..uE FIVE.
TOT"'. Tm--m r-,Tr -.-
Attractive Members of Younger
Special Purchase and Sale
Men's Fine Velour
Society Set Home For Holidays
Ida Mi? ndeirs
First New Year Event
Will Be Given by
Miss Virginia Moore
The first large affair of the new year
will be lvn by Miss Virginia Moore,
who will entertain with a beautiful
dancing party at the Memphis Country'
club Wednesday evening, Jan. 1, In
honor of Miss Gertrude Russell, and
Miss Jewett Swift, two very attractive
members of the "sub-deb" set.
The guest list will include the "sub-
debs" of the season, and members of
the college set.
Helping Hand Circle
to Give Benefit Dance
A dance for the benefit of the tuber
culosis hospital will be given at the
Nineteenth Century club Friday nighi
from 8 to 12, by tne Helping Hand
The chaperons for the affair will
be Mayor and Mrs. Frank Monteverdi-,
Mr. and Mrs. J J Williams, Miss Cora
Ashe, Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Parks, Mr
and Mrs. W. E. Sanderson, Mr. and
Mrs U S Phillips ana Mr. sand Mrs.
M. E. Carter.
Electrically Equipped Throughout
VBD Phones
Besides having each article laun
dered properly, you have the added
satisfaction of knowing that no one has worn
any of your clothing, if the family wash is sent to Loeb's.
iiiiKiiiWi'iKiiiS rjii;:!,:";:!''!: Trmmtssmmm
IIWIMilllillllMIIIIIIII1 II II III llll Illllli mi 'limiM I'm
Extra Specials
$1.98, $2.50, $2.98 $2.98, $3.98, $4.98 I
Combination Combination
Blackboard '
and Desk
Game Boards
I00 r98
79 and 81 Jefferson Avenue
If You Are Content With the Same
Old Seven and Six That
You'll Find in Every Store
Phil A. Halle Christmas
Toggery Won't Appeal to
Exclusiveness smartness quality
those three words express the Phil A.
Halle idea of Christmas Toggery.
Self-bordered Linen Handkerchiefs
Mufflers Sweaters of Shetland Silk
and Wool Crochet Shot Knit Silk
Cravats all from Welch Margetson of
, And Silk Dressing Gowns Smoking
Jackets Wonderful Silk Shirts Motif
Cravats Fur Caps Fur Lined Gloves
Detachable Fur Collars and many
other smart toggery ideas, made in the
good old U. S. A.
Just remember that the name Phil
A. Halle on any article of men's
fashionable toggery has the same
significance as the word Sterling
on Silver!
Mail OraerS Given Prompt Attention!
Open Nights Until Christmas.
Center -Miss Blanche Rushv: upper rlaht Mlsa nnrnthv
Marietta Dunscomb; lower left- Miss Marguerite Randolph.
Kllett, lower right-Miss Edwina Uage; upper left Mill
Nobody has ever hen nhle tn find out
If, figuratively BOeakinc, "Miss Mem
phis" la supposed to he a beautiful
young girl still In her teens, or a
splendid bachelor maid in the prime of
When asked. Mayor Mnnteverde ad
mitted that Miss Memphis is. by all
means, beautiful, but he wasn't- exactly
certain about the arc.
But, if also figuratively speaking
Miss Memphis should be one of the
members of the "sub-deb" set, she is
both young and beautiful, and you can 0 ,
just bet that she is having the most i Til r or CIV I ITTI r rim c
wonderful time of her life, too, for each I nCOL 0A LI I I Lt ulnLo
nay is just brimming over with goou
times for her.
Memphis may welt be proud of these
lovely members of her younger society
set. or not only do they lead in social
activities, but there have been many
reports from the Extern colleges which
they attend, that bear high praise for
tneir talent in art and literature, aa
vfell as hi scholarship. v
Attractive Visitor
Will Be Entertained
Miss Vadis Norrls will entertain with
box party at the Oniheum theater
Monday afternoon. Dec. SO, In honor of
Miss Katheryn Sledge, of Como, Miss.,
who will visit Miss Myra Rogers, and
Miss Norrls during the holidays,
After the theater Miss Norrls will
give a tea at Hotel Chlsca for her
guests. About 30 members of the col
lege set will he present.
Miss Sledge will also ne the honoree
of a beautiful dancing party which will
be given by Misses Myra and Bessie
Rogers, Monday evening, Dec. 30, at
their home on Goodwin avenue.
A lovely home wedding will take
place Mondav niRht at g.SO 0 dock
when Mr. and Mrs. John Gordon ( oopur
will give in marlage their daughter,
Anne Gordon, to Mr. .lames O. Ander
son, of Toronto, Canada, at their home,
807 Linden avenue.
The bride will wear a wedding gown
of white satin and Georgette crepe,
with a eonrl train, iler veil will be
fastened with an heirloom which the
brides of her mother's family, the Law
rences, have worn f.r 10 generationa,
lt is a nlasp of hand-Wrought gold. In
a design of a sheaf of wheal, and was
made over 3011 years ago by one of Eng
land's most famous goldsmiths.
The bride will be attended by her sis
ter. Miss Marie Emerson Cooper, as
maid of honor.
Mr Anderson's onlv attendant will be
Mr Robert Richardson as best man.
Dr. A. B. Curry will officiate, In the
presence of only a few relatives and
friend. ,
After the ceremony Mr hiicI Mrs. An
derson will leave for u Southern tour.
They win return I i Jautiary and w ill
be with Mr. :md Mrs. Cooper for a few
weeks, before leaving for Canada,
where they will make their home. '
the Christmas holidays. After the holi
days Mrs. Williamson and her daughter,
Sue, will go to Washington, 1. C to
be the guests of Col. and Mrs. V. P.
Miss Vadis Norris returned Saturday
from Ward -Belmont, and will spend the
holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Norris, at Buntyn.
Mrs. Donna M. I'.eek and he niece,
Miss Donna McKay, will leave tonight
for New Orleans to spend the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. W. .1 Floyd, of Como,
Miss., will bn the guests of their par
ents, Mr. and Mrs Levi Joy, 671 South
Bellevue, for the holidays.
Dr. J. I,. Andrews, majpr I!. S. A.
medical corps, Is In Memphis on a 10
days' furlough. He win remain during
the Christmas holidays,
Dr Andrews expects to be mustered
out of the service at nn early dale and
resume bis duties as superintendent of
the city health department,
S. O. Bates, attorney-general, has
gone, to Newport, Ky., and Cincinnati,
O., to spend the holidays with his rela
tives. The courts have doffed for the
Christmas week and will not open unill
Jan. 11.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell K. I.nwry. of
Chieng-o, are the euests of Mr and Mrs.
K. E. iin x ton , 43 South Auburndaie, for
the holidays.
About tw o weeks uro six lit lie girl?
decided to gun a plav entitled "In
Want of a Servant " They Kot it
up entirely by themselves, and charged
a small admittance fee. The first per
formance was given at the horn of Mr.
and Mrs. George Tnyloe, mid was so
successful thai It was repeated al the
home of Dr. and Mrs. A. II he Loach
The children planned all f this for
the benefit of the poor children's
Xmas, and they feel certain Hint the
uoodfellows win use their gift, which
amounts to 111.41, to the very best ad
vantage. The mimes of the children
are: Laura Wilkinson, Marv Wilkinson
Mar) Ann McCabe, Elisabeth Tayloa
Catherine Crowe, Marjory Cleafe.
The following employes of our com
pany Insist upon joining your Goodrel
lowi club: K. r. T, HQ; II. K. a, 12.00
U. S, $10": W. II. Harper, $1.00 Jas'
lt. Wells, KM- H. II. Smith, J3.00; .1
K. !.eavel, $-.'00: W. I,. Nestle, '.' no
I'M Thprn, $1 ml; R. 1, Honclilx, 1100
W. A. Reed, $1 110, total. $25.00.
Yours very iruly, Chero-Col Hnitllng
Co., of Memphis, by II. E Hasan,
Embracing Values
Hp to $10.00-Your
Unrestricted Choice
same Ktvle and quality
al $7.50 to $10.00. They
nap and rich luster silk
There arc exactly I27D M on,s Hats in tins otter
hals that thev arc retailinc all over this town today
arc made of Pine beaver fur with the short heavy
finish, silk lined atid are shown in black and the season's shades of brown,
green and cray, in a full complement of sizes 6 to 7 o.
For Him
Bath Robes,
Silk Shirts,
For Less
For Him
Night Shirts,
Half Hose,
For Less
You will find herewith Inclosed cheek
for $10.42. which amount ban been sub
scribed by the Uoodfellows of thin
place, Misses Lomile und Crunk Martin
Hubbard, H I'. H.. W. 0, 0 W W,
t a. o. t , w. c. Om i r., J. It T ,
o. C W , M K , C P., Dr. !.. C M .
A. V, H. B, H., O. It. and Jin k Web
sier. Yours truly, 8, II. High tower,
Dundee, Miss.
Lieut. Albert D. Perkins. Jr.. nrrived
Mondav morning from llillngton field
to speiul the Christmas holidays with
his parents. Mr. mid Mrs. Albert t.
Perkina, on Harbert avenue,
- -
Miss Klov Simpson Wlsner, who has
been attending tiie Science Hill school
in Kentucky, and Miss Kllsabeth
Wlsner, of Kemper Hall, Wisconsin, are
spending the holidays with their
parents, Dr and Mrs. Robert li. Hen
derson, at Whitehaven, Tenn.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Splro will leave for
New York citv Wednesday night, where
they will spend the holidays.
Mr. Clarence Saunders returned Sun
day morning from Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. B. II. Williamson have
closed their country home, "Sans
Bouct" near Osceola, Ark., for the win
ter, and will be at the Cbisca hotel for
If It's the
Best You
We Have It
Our Xmas Display
Now Ready
153 Madison
Jas. J. Carrigan & Co.
Everything That Swims
Everything That Files.
We have always sold the best of
everything that swims, and why not
try us on everything that flies?
Dry licked
oysters adv
it 1r with win cere ptawiirc that I
hereby acknowledge receipt f :a from
the uoqdfellow employes 6f the John
A . 1 Rente's Sons ronipany, per L, J.
Mom, Its president. Mom is abo the
new president f the Kf wants blub, a
itip-hcarted person and his einpiy' are
riplit with him in tnar respect They
know what the (inorlfellfiwH mean t
the pocr kiddies at Christmas time and
they always make up n purse out. of
their rueum tn provide Christmas eheer
for the unfortunate.
Goodfellows, It is indeed an honnr to
welojome you hi behalf of the youngs
ter with the Fob in ,ts heart, I thank
Oh, you Qoodfellows with the Lane
Howler company Hie band and the
employes! Wr knew Hint you would
be with us again strong, but we hardly
expected so much. Your letter con
tained so much real Joy that we here
wilh nass It alone:
"We Inclose herewith OoodfeltOWS
subscription In the amount of S9.50.
"This subscription was Rotten UP !v
1 a box supper held nt our auditorium ill
1 tba niani throuKh the members of our
! band ancKJho employes of the office
and factory.
"A Merry Xmas to the Qoodfellows."
Troy Baker.
DYERBBUUO, Tenn.. lec. J?. (Spl
I Troy Itake.r, son of Ross B;iker. died
I at his home east, oftown. after a short
I illness, lie was T years of ;tpe. He
I leaves a wife and tv children, lu
I ternnnt was ut Ptlrvtew,
Eugene Clark.
PYEnSBl'RQ, Tenn, Dee, 23, (Spi t
KUfens 'lark, who lived across the
line In ('rockett rounry, died nt the
home of relatives in (ilhsuii county, He
wru; 30 years of a(ffl. and Is survived
by his wfy and child interment was
at Mount Zion.
Mrs. W. H. Fones.
Ms W. II Kunes ,
of her parents at K'v
Dec ;.'! l Snl l
it at the home V
tes, riear here
after a short Illness She Is survived by
her ninnano ami son.
Teacher of singing. Is out of the city
Until Saturday, Dec. 21, Ho will re
sumr lo.'ichlng' Hoitaayi D0, 30 All
those wKhinp to secure desirable hour.
for study dunnir the coming seupon
bhou'd B6fl him on thst date or as soon
alter as convenient. adv i
Dr. Jo.-eph W Mason has relumed
to the city. 60$ CUctsea, Main 2&U'.
new phone 411. adv.
"Say It With Flowers"
Cut Flowers, Christmas Plants,
Christmas Trees and
Decorative Material
Prices Effective from Dec. 1B to Jan. 5, Inclusive.
QirnatlotiF White. ,Rhl pink, Fancy $.oo tier loxen
Cams t Ion h Harh Pink, lied. Fancy, $5.00 tier ilojen
Roses White Klllarney, I 'ink Klllarney, Ophelia, Bunburat
Aaron Wind slcrl mnim, $-100; medliim ntrnin, 15.00: Iodic
(lams, $u no to 17.50 per dosen,
Milady Double lied Roar, short etema, 5.00; moillum HleniM,
$7.50; l"iic Hleins, $10.00 per dozen.
Richmond Hoses, short, steins, $5.00; medium stems, $7.50;
Ions stems, $10.00 per dozen.
Itussell Hoses beautiful lmrk Pink, rival to the American
Beauty, $10.00 to $15.00 per dozen.
American Rrnutles tans stems, $2.00 to $3.00 each
Blaster Lilies $6.00 per dozen
Miles ,,f the Valley $3. 00 per dozen.
Sweet Peas $2.50 per hunch.
Violets $3.00 per bunch.
Orchids $3 00 each
White Narcissus $200 per dozen.
Aiparasrus Hprays- $1.50 a dozen.
Corsages $3 00 and up.
Assorted (lift Hoses $5.00 ninl up.
(twins: to the present conditions flowers are extremely
scarce. It will he advisable to order nnrlv to be sure of ael
tltiK orders (died in full. Prices fire subject to ebmiKB with
out notice. Ilvtiress companies are slciilng; f,r shipments sub
Jcet to delay. Orders should he placed early tin possible so
that promiit shipments can be made Therefore, let it be
known thai all flowers shipped by us travel at consignee's
risk, ah shipments are made with the implied understanding
that consignee accepts all risks of delay and results con
tingent with the delay.
Cyclamen In burl and hlo $3,110 to $1000 each.
Poinsettlns in bloom, $2.00 to $10.00 each.
Narcissus In bloom, $2.03 to $5.00 each.
CHory of Cincinnati Begonia .1 mass of pink blossoms $3.00
to $10.00 each.
PlimroBes, $1 00 to ?3oo each,
Cleveland Cherries, $2.00 to $5.00 each.
Splrea, $3.03 to $6.00 each.
Assented Basket and lilr h Hark Hoxoh filled with assorted
blooming and fcttlaee plants $5.00 to $20.00 each
Thousands "f Beautiful l-'cros in Variety- $1.50 to $10.00 each.
Stuteh PaltnS $3.00 to $10.CO each.
The greenhouses are now ready for your Inspection; the
most complete line of plnnis that we have ever had. We
cordially Invite you to visit us there
Our Christmas Trees are lie genuine Norway Spruce; the
shipment Is now oti display nt the greenhouses, Prices;
Four-fool trees. $200; five-foot trees, $3.00; siv-foot trees.
$4.00; eight-foot ticca, $5.00; ten-foot trees, $7.00; twelve
foot trees, $10.00 I ach,
Oxborn Christmas 'l ie,- Holder, 50c each
Red K"S' i s is ti ne l e.tural foliage chic h when preserved
best expresses the spirit of the holiday season. It Is light
' in weight ami does net deteriorate in the, slightest through
hkc- 50c per hole h
Tlnllv Wreaths, 3V and Z'Oc each Larger sizes made tn order.
Magnolia Wreath . T2.00, $3 03, $4.00 snd $5.00 each.
Bed Itusc us Wreaths, M.C0, $5 00. $7.oo and $10.00 each.
Ued Frlexe Wreaths, 20c. 2c, 30c. 35c and SOc each.
Haskets filled with artificial flowers, very attractive, $3.00 to
$10.00 eai h.
Have Jusl received 11 large shipment of evergreens, flower
ing shrubs, etc.
if you contemplate beautifying your grounds, now is the
T, Q. OWEN, Preldcnt. W. H . ENOLEHART, V.-P. Sid Mgr.
' Still Time to Get Your
, , . !
t "Edison" !
If You Hurry j
The demand for "THE PHONOGRAPH WITH. A BOUL" U the
I greatoal wo have over experieBced We still have n fair quan
tity of several nf the popular Hellers, which wo Illustrate here:
'"HI I
The "CSnn" molo In the Wil
liam und Maty period
style. Prlro
The "("J00" model, oak nr ma
hogany fluislics.
You'll Be Safe If You Buy An Edison
They arc wonderfully Improved now, and are sold under an ab
solute Kinirantei' by this house. Free monthly uritustlnir nllln.
on all Edlsona wo sell, if desired.
-, and Inspection servic
"The Edison"
Plays All Makes of
Records - Ask About
This Feature
EXablished 1894
89 S. Main Street 234 East Street
Memphis, Tenn.
L. D. Phone Main 173R, Nlfth Phone Hemlock 4180
Phone Main 1733
Furs Furs Furs
We carry tlic best line of Fur cckpiecrs in the city.
We have a large stuck of the one-piece Fox and Wolf
Skins made up in Taupe and Brown.
He sure to pive Furs for a Christmas present.
Scheibler & Co.
t.io North Front SI.
Memphis, Tennessee.
Lehman's Liver Wafers
Money Back If You Don't Fl
Young and Brighter In Two Days
Get x Box of Any Drugglit. 10 doset 10c
Thev Also Come In 2Pr Bex
Sole Owneiv snd Manufacturer.
Mesfphlx. Tenn.
Sold by all Druggists the World Over.