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The news scimitar. (Memphis, Tenn.) 1907-1926, December 10, 1918, 4th EDITION, Image 9

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TUESDAY, DBl.CIVI5tft 70. ing.
Conference on Armenian and
Syrian Relief Work Satur
day To Be Addressed by
Adolphus Lewis.
Alelphus Lewis, of New Vork city,
fenwerly i'onnf'-td with the Ltymtni
Mtselonsry movement, mill visit Mem
phis Saturday, nee. 14. to hold a. con
ference with the local pastor." and lax -man
of all denominations In the Inter
est of the Armenian and Syrian relief
work. The meeting will he held at 7,lnn
hall, Reals avenue, at 11 o'clock Satur
day. Important afier-th-ar problems
will be discussed bi the 'ministers' in
stitute" to b held at Avery . hupel on
net. If and 17 under the auspice? of
the National Committee o:i Caruohea
and Moral Aims of the War There
will be three local colored speakers yn
tha program. ia Bishop K. C.
''leaves, Dr. W T. Vernon and Pr. T.
U. Puller. All sessions will be tree.
'hurche. lodges and schools should
en that there Is proper ventilation
when meetings are heid to naieguard
the health of th people.
. e .
Among the colored man alreadv se
lected lo go to France are Ir. W. B. rV
nuholfj. ofNew York; Rev W H. .ler
nlgan. of Washington, D, C : Pi. Robert
H. Moton, of Tuskegee, Rev. ft, C. Mor
rl, of Helena, Ark , and Rev. A. J.
stokes, of Montgomery Ala.
The Foch Victory club of the Manas
sas street, public school, of which Cora
P. Taylor- is principal, will hav a
flower contest Monday night. Iter. It),
at the school.
, e
Care ehould be taken when making
visits where there Is alrkneH. Teachers
should see that students are not re
ceived from homes where there Is any
contagious or Infectious disease.
Virginia W. JJreughton, for many
vearB connected with charity and edu
cational work In Memphis, has accepted
work In Nashville, Tern . In connection
with Roger Williams university.
Students of Howe Institute gave her
token of appreciation when she left.
4'he Howe fhoral class has done a
good work In rare adjustment. Leading
white speakers have delivered helpful
lectures to colored people under their
The Alpha. Reading circle will have
Its flower contest at the residence, of
Dr. Sutton E. Griggs. Georgia avenue
and Lauderdale etreet, Friday night,
Dec. IS. This contest was postponed
from Dec. 2.
A large crowd of representative ne
groes will hear Myrtln B. Anderson,
of Los Angeles, Cat, tonight ai Howe
institute. There is no charge for ad
mlstlon. There will be an old-fashioned spell
ing match at Avery chapel Pridav
night. Dec. 10, tinder the auspice of
the Allen Christian Endeavor league.
There will be two prises. The best
speller will get a pig and the person
relllng the largest number of tickets
wilt be given a Christmas turkev.
a r-
The Solvent branch of the Red Cross
on Beale avenue has done splendid ser
vice in making useful garments for
soldiers and assisting in other relief
work. The Junior Red Crosa has been
started at LcMoyne institute and will
soon be connected with Howe Th
work is patriotic, educational and constructive.
Negroes have been cloer students of
the war. and the following are some
of the practical feneflts:
1. An intensified patriotic spirit
through war activities
'i. A larger conception of national
and International questions.
I- The spirit of personal sacrifice for
4. An enlarged conception of the Im
portance of the Individual In colossal
tl. Hew hurtful gossip' (propaganda)
may embarrass a nation.
. That the home front Is as impor
tant as the battle front.
T. That Ignorance Is a hurtful paraly
sis in a national crisis.
I. That the community spirit Is a
good thing to cultivate" In times of
peace la well as In war times.
e. That a nation's health la more
Important than Its Health.
10. That, labor played no small part
In winning the war.
II. That an Investment In govern
ment, securities is an anchor 'to citi
zenship. 12, That co-operation Is essential to
sur.-ess iii big undertakings.
IS. That when the nation Is In peril
i he humblest man feels it.
M. That. n offending nation, how
ever powerful, wiir nave its day of
i e. konlng.
IS. That the world itself, at times,
becomes to small to hide a culprit.
IK.. That patriotism and valor will
some day find a reward.
I". That our statesmen and soldiers
are the peers of gny In the world.
18. That the spirit or democracy is
niore effective la war than tha force
of autocracy.
IS. That preparedness in an unright
eous cause is hot a guarantee of suc
i ess.
Among the Institutions of Memphis
and the South doing educational Work
among negroes the University of West
Tennessee deserves special mention,
few people of our Immediate communl
t y ate aware of the extent to which
bin young institution ts leaving Its Im
print upon the lives and aiding in the
progress of the negro lace". Its depart
.ments of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy
and nurse training have over km gradu
ates, licensed and practicing right here
in Memphis. Their columned Influence
for gaod would he nam to estimate.
Vet this Institution is unendowed and
without state or denominational aid.
To it. we must owe mat debt which
All communities owe thj progressive
edtioational institutions within their
hounds. The motley spent, for educa
tion w1U return an hundred fold.
On next Saturday, JPec 14, this tnati
t in ion will have a "badge day," and
ask the people of Memphis for a con
tribution. Tour W. S. S. Pledge.
Cheek It up. see if it balances then
order your Xmas cigars from Samel -eon
Tadenna. Kxtra or Marlowe. We
have blades for all safety rasors. adv
y a. goodfellow.
Twenty-glx employes at the O. K.
Houck Piano Co. are real C.oodfellows.
Despite the many rails) they have an
swered In the past year, calls for lied
Cross Work, Libertv bonds, war sav
ings stamps and war work, they turned
another trick today, this time for the
Perhaps the spirit of their employer,
known far and wide, lias something
to do with their beneficence, Perhaps
thAsr lig-heartedneea is a natural in
stinct. Maybe it's a little of both.
Anyway, The News Scimitar C.oodfel
lows' club bids them welcome and as
sures them that the $25.60 they con
tributed to the cause of the child will
provide many a merry Christmas.
Fine Oigara for Xmas.
Tadetria, Julia Marlowe and Tlxtra, at
Kamelaon's in special Xmas boxes, all
sites order them now. Sifety mors
and blades. adv
Dr. John Frlek, representing the
stale food and drug department, Tues
day Issued a warning to dairymen to
discontinue selling dirty milk in viola
tion of the pure food laws.
It has come to my attention that a
ti umber of dairymen are selling milk
liiat is dirty. 1 must warn Such dairy
men that if they do not use their clari
fiers more frequently they will be
prosecuted. I will also ask ilie consum
ers to tilt the bottles to detect the tail
ing dirt, and when such a uualiiy of
milk is offered to refuse to purchase
The Genuine
Standard of
the World
Vietxola XVI. $226 I
Victrole XVI, electric. $242.90
Mahogany or oak
Standard Player
Piano of
the World
, Steinway Standard of the World
Is There Anything More
- Suitable For a
Lasting, Pleasing
Than a High-Grade
Musical Instrument?
The Wonderful
Duo Art
, V85
Masosaar 01 oak jj&j
fThe Famous I
rhe A. B. Chase
v Artistic and of the Highest
Little Baby Grands that fit in
the space of an Upright, like in
the hollow of your hand.
The Trade Mark of Protection
An absolutely one-price policy is
the best protection to the public
against overcharge in price,
In no other line of business i the
one-price policy more safeguarding
to the public limn in piano mer
chandising. Houck " ONE-PRICE" Houek
"No Commission" -Houck "Serv
ice1' .'mil Houck " Reliability" arc
four great considerations to be heed
ed when purchasing a commodity of
which you may be no judge.
Government Tax to Be 5 Per Cent Instead of 10 Per Cent
On Pianos, Player-Pianos and Phonographs
(From Imago -Musical Times, Nov. 274h)
' ljiL Friday the Senate Finance Commit tee, revising; the war revenue bill,
reduced the tax on pianos, player-pianos and phonographs from in per cent to 5
per cent. This Is a move that is of the greatest interest and importance to the
whole trade.''
Memphis-Nashville-Little Rock
Prices Will Not Be Lower Soon
Til Chicago Mnsli Al Tlirial also ll ' VVa do nol
luii 1.1 icmir ilidr pi lets liti niataiial ,, labor hold 111 anything, like present prices II
mum b rfinmiiiiarwl that th rino.il of all restrictions mi material doesn't suopC tnj
factories with the material, but inil give! I hem a chance to lm it if they run find it
"Piano manufacturer! may be reiini on io promptly give the dealers um benefit of
any 1 cdu. Hon they may themselves secure, hut the .esnatlon of the war has not et brought
about am reduction in either material or labor."
hi ' v it
1 Dosstbla for a fa.
A riu-roai ing acssion is
fnr the Klwanls club at
in prospect
the regulnr
weakly luncheon a' Hotel ciayoso
Wednesday 11001: The ocoaaion will
he the aiinuiil ele.tioii or officers for
l he ensuing year. and. Judging from
the strenuous campaigns canclidtLten on
the two tickets are making, the ballot
ing will he warm and cl"se. with every
indication of a record attendance par
ticipating. An excellent program hns been an
nounced, with plenty of fun and good
Iouts .T. Muse, present viw-preFident.
ia the only candidate for preihdcnt. and
Abe Goodnfun is UMppoaed for Iraas
urer The tickets follna ,
Black llswks--l-'or ylce-pridciil. ti.
F, Schlecht : secretat; . P, C t're ishiiw.
Dlrtetofsw-T, .1 Seasley, ft o Dawaon,
1; M. Balrd. C. H. Nash. Jr., l,ee Win
chejtief. White Feathers For vice-president.
H. T. Winkelman, secretary, J. F.
Dickinson, pife.ot.bfa w M. Skotnon,
tJordoii Anderson. C. W, Schlcyv K.
Faqulu, C. II. J'oland.
KighV gUiOIAObliefl -re reported
stolen between ' IK Mundiv night
ami dayllfhj Tupda 'I inse srlio lost
inrs xre Franli Thompson, Mollywoud.
h n. slorrcw. nil l nion avenue: J.
v tiuiiu's. slit MIssKr-i in aygnue; H
W. Pnsatirk. tiT North Mtntfomar)
street : KTB. lfls,ster, 1148 t'Dlon ave
nue. .1 W. Hoheihler and Mrs. Mike ll,
Tale, L8W HarheM avenue.
Senator William It Kinnev, of
Brawnn llle. ns in UenipMI Tuegdaj
lall'tur on the members of the Shelby
county legislative delegation in the In
terest of h; cauu.iiac for stute cofltp
imllei .
Kelt S tbr Kinney wag member of the
last legislature from ihe ThtrtyjfUrai
dlstrii 1. composed of Itayuond and F
yetie counties, and as counted among
Ihe leaders, He Is oppMlng tha te-elec-I
inn of John B Tlmmiisoti, of MetnphlN,
Who serving his second tern), snd
lias made an efficient officer.
Ii In understood that tlovcriior -elect
Robertr II taking a part In the nrganl
satlou nl Hie leijlKlaliii e, and in. the
M'eollOn o; .s.aie oi.iCiSiS. it is RhO0
that he has indorsed the candidacy of
Andrew I. Tl ild, nf Mulfreeshotu. for
a 1 ma kef of the Unate, and Math Walker
of Lebanon for speaker Of the hmoa
Their clecti.,, ia wfgctlcglly assured n
there Is no dlspoilithin in piomnie fac
tionallsm In the state affairs by deny
ing the governor a harmonious organ I -savion
of hla own aeleotlon.
It has benn mated fragueAtly thai
ThnmaHon Iih the Indorsement of the
governor, bul Mr Kinney says ha hud
the asfturame nf tlie goxernor befOft
ha entered the ra. , that ha WOUld lake
no part In tl between liini and Mr
one 'if ihe IniorMttnJj contdots com
Ing t.efoie the legislature Is fnr the of
fli . nf tieaauier Porter Imn'an. the
prsjaent traaQfora is ,1 uanffldatg foi
re-ela.llon. He suppoited Austin Pea
hla neighbor, I'm governor, against
Judge. Hnbeits. Hill McAllster, Judgl
Roberts' campaign manager, is a can
didato fur the office, with tho support
of the Koveruor-elect.
Dunlap went into office under the
Log regime, und was one of Gov.
PattOfaon's staunehest suptMiriers. He
is a young nnui of exceptional ability
as an official and lis a politician. Hill
McAhater i; also a young man. a son
of Judge V 1 McAllster. formerly a
member of the supreme court, and one'
Of the leading lawyers of Tennessee.
Read News Scimitar Wants

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