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The news scimitar. (Memphis, Tenn.) 1907-1926, December 19, 1918, 4th EDITION, Image 5

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Fire Sale ol Toys
For Him
Will Direct Rehearsals for
Playlet by Young Judeans
Mips Mary Weiss has been engaged
to direct the rehearsals of the play
which is to be given by the Young Ju
deans at the Nineteenth Century club
Dec. 26.
The play, which will be followed by
a dance, will be given ror the benefit
i f the Jewish national war fund
A rehearsal will be neld Thursday
night at the home of Miss Weiss, 221
Exchange avenue.
Christmas Stories Will
Be Feature at Library
Christmas stories. Illustrated with
slides and the "snow man." who will
have a surprise for every child, will
be the features of the Christinas story
hour, which will be held at the Cossitt
library Saturday morning, from 10:30
to 11:30.
Miss Marguerite Johnson. hi has
charge of the story hour, will be as
sisted by Miss Blanche Pence.
Philo Club to Elect.
The regular monthlv meeting of the
Philo club will be held Thursday night
at 8:30 o'clock, at the Odd Fellows'
The election of officers for the next
sir months will be held, and all mem
bers are urged to be present.
The marriage of Mr. Frank Brodnax
Flournoy and Miss Le Hepky, was
quietly solemnised at the Mclmore
Avenue Presbyterian church Wednes
day afternoon at 4 o'clock, the Rev.
James E. Hixaon officiating.
Mr. and Mrs. Flournoy left for Chi
cago and other Eastern cities Wednes
day night. They will return about Jan.
1 and will make their home in Mem
Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Coe. ot N'es
bitt, Miss., announce the engagement
and approaching marriage of their
daughter, Elizabeth, to Mr. Thompson
L. Pride, of Memphis.
The wedding will take place at the
home of the bride's parents at Nes
bltt, on the evening of Dec. 24, after
which the young couple will leave for
Memphis, where they wlil make their
Mr. Pride is a popular young busi
ness man. and has a wide circle of
friends in the city.
Miss Mary Mallory Harris will return
from the Madame Riessel's school, New
York, Saturday morning to spend the
holidays with her mother, Mrs. K. W.
'Harris, 1216 Union avenue.
Miss Lucile Morgan, who has been
attending school at the University of
Mississippi, will arrive Friday to spend
the holidays with her mother, Mrs. J.
S. Morgan, 1483 Court avenue.
Miss Eleanor Stuart, Miss Myra Rog
ers and Miss Ethel Lowrance, who have
been attending school at Ward-Belmont,
will arrive Friday night for the holidays.
Miss Marietta Dunscomb Vill arrive
from the Miss Bennett's school, New
1ork, Saturday to spend the holidays
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kay
Miss Elizabeth Jordan arrived Thurs
day to spend, the holidays with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Jordan.
Miss Annie Cheek Barton, who Is at
tending school In New York, will spend
the holidays with friends in Baltimore.
Frank O. Barton. Jr., has arrived
from Culver Military academy to spend
the holidays with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. F. ti. Barton.
Mr. W. S. Nichols and Mr. Ira
Nichols, who have been attending the
University of Alabama, will spend sev
eral davs In Memphis au the guests of
Ilr. and Mrs. T. E. Salmon, on Peabody
avenue, while en route to their home
in Clarksdale, Miss., where they will
spend the holidays with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs, W. D. Nichols.
Miss Mildred Turner was expected to
return Thursday from Hollins college
to spend the holidays.
Charles Weinberg, en route to his
hdme at Greenville. Miss., is expected
to stop off in Memphis a short time
Saturday. He is a student at Andover,
Mrs. I,. D. Falls returned Monday
from Pass Christian, Miss., where she
was the guest of her mother, Mrs. R. L.
Italian Hand-Made Sta
tionery and Crane't
papers and cardi th
choicejt offerings
S. C.T00F & CO.
While big inroads have been made into the assortment,
there still remains quite a variety of desirable Toys and
these are being offered at
That should have been here several weeks ago, but were
delayed in shipment, and therefore escaped the fire.
These in a measure will help to brighten the assortment,
and no doubt will help to cheer the hearts of manv lit
tle tots that otherwise would have been disappointed.
WW i
9. mmsmiw: i:!tt. E .:: ::.:e;::: ; :; ,,.:' .si :, : ., '! . - : ' " rKrj::t'xmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm rtncmr r ,;jtr
Coffin. Mrs. Falls is expecting the re
turn of her daughter, Virginia, from the
Oaksmere school, New York, Saturday
for the Christmas holidays.
Mrs. Louis Morris. 1094 Peabody ave
nue, has returned from a visit to her
daughter at Greenville, Miss.
William T. Arrineton, Jr., of the
United States marine corps, will arrive
Monday from Paris Island, to spend the
holidays with his parents, Dr. and Mrs.
W. T. Arrington.
Roy Creson will arrive Saturday
to spend the holidavs with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Creson, 1897 Pea
body avenue.
The Red Cross motor corps will sus
pend lessons in the mechanical course
being taken at McCreery & Phelan's
garage, and also the drills until Jon. 3,
but It still remains on duty at the of
fice in the Red Cross headquarters on
Madison and Dunlap. to answer all
calls for the government, departments
of the Red Cross, and for the families
of soldiers who are ill and need con
veyance to hospitals.
NERY will reopen Jan. 2. 1919. 193
South Main street (Orpheum Theater
Building). Millinery taught In all Its
branches. Limited number of pupils.
Enroll early, to be ready for spring
season. Mrs. L. McAnally, Mrs. A.
Hornaday, principals.
News of Rivers
River Bulletin.
Memphis, Tenn., Dec. 19, 1918.
Observations taken at 7 a.m., 75th
meridian time.
Flood Rain
Stage. Hght. Chg. fall.
Pittsburgh 22 7.2 1.7 .00
Parkershurg 36 16.7 2.0 .00
Cincinnati 50 33.3 0.6 .00
Louisville 28 12.7 0.1 .00
Evansville, 35 26.2 '1.1
Nashville 40 18.2 1.4
Davenpot . . .
Kansas City
St. Louis . . .
Cairo ..I
Fort Smith 22
Little Rock
33 16.0' 0.6
8.4 0.1
22.0 1.8
2.7 "Ol
8.0 0.2
5.4 0.4
26.4 J1.7
14.0 2.ti
13.6 2.1
9.2 1.0
23 11.6 0.2
45 12.3 1.0
Shreveport 29 2.4 0.4
New Orleans 18 6.1 0.9
Rise. Fall.
River Forecast.
The river in the Memphis district
will rise until near the last of next
week. The maximum stage, at Memphis
will probably be between 20 and 22 feet.
Kate Adams, to Rosedale.
Idlewild, to Tecan Point.
The Lee line steamer Ferd Herold is
due In from St. Louis Friday. She
cleared from Cairo on the down trip
The Princess, and the Eclipse were in
port Thursday, having returned Wed
nesday from Friar Point and Ashport.
The river front is still looking for
the towboat meaner, which is due' from
Paducah with coal.
Don't Forget the Location-
79 and 81 Jefferson Ave.
Piggly Wiggly
Minimi iiiiii mi mmmmmmmmmmm
$25,000 Worth ol Rich
Dependable Furs
Greatly Underprice
The backward season is responsible for these unusual
values, the manufacturer realizing t hat his opportuni
ties for disposing of them are far greater right before
the holidays than afterward. Every piece of fur of
fered in the assortment is of the most dependable sort,
made of selected high-grade peltsfashioned in the
most approved styles.
Black Fox Sets of largo Muff and Scarf long
hair, prettily lined in heavy satin, $75.00.
Red Fox Sets, made of the natural pelts, $50.00.
Kolinsky Sets, the pretty, dark brown fur
neatly striped $39.75.
Raccoon Sets, a novelty of black and white,
Cross Fox Sets, the blended, neat, shaded ef
fect, $29.75.
Large Wolf Scarfs, in black and taupe, $60.00
sold always for $85.00.
Lynx Scarfs, in Black, Pearl, Taupe and T?ose
$32.50, $50.00, $75.00, $85.00 and $125.00.
(One-half regular values.)
Manchurian Wolf Scarfs, in large, wide effect;
Taupe, Brown and Black $30.00.
Fine Coney Scarfs, Brown, Black, Taupe, in
manv shapes, $7.50 to $20.00.
Hudson Seal Sets, the richest of all Genuine Kolinsky Stole,
furs in long stole and barrel feet, trimmed, with i
muffs; set, $50.00 and $100.00. Ermine, $50.00.
Genuine Skunk Stole, made of first j Blended Squirrel Stole,
quailty long-hair skunk, $42.50. color, $50.00.
That a Han
At Saving 8
That Will
A ppeal
to the
Men's Neckwear
Unmatchable Variety Greatly Underprice
Group 1 at 47 c
Beautiful open end Four-m-Hand Ties of satins, reps.
swivel silks, etc., in allover figures and Persian designs.
Group 2 at
W l Va JJ
Generous open end 'I 'ies, of extra fine quality silks, in
handsome new floral and Persian designs. These are
bright, colorful Ties thai aw worth a great deal more
than the above price.
Group 3 at S7c
3 for $2.50
Exceptionally fine Scarfs, made of imported and domes
tic silks many come from Como, Italy including
heavy satin brocades, warp prints, basket weaves,
matclasses, etc. Many exclusive designs and colorings
are shown. Ties have wide flowing ends, and are made
with slip-easy neckband.
Group 4 at $1 37
f f rfl A if a, Lm
3 for $4.00
Handsome, luxurious Cravats of the finest and highest
grade silks, both foreign and domestic weaves. The de
signs and colorings ,ire exclusive. Ties have extremely
wide flowing cuds, and are made with slip-easy neckband,
Sale of Silk and Knitted Scarfs
One ot these fine, soft knitted or Silk Scarfs would fool mighty flno to tuck over the
edge of stiff collars snowy days and they Insure nn Immaculato collar, too, which
Is quite an Hem Just I lie soft of thltiK thoughtful folk are looking for In men's
practical gifts. Choice selection of colon and rich combinations, at
Here's the Greatest $1 Shirt
Value We Have Seen
For Many Months
lollg, W
trap of
me el-wliite
rich Ros
Third Floor.
Many Odd
in the
Of Every Style
and Fur
From $7.50
up to $85
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiixiisim 11 win 111 iwiiiMi 11 jiijii 11 rm -rn
Do You Want to Give Him a Real
Present This Christmas?
Then Why Not a Smart Phil A.
Halle Fur-Collared Overeoat of
Wonderful Foreign Fahries and
Exclusive Patterns, Priced
From $65.00 to $150.00?
They are hand-tailored and silk sewn
throughout, and have a quaJitv ap
pearance all over! DETACHABLE
dance THIS YEAR!
Yours for personal service,
Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention!
Open Nights Until Christmas.
A case originating In Justice George
B. Coleman's court In which it wa
sought tn appeal same to th Circuit
court without an appeal bond, may find
It a way to the supreme court of the
United States to determine the right of
the railroads undr government control
to appeal cases without making appeal
H. Glassman sued the St. Louis
Pan Francisco Railroad company In
Justice Coleman's court to recover $127.
said to have been the value of goods
lost in transit by the defendant rail
road. Trather Mcpnnald, associated
with J. W. Canada, attorney for the
PYlfCO railroad, sought to appeal th
case to the circuit court without making
bond, relying on Order No. B0. issued by
W. (J. McAdoo, director-general of rail
roads, in which It ts set forth the rail
roads undoi government supervision
may appeal cases without making bond
Justice Coleman held that the state
statute requiring this bond antedated
the order issued by Mr. McAdoo and
therefore the case could not be ap
pealed without bond He said the only
way to appeal n case from his court
was by making an appeal bond, and by
th Issuance of a writ of certiorari and
supersedeas or by taking the pauper's
Attorney McDonald, under protest,
made a personal bond to get the r-aae
into the circuit court, in order that the
matter might be decided there and ap
pealed to the supreme court In the
event the circuit court Judge ruled that
cases may be appealed by the railroad
administration without appeal bonds.
Memphis Weatherstrip & Screen Co.
ttuiideru hxchange. lJhone 1238.
Y. M. H. A. Arranges
Play "No Man's Land"
On .Ian, 1 the Y. M, H. A. Dramatlr
chip, an pntirHy new organization, will
prenent a thrpr-act warlpaa romedv.
entitled "No Man's Land."
This la the first of a series of play
to he given hy this organization, tinder
the direction of a most efficient d!re
tor, Mrs. M. J. Vosse, and the Huh
memhers are sparing neither expense
nor efforts to malie this play a. success.
LYNN; Mass., Tec. Work in the
Lynn factories of the General Klectrlc
company continued today, notwith
standing the announcement from thf
Schenectady and I'ittsfleld plants that
general strike had been authorised by
union representatives as a protest
against the discharge of 30 men In the
Krie, Pa., plant.
Many Big Fortunes
Have been accumulated by regular
avlngi. You can open an account
with $1.00 at the
Union and Planters
Bank and Trust Co.
Sloan'a Liniment Has the
Punch That Relieves
Rheumatic Twinges.
This warmth -giving, congestion scat
tering, circulation stimulating remedy
penetrate! without rubbing iikIh to the
aching spot and brings uulck relief
s'irelv, cleanly. A wonderful help for
external pains, sprains, strains, stiff.
ne. headache, lumbago, bruises
Get your bottle today costs little,
means much Ask your druggist for It'
hy name. Keep it nandj tor the whole
family. The hlg bottle is economy 80c
file. $120.
Weatherstrip wife's house for Xtnas
STRIPS, You'll both enjoy It, gave
t lot of fuel and keep house clean.
J. W. Norris & Co.
n AT r r- i r-4 n y- -n ar a r-r m t
main iKW. ULU. JYLAUAJN 275 Madison. Telephone 585. g
Antl we believe everyone who sees them will heartily agrco
with tin. A man wiiiiIh IiIh shirts "rlRlit," and that's tlm
kind of Hlilrls thcRR arc made rlulii, from their ttllored-to-flt
neckbands to their carefully stitched hems of flno
count harmony percales, full counl woven madras, satin
striped madras, figured poplins, blaxer cloth, etc., In n
glorious array of colorful stripes. Kull five button fronts
In all sleeve lengths, with double soft or
laundered cuffs; slzett 13H to 17, at....
Beautiful Silk Shirts
The sort of clfl a man wants, but rarely buys for him
self - finely tailored of heavy satin-Striped tub silk, o.x
tra fine silk fiber and pure sil k and wool, In (be most
liked color stripes and combinations; made with various
sleeve lengths, In sizes 1 :i Vi to 1", and specially fea
tured nt, each
Good, Practical Gloves
Kid Gloves, $1.98
Kaihers and brothers win appro
elate such sensible gifts as new
gloves well known kid gloves in
Ihe correct tan or black, with Paris
or spear point back
all sizes
Auto Gloves, $1.49
Whether It's a Ford or a Packard
the band at the wheel must have
warm gloves; these have black
Pilnn r backs, durable leather
palms, and are warmly
fleece lined , a pair . . .
?cl i
Men's $7 Sweater Coats
Comfort Is Just another way of spelling such warm all
wool Sweater Coals these are from one of the finest mak
ers in the land. In hlg Jumbo stitch and fine weaves, with
shawl or V necks gray, blue, red, maroon and In all sizes;
very sperlal at
Wool Sweaters, $4.98 $5 Sweaters at $3.98
The cold weather makes men run to
rover Of warm Sweater Coats some
fine all wool worsted yarn sweaters,
with V necks or shawl collars, In
wanted colors and (-Ires; H4 to 48;
are special
For snug comfort's sake, a Sweater
Coat Is "there'' medium and heavy g
weight wool and wool-mixed coats,
In the wanted styles and colors, and
in sizes 34 to 4. Fea
tured at
Men's Beacon Blanket Robes
An Item that ts sure to he included on the gift
list of all sensible folk full cut and carefully
made of genuine Beacon Blanket Cloth, In the
most wanted Indian, conventional and plaid
patterns and colorings; all sizes; special at. ..
Men's Extra Quality Bath Robes
Finely tailored Hath Robes of extra quality heavy Beacon Blankets, with
MX collars, pockets and sleeves, finished with fine slik cord and with heavy
vv nb ,u , .... ...
vuiu Buuiu- hip niier us sno colorings are inn mosi pleasing, and
there is a full range of sizes. An nn
Very specially priced at P 70
jifn i
. gt

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