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THE NEWS SCIMITAK. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, Kit. WILL DISCUSS MARRIAGE Consideration of a resolution Indorsing a law requiring a certificate of health fcef re marriage licenses ran he Issued, and a report by the city limits extension committee will come before the City club st the final meeting of the year Saturday. A large attendance Is expected. PAGE TWO YOUR SIC CHILD I CONSTIPATED LOOK AT TONGUE Eurry, Mother! Remove Poi son From Little Stomach, Liver, Bowels. nr f wnmi hhk nr 1 MLX3Mmi.m,r w lji s Give "California Syrup of Figs" If Cross, Bilious Or Feverish. No mstter what alls your child, a gen tle, thorough laxative should always be the first tratment given. If yeur little one Is out of sorts, half sick, isn't resting, enilng and acting I'SMirsllT-l'Htli. mother! sr- if tonatte is coated. This is a sure sign that the little stomach, liver and bowels are clogced with waste When cross, irrita ble, feverish, stomach four, breath had or has stomachache, diarrhoea, sore throat, full of cold, give a tsasponnful of "California Syrup of Klgs," and In a few hours all the constlnated poison, undigested foo.1 and sour bile gently moves out of the little bowels without griping, sud you bare a well, platfui child again Mothers can rest easv after giving this harmless "fruit laxative," because It never 'nils to cleanse tlic little one's liter and bowels and sweeten the stom ach and 'hey dearly love Its pleasant taste, ru'l directions for babies, chll dren of at', sses and for grunt ups prlntod on each bottle. Beware of -ounterfelt fig syru.-s. Ask jour (Irufclst r a bottle of "Csmorola Brnip of Flits," then see that It Is made ? the "California Fig Syrup Compsny. Dorrt use cosmetic to hide skin trouble Resinol aids poor complexions If your complexion It roujh, red, oi imply, don't try to cover up the de lects with cosmetics which do not con ceal, but usually attract attention to the fttaion (or their use. ' today to $Jer your skin with Resinol Ointment mi Resinol Soip. jjThil treatment not only cleanses the Uii and enables it to breathe, but tually removes blotches, redness and IfouKhneas. Ak yout draler ler Resinol ftuep and Ointment. B YOUR FAMILY FREE FROM COLDS? I Roughs and Colds Don't Linger I When Dr. King's New Discovery Is Used. L0NTO. icc. 2fi Newsnaners here make extended cOmme nts on the Im pending visit of fresident Wilson to England. The Iiailv ewf itiinrnvi nir of King George remaining In London to nonor tTeaiflem Wilson, hopes never thileas that the ceremonial aspect of the visit will be kept to the narrowest limits consistent with Its Importance so that nothing will stand In Mr. Wilson's way. preventing his coming In personal contact with the people rather than the rulers The paper contends that it ta neces sary to press forward to the negotia tions ami name conditions of peace for Germany and determine the future of Russia 'Only awift decisions hv the allies" It says, "will enable Orrmanv to resume something like tier normal Industrial Ufa and secure the survival of a government capable of executing the conditions of peace Delay means anarchy and an ichy In Germany la frausht with sreater perils for the world than anarchy In nusma. i ne condition of Itusala Is a matter upon which Mr. Wilson's voice can carry grater weight than any other He ha no material considerations to In fluence him and no question of the bondholder will affect his Judgment lie presumably has full knowledge of the facts which the people of this country have not and a straightforward declaration from him that the allies are taking the only course open to them would dispel misgivings which Viscount Mllner's statement yesterday left un Hllayed." "i'resldent Wilson will be assured of a great popular welcome to England, ssys the Chronicle. "It Is perfectly cer tain, if the future pence Is to be reallv founded on a permanent basis, there must be closest co-operation between the two great pow ers. This will he needed to safaauard and develop the peace that Is arranged ' AUSTRIAN LEADER SENDS PRESIDEN T WILSON APPEAL MUNICH, Dee, '.'ft (Bv the Associated Press,) Gen Count Max Montgelas, wko was recaleld from Switzerland to enter the Bavarian cabinet on Nov II, wno was recalled from Switzerland to newspapers as the "second Mchnow sky" because of his revelations of con ditions prevailing In Germany early in tne wr. nas published an open letter to President Wilson. It followa: "In these decisive weeks the svss ,f all the world are upon you. Above all, mo eyea oi tne German people In thi- preaent difficult crista are watching you we do not beg, we do not want fotglve ness but want Justice We do pot say pharisaically that one us If guiltier than tho other. We do not separate ourselves In these days of suffering from any of our countryman, high or low We want to hear In common a portiott of the blame devolving upon our people In this world catastrophe. r.acn oi us who Knows your country knows well that proud, conscious Amer ican nation beneath the Star Spangled Hanner and honors it. We disdain to blame others, but we expect. Mr. 1'res- luent. that you will, desplie all opposi tion, achieve success with the principles you laid down. We are building upon the words you spoke at Washington's grave, when vou said that every atbl trary power, regardless of what aide ll appears upon, must be destroyed or con demned to Impotenr v We are building upon the word of impartial Justice, which knows no difference aa to 'those to ba judged, we r confluent that ,VOu want to cieata a league ol etptallty between nations which each people may freely breathe and work and prosper spiritually. "Vou know better than I what tlw German spirit has given vour great peo ple. Vou know the world can do with out this spirit less than ever after h has been freed from the bonds of mili tarism If our expectations nre de ceived, we shall not csaae fighting on for the at t m I tunc nt n of better davs. youi message Is hopeful but we must be afraid that not all the allies will listen to your words You have the powsi and you have a duly to perform " WILSON PLANS TO FEED EUROPE ARE I NEAR COMPLETION -You owe It to your family to yourself o keep this stands.! d remedy in vour ertlcini. cabinet For almost t,ree generations it hss tsei the first -oh oioe fold and cough re iser of millions nf people, young ami OW iHelps io bring quick relief loosen efccst-stufflnees. reduce fey, r. sooth Ir ritated throats, chc, k coughing, gfWIO ny druggists i-wnwnoiv 80c ajM lt.3o mm $Hzsy? Bilious? Constipated? 3on't permit yourself to become OAA Bated ss your system Immediate!) Agios to sjbaorb poison from the cked-up wsste matter l'se lr Bng's New Life Pills and keep wall, By them. All druagtat He edv TArus. Per 10 -Plans for extending relief to famished Europe, uhleh Presi dent Wilson regards s the meet press Ing Question needing settlement, are rat i i inatiinng in such a ws as t. secure full co-opera'inu hy the allies The president some time ago Indicated In s speech that something swtiuld hi done promptly for relieving the lib erated and nsuiral regions which suf fsied so severely from the war He now bus supplemented this by making known to the allies thst he regards the relief measures as of extreme im portance both for the stricken popula tions elm also as a means of holding hack the wave of discontent and re sentmanl serine westward in the 1 train of the Itglanrvlst movement. The relief plans which have matured ; since the arrival of Herbert t Hoover, the fooil administrator are understood to have gone before tha Supreme war COurcll in Lmdon and to hme hssn referred to a committee, upon which Knglnnd. Kr.tnce and Italy ate repre sented A number of exchangee have been going on with the committee which Is gradually tending toward agreement As a (treat deal at German tonnage is Ivlng Idle In German porta, the use o this was cohtemBlated, ih,i passe. -ger ships t be employed In moving American troops homeward and th hulk . f the freighters, augmented with Amei .an ami al 'ed freight lonnaige to be devoted to relief work. S Meouuee of President Wilson's spas-isl Interest In the subject he has made It known he considers it highly desir able that co-operation by sil the allied Interests h , i,r..i at ifcj. . slide moment and now it , i, i.v.n thai the entire uuestltn will he speed ll adjusted Your eyos trouble you. you do not know wlmt the trouble is, but you aro hoping it will soon disappear. Hadn't you better consult us with out Obligation anil find out for sure? If your eyo, need atten tion, they need it now We can tell you. MAIN AND MONROg OPTOMKTIU8TH. Mamphia and Columbus. Miss. Business College, lt sladiaun Are. iak Bkwueaa Men of Memphis About It MASONS ELECT. TltKy.EV ANT. Tenn Pec (0 , Hpl Pleaaant Oieen lodge No 2i y ,n,i A M. at this place, held their annua: election of officers, which resulted a. follows worshipful master K Bry ant. senlo, v. a. -den. W P Smith, jun ior warden, s ,i Sparks, secretary j b. Bryant treasurer, ,i I, foehran senior deacon, G M Holmaa; unioi' deacon, J O. Allen t let Albert walk er. chaplain Itev it M Rucker; etew srds. ,1 JJtbel .1 N Rummagi PLAN MUNIcTpAlTiOHTS NATCHEZ, Miss lec JO I Hpl , 'I he services of an engineer ha. lr,i. cured by the mayot and board of aldermen of s'atche to KiVP mate of cost on a municipal lighting .sKunrs i! i oectared bi members of the . nuncii that the pim. .ni service Is Inadequate and not satisfactory RAIN HOLDS PLANES ST. UOtJlS. Mo. l.e, to Two arms planes. Scheduled to leave Scott f ,) near HelWllle. Ill . this morning In continuation at the Houston, Ta ici netrou flight, were delayed on aooount ol rabi It was announced the hviators Would not resume the flight until clear weather. 1 si,: t BANK VAULT BLOWN Mo., Me,- 20 -nobher. blast open the vault of .he Ila,,k 0f Qranhv at Gninl.y. Mo.. ;r, miles south ..f loo. wdife visions of suqar puuns dianced though weir heads Then Dawned The Day ol Days Christmas, 19181 Its beautiful significance cherished through nearly two thousand years its sym bols and its customs after many generations of development having attained the most fittingly glorious pro portions shall this year mark the dates for the home coming of millions who have so gallantly faced death for the defense and perpetuation of our homes and their sacred altars. It shall be a day when strife shall be forgotten love shall ascend the throne of our civilization and wield the scepter according to divine guidance, and again shall reign the promise received by mankind in the Manger at Bethlehem. There shall be rejoicing and feasting. Care and worry shall be forgotten pessimism shall perish" that optimism shall survive work shall become playand duty shall assume the beauty and pleasure of the most delightul privileges. Off with the frown and on with the smile. May Christmas trees scintillate and glitter to the ec sacy of youh while the children romp and play amid a Fairy Land of toys, and when the crowning hour of the day arrives let chimes and bells pell forth the joyful announcement that mother's hour has oome her proud and smiling face mounted in wreaths of rarest vapors rising from the choicest viands. Then shall shouts of unbounded joy go up a vociferous acclamation of the general approval of the wonderful Christmas feast. Fruit cakepuddings turkey cran berries hot mils -delicious salads and oh! you know the rest, and wc just can't stand to describe them so, on with the feast! Let your joy be unconfinedl -i e as- 4 . t f Christmas comes but once si year, but & Christmas like this conies but once in our lifetime. Our hearts are with you. May yours be merry. We appreciate the spontaneous spirit with which the good women of the United Sates took hold of the suggestion from the United States Food Administration that they "use more vegetable oils" and vegeable shortening, and are happy that we were in a position o supply them with the finest products of the coton seed for all table and culinary purposes. WWk PIHIOEM "The Ideal Shortening" Matle in the Smith's most perfect mill, bv improved scientific process from choice selected seed it is pure and per fect -to he used wherever shortening is required, Phoenix keeps well and is most economical) ORIOLE "The Perfect Salad Oil" This aweet, flowing oi! of surpassing purity and velvety texture is the most perfect table and salad oil made in Americait's the product of the choicest cotton seed rich with the ripe nutri ment of the South' fairest crop ideal for salad and economical for general cooking. h You a Prosperous Mew Year Phoenix Cotton Oil Co. Dyersburg, Tenn. MEMPHIS Walnut Ridge, Ark. i :