Newspaper Page Text
BKTlS? 2! MiSglji --rafi&5. i , M ryjMywf lWk,1Km . twfcrt.'txawfca WW 11 ,! . , I . iwm"K'mw,ivfMwHrlaai-1lW,iMWi"imL' NIK DAILY BIDE. ? EDWARD roskwater, lalHm- mill I'rt.p'i. Iffhe, is I'nrnh.n.i si.. 11. Ninth and Tenth OMAHA DAILY WKIIIKLY BEH rublifhrrt vtj vi:i)m:siav mok.vim(, &$; rfKFTV9'" Wf'WWW' . - .,,.g ii " ' ! ' ' ii'TlliTrTTMBM mr-'-Hii"'"" "h "" aiWWW WIW ' " . - .' "t-A"' V SS'reS"SIlrrs8eMS.w(? BEE V 1' ,7 00 S 76 . IS HE OMAHA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Auction OoofW, Ut.h P. I'AItVTF.t.i., Tweltth street, be Ifu I'aruhaui an I Douglas Mat' and Caps, U.ivtiftn.SIii, in I Uorcf ji'iH'Mi (.killing. fwi7-ir Artist' MMerlnl. MIADY A M( AUSLAND W and IMS Tuut- iwtitti hiim-i. Jywu lout mid Shot. FlIlMf IAN(1 1M Kurnlmni street, lln Tcnlh nn.l Klerealli. leMMf V. Nl WHITNHY l!ut mil shoe, 2W Hoagla .Street. J till I. hern WILLIAM Kl'.l'l.l., Clilmi!" street i-iww-m IXlflh mil Thltteentli, Jy'Jllf Coal Dealjr. p.ilvnd .1 HM.iorr. iji, i.lmn. ev. mull. Iltlr, cte. Ill Karti'.nt street. MitS-'lm t'oiiliidiiiiciy. KltANK I.. McDONALD, dcsler lu Confri tlonery, Krult, (irocerlts urn! Poultry. I orner Tenth and Karnhaiu. Lunches prepared to or der for travellers. Jy'"' llrnjjBlsl. J. A ItllKDKII. IruiM, torm-r Utli and liaruer slretls. iBNurnnce ,L'iiM l'lll'.NCH a McKOON. l'lre aud AeiMeut nsilraneo Af.ents, over tin Po-t olflre. JCHtlt'O of tli- True. JOHN W. I.YN.B. Justlr.- "I lb Peaie. Olncn over Vlrst National llauk. .teirelcr mill Oiillrlmi. j p. sVYi:r. i.'i ii'iii Wat-'h-s, 'l,ks,.Welry, "ustfte-, '' !'.--l i. Miiu-ly I.ockstillllilii;;. niii.i. iianihsu, i:u. aii.mi a riwii nnif, ii.kiHiiii4. iteii ii ' ,,,",,,?1 '" ' F"' e.alJ.ibVrs. (in n ull'.v l l'n I jhiI ri i.ilrJj. JMf" I""1" s''i'"v ..;rilnfl cirii-r I'i'n ii 'I 41 1 Hi!' i. fWil'ilt I, ui ii it r. .tII "triM I.M'N'llf.V I'.irtir o( Iweiily-ilrtlnnl l'i' I " " ,l" ""' a' ' ,ill .nil' l '" ' ' I'll! ll" ll,.lrr m I'.i.iii iri:i: S'.i ." i l'iri-1. 'i i tr"l Itiimlu, Slii'l loli(-, I'll- JI- UI'.AIO I Mi'l'l.V vil ml .rhlll ,t;irl ', Ktir l"iif in fni-tory. iii:.1tl'l -OAI WOUK-l. Lljllll '.. I ..-...-. ..,.-... .- I..., ,1111 iii mtil ! Uiih tli'lr n-lelimleJ r mliiiii 'ijii. I'lvf ilit inmiiuiui .ax.irituJ l.v l)iiu aii. mill v mil hut.! I'iilr. Jtnl I'jtlHwutlaiiilo i.iiiiIt, iuwa. OnliTa villi ltisl inun Hi- iijiIi. hoiIu IVotcr ffluiiiilBcttiri'm. II. IIIIIMtlOD A CD., MIhtkI ati l W.1 ir. IIimIit In Clilrr Hinl IkiltliM Wcl, ll.'cr. m k llux 7. OinaliuSloiicll JlHiiiilxccorr, No. 700 IVirnbam street, J. II. l'lirw, proprl jtor. ttnlpra taken for Heals, IVmhim, Miiii', Bhikiihii iuhI Ki-y Chucks. hlenclU lilt wtlh lln mnklui; a Icttrr at one blow. WHY IS IT THAT WM. SE'XAUER, QQQ 3P,raalx.xti St., SvlUliettoi RiHulnanl at lower prlcci tlinn any uttier f uriill nroilealur In DinabiT Itwanw n U a l'ltACrilUL MECHANIC, ami liai N) 11I5KT TO I'AY. If you do not lii'llere It, nil and examine Ids largo stock of -c-1-crxi.-JNr xttxh. -pj BBDDI1TG, -AND- Livo Geese FeatlierN, AND SATlSrTYOORSEI.r. nirll-dt( CLARK & TRENCH, Jite ropy, nno year In sdvaiirc, fix mouths " " week " V WHOLESALE GROCERS as; ii COMMISSION MKIIOIIANTS. ALL 0RDEE3 FEOM THE OOTJNTKY u-wtr Nomctkluic Xew Untler tlio Sim ! MONEYSAVED ! 4P3KCOND-HAND CI.OT1UNO Unilit and old, cleaned and repaired at Hie loweal rates. 139 FABHBAMBT.Muthilde),bttOth tud 10thV?our Doom West of 10th, OMAHA, .... NED. fob'Stf A. MUUIIIS. MltH. It. II. PALMER, Fashionable Dress Cutter, DKAl.EU IN- Superior Hiuiil Ami Snwitu Miti'hltit) Noudlrs, Cotton Silk, Etc. A-nt for 'M(.lills (ll.ive-fllllnK Cut raper r.itterm. I'atiorns for IadltV, MIism' unit iiovs'Ujrnients. Nlutli'St , Jlour I.rnvrnsvortll. uir."-tf QISHfic JACOBS? J 2 a K U Ii. 9 UNDELlTAKEBSr. aiig3tl THOKUl A- JESSKN'S Shirt Manufactory, ISO X"xJtxlxvxxiLTieit. Keep on hand a well assorted and Urge stock of .Shirts. All kill It ol rihlrts made to order. Ilrcjt Inducements olljred to retail dealers. Jantf-codly 1I -VOLI Saloon and Restaurant, COR. NINTH AND FARNEAU 8TB., ItEIl. WIIITH, - Proprietor CONCKRT given by Prof. Schrooder and lbs uewOUCllKSl'MON, DsTY and N1UIIT. The Orchestrion It one of tbe largest in be world, and plays 74 of Hie uowest and I'd uiiulc piece. ADMISSION, FKEE! deot-lj &K4ft9A per day. Agents wanted I All sBQIAIOmV cbuse ol working people, o IUier aex, young or old, make more money at work for us In tlislr spar moments, or all tbe time, than at auytbln tlse. Address U Itliuso A Co., Portland, MalBi. asvs-ly Vol. II. riWI'KH.VITV MinKCTOin .Unsnlitc.' IIIIANl) ROTAL A ItCK CHAfTKIt or Nr.lll'.Aih.t-M. K. llMiidlflxh I'rlMt, KuV i-rt It. I.ltlii3lua, I'littmnoutli; N, llX llrau.l HUli I'linl, ltlitt V, I urnas, L.uvii.. vllMj I., lirabd Klii. I'hatlM I-. OfHxli.ii.ii. Omaha . K. tjfanJ .virilK', A. II. Hasting,, Lin coln: i;. (Hand TriM, liter, (leoryc II. (jrntf, tU (JtJiid Avieur.r. (t, o. it. r.) Duilel II. MThrtiler, I'lattimouth! Orint 1 hiphlu, It. U. H. Atexunder, I.lncilli ', lii.m.l IMmer, IP. u. II. p.) Jame V,'. MiKire, f.'eliraki City: (iraudlaptaliiiif Hie Hint, II. O. Ilaniu, I uil City J tliitml I'rlurlpal Nilnuriiri, Him A. Crolgli,ilroiriiTlllellraii. Itoral Arch fnpliilm J. I'. Helmnl, Lincoln linfii'l Musi.-r, .M Vull, John ltvul, N'elira.ka CH) Iii.hkI .i.,Iit, '.M Vall.Wiu.ll. Ilowen, I'milia litabd Mi,ter, 1st Vail, Ue. II, 'liniiuin.'l, nrand Hand; llrund Hlpward-, .-, I. K. Wanl, Trrui h : O. Ml)Tr&.iu, Iw-llaru'i Itntml llimrd II. li.Jrli klnsun, Omaha, (IRANI) Ct)MMANI'KIIY.Hr Uolwrt W. Turna,, llrownrllle, II. K. tluiid CoinniaiiiU'r, Plr 'Ihus. A. Creliili, llrowiiTllle, C. (Ird. Itw. Omaha Capitol bhir, n... j, a. i". a a. M., meets ercir .Mnn.liir rtt'iiln, Win, II. Ikiirrii, Bvirelatii. tXIVKUr LOWIK, No. II, tuiets the scumd Wednewlay In otcIi ninntli M. W. rilewarl IK'k llox .113. 8T. JOHN'S MIDOK, No; 'J-., ni.-,-ts Hie Hrst and third TliurwlaTs la tnW lunnth. I.. I'.. 1'rcnih, tfcrclary. All the alxiTO tiodles iii"t in their hall, Cen tral Illoik, rarnliam street, ltwecn lllli and HtU. OMAHA CHAITCll, No. I, ltoyal Areli Mhioiis, uiivts the first Tucodajr In caili inutith (icorge K. Mayer, tirct.iry. MOUNT CAI.VA11Y COMMANDltY, N... I, Knights Templar, meets In miniate the Hist 'lhuiwlay In ivnli muiilli, nt Hie Asluin, on K.irnhsm sltvel, In I'lonper lllw k. Ar I'Iihiii MMwnhe, I'.n.irilci. OMAHA COUNCIL, No. I, IU,yai and .-lra Musters, meets the Hist rriduy In .Murih, Junu epleiiil"T nd Iei-iiilM-r I. Milt,.'. Ite. iimler I. (). (). K. liitAND i:nc mi'.mk.vt ok .-ica . 111). A. Clliu, M. W. (Irand I'jtrlartli; John (laiulln, M. K.U. II. P.; W. rt. Wells, It. W. . H. W.; John Crins, It. W. 0. Nullm; l(. II. C Wlieeer, It. W. (I.Treiis.i II. V. Wdkeftel.1, K. W- (i..l. W.i.'s.J. llim-lrltli, It. .t. Itep. Innlci-s mi. 'tin,' In Dmihi 4) Nld IVIIims' Hall, C'-iilrul lllnik. OMAHA LDI'i.K, No. .'. -.Mi-.-, I'll diy ertnln.', V M M lekei . N. I, V m Itnyei, It. M','') IIKxrHUIAN IISCAMI'MKNT, N .. 1. -Mei'ts tlr-t an I t III r I 1'i'inliv In i-.iili iiiunih, T I, ('. I'.; I'eter lli)i-r. .N-rlln-. ai.i.i:m.vnm:s loiui:,ni..- ,t(i.iniii)- Miets eseiy Wtsllii'.l iv, I I.--I v llnnini, N.(i.;.liillii,Thleli-, It. .,i' STATI I.OIMii:, N... to. ln. every Mmi day evening. Tli.nii is Krve, N I!.; .1. A. Tinker, It.. set 'y. IIUACON MHHIK, No. -J. Meets every Tuesday cvenliiK. A. Iluewater, N. (I.j A. Meyer, It. Sec'y. COVKNANT liKUIU'.K I.OIMIK, No. 1. Meets fourth Thnrs.1 iv In each mouth, .toini HtaiiK, Ii. M.; .1. A. 'luckir, .see'y. lturii umiKKAH I)i:(ihi:k i.hixik, No. 1. Meets second Thursday lu i-.uh luoiilh. J. Kvans, N.O.J Mrs. T. J. Hlaly, .sec'y. COAL. UNION GOAL AND MINING Ofllce Kttst .side i:ith, bet. Douglas mill Furnhnm. MINKKi'ANll)KAi.i:ilSIN AIJ..KINDS OF COAL. A. D. MoAusland1 Healer In Guns; I'isIoIh, Ammunition, (ittti Mntcriali, Cutlery, nnd Fishing Tackle. 244 DOIKJLAS HT., Comer of 14th, OMAHA ItepalrlnK douo piomptly. nud other seals uiadu to order. luihltf. Colfax County Nursery I Located on tlio Union 1'iiclllc lUllroad, 711 miles west of Omaha. Orcr one bundled acres in Trees, Vines, .Shrub, Ac. -8END FOR PRICE LIST.'" Address U, P. KINNKV. feWl-etxl-dawIm Muliuyler, Neb. N EW GROCERY STORV .TIIMITH TUEITSCI1KK, all I DKAI.KR IN Groceries & Provisions, Cigars, ToWcos, Grain and Produce, Toys, Notions, ele OASS, bet. Thirteenth and Fourteenth ti, le Bit All goods itelivvrist tree. (1E0. A. HILL & liHO., Groceries and Provisions, OUMINQ & TWENTY-SEOOND 8TS. LOW HUNT I UOODS UltUAP 1 1 Onlers delivered free. The patronage ot North Omaha cltlrens la reipw tfully (eb'iltr soil. tied. FKEDEKICK DELLUNE, Carpenter nnd Rnilder, sui'ii.ii:s Tin-; J9nli. XjooU, Thcliest In market for strength and cooven- lenie. Plain or ornamental. Warnmed In give sstUfaetiou. Call and examine, at 505 AND 607 THIRTEENTH STREET. fuhll-tf Creighton & Morgan, GROOBRS -AND- CUMMISSIOX MEUC1LVXTS, nnAi.r.its in PROVISIONS, LIQUORS, &G. AdKNTS FOU i'lrbaks' Standard Scales. KM FAKNHAM BTREET, 0UAHA, NEB Xi;w Voni: workingmen :ind their iMnploypM ate iiiitkliijj ninplr projiarit tmiH fur the niinual sjirlng i!tiike. On, citizen ahou ltl lienr in iiiiml tiint, in tlip next two yenr., Omahn wnnti no drniitw in Iter nlilcrmniilc liive. Tin: IlritiMt ministerial criii, which Inis rtinlteil ndycr.scly to tlie hish Unicriity hlli, lin now virtu ally tiinifil out to le) a tri umph. San I'ltANCisco U iigain ngitiited on the pavement question. Jut now they ure trying nit experiment witlt mulied Hint roek mixed witli gravel compressed by rollers weighing twen ty tout. Hon. John Tafi'i: is to bo con gratulated upon hia promotion in military circles'. Yesterday he win only it Major. This morning we find him promoted to the rank of Colonel by the Jltjwbliatn. Tin: publishers of the Webster ami Worcester' dictionaries are making cxtiaordiuary ell'orts to dNposo of their latest edition. This wo pre sume, is mainly owing to the ap proaching conglomeration of national tongues into one universal Ian git.tge, it-, prophesied by Pre-ident (ititiit in his inaugural. Tin: Xorth Carolina Legislature, nf teravcryprotr.tcledhe?sion,adjourned List week, having p.ts'il but one single act. Namely, a joint re.-olution deel.tring that "Meaufort is a good harbor." Comparing Nebr.t-ka with North Carolina Legislator, impartial tax payers would prefer the latter as it sK'culntiu investment. CoMMOHoiinVANDnituiirliHsereet ed another monument to himself out of the proceeds of bis stock gambling operation. He has just donated half u million for a sectarian college in Tennessee. Another evidence that gamblers arc often of more practical benefit to the "faithful" than people who make a living by honest labor. Oi.tvi: Looan hits, gone into the dramatic nrt business. Her debut as it writer of theatricals was made in New York last week, in a new com edy called "A llusiness Woman." Tlio New York art critics are inclined to thoopinion that writing up comedy is not Olive's sphere, notwithstanding Fowler's phrenological chart to tlio contrary. Wi: can imagine General Crook's mortification at the interference of the epizootic with his plans for the Indian campaign, when we bear in mind the disgust manifested by Pres ident Lincoln when McCIclhm tele graphed him, after the battle of Anti etam, that bo could not pursue Lee's army, because his cavalry horses wero alllictcd with soro tongues. Inhane Asylum in Ohio appear to bo as ill-fated as those in Nebraska. A few months ago the Northern Ohio asylum at Nowbttrg, was de stroyed by Are. Ono wing of this structure was, however, Havcd, and yesterday this portion of the asylum was blown down by n heavy gale. Wonder if they had any Larshes and Kcnnards connected with the insti tution? Tin: greatest obstacle in the way of securing an eilicicnt administration ot our municipal air.tirs lies in the obstinate refusal of good bus iness men to serve in tlio City Council. Why do such men shirk their just responsibilities? Why force the nomlnatinu ind elec tion of men to those most responsible positions when they would not will ingly trust them with their privato business aflairs ? As long as our most successful nnd energetic business men refuse to servu the people in the capacity of local legNlator, that long wo cannot reasonably expect to se cure, system economy and reform in our municipal nflUlrs. Tun latest news from the Modoc seat of war may bo summed up as follows : Another coppor-faced, con traband squaw has returned from Captain Jack's lava bed. A new Hoard of Peace Arbitrators is to bo appointed in consequence. Thirty fivo Indian ponies bavo surrendered to a captain of the regular cavalry. The captain would have cheerfully captured their owners, aud killed them in the bargain, had not liumano considerations and their premeditated escape prevented him from carrying out his bloody design. The squaw Artina says tlio lava beds aro moro comfortablo in the winter time than beds imported from Germany, pulled up with live geeso feathers. The Modocs are inclined to become peace able, if Captain Jack can bo com missioned as commander-in-chief of the Oregon militia. Further infor mation from tlio enemies' camp ex pected momentarily through another reliable squaw. Omaha, Wednesday Morning, March 19, 1873. TELEGRAPHIC Hpi la. r rinird lorTuc OMAiii lln, bylhe Ml nil sud r';llirTui':rJl,hC'onip'iar. WASHINGTON. Till-: t'AlllNKI'onOANIs.VTlON. .HlDOKlilCHAHIWONAPPOlNT- r.D SECRKTAKY Ol' TUKASURY. V CHICAGO. Sr. PATRICK'S DAY. ' Miacollaaoous. Wahhinutux March 18. Since the adjournment of Congress the books and iccoidsof the Cicdil Mobllicr company have been at the Canitol in theposession ofChairman Wil-on. The Attorney Oeneral has been anxious to obtain oe.siou of them, to be ued in the suits authoi ied by the Cu-dit Mobilier net against sundry individuals in behalf ol the I'liioii Piicilic railroad com pany. The Ciedil Mobilier company has also been very anxious to obtain Hisse.ssioti of its propeily, though willing that Hit Attorm'y (iencral should letaiu copie.s. oil Saturday, however, the property in question aus virtually cuili-rated and turneover to the Attorney Oeneral. It is asserted that tbe con! pany will resort to legttl proceedings to iccover its property, which, it ii claimed, was brought before the coiuinitU'c to be u-eil as evidence mid to bo returned to the owners nfiei wards. The new admistratiou, complete in its cabinet organization, was sub mitted to and confirmed by the Sen ate, thus removing whatever ofdonbt and anxiety which may have cii-deil over it lor it lew days pu-t. All of the old cabinet were renominated by Mr. Routwell, and in bis place Judge Richardson was upointed Secretary of the Treasury. 'J here was no dis cussion in the executive session over the nominations, and they were there fore nt once confirmed Tlio decision to reappoint the whole cabinet was made a special meeting held at 10 o'clock this morn ing; all the members being present but Mr. Creswell. The I'rc.-ident informed them that he desired that they would mako out their lecont mcudations for nominations in their respective departments and forward to liim us boon as possible in order that he might bond them to tlio Sen ate. All of the members of the cab inet then verbally tendered their resignations in accordance with the usual custom, and tlio President in formed them that they would bo ac cepted as a matter of form, but that it was his purposo to renominate them to the same positions they now held, nnd forward tlio nominations, including that of Judgo Itichardson to fill the vacancy occasioned by tlio resignation of ltoutwell, this after noon for confirmation. Jt is still in sisted that Richardson's appointment, is only temporary, but it is well un derstood that the President regards it ns a permanent and fixed appoint ment, not to be changed by iiny act of his. Wasiiinoton, Miirch IS. Secretary Tish ha just bent in Ills olllcial (Kspatches to Sliuistcr Sickles. The joint resolution congratulating Spain on tbe Repuclic was passed by Congress. Tlio resolution was also signed by the President and accom panied by a letter requesting the early presentation of the new govern ment. It having lieen ascertained after diligent inquiry who the Rov. Edward Payson Smith was. the Senate to-day confirmed him as Commissioner of Indian affairs. The nomination was bung up for several days until his qualifications and residence could bo learned. Chicago, March 18. Notwithstanding the undoubted success of the out of door proceedings, the great event of the day was be yond question the banquet, given under tlio auspices of the Irish Liter ury Association. The banquet was given at Central Hall, on market street, and the host, Hendricks, out did himself in making it one of the finest displays that lias ever been made in tills city. Tlio dining-room was traversed its entire length by four tables, with a cross ablo at the head. On these were piled the dain ties as well as tlio substantial of the season. The guests nscmbled In tbe ball included the fairest and noblest of the Irish citizens of Chicago. The executive committee of tlio associa tion, the greatest pride of which is tliat it is general In its charactor, having decided that All.. I.kill.l.l llrf-iaildl l.Bdl Jl.A h.- .-. i mi- niuiua niiuiim ii-uii tuu gram ill their presenco to, the gathering of Ireland's wins. They camo in num bers and brought their cavaliers with them. Tlio gathering was ono of the most successful character and rollects high credit on tlio managers. Dispatches from all parts of tlio country, indicate that St. Patrick's day was very generally nnd enthusi astically celebrated. No disturbances or accidents reported anywhere. Clinton, Iowa, March 13. ino ice commciiceti moving on yesterday, slowly, and to-day it has neon passing rapidly, and at noon it oroKo away nt babula and moved o lively. The present indications a itt aro that tho river as far as Dubuque will uu ctear in-taiiours. McDonald & Co.'s raft broko looso at Savannah to-day, and came down in tho ico but could not be stopped hern. DKsMoiNrH, March 17. . St. Piilticl s D.ty was icltdirated hero to-day, with patadi1, banquet ami i ball. Sons of I'.riii, Laliorers Union, lung insii amcnraii anti t.iiinirti monument societies, four bundled trong, p.uaded this city. Tlio occa siiin paM-cd oil' quietly ami orderly. Mr.Mi'ini, March I". Memphis and Little Rock railroad sold at llopefields to-tlav, by Mr. Voile, trustee for hcconil mortgage landholders, Mr. Wilt, ofClovcland, ln'cuining piireluiH'r at $ir,0')0 over and hImiw litsl ntortgiigc bond, and all liens pievious to issuance of sec ond inortgumi bonds, amouuting in the aggregate to $.'1,1 8 1,000. l'lrsl Ward Rcglstratiou Notice. The iiii.lrrslsii.,1 will sit at Tiirnrr Hull, on M.iinUy, March 17th and 21th, each, and nt his placeol liuslne,soti hniirleeutb street on Nit iinUy, March ."), lor thcpurpnMj ol nuking d illlloiisaud iiirristloiisto llui llt n( lcvistticl rulers In Ihel'lrsl Wird A. .1. I)3YI,t:, mnrli-clint Kegistrar. SECOND WARD REtJISTRATION NOTICE. The iiiidersbliril will sit at thnnflli-niif J. W. J L)lle,KBii.ioriKrTliirliTiithnnd Kuril ham tts, m it i m? i irst mmoiiui u.iiik, i-ritiuy, Nittir d.iy and Mondnv, March 2S, 2u mid 31, from U to I o'tlock nielnlay, for the putiw of mak ing tiddiilon, mid forioctlons to the profiil Hit of iroUtcred votels of the 2nd waul. A. P.. Oiirii.tiitt, Iteglslrar. Third Ward Registration. Niillii-i l,.M.-liy given that I n ill sit at the "Hi, e i.l J.itui M.Tliurst In CiUvnll Hlmk, on I'll.l.i), .M.iuli 'Jlil, nnd on I'lid.iy and .", .Ma rcli ill Ii an I 2'Jlh, for lhei'orrelliiii of tiinl uddlllnii. In the leel.try of Miters nt Hie 1 fill .1 W.u.l. A. Al'VMsKY, simil I If Ib-glstrarlhlid Wiird. Not Ice to tlio l.c;.il Voters of the l'ourtli Ward. Omaha City. 1 1. undersigned, luisliar, wl'l ii.i) and Tnetav, Hie 171 It and 2sth lul., ul Joint T. Cigar's ll.mlwnn- Slore, No. 'J III Iinol.iHstns't, nnd on 'IhiirsJuy, 1'rid.iy, mil .siiluiilay, lh.'2Ulh,2lat, and M iosls.,ut J. K. It.,. I' mine, No. lyvriilrlcemhstri'il, In rear ..( ilir l'lrt I'.ink, fur II," purpose of liukliigioireitiuiis, elr warli-lw P. IllJIil'.S. nrrii ward uentstratiox NOTICE. The undersigned trill sit at Wllfclu - s't.,,,, Southwest kiiiii r of Thlitcenlh mid Chiiaijo streets, uu Tuesdty, March 2Slh, and Wedlies dsy und Mlunliiy. March '-'.'.III mid 2jth, for uirmll.iiH nnd uifdltloiis to the list of lleglt terul Votetsuf theFlltb ward. CHA.S. i:. lmUNb'lt, Itt-ji.lrar, Burlington & Missouri River R. R, in Nebraska, TXXMCia M7.A.:BXjtl3 I No. 23.1 To t.iks eiT-a Monday, March 10, 1873. ' i ai-iii.,, ' ' MSIIUXS. Wl.Sl. Uthl. L'lut t t H thl'ia.n Iililp in. Oreaop.ills II: W " 1:111 ' Omaha iu..j) " 2.1O ' liellcwie H:U5 " l.'.V, " 1a Platte IIijii " l:ll " Oieaopoll, ll:a.1 " I .til " Oreaop'ilis 12:31 " Ciiuoril 11:17 " 12.:'Ji " l.oiil,llle 12:011 12(rl " .south llend I2..II " 11:11 " Ashland 12.1') " 11::!.' " tireeunoiid I2.W " :s " Wsterly 1:07 " 11.01 '' Nentini 1:1!) " in 5.' " Lincoln I.. " " Lincoln I :.'.) p. i " Denton '.'ill " ID.o-j " Highland 2::1 " . . . t:l " Cicte 2:l 1) .17 " Crete 2.M ' U:::.' " Honliestcr 3.17 " It l.'xelcr (:isl Mil " 1'uh moiit i.-M " d: " (iiallnu k l.."7 " 7'ls ' Harvard ."i:l", " 7.n? ' Inland ii:l:i " t.:i ' IlaliiU C.27 " il.'ll .lunlala r.ilh " ,: .liiiilala 7.(i " :-l ' Kriii'sitv 7i2.S " fj,n ' lisril 7:Vi " fl:tl " l'oit K1..IUC) " BV Kearney .Itinit'ii.. o:4ii " i:',n.i. in. Trtlas Bt'ea Omiha and FUttiuoutb' Iaveand arrlveas follows: I'Lirr-MOl'Tll. IIMAII. Iaae 1:30 p.m. Anire 1.17 m. 111. Iae I2:H " Arrlte 2-HO " Arrito lli.Mi.i, in. Liavo lO-.loa. in. Airlve y.05 " lo;ave 7;in " Deitrict Branch, . Mltl.ll, , sTntoss. yi kit. snerii. Crete 1:1.1 11. m 0:11 a. in, HhWIII fi 57 " 5::i7 " Cildwidl tl-2.". " 5:9 " Itatilie 0:S) " t: 10 " N. B. The limn given ahovo is that of Omaha, and l 11 iiiiuutes slowei than Hint ol Chicago. C. I". MOlt.sK, Hupt. II. t). MANCIIlWTKIt, Oeu. Ticket Agt. IF YOU AltE (JOINU TO IIIIILD, hi:nh to BUTTAN HEATINS & VENTILATING ooavrx-J.Kr'jr, EL00UIN0T0.S', - - ILLINOIS nut cntciti.Aii. W. A. P:NNULI Pies. liiAAHHMIiAII.Me'y, . U. FJbHUlt, siup'l. Jsu27-3m Midnight Telegraph 3TOPs.I3IG3iT. Tin: popi: cnvi-w audikxck TO A DELEGATION OF CANADIAN? Mis c ollauo o us , MoNlKIMI,, March 18. A I tine o'clock this morning a building behind the St. .lames Hotel took fire in tho stairway leading to a flat, whcic the female servants slept, and burned thicc of tho girN, who threw themselves from tho win dow iioii tho sidowalk, where they weic plnccil on mattresses ol soft ma tcjial. They wen! consitlcrablv in jured. One girl hung out of' the window twenty minutes, and was finally rescued. Three gentlemen saved themselves by making a ladder of quilts. The fourth and fifth fiats of tho hotel wore completely de stroyed. Loss not estimated. VosAiLLEd, Mrrch 18. Tho annual budget was presented in tho National Asembly yesterday. It shows ti most gratifying condition of tbe public funds. There is now in the Treasury half the sums due (Seriiinuy. No loan will lie tcquiicd to complete tho payment of the war indemnity "t tho dates designated in the convention signed on Saturday List by Thiers ami Count Von Ainini. Romi:, March IS. The Pope gave audience yesterday tonne hundred Canadians, who served in the Pontifical Zouaves. His Holi ness congratulated the visitors iisni their steadfast devotion to the church Wahinoton, March IS. The President has nominated John P. Web-tor for Assistant Treasutcrnt Chicago. In the Senate Mr. Uugy in.ulo a statement touching tho memorial presented yesterday, charging corrup tion in the procurement of bis elec tion, ami asked immediate investiga tion, pending which lie should re frain from voting on like questions involving other members. The Caldwell case was lenewed. A delegation of colored men from Baltimore, headed by Hishop Way man, called on tho President this morning in behalf of tho retention of Collector Thomas at that port. Tho President appointed Sawyer, ex-Senator from South Carolina, As sistant Secretary of the Tieasury. The members" of the Cabinet weie worn in at noon. Col. Casey's confirmation as collec tor of New Orleans is earnestly op posed. Senator West is against him. Richard H. Whitnev will bo ap pointed Collector of internal Rev enue for tho Fifth District of Illin ois. Among practical artesians appoint ed by tho President to attend tho Vienna Exposition is Lyman llridges of Illinois. Si'.nati:. Mr. Thiiimun stid the result of bis examination of tho tes timony in "tho election of Caldwell proved thai it was thoroughly cor rupt, nml if they did not turn out a man whose election was procured by fraud, or diclare tho scat vacant un til they obtained stronger testimony, tho power to ilo so might us well as bo stricken from tho constitution. No further tlebato took place. Mr. Morton oNcrcd a resolution that tho Committee on Transporta tion bo directed to sit during recess, nnd report to tho Senato on tho sub ject of transportation between tho in terior nnd seabnaid, with power to send for jiersons and papers, etc. Tlio Senato then went into execu tive sewion, and soon aflrrwards ad journed. Salt Lake, Mmch 18. Mrs. U. S Senator Logan arrived Provo to-dar, and is arranging for tho removal of the remains ol her father, Capt. Cmiiiinglinni, to Ill inois. The Journal, this ciening has a statement that tho night Cunning Ihiii died a number of men were as sembled around his house, cursing the Gentiles, and thanking that the old Captain was dead, ami acting otherwise most shameful. In a criminal ctso before it Mormon Justice, where tho defendant whs fined, notice for appeal whh lcfmed on the ground that Chief Justice McKcau hud decided there could be Ik no appeal untler tho present law from Justice's Court. Tho .Iiisiim aid ho differed from McICeans ntlii g uui iiiienueu to aunorc to it us tlio authority of a superior tribunal. Three companies with nearly one million dollars capital, principally from Now York and llrooklyn, are organizing for tho purchasing and development of mining property in tlio southwestern part of tho Terri tory. j Serious rumors nro in circulation, aiTecting tho solvency of one of the leading nionntary institutions of the city. San FitANcibco, March 18. It is dcuiid tho mob fired into tho body of Mat Tnrpey yesterday. Tar Iey made a will and gave ono thou ami dollars to Nicholson, the husband of his victim. Nicholson saw tho lynching of Tnrpoy, und prayed his forgiveness ami asked him to place bis bands on his head as bo knelt. Nicholson granted the request. Mis. Page, shot by hor husband nt Vallojo last week, is pronounced out of danger. All is quiot at thp Modoc lava beds. Tho military me awaiting the action of tho new Peace Comiiitmliin 'i'lm prospect is favorable. Tho Indians run i-uiuu out, ami navo another talk, but if not, tlio soldiers will proceed to attack immediately. Cincinnati, March 18. A largo fire is reported in Ccntro vllle, Galena county,' Ohio. Ten buildings wero destioycd, nnd tho lire is still raging. A high wind pro vails, and the citizens arc so exhaust ed irom their ell'orts to extinguish the flames that very little property can lie saved, No. 227. ,DR. FRED. BAMBERGER, I Homiepiithle Ph) slctan, .Surgeon ami ' A..fllli.llnl Office on 13th St., bet. JarV.1011 and Jpaot tU Solicits pslmnir;., and will give prompt at- loud nice on all priifcs.iuiial mil h, ImHv women ainlthll.lren dlsi iss ncliuf DR, EMLBN LEWIS, IIOMCKPATHII' INi.vsieiau and Surgeon. Ol I IP! . r ..I II... ....... . Thirteenth siirHn. dm. I llllts s n in i,;' 1 Pl ,, and af;vr 7 e m I.Uhl and night Ml al the lelO-H lirs. Mrtiiilllti ,V Fouler, Physicians and Suriseonu. Ofuropi II. 1 in Ii.iilral Hotel, I'AIINIlUt .slti:i;r, OMAHA bpociiiliitleui 1,111 p ild toClitiiulf dlc-cascs ilieu,esnf tlieiijeaud ear, mid those iieiullar lo females. .n enllnly suiressful 1,1, lo Irentiiiiiit lor LiiiigillMUM's. ('iiiivillallun Irco aug2llf Dr. A. r. Kudelius H.u nsf tuxl k dlsiHMitArjr al 5!l l-Olll'.ri:i:NTII rtTur.CT, threo door North of Post Ofllie. tor tlie Ireattueiit of all dKiiscs. Particular altentloii given to obstetrics aud nil sexual and prlvitc ill-eases, whether mile or female. 'I he Km lor ran ! wiumIU-I utull hunts, either day ortilghl. July22(f J. J. HUNT, Ifi. D.. OFFICE-20!) lliirney st., Eel ween Tivelftli and Thirteen! Ii. Sprtl.ll ntteiitlon pill in Clinmli' IHsct... and all Priialu IHmmm's, it ii I tluist' piuillur to leiuihs u entirely siunsrul ni.,l. ol Iroalmeiit (or Lung,. jl.l If A3 ai'Rloal Iloomi. r. VAN CAMP, iM.D. I)is'iises his 01M1 uieitiliii.s, mil l-sl.les rivulir piadiiv, nukes si..h lellifes of Hei.ingi mi'iits and Hlneasi-, I'nulhir lo Women, l'lstii la, I lists nnd other IHsim-cs of Hie lUstuiii. Orru'Kiiuil Itcsllcme, tinner r.iiiiluiu nml IttliMrerls, llrstdoor to tho thltl, up hliilis. Omilii, Nib. Address ,H-l IU, 2.1I. tisiiUwtr L.F. Baboocik, BX. D. Sls'i,ll Hill nil. .11 ;i,.i I,, OBSTETRICS, ITICi:-l).r Omabn Nallonil llanb. Itcildcnisi mi Cuts ktns-l llv,i 15(1, 16th. P.O. I k llox iU. J)Wtf DENTISTRY. Drs. Charles & Paul, ZDZEiSTTISI'sJ ()fli(envcr'.r'. rarnh.iiii btr. rl L,l.,,.,l'l, and 1-llh, Omaha. Hrs. (!. ,v P. hu- HiHiddesl practlsluK Denllsla in llmi'lly. Juu'AMtvlf U. V. It. II. Drug Store, COR. SIXTEENTH L WEBSTER ST3. KilTll'ISTlllllK Wll.t IMi Cl,tsjt. W, 1;. UDWAltlls, M. 1I 1 ,iIM Cmii.ij,!,, ,oilt,lt3 your p.ilroii.11,1.. lie dispenses liisown iiitsll. elnijs, nml ImIiIh h-kiiI ir j.ruliio niitke t jto Ir1.-atment.1f ileiaiiKeioenlniii.t tllsen-cs pecu liar to nmeu mnlilill.lieiin sKtlalty. l'lil.S(Uli' iiKinately prepainl nt all hours. LlKht, und night bell 111 side iln.,r, uu Weleilerst, N, II. I'nriiH'rsnn.l other, fr ,111 tin tunnlrv SAVKIIMI, by leaxins jour miiii.iis 11s siiiilo Into Ion 11. fef.iijK LAWYERS, W, J; OONNELL, OOVlUBolloi- Ot 31a.--vcr AN II District A lloniey for Second .liul Icial DMrlcl. ' urnci: I'M If Uj'I sldeof TivclMi, Ir.'lMien llai ne Sod llninrd slm -Is. 1:. i:.staiiii(ok. w. m. phancis Ksiiibrook & Fnmci,s, - 1 1 o x-jra. o y zi, t 3Cj zv v-tr Sp's'lsl altentloii Klvon to Court Pritcllto. 1)1 I'lCICor. r.iiJili'.iilli nnd Huuiilas sis ilitialia, Neb. JitnSI.II JOHN C. CO rt IX, Attornoy, Ssolioitox--VXD CDUXSKLOR. ornn:-N). 2, vlssuhiiics iiloimc, OJIAIIA, MliillASUA. maiSIf U. VV. AMUUOSfJ, Attoruoy -tt,t- Ziftcv, RlDICK'S OPERA IIOIISC, ,,..( "A"A' - N,:B Omaha Steam Heat ing and Plumbing Works! tits nrriNi. it nxTURKs, IIKAI.M'.S IN Wrought hou, Pipe I'll ling, Trim. Ming, Ac. Also a laro assorliuu BRASS COODS, 8tcam Pumps, Lift aud I'orca Pntnps, Wash itanJs, Water Closets', UatU Tnlw and Bbower Baths put op la the most tliftoruiaauor. I'liiiiibers' mid (Jas Fitters' Material always on .limit. FITZPATRIOK, Dougliii St.,Unilep Hamilton Hoitsn I MANiUllIN TiL. JIIIS. C J. LOHAN, ABDiitfor The Woman's Tea Company . li,rif"Jup'i!l.,?J!l,.a pMljrliierslnjtlc n at-d at Mrs. ATKKINtfON'S,,,,r. Keventetutli ! "jt'W ";,a"d.Mrs.'LOUAN'J. tor Cats and K1litentu. sts. lsbi-t jciaxi.3vi. One ropy, nuo year, In kdraace It " six months, ' " Ihrco " " .... Tho tViclor"S.M.Co.,- m.a sr.wiNo Mai him: "TIOTOB" Runs very Easy, Runs very Fast, Runs very Still. Has n New Siattls Bnpirlor to all Othirj. Defies Competition. (Jreiil Intprnu'iuuiito In Xcedlr. Cniinnt be Set Wroiijf. ": A(il .Ms WANl'KI). ddii-s Tin; "vicroit" s. m. co. No. Al Tenlli itu-el, 1 odi il.n. weslol llridsa,N. k. (eUVSni rA?IX3EJ m Haven Organ Co Manufacturo the Celebrated Jubilee and Temple These Org ins are mi-tit p-ss-ol In quality of time, stylo of finish, simplicity of construc tion, mid ilurabllll). AIv,,M:loim tlN'S In various styles, ami iiiitsuiilbsl in lone Sen I for lllo.ti itcd Catalogue. Addu.sNI.W IIAVCN OIlllAN CO., M. , , , , New Hat Conn, . Agents wantt-1 feUMm Millions of Acres! Couipri.lUK mmiy of Hie BUST .'ItAlItlELANI), IV Iowa and Nebraska, AM. toil SAl K 111 1IIK Itiirliuglnu ,V .MNsouii Rher R. It. Company, OX Tl.. MlAlts' CREDIT, AT MIX I'EIU'I.XT. IXIKRKST. N.t pirl of I'rlnelpil due fm two yeais from I'lnili iv, iin.lniii ii.,i,Uinilj niiiiliiili ),.uii, . ,'V.I;.I"CI.,.V" "' '"r l'""1 uml lli'piotemeuli. 1 lie I'l Ices 01 tin,,, liii.lanreloiv, launliiK p-uenilly III li.wn, In. hi Js In Jir, ., und in Nebnisliit I1.1111 fl ju prraue, with some ns inn! H.111K. until.. Tluytnr aissnillnn In soli, bmillon. witei rupply, tliiilx 1, 1111,1 niher udwiutugcs, lu .ii 1 belt the s mie ui inui r us do ol In r Tar ds. All lhist.1 HviilltrlllfH of iery lot olleied lorsalo, lii.i) W Ic.1rs1t.1l nt the ollliu ol llio I. in, OiiiimlNslouer, or ol un of Hie local ii,'.eiitauluii,! Hut lln,.; hut every limn will, H eoiiiM., examine lu prisnii the land he expect In ciiltlt ate, mid ibe loiallty hue Is tu bu hi. fittuie home, nn.l fur this fiery racillly Is olloied. ' Tlieso hnva and Nebraska. Lands Are not exceeded In fertility, lieauty, and all iittrictlons und ail . 111 Lives nt liHallty and aoU whlchnreesseulliil In the e,timstiou ol farm ins, byiiiiy nylon lu the ttorld; while trade, manufactures, 111 Is, si lenct-, and all the attend antsof letlnenient mid luxury, which tiller-pri-o iitu liitiodiice, mid thrift maintain, are iiiluwlnrt rapidly the martli nl lettleinent. lliiilt.ilirimd lauds already sold lisvs been wonderfully Improved, ud Ibe Ilium,, lu llieir taluelsbir e, In 111 my ra-ei nlmiist lu. tied lido, M111I1 cU.tlly pood lauil remains unsold, a a J ran luiiulukal ut lonr rails, on the suuu easy lttms.,1 payment and with rsuallr K'"l pros-p-clsf.t steady and largo ineieii-efn value. TERMS OF SALE. '1 lie piiuhaser pays at llio outset, one year's nlcre-t nt six per ctnt. on the value of his 1 1111 j at the end tit it year ho makes another similar payment of six per cent. only. At the end of lliuet-iund year ho makes pay. 111. in of iiiie-itlnili pari of ih.) principal of the piiKh.i-umouii) and ono year's interest at six J..T trill, mi tin, icmiiinder, and the same at he end u( Hid, ,umsslt e thcr'-aller, uu til all has lieen paid, ' if hocliiioMsiopayiasliiiown.or one-third i.islinuil tho baliiiuti lu 0110 and two years, wilh Interest, nl ten ik.t cent, aunuully, be Is ul.iMt,liiiitiiilrli;litillseuiiiitot 20 per cent, or "".V;!-!',''."".' "'" u'." 5',JU'Hi..!ol the laud. lllter lerius than thi-it hnvo nuver Win nib nsl, ami piobalily neter will K-. ..."'"""'"iniicliusoforrMslirnvIro a Cer tlllcalool I'liuhuse, and it Witrranty Hwd as so.1U.1J It run latfxiiiilisl. I'i'uI'lhi'isli'Uhi'r.iii Crolltor Ianv fed I, a ( i.ulract r 11 lloud for a Deed is ex tilled, and, so Mm a, nil the payments are iiiiide, u Warranty Idyl, Irue Jium any lucuui .r.iine, Is kIii-ii , plislHiiy nn ln ,,u t11,e 0, lands pitrihiiMst (or cish dowii. Noabslriiitiil title is n1.-u91s.1ry, as it la well ku.fnii lhatlbeJatids went g-rautisl dlrectlr t. tberallioadcoinpnuy by tin, UnitcslStatef. oxnouxiiiLxis C.iiilaliilimrullnnd rcllalilo Infcrnistlon rou 11 rnluxthesa lauds, llio legion in which they aresituato.1, towns, schools, soil, climate, pro. ducts, stock, maikets, rallnnds, ele., are lair iilshedKratultoiuly. ,,.-. IWtiltXO Mill IHKM. On a lareo scale, sliuwlnif (ha exact location ulltiiir lauds In Iowa, (iinil,hl (r aOeeil iih, nnd sluillir msi.s of our lands lu N braska at lliu saiuo price. Apply lo or address CIE0RC1E S. HARRIS, hind Commiuloner, At IlilllLINHTON, IOWA, for Iowa Land. At I.IMMLN, Ni:il fcr Nebraska ii ids. luUi-lf Seeds, Tianjs, Trees. I'UL'PAII) 11V MAIL. Mv new priced Descriptive CaUlojua o llioltollowiraud Martlet) Seeds, 2.'. .oils 0 l!J ,'iir 'iri S.'.' Ncw, V':'.' "'' arlet A " 1 rult and Oriianieitlal Trees, Hhruba. Hver-ereen-, limes ,u rapes, Llllles Hinall rrulla. .l'.,f,",ifl ''' 1,V',,;'lpr 'IIh'I Ihilhsj one year sr riindi1.1 ,iri"t'tV",'.,.,.uii.i"'! ', ''"" mk ut all klin Is j I Ititrfo Plants, ttf,j Hie most i-oiuplcteaa.sorlment in tlio 'country, wll l"i jeut liinl, to iiny plun address, wl'lhP , ' '"' tr"," 'l'" ""t Cranlierry for upland i.rlow in, ,(1 perl, oa; 81 ,.,.,. lujj iVre." by mi. . Tntilollst lo.lenletli. Seeds oVd' liilasiuu. AKi'iiUwuiiluil. II. sM. WATSON, Old Colony Nur ncs and Hitil Warehouse, PJy. mil, M..UJ l. ..1..1.11 1 . ..' ' H'rics mouth, Mans, J'-SUIUllSUCtl JOiL'. 111 iriu-11 g'Ooilrtanl Itro.s. Si Co.,S IH.'AI.LIIH IN wSTOVEH, FURiXACKS, RAXtJES,, 3 TIKTWAnB, H And Mauufaclurris of 3 WIRE WORK! gMotn.1 Xlooflncg iAn:!.J,"'' Work I'ruiiii'lly alteudud to. au.a-ly srOIIxN H. OHEEN, STATE MILLS HKALint IN lilt.VIX, I'LOUIl AXI FKED, COMMISSION MERCHANT. uoviVur' Kinth HU,i Jth,, l.very Individual wlm has any Idea ol seek llitf 11 huiiio In Hid far West should secure a copy Vwlll"lVlnljy,',,l.,a rcul l ",ro" '! II will Ik: tlio lust preparation be can have. wHNr! -,- t . i.-: fc' ' ,J.7.-T -r t y mnuM'tszM'mmmimmi'i VTiHWW H m 11 jquiffom Mi -OW 't.fL9i'm"!U.,MitlliiSgFS: '