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The news scimitar. (Memphis, Tenn.) 1907-1926, December 23, 1918, 4th EDITION, Image 2

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We Wish to Announce that
Item' Store's
Will Be Open
Tonight and Tomorrow Night
Closed Christmas
Petrograd Wire Says 1,700
000 Men Were Killed in
COPENHAGEN. Dec. 25. I By the As
sociated Press ) -Russia's war casual
ties are S.ISO.OOO men, according to a
telegram received hara from Petrograd.
of this number 1,70,000 were killed.
Tha disabled number I,4ti0,n0fl, while
1,1100. 000 other soldiers were WOUndad,
The Russians taken prisoners total
Estimates of tlie Russian casualties
In the war made hist w eek hv I he Hum
slan Information bureau director, A. J.
nek, In New York, figured the tutul at
"not less than I.BOO.OOO men. of whom
1.000,000 were killed and about 1.000.00H
disabled for life."
Figures compiled bv the Cologne Oa
Eette and published Nov. id, placed the
total' German caaualtlai at mora than
6.000,000. Of thin number, it wan esti
mated that about 3.000,000 were killed
The French soldiers killed In the war,
according to a statement made In the
French chamber of deputies on Deo. 20,
by Luclen Vollln. a socialist deputy,
numbered 1.400,000
Italy lost 600,011(1 men in killed or died
of wounds A statement to this effect
was made In Parle Dee. :i by Mi I valor e
Parallel, a former member of the Ital
ian cabinet, who accompanied Klne Vic
tor Kmmanuel on his visit to the French
The Vlrlllsh army official losses In
killed total 668,704.
Nuts Are Reported
Scarce Near City;
Plenty Fox Grapes
Ijnvcr or woodlands, who took their
annual nutting Into the country around
Memphis this fall, report the shortest
pecan and walnut crop In the last 10
years in Crittenden county, Ark., Shel
by county and south of the city In
Muscadines are also ecsre. hnl the
fox drapes were reported In abundance,
especially north of the city
recans and walnut trees are said to
alternate with their seasons Of prolific
bearing, and In lieu of null this year
except thOBe purchased, hundreds of
Mcniphlatis are whetting their appe
tites for a large yield next year,
PARIS. Dec It, Mori than S.ooo
graves of American soldiers will he
decorated Christmas dav by the Amer
ican committee for devastated France.
In the region between Leon and Cha
teau Thierry, where the gravea will he
deeorated, the committee will also pro
vide a Christmas festival for o.Oiio chil
dren Christmas stockings, filled with
candy, toys and games, sent from
America, will be distributed, each child
In addition, I.eliiK given some article
OI I' Hth ll. mlllai.. -
Two hundred children who have re
turned to the ruined village of Creoy
will receive complete outfits of cloth
rig bo that they will be able to return
to school The committee la also si
lantrliiff i i,m.i,,.,,. i. ,, -. T
holssans, Paris and other French -cities.
Read No ws Scimitar Wants.
Know Your New Brothers
Millions of the oppressed peoples of Europe have just emerged from the dark
ness of autocracy into the sunlight of freedom, self-government, commercial
and industrial development, and progress toward a higher civilization.
The POLES, formerly a strong, heroic nation, but over
whelmed and crushed by invasion and oppression, and split
into fragments by their conquerors, are now to be reunited
and given a free road to their national destiny.
The LITHUANIANS, doubly oppressed by German
landowners and Russian bureaucrats, will now become mas
ters of their own lives and national affairs, either as one inde
pendent state, or in federation with other Baltic states.
Watch the unfolding history of these
from week
(Continued From Flrat Pr '
R. F. D. 7, Sparta. Benjamin F Brew
er. Bneedville; John W. Cos. R F. D.
!. Huntland. Oval Murphy. R F. D 7.
Mourt Juliet: WIPIam U Preston, Mur
freesboro; Fred I a- - Chattanooga:
Claude R Smith, R V D. 4, Maynard
vllle: Homer Iwe, K F. D 6. Mary
vllle. Maultle F atcCord. Camden; Ja
cob B. I.unrefnrd. Shell Creek; Otia N
I'vies. R I v I. Greenbrier; r.dwara
W Ruppe, Oakdalc; Joseph Washington.
rv nan vine: jamas a cnamners, Bmnn
vllle: John I.eadford, R. F. D 1, Duff;
Ell Mathls. R F D. I, Cosby: Errlio
1 -srif R K r 'i. Camden; Jese Walker,
Pvrdstown; i . - i A. Carrier, Bristol;
Arthur Dllbeck. Clalrfleld; William A.
Mllllfran. Friendsvllle: jy J. Plrkard,
Hates: .lames Teefer, Spring City;
James W Mtrell. R. F D. 1. Baiifh;
I.uther Wriaht. nhlo: Kdwln F Bob
bin It. F D. 1. Neptune
Wounded. dcrrre utidetermined
I.leuta. Lewis B Rldlev. Murfreeshoro:
Leslie Murnhv. Cbattannnra: Seraeante
Oeorge 8 Stanley. 811 Bulllngton ave
nue. Memphis; Richard C. Heater. Tl
grett; Mlt Newport, Robblna; Carl L
Cole. Plney Flats: Earnest A, Collier.
Ethrldge, Corporals Samuel B. Hoffar.
Knoiville: Frank H. Barnett, 201 Bast
street. Memphis: Anthonv Hlgnalg".
MM I'oplar avenue. Memphis: John H
Collins, R. F, IV 4, Westmoreland; Ollle
K. Link. R F. D. 2. Cottonlown:
Beacher Melton. Cleveland; Frank K
Wright. R. F. D. 1, Martha; Mechanics
Aimy u. witmotn, Mayiand; 'irant
Leonard, Hopson' Privates Charlie
Wfods. Sanford. John Cadmon. Chat
tanooga; Arthur N. Reed, Hoop: Claud
Mopaon, Koan Mountain; roster A.
Neat, Bryditown; Hurtle G. Jones, R.
F D. 4, Prospect: Dewltt (1. Belton.
Ripley; Ivy K. Parker. R. F. D. 6,
Brownsville; Andrew E Isbell, R. F. D.
1. Bethel Springs; Duncan I. Latimer.
R. F. D. 1 Tennessee Ridge; Wlllfam
B. Fltipatrlck, Chestnut Mound, Ray
mond A. Burns, It. F D. 13, Knoxvllle;
Henry H. BuiatlL Lancaster; Charles
liamblln, Calhoun; Otia H. Humphrey,
R. F. D. " MU h e: Kltner C. Wade
Jefferson City; Andrew J Jarrell, R F
ii z, Smyrna; fink s prultt. Koaavllle;
lames prawltt. ll. f. D. a. tMlneaboro:
Walker Rich. R. F. D. 1, Cypress Inn;
Hubert Q. Rlchesln, R. F D. 3, Sweet
water, cade i'.ice. Knoivllle; HMW
Hhhardson, H. F. D. 2. Haydenburg:
biaao H Llndiey, It V D. 0. Sevier-
vllle; Bavless A Seav. K F 1. 3. Cum
betland City; Robert L, Choate, Syl-
vgnui; Clifford Frayley, Colllnwood;
lames F. Weems, Billevtnn; Sidney L.
Wllllanis, Splvev; Howard D Jordan,
R F. D I. Byanivllle; Bernard B.
Vance, Chattanooga; Fred I Tranior,
Sharon; Wilson Webb. Cosbv
Wounded allghtly: Meut. Roby Wil
liams. Johnson City; .Sergeants Walter
A Townsend. 1837 Toting avenue, Mem
phis; Frank L Ross, Knoxvllle; Charles
S Brltton, Lebanon; Rav Kill-, Ellxa
bethlon; tlenle IievHSher, Portland!
Heneraon 0. Pollard, Knogvllle; Oeorge
T. Bra. ken. R. F. D. 4, St. Elmo
James P. DUlaney, Johnson City; John
Hunt, Chattanooga; James (I. Thomas.
Bristol; Jesse Irtyard, Witts Foundry,
Ren s Bohnnnon, Chattanooga; Carol
H. Johnson, Knoivllle. Carl V Chalk.
Curve. Charles A Elliott, Dunlap,
RthUI B, Oentry. R. F. D. 3, Silver
Point; Corporala Caaita Cannon, Lafoi-
lette; Clarence II. Radea. Brlatol;
Brownlow llenale', Buileylon; tlon
imlth, Bristol; Hnry O. Chambllai, R.
V D I, Thomnavllle; Homer Dockery,
Copper Hill; Major Davis. Vandavrr;
Roneii W Morgan. Pea vine; Benton R.
Chlani. Little Crab: Carl II. Harris,
Cumberland Furnace; onie H Bobbltt,
West; William Launderdale. R F I)
I, Lafayette; Robert l. Wicker, it v
D. .1, Adamsvllle; .lames H. Hansel. It.
F. 1). 2, Midway; Blbrldge Mannlnir,
Kllzahethtnn; I'red Farmer, Liberty
Hill: James W. Cherry. Troy; Jamea .
Burgln. Knoxvllle; Jamea C. Cook,
Tiiaewell. Mechanics Silas F Dulton.
Madison; Andrew B, Meriwether,
byerthurg: Privates Thomas J. Reaeon
oyer. 000 Thouuis street. Memphis, ('Iran
A Dunlap, Greenfield: Robert a Bas-
liln, It. V. IV 9, Murfreeshoro ; Ernest
V Batile R F Tv 6. Trenton; Lelcherv
Cross.lFlk Valley; William H. Hatch,
PpoahontM; Bailey Bennett. Naahvllle;
Charles .1. Lung. Mooresburg; Losa E
Whitehead, Kliaahetliton; Randolph
Beard, R. F. IV .1, Canton; Jefferson
Davis, R. F. D. 3. Seymour; William I
Elledgs. Liberty , Leslie H. McDonald,
R. F. D 12 Lebanon; Edward F. Para
ley, R. F. D. 2. Helskell: deorge Straw n.
Mengelwnod; Horace W. Urooma. R. F
D. 3, Prospect; Jesse ll. Whorton,
Hatrhle: Thomas F Wlllford, Nash
ville; Claude. H McBee, Shellmound;
(J)Jtefey Digest
Hugh Y Bone, Rutherford; John C.
Hutler, R. F D. I. Luray; John W.
Reynolda, Nashville: Robert D. Gray,
Union City; Bud Coker. Eaton, Stephen
E Jones, Edlnon. Herbert E. Baker,
Westport; Walter C Chrlatlan, R. F
D. J. Gaineaboro; John W. Walker.
Bryditown; Smllle C. Smith. R. F. D.
1, Weitmoreland ; Clyde H. Hart,
Church Hi::; Walter McRray, R. F. D.
2. Fllntvllle: Peeler T. Humphrey,
Meadow. Joseph M. Harper; Tullahoma;
Oranvllle P Harrla, Paris: Staley Irwin.
R. F D. 2, Lafollette; Will McBay. R.
F. D. 8, Payettevllle; Bennle Maddox.
Ridgelv: Thomae I Mount, R. F. D. 1,
Bradford: Leo L. Taylor. R F. D. 1.
Blountvllle; Robert Landrettl, Knox
vllle; Alger West. R. F. D. 1. Talbot,
Herbert K. Murphv, R F. D. I. Mount
Juliet, Charley 0 Neal, Watertown
Esteil H. Wjrlrk, R. F. D. 1. Har
rlman Mtaslng In action: Prlvatea Charlie
Conk, R. F D 6. Franklin; Omer
Cross, R F. IV 2, Moas; William Wil
liamson. R F D. 1, Newport.
Wounded, degree, undetermined, pre
viously reported killed: Corporal John
L Fisher. Lannaater.
Wounded severely, prevloualy report
ed died of disease: Prlvatea Claude A.
Hale, Oupp; Swen 8. Lefevcr, Silver
Hied of wounds, previously reported
everelv wounded: Prlvatea Jamea H.
Price, Erwln.
Killed In action: Privates David A.
Brown. R. F. D. 1, I'nlon; George
Streeter, Vlcksburg. Walter 1. Na
tions. Pittaboro.
Died from wounds: Privates Bryan
Anderson, Liberty; Karl W. McNalr,
Mount Olive.
Died of disease: Corp. Cleveland Stlr
gus. Woodville.
Wounded severely: Corp. Jamea R.
Finch, Greenville: Privates Clodule
Hoda, Fen ton; William L. Kelly, n.
F. D. 4. Hattlesburg; Frank A. Ed
wards, Holcomh; Dewltt T. Acee, R.
F. D. 3 Sardls; Jack Murphrcy, R. F.
Tv, Water Valley: William C. Simmons,
1ouln; Ben F. Nelson, Holly Springs.
Harmon Ward. Oldenburg; William
Hreakfield. Goss; Andrew Dantzler,
McLaln; Clarence Edwarda, R. F. D.
I, Verona; James H. Hall, Tupelo;
.1 esse N Perrltt, Hazlehurst; Horace
D. Pickens. Pontotoc; Jamea W.
Frailer. Belxonl: John M Garrett, Kiln.
Wounded. decree undetermined:
Lieut. Richard B Slider, Sonlsvlile;
Privates William T. Bunch. Doloroso.
Willie Minton, R. F. p. 3. Brookhaven,
James u. W. Harden, Dumai; John
Gibbons. Hndsonvllle: John Parker,
Long; Robert L Everett, Laurel; Wil
liam T Brown. Oulfport; Willie Hough.
Bylvarena; Rufug B. Prater, Pontotoc;
Clinton M. Moreland, Lenn; Carl A.
Bradley. Meridian; Joseph Kowalski,
Pass Christian. Jeff D. Vann, Mag
nolia: Jewell L. Harrison, R. F. D. 5,
Philadelphia: Richard Wooten, Dover.
Wounded slightly: Sergts. Virgil H.
Robertson. R. F. D. Burn pa I William
A. Walker. Eaatabuchle: Earl W. Lind
say, Corinth; Corps, Hartmut O. Brand.
Diirant; Frank Ladner. Perklnston;
Claud T, Kellv. Red Lick; Privates
hired K Richardson, It. F. D. 8, Phil
adelphln : John E. Ruckles, Hamburg;
iri.,. i w i.' n 9 i . i .. . .
Garvin K. Lellar. Baldwin; William R.
Tlmms, R. F. D. 3, Fulton; Johnnie A.
O'Bryant, Oakland; Dee Robinson,
fimlthvllle; Fred F. Anderson, Carroll;
Francis C. Hayden, Vaughan; Louis K.
Pltoook, R F. lv l, Courtland; Allen
II. Tucker, Paco
Mlnsing In action: Lieut. Erlo B.
Fllppen, Camden; Privates Dempsey T.
Collums, Iloulka, Victor Suneson, Or
leans Killed In action, nreviously reported
severely wounded: Private Forest For
tenberry, Columbia.
Killed In action: Privates Guy T.
c.lrtman, Emery; Courtlin Winters. Mo
Neil; Carl H Mitchell. R. F. D. 1,
Wounded severely: Privates John T.
Boyce. Okolona; William H. Thomas,
R. F. D. 1, Rosebud; Walter W. Earp,
R. F. D. 3, Ozark; Anderson A. Lang
ston. Lavaca; Albert E. McChristlan,
Japton; Virgil Vaughn, (Tllfty; Clay C.
lloyd, McKasklll; Herman E. Seeman,
Jonesboro; Leo B. Garrison, Minturn;
Harry E. Muyfleld, McCrory; Charles
W. Green, Gllhsm; Thomas W. Ken
nedy, Duroca; John W. Klnard, Junc
tion City; Edward D. Bloouiflold, R.
F. D. 1, Gurdon; Wesley Porter, Mc
Crory: William Tanner, Little Rorik;
are one of the few permanent possessions
t ' '
Thoy outlivp generations and ontlast fashions. They are equivalent to legal tender anywhere
and any time, and their intrinsic worth steadily grows.
Our holiday stock of diamonds the largest and finest we have ever shown offers splendid
opportunities for safe investment.
"We earnestly invite your visit and examination, even if you only wish to make comparison
by designs and values.
Open Evenings Until Christmas
3 S. Main
Mack Thomas, Osceola; John A. Neil!,
Leachvllle: John W. Porter, R. F. IV
1, McCrory; Hugh H. Wales, R. F. D.
1, Perry.
Wounded, degree undetermined: Capt.
John R. Steward, Bald Knob; Lieut.
Noah .1. Hawkins, Chaplin; Sergt. Gil
ford A. Fentress. Fort Smith: Privates
Walter M Shock. Enola; Huston A.
HarnhlU, Greenville; Arthur L. Parker,
Kllwasiee; Robert Springer, slate
Springs; Archie Conley, Blythevllle;
James L. Bland, Blgelow. Camada Cole,
Little Rock; Arthur Swift, Umpire;
Clyde L. Graham, Cllfty; Glllous O.
Kirby, Chidester; Thomas A. Marshall,
luka; John C. Pollard. P.. F. D. 2,
Grays; Clarence Crouch, R. F. D. 3,
Wounded slightly: Hergt. Chsrlle W
Hopper. Viola: Corporals William .1
Tavlor. Rosle; Esra G. Schreler. Fort
Smith: Alfred W. Heflin. Montlcello;
John B. Hickman, R. F. D. I, Atkins;
Privates Kills S. Adams. Truman; Fv
ereti C. Bizzell, Lanty; Furloe 11. Na
tions. Bmeraonj David C, Palmer, Scha
berg; William G. Harkey, Gllham; Frank
l.orton. Tyler; Garland A Davis. Lake
City; Edward Glnn. Blrdeye: David
Taney, Kiblah; Charley Martin, Whee
len Springs; John T. Newton, Lono
Pine; Ralph C. Henderson, Green Brier;
Dallas Norton, Bauxite; Robert E.
Hicks, Marlanna; Floyd A. Klizia, Mur
freeshoro. Missing In action: Privates Frank
Ashcraft. Rlaon; James O. Holt, New
port; Grady B. Pitts, Harvey; Rypert C.
Bennett, Nashville.
Killed in action: Sergt Sain Black.
New Decatur; Private lvie Roberts, R.
F. D. 1, Hopewell.
Died from wounds; Private Benjamin
F A rant. Belleville.
Died of disease: Corporals George
Smith. Bucks; William G. Worthy,
Wounded severely: Lieut. John F.
Jenkins, South Birmingham; CorporalH
John Mallock (marine), Ensley; Joseph
li Hail. R. F. D. 2, Elmore; Daniel P.
Garrett, Gadsden; Robert Fletcher, Gl
rard; William N, Fulford, Chunchula:
The CZECHOSLOVAKS, that great race of Bohemians,
Moravians and Slovaks which for 500 years has kept alive the
inspiration of its torchbearers of liberty and freedom in the
middle ages, have now at last thrown off the heavy yoke of
Austrian tyranny and claimed their place in the family of free
The JUGO-SLAVS, ground down by Austria, and severed
from their Montenegrin and Serbian kinsfolk, have gathered
their strength and seized the prize of liberty and reunion won
for them in the world struggle for democracy.
and other resurgent races as it is told
to week in
the Famoui NEW Standard Dictionary). NEW YORK
I R-. ::: ;..'.:.: .-:i a.
Anderw .1. Barry, S21 West Tomblgbee
street, Florence; Mechanic Jim Moses
Brookwood; Privates William H. Rice,
Putton; Barnard J. Hurt, It. F. I). 3,
Jasper; Clyde Parker, Perdldo; Herbert
D. Daugherty, H. F. D. 1, Rogersvllle;
James B. Sims, Fayetle; Charles D.
Merriweather, R. V. IV 1, Pineapple;
Jamea W. Brown, Phoenix. John K.
Uldrlc, R. F. D. 1, Opellka: Clasorne
D. Crawford. EdeeirTc; Pierre Lee,
Elba: Andrew Moore, R. F. D. 1, Bear
Creek; Council Townsend, R. F. D. 1,
Albany; Mil Shumate, Magnolia; John
P. Abernathy, Holllns: Alto I. Jackson.
R. F. D. t. Troy: Frank Land. Rome;
Rem! Lavergns, Bhuteston: Bankston J.
Calloway, WTeogufka: Ryx 1 Smith. F.v
krgreen; Charles B. Boteler, Dora: Cus
ter L. Price, Hurricane; Nelson V. Beas.
lev-, Bradley ton; Thomas W. Lovltt,
Farmersvllle; Marvin Ntoholl, Browton.
Wounded, degree undetermined:
Llents. James M. Douglass, RussellVllle;
Harley A. Smith. Hamilton; Sergts. Lo
tus W. Standlfcr. Bridgeport; Corpora!
Richard W. Deshon, Mobile; Privates
John P. Burns, Mobile; lilige Williams,
Hartford; timer C, Green, Albertsviile;
carl Guffey, Scottaboro; Posenh ,s.
llieedlove. Opp; George E. Bryant,
Stockton: Herman Hayes. Pineapple;
Howard G. Peyton. Sayraton; James C.
Motes, R. F. D. 7, Troy: Henchey W.
Stephens. Fulton; Harvey B. Storey, R.
F. D. 4, Lafayette; Buford E. Cochran,
Lowell; William F. Smith, R. F. D. I.
Center; Waller B. Adams, Decatur;
Robert L. Grlffls, Athens; John W.
Heath, Albertvllle; Clarence W. Mars,
Gadsden; Jolm L. Thomason. R. F. D.
C, Andalusia.
Wounded slightly: Lleuts. Peterson B.
Jarman, Livingston; John P. Gilchrist,
Sylacauga; Oliver M. verry. weima;
Sergts. Clvde Dean, Valley Road; Manly
H. McWhlrter, R. F. D. 2, Glen Allen:
Corporals Grover C. Helton, Tunnel
Springs; Macen R. Slaughter, Luverne;
Marvin S. Prestwood. Andalusia; Bugler
William It. Bundy, R. F. D. 5, Troy;
Privates David D. Farley, R. F. D. 1.
Cullman; Hooper Henderson. Garden
City; Leon C. Levy, Rirmlnghajn; Cecil
Howard, Sterrett; James J. Chancellor,
Chapman; Joseph Fells, Cleveland:
Clee E. Allman, Alabama City; Willie
T. Hargrove, Athens; Henry Hartley,
R. F. D. 3. Greenville; Thomas B. Price,
Gordo; Dec Gilhreath. Huntsvllle; Has
kel Harsey. R. F. D. G, Andalusia;
Daniel E Brittuii, Mobile; Lent O. Stew
art, R. F. D 1. Owenville; John Mc
Sween, Florala; John T. Domlney. R.
F. IV 4. Jemison; Ellis V. Cruse, Bir
mingham; John Releford. Scottsboro;
Robert W. Norton, Annlston.
Returned to duty, previously report
ed killed: Privates Sam Walker, Roan
oke; Grover C. Young, Llneville.
Wounded severely, previously reported
died of disease: Corporal Cranberry
Grayson, Ensley; Private Lou C. Jack
son. Marion.
Killed In action: Previously reported
missing: Private Robert A. Christopher.
Flat Rock.
TROY, N. Y., Dec. 23. Maj.-Gen. J.
Ford Kent, U. S. A., retired, dted at
his home in this city, after a brief Ill
ness. The funeral will be held Thurs
day, with burial at West Point.
Gen. Kent was a second lieutenant at
the outbreak of the Civil war. He waa
made major In 186J for "gallant and
meritorious servlfis In battle of Spott
sylvania' 'and oolonel In 1164 for sim
ilar services during the campaign be
fore Richmond. He served throughout
the Spsnish-Amertcan war and reached
the rank of major-general In October,
NEW YORK, Dec. 28. Randolph
Bourne, author and magaslne writer,
died of pneumonia, at hlH home here at
the ago of 32. He was the author of
several books on education and had
been on the staff of the New Republic
since its Inception.
Washington, Dec. 23. About 300
units of the reserve officers' training
corps created by the national defense
act of 1916 will be established imme
diately at as many colleges and schools,
says an announcement by the war de
partment. During the war this or
ganization, from which It was planned
to develop a force of at least 60,000
officers for reserve duty, was aban
doned in favor of the students' army
training corps, demobilisation of which
has reached an advanced stage.
New regulations are being prepared
to govern the reserve officers' training
corps so as to permit units to spe
cialize in training officer material for
the various corps of the arm", such
as artillery, engineer, signal corps, ord
nance, air service and medical corps,
instead of the uniform training for in
fantry which was the rule before the
A total of 115 reserve officers' train
ing corps units had been organized be
fore the war. One hundred of the In
stitutions Included In the students'
army training corps group have re
established their reserve units, taking
over the equipment they had on hand.
In addition 200 other schools or colleges
have signified their intention to share
in the reserve officers' training.
A special division has been created
by the general staff to administer to
the reserve officer oorps, which will
consist of Junior units at high schools
as well as senior unite at college
Through the personnel division of the
staff also It will be possible to select
Instructors from army officers shown
by their records during the war emer
gency to have especial qualifications in
iiil uircci lull.
Eead News Scimitar Wants.

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