rAGE TWO. THE NEWS SCIMITAR. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 191. Maps of New Europe THE MOST DANGEROUS DISEASE No organ. of the human body arc no Important to health and Inn life M th llldneys Whi n they slow up and com mence to lag In their duties. li"k "lit! Danger la In right. Kind out what the trouble la without delay. Whenever you feel nervous, cak, dlsnv, suffer from loaplMlttSSS, er have pBlnii in the back or difficulty In passing urine wake up at once. Your kidneys need help These are signs to Warn you that your kidneys art' not toerformlng their function! properly. They nre only hnlf doing their word and jfre allowing Impurities to accumulate. md be converted Into uric acid and tber poisons, which are causing you ilstress and will destroy yon unless they Influenza and Colds What To Do For It Order from the druggist a 2S-rent box Bambleton s Kold-Ka.pl, Take one at bedtime. If throat Is sore or couching, liead vhe and nose stopped, get ulso a :: tent bottle KoM-K ib Kill, on chest nd throat at nlcht. He sure you get Kold-Kaps am Kold-Huh It will cure Ljou. If your druggist hasn't It add 10 wants extra and mail your order to jifcambleUin Prug Co . Memphis, Tenn j jou will get it i,v return mall. Colds fcaa many uses. Por colds, apply a little up the nostrils. It quickly vapor izes and the vapor penetrates to the Inflamed mucous, opaoing up the head and healing irritation that has been causing the cold. After shaving, rub Menth-Alba well Into the pores. It will cool and soothe the skin, prevent injection ot anv cuts or scratches, soften the tissues and te lteve the tight, parched feeling that so often follows a close shave. Por chapped hands, merely massage the Kana um h Mntn.Aim 111 1 t(l I p Improvement will result and soon the ichap will disappear. lujr Menth-Alba from your druggist st 5c or send to us lor tree sample. SFURLOCK-NEAL COMPANY Nashville, Tenneesee 4tW The smashing of Kaiserdom has changed the face of Europe. The maps and geographies of the age in which we have lived have now gone into the discard. The histories of dynasties and principalities have been closed and laid away on the back shelves of the old world. Out of the splinters of autocracies new nations of free people are building, and now Americans may learn the new geography of liberty from the maps appearing weekly in Oet iomo QOLO MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules at once. They are an old. tried preparation uaed all over the world for centurlea. They contain only old-fashioned, soothing oils combined with strength-giving and system-cleansing herbs, well known and used by phyal clans In their dally practice SOLD MEDAL Haarlem till t'unaules are Im ported direct from the laboratories In Midland They are convenient to take, ami will either give prompt relief or your money will be refunded Ask for thrui at any drug store and be sure to get the original Imported UOI.I) MKUAI, brand. Accept no substitutes. In Bealed packages Three slice, adv. L T Take a Glass of Salts to Flush Kidneys If Bladder Bothers You. Hating meat regularly eventually pro duces kidney trouble In some form or other, saa a well known authority be cause the uric acid In meat excites the kidneys, they become overworked, get sluggish; clog up and cause all sorts of distress, particularly backache and mis ery in the kidney region, rheumatic twinges, severe headaches, acid stom ach, constipation, torpid liver, sleepless ness, bladder and urinary Irritation. The moment your hack hurts or kid neys aren t acting tight, or If bladder bothers you. get about four ounces of .tad Suits from anv good pharmacy take a tableapoonful In a glass of water before breakfast for a few day! and your kidneys will then act fine This famous salts Is made from the acid : ot trapes and lemon Juice, combined wltn llthia. un,l has been used for gen erations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity; also to neutralise the acids In the urine so It no longer irritates, thus ending bladder disorders .lad Salts cannot Inlure anyone makes a delightful effervescent lithla wnter drink which millions of men and women take now and then to keep the kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus avoiding serious kidney disease adv DONT LET A COLD GATHER HEADWAY Nick It Right at the Start With Dr. King's New Discovery. Co after It hard Relieve It or cough or a mild attack of grippe or nroncnitls promptly, pleasantly efiec lively, economically Loosen the stuff! ness, check the sniffles, the tight feel lug. the In nation, the watery. Inflamed eyes. It takes only a llltle of Dr King s New Discovery to help the usual cold ami i-ough discomforts if taken accord ing to directions. A large bottle lasts long and Is pleasant for young and old Keep n nanay- routs and coughs corns unexpectedly, suddenly. SOi and 1 I'D Stir Those Torpid Bowels Enjoy the freedom of the regularity made possible by mild yet positive act ing, natural, pleasant, comfortable Dr. King's New Life Tills. Not habit -forming, but a s stem cleunser that pro motes healthful results. All drurglsts. 16c. adv ESS MEAT F BACK j Jferary Digest f) FUNK. & WAGNALLS COMPANY (Publisher! of the CASUALTY LIST (Continued From First I'uge.l 1). 1. Halls; Arthur 11. Douglas, Rook Wood; Jlmmle O. Norrls, Dorton. Wounded severely, previously reported missing: Private CharleB A. Hayes, Cleveland. Wounded, degree undetermined, pre viously reported missing; I'rivato Fur rlss Dlckerson, Tullahoma. Unturned to duty, previously reported missing: Privates Arthur it. Cherry, it. P. I). 1, Memphis; Chester Henderlltc, U. V, 1). (1, Knoxvlllc; Klbert 1.. Tomp kins, Rugby, MISSISSIPPI. Killed In action: I'rivato Anthony Vlttltow, Ripley Died of disease: Privates Iwronce A. Robinson, R V. I. 1, Rara Avis; Silas I.. (Iptott, Collins. Wounded severely: Sergts. Archie Thornborry, It. p, I. 1, Rutollffr; Cul len W, Connerly, Tylnrtown; Privates John Uusby, Chlcora, Henry D. l.lnd ley, 1!. K I), 1, Pulton; Kdward P. Ualllff, Laurel; Kred Hopkins, R. P, D. A, Meridian. Henry C. tlordon, R. V D. 1, Now Albany, Willie Uiften. Hyrani. Wounded, degree undetermined: Sergt, Arthur M. Hllglar, Rulsvllle; Privates Cleo Smith. Taylorvllle; Clif ton Butler, it. P. l. 3, Batasvllle; Wil lie S. Mcllau, Kentress. Wounded slightly: Lieut. tieorgn II. pivey. Holluudalc: Private James Hoes, Hurdette. Missing In action: Private John P. Woods, Tlazelhurst. ARKANSAS. Killed In action: Privates Simon Munn, IS Pecan it Helena. LaMon Austin, R K D. " Ilarrlsburg. I Med of disease: Private Peter P. !trd. Pine lUuff. Wounded severely: Privates Klbert C Mllligan, Scottsvllle. Tuffle H. A. Puller, Bucknsr; t'urtis McWhorter, 3 1 9 Sulphur St., Texarkana; Jesse A. Pierce, Manila, William P. Trleschman, Croi sett; Prcd C. Heboer, Handy. Preeman Ijiudermllk, Itlai'k Springs; Harry W. Walker, Cabot. William R. Cravens. Scotland. Wounded, degree undetermined: Pri vates Caspian S. Mattlx. Joneaboro: Raymond l Roberts. 1L P. 1). 2. Cnto: Prankle lllankenshlo. Hallo: Rimer Smoot. Huntington. woiinite.i .slightly: Corn Marvin (kleli, Msrmaduke; Privates Ernest 1. tlrogan. ugnsta; William P.. tlrnddv. moge, i.nm umcaster, (irubbs, Rlythe Joiner, .lonesboro. Missing In action: Privates V Gilbert, Judsonla; James W. lto.se! Nashville. etnrt.ed to duty, nravloualv rennrm.i tnlsslng; James A. Prlchard, Savage, ALABAMA. Killed In action: Privates John C. Connell, R P. IV 1, tlordo; Iouls llayles, P.llska; James 8, Overstreet Salitpa, Henley Haw, R. K. I). 1, Ever green. Died of disease: Cook Augustus (I. Moore, (illbert Town; Privates Grady L. llurch, Hartford. Pmmett 1. Cowan Birmingham, Henry L. He Hinder Crlchton; Enoch B, smith, Jemlson; Robert Prince, lllrmlngnam. Wounded severely Corporals Walter Lewey, it p D a. Wlnflald; Mlnter M Mooreer. Bay Mlnette, Plumle Plo pen, Lewlsburg; John Hansend, u. P. t 2, Athens. CiHik Calvin Ross. l'ratt vllle; Privates Tolbert R. Moore, Sler rctt; Walter W. Robinson, Wagar; Gus Hilton. Ileflln; Karl It Hltisou, Uer muda; Ernest L. Jenkins, Altoona; Sam May, Flat Top; Patrick Hruton, 1,1s msn; Joseph G Kostell. Bnwkslde; Peter E. Poarch, R. F 1). 1, Grant Wounded, degree Undetermined: Cor porals Joseph Isabel, Plrnilngham; Harry H Ptysdalc, Selma. Privates Joseph Tolbert, Montgomery; Hurry Barnard, Samson, l. other j. Bsnton, Coosada; Arvel Ferguson, Annlston; Murphy Stevens, tlreensboro Wounded slightly Privates Hock White, Act"n, Joseph W, Hass, l.neds, John A. Mouse, Melbourne; Eugene Shsner. Talladega. Missing In action: Privates Floyd lAWSon. Nauvoo; Mlllsrd 1. Vndorwood Jackson; Klnelh Shirley, It. P. D. 1, S,i rls Wounded, degree undetermined, pre vleusly reported missing: Mechanic Frank Wheeler, t.lrald. Returned to duty, previously reported inlSSlr.1 Privates Ahin A. l.lvingst in R. P. H fi. Cullman; Cleveland C, Mad dog, Hothan. KENTUCKT. Killed In action: Sergeant Willie liar- gis, Meece; Privates Malan A. Benton. Hartford; Jacob U. Morris, Walton, Gib Brackln, Bsvler; Peter J. Hlenos, Louis ville; William Hlxon, Gllley; Mllford Hlnes, Somerset; John C. Gary, llop klnsvlllc; Monroe Osbnrn, Pomp; Joe B, Griffin, Earllngton; Dan Ijawtuu, Itum soy; Bertie Tate, llodgenvlllc; Martin Alvev Peorniuu Hied of disease: Sergeant Joseph T.I hainer, Covington; Privates Walter A. Williams, Rosine; Evans Butts, llorso Cave; Howard G. Cassldy, Stepstone. Wounded severely: Corporal Ray II. Mulllns, Peoples; Privates James Rose, Mlddleereck; Louis Vaughn, Somerset; Ferrell Rohlnett. R. F. 1). 1. I'ntletts burgj Herbert M. Hespaln, Malt; John W. Wade, Shepardsvllle ; Charles T. Harkley, Little Muddy; Andy Amis, Rlcetown; Ellas W, Illalr, R. F. I). 2, Mammoth Cave. Wounded, degree undetermined: I, lent (Jeorge T. Wyche. Louisville; Corporal William H. Cloortmaii, nilve Hill; Mechanic Frank Coleman, Louis ville; Privates Kit C. Burton, Nancy; George W. Glenn, McVeigh; Claudia Tackett, Vlrgle; Mltchel Trout, Stone; George Wilson. Valeria: Lawrence Brown, Irvlngton; William MoKeuzlo. Palntsvtlle; James Wardle, Iicxlngtnn. Wounded slightly: Sergeant Mnrtln J. Meteuif, Btlthon; Corporal James u Peed, Tnylorsvllle; Privates James Sniilh. Rural: Leonard M. Foley, Wl. Ilamsburg; William E. Clnrkson. Cov ington; Carl C, Thompson, Valley Sta tion. Missing In action- Corporal Frank W. Dabney, Hopklnsvllle; Private Robert L Harrison, Racramenro. LtiPISIANA. Killed In action: Private Perry D Alexander. Ithlnehart Pled of disease: Private William E. Charlton, Baker. Wounded severely Private Robert R. Hill. Qlenmora; John II, Ranev Len tils Mills; Paul He Pas, Long Uridge Sam S. Mb bllll, l,ake Providence Hen ry C O'DaUgheify, Bedford: George Wall, New Orleans; Rotiert T. Putch R P D S. Lille: George 0, Cox, Kelly. Wounded, degree undetermined Pri vate Henry X. Barrios. Jesuit Band Wounded slightly: Corporal James A. Wodgoworth. Port Jesaup; Private El mer j Heed, Eunice, 7l!led In ait.on. previously reported missing: Private Frod W. King, Mount Hereon Wounded severely, previously reported missing Private Leonard Sparks, Bhrevepnrt. Wounded, degree undetermined, pre viously reported missing: Richard c. Johnson. Marksvllle. Returned to duty, previously reported missing: Private Harry W. Garland. Eunice. NORTH CAROLINA. 1 Killed In action: Sergt. Millard P. Tate. Marlon; Corporal John A Cul fcerson, Greensboro; Privates Oils R. Douglas, n. p, D. l, Taylorsvllle; i,ee- man I. Hlnkle, R. F, D, 2. Stanley; Waiter C. Beaaley, Murfreesboro; Floyd V, Craven, It. P. p. I, Ramseur; 1'asiil- Hn Henry, Newborn; Preston It. Loftln. Orlfton Pled of disease- Privates James M "Doss, R P. D, 1, Campbell; James X Evans, Spray; James L, Sanderlain "Elisabeth City; Albert R. Leaser, Lan dis, Roy A Patlllo, Union Ridge, Sam Hiel Speight. K P. D. 1, WhI taker; Al Vester Tyner, R F. D 2. Murfreesboro ' Wounded severely: Sergts James W. Turner. Goldsboro; Thurmau Houter, 'Rutherfordton; Adolphus D. Cheek, ll! F D 2, Slier City: Andrew ci Baker, "Shelby: Corporals Troy B. Honeycutt, B. V. D 1, Oakboro; George C. Loven, Spruce Pine; Privates George Tucker, High Point; Luther F. Crenshaw. Gus tonla; Ell B. Gibson. Gibson; Lonnle Hunt, Fairmont Rcbt F Patterson, R, F. D. 4, Elm City; Douglas Privette, R P. D. 1, Wadesboro; F.rnest R. Stewart, Btonsy Point; owns i. Brown, u. F i 1, t'hlnqtiapln ; Floyd J. Crane, Glen 'Raven, Charles Artontls, BtatesvlMe; James M. Mers, R. F. D. 1, Hayes; Charles Eliot, R. F. D. 3, Rocky Mount. Jay M Motslnger, Kernersvllle ; Alvln O. Sides, Concord: John B. Smell, R. F. D. . Windsor: Bonnie E. Puller. Wade; Raymond Bilcntston, Hickory; Edward O, Evans, R. 1-'. D, 4, Roxhoro. William I A Minis, West End; Allle Harris, Jack son. Wounded, degree undetermined: Sergts. William H. Case, Luck, John E. Sauls, Selma; Harry It. Brown, Oxford John 11. Gill, R. F. U. 4. Henderson: I 'Joseph P.. Hulln, Greensboro; Privates Charlie Punlap, K. f . I). 4, Kocungham; Janice M. Gibson, sV S. L Pilot Famous NEW Standard Dictionary), NEW YORK Mountsln; Lucien Honeycutt, R. P. P . Clinton; George E. Stephens, Garland; Swaney B. Beeler, Pensacola; William R, Hardy. R. F. P. L Edward. ' Wounded slightly: Corporal Robert L. "Pratt, Edenton; privates Percy T. Hark, R. P. D. 1, Slier City; Freeman lUlston, Gastonla; Wiley S. Hlckerson, 'R. F. D, 2, Washington; James Melton, K. P. D. 2. Lumberton; Roy B. Morris, Gllkey; William Tyson, Klnston; Has T. Vaasey, Roiling Springs; Isaac C. Price, Concord. Missing In action: Frlvate Moses Par ker, R. F. n. 1, Wilson. Killed In action, previously reported missing: Privates Frank .1. lirewer, K. P. D. i. Winston-Salem; Harry Pottet, Wilmington; William Taylor, Blowing Rock; Willie K. Wicker, Sanford. Wounded slightly, previously reported missing: lYlvatcs Joseph A. Church, Winston-Salem; Chester U. White, Glldcn. Wounded, degree undetermined, pre viously reported missing: Privates Hay WOod Gulu, Dunn; George E. Moore, Wilmington. Returned to duty, previously reported missing: Private Wllllas Recce, Hickory. MISSOURI. Killed In action: Lieut. Clarence B. Peebles, Cordor; Sergts. Alford N. Allen, Hay; Arthur Hlbdon, Linn Creek; Cor Imrals Michael Loftus, St. Louis; Harry L. Ludwlg, St. Louis, Bee Tatum, l)e- 'venter; lavid it. Mtaiey, Kansas i-iiy; Privates Perry P. Shaffer, R. P. D, 39, Brnwnlngton; Neal Smith, Unlonvllle: "Wesley K. Havls, St. Louis; Fred "Franklin, Helton; Ernest H. Mendel, 'Mets; John E. Barnes, R. P. D. 2. Grant City; Noah Bruce, Kennett; Charles "Dlsaive, St. Louis- Wesley S. Hedrlck, 'Marcsllne; John Levington, Advance; .Michael Shea, St. josepn; James i. Shlpp, Bixby; Perley H. Bean, Oxford; Alvln R. Dean, Kennett; Harry W. Nunn, Mill Springs; Walter C. Schwerdtmann, St. Louis. Pied of disease; Corporal Jesse M. Van Sickle, Parmington; Privates Clyde H. Cooper, Knobnoster; James R. Marsh. R. F. D. 1. Conway; Elmer C, Vaughan, Eldon; Everett Angel. Mine "Lamotte; John Broombaugh, Bteelvllle, Wounded severely: Caut. Mark I). Springer, West Plains; Lleuts. Clark R Gamble, St. Iuis; Lloyd R. Bout well, Klrkwood; Sergeants Danyln Hun ter, Frederlcktown ; Frank W. Grant, St. Louis; Joseph C. Mudd, Sllex: George E. Kerstlng. St. LouU; Charles M. Mitchell, Springfield; Russell E. Strange, Rogervllle. Piverett F. Perry man. Chlllicothe; Corporals Carl A. Miller, Boonvllle; lister G. Kleln schmldt, Kansas City; William Mullar key, St. Louis; Edwin I,. Wessel, St. I nils; Russell N. Munsch, St. Joseph; Harry C Salzmann. St. Louis; William B Monahan. Kansas City; Francis V. Palna, St. Louis; Loon J, Corrigan, St. luils: Mechanic Frank R. Schoppen horst, Marthasvllle; Saddler Albert C. Behrendt, St. Joseph; Cooks John H Hlckmever. Herman; I.e Roy L. Char- honeau. St. Louis; Privates Griffie Pitts, R F. D. 1. Enon; Mikel F Oulrk. I'rhana; Fay M. Currough. Ar- koe: Elmer Cambpell. St. Louis; Isaac A. Followlll. Queen City; Fred J. Tike, Kansas City; Carroll V. West, Car thage: Carloss M Eastahrooks, lx Itigton; Harlan Walls, Leasburg; Thorn Stomach Distress Stops Instantly! Sure, quick, pleasant relief from Indigestion 'Pain, Gas, Acidity, Heartburn or Dyspepsia, 81? The nwmcnt you eat a tablet or two, all the indigestion, gases, pain, acidity and stomach distress ends Instantly! Costs little All drug stores. Buy a box! upseiv? Papers Diapepsin yo!r feet as J. Gunn, Salisbury; Josepn Schaefer, R. F. D. 1, Osage City; Chester R. Blanchard, Rosendale; Harley C. Davie, Boynton; Henry J. Jacobs, West Alton; Noah R. Kirkpatrlck, R. F. D. 6, Stock lands; Curtis Hendnx, Leadwood; Frederick W. Llndwedcl, Jr., R. F. D, 1, Klmsw'lck; Walter E. Gross, St. Louis; William A. Rlchter, St. Louis; John E. Walter, Perryvllle; Peter Kuhn', Luxemburg; Ieo H. Osthoff, Wellington; Javen Wappler, Clever; Thomas J. Dovle, Norborn; Jesso T. Campbell, Kansas City; Charles W. Coffman, Junction; Henry C. Klass, Conception Junction; Earl A. Miller, R. P. D. 2, Brashear; Enill A. Miller, St. Louis: .Tosenh Prior. Case: Jewel M. Green, Framan; Kenney V. Lauck, St. Iuls; Sylvester K. McHanlel, R. F. D. 1, Montreal; Eugene E. Gibcaut, Breck enrldge; Orover E. Iane, Unlonvllle; Newlee Plel, Kaboka; JacoD beyier, bi. Louis; Elmer H. Gelseklng, St. Iiuls; John W. Heler. St. Ixiuls: Orvllle Rob inson, Canton; Nelson L. Schradcr, St. Charles; Russell 8. Kifer, R. F. V. 3, Springfield. Wounded, degree undetermined: Capt. Tracy Baker, Independence; Ser-geant-MaJ. Henry W. Boggess, Fulton; Sergeants Thomas H. lOvans. St. Louis; Douglas French, Klrkwood; Frank J. Rounds, Hanlnbal: Mechanic Orval C. Manls, Warrensburg; Privates George C. Helm. Washington; Claude Watson, St. IjduIs; Frank B. West, Bevler; Manuel O. Thompson, Martlnsburg; James W. Beck, Arbyrd; Ahner T. Tucker, Willow Springs; Thomas Col lier. St. Tx)uls; Clyde W. Kler, St. Jo seph; William H. Llchtenherg. St. Louis: Benjamin F. Oliver, Walnwrlght; Ernest H. Stenzlnger, 8t. Louis. Wounded slightly: Sergeants Albert Slaughter, Slaverton; Thomas H. Mil ler, Hannibal: Comoral William S. Mare, St, Louis; Privates Henry A. Snow-den, Henrietta; Ixiuls J. Splrros, St Louis: Sherman Archer. Webb City; David I Hunt. St. Louis; Donald Hurd, Kansas City; Edwin E. Larson, R. F. D. 5. Princeton: Charles F. Brown, Kansas City; Fred Colley, Lathron; Thomas Ellis, Kansas City; Robert Gil bert, Elvins; William Bcotten, Favette: Charles J. Klemm. St. Txiuls; Andv M. Sportsman. Mnrceline; George P, West-phal- St. Iiouis: Frank TV Norman. Kan sas City; William H. Thomas, Liberal. Missing in action: Corporal Ravmond Runge. St. Louis; Privates Ernest Long. Sleeper; John C. Newton. Spring field: .limes A. O'Mara. St. Ixnita; Jesse K. J. Schelnert. St Joseph; Lewis F. Stutzman. Webb Citv; Anthony E. Burch, St. Louis; Floyd A. O.ltpln, Mevlcn: Dan L. Hortnn. Rogervllle; Ewald Belzenhen, Iextngton; Hiram J. Hall. Basher: Walter C. King, Lodl: William J. Manning. St. Louis: Claude .T Marrett. Poods: William .1. Roosken, St. Louis; Harry H. Wampler, Farming ton. FLU BAN AGAIN ON. MOBILE. Ala., Hoc. It. The city commission last night, on the recom mendation of the hoard of health, or dered all schools, theaters, motion pic ture houses closed and all public gath erings stopped, on account of the re appearance cf the Influema In epidemic form. The order affects all soft drink stands. churches are requested to cease services. A! Are You In the Position where yon can follow the advice of those merchants that preach pay cash, even If they themselves don't? If so, all's well and yon can quit reading this right now; but if the demands on your parse for necessaries and special expenditures on account of the holi days are more than your purse can stand, then read on. To begin with, I want you for a regular customer; therefore, I make it my business to see that my merchandise Is all right. Secondly, I want your friends to buy of me, too, so I am particular about the styles being all they should be. There is no use saying that my prices are right if they weren't I couldn't stay in business very long. Now, where I differ mostly from the other fellows is that i am just ns anxious to extend you credit as I am to sell yon for cash. Just a little each week, every two weeks or months, is en tirely satisfactory with me. You will find everything the stylish woman wants to wear at my shop, and a lot of nice things for Christmas presents. Mrs. Miller's Millinery Shop, at 230 South Main Street, near lin den Coats, Suits, Dresses, Hats, Waists, Furs, Skirts, etc., etc. Thrift Stamps and Liberty Bonds accepted at full value. Why Worry About Your Bills? Come See Us Well Furnish the Money WE WILL LENT) YOU MONEY OX PERSONAL INDORSEMENT. REPAYABLE WEEKLY PAYMENTS. LOANS ALSO MADE ON LIBERTY RON DS, GOLD, DIAMONDS SILVER AND JEWELRY. REMEDIAL LOAN SOCIETY 520 EXCHANGE BLDG. We Loan Money on Liberty Bonds PEREL & LOWENSTEIN 168 South Main Street DON'T LET YOUR HAIR TURN GRAY A Little Care Will Keep It Soft, Dark and "Youthful. If you hair Is fray, streaked with cray or faded, will you devote a few minutes to keeping it dark, soft and E'tou can easily restore Its orlelnal color and beauty by simply brushing or combing Q-ban Hair Color Restorer through your hair at night. After a few applications all the natural color and gloss will return gradually and evenly Then only an occasional application la necessary to hold the color permanently. Q-ban does not change the color by dvelng It simply restores the natural rnlor and glosa. It will not stain the scalp wash or rub off. and the hntr can be washed or curled as usual. Kills dandruir ana lnvigoim.-a nan aim sraip The makers of Q-ban have beon known for a generation as specialists In the treatment of the hair. om hv all rood druggists everywhere on Money-Back Guarantea. Price, 75c. adv. JuniperTar The Dependable Remedy for All COUGHS COLDS Sore Throat 60 Dotes, 30c AT DRUGGISTS Kmp Jnnlpftr Tar In th medicine cheit for emorctn-cloft. m