OCR Interpretation

The news scimitar. (Memphis, Tenn.) 1907-1926, December 23, 1918, 4th EDITION, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn98069867/1918-12-23/ed-1/seq-9/

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Thumbnail for PAGE NINE

Watch for Our
It Starts
Thursday Morning
Great Reductions In
Suits, Coats, Dresses,
Millinery, Furs Blouses
and Silk Underwear
See Wednesday's Papers for Details
for Cash
The Greatest
Values in
of Memphis
f.furtu m hoiia if ,,f me unfortunate, we
P r Mr. K K. Lee.
o are ir.. htg our check for IV1
fr the i ;.hmIi'1!os hh inir donation
for the poor Hit Ic tola for Ctihtatmas.
w .-i 1 1 k hiu aii h meir thrletnsas
an1 ,i happ now year litiiky lros.,
lik' , Somcrvllle, Trim
No Red Tape!
Reference or Investigation
That's How We Extend Credit Accommodations
Coats I Suits Dresses
25to$100 $20to$65 15to$45
Were $35 to $150 Were $30 to $100 Were $25 to $100
Furs Furs Furs
$35.00 To $150
Greatly Reduced The Most Acceptable Xmas Present
f-Jn f-Q Other articles loo Woiof o
numerous to men- " CIO L
$PT .00 in $Oft tion that she will $.00 fn $1 C
J tU A3 appreciate for her 0 tu D
Were $10 to $35 Xmas present. Were $7.50 to $20
236 S. Main, Near Linden
I At Samelson's i
Fine Cigars
Fine Tobaccos
Fine Pipes
I Fine Humidors
Fine Cigar Cases
Fine Match Cases
Fine Ash Trays
Fine Everything I
For Smokers
Read Newc Scimitar Vant3.
Ask your physician or druggist and
he will' tll yon that Ihr first step in
the treatment of a coM. cough, influ
enza or grippe should Invariably hp "r
brisk i aloniel purgative, preferably the
nauaeftJesii calomel, culler! Calofaba "
This atone is often Sufficient to break
up a severe cold over night, or cut
short an attack of grippe and pofsfbl)
pre veil t pneumonia.
One Ca lotah on the tongue at bad
time with a swallow of water that's
all. No' salts, no nausea, not the slight
est Interference with your eating, pleas
ures or work. Next morning your cold
has vanished and your en t ire system
is purified and refreshed. CatOtabS Hie
sold only in origina I Staled packages ;
price thirty-five cents Recommended
and guaranteed by druggists every
where. Price refunded if you are not
delighted adv
NEWPORT NEWS. Vs.. lice. 2.1
After having received a wound in tlio
hip While flKhtinK In the Araonne see
tor, Lieut. U V. Humes, of Minneap
olis, Minn . once more proved himself
a lif ro when lie latped from the deck
of the r. s. transport . eiandi . yes,
tenia; anil rescued Private Birch, of
the fortieth anrlnacrs, lufferlni from
shell Hh. k. wi n hint cot overboard. The
transport arrived here Saturday nlfhi
Get Rid of That
Persistent Cough
Stop that Weaktitng, persistent cough
or ('old. threatening throat or lung af
fections, with BckmanSj Alterative, the
tonic and uphutloVr of L'" years' success
ful use. 8(c and $1 fin bottles from
drUggtSl s. or from
EC KM AN LABORATORY, Philadelphia.
Read News Scimitar Wants.
cm if. ...
Wilson Impresses Italian Of
ficials With Earnest Desire
to See Justice Done and
Thus Secures Their Aid.
The New, Scimitar's Special Corre
spondent. (Special cable dispatch to The Mem
phis News Scimitar.)
PARIS, l"ec. "Ji PreBlil.nl Wilson
has Impressed lremler Orlando and
Heron Sonnlno. the foreign minister of
ltalv, with his earnest desire to see
thai Justice Is done in the settlement
of all problems concerned with peace,
and one of the result of his confer
ence wRh them is a feeling- of confi
dence that Italy will work very cloaa
lv with the r tilted Stales to see that
the 14 points are realized questions
of territory were not discussed at the
meeting, but only general principles
were mentioned to which both the Ital
ian premier and Haron Sonnlno ex
pressed their adherence.
it is evident Jhai Mr. Wilson Is en
deavoring to create an ei a of good
feeling among statesmen upon Wltoin
the responsibility for negotiations will
rest. It is alreadv noticeable as a re
sult of hie conferences with Premier
rienienceau thai In quarters where a
week ago apprehension and potential
hostility existed, the feeling Is now one
of onrdlalltv and sympathy for the
American point of view. It would not
be surprising if Premier Clemen, can
and Mr Wilson developed a close
friendship enabling thom to examine
all problems In a spirit of mutual con
fidence Mr. Wilsons references to Premier
Lloyd (leorfe in making, his visit 10
England, is a courtesy that ought to
Impress British statesmen with the de
sire of the president ti get in closer
contact with them, ho that English
speaking peoples may gle then early
support to the fundamentals of s last
ing peace Tho conference of Mr. Wil
son with Premier Orlando and Baron
Sonnlno was attended by t'ount Maecht
di Cellare, li.illan ambassador to Amer
ica, who acted as interpreter. The idea
of a league of nations was discussed
and generally the principles which
ought to govern in the treatment of
oppressed nationalities and struggling
raroj In central Kurone. The Italians
left greatly impressed with the sense
of Justice " manifested by Mr. Wilson,
and while they projected a detailed so
lution ol the much mooted Italian fron
tier, Italian public opinion Is so strong
ly In Mr. Wilsons favor that whatever
program he proposes Is likely to be
supported by the Italian populace.
Winning Confidence.
The Italians claim that the treaties
of London drew a line which was the
result of a compromise with ltitsslr,,
whnh then represented the Slavic in
terests, and was made wnn me ex
pectation thai some dav there would
be a revolt against the Hapsburga
which would require an outlet to lbs
sea for the Jugo-Slavs The Italians
declare that the latter have sufficient
,uil let to the Adriatic In Fiums nnd
that giving Flume, which is historically
an Italian city, was a concession marie
in the interest of Mr. W ilson's principle
Of giving access to the sea to small
nations Knghinri and l-Vance are both
pledged to give Italy the line In ques
tion, and there is little likelihood that
Mr Wilson will insisi on much change,
though Italians say they are willing to
discuss with him a rectification of the
frontier and leave it to him to recon
cile the conflicting aspirations of the
Jugo-Slavs and Italy
Tins is bill another evidence of the
Immense power of President Wilson as
an arbiter, due to the fact that ho has
Impressed the musses with liis sense of
justice. The Italian government was
very anxious to cement friendly rela -lions
with America and will undoubtedly
follow the American program Willi re
spect to freedom of the seas and a
league of nations. The Italians are
eager to have Mr. Wilson visit iheir
Country. His plans nre somewhal dis
arranged owing to tho promised visit
lo Kngland at the end of this month,
hul he is likely to go to Home after
ward, and so utilise the next fort nigh I
in visits of courtesy.
The prealdenl had believed it possi
ble to get down to business first and
ili, a little sight seeing later, but the
unreadiness of the lingllsh lo receive
him because of the electoral campaign
in which the otes will nol he counted
until Dec. 2Si has caused him i"
change his plans Thus far there has
been progress toward making peace
tangibly secure, but it can be said
that Mr Wilson's efforts to impress
European statesmen that his position
is not one of dictation, is succeeding in
winning ihelr confidence and co-operation
It rttav be said that the Informal
conferences have begun auspiciously,
and in a mood that means thai the
United states and the allies are deter
mined 10 reach an sgraamenl among
themselves by practical compromises
so Hint when Oermany is admitted i"
the conferences no doubt will exist
anywhere as to the terms which ought
to be Imposed in order to guar. mice a
lasting peace.
(Copyright, mi, hy the New lork Eve
ning Post.)
To Goodfellows
Kive large turkes, whhii Peter Pa-xt-
ilt 4ii North Waldrau houlevnrd
was saving for a YnVt id feast, wti
rrooaMv grai' someone else's tabic,
for thej were mi suing Miutit Pagella
reported to polue ihey were stolen from
hie yard during the niifhi
flustneai Cullege, 292 Mad lion Arm.
Jlmh AUu g( Mamyhis About it
want to help
ther child who
A P. A H, M ,
I take pleasure in Inclosing my rherk
for S- as ;i contrihutlon to the Good
fellows fund. Your cause in a worthy
one, ant! I trust this small donation will
assist m the gladdening of hearts lhai
ol herWlse might remain sad at i his
time - Mrs, I. M. N.
Please find Inclosed clerk for Sr,00
for which allow me a membership tu
vour most worthy order. Wishing the
kiddles and Goodfellowi a grand anil
glorious Christmas. -,). A. II , MHUng
ton. I want to be a member of your club.
I am sending you a nollai t ha I my
an u lie gave me lo shop -, il h and I
want to give It to the little children
for a merrv 'h flit mas and a happy
New Year. V. H. K,
i am sending this in memory of my
rial ling baby, Milton a Wilder, h tin
died Dot. 21. May II make sonic baby
happy I'hiiatmas morning. 1 think 'u
are doing a noble worn Mrs. H K.I
V.. Crawfordsvllle, Ark.
Kind Incloaed our daddy's check fur
i an HiLiita i'Iriik han always Imcii I
ho good tu us and w
him to rememher some
lias no father or mothM
Love, HUH,
Inclosed find check Mr $1.00 tc. help
in your good work. Wv lcpe you ni iy
have enough in the rim m help every
unfortunate hlld that they may have
a happy time on CUflatmaS Yours for
the Utile fellows. MT nnd Mrs. A A,
A. and son. Ilakory Flat, Miss
lisil .1
I am Inclosing check for 8.oo, which
Utile amount I hope may give some
dear litile follow a happy ChriHtmaa,
I lout my own dear Utile girls Jn.-l be
fore Christmas, li'U. and while il is
a sad time of the year to no 1 find I
can only be nappy In frying to make
others happy May God bless you hi
your good work Mrs 'I P M., liiight-
on, Tenn
I send you this one dollar of my own
money I made a Utile crop "f my own
I am H) years old 1 have a mamma
and papa to make me happy Christ
mas. W. v. , lake Cormorant, Miss
MM .
We have read with much interest Ihe
Ooodteliows' oanipalgrt, mn note with
regret thai many people seem wl ling
to give. DUt excuse themselves hy being
skeptica' that the subscriptions are
gotten hy letters of original appeal,
hence, we are Inclosing you a latter
which WAS received hy Us this tnuru
Ingj and our reply therein, which iw
Helf-exdanator .
Baltevins this will reach you In time
to soften the heart of someone not yet
a enntrihutor. you msy use all or any
portion of either his leiter or our reply,
omitting our name or nor. nisi as ymir
Judgment dictates for heat results tn
securing addtttonal funds, returning ihe
letter- to us after perusal. Postage fur
return incloKed With beat Wishes to
you and all workers, for your generoua
Fancy Dry Pick Hen Tur
cv. 45c lb.
Also lots of fine dresseil
geese anil hens.
Oysters, Celery. Lettuce.
Cranberries, Fancy Cut& of
all kinds of Meats.
Wishing you a Merry
Christmas and a Happy New
() North Main
PHONE 5017
at Big Savings
Onulnn Pink s " 1 ' " , '
l.m mm fi.,,11 Brooch, with
Brooch - i, in n fsnulno V 1 " h
snermved and '8 nlV' ,n"
Ijarsnr sins
,rn,l ,,. Illlll siio
at 5.oo cial value 7.50
inners ,j j" itiui
$Ii ni'
IT.r.O anil (
Oold K ii I f .
I'lialn. very
Others 11.60.
and 5 in OH.
Solid Uold l.i
yslllers, son
u t n o iliainunii
mi fviliii irnlil
Inch ,'luiln.
and nM,-lal
Milu,. M .00
j: 60
Others at
JT It hihI HO
Clenums i.a rosea Pearl Nrrklaot
with Solid Qaid t'.asp; speuUi
vjiluw &.00
Others 11". and
Main and Jefferson
Colda nnd Cough Are Quickly
Relieved by Dr. King's
New Discovery.
Nohody should feel "parfeeilv mla
from ;i cold, rough 01 bronchial
attack fof very long, Por ii taken only
h little while In relieve It and hack
'ii the ftiad to ret -over v u hpn 1 r
Kihga Naw DlafOVery In FalUifuIly
ueea. It soon looeenn iti phlegm, re
lievee trfltatlon, aootheM the puruhad,
t hrowt . brltiga eomfort
Half a century oui and more popular
today Lhan a i all druggiel. Bf',-
and lyn.
Make Your Bowels Behave
MHk- them function with gratifying
pi M initio. it rogulatton of tin dial
(iocH not relieve 'hfir torpidity, Dr
Ktng'B Kew Ufa Pllta will. They ai
perieot bowi. l Uuinci, t'leunee ihe aya
Uai aurely, oomlorlabijr. --u adv
I nltisl State-s ood Administration Mcene No.
5 2SaEE
We Have Everything You Need
to Make It a Success
We will, however, have to ask you to place your orders at once for
Monday or Tuesday delivery, as our entire store, including the
cafe, will be closed all day Christmas. The housewife who
will spend half an hour here will be able to make
the dinner of the year a full success
From Missouri Wheat Fed
UrcsNetl hiuI Drawn,
llomls mid Feel Off.
50c lb.
These I'urkeys arc young and tender, direct from
Ihr wheat hcliU ol Missouri. The arc superior
I'urkeys, are drawn and lullv dressed no head or
lect tu pay for, We have onl) 150. You must
order at once (No orders accepted for out-of
tow ii shipment )
" "
Fresh Vegetables
lreah Tomatoes
Head letture
i 'altfornln i 'elery
Kgg Plant
Muatara Tui mps
t 'abhage
Pepperi Radlvhei
Kt .. Ktc., Ktr
Orders for vegetuhlei can
dallvered either Monday
Tueadas . bj you v lelt.
Wa have about the flneet
Qrape Krull ytu ever ate the
thlo p l it'll, heavy, juicy kino.
Two elsea, 10c and 15c each.
"Golden Harvest1'
Fruit Cake
(Otir Own Make,)
Th1i, iin you may know. U a
Mcu cake which we oiako in
our own bakery, using finest In
gradltents it t the aame high
(llflllt KM 111 i, , mi o'o-!llV
And really h areat deal cheaper
than von could make its equal
Ht home! In C and !t-lh. SllM
(In tin boxes) lit 80c per pound.
Figs Dates
Our nsusl chnlee assortment
ii t prices considered very rfn -
houhMo thfpe dayi. Tin hul'. 1
arc :
I iromedarj " Dates. .. . SOe pkq.
Pulled. Washed Pigs, in Jars,
40c, 60c. 65c ar.
paokagei 2H Inch Bnread
Preaeed Klga 80c pkq.
Cakes Pies
(From Our Own Bakery )
V nfi a fine line "f Bakery
Goods prepared especially for
the big das The fact thsi our
prt'8 and cakes are so food snn
cof ' you 1MB than yon i an
!iihUp them for ni home HhnnM
nppaal to ail hut lo hf sure
that foi net what you want,
you'd iisttrr call in person .ii"l
tako them home
I, urge Invar cakes, chocolate,
white, caramel and cocoa nut,
Angel Pood oakea, old- f, indiums!
dike, ah manner of
cakesi such ss fruit
macaroons, hoh fingers,
Will Be
All Day
Ami positively no
tlrllvcHox made
I lnil iIhv.
sins II
nut, appls,
plrH lllllli r, rnroH .
Mince Meat
"Almors's" Minos MprI
i lonst i . pnnii!
"Atmors's" F -1 1- . pall,
"( lorrlon
. . BSc
Monda) hiuI
TtiPSt1y Only
8 p.m.
A 1 1 rtflllverles
matl mi M i 1 1 1 1 .
miti Tutttday.
Una, sstih
Mi, tin, ssrh
2 Hi. kIhsn Inrs.
R l tllwnrl h's" brs nfi
Oiliest nf nil i
Quart nrs, $146; i-KSllnn
larji, $2.65 es, h
Oranges and Apples
Hlorlils tirnnues sre extra
pnoit thin !i("anon hiuI wi I'nve
tliein In IsrffA asd iiieitiiini
slzeii A full line nf fanry
fbOssdl Spples, sucH an
Hlsike's Oslli'tntis, Winter Ha
lianas. Arksnsai BlsrkS, Wine
Hsps, Newtmis, Pippins
Wine SapH, by tlift bn,
par liny $4,00
Kan, v York Imperials, psr
how $3.75
By t lie harrel or looss by the
pmniil. 8c poii ii.l
Mtlags. 50c lb . Emperor, 40c
(California Paars snd Casaha
I.Hdien who wish I" lie sure
Hie ilgnrs tliev "en,l us lfti
will nol bs lauaiieii at should
confsr wltii Mi t l, Camp,
manacer of our cliar depart
input lie can advise and hiik
SSl IliHIiy glfta
( To ( (rUcr. )
$1.00 to $10
Beautiful b n r
kets. some niailo
In Japan. Place
urder now.
A real, lure
enough fine Cl
ear, favorably
k nOWfl to tiph r
ly all Memphis'
i mtnatlng
smokers, Boxes
of 25 an. I SO. Ask
atxiut thin brand.
(Cigars ma) he
c harsed on ari
rery account.
Jones' Farm
For Your Xmas Breakfast.
Nothing finer to atari the dajr
than breakfast of this wonder
ful eauaajte We k i it ilireci
from the maker, Mr Mllo c
.lonea, who hun ilalry
farm neur Knri Atkinson, Win
Mr Joni H raises young pinn es
pecial!) fur eauaage maauttsi
Htnl Itti'i's Kunu Sausage Is
known s the Lent tu the whole
world. Price high us i the
tmallt y
IjOoso, 55c lb.; link, 60c h,
Grape Juice
Looks IlkS , liainii'llliv hub
hles lllie 1 1 wi 1 1 1 1 acrne aliil iilniost
tasleM lil.e II, Served III ths
world'a rim hi rsatuui'sits and
i nnstdarsd i he inwt wtu -i in
grape Inlce Get tho genum i!
mi watlt tile lies! lie Mtll'e u
ia "Thannette."
Quarts $t 00; pint!.. S0c;
H -pints, 30c.
Wo hnva tho "KenHlell" Pure
Ai'pl Older. It sure la good,
too made of selfleted a p plea,
nol of windfalls and t iiIIm in
gnllmt piws, Oc. wllh ITn re
f n ml w hen Jug Is rel urnad,
Plum Pudding
tMii'lstniHS dinner ulll ear-
Inlnli nol In nplfle without
Plum Ptid.lius;. Sni ,t your
(taenia may prefoi Mini') pie,
lull all Hill like Hie PlIilUllii,,
The followina branils which ws
"tf.'l haVS atoial the teal ,,f
years with our partleulnr trade,
ami we l ei-miiinoml llunn as lie
UiK Hi" beet:
"Hot-don A I Ullworth" brand,
l-lh 45o
"i lurdon & I Ullworth" brand,
2 lbs goc
"i lordnn fi 1 1 1 1 wi ii I h" in and,
tt Urn $1.00
Individual Plum Puddings,
earll 25c
lleli'7., medium mki' earh ..50c
lleln, Int'if,' lz,.. eai Ii 85c
Genuine hume-tniule lingllsh
Plum Puddltia in easnerules,
lilitda i'V an Hlngllsh wntuan
from an old I'nitlisb recipe:
I h size. 75r; I-lb, size.
$1.50 MICll,
1 lb rni'lnns "Hun Maid"
Pluster It.ilsins .. . . J5c
S ib cartons "Sun Maid"
Cluster Ital'.lns $t.7S
ir,-nz pka;. "Sun Maid"
Heeded llalitm 18c
IR "Z pkit. Sultan Seril-
less Italslns 25c
ll-ni pUr-. HalHana Seed.
less Italslns ... 20c
Glace Fruit
rrystnlllsed Cherries (large
and haaiitlfilll, lb $1.25
i 'rvstalllxed Pineapple
Slues lb $1,25
i 'n slalllssd Anaelbiue,
lb $1.50
Nuts All Kinds
Nuts are much higher this
ae'taon. We of for vou only the
hetter klnila the new crop.
Mixed Siita kinds), Ih 40c
Ami for those who io not want
them mixed, we have:
Kngliah Walnuts, Ih 50c
Almonds, Ih 45c
pecans (.lutuho p.iper slielta),
Ih ...75c
Perana i medium wise, h 60c
Penns t smaller alaei, lt . ..sae
Bragll NiiIh, Ih 4or
Plfberta, Ih. . , 35c
"Krakanut" Crackers, ea. .$1.00
"Kqueeaair crtckem. f i.,,. 8c
" P( rfei t,ion" i rat'kers, i. . 75c
Freth and Fine.
A full Hit" of Ihe famous
"Ulatz" Caiuiics. ktniwn .1
" Yesterdaj'a," "Tomorrows" ami
"Todays." Als,.
I Hi. holies e 1 1 a fin e ( 'hwo-
latee alii P"U Dons 65c
;-lb , $1.30; H-lh . $1.95:
r,-lb., $3.25,
J. in boxes Puis Asserted Htiik
Cnndy $1.75
"Toka" Mlseil ia pure suaar
niptli 1. fur filling: stocklinti,
lb 35c
.lavs of "Bunts" t'andles,
each 50c
Ti-lb. boxes Mome-Mnde Hrokeii
Taffy $2.00

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