Newspaper Page Text
ixFCt "-:'." - isrw ;Tf'ry - - - - ' fnnlW ?-v . Ttirn tt kwy -h . ,M ' qr - -y-iqpip- F "! 7-r -jyj-T- . t V VI P r uaanesn 1?HE DArLY BEE. uinrAKD nosEWATnit, IMItor mill Prop'r. fa ,I81 in liRiiial.. M. Nlnlli and Tenth in' copy, one year In advance, ,..,."00 ix months " a it, " week " is OMAHA BUSINESS DIRECTORY, AilL,!,' Sliittilnl. llllADV A Mc Al'SLAND, (! .in,l 3.H Four Krnili lri(ji. Jjrvuil Hiiticr. JOHN II. LT.CK. Hiker an.l (leuoral Deal rut Hour and l'rovliloin Mxtcenth street, lelweeii dililurnla onl Wlnler. ttootn ami .Shorn. V. If WIIH'NCY ItjuH and Hhooi, S19 DiiiMlai Street. Hull hnt'N. WILLIAM KIll'I.L, r-hlc.j slroet tH!twen Twelfth ami Thirteenth. Jjf'.TK lUCKSrON.t IIIIO?., Nlnlli street, bctwivn Jackson ami Jones. Jy!17lf JACOIt I'UUKMAN. Pacific- Mit Market, torm-r Ninth an I Icivunwortli street. Content In0try. I'KANIC I.. SIcDONALD, dealer In Gmfi-o llonery, l'riilt, Groceries and Poultry. Corner Tenth and l'Uriili.ini. I.iniilios proi.ircl to or ilcr (or IniTcllora. J yi It f Urt"KiiiitUri, MILS. SMITH. Twelfth stroct.het. Tarnliain Jfttriify, c-nnt itit. JylCll J, A UOi:i)i:il. Iru,sslst, turner 12th ami llnilny streets. Ire Cream mill Soilu Wilier. ANIll'.l'.W IIKNDUICK9. Ico Cream ami Soji Water, North1ia.1t corner of Ninth mill Harney ' Jjrlttlm IliMiirauro Aiicntx. ritr.Srit . Ml-KOON. rirti ami Accident nxnniiitu Ai;nts, out tlio I'ost offlcc. JllwllCO Of CIlO l'oltt'ft. JOHN W. IiYTM:. .IiiMlcn ol tlio IVaco. 'IfllcooVLr I'lrst Nation il Rink. LnuuiliT OMAHA Sl'liAM LAUNDRY. Corner of I wcnly-llrsl and Izard streets. Ordor sluto at Cnllfornli Wln-MIotiijMny. 1'iiivii ItruKur. M. Nn. vi'JO Iirnlnm street Omaha, Nehra'ka. r.tiiifcri. JIM. N. MUltl'IIY, N. W. Cor. IMIi una Dodgu streets. Paint, OIN nml Ulaai. 11IIAPY A MeAU.lLAND, mi ami 033, Tour, tccnlli street. jy20tl Sulnoii. " DUI'KY'S." o; lltli street, icttrceii Turn- lian and Harney. )y2mil Soap I'ae.torr. l'i:i:MIIJM SOAP WOUKS. Powell Co., till tliolr ielelir.ite.1 ' r inluni -Joap. l'lvo llrHliromiuiin awarilfl liT Douk t:n county ami Statu Fairs, mil Pottawattaiulo Comity, Iowa. OrJers solklleJ (rum tlio trailo. Niidn Wntcr MiitiurnctiircrM. (I. HIMMItOD . CO., Mineral ami S0J.1 W 'or. Healer tn Cl.ler ninl llotlleil Welti Heer. Lock Hot W7. Oiuulm Steiiill niiiiiurnciory, Ko.UOO I'uriihnnt street J. II. l'lerte, iirnprl Uir. Onleis taken fur Seals, Proe?, Stamps, lljjppjja ami Key Cliecki. fctenclls tut wttli lien iiiukliii; a letter nt 0110 Wow. BARGAINS IN GLOTHIM! AT UNl'linCKDKN n:iLY LOW Pl'.ICT.S To Close Out Wmsi Stocli. BEE BY'S, Cor. tJJlli mul Dongliis, Omab.3., Tob. Jan7-'7a-ulf GLAMK. &, rilENGH, WHOLESALE GROCERS ANI COMMISSION MGKCHANTd. all oKDSin rnou the country JICwII JAMES SMITH, WlwL'Mlo ami Uelall Dealer ln2aixJ MILLINERY, Fancy Ian Dro33 Good3.3a ALSO' HAIR (JOOI)S ;AXI .ir.WEI.UY, i3No. 252 Farnham stroot, (Oppolto (I ran.l Central Hotel,) ya OMAHA NEBRASKA. ctSl:lmrt3 G-ISH c JACOBS r. s" 3 n u r M tl 5 tJ a ei UNDEUTAKEBS1 augtl TIYOLI Saloon and Itostaurant, 00R. KIKTH AND FABNIIAM BTS I'llKli. Wlliril, - Proprietor L'ONCIMIT Riven liy Prof. Sclirnoler ami tlio nowOHCHianilO.V, DAY ami NMJIir. liTThe Orolifstrloii Isnnoof tlio largest In tlio worM, nn I plays 7) of the nowest anUbest iiiikIc pieces. AUMISSIO.V, I'llKK! ilrcS-ly Qtii fiO A lHr ''' Agents wnutiil I Alt fJtllVfjliwV claues of working people, o either sox, yuung or ohl, make more uiouoy al work for us In their spare moments, or all th Hme, than at anytlilii'i else, Ail.lre.s II' Slliuoii A Co., Portlatiil, Maine. nov&-ly JOHN BURKE, 209 FAHNHAM STRECT, lletween l.Uli rml IStli, Stationery, Trayer Hook., Wall PuiKr. IlleclJIfl lllblefs Diaries, Fancy Goatln, Vol. II. KIIATRHMTV IllltKCTOHV. Mittonlt. ..i1l,VXl IIOYAL AHCH niAITKU OP N .IUAShA-M.i;.Or?i.JIIlKl, Priest, Hot !,rl lV,hlr,l".",'jn'.ll"l,,l""",S N. Deputy ilran.1 1IM, Pflwt, llouwl W. Fiirnaj, liriwn. Omaha: L. tiranil Krll, A. (I. Hasting, Lin! iLh'i!!1" Irea'urer, George IS. Draff, I.. Urniiil Socretary. (p. 11, 11, p.i Danlol II Wheeler, Plattsmouilii "rami Chaplain, Iter. J,,,1J;A'"'"'w.'ncoliij Orand lecturer, (p. 1V..V1 r.'. .J1"le'. ? 'oore, Nebraska cfly i J'.T !. ",,,n,, principal Soloiirncr, Tina. A. ( relgli, llrownvllle j (Jraml Itoral Arch Cnplalnl J. I . Ileuaril, Lincoln ;(lraml Master, Kl Vail, J."1?." .!5dt e'""k City i Grand Master, U .' ?"j. '."' " "oiren. Omahaj Grand Master, lit till, Geo. II. Thnminel, Grand Maml ; Grand Steward, S. 1 V. Ward, Teeumseli j G. Miovcnioii, llelleruo; Grand Guard It. U.Jcn klnsun, Omaha. OltAND COMMANIiKUY-AIr Ilolwrt W. I, llroirnrllle, It. L. Grand Ojuiiuander. fir Tlioa. A. Crelgh, llruwiirlllo, L. Grd. live. OMAHA-CapltoI Ixxlge, Nn. :i, A. P. . A. JL, meets every Momlny oreulii);, Win. It, . j n vu , oeereiaro. COVCtlT U)D(li:,No. II, meet the second Jednelay In each month L W. Stenart lwk llox Ul.'I. ST. JOHN'S I)D0i:, No; V,, m.vts the first and third Thursdays In raeh nioutli. II. K. hrviith, Secretary. lAlltlipalnre Indira nirvt In their hall, Con llu 1 ,,rnl",m "ee'iK'tweenlSlh and OMAHA CHAlTnil, No. 1, Uoyat Arcb Mnjiis, meets the first Tuemlay In each month (icorgo V. Mayer, Secretary. MOUNT CALVAHY COMMANDItY, No. 1, Knights leinplar, meets In conclavo the first I Uurmlay In each month, at the Asylum, on I arnham street, In Pioneer lllock. hlr Thoiu aiSwolie, Recorder. OMAHA COUNCIL, No. 1, Royal and Select Masters, meets the first Friday In March, Juno, Selitctlllrfr. nn,l ll.w,..,lu. t. t..n... ft.' cordcr. I. O. ). V. iii!IIAIU). 'CAMPMIINTOF NEISKAHKA. HD.A.Ulna.M.W. Grand Patriarch j John GiuiiMn, M. i: G. If. v.. y. s. Wells,' It. W. It. Y O. J. W.; S. J. Uoodrich, It. W. O. Rep. 1-o.lRCi meeting In Omaha at Odd Fellown' Hall, Central lllock: OMAHA L0D()LNo.2.-Mcct every Frl lay evening. V. M. Matkey, N. G.j Peter Hoyer, R. Sec'y. ' ALLKMANNLN I-01)Gi:,No.8., (Ocnuan)- 11 . .. '. .. ! !"T,i,l, rt'oiu i-eyxc, Allien Aliel, 11. Sec'y. STATK. IXIDOn, No. lO.-Mectsovcry Mon day evening. Thomas Keycs, N (. J. Oi J. A.Tutker, 11. Sec'y. ' "BACON LODGE, No. 2.-Meels overy Tuesday evening. A. Rosewater, N. O.; A. Meyer, It. Sec'y. ' ' IIIMPIUtlAN KNOAMPMCNT, No. 2. Meets first and third Thursday iu each month. N. 1. Spoor, C. P.j J. A. Tucker, Scrllie. covknant unohr.i: LODGK, No. I. Meets fourth Thursday in each mouth. John Lvaus, D. M.j J. A. Tucker, Sec'y. itUTii hi:iii:kah hkoiibe lodge, No. '."7.5'l't,ts "econd Thurmlay In each month. J. Lvans, N. G.j Jtrs. T. J. Staly.-Sec'y. I'lIKAl' HORSE STARLING AXU l'KKl). Persons having Horses In the Clly can have them well tared for and fed by tlio day or i eek,at Tn-enty-Thlrd and Cumiulngs street, at tl.o following rates : One, per day, -lOcts, per rek, SJMj Two Horses, per day, 73U per week, 83 1. JanB'7a-ly Viows of Omaha AND Indian Fioturos, GO TO EA-TOlsT'S Photograph Gallery. OMAHA JEWELRY MANUFACTORY. M. J. JOHANNES, Diamond Setter and Manufacturing Jeweler. TirciitHhrco Years' Expcrlcueo In llio Finest Factories In Now York, Philadelphia, and llaltiinore. If. K. Oor. 11th ami Donghj, over UcAus-.-,,.. . .. lnil'anoSiore. 3"P. (). llox i.'U. novl'Jtf HAIlllTSONCOLB Dealer In School Furniture, Cliuruh and Rail Senthiff, OHIco'Desks, ' Miim, i'lmrlM, 4JliiIirMItlucklourN, Nlntliiff.; ami nil kinds of merchnmll no ltitn Nt, , M"eb. vai-tf. S. JACOBS, TAILOR, 190 Farnham St, Ouo door west ol Abbott's Hook Store. All kinds of Clothing mado to order. Clean ing and Itepairlngdoiieat reasonable rales Gentlcineu's i'lirnlililng Goods constantly on hand. nul-lui CHEAP HORSE-SHOEING! 91 50 rr SI'AN tor NcirMlioe,, J SO for i(- , (lnK. ANTON 8PATZ, nov7-m Harney St., bet. 1 Ith and 13th. The Central Hotel The new building at the soutluast rornerof U'avenwnrth and Tenth streets, one block north of U. P. Depot. JI7tf FRED. THUS, lTop. HAMLET ORUM. DRY GOODS, HATS, BOOTS AND 81I0EH Trom .tho ltt Factories. One Price only, torner Muth and lAfaTHiworthstrsets, Omaha auli If OMAHA DAILY Tin: new charter for Philadelphia gives the ShcrilTot the Quaker City a alary of $20,000 kt annum, but for hiilrt nil fee. Tin: Democratic Governor of Mis souri has appointed his brother-in-law an Private Secretary. Here Is liberal nepotism for you with a ven geance. The Jlrst fruits that follow the agitation of tho Postal Telegraph pchenic Is the nnnouncemedt of an early general reduction of tlio tele graphic rated. Tin: Herald Is evidently intent upon killing Ilia Honor, Mayor .Mil lard, for renomination and election. It has of htto undertaken to choke him down with praises and ilattery. Glohge Francis Train, who is sometimes n lunatic and always an Infidel, was possessed of enough henc nntl faith to invest largely In the Credit Mobilier, and earn handsome dividends. Thoro is considerable method In his madness occaionally. An act "to protect female virtue" lias been introduced iu tho Lownr llotiso of the Mksouri Legislature. It provides that any man who sc duces a woman on of mar riage shall have tho choice of hitch ing jicrmancntly or becoming nn in mate of tho State prison for a term not exceeding five years. TiiEpolittcal world Is to bo regaled at an early by an exhibition of a lively tjisslo between Governor Mc Cook, of Colorado, and certain prom inent politicians, who, wo presume, aro partly disgusted with his ml ministration of Indian iiiTtiirs, and partly jealous of his possiblo inllti- enco in tho coming Senatorial contest in case of tho admission of Colprado as n State. For tho informaMon of tho New York World and Omaha Herald we would state that tho expenses of the West Point Cadots. attendim? Pros!- dent Grant's inugural, nro to be borne by those who chose to partici pate in the ceremony. The order of Secretary Belknap is not peremptory. It simply gives permission to the Superintendent of the Academy to grant leave of absenco to nil who apply for them on this occasion. From tho Fremont Tribune of tho 17th, wo glean that tho Linwood coal discovery is fully confirmed. Boring is still progressing. At tho depth of ono hundred feet a third vein, esti mated to bo ovor four feet thick, had been struck. This coal is said to be of a very fino quality. A shaft is also being sunk by steam iwwer, and wo anticipate thatall doubts concern ing this important discovery will be solved within a few weeks. A rimrioN numerously signed has been forwardod to Washington by tho workingmen of Boston against the proposed iucrcaso of tho Piesi tlcnt'i salary to 50,000. Tho peti tioners arguo that wages aro always lowest in those localities whero the govcmmetal or official, salaries are highest. Although wo cannot com prehend tho logic of this theory, wo should prefer to have Congress refrain from changing tho Presodcntial salaries at present. Our reverend contemporary, the llcpublican, throws n back-handed slur nt General Thayer iu its yester day's issue, by berating tho Herald for attemptingto defend tho General against charges of corruption. The articloln question winds up by de claring that "tho General has gone Fast, and will probably attend to his own nfi'airs; but what C. S. Bushnell swears to will befound very nearly right." What a pity as much cannot bo said for what Oeorgo Washington Secondus swears to. AND NebraskaLa n'dis ron HALE 1IY the: Biii'lliitoii & Mo. Hirer R. it. Mf.MOXS OF ACMCS. 0a Ten Yeirs Credit at Eli Per Out. Iutcrcat No (art of principal duo for two years, sid thi'iuoouly ontuliith) early till puld In full, l'r.onicis will pay lor land and liopmie ncnt within the Koilt of the generous credit. t"Hetttr terms were never offered, are not now, and prubablr'neier will la. Circulars, glvliu full particulars, are sup plied gratis: any wishing to Induce other a to emigrate with them, or to form colony, aro Invited to ask for all they want to distribute. Apply to GEO. S. HARMS. LaiJ Com. lor Iowa Lands, at UUIlLINiION, IOWA And lor Nubraska Lands, at LINCOLN, Neb. luIvS wSumd Omaha, Tuesday 'Morning, January 211; 1673. TELEGRAPHIC. SpetUlly rcuurtid for Tin Omaha ISmi, by (he OrcM Western Teleifrniib Ooinatiy. "WASHIITaTOIT. THE WESTERN UNION PRO POSES TO CUT OFF ALL NEWS FROM CALIFOR NIA PAPERS WHICH FAVOR THE POS TAL SYSTEM. PACIFIC COAST -MEMORIAL IN FAVOR OF THE POSTAL TELEGRAPH. St. PirrEttsuuito, Jan. 19. It is ofllciully iiuiiuuiicimI that tlio Iriiiwmn government will go into mourning out of resect to the late cx-hmiicror Napoleon. ,.-. .. . . Lonuo.v, Jan. 20. I ho limes this morning says Kiijt land lm, notified ltussia that the British policy of inactivity ceases if Russia invades Afghan Isle. London, Jan. 20. IhoRcv. Baptist Wresthesloy, tho eminent English dissenting divine and theological v.'ritcr, is dead. resthesley, whoso death is an flounced in tho nbovc dispatch, was born in 1701), and is a brother of the Earl ot aaincsborough. While a young man ho becamo a minister in tho Church of Kugiand, but after wards left, anil joined tho Baptists in 1811). He enjoyed much popular ity as a preacher, nnd took a promi nent place in many benevolent and liberal enterprises. Among his writ ings thoso best known aro his "Essay on Christian Baptism," and "Lcttois on tho Church of Rome." Washington, Jan. 20. Ill PoIiIIIiI'h Pmillllif ton ln..l.,w CI. I ney Dillon was examined. Was at the meeting ot tho Directors of the Credit Mobilier when tho stock was given by Durant and Ames to Brooks, us one to whom they were obliged. Witness had no porsonal knowledgo of tho transfer of stock to Brooks. Tho latter afterwards asked the witness for fifty additional shares, to which he was entitled under the increase authorized by tho Credit Mobilier. At Brooks' request the fifty shares wero transferred to Nel son, who borrowed $5,000 from wit ntiss to pay for them. Brooks did not claim additional shares on the ground of influence he might ex ercise on Congress, but solelv because ho was entitled to them in conse quence of owning 100 shares. The Dillion committee adjourned till to-morrow, and tho Wilson commit tee will adjourn this afternoon. Rollins, treasurer of tho Union Pa cific ratlroad,appcared with tho books of tho concern, which are now being examined. Washington, Jan. 10. The Postmaster General has receiv ed from San Francisco a memorial in favor of Postal Telegraph as recom mended by him, signed by ono hun dred business men of that'eity. They say they are very confident that the adoption of tho telegraph businos by tho Government will prove an im mense benefit to tlio cntiro business omniuiiity of tho country by in creasing tho facilities of communica tion between distant points, and thus aiding tho development of trsule. The memorial will be forwarded to Congress at once. It is understood that the Senate Commitleo on Com merce will to-morrow or next day disposo of tho nomination of Joseph Nimnio, Jr., to bo Supervising In specting General of Steamboats, which has been pending since early in December. Ninimo'n confirmation is opposed by tho steamboat interest of tho country, and tho committee will no doubt report against him, in which ovent tho President will with draw the nomination and select another man wlioie experience nnd qualifications may provo acceptable to the great interests over which ho is called to preside. AnelUnt is being mado to induce Congicss to remove tho tnx from de posits in savings banks. Petitions to this effect are being gotten up in New York and otltor largo cities, and will bo introduced in tho Senate iu a few days. It is understood that tho Senate will approve tho measure adopted by tho House, and authorizo tho Presi dent to collect tho claims adjudicated by tho commission under thecouven tior. concluded between tho United States and tho Republic of Vcnzuola April 25, 1800. Tho prompt action taken by tlio Houso is iu accordance with an allusion by tho President to the subject in his annual message. Tho bill for tho distribution of claims against Great Britain, in 'no cordance with tlio awards of tho Gen ova tiibtinal, lias not been finally considered by tho Houso Committee on Foreign Affairs, but its nicmbors wiy a final action will soon bo taken, and n report mado to tho House. There is a feeling in tho commit leo against allowing tho heavy claims of tlio instir.inco companies, nnd if tho committee's views upon this subject are carried out there will undoubtedly bo a warm discussion on tho question. Although tho bill does not provido that Congress will rcfjuluto tho payment of these claims it is tho opinion of tho committee that Congress ought to lay down the rules under woich thoy shall bo paid, ami thoy will so intimate to tlio House. Tho commifcsiou appointed to examine the claims will havo noth ing to do but to ascertain if thoy aro in accordance with Congressional rei. ulations. b Tho Committeo on Naval Afiltirs in tho benato havo united unanimously unon what is tlinnMi' tlm n,.n. ,,t.,.. i r r?T;t(Jr",K tluJ c'''J trade of mo uiiucii tho pinn em bodies tho proposals of tho .Interna tional Steamboat Company to' awiMi.tj4Mipyyg-;v isrracRaiwsxwdsrr. c tteet t an lion shin-building v.trd, In which ores should be converted to iron, the iron rolled into exact forms and erected into ships, etc. The plan meets with considerable opposi tion on tho ground that it is designed to create a grand monopoly, and it will not probably reach a vote this session. The dully Chronicle this morning contains tlio following editorial from leuiiDio sources: -wo learn that the western Union telegraph company has commenced a relentless war tip-. on those newspapers on the Pacific coast which nave advocated tlio pos tal telegiaph system. Tho Alta Call fontian, nnd Chronicle or San Fran cisco, and Record of Sacramento, arc the three most enterprising and in lluentiiil journals iu California, and they have been strenuous in their mK voeacy or this measure. Tho Alta hns received heretofore all news dispatches sent by Associated Press and fiom nil points on the Pacific reached by the wires of the telegraph. Now wo learn that the Journal has been cut oil' by tho COIllllMllV IVnill nil limol nml Silnlr. nows, mid that It Is promoted to Btop till going overland to the Pacific, lho San Francico Bulletin nml H.-m. ramento Union havo opposed tho postal telegraph, and iu reward for their services it is now reportetl that tho Western Union Telegraph Com pany have been negotiating to obtain control of that section of tlio Atlan tic and Pacific telegraph lino between Now York and Omaha, for tho pur ppso of cutting off from all otiicr pa jiers on tho Pacific coast every avenue lor Eastern news. It will be remem bered that tho Western Union Com p.tny pursued a like policy with the San I'ranciseo Herald in 1808. New Youk, Jan. 20. Tlio weather this morning is a con tinuation of that of yesterday. Hard, frosty streets and sidewalks frozen makes pedestrianism somewhat diffi cult and dftngcroiH. The weather is very cold. A number of Spanish lesidents iu tlllS I'ltV linvn SPtlt: n f.llmrratti tn tnr- qttls Morosancdo, of Madrid, express ing their indignation at Fish's offi- viiu uuiiiiiiiuiu'uuou to qickics, ami protesting against tho interference of any foreign jwwer iu matters of npaui.'h discipline. New Y'omc, Jan. 20. George Henriqucs, a well-known broker, formerly president of open board nnd originator of that board, died yesterday, at tho ara or sixty live. Spiunoi-ield, Mass., Jan. 20. Smith & UVssilll nl' tliiu n!i. !,.,, concluded a contract with tho Prus- government for thirty thousand pistols. This is the second contract given this firm for tho samo number of pistols within thirty months. Bofvrov. Jim. '-'0 The new Board of Health of ...... .... ,, ... loauu mi ui. dies to the public to-morrow morn ing, detailing tho measures for sani tary reforms. Tho number of lo.ilin from biunll-pnx for tlio week ending yesterday was ten less than tho pre ceding week. Ill tllO Storm VPstfinlnv tlio clnnm. MUM r.ift- ti'ill iujin .... ...1 ship and iliin Sir Francis, or tlm Livomnnl Montreal Dominion lino, wan driven on shorn nn MilMim-ir l..mi, and went to pieces. Most of tho ves sel's cargo has been saved, but the beach is now strewn with fragments of the wreck. Brooklyn, Jan. 20. Mayor Kalbfloisch's condition is more encouraging, and his friend more hopeful, but the physicians could give no encouragement up to 11 o'clock last night. Erysipelas has broken out on his face. Jeiisey City, Jan 20. Col. L. L. Dody, htto (icusioii agent nt New York city, died Saturday night at his residence hero of con sumption. JOHN DE LAtfEY, Lawyer and Justice of tlio Ponce. Tenlh Sheet, Opposite City Hotel. Janlfi If Omaha Steam Heat ing and Plumbing Works? (JAM PITTINM is riXTUKKti, iu:.w.i:ih in Wrought Iron, Plpo Fitting, niliig, &e. Alio n.largo assort mu Trim. BHASS C.OODS, Steam Pumps, Lift and Foroo Pnmps, Wiuh Hands, Wator 01oet, Bath Tnba and Shower Baths pntnp In the most t tatlsfactory tnannor. Plumbers' nnd (las Fitters Material always on .hum. FITZPATRIOK, Dmitrlm SI.,UiuIer Hamilton House, oclUiIt OHAS. POPS, Chicago Exchange, Cor. l.tlh nnd Boujrlns .Streets. Pine Liqno s, Wines, OIGAUS, Iraportnd Alo and Porter. Xincor Boor. , . UEl'ItiailMENTS AT ALL HOUItS, nor22-ly BEE. MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES, FOnEIGlT. THE LONDON PRESS ON THE SAMANA BAY COMPANY. London, .fan. 20. I hero WCro n Innni tninilwii. nf iur. sons at Chiselhurst yesitiday to hear ui-:it;iiuu tne iuiicrai sermon ol the late Napoleon. Queen Victoria nnd Princess Beatrice sent flowers to be placed on the tomb. The Prince Imperial will soon re turn to school nt Woolwich. Tho Daily News says of the leao ofSainnna to an American company that it is not likely to givo rbo to any diplomatic complications but wholesoiiniess, this tendency to ac- I'mu0 trrIt01 "fyui'd tlio continent, lho 'limes is doubtful. Tho Uni ted Stntcs presents tho spectacle of communities maintaining liberty ami otiler by tho exorciMi of nl.milni.. holi'-go eminent, therefore the Union is strong and reutieotcd. Messrs. An-low and Whaloy, mem bers of Parliament, havo been fined C100 each for publicly accusing Sir John Duko Coleridge of conspiring to deprive the Tieliborne claimant of his rights. Washington, Jan. 20. Si:nate Mr. Wilson presented the petition of Wendell Phillips and oth ers for a prohibitory liquor law. Mr. Carpenter from the Judiciary committee, submitted n majority re port adverse to tho bill for tho relief of the sufferers by tho Boston fire Mr. Edwards, for himself, submit ted a minoiity roiwrt, favoring the bill. Both wero ordered printed. Mr. Edmunds from tho Judiciary committee, reported nth jrbcly on sev eral bills to amend tho bankrupt law. Mr. Wright from majority of Ju diciary committee, reported it new bill iu relation to bankrunt law. Tho bill repeals tho bankruptcy act of March 2, 1807, and nil supplementary and amendatory acts, saitl appeal to tako effect on tho first day of next July, provided, thnt this repeal shall, not in any way effect ny proceedings iu bonkruptcy commenced befoie July next. Bills were introduced asfollows: Fixing $2.G0 as the minimum price nt which tlio government shallsell all lands remaining to tho United States within the limits of grants for rail roads or wagon roads. Mr. uraglii called up thoHousobill fill tllll'Sl 4lw nMiim.i!.... - to authorizo tho construction of six steam vessels ot war. Tho amend ment reported by tho Naval commit teo is to iucrcaso tho number to ten. Messrs. Stewart, Stockton, Morrill, (ofMnino) advocated tho bill. Penn intr notion on tlm hill tlm Miinitr. ,1 ioiirnrd. J10UHE. A bill was introduced by Mr. Voorhees organizing the Indian Tturitory of Oklahoma. Among tho bills introduced was ono by Mr. Coburn to provido that no persdn shall be promoted iu the army who is addicted to Intcmpcrato use of intoxicating liquors or drug. On motion of Mr. Negley it was or lured by a vote of 1-iC to U0, that on the 13th of February the committee on commerce shall bo authorized to report a bill relating to lines of inter national communication. San Fuancisco, January 20. A dispatch fronu.-Yrekn to-dav states a nies-enger had just arrived a't that jilace from tho headquarters of Gen. Whcatou, commanding troops in tho action against the Modoc Indi ans. A scvero battle was fought hist Fritlap. The troops under command of Whcatou wero 200 regulars, two companies of Oregon volunteers, twcnty-livo California rillemcn, com manded by C.tpt. Fairchilil, and a few Klamath Indians, altogether about four hundred men. Tho bat tle took place near tho eastern shore of Tulo Lake. On Thurr-day Captain Bernard wont nrnnml tlm nnrii, n.,,i - - ...W .w b. Villi or tho lake to tho east sidn. nml t tlip niwt. if Hunf r,n,l-'j ,.,,o:.:.... ii. was to advanco against Captain Jack from tho east and Gen Whcatou irom tne southwest, tlto forces of the latter to bo under cover of the lire or howitzers. Thursday night such a dense fog enveloped the country they could not seo forty ynrds. Tho two forces were then about twelve miles apart, though to communicate with each other, It was necessary to go a much greater distance. Friday morning Capt. Bernard opened battlo against Captain Caii tnin Jack, who had 2i'0 warriors con cealed among rocks, along a lino two miles in leangth. Geiu Wheaton heard firing mid had lurnltornativo but to move to aid Capt. But nurd without tiro of howitzers. Tlio troops fought tho unseen foo from 8 a. m. to dark under terrific fire, tjuring which bcarcely ouo Indian was seen. Tho loss to tho troops was forty killed and wounded. Loss of tho Modoca unknown. Tho troops wero finally obliged to retreat to camps. Ber nard's forces boro tho brunt of the battlo and suffered terribly. All All cavnlry fought on foot. Ainonc tho killed wero Frank Tromble, J. if Brown, Oregon; G. W. Kobcrts, mortally wounded; Capt. Perry regulars, seriously; Liout. Kyle.' slightly wounded. Tlio movement was called a forced reconnoisancc. Capt. Jack's position tho leaders Bay, will tako 1,000 men to dislodgo him from tho lava beds. Tho troops for tho present can only prevent the Modocs rinding on settlement nnd wait reinforcements. Additional reports from tho sccno of the battlo on Fsidny with tho Mo docs givo tho whites known as killed ten, and wounded thirty. Lieuten ant Roberts, rof Fairchlld's commnnd cannot live. Tho Modocs fought naked and with tlio greatest desnera tlon, springing from rock to rock picking of tho soldiers, nnd obliging many of thorn to hide thcmsolves till darkness, which afforded menus of escape lho troops mado soveral charges along tho lino of lava bed, but were lopuUed. Capt. Jack has tho strgngest natural position in the country. Howitzers could not 1 used to any advantage, owing to a demo fui'. Wo. 179. ll mi Itiui-Xfa-jajsjaALtuarartairisisiCT w. i ooivi:pisnr; JOBBERS OF .. 3NT X v. (mhv J'si ni imm & 1-itiitsi.s .MkH-?P,S- i Iwve mnv in'sioclc a . romplolo line of '. ' NUM'Alfl.I.; rOM.rfllK . W10STHR.N TUAOE'i Bciii" dircctlv iutdrootod',in ono oi Lho heaviest BOOT. FACTORIES EAST, Wo nvn oufiblert to comooto Htificcaaftilly with EASTERN HOUSES Prompt AtloiilioitftJiU'ii ( Orders. liw. v. mouse & co., o:uuia,;:xi:j;. And IIS tiiiiiimi'i' Dk,s and WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Fourteenth Street, Omaha, Neb., GENERAL AGENTS FOR ALL KINDS 0? SCHOOL BOOKS. 1". VAN CAMP, M.D.- DlMicnscn his own nulltni, an I hosldoii regular iinutlcf, iiiaLi'Ssiifrlalltfos nf 1Kt.ui.i iiienlB ami IJlHttanfM l'.tullar lo Wtmu-ii, Pistil H, rilc.i ninl uthor Dln-rucs of tho Itvctuiii. OPKin; mid U.sld.iiicf, Coiiiit r.iriihiini and lllliMrn-tH, flrUilmir Initio rljiht. up Kliilrs, Omaha, Nuh. Addrus IaV liix ll. f)1lil..irtf S. D. Mercer, M. D. OFFICEROOM 3, "ri3l6olA3CV3 XXloOlSt. Corner 13th and Douglas rilrwls. niMiDRNrie nnriiiTTvnitlftli nn I Wohst.-i streets. OHKo Imiirs 111 A. M. lo la M.j Li dies, a to 4 V. SI. Lock llox 100, nuiiidwlf DENl'ISTUV. Drs. Charles & Paul, Officeoror 2M. r.nrnli,,,, .l.,,l 1, .,..... mu andlllh.Oi.iaha. Drs.OA V. iro tl.o olios rattlsliu Dentists lulliacity. Jan'JdAwlf J. J. HUNT, M. B., OITICE..201) Hnrney ul., Between Twelfth nntl Thirteenth. fyf.'l! "tlcnlloii paid to Chronlo Dlwases ..-:: ,.. :.r:M,7 . w.-wii mouo or ..V.M.IH.UHU1 4.uiij i'JU'U.HfS, Jl:i If W.H.H.Sisson,M.D. HOMtKOl'ATHIC Physician feSurgeon b1(,)I1C0' 8llt,,ca"t Corner Douglas nnd mil, " mayeu't"1 ""d NlgM "c"',i ?& L.r.Babcocc,M.I. Hiieclal attention tlren to OBSTETRICS, OFFICK-Orer Omaha Natl' Uk umvimnwtoMimttJMgiimt AVEEKLY BEE Published every rti:ixt:sAY .MOUNINU, i,3an.3o:g3. Ouo cpy.mio year, In advance ....fl f,0 " slsc months, " VJ threo " " mm AMI fc '.'M'0 a- Street. HOHTO.V; ' StasfeiTCsry, !Dr. A, T. X&nddlius Hii upoiu-l a illicni.iry nt mi itMmriHwrii stueet, ihna door "iirth of 1, of Hoc, 'twill rV-"""t ;.r nil .llwiHes. I'urlleular ' ' Vlw" tiM-hntotries and allsoxi ."l und lirlidloillMsivn, whelhiT nriloor fenialo Tho I oc won, hoeonsihcd at all honri olthrr day Ti!1.!' July2'Jtf' Iiw. iHcHiiHIii ii Fowler, Phytsioians and Surgeons. OflUoiiiiiioslta (Jraml (,'ontral Hotel, 1'AUSII.VM BTItRBP, OMAHA. Slwlal alleulloninld lo Chronlo dliwascs t Tmnli,,l'UU',,i',1 ," ""'' "wiwiuffl jo lemales. An entire y sueeenfiil i,,,j i M, FRED. SAXBNBBRGBB, iroiiiau.itIil Physlcltiu, Surgeon nntl Accoiicher, 033CO on 13t!i st,, bet. J.-iek.on nnd jraM ,ta, 33- . 0?ro.vallali, . DR. MED. AND OIIIltURG; OMAHA, . . . KKIlIlAHICA Offlto-No, 103 I.-AISNII.V.M .STItlUIT, no- i:li:vi:nth, "fficK iiouiM-8::n A, , rml , to p M Octldt mi. Y. EDWAltDS, Of J0 C.,,,toi nvuimj, will shortly 01ion a DRUG S'OSE r iiiis Cor. tfith nnd Weh-ilcr St. .UfUMf (,i,c n-'y""iN'i'i. GIUNDGENTJ? VL LUROPKAV iinnu. tiT ulll'l'i lWr'," ,l0Mr"' " l-l'l' "treol Willi m iVlSS-n S." ."" ". .." ' I Ing s . r.s'tV'.r-, '?. v i.'iur5i s atlim. n .7. : S """" "'? "i accouimo- mwlsMci.ii.aer..''' l"' '" " ler ""'-SA uuuii a. 1JIATCHEU 1'roprlet 'TOIIX if GIIEEnT" STAT3S MILLS, di:all'u in HAIN, I'LOUIt AND ITKI), AND CQSIMI83KYN. MERCHANT noviw''' K,,,,l, ,u,,l -!! si. ' TWUL W HKM. 1W jg. - I 1 MKv4 7 itmtuLi yr i .,--,ff',m-j.'t -vKuzxsi.f-Trr ) 5ul ,; .L- 'ltilmi3ZX