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The news scimitar. (Memphis, Tenn.) 1907-1926, December 10, 1918, 4th EDITION, Image 8

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Clara Kimball Young
Tbi one plctor nlnar i enough to explain the nueccs iind
fume of LARA KIMBALL TOvKO. la this tory of a woman
who noier hesitated lo drlfei ahead through the one road
Willed was opee, she is -aperb. brilliant, compelling
(Next to Hotel G-ayoso)
Admission - Afternoons 16c; Nighta 20c
: r-s&&'..gsk in in i mmm i
fr. A"V.rAaWaTW'' W . "-Tff L-4Wla.aal"frliaaaW ' "
r- 3BBk . ' " I"" o w iwti aananra at u
7e Mightiest of all War Spectacles, filmed
from Authentic Scenes by a Thousand Cameras
EE th vrnr witb your IWD ar
all of hV- from tha 6rt Mow truck
down to onr km' oW&anea of
Wa on taa Woody alopaa of tha
Mara. War eaaaaa land, on tha
in tha air. CompUle -coticubfi
- ofaprahaaiT tha ana and only
pictorial hiatory erf Um war.
.. . . . . . -....-.............-a
fX toldiem of wrary nation at war
!l tha great men all tha tight.
Bar fronU 3a our bora on fba
march in Franco aaa how they oat and
alaap and fig at. Sas our Navy cleared
for aetJan aaa haw Uacla Sam la
pounding thro te glorious victory. Saa
OLD MAJESTIC NO. 1 (Bet. Union and Monroe) LAST DAY OF
In a return tiirh; tnrhl of her Bloat pleating feature,
ADMISSION 10c. CMILOUKW v and War Tax,
EMPIRE NO. 1 (Main and Jefferson) TODAY ONLY
"WILD PRIMROSE," An Excellent Vitagraph Feature in Five Reels
EMPIRE NO. 2 (Opp. Hotel Gayoso) TODAY ONLY
HARRY MOREY in "TANGLED LIVES," Vitagraph Drama.
It Does Not
Lose Strength
ONE great differ--
ence between this
original French prod
uct and its many im
itations is that the or
iginal docs not lose its
strength. The very
last application of ,
in severe cases of pain
lis just as effective and
1 soothing as the first. That
i is why it is so remarkably
successful in relieving the
pain of headache, lum
! bago, rheumatism and the
This is not a cure or a
remedy, but a reliever of
; pain and as such it has
been famous for a quarter
of a century.
Get a tube today.
American Aanti Naw York
Insist On
The Original
Miller's AntVrt On, Known A
Snake Oil
Will Positively Relieve Pain In Three
Try It right IHW r..r rtrieumatlam
'Neuralgia. Uimbago. pure, stiff and
swollen Jolnls, pains In ttis head, back
and limbs, corns, bunion, ate After
osa application pain disappears as if by
A new remedy used Internally nnd ex
ternally for roughs, Colds, rmup. Sor
Throat, HIphtherlB and Tonslllus.
This oil is conceded to he the most
penrtratiug remedy known It prompt
and immediate effect In relieving pain
ja due to Hie fuel that It penetrate
to the affected parts at once As an
Illustration pour ten drops on the thick
est place "f ol learner and It will
penetrate Mill substance through and
through in three nilnuiea.
Ac. ep! no substitute. This great all
Is golden led color oniy. Kvery hottle
guaranteed, loo, fDo and $1.0 n. bptlll
or money refunded at Waehburn-I.yie
C ug Co, .Memphis. Tenn adv
Bead News Scimitar Wants.
Black-Draught Is Used by Vir
ginia Lady for Colds, Fever
and Other Troubles With
Fine Results.
Rock. Mount. V. -Mia Mae ChH
wood, of thin place, recently slated: "1
hay used Black-Draught for eolda and
stoma, h trouble ami certainly have
oiind li rj aatlefectory,
When I would feel bad' ond feverlth.
M though I was taking a fresh cold, I
wonld make a good crrp of Black -Praught
tea and B would soon aet ma
ull right
i oan recomtnena' II as splendid
Issaltve and ala'dlv do so YOU may
publish my itatemant."
When yon feel chilly, tlrad, faverlsh.
haaoaoh and fear that you nto taking
cold, take a good dose of tho old. 111
ghle liver niedichie you ha hoard so
much gboill - Thedfoid s Blank hisnglit
II la made from purely regeluhle lngr
dtenis. acla In a gn!!. natural way,
and by helping to drlva out nlonotn
waste matter from your ayatara. It will
often, tf taken In time, prerent a ehlll
from davaloping Into a cold.
Thouaands of people during the past
;tt yaara. hare found Biarg Dranabt of
banent In aoeh Mat
Try It, tha nait time yen chill nr
sneere ady
WASHINGTON, Pec. 10 An eight
Inch gun, self-propelling on its cater
pillar track, ntid prototype nf :i fleet
of similar monster that w as being i nn -
strucled for the American ntniv when
Rnalilttltg cfaeed. was deioonslratcd
hero before Aaslstant Nerrelnry of War
tiller), nnd a Iftrgo group or American
CrttsTMli MaJ.-Qan. rtnow,
of ;r-
offlcerg and engineers
tltin nnd machlno alike had aucce
fuMy passed tho firing tests ut the onl
nnnce proving ground before tho tct,
Which wng under direction of l'llnv K
Holt and Col. .1. H. Sallard. the de
sign era. 1
Ton traclor gun drove lie Mi.tliln
pounds of hulk up a. i i degree ra Ine
wall, developed g spited of four miles
an hour on a level surfoce, and demol
jahlu large trees with the sum ruih
lesgness lhat Its war brother, lh lank,
Hhowcd In avttlon In Wan. e
The next time
yu bUy calomel
.$k for
WAB1UNOTOK, DOi 10. tlliehgrga
from the armv an 1000 na practicable
of officers wlio have signified their
dggtrg to leovo the aetrl. e has been an
thorlied by the vvgr deparimonl. Ya
tmnolM oatllad bv llieh separations will
be fl'lcd teiiipornrilv bv offnera who
walil to hold their poattlOIII pci'lna
neiilh or h) Hume who have asked for
..ninilsalona in the reserves.
Peace Conditions Work Radi
cal Changes in Taxation.
Income Tax Retained in
New Legislation.
WASHIVirroN'. fta 1. In addition
to th tai reduellons due to the fact
that the government now copes with
pe. e instead of war cona tions uro-
hll.ltton la ripoeted to rafluca levenu
return greatly.
Beverage tanca under the house hill
were estimated to raise II, 117, M,0M
diring thalr firs' 1: months of opera
tion, and UH.tN.OtU for their I III
nana I year.
"At Hie present, time under changed
coikditiona, the report state, "it
possible to count only upon llton Mfl.M
for ltll-ll, and 193,900,000 for 1919-Jw
from thl gotlrce
Anal) zing in detail the committee'.
radical changes, senator Simmons re
aert explained that ibe revised liulivlQ
nil surla!v rales grsduuird upward on
per cant on each ll.Ono over la, 000 are
more (qultabl than the arbitrary grail
utions of the house bill.
Retain Income Tax.
The bill retain the In. use provision
for Income lavniion nf salaries in.lun-
ing those pnaslblv of Ibe president and
federal Judge, legality of which, the
report elated. Is left to the court If
the nuestlon Is i ailed. The report, how
ever, sa.vs lhat the house clause for
fedeial lavatn.n of new state and mil
nlclbal bonds v. as tin-ken out hh "II
seemed unwise for enures to attempt
to Impose thin ia UPOll the nhligatlnttn
of states and municipalities as long as
the siat.s are not free lo tax in a
similar manner ohligalionu of the
United Slates.
The, Plan of renuiiinr affiliated
porgtlons to make . onsollclated income
tax returns, the report slates, will do
much to prevent ta evasion and the
new tax on lite Insurance companies
"true Income" from investments in lieu
of war rnoess, Inooine. capital Block
an.l other taxes Is more eouitahle
Tiie war excess profits section, the
report llfttM, bus been simplified and
reductd, The .house altornatlv o plan
of levying win and excess profit at
whl'-h ever rate would yield the tnosl
revenue, the coinmiitee found oh.irc-
tloimhle. hoc us Us constitutionality Is
uueslloned and Its adinitilatrutlnn
troublesnnie to taxpayers
Explains Taxation.
Kxplnlmnir exclusion of Imlividunls
nnd pnrlnerships from vur excess prof
its taxation, applicant, oniy in corpora
lion the renin I Stated:
"Individual and partnership pay th
heavx surtaxes .upon all net income,
while corporations arc relieved from
uni in tea mum the purl ion of their earn
lima which I" not dlsli Ibuted. This
inequality is more thnn compensated for
by th fart mat i ne corporauon is aw
le. t lo the war excess profits lax. The
litugtion a helvveen different form of
buslnell nrganlgtlon hayliiR thus been
hronghl IlltO approximate bali.nce. It
was ileenie.l proper to relieve Ihe cor
noruthin from Ihe lx per cenl differ-
enlial Income tax provided by th
hiMi'l hill "
Itegardlng tho tax on hcverages, the
reporl says no sound reason was found
for the house proposal for doubling the
present rule of $2. 2i per gallon on non-
bcvCrage alcohol, largely used lor meal
cine nd household necessities.
i.'.iemntinn Iroin bond and olhel
cost on distilled liquor remaining In
warehouse after "hone diy" prohibi
tion hecomes effective, next .Inly, the
report slates. Is lo prevenl hardship
noon owners.
To prevenl the total loss, owing to
Piohlhitlon. nf vineyard developed
through manv vesrs," the, report added
.,,,,ir wine. ''It was nrovlded thftt
miner proper reguiniions w on e io
mti be utilised for tha making of
spirits and nonalcoholic
CHIOAdO, DM. 10 -Logan Wilier
Page, cousin of the. former ambassador
tftTUhgiand nnd director of the l ulled
State office of public roads, died last
night of heart dlsaahc at a hotel Mr,
lag, whose homo W. In Washington,
I. C., and who was In Chicago attend
ing the session of American Associa
tion of Ptate Highway Officials, b-cams
III Immediately after dinner and ex
pired shortly afterward.
Mr. rag had been a pioneer In
good highway wor'f In Hi I nitad
Stale, his first activities In thl direc
tion haying been In Wttftgchuselta
PARIS, Oeq. ID. Five UaWUn af
expecied to hItIv at OHarbOUfa todtttr,
each towing a Gorman submarine Tnti
Is the first, group of U-boats lo b
handed over ts France. It. include
one of the newest vessels of the sub
mersible cruiser type. The Japan,
armored umiser NKinin. with two tor
pedo bonis, has arrived al Constantinople
No Luck for Him
Tins child won't play or smile. He is real sick.
His tongue is whitf, breath feverish, stomach sour.
He fears he is in for a Jose r1 awful castor oil, cal
omel or pills. How lie lutes tliem. He would
rather remain sick. No! He won't tell mother!
If his mother would only learn the value of candy
"Cascarets." How children love this candy
caihiirtic how surely it acts on liver and bowels.
The purified calomel tab
lets that are entirely free
of nil sickening and sal
vating effects.
Hediciaal rlrtiM eaotj impmwL
CaarastM' my van drmfgial. SM
mij k mid tuhm ttktiU.
Read Newa Scimilar Wanta.
TO MOTHERS! Bach ten cent box of Cftscarets contains full
directions for dose for children ajed one year old and upwards.
Nothing else "works" (he hasty bll, sour fermentations and consti
pation poison from the tender little bowels so gently, yet so thoroughly.
Even cross, feverish, bilious children gladly take Cascarets w ithout
belf.g Cottxedi Cascarets taste just like candy. Ciacaret never g :pc,
new Sicken, never injure, but abo e 111, they nc- cr disappoint the
worried mother.
(Seventh American Christmas Savings Club
Now Forming)
This Is the Greatest
Christmas of All
Will You Receive One of the
American Christmas '
Savings Club Checks
Start Saving Now
for Christmas Next Year
This is truly the season of "Peace On Earth and
Good Will Toward Men." This year all Americans
feci the thrill of joy and the plow of pride in the
accomplishment of duty well done. Our soldier boys
are coming home-5-they have completed their task
"over there."
Our 1918 Christmas Savings Club has accomplished
its mission. Unitedly our club members have broken
all previous records in the grand totals they have
saved. And by their fortitude, perseverance and ca
pacity for saving they give promise that the 1919
1 hristmas Savings Clujrwill be greater and bigger.
The opportunities just ahead of us In that period of
reconstruction and readjustment when America as
sumes the leadership among nations will be manifold.
n unprecedented commercial and manufacturing ex
pansion is anticipated by all captains of industry.
The American t'liristmas Savings Club provides the
avenue of future independence. Thousands of Mem
phians arc today using this method of saving for
specific purposes ; some have accumulated their first
hundred dollars through our Christmas Savings Club.
Uthers save for the "first payment on a home, life
insurance or taxes. Still there arc members' who
SIX YEARS AGO, who have continuously invested
their checks in collateral that pays good dividends, and
today are enjoying the security of substantial savings.
The purpose of our Christmas Savings Club is to en
courage thrift among men, women and children in all
walks of life. You can start with as little as 2 cents
or one dollar. We-invite you to join our 1919 Christ
mas Savings Club now forming.
The officers and directors of the American Savings
Rank and Trust Company desire to thank mdividually
the members of our club for the expressed confidence
in their integrity and business acumen. We feel that
the tremendous success of our, 1918 Club is a full
recompense, and that it augurs well for the future
growth of this already strong financial institution.
Join Our 1919 Christmas Savings Club Now
Deposits Will be Received Wednesday, Dec. 11
American Savings Bank & Trust Co.
Former Austro-Hunganan
Subjects Seek Combination
With Own People Want
Italy to Evacuate Territory.
WASHINGTON, te 10 Formal no
lo lia bn i-cu th amrlen ov
.rntntnl 61 ihl twpof Wi'
real and Slovene, fnnntMly lirlrt by
lis (uatri-Hunitarwn OVllWnni to
...it with the kingdom of Serbia in a
male .liiao-Slavic siute. and to Insist
.vii.Hiiii.m of .Inuo-Sluv ler-
ritorv now occupied by ltuij.
Official texts a st a incsdntsd to th.
atata department Monday ol addresses
bv Trine Resent Alexander of (Serbia
and a delegation of 27 member (com
the national council or z,agreu, omiv
erd at. Belsrad Dec 1. The prlnc
A Ik. rnn of 111. 7M-
s-reb council for union under a jinrlla-
T . . ,11 Hon to
he received to lit provisionally t Bel
maite al ranresenlfltlves of tlieli' neo
nle until a constituent sssemhlv can
be lielil vxiiniu six menm mh.-i ma
on. iusion ol peace.
Protest Occupation.
After luMUttlht the propoaal for
union 111 Raireb dltatlon said:
"We art profoundly Hevj to ho
obltred lo place mi rfoora lhat a Rfeat
null 01 our natural so.im is whtuuiou
bv troops of the kmmlnni ol limy.
which la allied with tun power ot me
...Hi. u.l.l. ,1, i, ,l.,ulfi In
cmenir, sn.i .. .......
live in friendly relations, but we can
nut recount me oppoi iiino.v i
ireaty. not even that of upndotl, In VU"-
tue of v. hh b is m vioinuou oi in i
principles nf nationality.
"We .Isslre In tltpv me B:ieoiioo oi
........ .......t l,,ol.nr lo 111,, u, t lhat 1
voill l.'.'wt , - i
ibe estent of the llallun occupalion
frestiy eiceerts ibe llrhttl and the ra
tion, inrtreeii ... nir v "
sriiilenlce concluded with the command-
er-iu-clitef OI the , U liro-Hungarian j
srmv afiac the pto.-intnnt.oii oi inesp .
I rri 1 1 oi or, .c ...v. - - J"c.
teRNil part of the Serti, Croat and Slo- I
ven stale, ami v..u luniun ..."
rovernnint of your royal highness witu j
pi-of of tills, in Hie full conviction tluil
our royal highness will make it his
tU, together with our entire nation,
to see t.v It thnt Ihe flOflttll frontier
of OUr i-tate are drawn In such a vvuy i
Hint thev accord with the ethnotraprti- :
cal fmnlVrs and are In conforuilty with
the principles inm oihtu ov i rwmvui
Wilson of the 1'nitcd StattS and other
powers of the entente."
The prince regent In his address
Prince Makes Pledge.
"I and tnv government assure oii nt
cur onmrdeie sccepiance of vour de ;
sues which fU have just laid before,
nie raltafUl 10 th eianinle which
lb l-mg, Sf fslher. Im" given me I
a ill be BOloly the kins Of free oltlltnt
of Ih slate of the Serbs, rrr-ats nnd ;
iloxana, and will alwavs remain faith
ful to the great constitution! and
parUamantary principles, found on the I
general rights For this teaSO I k I
vour -eollaboration for tne formation of
a government Which Will represent alt
the nulled fiilherlsnd.
In the name of In rrajesty. King
Paler, 1 proclaim the union of Serbia
with the provinces of ihe lndcpenflern
slate of the Serbs, front and Slovfiie
lii I lie united kingdom of Serbs, floats
anil Slovenes.
"The g0Vrnment will have as Its first
flutj to trace together with you the
ethnographical frontier or our entire
nation, t have the right to hope that
our great allies will Judiciously ap
preciate our point of vievs, for It cor
responds to the principles ttley tliepi
selves have proclaimed and for which
they have poured out so much blood "
The regent's address was counter
signed by the minister of finance,
prime minister and minister of foreign
affairs ad Interim, Mr. Stoyan Protitcn,
and the other minister at Belgrade
liAYTONA. 1'la.. llec. 9.-.I. N.
Dayls, a former Ursnd Itaplds, Mich.,
newspaper publisher, diej here today
of pitaumonla at the age of 9ti yaara.
,lr. 1 av is has made, Maytona his win
ter home for several years past.
SAX ANTONIO, Tex., Hoc. In.- Mrs.
Hamilion Smith, of Fort Bafll Houston,
Tex., has received nodes from the war
department that her husband, Col.
Hamilton Smith, killed in action July
II near Hoissons, France, ha been
awarded the distinguished service crosa
tlol. Smith's regiment was the 26tli
Infantry, which formed a part of the
First brigade or the First division. His
organization was one of the first to
go overseas, having sailed from New
York in .Tun, 1917. t.'ol. Smith was
the highest ranking officer in the
I'nited mats army to be killed durinf
the war.
An auto slolen from I. S. Jehl was
recovered Sunday morning, when Pa
trolmen Robertson and Olive found the
machine on Winchester avenue. The
car was in good condition.
WASHINGTON, Dec 10. -The navy
department last night announced th
following marthe corps casualties:
Mlsilhg in action: Robert A. Du
brock, Mahilc Ala.
Died of wound: Eugene H. Tenley,
Wilcox, Ariz.; Claude Tlmmons, Hag,
derson, Texas.
SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Dec. 10
Scrgl. (leorge Harold Righter. Busi
ness manager of the Kelly Field Eagle,
is dead from pneumonia following In
fluenza at the base hospital, Kelly
Hrgt. P.ighter's home was In Phila
delphia. Previous to entering ihearnir
he was Identified with commercial or
ganization work and is said to have
been Ihe organiser of the Credit Men'
association of Atlanta. Ha.
Ask for . . ,
not just corn flakes!
if ijou care for a more
excellent flavor and
thehappu satisfaction
ot a real meal .

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