Onlv One Wav to Knok. De-
VilW Cb l HCI .
10 NEEDS 1,
!M PAQIIAI TV 1 1CT Onlv One Wav to Knok. Dei!
iii unuunLi I lioi
r" TV
Are You a Concert-Goer?
DO you love good music and get alto
gether too little of it? Then we are
especially anxious for you to hear the Am
pico Reproducing Piano. It is a new in
vention which means so much to music
and music-lovers that its importance can
scarcely be exaggerated.
The Ampico actunjly reproduces the interpretationa
of the greatest living pianists so faithfully that the re
production cannot be distinguished from the original.
This has been proved again and again by "compar
ison concerts" at which the Ampico has stood the
test of direct comparison with the playing of
distinguished concert artists. Philip Hale, the
distiugwshed critic of the Boston Herald, Mid in
renewing one of these concerts: "It was not easy
to betieoc thai tJiere was a mechanical reproduction.
The impression was made that the pianist was play,
tng then and tlwrt."
Think what it would mean to have such an Instrument in your mm
o be able to suminrm at will thf irrcateat living pianist
and chocs your awn program -classical ,.T popular, old time me lo
diea, light aprra, or the laieat dauee hit. Ad tf you like of course,
tbe Ampico may be used as a player piano, playing any sud!
id roll to which you may impart your own interpretation.
7V Ampico mat bt had im Uu UrrthaU $- WtmdtU Piaao at price
gsna.OO and i, B the arnnlue Knafc.
.'a(aloa:ue n itfunt
Yiwir iMtranrul arcrptrd aa prt firnrafc
lomrulfil trrnaa ua balaare If dralrraL
CiduKWaMBwl -tW Norta Sr-d SUM,
dl Trara ta Mrmph 1.
The rimw of six more Memphis boys
'!:!.! .1 In action in the last 30 days
f flihth.g ft( disclosed Monday be
the usually list mid by official tele
grams to relatives. Mubt of them are
fMu-ri-ic, w hile others are wounded.
legnc undetermined, nne ilcmphlan
., . I. . f .k.11 .. I, I, "
Corp. Anthony Signalgn. Company A.
th Infantry. Third division, was wound-
tor the third time early In Mjvem-
br, tie family believes from letter
from France. He was first .wounded
In th hand Auk S and a government
telegram saying; It was Injured Oct.
was received. I he soldier s brother.
rival e Thomas .-ignargo. since then
has written that thu soldier was again
severely wounded.
I hotnas signa Ign has also been
wounded twice, passed last summer
anil shot In the leg In November. He
wiih Company C, 125th Infantry, 32d
division. He enlisted at Detroit, Mich.,
lull' his brother imitstert in St. l.oma
Mrs. Hiza Signalgo, widowed mother
f the boys. Is 111 at the residence of
her daughter, Mrs. Charles J. Corbett,
1078 ureenUVW avenue.
Corp. Frank II. Iiarrett, Company B,
:xth Infantry. t-5d division, was shell-
hocked Oct. 13, hut has recovered uf-
Mrlently to assure, his mother, Mrs. O.
Uarrrtt. 201 Baat street, that he Is
oveririE He was in the hospital
when the armistice was signed.
'I'lic family of J'rlvate Thomas ,
Kraronovrr has removed from 900
fhomas street and neighbors do not
know the present address. Tbe name
Private Ben m miner, izai matKs-
nian place, Is also Included In Monday s
malty list as wounuca severely.
Private Robert I.. Harvllle, son of
Mrs M Woods, lltnirman Kerry road,
wus Injured Iri tho thigh by shrapnel
.Nov. 1, his relatives nave Deen v
fi rmed. He enlisted in tncinnati in
April, I'll", and was with the itrst
l.t. h of marines to go to ranee.
He emerged from the not t naieau
Thierry ICrap, when III ttcrmans were
tor-o'i lvic c with nn v l siiKnt gassing.
Tic Is :':t vcars old and prior to enllst-
it was a fanner on his inotner a
e. He Is a brother of Mrs. Al Hurst,
134 Wood lawn street
A word to former
soldiers and sailoi
If HIS store has planned manv months in advanrp fnr vmir rp
turn. When ) decide to discard tin1 khaki and blue for civilian clothes
you 11 iiiKl us ready to serve you as you deserve to ho served.
E'VE HAD' these
"lothos designed espe
ally for you. They reflect
nut! snappy progressive
spirit of your fighting abil
ity, Your physical fitness
, ami erect, military carriage
have all been taken into
consideration, They're
y ideal clothes fur well pit
portioned young men.
TOCKS are as
y tf.A Wk
t.v - m mr . : virr'
complete now as in
midseason. Qualities
arc of the ven- highest type and values ate must uncommon
Suits. $25. $.?0, $35 ami up to $75.
Overcoats, $25, $30, $40 up to $5
Snoes Hats - Furnishings Also
Seeks to Educate Public the
Value of Good Health.
Recommends Tonic Under Cer
tain Conditions.
i .It V. t- n.,.I.J aa
saying that "Careless habit, evil hab-
ns ana ijnoraru raoin reaun in iitiun
ties whenever an epidemic disease ap
peam In a rommuntty."
it Should be wen Known mat excease-
ana iiinumcm. ui .iwioncm ni"
brlnf about a condition of low vitality.
To have low vitality l to be partially
SICK. ID roiliaill 3U, icc cukij .w
fatRl disease erms. It is duty and
common sense to remove low vitality.
Do you eaten com too easily r Are
VOU WeaK, irilini'" . in iyuo unu
out before the day is half over? Have
vou aches and pain-! of unknown origin?
Are vou too thin and seemingly "blood
less? Do you have tremors and un
sound fears? Do you lack energy and
ambition: Are you nespoimeiu wnn
out reason? Is your digestion faulty and
your appetite fickle? Po you differ
with dreadful pains In the hack ol head
and neck? Po you have "hooting pains
like neuralgia and rheumatism?
If anv or all of these symptoms are
yours then a tonic medicine like f'ado
mene Tablets should bring relief, health
and strength if taken regularly with
meals Three-grain Cadoniene Tablet
has often been called the "miracle med
icine" because It is so quickly effective
in restoring strong, rugged, - "happy"
Sold in sealed tubes by druggist:!
everywhere, and each package is guar
anteed to please th buyer or money
refunded. a-dv
The people of Franc will not forget
generous and loyal aid which they
have received from the great republic
f the I nlti'il Slates, said the mother
f n llllli' French orphan In an Inter-
esting letter to Mrs. It. B. Hunter, 1199
vane avenue, who has adopted the
The following letters are self-ex
l.e Etotnonuu par la i napeue.
A unon 1 'ii v de Dome (France).
Tin' 26th of June, 1918.
Very l'rar Madame I am advised by
llw committee for the care of French
hlldren, lin Hue de Orenelle, Faris.
hat vim have been good enough to
take car of my child, Lucien, for one
nr. '
1 thank you most sincerely. Since,
dear madam, I believe you seem to
he nnii'li Int crest ell in me, I will say
that I am .10 years of age. I was mar
ried In 1907. 1 have two ohlldren, Lu-
en. vi. ur nroteirc. at Chi lime 8 years
old, ati'l one little girl 6 years old. We
were Ilviiifc'. all three of ui very hap
pily, when this terrible struggle rame,
when i.i' i many dceiurcu war on nu
ll h of Atiiftit. nut. My husband left
on the second day of the mobilization
and fought In Iorralne and fell glorl-
iim v on the field of honor in the bat
tle of th Martie on Sept. 8, 1914. After
having been for some days uncertain
f his fate. 1 learned that he naa neen
.uii,. i bualv wounded to the hospital
of LiaVal, Mayciie. I left Immediately
(to nee him), hut unhappily I had not
Ilia happiness of receiving Ills last fare
well. He was dead one day before I
i cached there.
ion will certainly understand, maa-
tm, the grief that 1 suffer In becom
ng a widow with iwo children of
youthful age and without any asaist
inc except the Hllghl aid allotted to
int- iiv lite military government ot
fiance, together with the pension
Which will he given me after the war.
(ill. dear madami if you arc able.
iiino lo my assistance. Ho sure that
you are doing n great work tor Hu
manity utid yon will be rewarded for It.
I do not know or wnat religion you
e. 1 am a Catholic and I will not
forget you in my prayers 1 hope you
will have good health and that there
will be much happiness for you us well
as fur all of yours, and that you will
ccept, madam, my expressions or re
pectful regard.
vvio. aiRARD fa which.
(Widow of Glrard Fancher.)
I'. S.i Inclose In my letter a pho-
tflgraph of your protege.
Hothomas, par la Chtpll( Agnon.
ticiotier 25, ii s.
Pear Madame It Is a very great
pleasure lo me to acknowledge the
eipt of your kind leitor of Aug. iu
a 'ni n conintl of $e. I do not know-
how to thank you for your grcnt kind
ness which you have shown to my son,
your little protege. I am very grateful
to vou for your generous gift, which
enable me to hear with more ease
the sad days III which we are living.
I tliiul; we are Hearing the end of
this torrlbl war. thanks to jour noble
ei untry atul to your matchless soldiers.
Til robber of Berlin la on his knees
and begglgg for peace. We wish for
It nlso, hut not before we have real
assurance and certainty that our dead
shall he avenged.
The people of Franc will net forget
the generous and loyal aid which we
have received from the great republic
of the lulled states
I hop, madam, that you and all
of yours are enjoj lug the beat of health
ami much happlnes:, ami with my sin
cere rtgarat, accept, madam, my as
surance of respect and ihet wishes.
Mrs. M. I.uding, ISO' Peacon avenue,
Jerscv City, N. J., writes:
"I find the Mentho-J.axene just fine
and would not be without It. it has
been in our home for three years, and
I hope your Free Health Book is as
good as the Mentho-I.axene, etc."
With very little advertising hundreds
nf thousands of bottles of Mentho-liax-n
are sold every year by druggtfltl,
ami each year the s-les grow larger,
(let a SVi'OUnc bottle, concentrated,
and mix with simple syrup to make a
lull pint, Directions and guarantee of
satisfaction are with each bottle. A
pint lasts a long time for the whole
family. It is cheaper and better than
ready prepared medicines, but easy to
mix. adv
As proof of the stamina and "grit"
evidenced by Uncle Ham's soldiers, po
lice point to the feat of (leorge 1.
Vaughn, Memphian, discharged soldier,
who. after being knocked down by an
automobile and severely bruised, gave
chase and nabbed his man.
The affair occurred at Main street
and Vance avenue early Sunday night.
An automobile occupied by four ne
groes sped past Vaughn and his two
women companions, knocking Vaughn
down as he shoved the women out of
danger. The soldier's hand was cut and
leg bruised.
Undaunted, he sprang up. hailed a
passing ear and gave chase to the ne
groes, who speeded up. After several
blocks' pursuit the negroes abandoned
the car and Vaughn followed suit. He
proved a good sprinter and nabbed one
of tho negroes, giving his name as
John Morris, and was forced to tell
who his companions were.
Vaughn resides at 23U North Second
street. The rase was docketed for trial
late Monday.
The commissioners will accept the
resignation of Mrs. Mary n. West, su
perintendent of the Juvenile court, at
the regular weekly meeting Tuesday.
Mayor Monleverde said Monday that
the commissioners would hold a meet
ing one day this week to natite the
board of trustees to conduct the affairs
of the court In the meantime, he ex
plained. Mrs. Saxhy will continue at
the head of the court until after .Ian. 1.
As Usual
Our After-Christmas
Clearing Sale
Will Begin the Day After Christmas
(Thursday, Dec. 26)
Prices Will Be Startlingly Low
This sale is necessary in pursuance of the established
policy to never carry a garment from one season to
another. It will be all-inclusive.
Winter's Most Beautiful
Suits, Dresses, Gowns,
Coats, Furs, Fine Waists,
Skirts and Millinery
At prices so low as to create an irresistible appeal to all
women who appreciate the opportunity to purchase apparel of
so high an order at A GENUINE BARGAIN SALE.
Important !
Profits will be sacrificed; nothing will be
charged, sent C. O. D. or on approval. No
garments will be laid aside.
Judge Young, of the First circuit
court, Monday decided a case in which
he declared that brothers and sisters
may inherit property one from the oth
er without being required under the
law to pay a collateral Inheritance tax.
The suit In question was that of Mrs.
Mary A. Hnced, wife of a former chief
justice of the supreme court, against
the state.
The state sought to collect collateral
Inheritance tat of 5 per cent from Mrs.
Sliced, who was left a considerable es
tate by her brother, Robert A. Shep
herd, who died three years ago. Through
her attorneys, W. J. Borsje and H. M.
Barton, she denied liability for the tax
upon the. ground that a proper construc
tion of the various tax statutes a broth
er or sister, as the case, may he, are
not liable for the tax when inheriting
an estate the one from the other,
Judge Young upheld the contention of
Mrs. Sneed and relieved her of pay
ment of the tax, which amounted to a
large sum. This tax for a number of
years has been paid in by brothers and
sisters without controversy and this Is
the first time the question has ever
been raised in this county.
Frank Glankler, who has been In the
aviation service for the past 15 months,
has been mustered out and has re
turned to Memphis. He will resume his
law practice as the associate of Law
rence Monteverde, with offices In the
North Memphis Savings bank building.
Read News Scimitar Wants.
.V T. Anderson, 935
When Your Face
or Hands Chap
Get from your druggist a preparation
of Lemon Juice, Witch llnael and Cam
phor. After cieansing, apply to the face
, and hands at bedtime. It quickly pre
vents and heal: the worst rhnps If
, you want a beautiful, toft, char, white
; akin. Just try this each night nt bed
time. Keep It up and watch to re
sulfa. A 35-cent bottle of LRMON-OI.A
is what you want. Don't accept anv
thlnc else. If the druggist hasn't It
ask him to order It from his Jobber foi
you,, or eend P. O. order to Hamnleton
Drug Co., 9(1 Madison, Memphis, Tenn.
10 cent extra by mall.
Iron, Srrnp and I'nper Stuck
Main 1555. New 100.
Ha Your Car Been StolenT
If o, call us. We give prompt and
iatlsfnctory service. If your car can
be found, we can find It.
C. J. Gwaltney. Jack Carter.
44 American Bank Bids.
Both Phones 707.
Iron and Steel Bars, Tanks, Wlree
t Fencing, Railway and Mill Sup"llea
Pidgcon-Thomas Iron Co.
H-M N Second St . Memnhla
I'honea 1600. HOI. UM,
Last Call!
Xmas Cigars
at Samelson's
Julia Marlowe
Extra and Isco
$1.00 to $10
Mr. and Mrs
Delaware street
Buffering from slight Inlurlea ami se
vere shock; as a result of a collision
early Sunday night between n Jackson
Mound ai.d a Florida street car on
Main street, near Webltef avenue
Motormnll .1. YV. Children. 7",1 Heale
avenue, and Conductor Spencer 111
Walnut street, were in rharse of the
Jackson Mound car, which had stopped
to discharge passengers, The Florida
street car. following tho other, was In
charge of Motorman A H Bynum nnd
Conductor 3. T, Kirk, ami crashed Into
lh" rear end of the car before It.
The platform of the Jackson Mound
car was smashed and the passengers in
both conveyances thrown to the floor.
Shattered glass cut several slightly.
The car crews escaped Injury. Accord.
Ing to police, Motormnn Bynum de
clares his brakes refused to work The
injured weie carried to the General
Neivs of Rivers
River Bulletin.
meridian time.
Tcnn .
at ;
:s, mi
a. in , 76th
Hood Ualn-
stase II KM. Hig. fall
Pittsburgh i'i . (i s
ParMrsburg .lit is. n
Cincinnati lo H.i - t.i
Louisville M ii,: o.s
I'vansvllle 3, 16.7 1,
Chattanooga S3 to.i M
Johnsom life a 11.8 o,g
Paducah S M.I o
Davenport is l.i m i
Kansas City 22 7.7 0 1
St. lAiuid SO f.7 0 0
Cairo 40 10. 1 i 7
Helena : 42 2:t.0 7
Koit Smith S3 10 1 S
l.lltle Hock 2.1 S.8 -.-(1.7
Sln eveport 29 ;o.rt o.l
New Orleans is 1.0 o.i
1 ere eArrow
A Real Xmas Gift
River Forecast.
The river Ittvjlie Memphis district
will rise during the next four or five
days. The maximum stage at Memphis)
will probably exceed ii -
Lilly Carriage Co.
m I SI
W0 iiiWiiii . mi
Mild Havana CIGARS
As long as men smoke, cigars will
he the eternal gift.
Give him Champ Clark mild Ha
vana Cigars, the kind you'd
like to get.
42 N. Second St.,
321 W. Second St.,
a gA ..