AGE TWELVE ft V f 1 1 fc I THE NEWS SCIMITAR. Choice ot Any Man's Suit or Overcoat in the House at 15 Off; Get One for Sunday Open Until 9:30 O'clock Saturday Nights Let Us Clean Your Gloves We Do the Work Right 75c Corset Covers 59c About fifty dozen Corset Covers, made in attrac tive styles, of good quality muslin; trimmed in lace and ribbon (no phone or mail orders; none aHtt C O. D.). Special for the White Sale, 59c each. (Third Floor.) $1.50 Muslin Gowns 98c Women's iown. i sheer muslin, in tai lored and embroidery trimmed styles; lull size, well made garments, worth $1.50; (limit 4 to a cu-tomcr; no phone or mail orders), at 98c. (Third Floor.) -3L4m. n HEHPHIS6REATESTST0IIEVJ 1 lr M 1 JLl M For Every Woman and Miss Who Wants Clever Style, Fine Quality, Superior Value Who Really Wants to Save Mqney This Is Coat Day in Our January Clearing Sale Hundreds of the Season's Finest and Smartest Coats On Sale Now at Half and Near Half Price Dashing Hats for Earl)) Spring htartng tkt precwus stamf of Individuality Thy radiate Styk-Charm. these new hats: of haircloth, aoid or oombintd with Duvetyn; of satin with wisp of straw; of faille ribbon in delightful styles; of satin lavished wish calophane and many other now modes. Ypu swot too thorn Tomorrow $7.50 - $10 $12.50 $34.75 to $49-50 Juniors' Coats at $17.50 to $25 No young MttM with a coat need ran afford to miss thin sale, for here are stunning, up-to-date coats at Just half original price. Rack after rack of the finest of this season's garments, well tailored of such popular materials as sllvertones, bollvias, wool velours, and novelty mixtures. In plain and fur trimmed styles, many of them lined with fancy aliks; coats that sold at (34.70 to HMO, marked down for this sale to $17.50 to $25.00 each $7.98 to $14.75 Waists at $5.95 Here Is an offering of waists that will bring Crowds of wise shippers to our Third Floor. BlDUM Shop, Satur day morning. A sal. that embrace some of the most handsome waists at half and less than half price. Developed in very attractive Mvlea, of fine georgette crepe, n plain tailor ed and real laee trimmed effects some of them with elalxirate dcsirns of silk and wool embroidery, and beads waists that sold at J7.S8 to in ;.. re duced for this sale to 15.95. Brassieres BRASSIERES, made of good quality muslin; hook front and back fastening styles: trimmed with pretty lace and embroidery; all sites; 58c each Here's a List of Victor Records , That's Just Simply GREAT! II Want a Daddy Who Will Rock Ms to Sleep Medley Koxl Trot All Star Trio S5C All the Quakers Are Shoulder Shakers Medley Fox Trot AU SUr Trio J I The Vamp Fox Trot Jos. C. Smith's Orchestra 1 U594 0 f5c I Tell Me Fox Trot Jos. C. Smith's Orchestra J Beautiful Ohio Waltz -.Waldorf Astoria Dance Orchestra) 19526 85c Till We Meet Again Waldorf Astoria Dance Orchestra J II Know What it Means to Be Lonesome-Henry Burr ) 18538 1 85c I Don't Cry, Frenchy, Don't Cry Chas. Hart Elliot Shaw J I When the Preacher Makes You Mine Adele Rowland 1 18621 85c I Granny Adele Rowland ) I Yellow Dog Blues Jos. C. Smith's Orchestra 1 18618! l83c I Tulip Time Medley Fox Trot Jos. C. Smith's Orchestra I Mandy Medley Fox Trot Selvln's Novelty Orchestra 19914 85c i Novelty One Step Selvln's Novelty Orchestra Wonderful Pal - Sterling Trio 1 18631 J There's a Lot of Blue-Eyed Marys Down In Maryland 85c , Shannon Four J ( Canary Medley Fox TrotJos. C. Smith's Orchestra 19541 The Royal Vagabond Medley Fox Trot 85c Jos. C. Smith's Orchestra l Oh! What a Pal Ws Mary Medley Waltz Jos. C. Smith'. Orchestra 18630 1 85c Nobody Knows Medley One-Step Jos. C. Smith's Orchestra I I And He'd Say O.-Ls-La Wee-Wee-Medley One-Step 1 1tafJ Pletro85c My Baby's Arm Medley Fox Trot Pietro J Till You Get Them Up In the Air, Boys Hilly Murray") 18628 5C Fioatln' Down to Cotton Town American Quartet You Didn't Want Me When You Had Ma Henry Burr 18620 i i5c I I Am Climbing Mountains Albert Campbell Henry Burr I ! I Might Be Your "Once-ln-a-Whlle'' Medley Fox Trot 19629 J Jos. C. Smith's Orchestra ! 85c I Patches Fox Trot Jos. C. Smlth'B Orchestra Sand Dunes One-Step Nicholas Orlando's Orchestra 18536 , Arabian Nights One-Step ! 85c Waldorf Astoria Dance Orchestra J Women's Very Finest $15 Kid Boots Clearing Sale At $g.85 aPr. A great clearing sale, involving hundreds of pairs of wom en's high-grade shoes at a price that doesn't begin to repre sent cost of replacement. Kvery pair of Bhoes in this offering is NEW this season's choicest and smartest styles -and there's a great variety to choose from. Patent leather, with dull mat kid. field mouse or gray kid tops all-over gray Kids, bronze and champagne kids, brown and black kids and any number of other smart styles in lace and button models, with turn or welt soles, l.onis or Cuban heels; all this season's makes and models; finest f 15.00 shoes at $6.85 per pair. (Main Floor.) The Basement Clearing Sales Saturday will be a big day in Goldsmith's Basement. All odd lots and broken lines ol desirabli merchandise are to be disposed t at greatly re duced Clearing Sale prices. You can save a lot of money here Saturday. Men's Good Shirts That Sold Up to $3.50 4 On Sale $ Saturday 1 .98 Broken inns and shutiy soiled piece of such good makes as ' Arrow' and Manhattan" in Ul'j and IT; small sizes in other good makes; this is a good lot of shirts, formerly gold at 3 50, priced for this Hiisement Clearing Salt at $1.98 each. SILK FRONT SHIRTS in attractive patterns with percale backs of same design and color; sizes 14, Mft, 15, 1 1 3 only; shirts that sold at $H.;t9, priced lor this sale at $1.75. (Basement.) BOYS' AND GIRLS' SWEAT ERS, with large roll collar and two pockets; light gray and dark colore; regular SI .50 Sweaters on wile at . . 98c MEN'S HEAVY COTTON SWEATERS, with collar and two pockets; light and dark gray; all siies: 11.79 and $2 00 values, to clear t OQ them nut Ii9 BOYS' SHIRTS AND BLOUSES made of Rood (trade percales and madras In plain w hite and neat stripe effects; 7.V, $1 00 values, priced QQn uuv and $1. for this sllle at. SPECIAL LOT OF BOYS' school pants, strongly made of good sturdy materials in dark colors; worth UP to $2.00 and $ 25, reduced for this Clearing- QQ Sate to l.00 $3.00 Gingham Dresses At $1 Think of it! Women's good gingham dresses, well made of splendid grade gingham in sizes 36 to 38 only; dresses that we sell regularly at $3.00 and $3.50, for this sale, while twenty last. $1.00 each. WOMEN'S BLUE SERGE MID. DY BLOUSES, made of good quality blue serge. trimmed with white braid; garments sold formerly at 13.00, reduced for this Clearing Sale to SI -69. ALL OUR $2.25 AND $2.50 outing gowns marked down to Il l's. These women's gowns are full made Of good grade outing flannel In neat blue and pink stripe effects; formerly priced at $2.25 and $2.50; for Saturday $1.98. BIG SPECIAL LOT OF CHIL DREN'S WOOL SCARFS that sold at He, 75c, and $1 no each; to close them out, Sat urday, 29c each. Immense Special Purchases and Our Entire Regular Stock. More Coats Than We Have Had at Any One Time This Season and GREATER SAVINGS! V A special feature of our January clearing sale for Saturday. An offering of wom en's ultra-fashionable coats marked at savings that are more than sensational I Even at their regular prices these coats would be remarkable values, and at the clearing sale prices they will prove unmatchable. This is unquestionably the greatest sale event ever held in this city, offering choice of the finest, most up-to-date coats at the most radical reductions. Every garment in this great clearing sale is beautifully tailored and fashioned in the newest effects of the seasons choicest weaves, and shown in all the successful winter shades. Each coat is lined and interlined. All marked at half and near half price. . i $75 and $85 Coats $ ttQ Handsomest Garments Reduced to f In this group you will find some of the finest garments sold this season, developed in the latest styles of silver tip velour, polo cloth, crystal bohvia, silvertone and tin seltone, in all fashionable colorings, with choker or shawl collars of Australian opos sum, seal, coney, nutria, etc. Lined with fancy silks, most of them with interlining. Without a doubt the most remarkable buying opportunity ever offered the women ot this city. Coats marked to sell at $75.00 and $85.00, reduced to $59.00 each. $65 to $75 Coats SQQ.95 and You'll Never Buy Them Again at VaJ Surely no woman will miss a chance like this. Stunning up-to-date coats, in plain and fur trimmed models, fashioned in the most popular styles of the season's most popu lar materials, including silvertones, polo cloths, velours and bolivias. Think of itl Coats that sold at $65.00 to $75.00 marked down to $38.95 each. Superb $45 Coats $ 9.95 Finest Materials Finely Tailored ni J Another wonderful lot of coats, embracing some very handsome models, of silver tones, velours and broadcolths, in all wanted winter shades. Developed in the newest effects, with large shawl collars of self-materials and imitation fur collars; lined with good heavy materials, some of them interlined; exceptional 45.50 coats, reduced to $23.95 each. All our higher priced coats marked at greatly reduced prices January Clearing Sale Women's and Misses' Good Sweaters at Yz Price This is YOUR chance to save big money on your winter sweater. Buy uow and for future needs, for this is an offering that will not be repeated again in years. Kvery woman's and child's sweater in our great, stock sacrificed at exactly one-half former selling prices. This is fust such a sate that many a wise woman has been waiting for a sale that embraces every new, de sirable and stylish sweater in our vast stock Wool Sweaters. Silk Sweaters, Fiber Silk Sweaters, Zephyr Sweaters and Novelties In scores of attractive styles, including the popu lar slip-over, ripple-bottom and coat effects; shown In al wanted dark col orings, also rose, copen, salmon and fancy harmonizing colors. January Clearing Sale of Boys' Winter Clothes Offering Unusual Money -Saving Chances , Seldom, if ever, parents are offered such savings on boys' clothes and every suit here is of the sturdy, durable kind that real boys must have they possess that refinement and style that is characteristic of clothes that come from this store, and at the same time are built to stand the tussels and romps that boys generally give their clothes. $18.00 Blue Worsted Suits -AU-Wool-At $12.75 All-wool worsted cheviot; the season's very newest models; this line of suits has been our most popular seller. Fabrics and styles are very desirable for any season; regular $18.00 value Clearing Sale price, $12.75 each. $7.50 and $10.00 Suits On Sale Saturday, $5.95 Boys' $7.50 and $10.00 suite; these are extra good school suits for the boys, for they are the kind that will stand the hardest wear; full-lined knickers; ages from 7 to 17 years; our regular $7.50 and $10.00 values; Clearing Sale price, $5.95 each Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any $ 4.98 $ 5.98 $ 6.75 $ 7.98 $ 8.75 $ 9.75 $10.75 $12.50 $14.75 $16.50 $18.75 $19.75 $22.50 $24.75 $29.75 Sweater in Sweater in Sweater in Sweater in Sweater In Sweater in Sweater in Sweater in Sweater in Sweater in Sweater in Sweater in Sweater in Sweater in Sweater in stock stock stock stock stock stock stock stock stock stock stock stock stock stock stock at $ 2.50 3.00 3.40 4.00 4.40 4.85 5.40 6.25 7.40 8.25 9.40 9.85 at $11.25 at $12.40 at $14.85 JUVENILE SUITS, for the smaller boys, mtula of blue serge and chevolts In nov elty styles and with strait leu pacts; these aro exeep tlunully (rood suits; sizes 3 to 8 vent-a; our regular $7.50 to $10.00 values; Clearing Kale $5.95. JUVENILE OVERCOATS, good warm coats that pro tect the little, fellows from the cold wind. and rain, just the coats that moth ers will appreciate because of their excellent wearing qualities and good looking appearance; our regular $f.f.n to $10.00 values. $4.95. Slues 3 to 8 years. BOYS' SNAPPY NORFORK SUITS, the very newest thing In clothes for tho older huskies, made of all wool materials In pretty patterns, any boy will ap preciate wearing one of these fine suits; they are our regular $18.00 values; Clearing Sale price $14.75. BOYS' $15.00 OVERCOATS, these are exceptionally good coats; tor boys up to 10 years; O. D. and Meltotv fancy mixtures; OUTING PAJAMAS Made of good grade outing with silk frog trimmings; our regular $2.00 value, special ly priced for this sale $1.59. Clearing Sale price $9.75. BOYS' HATS Priced from $1.00 to $2.00; two big ta bles full to choose from; plushes, velvets and fa mixtures; they are special ly priced for the Clearing Sale at 50c each. BOYS' SWEATERS. In pull over or ooat styles. In plain or fancv colors, -made of rood heavy warm materi als; regular $7.50 sweaters, special for the Clearing Sale $4.95. PULL-OVER SWEATERS, in plain and fancy color com binations; sizes 26 to 34 chest measure; they are priced 11.95.