Tuesday, December 10, 19 is.
Civilian Clothes for
Young Men
v slnto you- men 1 the Aim rii aii
Army! You've kept your promts1- "Hell.
Heaven or Uoboketi l Christmas" -ami l
ing ahead of your schedule is an America u
And now conns the problem of uttlin
hack to civilian life the army uniform must
he laid aside, and in its plaec civilian' gar
ments are t he substituted.
The Guilfoyle hu is ;yni'! prepared
for the cmergeuvy. You have two kinds of
clothes from which t make y.nir selection
Tailored-to-l Inter tr Rcady-toWear at
prices Iiardh to be cpei-ted ijualit con
sidered. We procured the fahrics loiij ahead of
i ( (iiirenient.
Yc sugc-t thai 'ii give to your friends, as well as to
the pour, "the most neeessan of all things" A TON
OF COAL. Next to the RIGHT spirit, nothing
would add more to their pleasure and happiness than a
warm, comfortable home, We know how to please you
as well as your friend in delivery of Xmas orders:
City Coal Co.
Phones M. 125; Memphis 143
Burglar and Fire Proof Safes
Desks, idling Cabinet, Sections ivnk(-sM, office stationer?,
Twlnlock IiHWf-loaf lV!Km.
Th. PnlUffo Rnu Vt wjlh Schuiteh
iiv vvhvv vM.iif. spec till ics.
A ukrd-h aarh week rlrtvn by Chicago fritUM j I
Hopes Women Will
Adopt This Habit
As Well As Men
Glass of hot wster each morn
ing helps us look and feel .
clean, sweet, fresh.
Happy, ItIhIii, n lert icm-nua una
Vivacious .1 food clsar skin, a natural,
rosy completion and freedom from m
ness tre assured only by riean. healthy
blood, If miI every woman and lik
wlss every man could nmhio the won- . tli. i .1 I . -i ........
f ".- ...u,,, ..ii.ii
ir rrrilf 1 i)n . -Ititli... .v., 1,1. 1 InL.,
I Instead of the thousands of ulckly,
y; j Kiiiii-iiiii- ,. women ami uni.i
Hllll iWM? 'M lllllllUI 1 1 till Ml' X lOnS 111-
IhiuhI uf iiu' multitudes of "nerve
wreaks, "rundowns," "brain fan" and
I passlMste should so- h virile, on-
I itinlHtlr throng of rosy-cheeked people
! I'veryw Itei p,
An Inside hath la had by drinking,
aacn pVornlng before breakfast, a Kiuss
of a hot water with a leaspoonful of
I linitiino phosphate in n to nsli from
tits Itofaach, liver, kidney and ten
runts of bowels the previous day's in-
I fllieitlale waste, aour fermentation
and potions before puttthR more food
inio tin1 stomach,
Those suhjeoi In nick headache, bit.
! luminous, hasty lireattt, rheumatism
mills; and particularly those who nave
u itiiiini. aallow completion una who are
nnstipaisit very oitsn, are urged to
r "I'Uin iiuarter pound of limestone
n i i'iioHin.iif ui tne nriig store, which will
' coal but a trifle but in sufficient to
. demonstrate the quick and remarkable
h.'i nu r lii liotti lii-alili iituI niipriiraniT
awaiting tbnae who practice Internal
,, imitation,
.. .
Examination Glasses- Service S - rn...,h . ..
....... tf r
All c,i-,.i hv , Rtnii MuoMblc rhtrss
Serve Satis
factorily in
Work or Play
The shell rims pmtrcl
lenses and dex'reaee break,
aic. Thcj arc comfort
able, ntyllsli anil ilurnlilc.
Gold Killed. M, 15. 16, 17, is to I'J
Solid Gold, . 7. IS. t, tin to H'J
Lcnseu only, 12 to 7.
Schulte Optical Co.
Specialists In Fitting (JUsses.
Ground Floor- 91 S. Main St.
Hours I to 6 p.m., Sun. II to 1 r ss
Read News Scimitar Wants.
Faally and rttcsi'lr msils at boma,
V hut It brats thrni all for
quit k rcaulm.
'ni"uaiiils of housewives have found
that thry ran save two-thirds of the
monev ustiallv f.t-ttt lor rouli prep,
araiinni. hj mine this well-known uiil
Wipe for niukinp cottgll l.vrtlp at
home, it is uniplo and cheap hut it
really Ims no equal (or prompt results.
It tski s i i(;hl holil of a cnu)jh nml eivee
inRierlinte relief. Usually alopAinj) an
ordinary rough m 4 hours or leas.
Oet 'J'-, ounces of I'mrx from
anv druBBllt, t'"iir it liiti, a pint
bottle, nml mill plain granulated
eiijitr syrup lu make n full pint. If
ITOU prefer, use clarified mnlasiwa,
j honey, or com ivrup, insteml of sugar
yrup, Either av, ii tastre good,
keep! perfectly, ntnl l-ta a (armly a
lone time.
It's trulv nstonisliing lmw quickly
It arts, penetrating tlirouth every nir
patssge of tin- throat ami lungs loos
ens mid tins, s Hie phlegm, soothes anil
In nls the membranes, ami gradually
but lurcly the annoying throat tirkle
anu urcaoea cougn disappear entirely.
Nothing l itter for bronchitis, spasmo
oie rrnup, whooping cough or bronchial
adtli ma.
Pinei ib a ipeclal an.l highly eonern
trated rompound of genuine Norway
June i struct, known the world over for
lit healing effect on th membranes.
Aonl disappnintnenl asking
jour ..deviggiil for "4t4 ounces of
1 1 inex with mil direclions and rion't
accept anything else. Guaranteed t
j gle Kbsolute sjtisfsetiun or money
prompt I v refunded. Tim 1'iuca Co..
Ft. Wayne, lnd.
Give Dental Work This Christmas
H'ontlnuird (torn Firm I ..- i
town W alter Morris. Athens: James U.
I pcliurch. It K. l. ;. Gaineaboro,
Kece 0 Harnett. Bristol; Hubert II
Habb. Afton
.Missing in action: Privates John '!
eiilirr, Clinton; Harrison flaws. R. y.
i' 4. rrospeet; Kmnk Morgan. Arch
Mllr, llobrrt L. Its oh, Ug Vinton Ave..
Memphis: Clifford I 'niton. It K. U. 4,
Bristol; Richard, Rsynoida, K K. D 4.
oncord; George W. (Uiea, it. 1" 1 J.
Afton; IJoyd S. Kilgnre, Newport:
iiank Mom,-. Alma; Albert S Thoina.-.
It I' Ii 3. Milan; John M Jaccup, Kust
Ijilie; Frederics Baugh, litis Kaynor
t . Mrninhts; K Grant. Mount
1'ieasant; l W. Wriglit. It r. U I.
I .. feated
Killed in action; Lieut. Marvin K.
Stalnton. tot line St., Laurel.
I Med of disease. Privates George La
vis. It . i 1, .Shell,) . William Green,
Natchsa: John Bdwarde, it. V. 0. I,
I.odi; Morgan White, Roaetta
Wounded severely Privates Isaac 1..
Bridgera, Herman vllle; l;uel Brown,
Liberty; Kloyd llalles, Shubuta
Wounded, degree uiuo termi ned : Ser
geant Albert T Barton, Msthlson; Pri
vate I'ave Ingram. It. K. I), 2. I'Ihi I - -burg.
Jesse reasmlre, Holly Springs.
Wounded slightly: 1 Wilbur I-'
Ponder, liulstyih-
Mlsstng In action Privates Henry p.
Thomas, p. i". i 4, taimberton; lti(.
H. Mrt'ord. It r Ii I, Carls; Robert
II McMulleu, Decatur; llenrj A Styers,
Killed in action: Cofps Green B,
Rasley, It V, i, St Kureka Springs.
Charlie L. Moss. Thimble; James 4'.
Smith, Kvenlng nhade
Died front wounds: Privates Forrest
Johnson. It )'. 1 1. I, Montlcello.
1 ned of disease i 'onk I'lmrles V. VA
eii,l. Basset! . Privates James K. Brown.
Oardanelle; Henry K. ('ouch, Archey;
i ill ver Kltigleton, uarland I'ity.
Woundeo aevereiy: I'orp. Boy S.
tri. k, Siloam Springs; Privates Bam
Weaver, Perryvllle; Jess V. Phillip.-,
Mansfield; Ben w. Hones, Lonoke;
Iianl I. Neal, Warren; Charlie W.
While. It. V. IX 1. Kt bridge; Sidney
Brogdon, Charlotte; I'ike A. Harper.
Wounded, degree undetermtned :
Lieut Sauuiel ii lloyce, 612 Palm
street. I .It tie Book . Sergt. Sere I C
liodson. Berryville. rorp. inner B War
ren. Hatfield, Privates Joe Will ani
Dardsnelle; Human Anderson. Iinho
den. John Smith. Lepanto: Tony Faulk -inbury,
Tezarkana; Ralph J. Blnkley,
Rogers; John L Bolln, Bass; Booker
Phillips. Marble: Blbert M. Taylor,
BJythevllle; Kngllsh P, Brogdon,
Missing In action: Privates John S.
Boatrlght, It I" I) I, Whltner; San
ford N. Clagg. Sin, ess. Leonard L.
Wntklns. it F. 1 1. l. Fulton, Verland
L. Bun h. R P I I. Perry; John II
Bedilell, Mount Judea; John F. Rhuades,
Plummervllle; Dock White, Qgld Knob;
Hurley V. Jackson. B. 1 l I, Gap
ton; Lewis L. Allen, Success. Hurry
Ford, Grevette; Clarence Crnff. Osoeola.
Killed ip action: Corp. Chester K.v
ans. Birmingham; Privntes Bobeit pur
.ly, It. F H I, t lance vllle; Boy P.
Thomas. Nlxburg: Ursdy Vates. Bir
mingham; Adam L. Smith, Hllllna.
ied from wounds: Private Charles
W Ftnjlley. Kyffe.
Hied ol disease: Privates: Flunk Hill.
Bay, William Sledge, Bromley; Thomas
c. ftnderwood, Florence; wiliiaio T,
Roycroft, coker.
Wounded severely : SeiKl John It
Williams, It. F. L). I. Irondale; Corp.
Jesse n. Godilnril. odsnvllle; Privates
Roy Itrviint, Redbay; Vlrs-il C, Waller,
H. F. U 1. Arlton; Carl F. Blackwell,
Oakman; Clyde Hall, It F, D. I. De
troit; Julius Holmes. Birmingham. John
it. While, Boas; Cm tin Ailed, It. V I'
I, Ripley; Clyde Parker, Perdldo; .las.
A. Bentley, Cleveland; Jamas l, Burks.
i laytun.
Wpunded, degree un4etermneU:
Corp. Hubert B. Alexander, Binning'
hum. Privates Qrover V. Young, ,R V,
'j tladaden; James Hallford, Hmlght;
Edward Q, Howell. Hartford; John a.
Soggier, B. F. D. 1. Florence: Alon.o
Beese. Montgomery i William W, Dew
berry, Wedoweer. James P. Nichols,
Jr., 'i'homaslon; Boy A. Beese. Cullmagt;
iirestiis T. Wilson.' R, F. D, I. Ashland:
Barley 0. Ferguson, Ariullla; MllUtrd
v. Jackson, Pineapple,
Wounded slightly: Privates Owen L
Taylor, Pratt City; George ii McKwen,
It. F. I. 3, Vlnemont; mis H, McKay,
B F D. J, Delta; Corbet W. Boy ing -ion,
Robertadale; James C. Craft, Mo
bile; llussell DobOS, It, V D, 1, Maples
vllle; Theodore R, Grant, Hurt Forest,
Missing In lotion: Corp. Robert
Wheeler, Carbon Hill
in action; corp.
Sulphbr; Privet)
Loretie: Haydon N
I, Milton Willi
oil II W
Killed in lolioii: Corn. .1
1 1' Daniel,
It F. D
Brookivllle; Robert C Huggins, ll F,
D. ", Owenaboro; Blehiird btull, I'urs
ton. I Ued from wounds: Private Samuel
Boutherland, Moreland,
Died of disease: Serf) John W,
Thomas. Maysvtlle; Privates wit c
Green, It. F. D 2. Tompkins vllle; Will
p. May, Ludlow
Wounded severely: Seit Otho L,
Silvers, Tatevllle: Corp, Btonlej Clark,
It. F. D I, Owlngsvllle; Wagoner
Fred A Sinith, Louisville Pelvates
Clifton IJiitle, Index: Raymond H Yel
tdn, Butler. Clyde yiniis. I'dducali;
carl Sullivan. B. F. D J, Benton; An
dray II Sunderland. It, F. D 4, I're
donla; Lewis O. Griffin. Lu Center;
Boy M. Underwood, HMatrnls; McKln-
le' Garrett, Irving, Oscar lAison,
Wounded, degree undeterminfd:
Sergt Chester W. iBtakeman, Horse
Cave; Wagoner Herbert Barnea, It.
F li 4, Hodgevllle; Privates Hlmer K.
Brown, Ottawa; Charlie IV Sebastian,
:ni Leer: Riley Abney, Winchester;
Paul I! Dlarmlt, Milton; Asbem Wil
lis, itunisey ; Charles l llehr, wti
liamsvllle; Freddie Baker, I 'tne
John 1 1. Steele. MOSS) Hot loin
Thomas, Flatgap
Wounded sllfhtls
c Rsmey, ttuesell
Anchor Willie
WilgUS i reerti, Sti'Vensou, Hum
Grimes, Glendale; Kdward Nelhoff,
Prlyates Clareni o
Chile It Smith,
Dolller, Fleming;
ducah: Trueinan J, Palmore, Temp
klnsviile Jacob Austin. Falmouth.
Missing In action Sergt Frank
Knight, ctovetport. Privates Roland I.
crik'gs, Waverfy; Harves Jee'cll, Louis
ville; Charles Berry. R, F D, 4. Gwens
lioro. George T Craig, Flnley Delbert
D, Morgsn, Ammans; Arthur G. Steph
ens, Latonla.
Li il lSLW A.
Killed in aetion: Corps Iteiiltitnln T
. I llxon,
fuhbs, l-'arniei sville . Daniel W
A nacoca . Leander J, Klnchen,
Died from wounds: Private Gordon
l Peters. Natchitoches.
I iisl of disease: Privntes John II
Bryant H V T. Alexander; Paul
St Bonnon. Bayou Barhary. George
B Kennedy, New Grleana; Harr) Selp
lo, New Orleans; Mitchell C Williams,
Baton Kouge.
Wounded severely: Privates Douglas
A. Diamond, Wlnnsboro; Stanley i:
ledir. Allerton. Flunk Calasctone, New
i irieans
Wounded, degree undetermined:
Corp, Tout 1 Cooper, tiittin, Privntes
llotvnrd V Tyler, Glenmore; I'alagero
Costa. Hammond, Gttn c Hess, Weiaa;
Revel Hlgginhotham, Mrrrouge. Willie
S Pippin, ll F D 2. Wlmtahofn; Jlm
mie George, Center Point; fumer J.
Brlce, Bry'eelnnd; Allien Delouche, .it
i 'louleirvllle.
Wounded slightly: Privates llnhert
W, Crowson, Jonesboro; Ldwai-d Love
ly, ljihndnnlllr
Missing lu action: l'rt-ates t
Meatayer, Alexandria; .S':in c
Killed In action: Sergts. Feetus
erts, R. r D. I, ltull,i rlordtoii ; llai
field Butts, Morrisvllie; Corps, Ales
Holmes, Henderson,; Rlbert F Carr,
Lenoir. Arthur I. liwing. Inirham;
Hoecoe Brown. B F Ii I. Ilnllsvhllr
Privates .lumes 0, Summerltn, Mount
Olive; Charlie Woodly, B F. 1 1. .6,
Oxford Thomas Cotey, Dover, John V.
1 tawsnn, i tgnsn
vPied from wounds; Private Atlas C
Johnson, b. f d i. BarneeelUe
Died of disease: Privates Roy H.
Fuller. Dnrbnni. Benluniln A Dal R.
V 1 1 1, Snowhlll John Crant, Briek-
ton. Thomas i: Name, Thomasvtlle.
Wounded severely: Corp, Gerald it
Blount. Maekevs. Drlvur Jadles .1
Hisiks. It. F 1 1 Freemont. Privates
Itohert MoPonaM, Regal; Karl W Ad
ams. Andrews Alfred D Horn. Catha
rine latMe; Pleasant I. k Oeaton, it
v D, i. Btatesville Ben Cherrv,
Bethel; Oscar w tirav. it v k.
Rocks Mount. Paul !' Taylor, Can
ion. Willis M. Henderson. Rutherford.
Ion Noah Hakes. Klk Park. Joe R,
Home, poikton; inavra lAmber, it.
F. D. 1. Mount I'leaaant, usee C. Orr.
0. tjr dgf
mv in av7rgggggfn .a. k;iVA - . tu.
This Is to Certify, I hal
has bought aiul a i d for
TRY lo the value of . .
will he rendered to the
This certificate carries my guarantee ol perfect satisfaction anil
TEETH, or anv other form of ilent..i work in all of which I guar
antee the use 0f the best ma- -. s-y. ,
Hiinis aim me services or ex
perienced and skillful opera
tors -trained specialists In
their various lines of work
on demand.
The use of these certificates will Kreutly simplify your Christmas Riving.
Is your wife's smile as gweel anil pretty as it was the day you married
her or Is it marred with broken. Bnaggled, missing or decayed teeth?
Put ii WINFREY CHRISTMAS CERTIFICATE in her stocking and you
will put her bridal smile on her face Chrlstmag morning. Try It.
Memphis 'MostPtominen tDen tist
Arranges Unique Plan to Enable
People to Give the Most Useful Christmas Gift
Dr. C ('. Winfrey, with his announcement of Christmas Dental
Certificates, lias made possible thousands of the most useful and
practical presents which will cany the Christmas spirit through
the year and add untold health and pleasure to the fortunate recipients.
Winfrey Quality
The Winfrey Christmas Dental Certificates
enable one to make a needful present in a
tactful way think how long mother lias
postponed having her dental work done;
think how long she will put it off; think
of the joy a perfect set of teeth will bring
her; think what it will mean to her in com
fort and health a Winfrey Christmas Cer
tificate solves the whole problem EVERY
These Prices Good On All Winfrey Christmas Certificates
For $5.00
Winfrey Quality
These Winfrey Bridges resemble
the natural teeth sn perfectly that
they arc preferred hy many tu the
full sets of teeth. Made of the finest ma
terials by operators with years of experi-
iid SLV and $50
enee. Many people lia
for work not as good.
For $5.00
Winfrey Quality
Regular $10 Winfrey
Quality, made of the
finest gold possible to buy;
pure 22-k gold, built for
service and carrying my full
jjcrsonal guarantee of sat
isfaction in every respect.
Beautiful examples of scien
..... tilic dentistry, an ornament
to any mouth - the cry
acme of perfection.
For $10
Winfrey Quality
Complete seti of teeth made to order, and
guaranteed to fit perfectly. The VN infrey
perfected impression system enable- Dr.
Winfrey to reproduce every contour of the
gums and jaws, insuring a perfect and
comfortable fit.
Dr. C, C. WinfrE Dentist
86 Union Avenue, Corner Main, Over Drug Store. Office Hours:
R.m. to 6 p.m.
Sunday 9 to 12.
Over Drug Store j
IStowah; WVfr I". It Teagup R F.
D, i. Clematis.
Wounded, degree undetermined: Cor
poral Walter Kusa, Hallaboro; PrivateH
John J. KIiik, It. K. D, 3, lllllaboro;
Henry Stork. Orifton; Monroe Moai"ly,
I'jWart; Kr.uik Maun;. Danbun William
ii (laaklna, NewbornJ Henry M Bourne,
Aahpyllle; Kdward U, Cowan. Mores
vllle: John A. Harrell, Qoldaboro; Kd
Hiinl B, Mulder. H. V. D. I, Jltnkson
Hnrlngs; Claudiui Atkinson, i'lnelown;
Henry N. Burney, It. V U, ;:. Clarkton
Wounded allgmly: Privates Leo .1
Henrv, Gllllay: Harrison C. Collins,
Bessemer: Floyd ll Wilson, II V h
L I'llot Mounlain; Perry Best, Newton
Oranii; James It. Better, Morganton;
iiKil McBryde, Hanford; Janah n Neu
man, it. V, L. '-. Clyde; lr.i -i e. Hr
son, tlnaka.
MIhnIiis In ni'linn: l'rlvati" William S
West, It. V. ir i. tjoldsboro; Welsy A
Dndil, Just; Robert l", Wright, llirkorj
Killed In action: Sergln James s
Tratibe, Pleasant Mill; Prank o Kuo
rer Nevada: Corporals Qus s. l-'arrar.
Windsor; Kdward Kiitire, it. P I) I,
Hoberg; James W. Kellehei . St Uiuls;
CVed ii Ijott, Kansas 1,'lty; t'harles H,
Riendte, Mr able; .laities M Hutuivaii,
si l. miiis, PiUhugh I.. Richards, lle-vb-r
Lawrence !. Wells, Si. I. mils. tJuy
Ft i'rutchdeld, Kennett; Andrew P,
Hunker, Luxemburg: Clyde A. illpson.
It V ! i 4, I ; Ueorge i llaldllne,
Hiirlngrield; Krunk T McUnwau, Si
IR.uls; Privates Htanlej W Wilholm, st.
i, i, ins; Louis V. .Ink. SI Louis; i !eo.
1 1 Reaver, Graiiby; Leu J. Kennedy, St.
L. iiu; William C. McVey, Si Louis;
Arlhui H. Laslier, Loulsburg; Allien J.
nderson. It K I. -. Osborn; llarrs M.
llrinMiiier. Kansas City; Sam Buchman
Si l.tuiis;
Rli hard B
Pauth, St
Hied of
Smith, St.
nil, Hannibal
Galena; August r
S, Hariisonvllle.
iii,',i uf disease:
V ruiir.ltn. K V. I
Joseph 11 Crouch,
Klvtlt:. St. I .I'll is
i idessa;
eorge J.
herl L.
; v o,
aw i enee
r Thurman, wrignt i uy; riaveiie e.
Law . Kansas i 'Itj
Wounded severely: Lleuts John It
Cushlng, Webster Qrove; Joseph C.
Caldwell Mabel Mill: Alois (i Neu
wlrth, St. Luuis. Sergts, Hdgar B Itar
nett, Bethany; Oscar K Bchulte, lliuh
Hate; Joseph V Roche, Kansas City;
Pleas McCann, It v D, I, i'entralla;
Sergt K
Privates i
Krnesi A
Privates 1,
"Pape s Oold Compound".Ends
Severe Colds Or Grippe
in Few Hours.
Relief com i s Instantly
V dose taken avers two bums until
three doses are taken will end grippe
misery anil break up a severe cold
either in the heart, eneat, h",t ir limiis
it promptly dpens cloned-up noatrtn
and alt pssaagSH in the head, itopa
naafy iliselisrae or nose runnSHt, re
heirs siek hegdacjie. dullness, reverlsn.
sure throat, stu eiing. soreness and
tsin't stay stuffed-up! ijiiit blowing
snd snuffling: v:e uur throbbing
lieaii' Notliinit else In Ilie world given
SUra prompt relief ns ."Pnpe's Cold
Compound. which rusts only u few
eenix at any urug siore it a,-ts wiih
nitt asslstsiiee. tusies ni,e , aoses im
liieijnv euience. be sine jou gel ilie
gauuius. adv
Corporals Joseph Dwan, St. Louis; Kd
win F Kiieek, K. K. D, 2; Stover; Pri
vates John H. KorBvtlie, Kansas City;
Samuel J, Wall, It. P. D, Faucet ;
13d gar M, llnvwn. Bt. t'harles; fjfark
Day, Mount Airy; William L. Woolsey,
Bigus; John Hansen, li. V. Ii 4, Har
naril: Anion Mtistedile, It V. T. 1,
Campbell; William .Ionian, R. V. I. 1.
Wellington; Howard Wall, St. Luuis:
Percy K rlapptter, Mountain Qrove;
Robert L Meirell. Lalielle; .Innies .1
Kerr, Kt Louie; Paul R Meyer. Bt,
Louis; fienrge B. Tate. Marvville; Jo
seph L, Worth, Blchle; Lodds K Wlers
urek. St Joseph: Henry .1. Woodson.
( ild Monroe; William Bndejan, St.
Luuis; .Inhn A. MeNamara, St Luuis;
Charles '. Maxwell. Burlington Junc
tion; 'ins V. Anderson. St Joseph; John
r: Qrlsf, 8t. Joseph ; Batista Moley, Kan
sas I'iiy; John II Bchlerloh, Higgtns
llle, Irvln Pyett, Prank Clay; Walter
M. Perdue. Linden: James O. Bailey,
It V. Ii. I, Vichy: Ira T. Cox, .lames
llle: Albert B, Hariier. St. Louis; Law
rence Hopper, Bates City .
Woupded, degrep undetermined:
Lieut. Leon B, Collier. Klrkwood; Cor
porali Purest L, gpldle, tiallatin; Albert
Brown, Doniphan; Paul J. Kuehnert,
Wittenberg: oarnett G, Thompson,
Howling Qreen; Hubert L. Tinder,
Tracy; Thomas w Wright, It. P. Ir 1,
Payette; Musi, 'Ian Henrv P. Thomas.
Hhelpina; Mechanic George E. ltrtiun
I'erli, St. Louis; Privntes Chris H.
Brauer, It. K n I. Florence; Otto II
Plrrung, R, K p. I, Meddoc; Ernest
n Magee, Carrollton; Edward it. Ma-
lonev, Cora. George Itlee, St. Louis.
Kugene U still, Klrksvllle; William A.
Thomas, Crbana; Bmmett H. Hartnett,
Preston; Freddie Keetnian, It. F, I. 1.
( ild Monroe; James K. t 'unningham.
Honlphan; Paul Arho. Brownsville;
Floyd B Harris, St Louis: ilenrge W.
H Srhumaehrtr. Washington; Clarence
Behnelder, Oregon; ilienn p. Law
Kansas City; Granville v:. llsoo,
Frisk ltiilien S Templeton. Kugene,
Lee Wood, Jopllnj Irving M. Baker.
Newhurg: Harold W Carter, Savannah:
Roy ppnher. St Joseph; Johnnie C.
Ne'wklrk. Novelty. Ueorge Pothetes,
Kansas City; Henry c. Lane, Joplin;
Peter C. Morton. St. Louie; John P
ii'I'onnell, St. lamls; Charley P Piy -mell.
It. F D, '-. Jameson; Harold P.
Monroe. Kansas City: Lovon J. Thick
stun, Splrkard, John W Bradshaw, An
tonio car1 II. Amdt, St Louis.
Wounded slightly: Sergeant John F
O'jriaherty, Kansas City. Curporals
Ray Graham, Brumley; Alien (livens,
l':se William L Sullivan. Si Louis.
Lewis s. Brown. Hexter. M vh.inic in
oar 11 Jelt, St. Louis; Cook Vlver
Qrabiella, Kansas City; Wagoner wuiis
it McCatnpbell, Monett; Privaies Len
I), Kerr, Kansas City: Herman P, Iteh-
rens, n i? D. 8, Turney; Alvln B.
Bowen, st. Joseph; Patrick I McDer
Hint l . Gregory Landing.'v H .laoli.
it v i ir, Windsor: George T, Mc
caul, WeHkvitle: Howard Routhern,
Kansas I'ltv: Ra'.jili Webb Laddonla:
James Holmes, Hawkpolnt; Anton
Bedor, St. Louis; Ueorge I!. Clements,
Missing in action: Lieut, William K
Si'oil, Prospect; Corporals Chester Al
bert, si Louis: Thomas W Mitchell,
Weston; Leonard 11 steffens, Lexing
ton; Henry Stout, Si Louis; William
ti WUI St. Luuis. Privaies Herman
J Partel. R. F. D, 2. Herald; George A.
Mavis. Carthage. John K Wilte. Jop
lin; F.lmer A Bpratue, Kansas;
Thomas R Bean, Bolivar. Claud'
Crocket! Sullivan; A'hert L Fischer,
Williams; Ben F Maddeux, Richmond;
Henry Taney Lexington; ltoiieri T
Vonoertxen, Vayett". Brover U Hen
derson, Currvvllle; Lee Syies. si Louis;
Alfred W Reynolds, Bollgman; (leorge
L RUssell R. F H I. latan: William
c Whit.-. Westfnrk. Roy U King, cape
Girardeau Sam PoUtte, Potosi. Silas
Redman Flat lliver, Marshall K. Tliur-
man Joplin; Pavid Whitley, st. Louis:
William c ljey, Campbell 'Herbert
pack sikeMon. Omar A Fierce, Marble
Hill Joseph J Porter. It. F H ti,
Parmlngtop; Fred .1 Rsynoida. Kansas
Cit .1 l Perr. Laplata. Henri M.
Kudaley, SI. Louis: Arthur 1. Bald
win si i.ouis. William A. tdaara. Jof-
, . Ktmer l.ikeri. an. Louis; Bonne Tirre.
Every Good Physician
Nuxated lion
To Create Red Blood, Strength
and Endurance
Says Sworn Statement of Composition of Formula of Nuxated Iron
r-rinieo Below Should convince Every Physician and Pharmacist, No
Matter How Skeptical. That It Is a Product of Greatest Therapeutic
Hnth the medical profession hiuI the
public at large should, give great
credit to the manufacturers nf(Nux
ated Iron, says Dr. Ferdinand Kins.
New York physician and medical au
thor, on account of their voluntary act
in authorizing the widespread publi-I
cation of the sworn statement of the
composition of the Nuxated Iron for
mula in newspapers and magazines for
the information of the public and for
their generous offer to send a signed
typewritten copy of the exact formula
to nil physWians and others inter
ested. Dr. K'lng further sive: ' careful e
sinlrnlinti of this nimble fom-.nla Should
pot nn'- eonvlee ii. o three million people,
whom it estimated are now us'nr It nn
nun'lv in America alone that they bs-o
ionle no mistake In selecting it. but
should ntso ennvlnes every rh"Sloiae
and nharmnclst thst it Is a product of
CTcntest ther "ent'e vslue which the
renern1 nrsetlt'OPa" een nrescrlbe sl
mosf riftlbi In his nractles with remark
ahle benefit to his natienls, anil ftfn
wblch, 'n mi' onlplon even- rood nhv.
sielan should it times nreaerlba If bo
WaPtS to do Hie rrest"t posihte eOO''
to those wbn oorsolt bim. Tbere Is. I
I'f'i.vp, no form of Iron wMrh s so V"1.
liable r tb"t rprtlenler Inectsl eeelfle
tan'1"nl n-liirh isMed in V'"aiiiU"'rin.
and 'f s I'hvs'rlan has a n-Hent wbns
ron.MMon ts one tbt reoi'l'sfw t'"n, t
wnoifi most e'ee'th' nur'-'st tlnf no
matter what other forms nfnfo'p M iv--peeseHbe
"It'iout Stiecese, that l1
bntild ,,4t'v-..t particular form use.l id
Xv i.H T"on.
"There , an be no strong, sturdy iron
men. nor beautiful, healthy, rnsv
cheeked women, without iron Pallor
means anaemia Anaemia n'eajis Iron
deficiency. The skin of anaemic men
and women Is rale, the flesh Denny, the
rruscV'S lark tone, the bftn fags and
the memory falls, and thev often be
come weik. reon'in, Irritable, desponil-
ent and melancholy.
' Therefore. If you wish to preserve
vour vim and vurnv to a ripe Dig age
xx vknasisF- si 1 1 si nil i t i assai ii niai
-7rj uTjnMmn mrj
at BWUV t rHaBV'7 Jf
KVWL mtm i mm I'M IWM Mill
it for
my pnliftntp, j
truthfully ray
extols iiny prparr.t'ou
have ever used for
building up deli' j'te, ner
vous. uin-lown folks ftiid
intTeaslnc the
((irpusclef , therein- en -rthlnff
nnd fortlfyinp the
Muod fuETflinst the r;ivage(
of disease, i 'nnt r:irv e
frenemt opinion, tack of
iron In the blood does ilot
neressnrllv mean ynti rto
I'ot have ffnOUffh blood,
hut it means onr hlnod
Is nnt of the light kind,
Japrr K
you must suppn" the iron tieririrnev in
nnr food hv uslnur some form of or
Rfinte Irun, vp ns you would use iMt
when vour food lvs not enonirh clt,"
1 r. .lames V-rii!s S.illivan. f-rnierlv
nhyiiotan of BUVU Hospital (utdor
lept t. New York, nnd the Westchester
COttAty Hopital. said : "I ha o t iken
Nuxated Iron myself and prescribed It
"If you fe! tired
Hie moniinirs: ie--.tli
nieTht; If voc suffer from
"eaknrFp nt lack of vital
ity; go to your family
doctor and hHV him tke
A S"et-irr,en uf vour blood
nnd fnmine M, snd if It
shows Iron deficiency, et
hrf to give vou a" ?re
scrtptlon for entrant rnn
Novated Iron. To 'his
p t as to he sure tbit you
.o nnt pet hn,l of so-ii
vi Ml nurnorous forms of rnUlitc iron
I iepnrntions on the mirket. which may
do you more harm thar. jrood. Or if you
do rot w.'nt to fro to this trouble, pur
chase an oriiTnnl pvkaffe of Nuxate'l
Iron nnd see for yourself that the words
Nuxated lron appear on the packace.
Not Nux and Iron, nor any other form
of iron other than Nuxated Iron."
1 V v""' Haelsr er HrilOOUt fT ny P harm See U
tif Chf mit or Pfd'eisor of ThpraDe'itini in
isu m. '.c.,1 r in . luii u thi tfirmuln
x pnnv nf Uim m Intl HWAfA 'ti.m'- ' will tx
t " ' in ,v. t wii i .")' tt. It ti n fftl
li -T,: Iron PtptnoftU 'pei-lAl prtfl3 sinihr1t. Quaf
titv cbwi Nlmr. Srvtlum (i!y-mtli i 'lWH l" I1
iMonmvnt'i) rulchm ;iyci"-orli"1tiitM tT. tlttawtn-
tni r k Ni VnwM r. s P.. rictnin nittfr. z
tiMl'im Csvrtwmste, To 'Olturer V, P P., OH CmI ri-in.i
mm C P P., ("'iiium CflrhitrtsitP Pw4p. 1 ;S . IV l u ll
ilrwr nf iwn nblfi.e. vf Niuatfxt I-in oontalmi oo$ and ntir
hitf iins nf nftnalsl h ;li tm of turn piMcnifttfl
ol i BPN-tfi' KUmtonL which In our niiinUm pos-
UhMM RtnWriM1 quaPttps tO nv h(r ktMWtt trnn tf Iron
fv n'nii oU1 ibsNM of ISM Rspttfiutc Wf CAnld bSH put
(hp ,.:v, o.itl'T of ai'liul lrnn In the tAbUtfl at lM
tJisn nio f'ltnili (ihit 'o,t in u. ii'l Iiv uaIhr met utile Iron
we rtniM hv nfftrri'llnlifil the nn- tliinc at 1hh Himi
(HH twelfth ilie mM. hut hy so dotal w ruust hue mmX
rn-ulniv ImpalfM Untf tbarapwUi) cffleiej Olyccrephm
phfM rtl i" Niutti li"11" 'k ""p ,,f t'i most KpwisJTa
"vr I121T tleni known P 1 mrwvlalK reooounandtd Uj
VuUfl up th" Befti fWSSl ""'l thrrr-bv InefWUi hratn poico-
ai; (rtr'-p-rwihort'i' -rP l'l kfl if'itatn plirtxplinnn 111
fhit rirHruUr -lair M similar to 1 lift t in which It h
fmiiiil In IP nrn mul hraln roll f nifi
Ai ni tr mti rrivn Uw sbnw, two Important locr
iHMti of Nuxated Iron 1 1 nm Ptptonato imii Olrcfig0hcNi-
plMtSll ti" Wliy expensive pmdUdl 0(mjHP)d ilh most
t'ntler MfH rlTCUOMUncM Um WRpUtlm lo ad'iltratlo'i
and aiihntitutlon h nn vnip'iltm plrteni ll ven- B"t. ami
Um DUtitto l hfnrhv wanuri fn le raWtll aritl ..v vtrv
Mtllf III PlWily lahelH 'Nutalfrl Iron." by ihe Dm
TlMlth l.aborRtorle. I'arlsi London ami lwrolt. f. ft.
ax thl Is the only nnullM ftltklo. If ynu have UKen
o:ne' tmrnn m ir-.n wunr.ui airctw. mis tKea nut
p'tttuen iron win net neip you.
acturert Nott' IfUXUBfj I em. Milch is
an.l rprommen.bvi hy pMsMuta m.
I.' no belnr nPi1 h arm thrw miiiinr.
UUIOAUr, la MM a aei-ret reinnlv. htn , i
well known l &mmnmt unii
I nllke the t.ltler Inortanle Iron pmd.ul it i
MQ iMtmllUld, doe n"l injure tiie teeU.
maifl Uiwn Mark, nor upset tbr slomaeh n..
rpanuf.u-turera cmnuitea sunoosVul Uh) eutlrelv
(1 7 rwuii f eve-y purrjiaaf.r or
i "t v"ir inonry. M fllspei; "i
1 MS1
D ad
Dr. George F. Baker, formerly Physician and Surgeon in Monmouth Memorial Hospital of
New Jersey, says: "During convalescence from SPANISH INFLUENZA (La Grippe) I find
Nuxated Iron to be of great benefit."