TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 191. THE NEWB SCIMITAR PAGE ELEVEN. II K WHAT IS HOME WITHOUT MUSIC? IE MOTHER OF CROWN Get a PICE'S WIFE SAYS ERSHNER For Christmas HUNS MADE ERROR H A V E M U S I C T H I S C H R I S T M A S 69 .95 WITH SIX RECORDS $0.95 DOWN MONTHLY THE KERSHNER PHONOGRAPH Clays All Makes of Records. AFTER CHRISTMAS YOU CAN EXCHANGE FOR A LARGER MACHINE AM, PAYMENTS MADE WILL BE CREDITED ON NEW CONTRACT. Grand Duchess of Mecklen- burg-Schwerin Asserts Ger many Should Admit Blunder! and Tell World She Is Sorry. GENEVA Deo. 17 l By the .Wooisted I I re.sn i Uermany made a great blunder r enterica the ar and ahould admit .he wis in the wrong, declared the tirsnd Din he.: anajtiaata MAckleil- j 1 un-Schwerln, mother of the former iiertnan crown princess, tn an interview The grand duchess, who is a Russian and a cousin of the late Russian em peror, came to Geneva at the outbreak of the war She hurt many relative! fighting against one another on all t fonts. The correspondent was the first news paper man she had ta.aed with since the beginning: of the war. Replying to a question about the rentier emperor and the former crown prime she said pathetically "There l.s a splendid maxim In your language 'Don't hit a man when he is down.' Ix't us preserve this sporting principle during our conversation." Asked why she had lett Germany as soon as that country uegan military operations, the grand G lichees aatd: I could not remain In a country which had declared war on my own country Russls This war came as a great surprise to me and my son (Fred erick Frani IV. grand duke of Meok-iriihurg-Sehwcrtti. who abdicated sev eral weeks ago I, although we were In constant touch with Hie royal families of Germany, Russia and Denmark. It has been said that not more than -0 pci nous In Germany understood what a cruel mistake it was going to be. I was one of them. However, as I never meddled in politics and never In tend to I was not able to Interfere. "But 1 continue to tntnK thst Ger many made a greed blunder In enter ing this terrible struggle, not only from a humane point of Mew. hut also for political and commercial reasons as her commerce was prosperous. Now she has lost all. Germany should re-create a political, financial and artistic nation by openly admitting: " We acted wrongly; we are sorry.' The grand duchess said she had no news from her daughier, the former crown princess, since September ex cept through a letter from her eldesl daughter, the queen of Denmark, say ing OOth of them were well. She made an appeal for the country of her birth, saving: "If the allies abandon Russia. Russia Is lost. The al:ies do not seem to understand the situation clearly Aboul 18 pci lent oi the Itusslans have roapect I'or only two inings. God and the I'sar The peasants now say: 'We have no czar, whom shad we obey "It will take the population SO years to understand the meaning of the word. republic and president. The Russian people waul some one to worship, he cause It la their old custom, their re ligion and their lives Lei the allies take note and help poor Russia before It Is too late " KERSHNER PIANO CO. 92 So. Main, MEMPHIS Victrolas Victor Records Manophones Autopianos Pianistas Kershner Pianos FRENCH TALK OF FINANCIAL UNION Dr. Kenneth K. MacAlpine AdCr New York Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital Says that Nuxated Iron Is In His Opinion The Most Valuable Tonic, Strength and Blood Builder Any Physician Can Prescribe. Trobably no remedy has ever met with such phenomenal success as has Nuxated iron -over three million peo ple annually are taking II In this coun try alone. It lias been used and highly indorsed hv such distinguished men as: Hon. Leslie M. Shaw, former Secretary of the Treasury and Bx-Oovemor of Iowa, former InHed States Senator ant Vice-Presidential Nominee Charles A. Tnwne: i'nited States Senator E. S. Johnson; Judge . 0. W. Atkinson of the United States Court of Claims of Wash ington. Judge Samuel S. Yoder. States man, Jurist, formerly Surgeon-Mnjor In the Army; I". S. Commissioner of Immigration Hon. Anthony Camlnctti, and others. WHAT DR. MACALPINE SAYS: "During sixteen years as Lecturer and Adjunct Professor of Special Sur gery (Proctology) In the New York Post Graduate Medical School and Hos pital, I never had recourse to so valu able a remedv for building up the health and strength of debilitated, con valescent patients as Nuxated Iron. Se vere tests recently made with Nuxated iron have absolutely convinced me that It is a preparation of most extraordi nary merit. "If people would onlv realize that Iron is Just as Indispensable to the blood as Is sir to the lungs, and he just as particular about keeping up a sufficient supply at all times, there would. In my opinion, he far less dis ease resulting from anaemic, weakened conditions. For years II was a prob lem with physicians how to administer Iron In a form that could he taken up by the system and Increase the red blood corpuscles without upsetting the stomach, blackening the teeth or pro ducing other disorders almost as seri ous as the lack of iron Itself. But the introduction of Nuvsled Iron has done away with nil nhjertlnnable fea tures of the old mineral salts of iron and gives to every careful thinking physician a tried and valuable prescrip tion which he can recommend nearly SPECIAL TO PHYSICIANS Doctor What Do Yon Recommend to Renew the Supply of Iron In the Blood of Peop'e in a Weak. Nervous, Run down State? Pr. MacAlpine. for IS ycHrs Adjunct Professor in the New Vork Post Grad uate Medical School and Hospital, says the Introduction of Nuxated Iron gives to every careful thinking physician a tried and valuable prescription which he can recommend nearly every day with benefit to his weakened and run-down patients. Dr. MarAlptne's opinion is borne out hv the indorsement of such physicians as Dr. Schuyler ( .laques, formerly Visiting Surgeon si Klliabcth's Hos pital. New York ; Dr. A .1 Newman, late House Burgeon of Jefferson Park Hospital, Chicago; Dr. James Francis Sullivan, formerly Physic. an of Relle vue Hospital (Outdoor Dept.), New York, and the Westchester County Hos pital: Dr. Kerdinand King. New York Physician and Medical Author, and others. Wllilam R. Kerr, former Health Com missioner of Chicago, snys Nuxated Iron shoyjd be used in every hospital and prescribed by every physician in this country. NOW, Doctor, when you wish to pro scribe a true tonic, strength and blood builder one that puts the vim and en ergy Into the veins of the weak, in firm, run-down and agedwhy not try the same kind of iron Nuxated iron that Dr. MacAlpine and other physicians have used with such success in their practice? Two five-grain tahlris of Nuxated iron taken three times per day after meals will often Increase the strength and endurance of delicate, nervoua, run-down folks In two weeks' time. Your druggisl will refund your patient's money R it doesn't. every day wllh benefit to his weakened and run-down patients Nuxated Iron by enriching the blood and creating new blood cells strengthens the nerves, rebuilds the weakened I issues and helps to instill renewed energy and endur ance Into the whole system whether the patient lie young or old. In my opinion Nuxated Iron is the most val uable tonic, strength and blood builder any physician can prescribe.'' vl Jra!fMsBSI I viraKSBBifflBBBBHKSrck PARIS, Dec 1? -The French gov ernment Is considering, with a proba bility of presenting before the chamber of deputies Dec. 1!4. a bill proposing the establishment among the allies of an international financial union to dis tribute war expenses between the na tions on the basis of populations and power to contribute, it Is understood a similar plan is under consideration by the British government. It is estimated the expenses of the allies totaled 41!4. ,000,000 francs, while the central powers' expenses ag gregated I70,000,000,0v0 francs. Annual budgets at 5 per cent with a one-half of one per cent premium for amortisation would total tt,oon,ovo,000 francs. To avoid International bank ruptcy, It is declared such an asso ciation Is necessary to float an inter national fund, estimated at (18,000,000, Unit francs, to be distributed on a basis of population and production l-'aeh state would guarantee Its proportion from customs and other revenues All exchange questions, Freight rates and prices of raw material would be handled through the centralized agency of the association. Provision Is made for the admission of neutral states. Kven the central powers, upon terms prescribed bj the allies, may Join, thus re-establishing International credit, which is held to he an essential condi tion of the economic development of the world. Just Think Of It! A Best Quality, Hand-Made Cake Enough for a Medium Size Family, for 13c Each; 2 for 25c (In Individual Wax-Sealed Cartons) Aunt Mary's Cakes Now Greatly Improved As We Are Relieved of the Necessity of Using Substitutes Four ) Srr (Fresh Maple Nut ) fanv Chocolate Marshmallow ( Uall V Arc von depriving yourself of the sweets your system requires because of the war prices of butter and es ? Our contracts for these ariieles, at much lower price, make this unnecessary, as we are enabled to keep AUNT MARY'S CAKE reasonably price.!. Satisfy yourself today. Buy "AUNT MARY'S SAFETY FIRST CUTIE CAKE" and be convinced of our statements. Just the thing for all lunches. Order from You r Grocer Today MEMPHIS BREAD CO., Wholesale Bakers U. S. MUST OWN TELEGRAPH LINES SAYS BURLESON DR. KENNETH K. MACALPINE Prominent New York Surgeon WHO HE IS Mr. MacAlpine graduated from the New Vork University Medical College, was Assistant Surgeon (Outdoor Dept.) Bellevue Hospital, formerly House Sur geon and for !ti years Adjunct Profes sor Now Vork I'ost Graduate Medical School and Hospital, which In the orlg. Inal and largesi Post Graduate Hos pital in the united siates, a member of the New Vork County Medical So ciety, the New Vork State Medical So ciety, New Vork Physicians' Associa tion and i'ost Graduate Alumni etatton. rr. Ma. -Alpine, whne office In at 131 West KTth St.. New York, in re (fa rded a a leading a merloan mj thority on Proctology and hit lectured and operated bifore the Surgical Sec tion of the New Vork State Medical Socirt y. MAM ! A'Tt RKRS' NOTE VuxMe.t I-,,, whteh N uspti in fir MftcAlpltM anil niier wi-ti mich MirrrklnR rwiiltH ami which U prfv-rrtN'ri ami ifrrn,nt,ntf'l hv phyttrtanft. In tin) ;i sp" H rrrIv hn ..r,.. ffhlrti ' well known t tlniR-Mi- tn I'uvherf T'niikc Hi. -iiiir Inorganic Irnn prod net., ti I- tuitv MtlmUated, deft not InjiiT- thi Utth, tn;ih( ihoin blank, nor ur"t lfl ttomtth, Tin- mioiufR'-tiirm BUartnta nuccfri-tful tlrvly a.itl.ifii'ti'y rrxnltK Uj entry (mnthatcir nr they witt refuml your monoy li itlapfltutftj In tin- city by ail . .,,. drtgclrtl j I Don't Know of any K""l reason why you ran't get hT Just what she wants this Christmas. If It's for the female of the species, I have it. If I haven't, I'll get It for you or recommend you to some first class house that has. Don't lei the fart that you can't spare ull the money worry you I'll take care of that hy extending you what credit you want without the usiinl red-tape refer enee, or investigation. Mrs. Miller's Millinery Shop, at 2.'l S. Main St., near Linden. Coats, Suite, Dresses, Hats, Kurs, Waists, Skirts and a lot of other things that make sultahle Christmas gifts. Thrift Stamps and Idherty Ilontls taken at full value. READ THE NEWS SCIMITAR CLASSIFIED ADS. JUST A FEW MORE REAL G00DFELL0WS BY A GOODFELLOW. There arn r hunch of Goodfellowi with The Hub, Inc.. nn,l in the ofice of Mur ray Stewart, county rPKlHtBi-. ThP for mer sent in $H for the kirMics' ('hrlst- mai and the latter Ifl.so, Will that hring some poor children a real 'hri.tma:' You nnow tt Here' hoping t hey Rfiod Qood fellows have H morry ChiiBttnaa themaelvaii, and i know they will. The HM follows: '""nunty register office , Murr:i v Htewart. Mills 'anns. Renr, WgHMMl, H K. stpwjM-t, Min Mamie Mftdden, Mrs ,1. m K reamer, Mn Alexander Mrs F .1. Kills, Miss I ,11a Haaen. Miss Annie Preacott, The Huh. In- Howard Halle, have Sen los, W .1 Kck ford. A . J . Sted mun. K. T. I'age. 'ieorxe F. Lfine, Isaac WrlRht. J. E Terrell, A L Bro'.kF, Tetp Kat'caro, W !, Wilcox. U Dun-navartt. M'KELLAR HAS BILL TO SPEED DEMOBILIZATION WASHINGTON, Dec. 17 (Bpl.) De lays in the demoblUiatlon of the army now In the ramps of the country have exasperated members of both the hmio and senate, and with a view of hasten ing action Henator McKetlar has pre pared a resolution which will bp Intro duoert in the senate today Under ii terms the eecrelary of War I directed to accept immediately certain reslgna tionti of officers and enlisted men wher ever situated in the camps of ihi coun try when the men presenting them are In f,-" '"ir lol'-'wine- classes; Off cpts or enlisted men who are mar- rit-u, t. tes .ii uie ti.. ic ol uch mar- rinRe. where thewy have dependents drawing allotments from t he govern ment ; where applicants present a f fl -davits that be has a position awaiting him In civil life; where there Is eti OUB ilhicHH in applicant's family. "The wHr Is over," aid Senator Me Kellar, "and these men have a right to get out right now Tht dilly-dallying around I coating the country mil lion of dollar and doing no one any good." BLUE WARNS AGAINST FLU FIGHT RELAXATION WASHINGTON, Per 17, - The dan ger of relaxing efforts to check the preH'i of influ ensa wa emphasised aga in today by Surgeon -i (en. I Hue. of the public health ervlce. "The epidemic Is not ended," the surgeon-general aid. "Any statement at present that the epidemic has come and gone for good,' can onlv do harm, for It will lull people into a false ensft of security and cause t hem to relax precaution they should take" FLORENCE WOMAN HURT FUORKNCE, Ala., Pec 17 (Spt.i M iss Amelia Boddte, onr of t he best known women of Florence, was the Vic tim f 'in accident which may result in hei death, yesterday afternoon, when nti automobile driven by the little 12-yenr-old daughter of Andrew Sharp, collided with Miss Hodd'e' buggy The buggy was demolished and Miss BoddlS was thrown from il. Physicians stati t ha t she 1 suffering from t nn cupslon of the brain a a result of the accident. GEN. SMUTS QUITS. LONDON, Hc. 17. rien ,lan i-hrl-tlan Smuts Imp resigned as h member r1 the war cabinet en the grnunil thai the end of the war has terminated the need nf his servlee, according to the Eiuress. Plenty of exercise, fresh air, regular hours is all the pre scription you need to avoid Influenza unless through neglect or otherwise, a cold gets you. Then take at once CASCARAE? QUININE Standard cold remedy for 20 yesr in tablet form late, lure, no opiate. breska up cold in 24 hour relieve grip in 3 dayi. Money back if it fail.. The genuine box hats Red top with Mr. HiU't picture. At All Dtug Storca. Postmaster-General Declares Government Can Acquire Wire Systems Without Cost to Public Treasury. UrAnwrNdTON Dec 17 ownership hy the government of the telsgrsph gnd ISlGpltOflS Systems oi inc iih charsotsrlsed us "Impsrstlvs" hy Post-msstsr-Qeneral Burleson Monday in a letter to RepreBentatlvc Moon, chairman n inc nous limiurr un i"'o. " l.n.l nnatrnada Rnrlaami aald the HVH- tpin can be acquired "without the M- proprlatlon of a dollar from the public treasury" hv applying an amortliu tlon fund for 2B years the aavlngi nmde under governmenl ownership through elimination of duplications in plants mid ocnting expenses. in support ot tne government owner ship resolution Introduced In the house last week hy Representative Moon, the postmaster-general quoted from the re cent letter of Theodore N. Vail, presi dent of the American Telegraph "nil Telephone company and from the an nual reports of a number of ihe post-maslers-gcncnil since the Civil war, nil of whom agreed, he said, that gov ernment control or ownership would greatly contribute to the efficiency of the service. Public Must Pay. "The economic Importance nf the proposition to acquire the properties hv the government Is very great," ltur leaon wrote "Private capital la Invest ed in public enterprises wllh Ihc ex peotstlon of 7 to S per cent, and often a greater return upon the Investment This, of course, the public is expected to pay wlille the government can bor row money at V.: per cent The public, however, 'paya the charge n either event. The difference between 4' per cent and S per cent for the money In vested In the wire systems of the I'nited States would maintain and pay for Ilia property In 1R years and 9 months. The government as owner would no more expect to charge for Intereat on the investment lhaii It would for money Invested In postal facilities, navy yards ci other public property. " As Justification for the permanent laklng over of the wire systems, Burle son said: "To establish and maintain commu nication la as much the function of the government as Is Ihe provision for na llonal defense, Moreover It Is es sential to the development or the coun try and to Ihe progress and prosperity of' It H people, it Is a defense of the national Interests as much In peace as in war. Extension of the wire service should he determined by public needs, t.oi the opportunity for private gain." To Eliminate Waste. The poslmastei general said he be lieved that an effective plan could h worked out by which the waste of com petition can be eliminated ami the ad vantages of private Initiative In re search. Investigation and experimenta tion not he lost falling attention to the fact that un- oer existing law uie leiepnnne ami tele graph properties will automat leally re vert to the -private owners upon procla mation hy the president of a state oi peace, the letter says lhal many of the i nilependent companies could not lake hack the properties without serious loss to ihe Investors and great detriment to the service Many of these compa nies, the letter says, were operating at a loss owing to the waste incident to competition and diversity of state regu lation, and as proper depreciation funds have not been set aside, the properties t ere drifting Into a condition where proper public servhe could not be rendered. MARINE COMMISSIONS AWARDED MEMPHIS MEN - i m - WASHINGTON, Pec 17 (Bpl.V Three Memphlans are Included In the list of 130 graduates from the marine officers' training choot at QuantiOO, Va , and received their commissions as lieutenant! Saturday ney are: .lohn Osbom l-'iauit. JrMacon road, lleo Hart Towner. .Ir . 7l .Jefferson avenue and .1 W. K. Warner, s;3 North Second street TWO MORE CLASSES OF FRENCH TO DEMOBILIZE PARIS, He,- 17 The war ministry lias decided to demobilise Ihe classes of IK92 and IHJ beginning Dec 2d and ending .tan. Is The claases of IfWI. 1X9N, 199(1 ami I917 will he demobilised beginning Jan. 21 and ending Feb. It AGED ARTIST DEAD, VONKKRS. N Y . Pec i; .lames Renwlck Brevoort, Xfi, prominent as a painter of landscapes, died at his home here Mr. BreVOOr! had been a mem her nf the National Academy of De sign for r6 years COLQUITT ASKS ABOUT CONNECTION IN PROBE WAHHINUTON, lec 17 -t'htitrman overman, of-the nsnHte Judiciary iti oommittee InvewtlarnMng tirman nd brewer propgnnnrt. tortH v received a let trr from Oov. 'olrjuit t . of Tcxa, nuking; for detail concerning the tetl monj of A Bruce Bletaakl, of the de partment nf JtlltloSi regnnllng an al leged conteretne between Ueorge Syl entor Vlereck and Mr I'olnuilt In IDIti. Mr. ('nlriuttt told Senator t ver trian h( did not recall the Incident anil aked for the dal of the reported Interview. APPEALS TO WILSON. STOCKHOLM. Dec 17 Hwtlman Urnntlng, SOClSHSl lender, has tele graphed Prudent Wilson, on behalf of the Swedlh dtfnocrattc l.ihor party. flHnrlng blm of the "moral lUttporl f orgunUed 8welth labor In hi cndi'ii'' orh to currv nnl hfl principle for Ihe welfare of liberated mankind agatnsl eery attempt to thwart hi plana." The Hwedlnh liberal pnrty hnn also sent a teleRiam of grstltuds to l'rel rient WIIhoti, Bead News Scimitar Wants. in ! CARRIES FIR TREE SEEDS OVERSEAS TO AID FRANCE ., 0 NEW YORK I.e.- 17 To proffer. American aid In reforesting nri-aa or1 FYance, Perclval S. Hillsdale, secretary of ihe American Knresirv association. Hailed today for Tails, where he will confer with French government offi cials In an ordinary traveling hag ait. . Illdsdril'- carried enough , eed lo grow &0, mill tlr I i ces NO LETUP IN FLU. URKNADA, Miss. I iec 17 iSpl I The epidemic of Influenza In ilrenada dues lot seem lo he abating, though Ihere is not as much serious Illness as there was in ihc first epidemic There, are lust as many, or perhaps more, cases here ih. 111 n i any oiher time, but they are ic-civiiiy prompt attentinu, and local physicians feel no alarm The' schools have linen closed for the second lime and all public gatherings haviv been prohibited, liretiada college has had a most remarkable record. There are no cases there now. FERTILIZER PLANT BURNS KI.KTitN. Md . cc 17-leire de stroyed the large plant of the. Scott Fer tilizer company along Klk river. The) loss Is estimated ai $260,000. TWO KILLED. 11 HURT AS TRAIN HITS TRUCK Ss KANPAH I 'IT Y Mo., ler 17 Two person were killed and II Injured, ev rS) fHtnlly. Int evening when u train ftriirk n rommerciHt motor CI r loflded with pHenger (ienr Kanea Ka The vlctlmi were persons on their way hAnu tram work. P J)feal, simon-pure satisfaction in eating corn flakes .taking in to considercttion flavor crispness. and texture, is assured when the f lakes are POST TOASTIES J