I I I 1 1 1 I I
Make a Further Investment
With Your Christmas Savings
Buy One of Our Diamonds
Thev're guaranteed fully 10 per cent less than any other dealers,
and you are urged to put them to the strictest comparison.
We pay express charges on out-of-town selection packages, and
invite a visit.
3 South Main
Open Evenings Until Christinas
1K10 IIHO OHVlnu
A quarter Of a million dollars was
nailed out Tuesday l members of
rhrlitmas' UVttlCI duns or two Mem
phis banks-the American Savings
Bank & Trust company anil the Sol
vent Saving's Hank & Trust company,
The latter bank Is a negTO Institution.
The American Savings bank dis
bursed almost a quarter of a mtlllon
in Christmas saving! checks, while the
Solvent hank distributed S7,000 in coin
f the realm This shows a falling off
of a few thousand dollars, hut accord
ing to officials of the two Institutions
ttie deficit la more than made Up In
money Invested In Liberty homls, war
savings stamps anil other war securi
ties. These hanks have I teen distributing
money via the Christmas savings club
plan for the past several years, and
have steadily grown untti their members
cumber Into the thousands Bach year
they furnish Christmas money to many
people who otherwise would not tiuve
saved, and thus they encourage thrift
among people generally
Anothi r interesting reature In con
nection with the Christmas savings club
plan is that fully half or the members
redeposlt their money In the bank fol
lowing the receipt o( their checks, thus
further encouraging the habit of sav
ing. llert Roddy, cashier of the Solvent
Savings Hank A Trust company, sound
ed the keynote of the entire structure
of the Christmas savings plan when he
said that It made noire people save
money than ever before anil provided
for runny wants al Christmas time
which would otherwise tie unprovided
for. He said that It also made friends
and customers for the banka, and that
It was one of the most wholesome fea
tures of banking life, In that It had a
i ommenriahlo object In every way.
The Christmas savings clubs of the
hanks will start again by the first of
the New Year, and tt ts expected that
there will be the same personnel as
saved this year. In addition to many
Your W. S. S. Pledge.
"lieck It up, sfe if it balances thn
order your Xmns i'Ikhtk from Sam ft -aon
Tadtmut. Extra or Marlowe. Wo
have blades for all safety razors, udv
blub: MOUNTAIN, MIm., Dec 1f
(Spi i- To encourage pecan culture in
Tippah county, A. C Anderson, editor
of the Southern Sentinel, ha projected
ii plan to form the boyi of the, county
Into pecan clubs, promising to supply
them with choice nuts for planting, and
expecting the hoys to give the young
plants their persons.) attention, perhaps
Offering prizes for the best results
when the plan gets well under way
The Farmer Receives More Than Five
Thousand Dollars a Minute From
Swift & Company
This amount is paid to the farmer for live stock; by
Swift & Company alone, during the trading hours of every
business day.
All this money is paid to the farmer through the open
market in competition with large and small packers, ship
pers, speculators and dealers.
The farmer, feeder, or shipper receives every cent of this money
($300,000 an hour, nearly $2,000,000 a day, $11,500,000 a week) in
cash, on the spot, as soon as the stock he has just sold is weighed up.
Some of the money paid to the farmer during a single day comes
back to the company in a month from sale of products; much does
not come back for sixty or ninety dys or more. But the next day
Swift & Company, to meet the demands made by its customers,
must pay out another $2,000,000 or so, and at the present high
price levels keeps over $250,000,000 continuously tied up in goods on
the way to market and in bills owed to the company.
This gives an idea of the volume of the Swift & Company busi
ness, and the requirements of financing it. Only by doing a large
business can this company turn live stock into meat and by-products
at the lowest possible cost, prevent waste, operate refrigerator cars,
distribute to retailers in all parts of the country and be recompensed
with a profit of only a fraction of a cent a pound a profit too small
to have any noticeable effect on the price of meat or live stock.
Swift & Company, U. S. A.
Memphis Local Branch, 31-37 Union Avenue
J. H. McPherson, Manager
Pledgers Are Urged to Make
Good on Promise and Thus
Get Place on Standing
Honor Roll.
Io you want to become a member of
the permanent patriotic roll of Honor
oiitainina the names of all who have
purcnasxd ll.uOv. worth of war savings
sumps now being prepared by me
t'hamber of Commerce.'
It so, communicate, to that organtsa
Uon whether or not you have purchased
the stamps you agreed to buy when you
became a member of the 1.M club.
If you have already redeemed your
pledge it is necessity only to com
municate that fact to the t'hamber of
Commerce. If you have not alwady
bought the stand"-, it will be n cs-
sary for you to do so before you can
ecure such honorary enrollment.
This applies to all members oi 11,900
lubs. regardless of whether they signed
uu with the Chamber of Commerce or
any other organization in Memphis. It
is the only laxly that will make up a
permanent honor roll and it is anxious
to have, cery man or woman who has
agreixl to buy 11,00V worth of
stamps on that roll .is part oi lis per
manent patriotic records.
D, M. Armstrong, chairman of the
Shelby county war savings committee,
called Tuesday on the Chamber of Com
merce, the Cotton exchange, the Mer
chants' exchange and other organiza
tions ex . this plan and he be
lieves that U will greatly stimulate
stamp pledge redemtpion among the
larger buyers.
it is apparent that those who agreed
to buy small amounts of stamps are
redeeming thit pledges with greater
rapidity than those promising to take
larger amounts This Is one of the out
standing features of the campaign
thus far.
The first step in redeeming pledges is
to locate your pledge card. It is at one
of two places, headquarters in the base
ment of the Commercial Trust and Sav
ings bank or at the place you desig
naied when you signed It. Only a fair
Iercentage of the authorised agents
have turned over to headquarters the
pledge cards they held and If your
pledge card has not been turned in, it
Is still in the hands of the agent you
specified on registration day. If you
are not sure where your card is, go to
headquarters and ascertain whether it
Is there If It Is not among those
turned In. you have simply to call on
tin- authorized agent you designated
when you signed the card. .
There appears to be considerable con
fusion about where the cards are and
those in Charge at headquarters ask
that this explanation be made ho that
you may proceed with Intelligence and
without unnecessary delay in locating
your card preparatory to Its redemption.
(Jood progress was reported Tuesday
with the redemption movement and
much gratification is expressed at
headquarters over the manner in which
the camuaian is yielding results. There
are still thousands of cards on which
nothing has been paid, with the result
that efforts lire being redoubled to
bring about realization on the part of
every signer of a pledge the solemn
moral and patriotic obligation that rests
on him to give it his Immedlute atten
tion. Fine Cigars for Xmas.
Tadema. Julia Marlowe and Kxtra, at
Samelson's In special Xmas boxes, all
sizes order them now. Safety razors
and blades. adv
Women's Fashionable Apparel
Radical reductions emphasize the greatness of these wonderful bargains. The superior styles give wide range
for satisfactory and individualized selection at a tremendous saving. Our Fur Section offers timely and
unusual buying opportunities for Christmas gift-buying.
Fur Trimmed and Silk Lined
Smart Winter Coats
Fur-collared. plain tailored
rn'itu HnuH urlth nndrOntnml
Mika Ann fiatlns; 5K
valuea, special
Fur-trimmed Coats, luxurious
fur collar. of Nutria, Seal, etc.
Every new material; $7r
values; special
NKWrORT, Ark., Per. 10. (Spl
Lieut I'age and Cadet Johnson, of Kh
bets field, Lonoke. Ark , flew here yes
terday In a I'urtlsH biplane. Thev land
ed in a cotton field near the Littleton
brothers' cotton Kin, In attempting- to
make a jtrtaway the machine ran into
a fence and wa demolished. The oc
cupants escaped injury,
f'adet Johnson loft on the evening
train for Lonoke, Lieut. Fac1 staying
here to ship the damaged machine hack
to Lonoke
The ftviators were hero to locate a
landing field for Newport. A site w;ip
selected just south of the city ;it the
foot of Walnut street. The city of
Newport Is putting this field In shape
and It will he ready to receive fly erg by
Unusual Price Concessions in
instinctively tailored Coats,
materials, Kvora Cloth, Bolivia,
Crystal Cords, etc.; $98 PC
values; special vDU
Ultra fashionable winter coats,
developed of the season's new
est materials; values up f BE
to 1125; special 003
Handsome Collection
New Tailored Suits
The most desirable style themes are incorporated in
this beautiful assemblage of individualized suits.
Materials represented are Duvet de Laine, Silver
tone, Wool Velour, Gaberdine, Oxford Cloths, etc.
Some are fur trimmed, others plain tailored. Prac
tical, serviceable models, sacrificed at
$35, $45, $65, $75, $95
Hudson Seal
Newest Shapes
Genuine Hudson Seal Muffs,
developed In all the new full
shapes, rich in appearance
and a wonderful value. Hand
somely lined with rich silk
wrist ring attachment Special-
Fur Scarfs
Distinctive, Smart
Choice of Black Lynx and
lustrous Kox and Taupe and
Brown Wolf Scarfs, with ani
mal head and full bushy tallH.
Excellent $65 values; special,
Sale of Rich New Furs
Affording Unusual Advantages for Gift-Givers
( lur entire collection of smart, exclusive Furs and Fur
Fieces is included in this exceptional offer at
20 to 25 Off
Our regularly marked prices. Christmas gita-givers will
welcome this opportunity of selecting a worth-while gift
at a tremendous saving. Choice peltries, expertly
matched, await your choosing, developed in handsome,
Coatees, Capes, Scarfs, Muffs,
Stoles, Neckpieces
Original Price Tags Remain
Rich Pointed
Fox Sets
Beautiful Modes
This collection represents
choice selected Pointed Fox
Sets, developed in handsomely
styled scarfs and muffs. Cor
rectly fashioned and expertly
matched; special at
Fox Scarfs
and Muffs
Finest Quality
Finest Kamchatka and Taupe
Fox Scarfs and Muffs superb
and distinctive, also generouB
assortment of Vlatka Fox and
rich Georgette Lynx Rets.
Originally priced $225; special
RATriMOUrc, Pec. 10 The tenth
annual convention of the Southern
Commercial ('onjrrens continued i's eW
ulnn here today fit noctlon meetings
held simultaneously In different places
These Included the annual meeting of
the house -T Southern Koverrwrs; a
conference of mayors of Atlantic and
Kulf corM cities on the subject of in
land waterways and a ronfen-nre on
nankins and finance In relation to
nrld trade.
Among names of speakers on the
roaram for today's meet! ties were
these of Secretary of Commerce Ued
fleld at the mayors' meeting and Hee-
etarv of the Treasurv McAdoo a. ttie
Sou t hern governors' conference.
LONDON (via Montreall. Pec. in
In concluding peace the allies must not
make the same mistakes thai Germany
made in connection with Alsace-Lorraine
in 1171, Premier Uoyd George
said in the course of the address he
made to the meeting of women in Al-
ert hall yesterday The peace must
he just, he declared, heoause ".justice
breeds Justice, and commands accept
ance while venceance stirs up wrath
and breeds vengeance'"
The premier contended thnt Ilie peace
must tie a stern one, nowever. promise
it must have "the sternness of justice
is well as the equity of justice.
The premier reaffirmed ins deciara-
on that the Germans In the l'nllcd
Kingdom should he expelled from It ho.
iiisc thev had abused Its hospltnlltv
and should not gel another chance.
1.1TTI.K ROCK, Ark. Pec. 10, Oov,
11 Broufh today tamed a proolama
lon dcs'gnatmg the week of Dec, Ifi
1. a s Ked Cros roll call week, and
urging ,rvery resident of the st ate to
voluntarily enroll as a memner or mo
American Ued Cross.
4 &
vr 't
.W fix
- W7
Let Us Cash Your Xmas
Savings Club Check
W. A. Caruthers.
WHITEVlliLK, Tenn., tec to, iSpU
After a short illness. William A.
Carut hers died here Sunday He was
SO yefetH of age and had led an active
lire ami was at one time trustee of the
unty and later a member Of the leg
islature from Hardeman county. lie
was a V 'on federate soldier and wan
Wounded at the battle of Shiloh. lie
ncs a wife and (me son. .1 W. Ca
ruthers. of Tuiratti Ark.. and four
laughters, Mrs C, R, House, of White
kille; Mr Knox Nuckolls, of Bolivar,
Tenn ; Misses Ixds and Ada Pe Ca
ruthers. of Whltevllle. Hurial will take
place at 1 he old family cemetery, near
Sew Hope church
Mrs. Eliza Mitchell.
OKKNAPA. Miss.. Pec 10 spl 1
Mrs Kllia Mitchell, SO, dtod at her honu
In v,!renadn Saturday. She had long
been a member of the Baptist ohurcb
and stood for everything that was for
the Uplifting of humanity.
Sing Play Dance and Be Merry
The clouds of gloom are lifted there has not come to
this generation a greater justification for a perfectly Merry,
Cheery Xmas than this. Let there be music aplenty and
the best that can be produced. ;
Kimball Pianos, Player-Pianos
Kimball or Pathe Pathephones
Gifts of usefulness, beauty and endurance educational, refining, entertain
ing. Nothing can have greater qualities than these surely.
S 1
BLUK MOUNTAIN, Miss . Deo 10
tSpl.l Mm 1. B. Harton. wife of lir
L, K. Harton, of Kaycttevillc. Ark., and
head of the ftohooj Of l.atm in Hlne
Mountain oolleft. haa made the first
donation to Hlne Mountain College since
the recent announcement of Its forth -cumins
transfer to Uie Jlapust oonven-
I The Kimball S
Is Indorsed by t lie world's I
greatest artists. They aoknowl- 1
edge that It has contributed 1:'.
much to their technique and
fame, and Its majestic luxuri
ous lines Its pure, meltlngly
sweet slnginc tones have -a
placed It In the world's highest I
piano aristocracy.
iwmmmmmmwmm,mm 'hums
Buy now before prices advance further, due to government
tax and shortage on account of factories being unable to get
into full producing capacity for a year to come. Out-of-town
buyers .write for catalog. Liberty bonds and war stamps accepted.
A Kimball
Pure tone quality perfect con- j
struction and the wonderful ex- g
pression of the Kimball render B
It a favorite with the most exact
ing critics an indispensable art!-
cle In the homes of those who ap- fs
preelate th(? best music correctly ff
interpreted and pleasingly exe- I
A Kimball or
Pathe Pathephone
An Ideal Gift
Cheer and happiness go with it.
Few gifts pftivlde such thorough
amusement for young and old.
The world's best bands, orches
tras, comedians and super talent
In all lines go with it.
W. W. Kimball Co.
R M. HAM, Mgr.
A 1
Hon of the late, the donation being the
complete publication! of the Mississippi
Historical society. M ,
Mrs. liartoa, who was formerly a res
ident of Mississippi, and who Is well
known In club circles in the state, won
these publications as a prise for the
most excellent pen-picture of the
Southern woman of ante-bellum days,
the prlie being offered by Dr. Dunbar
Roland, of Jackson. Miss . for the hest
production on this theme to be pre
sented by one of
Women's clubs of the
ton represented the
and won the prize.
West Tuint club
the Federated