OCR Interpretation

The news scimitar. (Memphis, Tenn.) 1907-1926, December 11, 1918, 4th EDITION, Image 11

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

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Get One of These Splendid Little
Support of Churches, Schools,
Etc., Evidences Spirit of Co
operationMany Hear Lec
ture of Myrtle B. Andrews.
(Special Correspondence 1
It Is not generally known to what
extent white business men of the city
contribute to the support vd colored
schools, churchee and fininttiMc enter
prises This evidences the spirit of co
operation, and the feeling of good will
between the races The Chamber of
Commerce has Ita committee on "Race
notation." and the colored people have
corresponding committees. Much good
should result from these agencies.
Will Send One Home
Balance $3.50 Monthly
We Will Trade It In Any Time Later For a Larger
Remember these are genuine Vlctrolas, and. will play every record
perfectly they are especially desirable for dancing ana popular entertain
ing. They're light, so as to he portable they're sturdy and strong, and
will last as long as tlio higher-priced instruments.
Complete With 10 Selections
5 Double Face Records, $29.25
The chapel of Howe institute was
crowded Tuesday night to hear Myrtle
H. Anderson's address on "Tnhyphc
tutted Democracy. Prof. .f. R. waster
presided and the choir of the First Bap
tist church furnished music.
I 'range Uound is one of the most pro
greesive of the colored suburban settle
ments. They have good churches and
schools and are developing certain
lines of business of their own. They
have neat, comfortable, homes. A large
per cent of them own their homes, and
they are a peaceable, law-abiding peo
ple. The Southern Terminal shops fur
nish employment for many of them.
Did You Know This?
The Vlctrola can plav all makes of records thus giving you several
phonographs in one. Ask us to explain this.
Victor Records
Make Ideal Gifts
Surely they are a lasting remembrance of the donor- and they give
the home pleasure every one enjoys. No matter what phonograph vou
or the Intended recipient may hate, Victor records are suitable, for they
will play on ANY machine.
We list some of the best records here, but there are many others
which we will gladly play for you.
Red Seal
I7J49 10-ln. list price 2 00
Over There Enrico Caruso
J71 07 10-ln. list price $2.00.
Whispering Hope 'Alma. Cluck
I.oui8e Homer
744J0 12-ln. '.1st price 11.50
Carry Me Back to Old Vlrginnv
Alma chirk
74609 12-in. list price 11.10.
Lucia II dole suono. In
Italian (Mad scene)
. Amelita OalU-Currl
74563 12-in. 11st price $1.50
Ava Maria Jascha Heifetz
744H-12-ln. list price $1.50.
Adeste Fideles. In lAtln. (Oh,
Come, All Ye Faithful)
John McCormack
Late Popular
1X4T.5 10-in. list price 85c.
The Last Long Mile
Chas. Hart with Shannon Four
K-K-K-Katv '.Billy Murray
1S483 -10-in. list price SSc.
Bluin' the Blues Fox Trot
Original Dixieland Jazz Band
Sensation Itag One-Step
Original Dixieland Jag Band
1S462 10-in. list price 85c.
I'm Sorry 1 Made You Cry....
Henry Burr
One Day in June
Campbell and Burr
17767 10-in. list price S5c.
llilo- Hawaiian March
Irene West Roval Hawailans
Wallana (lirowsy Waters)...
, ., lata and Kalll
1S18' -10-in. list price S5c.
Oh! How I Hate to net Up 1n
the Morning Arthur Fields
Oh. FrenchvJ . .Arthur Fields
U47--lfr-in. list price Sic.
Everything- I Peaches Down
in Ccorgla. . . .American Quartet
Carolina, I'm Coming Back to
1'ou Peerless Quartet
Prof. R. 8. Grossley, of Jackson,
Miss., Is in Memphis today. He Is
supervisor of the colored schools of
Mississippi and special agent for t tie
Kosenwald school In that state. Prof.
Crossley has just held a group meet
ing ot teacners at tiarksuaie. miss., in
which several counties were repre
sented. A patriotic and educational
campaign Is being conducted under the
auspices ot the national Security
Dean L B. Moore, of Howard univer
sity, is In the city to complete the ar
rangements for the Ministers' Institute,
to be held at Avery chapel. Dec. 16
and 17. Cards of acceptance are being
received daily from ministers who were
invited to attend The best homes of
the city will be thrown open to these
visitors, who are the leaders and repre
sentatives of their race.
The Baptist Ministers' alliance held
I heir regular weekly meeting at the
First Baptist church. St. Paul avenue,
Tuesday. Rev. W. W. Whlttori Is presi
dent and Uev. H. M. Tate Is secretary
Past . i of churches are urged to call
the attention of their congregations to
the federal labor office on Beale ave
nue, where they may register for such
work as they may be prepared to do
The government alms to serve the peo
ple in the matter of securing work.
"Don't congregate,'
"Keep moving,'
is the slogan.
There will be an Important meeting
of the Deborrnh circle at the Metropoli
tan Baptist church Thursday evening,
Deo. 12. at 7:110 o'clock. All members
are urged to be present.
Baptist Sunday schools and B. Y. P.
U. organizations are making plans to
attend the executive board meeting of
the State Sunday school and B. Y. P.
P. convention to lie held at Covington,
Tenn., Friday. Dec 20, at Canaan Bap
tist church, of which Rev. W. .1. Clark
Is pastor. A fund will be raised for
education. L. C. Moore, of Memphis,
will preside.
The disposition to start new churches
aud new denominations among the col
ored people of Memphis should he dis
couraged. They simply mean new bur
dens for small groups of people who
are already heavily taxed with the high
cost of living. Besides, these little
Churched are not able to commend the
services of persons ab elto teach and
elevate them, hence they are kept away
from light and helpful information. Re
ligion will be morn effective when it Is
made more practical ana less buruenea
with cumbersome organizations.
On your way to redeem wour war
savings stamps why not remind your
neighbor and take turn along;
The greatest collection of foot
wear for men, women and children
ever shown in Memphis.
Hand turn sole. Russia kid
chamois, lined in
black and tan
Other slippers as low as $2.
Reinskln cloth, in all colors
and sizes; leather sole and
heel. A iplen- rf rjf
did gift 4 J . O
Splendid sillc patterns in
black and white; dQ f(
Onyx Brand.. PO.UU
Fancy blacks and browns,
drop stitch. The (JJ (-fl
ideal gift ). OU
E E E Shoe Co.
Select your Christmas gifts from
this complete jewelry catalogue.
Our mail order department is
prompt ami efficient. All orders
filled same dav as received.
Articles selected will be engraved
to your order, placed in beautiful
Christmas boxes and laid away un
til the holidays, upon making a
small deposit.
Stomach ills
permanently disappear after drinking
the celebrated Shivar Mineral Water
Positively guaranteed by money-back
offer Tastes fine; costs a trifle. De
livered enywhere by our Memphis
agents Ollver-Finnle Co. Phone them
Bead News Scimitar Wants.
The will of P. C. Knowllon, for years
a prosperous retail grocer of Memphis,
has been filed with the judge of the
probate court The instrument was
written Feb. 11. 1913, in the hand
writing of the testator and Is dulv wit
nessed. The entire estate is left 'to his
wife, Mary A. KnOwlton, who Is named
executrix without bond.
Bead News Scimitar Wants.
Municipality Also Authorizes
Many Improvements for
for Thriving Vilage.
If you are without visible means
of support or are not possessed of a
rainfoi oecuoation vou had better not
loaf around the town of Bartlett, or
vou will he fined $25. The city council
of that municipality Tuesday night
passed on third and final reading a
real war loafer ordinance, which will
remain a law until the city sees fit
to repeal It.
Bartlett also is preparing to build
sideValks anil make other municipal
improvements. With this end in view
the council named a committee, com
posed of Krnest .1. Ilood, Mayor Charles
Sedinger and Attorney It. Lee Kar
tell, to arrange to sell bonds for $5,000
to make the contemplated improve
ments. This bond issue was author
ized before America entered the war,
but the sale of the bonds and the im
provement work was postponed on re
quest of (he federal government.
Friday of this week was set aside
as clean-up day for the town. F.very
citizen and property owner of the town
is urged to gather at 10 a.m. on that
day and assist in cleaning the streets
of the town. Crass In yards and open
spaces will be burned in order to lessen
the danger of fire.
Mavor Sedinger also wag authorized
to see the chief of the Memphis fire
department and secure data regarding
the establishment at Bartlett or a lire
brigade. The town is considering buy
Ing hand fire -fighting apparatus.
Bartlett will hold a municipal elec
tion Jan. I. New Year's day. to elect
a mayor and six aldermen. Tlse council
will then meet and name a town mar.
shal and secretary.
Your W. S. 3. Pledge.
Check It up. see if It balances then
order your Nmas cigars from Samel-
son Tariema, Bxtra or Marlowe. We
have blades for all safety razors, adv
R D. Nnrthoutt. former patrolman.
who was arrested several days ago by
Jlmmie Reynolds, deputy snerut in Jus
lice Broens' court, north of Memphis
while coming into the city with an
automobile load of whisky, pleaded not
guilt v Wedensday When arraigned In
the criminal court, lie will face trial
on the charge of violating the liquor
law. L, S. Craves Is tils attorney.
F.. K. Mason, of Caruthersvllle, Mo..
who was arrested with Northcutt, Is
mil on bond for $500. Northcutt Is held
for bond of J2.000. So far he has not
been able to mack It,
Fine Cigars for Xmas.
Tadema Julia Marlowe and Extra
ot Snmelson's in special Xmas boxes
all sizes order them now. Safety ra
zors and blades. adv
After biting two persons on lvnnsyl
vanla avenuo Tuesday and running
amuck amidst the dogs of tho neigh
horhood a strav canine, believed to lip
rabid, was killed by a well-thrown rock
at the hands of a youth It had bitten
Marv Hhivel, 8, !)51 Pennsylvania, and
John Putnam, a neighbor.
The dog dashed into the Shlvel yard
and attacked the child without warn
ing. Her screamB brought Putnam,
who attempted to pull it away. 11c. Uto,
25 N. Main St. Opp. Court Square. Memphis
The Christmas Club Savers will find here an exceptional opportunity to select the gifts for which they have so
patiently accumulated the money which the Memphis banks have distributed today. We have provided am
ple selections of refined jew elry and diamonds that combine practicability, ornamentation and utility, yet not too
expensive. We will gladly cash your Christmas Savings Club Check.
Kxqulsite solid gold
Brooch Pins, set with
pink cameo with wreath
of real whole pearls,
heavily encrusted green
& $20.00
V dandy American-mad watch fnr ' '"""Jr " 8'"' ""n v,'rv ""
tkt youngster, 12 size, thin model, moilel watc. 7 jewel Elgin move
i-jfwt-i movement, L'U-year guana- 2u year guaranteed gold filled
teed gold-filled case S1UOO i case 3.fM
flentieiuen'g verj tlilii model, open -faro,
12 size octagon neaped watch, iO-year
guaranteed gold filled ease ir. jewel
mot e
no ni
Bracelet watch, very small size, 15
Jewel movement, 20-year guaranteed
gold tilled ease, moire
ribbon band
(ar guaranteed m
Solid gold bar pin, hand sawtd open
"WR iiooi. sei unit nvo elll'O
cut rubies and one fine pearl..
t Pin. pierced oncn w ... I, I
Solid gold Brooch, set
with pink tinted cameo,
surrounded with wreath
of genuine
pearls . . .
Beautiful solid go
genuine pearls ani
liar Pin. set with
Solid green gold l:
set with oval shut
Handsome green and rose gold Bar Pin.
laurel design, set with tour lino y LI
oiiothysls iPt.OU
$8,00 ,-mmg
Solid gold
with ptnk came
Brooch, set
1 Solid gold Bar Tin. i"so gold fu
with genuine acquamarine ami tco
I fine pearls
An u R u sunt 'y
handsome, solid
gold, heavily en- '
crusted laurel loaf
top. set w itli red
?oral cameo, $13.50
Hexagon shaped
solid gold King,
hand pierce d,
open work, set
with pink tinted
cameo .... $10.00
Solid told Hint.
not wit li ituk
tinted camto,
Bur rounded with
mil peai Is 10.00
h, Net 1 roundel i'
I di ip. .1 sapi'l , siir 1 1 n (1(1
hole peai is V i v.vw
Solid gold Cameo
Set King, large
sile like Illus
tration . , $5.00
VaY Hum
g o 1 dl
n i n g.
wlih cameo
tundeil witli
pearls, $6.00
Oval shaped pink 1 1 jrrge showing ' Solid gold l.a
cameo surround- of mrfld cold Vnlliere set Willi
An unusually attractive stolid cold 1-ival ed with real I JLVallierea. set colored stone to
Brooch Pin, set with Here, pink timed pearls, set Intel 'With colored 1 Suit, and real with one fine
handsome pink cameo cameo, engraved Id gold l.nVal- j stones to suit; whole pearls, full cut diamond
and genuine vt 11010 peai is, .order, complete here. complete noun etc w conn. e wnii .ami it. re. 1. woo.
h a p e d
1 in e o.
. $7.50
Bhraulelte solid
gold linger ring,
heavily encrusted
top, set with
genuine gcguft
uiurine . . .$10.00
Square shaped Bract
yeur gold-filled cuse,
ment, moire ribbon
let Watch, 30-;
15-jewel move-:
fourteen karat .solid gold Bracelet Watch. 3
fifteen dowel movement, case heavily en
gruved, Moire ribbon f 40 (IdH
band Ofi.UUJ
Beautiful hand
square shape, I,
Pi-Jeweled movement, ttiolro
ribbon bracelet ,
liased Bracelet Watch,;
year gold filled ,ute
Solid gold l.a-
Soiid green gold Vnlllere, set with
Lavalllere, set
Beautiful solid
gold ijuVailler,
set with pink
green gold border. .$10.00 with Cham . .$7.50 i with chain, $10.00 ; ehaln, $2.50
nlnk came,, sur oameo. surround
rounded W 1th d with wreath
real w hole pearls,
mmplete Willi
ham. $7,1)0.
,f reul whole
pearls, complete
Willi claim, $12.50
Tonneau shaped moire ribbon Braoelatfl
Watch, iicauiiinih engravi
gold filled case. IS-Jewel
I 'I'l-J eal I
f ' . ,, , The laimii. .; ,,v,r pope M's9t'!' ' " '" ..I ' ' n il I., ni .-.l
jkWfSSr r.entlemens solid Slgnel Kings, sold ', s e r v i c o ao1 1,1 " "' ' gOI.I UHig. set will. lien '" :"M ' I 0 I H HH
ffiffiWr gold Kings, gold ,: in) pietty tai s e r v 1 c 0 l..dg. 7 KM case 0 U.UU
8aWP many patterns to patterns ... $12.80 King, solid 'H'lgs henl H, , very KI;H Ji.UU trj
Solid gold Brooch, select from ....$5.00 g0,j 3,00 new mid popll i.'-S7T7S;-
Solid gold Cuff But- gold Wrench Cuff s.','ii!i''eoid "rilft gold French full auUem,,n'fl "d "
Vi ' MP tons set with full t 1 n k . t, r .t, b gold i! u I Bui greou gold Cuff Utika Otitagen shaid Bracelet Wal. h, 15-Jewel tnovf
( MSi tons, set with run i,iks foi soft Buttons. $1.M. Links $2.50 nt. JO-year g. Hid tOEiM
gjg ' AS) diamonds. $10.00 shuts . IS ou tons 1- - ' "' ' , , 0J.UU
l,,t. , j ' '"'' " In 14 karat solid gold. $45.w '
ljai . Cffljr!l$ BCarf A latge r
H' mSi , , nln oval shan- ehowing of Solid gold scarf pin. JT Smallest nine Elgin Bracelet Watoh,
tRmr JMDi ' ' l. e a 11 I Iful !' l- lenllem..n' , ,,,,,, jSfr. sewui inwel mote t, (OC Eft
WMF. jEO strong sluing t 50 "Ilr" . , ..,,, solid gold ! FT J vbZD.OU
ISiJfflF rounded will. ""' M " Mart pin, sot wl ink tinted year gold filled eaae wv.uu,
BP jjP I "''"rlil 'HrfjnS !'.'i'!'"S "2.w laidV"illy! "m,' K ,, ,t '
' Linger handeome velvel girt 0 Uandkerehlef i'i"''' ifcoo The 14to MS.OO
, Miinictn. Se., :" ; ' :'!: ' "
solid gold cameo T h i m hies. Baby's solid lined rase, like illustration .$(l..")l hand bammei. $1,50 W
set Brooch I all sizes. gold Sett . , . , mKl. ed. linn ' ntlmr sets at from $12.50 to $35
IMl Ib.bO 13 50 ' - - '
... ... , . , iJS , Vt A "' beautiful colors, complete
$3.50 lleavilv engraved, i"lid gold po, kel Ce-'.JB ,v-- ., , , fi no I
steel blades $.M .IdJgPzS I with chain $6,00 1
Monogram belt slide
with watch chain
JO-karat solid
gold ....$10.00
14-karat solid
gold $12.50
Prlcoa Include fine leather hell ! lKar
" . Z . I tcr
and pttteiu fastener.

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