Newspaper Page Text
L3 gr"-wwBPpwgiwgyr;ww'5 wiwnun'ionmn m immmm i - --vi 4 inWH'B'WWlli imi i?!PSWirlf -a.. .r Ttysaar-a . fY $ If? 1 ?IIE DAILY BEE. EDWARD HOSEWATEH, IMItor urul I'rop'r. Mie, Is) Farnhani m bef. Ninth and Tenth OMAHA DAILY j WKlflKLY BEE Ptihlliucd uvorr WIMINKSHAY MORXLNU, l. ' " W'THIIftrT-ii wm -iMiM?Mr 3iCiwMifr N-iwWWPwWflp 13 Wj ? H j . It ,.7 00 . 3 75 . IS OMAHA BUSINESS DIRECTORY, , r: , r Anrtloit Cloods, lly J. P. rAHWKf.Ti, Twelllli ttreet. be tween I'nrnliam mil DoukI.iv Hat ami Cap., II.hiIs ami, mi J Uovcirnmcnl Clothing. wi;-ir AuHsts' Mntnlnl. lltlADY AMoAIJrll.ANI.fttJand535 Four teenth street. Jyifotf Hoot and Nlioc. PHILIP I.AKO, IMl'arnhamstreet.tmtweon retilhaudJUevculh., rebl7-ly W. NJ WHlTXttY Hoots anil Shots, 219 Douglas .Street. Itulclier.. WIM.lAlt If RULFi, Chicago street huweon rwolfth anil Thirteenth. Jltl HICKHTON A imnrf., Ninth ilreit, lrttwn JacVsoti and Jones. )y27ll JACOIt FUHUMAN. PaeMo Meat Market, torner Ninth and Leavenworth street. Coal Drnlern. POLAND A ELLIOTT. Jal, IJ, Ce mont, Hair, etc. 131 Kariilnni street. (ol)l8-nm Coiilrrtlmicry. r'P.ANK I.. MrDONALD, elmler In Confec tionery, Krult, Orocerletand Poultry Corner Tenth and Karnhinl. Lunches prepared to r dir lor travellers. JyU DruKXlaU. J.'A UOBUI'.H, Dfugglit, corner 12lh and Harney ttroeU. i Inauratire Ascent.. Kltl'.NCH A McKOON. Klro and Aocldent usuranco Agonls, orer tho Poit pftlco. JOHN VT. JiTTLC. . Justice of lh I've. Olflro otw Mft Jfatlonal Bank. Jeweler anil Optlelnu. J.V, HAWVKIl.aiJlHujIi" at. Watches, Clocks, Jowclry, Spoctsclrs, and Kyo-alasios. Ieb20.y . I.oclumltliliiU. ttktf.n ANOINO, ntc. Allen A Chandcfoaso, Lockaraltln, Hell Hangers, Moch ntstsand pon erallobbors. (luiu and PUtula eloanod and ro paired. 8fo locks spuclalty. Northeast ioriwrriiniliam and lllh at. feblSly Lauudry. OUailA,.TEAM t.AUNDUY. Corner of lwenty-6nrtnctlx3rd street. Order Male at California 'Vina Company. Pawn llrolior. I I'riiiiTTEIl. No. '200 Furulmni street Omaha, Nebraska. rnlntcrtt. JIM. N. MUUPHY, N. W. Cor. IBth and Dodgo atrcots. l'alnta, Olla anil Glum. llttADY A McAUatiAND, Ml and ml, Four teenth atroot. . )y20 Snlnnn. 11 DUFFY'S," 4J3 11th street, between 1'nrn nan and Harnoy. jy23uil Homp Factory. 1'llEMIUM SOAP WOnKS. Powell ' Co., itlll manufacture their celebrated r inlum ioan. Fire first premiums awarded hy Doug as county and Stato Fairs, and Fottuwattniiiio ;ouuty, Iowa. Orders sollcitod from tho trado. Hoda Water Itlanatuctnrcra. O. lir.IMUOD A CO., Mineral and Soda Wa cr. Dealer In Cider aud Uottleil Weiss lleer. ock Box 2i7. naiiiii nianuractorr. No. 200 Farnham street, J. II. Pierce, proprl Jtor. Orders taken for Beuls, Prosses, bUinips, llaarago and Key Chocks. Stenrlls cut with lies making a lotterat one blow. DERBY' Final Closing Out Sale. Everything to be closed out be fore March 1. Job lots to Dealers at a large discount from Cost. No. 218 Douglas, corner of 13th Street. fclS-ltf CLAUK & FRENCH, WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ALL 0EDBR3 FE01C THE 00UNTBY JAMES SMITH, 'Wholesale and Ketall Dealer In MILLINERY, Fancy an Dress Goods. ALSO HAIR GOODS AND jjEWELUY, No. 252 Farnham stroot, (Opposite Urand Central Hotel,) OMAHA, NEBRASKA. octSdtmos GISH & JACOBS a it v M en tr UNDERTAKERS augsTf TIYOLI Saloon and llostauruut, COB. NINTH AND FARNHAM BT3 FIIED. WIBT1I, - - Pro.rletori CONCnilT glren lor Prof. 8chroe.ler and ibo nowOUCilWrniON, DAY aud NlUll'f. sTTha Orchestrion iinunof tho largest in the world, and plays 74 of tlm newest mid Ut uiuilo pieces. ADMISSION, VUY.VA ilc2-ly ikfnft(A Prilay. Agents wanteil I All epUtUepy clauses ol working people, o either sex, younger oil, muko moro numey al work for us In tlielr snare monicuts. or all tli line, than at anything olo. Address 0 tlnson A Co., Portland, Maine, noto-ly NBW GROCERY STORP JUI.UIS UllCllSCHICK, JQl HKJ1I.KIIIN Groceries & Provisions, l.lijuors, Tobaccos, drain aud Produce, Toys, Notions, etc 0AB8, let. Thirteenth and Fourteenth its. N19II All gools ilrUurol nr. )nt copy, one year In advance,., .. alx months " " week " .. .. ?BSP Vol. II. MONTH f.V KIXAXCIAT. STATE. MKMT OF TIIK CITY OV O.MAIIA, FOIl JAMJAUV, 1873. tITr KXPK.fDITt'IlK fOR MOVTII ENDING JIST Of JAM'AUV, 1873. To official salaries..... jsil 75 To city council salaries 2uu 00 To ollcodtpartiiicntss!arlra.. l.ttsl !W To tlr. department " l 02.1 00 'io " " exciiscs ac- , count cji ji To gas blllsfor Oct., Norland Dec., 1872 2,103 73 Togas bills for.Tauuary, 137J.. C7' 71 To miscellaneous bills 2lt 80 By warrants Issued on general fund In payment of tin alOTe No. lit to No. 8ulln eluslTO To specUl cash bills By spsclal cash warrants Is sued 17,107 (A 7,107 M til no 21 00 AllvrRACTOf RICCRlrTS, AS I'EK CITV TRrAftUR- er'h hkport, ron TIIK month kndi.vo 31st llfJANUAIir, I87J OK1KH4I. rUNtl. Dr. To balance Dee. 31, 187J $11 CO To amount of tax collected during January 1,610 10 To Farnham and Sixteenth street's fund transferred 1 80 tl,6.Hi 60 (ONTUA. Cr. Br warrants recelred for taxes during January $1,5." I 81 By Interest on same 13 'M By warrants paid In cash....... 1C0 bO By Imprest paid Incasl to 89 lly balance Co Ct 8 1, CM So - 11 iS !. " jf To Istlane, Dec. 31, l72......S2,M'f To amount of tax collected In January Ml 21 . - . MNKINO 1UK1I. K J1.783 S7 1,7S1 S7 Cr. by balancn on hand ' school ponT). Dr. SC1S 77 Tohalancc. l)ec. II. 1872 Foamount of tax collected 111 January' 177 81 To lines and licenses collected In January 1,719 ZS 32,50.-. M Cr. IJjr cash transferred to lioard of eiiucation II T balance on hand , tOIS 77 ,.1,U17 oS $.,3u,- 83 SI'Ul'IAL CASH It'.MI. Dr. To balance, Dec. 31, 1872 Tocnsh from police court for uioals of prisoners 8')r, w 3(10 SSto 3.1 Cr. 07 7o 792 CI I'y warrants paid In January Ity lulama on hand SSGo3J IIALANCK IN Till! TltRASURV. 8lnklng fund $7,785 37 Hchoolfuud 1,917 oS Special (ash luud 792 (VI tkncrsl fund Co CI Totalrashln treasury (C,333 C9 - JOS.llAHKER.JK., It City Auditor. Ball at Lcntsclicr's Hall, SOUTH OF NINTH ST. BRIDGE, (Near tho Union Pacific Track), Every Tuesday and Thursday Ev'ng, Open at t Admission Thursdayeren Ings, 23 cents. decSt Colfax County Nursery I Itented on tho Union Pacific lUllroad, 70 miles west of Omaha. Orer ono hundred acres lti Trees, Vines, Shrubs, Ac. e-8END FOE PRICE LIST.-a Address U. I'. ICINXICV, fcb.H-cod-dA.w2m Nchuylor, N!. ACADE3IY OF MUSIC. TWO FREE LECTURES -BY Prof. O. S. Fowler, of ni:v yokk. Tuesday Erenlng, Maroh 4th, on LIFE AND HUMAN SCIENCE. WediiPNdur, at 2 SO Ijidles only lVmulo Health and lleauly. ltoth free. Weilnesday Hu-ulug Lore and Jlnrrlnge. Beats 80 ccnis. TluirwUv. at 2.10 Ladles only Femalo Henlthand lleauty llluslraled by modils. heats SO conU. Thursday Krcnlng ( gents On Slanhool and bexual Scleucu. Seats SOceuls. Public examinations ol prominent cltlicus. Phrcnologltal consultations as to your own and children's phrenology, best business, etc., at the Metropolitan Hotel till Saturday at lo I'. M. Krening Ictun-s at 8 o'clock. (Dally pajicxs please copy.) fcb2l-12t FREDERICK DELLONE, Carpenter and Builder, SUPPLIES Tim XJxx-ro icm etX Saasll IlOOlL, The best 111 market for strength aud conven ience. Plain or ornamental. Warranted to giro satisfaction. Call nnd examine, at G85 AND 007 THIETEENTH STREET. lubll-lf Crolghton & Morgan, aROOBRS AND- CiMMISSIOX MERCHANTS, DKALKIUS IN PROVISIONS, LIQUORS, &0. AOENT3 Toil Fairbanks' Staudnrd Scales. 205FABNHAM BTREET, OMAHA. NEB! febl-tf ' ON MARRIAME. Ilnupy Relief for Young Men from the elfocts of Krrors and Abuses In oarly life. Manhood restored. Impediments to marriage remove.!. New method of treatment. New aud remarkable remedies. JiooU and circulars sent free in sealed envelopes. Address, HOWARD AbSOCIATlON, No. 2 South Ninth street, Philadelphia, Pa. an In stitution having a high reputation for bouora bio coudrct and profussloaal skill, augH-Cio WASHINGTON MEAT MARKET, CASS, hot. 18th ami lOlh Sts., (South slJe), tToIiu Oauo, Prop'r. Siuar-curod Hams, lleef, Pork, Mutton, Veal, Poultry, tlame.otc, constantly on baud. Articles Promptly Dellveroil Fn-e of Charge. N. II. riili standi for sale, the proprietor having divided to engngo in another business. JanJl-dtt Somctltiiig Now Under tho Sun ! MONEYSAVED ! urSecond-liand Clothing bought and sold, cleaned and repalrvd at the lowwt rates. 201 PAENHAMBT., pet. 12th and 13th, Omaha, Nel), M'Wf A. MOItUIS. - 4 -Al.. V" rzTiv! n The Midland Pacific will bo com pleted to Sownrd by March 1st. Tub Council UltilTs paper-mill com pany nrc about to wind up their or ganization by mutual dissolution. O.vr. branch of tho Maine Legisla ture voted lor femalo suflrsga last week-, and tho other branch didn't. The local editor of tho Council MuM Nonpareil, being hard pushed for nn item tliu morning, iucendi nrized his paper by reporting a fire over In Omaha. Uknky Wakd Ur.r.cni:u locturcil in Hi. Ix)uls, last night, on what he knowd about Manhood and Money making. The gifted Divine ought to now write up n now lecture on what he knows about the seducing influ ences of womanhood on preachers. Nkmiaska City is busily engaged relocating tho Stato Capital. Tho public mooting held Monday night decidod not to locate it east of Lono Tree. Tho most promlnentnttornoys and business men" participated in the discussion, which is described as extremely auimatcd on both sides. Tho upshot of it all was tho adoption of a resolution to lolocato at some point directly west of Lincoln. Tin last number of tho New York Federalist very potulcntly exclaims : "How much louccr shall tho buffa loes and prairie dogs of Nevada and Nebraska, through their Representa tives in tho Senate of tho United States, Messrs. Nye, Stewart, Tipton, aud Hitchcock, cast their votes upon tho vast commercial afl'.tirs of Now York, Pennsylvania Ohio, Massachu setts, etc.?" , Wo presumo until their successors in oflico aro duly elected and quali fied. The Washington Chronicle says: "Tho New York Tribune and Springfield llepublican aro hot footed after Dodgo General O. M. but thus far he has managed to dodge them. When they learn his wherc ubouts they will probably help some future investigating committee to the information. Tho committees of the House concluded that tho chanco of heading him off was so slight that they inauo their reports without him." The Committco evidently had for gotten all about looking for him at point "O," opposito Childs' mills, in the Stato of Iowa, or they would have discovered his whereabouts. Tim Supremo Court of Illinois Las just rendered a most important decis ion in tho case of tho people vs. tho Chicago, Alton & St. Louis railway company, which involved the consti tutionality of tho Illinois law limit ing the rates for tho transportation of freights and passengers on tho rail roads located within that State. Tho court, by a unanimous decision, de clares tho law in question unconsti tutional and void, notwithstanding the clause in their State Constitution authorizing legal restrictions upon railroad corporations. This will effectually Bettlo tho agitation, which has well nigh amounted to a revolu tion recently, on tho Illinois Central and other railroad lines in tho Prairio Sin to. HALL STEAM ENGINE o o 3vn-a.3xr-sr , SUCCESSORS TO HALL BROS. .Mnuiifiitiirirs ol mnsinos I I Mining anil .Mill .Maclilncry, :i3xiilclixi.e:, Oivrsa tlxae, andnlj.iuds I IX103XT wohk.: COIt.MCIIOI.Vs-, AMI Kllli. N. I. D. Solomon, Muniifaiiurvr of SHOW CASES. IVriliT III Window (J luss, Plitiiri Frames, and .Ml mm, ltW.Kuniliuii. Slrl, (imuliit l,. n lebllf. .in imi i iii isi,iitsisautJwn"jrrgitlB'ii HTWirarsW (I Omaha, Thursday Morning-, February 2"f ly TILE&BAPHIG HpoclAllyretxsrt'drftrTnxOrrAiu , h) tho Orcat Wvstorn Tcltgntph Oompuny.) STEW "stoiih:. i:itli: RAILROAD MATTERS. St. I'ktkiisiiuiki, Feb. 2(i. Hie roolt in the province of Ukraiu litis assumed alarming pro portions, and theatrocitiesconimitlcd by tho insubordinuto peasantry aro most rosvolting and cruel. Tho in surgents hao mussed together in laigo numbers, and aro extending their depredations throughout the district, laying waste some of the principal towns. In several places the most barbarous excesses huvt'bcen committed by tho insurgents without provocation; ottacking tho inhabi tants, burning their, dwellings, and murdering tho inmates, both male nuu lemaic. llio power ol the irov eminent Is defied, arid tho revolt is- niaintaitteil. A force 6f Rdsslnri' troops ff6m tho city of KloiViVhWh' nnu oecn uispatciicii to suppress tno insurrection, were met by tlto insur gont, and tho engagement terminat ed In tho disastrous defeat of the government troops. Tho inability of tho government to maintain order has created a general alarm among the inhabitants, who, in threat numbers nro fleeing from tho country. Madiud, Feb. 20. Tho Cortes dissolved yesterday af ternoon, after passing a bill nbolish- ing slavery m Porto .Rico and tho other Spanish colonies. A new elec tion will take place on the 31st of March, nnd tho new Cortes will ns-f-cmblc the 12th of April following. Tho widow nnd children of the lato Marshall Prim have left this city. Reports of Carlist disturbances in tho provinces aro received hero daily, and cauhO mucli uneasiness. Fresh outbreaks nrc reported at Uillwu. Affairs in tho Capitol remain quiet. liio new cauinct nppenrs to enjoy Republican confidence there. The report that tho Radicals threat en insurrection is contradicted. Montiik.vl, Feb. 20. A giand banquet was gicn last night to Sir Hugh Allen, on tho cvo of Lis departure for England, where ho goqs for tho purposo of raising money for building tho Canadian Pacific railroad. Tho entertainment wns i great, success, aim '.u oi the leading men of Canada wcro present. Washington, Feb. 20. I Iousn. Tho cilleries wero crowded aguin this morning, but tho crowd wns not ns grcnt ns yesterday. After tho journal was read, Mr. Poland desired an hour of under standing regarding the debate of the case, if they did not desiro to let it run beyond. Ho would give the pre vious question till -1 p. m., and let tho House determine if tho debate shall close. Mr. Ritchio asked leave to offer an amendment, declar ing tho participation of Ames nnd Riooks, (Jnrfield, Dawes, Kelley, Schoficld and othcis in tho Cicd'it Mobilier stoel: was corrupting in its tendency and grossly improper, and that thes-o members aro deserving the severest ccnsuie of tho House. Ring ham objected. Reck nddiesicd the llouso; ho inndo no distinction be tween thoeo participating in Cicdit Mobilier stock; nil wcro equally culpable, neither were Hooper nor Rutlor clear, llo denied tho right of tho llouso to expel for acts committed before election. Ho referred to Casey, Rowen, Porter, and Morrivoy,iii which thollom-ohnd refused to tnko nnv noto of acts com mitted before election. Voorhies spoke of Rrooks' lonj' nnd useful life in Congress, in journalism, mwl other public positions. Tho fact that lirooksnau novernttomptcdinfluenco with the Democrats in tho House, proved tho falseness of McComb's charges. Voorheca showed that thoro was irreconcilable discrepancy in Mc Comb's testimony tho year bcforo Urooks is said to havo asked for stocks. Tho stock appears in the books to Wilson's name. Ames had declared that Rrooks never owned any stock. Hall hod testified that ho never know Rrooks to bo a stock holder in tho U. P. R. R., or Credit Mobilier in McComb's suit against tho stockholder?. Brook's namo wns not included. Tho fact thut Rrooks gavo stock toNelleon wns conclusive proof that ho had no purposo of fraud. Tho argument of tho committo, that becauso tho collateral was in Rrooks' safe, wns proof ngninst him, was un worthy of tho committee Rrooks had inked morotimofor investigation, but tho committco refused. Niblack said the committco did not consider the additional testimony material. Rrooks here said that two days after tho committco closed their doors ngninst him they opened them to Colfax. Voorhccs in concluding, mado nn enrnest plea in behalf of Rnoks; not that he pleaded for mercy, but ho bolioved his ncquital wns demanded by justice. Stovcnon said they wero to con sider tho report extorted lrom n re luctant committee. Ho was not sur prised at reluctanco because the charges included tho Vico President, Vico President elect, Speaker of tho llouso nnd chairman of most import nut committees. New Yoiik, Feb. 20. It wns reported on Wnll street yes torday that an investigation wns to bo mndo by tho Leglslativo Commit tee in regard to certain matters con nocted with tho maimgcmentof tho Erio Railroad, which had been brought about not entirely without Jay Gould's Influence. Could, it is said, thinks tho investigation will have tho effect of depreciating stock, and nUo being more or less n reproach upon tho directory, in which case corruption in his own administration will not stand out In such bold relief ns it now docs. Tho Erio director said yesterday thai ho felt no uneasi ness regarding the examination, and was certain that tho stock-holders would have no reason to complain of VjmMSs.-t, tho manner in which tho affairs of tho company had been conducted, At a meeting of tho director of tho Boston. Hartford & Ei ie ye.-tor-day, the subject of their trouble 1th tho Erie ln,i no conclusion arrived uf, owing to tho j nu"cuco 'oi some oi tne tiircctors whose presence were particularly de sirable. jTho meeting adjourned to meet again to-dny. Telegrams were receives) from absentees assuring their prercnyc io-tiny. Weniyci Johnson has brought suit ngalnst D.iniel Drew in tho Court of Coin nioii ''Pleas to recover ? 10,000, which plnJiitill' claims was due him on n contract to supply Drew with eei iaiu inforjnation regarding tho lato Eiio l-aihvay innniigenient, and ftu nish xo-qral now'spapors with article, tho effect of which would end in the disruption of tho Eric ring. Tho not having been within tho hour assigned for short calendar cases, wns transferred to tho long calendar, ami will como up again at the next term of conrttji Tho prpgrammo for the National Convention in iavor of n religious t, to tno uonslitution of tho Uiiiled Stales, at. tho Co'opcr Jn- 'gtilllGrV llwlllV. ntlllirhf'PU nillr.x.r,u ibiJ:Fi'Ii. Brand, Dr. E. Craven, u. m. ii. unuuiu, aim mo vtencnu Sociotary of tho National As soci.ition. In tho evening Professor J. II. Mcllvainc, President A. A. Miner, Dr. Stephen II. Tyng and Picsident George P. Hayes will speak In addition. All addresses will bo delivered to-morrow morning, after noon and evening. It is expected that the convention will bo attended by tho clergy and laymen of all the different evangelical denominations ill tho United States. Tho Gilbert Elevated Railway Co., entered into contracts with three of tho largest iron establishments in the country lor building tho first ton miles of their road. St. Johns, Feb. 20. A lernblo boiler explosion occurred iicio last night, in tho four story buildiiiB occupied bv Robinson .e Rolston's boot nnd shoo faetorv. The engineer was instantly killed and the fireman will probably die. There wero a dozen Other workmen in ili building at tho time, but they escap ed injuiy. Tho building was badly dnmnged. 01' TIIK Continental Insurance Co,, OF NEW YORK', On tho it Day of January, 187:t. M.i lolothu Auditor of tho Stato of Nehnnl.ii, pursuant to Statute. Culi Capful $1,000,000 00 UMhSurDlus 1,281,251 07 -$2,234,251 07 AhSKTS. Cavil on hand nnd In II inks J SSJ.TM 2J I..MIH un If tf. and oili er stocks mid tiouds (market value. $i'J.- 'Jil '.50) puyiiblo on diumild 41,270 M , , $ 131,030 29 Louiis or. bond and mortgago (on real calatn cicth8l,3Ii,7JOJ 42fiQ0 00 U. .4 ami oilier stocks.nnd bonds owned by tliu Coiuptni' fiTO, 16J SO llenluslatu owned by tlioCuiiip'n) . C-UJits) (W Preiu'ailiioiiiiduiiiuld I(i,7'Jd .11 lilt, duo uud l!lii.ild 17,22130 Ih-nlsducMiidii. .rueil :i, 13.1 .11 ', M,2 1,2.11 117 1.1 A III LIT! IX DliMuuls dun Motl.holdi.-i, mid Horlpnud Hur.p Int. uujwld j Lom-cs unpaid JD.T'.K) J 151, I0S : Total .... - S 20.1.1'JS TJ tmlllor's Cerlllli iloinid copy of Statement fllui wiih ( leik of Duiiahn county. I'llKNCIl A JltKOliN, Agents. fibiltlluAwliii Orient Insurance Company, HARTFORD, CONN. Statement of Condition, Jan. 1, LS7!1. Made lo the Auditor of tho State of Nebraska, pursuant tohUlulr. CASH CAPITAL, SjQO.OOO. AHSI.TS. aish on hand and In bank. 3 :ia,"2S CO L.mi hi nanus oi agunn..,. iT.i,JZ 71 3 !,I2I Si Ii ins on luurlgnsc. llrst liens in7,')1J DO IO. i n.i secured by liletlga of st'Hks uud bunds 130,'Siio 'J.'i Int. nccmed and other Items n.ail :t7 2n0sharrs American Nu- !MII, "Trt 22 llonnl Ilink Mini:, Harlforil 12,200 TO 100 hli ires -Kln.i National llinkbtoclr, Hartford. 12,130 Oil 100 Shares Clutter Oak National Hank feloik, lllirlfurd 12,H0o do 100 Shares Farmers ami Mech's National Dank Mock, Hartford III.OOJ W 150 Shuns Harlford Nol'l Hunk Stock, Hurtl'd... 21.000 00 41 Shares City Nnllon.l Hank Slock, llurtfonl !I,7I1 Oil 100 Shares Mcrcintllu .Na tional Ifauk Slock, Hartford l.'OOO 0" 60 Shares Pluunlx Nul'l Hank Stock, Hurlfd... 7,7.10 00 ii Shares First National Hank Stork, llartf'd... 0,012 00 lUSharvs National l.x- chaiigo National Dank .-hick, iiuruoni 070 00 100 SluirtsMctropoll'u Na tional Hank btiHk, New York 13.1C0 00 ' 1I!,!M 00 22S Shares Mlchlmii Ccn tral II. It. Slock 20,601 00 200 Shares I.alo Shore A Mich. Soilthciu .Slock . l200 0(1 100 Shares Albany A hus- iiuchanna It. It. ht'k... 0,200 00 100 Sh'r's Clovel'd A Pitts- burg It. It Slock 18,000 00 277 Shures N. Y., N. II. A Hurtl'd It. It. Stock'.... 8S.7S0 00 II2,II CO 10 Ilnnds Indiana Cenl'l It. It. Co 11,000 00 10,23(1 00 10,000 (si 21,000 00 11 Honds Indluiiupolis A Clucliinntl It. It. Co., Clue 18.1S. 20 lln. Is llurll'il, Prov. A I'lshklll It. II. Co,.:., .1 Honds W. J. Flnlay, Toledo, O '. (11,2.10 00 Total Cuih AmcIs J LIAIIILITIFS. f b'J.'.IJI M Outstanding Losses S 31,018 II Hills payable, aud all oilier llabilllh 62.000 00 lA,"lll,,.?,.,Cc.,l".a,0,,!", r"l'y of Stnleiurnt kd wllht lerkof Uiuglas cnimty. c , ,, ln':NC" ilcKOON, Agents. fihiVHllwwliu ill " "JAMES DUFF, Manufacturing Harness, Collars, Whips, Bridles, Etc. BEPAIRIlia DONE 1'ItOMPTLr AND AT HEAB0NABLE TERMS. No. OlH lillli Ml reel, OiiihIih, Nrli. lcl,2IU - 3 Midnight Telegraph A SOOIALISf INSURRECTION IN RUSSIAN PRO VI NOES. London, Feb. Si. The Moi'kholders of the Loi. Ion LloriNiol and Globe instirAilc com pany field a stormy meeting to dav, the trouble growing out ol the t'.ict that nodhldends find been dcclardd, owing to the uouflagralioii in Chicago mill Boston, VlKNNA, l-'eb. 20. A Micialist insiiircction is reported among tliu peasants in Russian Pio- luces, Volhynia and Podolia. in-sui-gents nro said to bo murdering their opponents, plundering nnd binning property. A forcoiof Russian troopsionl to suppress tho insurrec tion wcro defeated. , WA8iiiS-ifT6N, Fcb."20.' SlWATJS. Hoasc niienilnWiil to tho Woitova award bill was non-concurred in. The Utah bill was discussed uud amended to provide for the election by the legislature or by tho qualified electors of Utah of tio jury commis sioner, who shall net in conjunction with tho surveyor general, mnrshal audclcrk, with equal power in se lecting poreuns from whom juries are constituted, and to provide for wilts of enor to tho Supremo Court of the United States in criminal cases where punishment 13 capital, or imprison ment for six months, or line of $1,000. At fivo o'clock tho Senate took n tecess till seven. Committco on Transportation Routes wercdireetcd to make inquiry into tho propriety of building a rail road from the senboatd to tho Mississ ippi or Missouri livcis. Tho bill pas-ed extending the lime for the completion of the St. Paul and Pacific lailroad. Ten thousand dollars weio nppio printed forlhoPomcioy investigation. Tho House bill to carry into eili-ct tho fishery clause of the treaty of Washington was passed. ilousii Tho pressure to the gal loties to tho House this morning is not as great as ycsteid.ty. Alter reading of tho, journal Mr. Poland arose and said : So far us tho committee aie concerned, it has no wih to hurry the debate, but is will ing to Jot it conliniio tho rest of tho soa-on, if so desired, but the commit tee at a conference this morning de cided it best to let the llouso hau nn opportunity of determining the question. Ho would thorefoio test tho sense of tho Houso on motion to clo-e debate nt 4 p. m. to-dny. Mr. Voorllees took the iloor, but yielded tor the leading Of a subsli tuto by Mr. Ritchie for pending reso lutions. Tho substitute decline's that while thero is no evidence ol eiim innlity in tho purchase of Credit Mobilier clock by Ames, Rrooks, Dawes, Scofjeld, Ringhitni, Kelley, Garfield, yet circumstances call for un emphatic condemnation, declaring as a t-en-e of tho body that the trait action wits corrupting in its tenden cy pel uiciotis in example, nnd gross ly improper, and that tho members concerned deceive tho so crest cen sure. Yoorhecs declined to yield to have a substitute offered, al?o declin ed to yield to a motion for the ad mission of ladies, but finally j iclded for the latter. Reck, of Kentucky condemned the wholo Credit Mobilier scheme, and declared tho members cogniztnt of it, gro-sly diielict, naming Hooper and Jiinghaui, who held that stock, but were not inculpated in tho pu. cecuings; also naming Jlutler of Mass., who was couiisol, who concert ed the scheme. Ho could see no dif ference between tho culpability of these men, and that of Rrooks. lie dissented from tho doctrine in to power of expulsion for past offences. With such doctrines Paul would nev er havo been nn njwstlc. Tho House was making history, and should vote to-day its If thoro was no precedent, nnd us if it wns establishing a rule. IIu quoted tho enso of John Moirissey, a gambler and a iri.o fighter, yet ho took his seat, and no man dared rni&o his voice ngninst him. Ho remained during his term, and was as well be haved a membor as any on tho floor this moment. That preccdont was set to givo two-thirds of tho Hou-o tho right to expel, and with it tho death peal of liberty was struck. At tho conclusion of Mr. Heck's speech a motion wns mado to admit ladies to tho floor and rejected. Mr. Yoorhecs proceeded to nrguo ngninst tho expulsion of Rrooks. -Mr. Voorhees wns followed by Mr. Stcvonson. sustuiiiing tho report of the committee. Mr. Niblack also spoke in favor of tho report. Mr. Whitoboruo ndvocatrd tho ex pulsion of nil implicated inoinbers. It is uudoistood that Judge Poland will close tho dobato to-night. A vote will bo taken to-morrow. Ho thought that if thoro was ono enso thnt appealed moro than nnother to every sentiment of liberty nnd kindness, it was tho caso of Rrooks, a man sick and in broken hoalth s'.nco his voyngo around the world, not broken by senso of guilt. Niblack made nn explanatory state ment which biought -Mr. Rrooks to his feet, who, aifdrcssing Niblack, said, you opened doors to Colfax two days after you closed them to mo. Riiaciiiiduo, Camilla, Feb. 2(i. Mrs. Trushnr and fivo ohildroii burned to death In their houso Inst night. , Ban Fit a nci wo, Feb. 20. Captain Jack has selected a place threo miles west of his camp at the south end of Tulo Lake, at which to inept tho Peace Commissioners. Tho Indians opposed any soldiers being present, but C.tpt. Jack said ho would talk to General Canby, but soldiers would frighten his mpii, but they would meet nnv number of (ilti-,.,w 'provided they came without wean- ous. No. 210. DR. FfiJGD. SAXBNBBRGBR, llomrepnliilc PhrNleluii.Siinrcoii nnd Accoiiclicr, Office en 13th t., bet. Jackson anil Jones its. iV, , t!." ",r"t,,,l1,. " 1 wIIIkIvo prompt at- dr. mm LEWIS, IIO.MlKl'ATHIC Pliysicinn and Surgeon. Thi,v,u, ,c:,r' turm,r "' ,,""8,," ", OlWUS IIOI'MWHM l) . M.'J 0 P.. niidufjcr.l' M Mshlniid lillit Ml t lhe oihcedovt Hti.,f in. McOiiIHii .Vr l'0Hlpr7 Physioians and Svtrgoons. Oflleoopposic! tirand Central Hotel, aiiti:i;r, omaha. SiH-clal nttcMitiuii luld toCbronlo dlese.cis llsc-m-sof, nnd thi,o peculiar to U'lmilc's. An nillndy siKcesifiil iiichIo of lieitl.ient for l.undlcajes, CiiiisiiIMIIuii free, Br., A. F, Bndolius H is opened a dispell sary nt sit Foui'.rr.l.-NTit HTitnirr, tiuw North of Post Olll. door I or the treatment of all dl.eams Particular MlenMoiiijluu tuolUirici. mid nil sexual am) prlati illeaH, whellier mile or feiunle. 'I he Doctor t.iu U mnsnllc t all hours, i Itber day ""'K11'- July29lf J. J. HUNT, iCbT. 01,riCi:..S Ran.ey M., 15,1, w-en Tivoirih iitul Thlrlooulli. Special attention pild to Cl.ninle l)Ise.ics, and nil Private l)li.n,, and Ibo.,, peculiar lo 1 em lies An vutliel nuecessful iodo ol trr.itn lent lor l,un lliseiiM-s. J if Dr. a. Carravallab DR. .MED. AND CHIRURO; (MIA1IA, Of lice -No. m:ii:ia)uc, siiti:i:r, ne. ICO I'AUNHAM Kt.KVKNril. OKI'K i: Hoitiiss w c. M. ,nid I lo I e. m iiJli-fi,-loi.l 31.o O OLXIsl. I.VAIN'CAiMRMD. Dlllvc. his nifil incdtliiM, nnd IhMis refill irpru lie, luikissiieililllles of Horinne. iiUTits.ind IMsenwa P,t Hilar to Women, Plstu l.i, Piles mid cither IUnenscsnf lhe Ititliiiu (HH( Kimd i:,Mi,l,MKr, O.rner I'ltrnh ml unit lllhhlrivtH, llrst door to the rltfht, up Mails, Omiih.i, Neb. Addles Lock Hot 201. linil.tvrlf Xi.r.Ba"bcok,M.B. Spislul iitciiliou given lo OBSTETRICS, Ol'KICI cr Omaha Nation il II ink. Itesldeucc on C'nis street IkjIm JiMh. P. O. Iiik llox2.U. 1.1th .111 fyldll DENT1STRT. Drs. Charles & Paul, IDE IsT T I STS, Office i over VI', I'.inili'im alrict, hetwctii 13th nnd lllli, Omni, i Hn,( A tiro Dm ol lesl practising Dentists Inthocity. Jun2d.Vwtf U. P. K. 11. Drug- Store, COR. SIXTEEN ril & WEBSTER GTS. NlllKCTO'lllK WllltklKO t'UMKS. W. H. I.DWAIIDS, .M. 1) ikiiii Lscn,,N, solicits ynurpntrou.n;i. I In dlHenses his mvn uicill dues, and Is sides n-Riilar pructko uinkes tbn trnliio'litof iler.iiiKeniintsaud iIIiium'S pecu liur to wiiiiicm nndihlldruii a sjieclaltv. Pitlsiiui-TiiiNS luciiratclv piepirod nt all hours, l.lubl, mid nli;Itt liffl ill llo door, en eller st. N II. l'lirmers nnd others fr.iiu tho country avi. iimi: liy letting jour us win en Inlotown. ftlsiutr JOHN J)E LANJEY, Lawyer and Justice of tho Peace. Tenth Slrool, Opposife Cily Hotel. J.iuKl If Omaha Steam Heat ing and Plumbing Works,! tj.vs nrnxu a- i'ixturi:s, IIKAI KIIS IN Wrought Iron, I'lpo Filling, Trim, in lug, v. ANoa Isrfoassortiiie :BB.ASS GOODS, Pomps, I,lft and Torco Funip,'w.vih. stauJi, Wator Closets, Bath Tuba and SLower Baths pat up In the meat Mtiifactory mannor. I'lnmbcrs' aud Urn Fitters' .Mntcriiil always on .uiiiii. FITZPATRICK, Ooiiglu. SI.,Uii(Ifr Hamilton llouso 'Ctl7ill JOHN IL GREEN, STATE MILLS DKAI.KIt IN UIIAIX, IT.OUR AMI VKV.U, AND COM M I S 8 1 0 N M E R 0 11 A N T, '(,i. .Vlnlli n,i, .IulIchoii Sis uovir.ii WHV IS 11' THAT WM. SEXAUER, 3QG 3fj',,ixx Stt., Kills bctlei KooJsaiid nt lower prices than nny cither liirullurtKlculir In Omalu ? Iks auto be Hi'V".';!'!.,.,,i1' "''lANJU. Ud has NO Itl-M-'IO I'Ai If yu do not Ik.IIi,b II, i nil and I'xiimiiio hi. largo slot k nf fjl TT XI axr I OC XT jcl -rp BEDDXITG, -ANI)- Live Gccse Eeatliei-s, .prl,l)fN"SA'nbnM0U"i)l:u, '.TJCilJGLlVXS. Ono enpj , ouo year. In advance,. ,. .. " six month, " ,,, Ihrw " " 1 0 . W SO The ." VI v.tov S.M.Co.'s NCW SKWINfl MACHINH "YIOTOB" Runs very Easy, Runs very Fast, Runs very Still. Ha a New Bhattla Superior to all Other. Defies Competition. (Iiciif Impnneiiieuls in Needle. Cannot lie Sot Wr AI.Mrt WANTIII). Address Till! Vlt'fOU" 4. M. CO. fiUVtm tc,i llronlwny, N. . 3LXI33 tr ij Organ u W MAVEN URGAN o -llaniifaeltiro (he t'elebraled Jubilee and Temple 1 hcsii Organs niviihsurfitwcM In quality ol lone, stjlo of lliilsh, simplicity of nmsliuu .tloii,nud dtlriiMllt). Also, MULODI.uNS In various "slyles iiiioiuilhsl In toii(y amP M'liu lor lllilslrnltsl Cntnliuu Address NIIW llAVKN O ur. un an ni.. New Haven, Oniii. kKI-Siu WAfirnls wnntcl Millions of Acres ! t'oi iprWiin many of the BEST PJRA1IIEE LANDS Iowa and Nebraska, AMI roll SM K lit' lllh Riirllnglon .V iMIssourl llhor K. R. Company, on ti:n VRARS' CRRRIT, AT SIX PRRCRXT. INl'KRRST. No part of Pilmlpiil dun for Iwn ycaisftnm less mid Mililu niotii Jhcy varj iiecoidliiKto soil, location, wnler suplilj, limlK-r, nnd other ndvnutiutcs, In un 1 ..f Ihus-iiiiu iiiiinnernsiloolher lntds. All these pecullirllles of cwry lot uflerpil for tie, miybo le.uneil nt tho oilier of tin, ijiud Coiiimlssloiier, or ut n t y of tho h.uil nKtiilsnliiiiit tho lino; but en ry man will, ot course, ctainliie In t rsoti tliu luud ho expects to cultivate, and the locality wliero Is to Is) his fnliiro homo, nnd for this vtery ficillty Is olli reil ' Tlieso limn and Nebraska Lands Arunotetcccilcd in feillllty, U-auly, Hint nil uttraclloiHiuiil n.raniii;es ol locality mid soil which In tho estimation ol fann ers, by nny region In tho world j wlill nude, iniiutifiu lures, arts', srleuee, mid nil tbu attend niitsof H'lliieim ut nnd luxury, whlih enter irl"or.iii liilrodiieo mid thrift maintain, mu lulloulne riipldly iho in irch of settleiueiit. IholUllrind lauds nliemly w,,i l,ao lieni wniidorfiilly linpriiccd, and tho Intrciisci In their Miluu Is hir.ce, In many cases aliuust In i rixllble. Jlwch equally pood laud remains unsold, mid can lio purchasclm low rates, cm the ajmutusy leiinscif pijiiiont and with equally iiood nros pccls of steady and liirt'o lncn.iie In culuu. TL'ttMS OF SALR. Tho purchaser pnjs at thu outset, ouo year's iitin-ktHtaix lr cent, on tho aluoof his hiui ; ntthuend of a jear ho m ikes auolliei similar p lymciit of six per cent. only. Atthociidof tho second jenr ho miikis pay luent of oiie-nlnlh purl of tlm principal of the purclmso iiiimey and ouo ) ear's Interest nt six percent, on the remainder, and Iho samo nt I ho end of each surecMlvo enr (herealler, un til nil has been paid. If ho chooies lo pay cash down, or one-third msl, nnd tha babiuo in una mid two eurs. w Ih Interest at ten p. r cent, annually, ho Is nllnw oil un outright discount of 2(1 per cent, or ""'P1'1' ''"' tho ten jonrprlroof tho land. l8 Heller tonus thin Ibeso h.uo nutoi been Ulll'leil. lll.ll lllllb.lli v ln.ti.r ..111 1... I'.irlles wliopiirchti!forcih ut'rltp r..i. inn-Hie hi i-iiriiuiMi, ntiii a Wiiriniily Hied us suimiis it ran Ihi execute I If fthort Crollt or laini' Cresl t.iiloiitriiiloruHiiud furu Deed Is exo-' . ....-.., .in.., i, -nun ns un tun piyments uic jiindcn Wiiriniily Deed, fieolroiu any luciim br.ilire, Is kIc.ii r,eil.ele , 1 ,,o tuso uf I iiids pinch iseil fni cash dim ii. .Niinlistr.iclof illlols iiisesMry, us It Is well kniiwiithnitliiiliudsncrciKiiiiilisI directly to the ralliond company I,) tho UulleilMiiles. oxsoicrxjiutvxDss CoiitnliiliM full nnd rellnhh, Informiillou un,. ccniliiK those! I mils, the nylon in wbieli .y illi'HltiMtcsI, towns, schools, soil, cllinule, iiro durts.stoek, luiirkcls, rn ru ids, clear, lur iiMiodtirutiiltously. ' ' ' r U.1hNI 11)11 1IIKM. llwry liidlcliliiiii i, u, nny Idea ol seek- lihVr'i".1" "'" ."r Wr "lm"1'1 "wroncoiiv u , -ii i i ,'''' "V1 r"ul u, l'roiigli ran fulw II will ho Iho best prop trntlou ho can have. Bootioual 3cXn,x3a !,n ?.,l,iB?i''al,',".,,tl,,' "l0 i-'HCt location nil nirliiiiU In loJS, finiilHlied for .lilcoiit 1 1 nh. nn.l sliullir mans of our lauds In N Iiiiiskunt tho samo price. Apply to or address CIEOROE S. HARRIS, Lund CmnniMumei'. a! mnIK rj7fJ, "WA. for Iowa Uiuds. At I.IM ol.N, NUB., fci Nebraska liids. TOTHRCITIZIINSOI'OMAHA. tjii: EMPIRE ICE CO. Ar 'iMrah. ","1 "" I O IE ANn SOFT WATER. ''''r1'''" ,1'rniuplly tilled nt llm lowest lalis. . Jl. Woaro mil luiiiiihluillniiiiiiiinaiiy. ,,,,,,.. I'Ll.TCIIIIlt A HUHIIAItrV EfGfxldai'd Kros. & Co.,S rA . ni:Ai,i:it in 03 wSTOVRS, l'URNACi:s, KAXIJKS,, TXIC-VCrVXllJI, And Maniifatlurcisof W I R E W OltKl ! JVE otftl XI. oofl !1 liii'Vr pmmptly iitt ii.lcl lo. ' i:. i:.vrAiiitooK. w. m. phancih Estahi'ook & Francis, A-ttorjioym-at-Xin-TO' .x lul nlleutloii glvo-i to Court Pracllro. vii i icir-cur. li.urliTiilli and Douglas sis jan'11-tf Omalu, Neb, 1....L...ti , i u, u ii ai ii. on iy oui-iiiniii Witm rodiicls will ni) fur land and iiiiiirovemeul r. 'I'lici I'lUrsot these 1 mds nre In, ruiiKliir KCiienillj in lo.i, lrom s in Sir. r arie, uiul 111 C Ill.lSkll fllllll 1 In SI J ili.r n. r.. u.lll. - . v ,-.. ...L, nun mmir gSMSM