERS Crane'i but paper), aba pouad gooJi. aad this paprri for wrirtiif "orr thrrr" Worth-while monogram dniiu, I'rrrt ddrcaiti, eoat-of arau. S.C.T00F & CO. MEM PUIS AMERICA IN Philadelphia with their crews ana trains comprising 75 cars. Lieutenant Commander Btiell said the timtnj were sent to the front, and the first ihol fired at the enemy on Sept. 6. less than 8M rta s after the plan was find conceived. The guns, which had the longest range of any ever mounted on a movable carriage, were so tueeessful In mobility and accuracy of fire that six more were ordered The trmletlce was signed, however, before they were deluerd Th crews were recruited from the Great Lakes naval station and were made up of men, all of whom had rail way experience Lieutenant-Commander Willuun L Cathcart, In an address on the Ameri can fleet, said it hail an agTegate horse power of 6.500 000 lajtt June Completion of ships now under con miction would, he said. Increase the present horsepower of the navy 70 per cent. 'Continued Worn First Pace. Prussian royal house, according to ihe Rreus Zeitunn of Berlin, in which he says; "i am forced to recognise i lie king's abdication and will assUt in (h policy for order and the constitutional gov ernment, Hut, on ttte other hand, 1 consider myself personally attached to my ktriK in the end of' my life and shall do everything to preserve him from lis nn anil tdiall reel ignlite him absolutely as the sole failllh head." LAST PROCLAMATION OF CROtyN PRINCE GIVEN COPKNHAQEN, Pit. R. illy tlic A soi ImIi c! I'ri'KH i Tl ilernmn crown prince's last proclamation announcing that hlfl icstftmitinn from bin command was n ssltatoii ly the emperor'! ret Unatlon, and tharialnf tli troops for thPir heroism Sffld self IScnTlce, II put likhed hv lho anlarha Itundichau i Bferlln. Ia Ui!h To ocliiiiutl loo Kroilcrfc-K William, who Ih now Interned on Ihe inland of Wlorlngen. having- fled to llollnnd. savs: "My anny (roup is unvanqulshed ly arms, itunger and inttcr neett con quarsd us. We can ooit the soil ot rranoe iirond an.l with hcaus ereei Voni' shields, your honor a t soldiers urc unspotted. "Iteefily moved, 1 separate from you, inline my head for your mighty ex plolt exploits wliti li history will re late t' the uLmiiiK veneration with in delible characters. He true to your loaders as before, timl he with sou and our fatherland FORMER RULER REFUSES TO TALK;JEARS TRIAL AMBRONGRN, Holland, I B. (By the Associated Prees i "I am a pri vate cltisen, and while Ih Holland will not make any Statement whatever for publication. " Thin was the former Herman em peror's messnKe ft Ihe Associated Prows oorrtSpondanl when he called at fount von Bentlnck's castle again. The OSrman gsnaral, acting as orderly, for merly governor of Mets. broughl the messaiie direct from William ll"heu ROllern, who the night before was in Clined to make a public lei lat a I ion. but changed his mind, The message contlnusd: "You must fullv realize my position. I km threatened on all fddes with crim inal charges, which, if brought, I must face. Therefore, 1 must reserve any statement until charges are actually brought Also I owe a certain loyalty to ths present Uermun governtqenl and can not make a declaration which might compromise others." Ths former emperor and empress are leading a verv unlet ijfc Their table Is of the simplest; fn fact, they have submitted to regulations requiring them to be rati on ad for bread and butter and other edibles, just as the ordinary country folk. LONDON PAPER SHOWS "ABDICATION" A FARCE 9 LONDON. Df'. 5 (Brltlnh WlrtlMi Service.) -Tho TlmeH, In dlnciUHlng lh former (Jermnn emptror'a ft " rp nunclatlon, points out that ihera Htlil room for doubt whether Ms abdi ottlon is lepTal and adds: "Moreover, the only effort of the mjioror'H iodlcatton under the Prua st'in ooMtltution to make the crown irim:c king of Prussia, and therefore until the German empire Is formally dlwplvad, the Qerman emperoi tjast Thursday 'h document) therefore, does not aholish tin rruailan monarchy, and huh let-8 does it net up the re public of Prussia. That can only he done by a formal revision 'f the Prua slan (Constitution, und until thai is car lied out the Prussian monarchy still 'XitH according to law, If not accord ing to fact, anil all th emperor's ahdi cttlon amounts t is a decision (,r his proaent intent ion not to xer ine cer tain leftai rights "But these rights would ! still aus pendadi not abolished, whatever the emperor mav 00 or say, and snoutu h monarchlnl counter-revolution bres k out he could, presunittbiy, change his mind and h brought hack, These ore polnti of great practical Importance, and if the ( Jermans made up their mlnda t' get rid of the monarchy it 1 1 hiKhl.v dcHlrable that lliey should love no time in clothing tho uosltlou of the Hoheflaolleiiia in legal form." GRANT WAGE INCREASES TO BAY STATE CARMEN WAHiilNOTON, Dec, u. Wage In- I eases for fcmpfoyes of the Bay State Street railway. Optra ting in Kaatern MajMtchuaotaH, w re awardetl today by the war labor board. The sward, fix Ing B st ale varying from II to 1", rents an hour for motoimep and conductors ami giving an approximate Increasstof 10 pgr cent to other employee, Is re troaOtlVe to Oct. 22 and the hoard held that' the blgher coat T)f operation win call for readjustment of paasengar farcy. STATE "BONE DRY." "I.YMPIA. Wash. Dm ft Wsahlng ton formally became a "bone dry" state lodav with tile Issuance nf a prorlama- t inn by Gov lirnest i.i-ier announcing j the naaaage at ihe November elsction of ihe proHlbttlon referendum Thli brings definite end to Ihe liquor par mil a.vatom which wae nuutflnd b Lh af Ule legialatuxa. Furnishings at Christmas Time Something that will give, day in and day out, service his needs. Every man will appreciate gloves, neckwear, of which are shown in abundant assortments, because this tical, sensible gift-giving. Distinctive Silk Developed of beautiful Crepe de chine, rub Silk and Broadcloth Silk, in the popular striped effects; beautiful color blgndlngs. In 01 Ices from $5.00 to $8.()5 Hnlli Robes Made of Heavy Blanket Cloth In Oriental Patterns. In rich colorings and made with roll collar, bla pocketa and havlnri allk cord at waist line $1.50 A MSTKKPA M , lec. T. The Berlin Tan1" SSeltung:, of Monday, aayi that Field Marshal Hlndenburf d the following proclamation to hie troopi; "The preliminary Bel l lemenf on a hlg and win He puihed work for : Und scale ia In proarea forward hh nitilflly aw ihe shortage d f huiltline mah'rhils will permit. The returning warrlore win flral receive the thanai nf the country for more than four yearn' work In a thousand battles. In which they were unbeaten. "Hundreds of thousands of buildings will be erected on cheaply in nuked land with public money hm nod at low rates to farmers, gardeners and coun try artisans, Mouses will be bulll for workers, employee and officials belong ii. to sedentary occupations and trans ferred to them on i he payment of a moderate portion of the actual costs, only h4ve patience n little while Help the wounded fatherland thgough 1 1 n hardest lime, Save it again by Qer man manly iHsclplhie and order, and thus mnki' your own fut urn "and your own happlnese ' 14 WOMEN NAMED. LONDON, Use 5,- Aiihiiik thefbsndl-ditii-H for parliament nnmlnsted nrp It women, They Include Miss Chrletsbsl Pankhurt, dnuvhter nt Mrs, Blmmsllnfl Parkhurst, the iilffrsge leader. Miss Frederiok Pethlck Lawrsncs, joint edltfir of Votes for Women. Miss Mary McArthur, Hwretary of the British nfotnen'i Tradei union, and Countsss Qenrslna Marklcvlcs, ot Dublin, the Hlnn rein leader S. M. WILLIAMSON. . President. HINDENBURG TELLS TROOPS OF LANDS TO BE GIVEN THEM 5..WlLLIAMSQiy CO, INVESTMRlYT 5 ANKERS 1IVSURAMC&, 7.1 Mitdlum Ave, Memphis. Use Our Money to Build Larger Quarters Your Own for Working Capital Wp ore prepared to make liberal loans on improved liuincs( property In .Memphis with leant amount of delay Also can offer liberal a,is on residence properly In Memphis at lowest rates. also make farm lomis In Wesl Tennessee, st Kentucky anil Northeast Vrkansus. i iMLdii niiNilliUiiiii'iiiiliiliiiiiiiiililivilihlilllllliilillilti Memphis j Every M;m Wants Men's Winter Gloves Of flntst suede, moch,r kid and rape ikln. with all the new innovations and im provements, In fclned and un lined styles; prices rane moderately from. $2.00 to $3.50 Men's Gift Hosiery Plain and Fancy Styles Complete atockt from which to make se lection cotton, ml IK Hale and pure thread allk. In atrlpei, clocks and. In fact, every fancy effect, at welt aa solid colora and black and white, and priced In a choice, a pair - 25i Hoc, !) to $1.25 Hosiery Store Main Floor. Shirts Smart In patterns whit h show every variation of style in ti tpes. In conserv.itlve and Of Mil ant effects. Fine rjr,de of Madrid p nangs end rrepes ire shown at- Slip-Over and Coat Sweaters Complete stocks are shown in regular and military effects, all the colors demanded by fashion and priced $3.'l5io$15.(X) Beautiful New Nwkwoar In all the silken weaves brouftht out for this purpose, In beautiful color ef fects and patterns, priced 50c lt $2.50 Men's AH Wool iintl Silk Mufflers lieefer Styles All-wool Mufflers .ire shown In- olld colors, of which tan predominates, and the Sll Knitted Mufflers are in solid shades and fancy striped effects, and are priced moderately. Wool Hoofer MllffllTN SIIU Knillnl Men's Furnishing Store Main Floor. SLAIN MAN'S HAND SHOWS WAY TO BODY RrPLHY. Miss., Dec. 5. (Spl.l The hsnd of Ira Short , 30, residing near Walnut, Miss., directed searchers to hln lifeless body In h rrecs after a week's futile search Hhoi I had been shut and hln throat cut Two negroes with whom Bhorl had a dlfftcult v nil- belli,? held In full an Short'fl slay cm It le believed the man wai sialn about Monday a week nK" He was shot with a shotgun, the charge entering hie rnouih and coming out at the ton of the head. Relative), had almost abandoned the Rearch when, nn tf hsi konlng t hem on to venose i he crime, the hand shove the water was uerrefved by panwere by The negroes In custody, George Gar red and Allen Hplght, are being care fully guarded, COTTON GIN AT H0XIE IS DESTROYED BY FIRE e HOXIE, Ark.. DSC f (Hpl.) Clro InMt night destroys Ihe Modern Oln n"d llnxic Hnnrlle factory adjacent, entail ln n Inee estlmatoil al 110,000, The orlKl" Is unknown N tton was lost. CARS STILL TIED UP. OMAHA. Neh . Dee. r, The strike of street! railway employee mi hi has the ...II,...,. ,.r , mill , und i .... a i HhiffM ivnniih'tplv tied nn I'nlnn lead- I era Buhl Ihe strike wbi continue nut their demands for union recognition at granted SLAYER ESCAPES. NASKVIMjfl. Tenn., Dec, K, iSpli LnuiM Berry, who killed IiIh sister, Mrs, Roberta Bradley, and wounded hie mother, Mre ileorge 1 1 Berry, Monde) morning, hae succeeded In eluding the poll lice. II'' was laei seen moikihn nun running inrougn an auey in .-"nun Nashville. Mn Berry Is expected to recover. Berry Is supposed to be Buf fering from mental aberration, M. EUGENE CLARK, Vice President, - : something that really fills shirts, bath robes, etc., all is a holiday season of prac Cotton Shirts $1.29 to $3.00 Muffler ) Flannelette Pajamas Of fine, fleecy flannelette, In two pieces; also ths ono-plece style with hood; priced $2.50 to $3.00 Christmas Is Near Have You Viiiited Sherron's? Many new OOVeltlei In bed room and felt slippers of un matchablo beiiniy anil iual lly are now being shown at moderate pricings, Xmas se lections should be made now. Wonderful Display of Beautiful Evening Slippers An entirely new and ad vanced showing In patent ami black kid. beautifully headed vamps and straps; also black satin pumps In headed styles, specially priced at - j $6.00 and $7.00 A Larj;e and Inviting Display of Women's Fine Kid Dress Boots at $6.50. $8.00 and $10.00. SHERRON HOE CO. MAIN AND UNION. GUAR ArsTCCO TO INSTANTLY RCLIEVS ASTHMA CR MONEY RtftNDtO ASK ANY ORUGGUl Road News Scimitar Waal t,