Newspaper Page Text
ym?BTWX2Z3m&tt& gniniriiiiliiiw'llr' -, wwMhiiMMSp ijwimiri immii utmrnmeimmm' "innwwww i mf im J tfllE DAILY BEE. l.mvAitn rosewathh, l.tlllur nmt Proir. Hfiie. tits FsrnhitiiV " . h and 1 en 111 WEEKLY BEE OMAHA DAILY BEE. Published every Wednesday morninh, TXJXX One cop) uno year In Hdvaicf 1 alv m.t.ilt.S .17 00 . 3 73 . 15 Vol. II. Omaha,' Thursday Morning, March 20, 1873. No. 228. One copy, one year, la advance,... fl " fix monthi, ' " tbreo " " " week it vvmmm .. V I I' I 4.1 1 H OMAHA BUSINESS DIRECTORY, Auction Good, llv .1. I'. FAIIWT.LL, Twilltli sllist. -lweu Farnliain anil Doiulas. Hals and Caps, gouts ii'l shoes, and Ourernini lit Cliittilmr. fiM7-ly Artist.' .Matei-lnl. UliAOY MrAIISI.ANP.Mtiiid .V Four eeiitlnlieel. '" Knot atiid Hlioim. I. NO.IM Farnliam strwt.Mwcen twin" KtaTrtilh lM7.y w. Ni Vp'inrsKV lUit- '"Hi shoes, sw Douglas SHcet. Ilitlrhiim. WILLIAM KllUM.,ailei sheet '''' rwf.iliai.d1lilrtoeiith. Jyi'tl Cnnl UealerN. POLAND A KLLtOTT. Cut. Lime. IV mnt, Hair, etc. r Farnhim street. (cl.l5-:ini Confectionery. FRANK IclMWAI.. .tr I" .W Corner Ttnlh and F.rnha.n. Lunches prepare. I to to III derlor travellers JyZllf DruRlt. J. A BOEDER. Druggist, mrner I2lh mm Harne r treeta. Inanrance AiteuM. FIIEXCH MeKOOV. Fire and I Accident niurance AgonU, iter the ro.t office. Juntlce of Itae Feeere. IOHN W. LYTLK. Justice l tin Peace. )inc over First Hank. Jeweler null Opllclitii. j r svwvnit, n iiniii "J. Watches, ci .ckM .iMi-y. -i-' "''" ""' ''"l '""" lel.i'l-ly I.tirktnilllilutt. HELL HANGING. i:ic. All-i j'haii Maw, Z:WZ: O ,"VVr.Vtl cK.inolu.ylr... n"rii. rtJfe luA .. hj...iIi V;r beast J'.,n.rrr.,rii..i.uilllli -li. U-WJti t,uiiiilrt. oMAII tn:.VM LVIISIMIY. Corner ot "wU.llr.tJiii.rUirlHtwi. Order ,1 He l Ciilllur'nlu 'Vim-limp my t'lWtl llrnUiT. l Kl-'llirrillt. N'i 2'M I'.iruhini street Omaha, Nebraska IVilnl". Oil. mil Ulit.s. URAOY A Mi'AIMLANIl. Ml.iml "., loiir A.nllmtm'l j5rJI" H..n funliiry. im kmiitiK. ueii '. ?' " :.,:, . .r . . xmIh ttuwr .lBiiiiiifl"rT. il. lli:i.MIll "' MIikthIiuiI ' t W.i- ,r. luilcr lnn.l..riiii-l IfcilH-l Wfl Meer. ll-t W". OninliH Mtoiii'll .llaiuilHflurr, No. Von rnrnhmii'trwl,.!. II. IMorco, liroprl itor. Or.lor tukwi for htiiU. rn;H, Nmii", iim niaklnii leltrat oneliluw. WHY IS IT TH.VT WM. SEXAUER, SIBO 3?".xx.lx.axx St., .Mflllltci Koolnnilat lower prli-rj 1luu any oilier 7.rnlt..r.ltMlur In O.iwh i7 '"''''' "in I'BACriUAIj MECHANIC, ii.l liui M HEN 1" TO I'AY. If yon ! imt li'lli1"1 . call ami Mmlne III Inrijo "I'm k of -CTCJH.B5T ITUIl JgJ BBBDXXTC, ANI- Ltvo Ocese Foathcvs, AND SATISFY TtOOlWKI.P. prl-ll( 1" " ! -Ml - ' CLJlTlK&FltNClI, WHOLESALE GROCERS COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ALL ORDERS FROM THE COUNTRY )l(-wt ii Something New Under tlio Sim I MONEYSAVED ! arxECOND-IIANH CLOTHING liiilit and sold, i leaned aud lepalred at I ho lowest rates. 139 FABNHAlIBT. (.oath Ue), bet, Oth and 10th, Four Doori West of 10th, omaha, --- - Ni:n. WllB,t A. MOIlltlS. MRS. U. II. PALMER, Fashionable Dress Cutter, -DEALKIl 1N- SuMrlor Hand ami Mi'wimr Maclilun Needles, Cotton Silk, Etc. Auent for tMitiiU'a (llovc-utlln Cut l'aper " .. .. (a... . f.. I .. !.. uiaa' I'alle jeriiia rmuTiii mr iwi- i . ' and Ikiya' Garments. Nlutii HI , Near I.enveiiwortli. luar.l-K G-ISH & JACOBS', r ? && C3 t tixr.. 9 u- UNDERTAKERS THORUP ii J ESS EN'S Shirt Manufactory, iao Xctxxxli.ixxxTJBt. Keep oo hand a well assorte.1 and lime stock ol Shirts. All kinds ul hhlrts made to order. Great Induccnuuis ottered to retail dealers. JsiiiS-codly TIYOLI Saloon and Kostanrant, 00B. NINTH AND FA21SHAM BTS., 11EI). WIKTH, - - I'roprlelori CONCKUT nlveii by I'roL Sohroixler and the new OIlCHKsVlHON, DAY and NIGHT. M-Tlie Orchestrion Is one of the largest In tbt world, aud pU) 7 of Ilia newest and liosl music pieces. ADMISSION, FIIP.P.I ttecS-ly (fcKnfi9A per day. Agents wanted I All BtltUfMV chuws ol working ople, o Mtbar tex, young r old, luako mom money al work (or us lu tunlr spar. moineiiU, ur all tho time, than at anythlm else. Address U I'ltl'.MIUM -Ur WllllK". I'''" . .Ill imuiil lliflr .rM.ralnl r m Una iMi. J-,rtr-l pri-iiiliiiu .ktjijUiI ! I'R t unt v i" I '.l l'.l". nii'l lott.iwnl -mile V. ii y, l.iwi. in.lrw.ll.lil lr..:i lli lr.i I-. T Ikl1 .. -l riwi ' ..'- si lt TMI.VITV DinKfTOHY. X.I.OIlll. UIIAMi lto.M. ARCH CHAPTi:il OF. i.i.iii.rt-'R - .'i. r iriiu 111KU rriCTi, iioo- iti 11. i.ivinmiDii, riiituinouiii ; r. Deputy 1 tirmiu iiikii 1 rii'si, lumrri v. rurnaf, iirown rllli'i i:. Klii(, Clmrlcs F. Onodniaii, (M1111I111; II. liiiinil vrlln', A. II. HaMlnip, Lin ciln , I'.. Mruii'l Tn-Kiirer, llmrne H. Oralf, I!, (irmiil Setrelar. (r. 11. II. P.) Daniel II, H'liirloi, l'lnt!mcmtli ; UrunJ Chaplain, Iter. U,.i. AlcvaiuliT, Lliimln; Ornixl Uvlurrr. (r. 11. II. t.) Janid V. Moure, o).rjkH City; Oraiiil C'uptnln ol the ilmt, It, O, llanna, Falls Clly ! Oruinl I'rliirlpal Sojourner, Tims. A. Croiuli, HrowtiTllle ; (iraml lloral Arch Cuplatn J. I'. Ili-lnnl, Lincoln ;(lranil Master, 8d Vail. John llnil, Nebraska City Umnd Master, 2d Vall.W111.ll. Ilowen, Omaha; Grand Master, 1st vail, (iro. It, Tliiiiuinel, nrand Island ; tlrand Mlewards, 8. ),. F. Ward, Iceinnseli ; (I, Mi rerison, llellcviie; (Irnnd (Inanl It. O.Jeli Ilmon.OinaliH. (IIIANI) COMMANtKHYr-Slr tlort W. Furnas. HrownTlllc, It. K. Grand Conimander. Mr 'llios. A. Crrlgli, llrownrllle, E. Ord. Ilcc. OMAIIA-Capllol txlite, No. 3, A. F. A A. M, meets erery Monday eienlng, Win, II. ltuwrn,Si,crelaro. COVF.lir LOIKIK, No. II, mtvts the j-ond Wisliicaduy lu each nionlli I'.. W. blewnrt lck Ilox III I. HT. .tOIIN'rf M)t)0i:, No; V, meets the flrsl and third Tlitirsdass 111 eadi nionlli. K. K. Frenih, Hceretary. I All the alioTe iHidlea meet In llu-lr hall, Cen tnil lllo.k, Farnliain street, lietween 1-Hli and Kin. j OMAHA No. 1. lloral Arcb Masons, meets the Brat Tuesday In caili month George F. Mayer, Secretary. MOUNT CALVAHY COMMANIHtY, No. J, KulgliU Templar, meets IncuuiUte the llrst Thursday in each iiionlh, at Hie Asylum, nil Farnliam slreel, In I'lonwr tllmk. Mrlliom as Mwnlie, Iteenrder. OMAHA COUNCIL, N.. 1, Itoyal and Srleit Mvlers, inrvts thrtlist lrl.l.l) III MuilIi, Jllhu rvplrinlxr, mid IlKvuilier. I". Meltne, lle eordir I. O. O. F. OUANI) KSCAMI'MBNTOK NI'.llltASKA. III). A.CIIuj, M. W. Ilr.uil I'atrUrih; John OhiiiIIii, M. i:. (1. II. I'.i W. , Wells, It. W. .N W.; .I.1I111 Kvaus, It W !. muIIh-: IMI.O Whwer, It. W. (I. II. A. Wiikelleld, II. W- (1. J. W.J S. J. Moixirlili, It. W. (1. llep. tidites iiiivllii in Oni ilia at 0ld IMIiiits' II ill, Central Illicit : DM MIA LOlKii:, No. 'I. Mirls eiei' Fri day evenlin:. V. M. Mmke), N. l IVler Bi)er, 11. See'y. IIIMI'IIIIIAN ENCAMI'MCNT, No. 2.-Mis-ts llril an I Ihir.l lhurlar In e.uh luunlh. T. F. Ililieuck, C. I'.; l'eter It ijor, Mrll.e. AI.LKMANNKN l)I)(li:,Nii.1.,(lriiiiuii) Mtts esrry WnlnrsiUy. Ili-i'y U'lnnan, N.(l.;.liiliiisTlilele, It. Ni'y hTATF l..ll!i:, No. ii.--Mnlseery Mmi duy evruln;;. 'I lmiin Keje., N II ', .1. A. Tiukei, It. ?Hs.'y. BEACON LOIMiE, No. 2. Mwla i-vrry Tuesday evinlnj,'. A. Itiisuwiitrr, N. !. A. .Meyer, It. Sue'y. COVENANT DF.dllF.E LOIMIi:, No. I. Meets (oiirlh 'llmrsday In each iimnlh. .Iniin Erans, IJ. M.; .1. A. Tinker, tvc'). HUTU Itl'.nEKAII IiEOUEi: LOIMIE, No. 1. Mh'Is MHiiud Thurs.lay III each Iiionlh. J. Evuns, N.O.; Mrs. 'J'. J. Slaly, heu'y. COAL. UNION COAL AND MINING OOIVEPAKTY. OMi'i! Kast side liilli, hot. Douglas ami Farnliain. MINElUIANIinEAI.F.USIN ALL.KINDS OF COAL. A. D. MoAusland1 Dealer In GunsIslrnVHnimuTrirJoft.-GrniTKo'iirto'nho WOTtnilslnS business, Materials, Cutlery, and Fishing Tackle. 211 DOUGLAS ST., Corner of 1 1th, OMAHA llepalriiiK iliiue promptly, other aoals iiiadA to order. Notarial and imhllf. Colfax County Nursery 1 Iicaledon Urn Union I'ui Hie Itailroad, ,0 miles west o( Omaha. Over one hundred lures In Tries, Vines, .Shrubs, Ae. n'SEND FOR PRICE LISTVWh Address ii, P. KIXXKV. It'u2l-eoUUvr2m Niliuylcr, Aeli. N EW GROCERY STORV .1111.1113 TIIK1TSCIIKK, Hi IIKAI.KII IN Groceries & Provisions, Cigars, Tobaccos, Grain and I'roduce, Toys, Nullum, etc 0AS3, bet. Thirteenth and Fourteenth tit, IclHIl All goods dellie led nee. MA). A. HILL & RU0., Groceries and Provisions, . OUIIINQ it TWENTY-SEOOND 8TS. LOW KENT I GOODS CHEAP II Orders delUered Iree. Tho patronage o( Norlh Omaha illlreus is resKitfiilly (cliJIK Millilled. FREDERICK IIELLONE, Carpenter anil Bnildor, suiti.if.sthi: T72xix7'ox'Ba.X JEtnMrtx XjooU, TheU'st In market fur slreihjlli and conven ience, l'lalnororuaiuculul. Warranted loglto aitlslartlon. Call and examine, at 665 AND 607 THIRTEENTH STREET. lelill'tl IF YOU ARE UOINU TO HUIL1), SEND TO RUTTAN HEATING & VENTILATING OOMFANV, BL00MINOTON, ILLIN0I8 rilll tlltt'ULAIt. W. A. l'ENNF.LUVres. ISAAC 8MKAD, S.'c'y. 3. D., Sup'l. Jau?7-.1m Oroigliton & Morgan, -ANi- CDMMISSIOX MERCHANTS, DEAI.F.IUS IN PROVISIONS, LIQUORS, &C AGENTS FOIt Fairbanks' Stftmlftrd Scales, 209 FARNHAU BTREET, 01IAHA, NEB" lcbl-tt Thr membon of President Qraut's Cnbiiiet linvc tnken the ontli of al legiance. Tlie country is therefore t,.f.,(l ii .-.,; a. Kouit Frcih nrrivah at the Kear ney Junction hotels last Sunday, and the proprietor:! talk serioii'ly of en larging their accommodation in cons frequence. The prospective Democratic candi date for Mayor lian n very keen eye to foiiHincw. He was therefore promptly in attendance at tho Ger man jollification at Turner Hall last evening, measuring tho probable ef fect of one hundred kegs of IJrcwcr & Ueniis' celebrated lager, upon the German ballot. The Senate appears to bo extremely cautious about the Caldwell business. So far there has been much worded buncombe on both sides without ar riving at a definite decision. This kind of filibustering can, however, not bojcnntintied much longer, since the "executive" business of that body is very nearly disposed of. Till' Central Nebraska iVw calls the editor of the Omaha J'cpublican a liar. There mtwt be some mistake about this. His first name is George Washington, and ho could not possi bly pen a falsehood, for Professor Fowler, after carefully examining all the bumps on his er.iuium, declared he was "old honesty and sincerity himself." Tin: success of the financial policy of thi Thiers administration must ever be logarded among the gie.itest marvels of the prcent age. The con lidfiuc which European capitalists have evinced in the cipdit of the Republic, notwithntaiididg the prov erbial fickleness of the French people, is the very best evidence that France posscsMM resources, which even the must devastating wars and bloody revolutions cannot destroy. And now come Louis V. Hogy, Frank JJlair's virtuous successor to Senatorial dignities and emoluments, and demands the appointment of a special Congressional smelling com mittee, at the expense of tho nation, to vindicate his character for purity and integrity. Why cannot tho im maculate Louis vindicate hU charac ter at hi own expense, by commenc ing a few libel suits against various persons and paper.? .The editor of tho Kearney Junc tion Pros exhorts bis subscribers to " If you cannot buy two pigs, wa.J this Nebraska Franklin, "buy one; and if you cannot purchase two cows, buy one." Wc would add to this formula: "If you cannot purchase one cow buy a calf; and if you have not money enough to invest in a pieaninny, do purchao some spring chickens, even if you havo to buy them in the shell." (Juit latest advices from Washing ton, arc to tho effect that tho Collec tor of the port of Raltimore has dis patched a detachment of colored troops, under command of a Bishop, to lay siege to tho President with a view of compelling him to surrender the port aforesaid, into tho hands of his present incumbent aforemen tioned. Tho rcKrt says that the colored troops opened tho fight with prayer by tho Rishop. Whether the President moans to capitulate wc have as yet failed to learn. What we do know is that the colored troops fought nobly. The forty thousand Russians that havo in the past two years occupied so much of tho time and attention of our Stuto "immigration Hureau, have at last been heard from. One. of tho forty thousand has positively made up bis mind to como to Nebraska this spring witli a view of instructing Colonel Notowaro in tho Russian dialect. Tho learned Russian is to bo followed by ono of the most illustri ous of the thirty thousand Hobrows from Roumania, who will act as State Interpreter of tho dead lan guages for tho Colonel. This encour aging intelligence comes to us by underground cable, and may bo re lied upon, unless contradicted at an early day. People who arc watching tho pro gress of the great Modoc war farce with any degree of anxiety, will, we anticipate, derivo much consolation in reading the following latest tele graphic war bulletin : "All is quiet at tho Modoc lava bed. Tho military aio awaiting tho action of tho new Peace Conimlssiop Tho prospect is favorable. Tho dians will como out ami have another talk, but if not, tho soldiers will pio cced to attack immediately," What surprises in is that another of Captain Jack's numerous squaw contrabands has not yet mado her ap pearance with an urgent request for soino short-cut or pigtail. Wo hope our readers will jwsn'ss their "soles" in patience until to-morrow, when tho telegraph will furnish its tho phonographic report of another big talk with the big injlins of the Mo doc pursuaslon. Ugh I TELEGRAPHIC- Bpa -tally rep-ntt-d for Th Omaha lilt, by tL All mile and I'aclflc Telegraph Corapnny. LUTCOLU. AN KXTItA SESSION OF THE LEGISLATURE TO HE CALLED. MEETING OF UNIVERSITY RE GENTS YESTERDAY. Miscellaneous. ritlal Telegram to the IIkk. Lincoln, March 19. The University Regents held a session yesterday, and decided to make a requisition on tho Treasurer for tho $1(5,000 due tho University. They also agreed to advertise for bids for a new foundation under the University building. Only apportion of tho foundation walls, however, aic to be rebuilt this spring. ShcI.i1 to tho DM.. Lincoln, March 1!). Thu Governor will call an extra session of the Legislature in it few days, for the purpose of rectifying several serious errors that have been discovered in tho laws passed concerning the boundaries of different counties. He will also include in his call the subject of the Omaha City Charter. Washington, March I'.i. The President has commuted the sentence of O'Urien, who was to have been hung on the 28th, to imprison ment for life. It is understood it was done at tho solicitation of Gen. Rutler. Tho murder committed by O'liricn wasono of the most criminal and cold blooded ever known, ami this act of the President's creates considerable comment. New Yoiik, March 19. Foster still maintains comtwsure aud self-possession as the day lor the execution 0 his sentence draws near. His wife calls daily. Dr. Tyng is al most a daily visitor also. Yesterday a largo seizure of smuggled silks was made by the Cus tom House authorities, being found concealed in packages of sugar sam ples, which are free from duty. The packages were directed to a Wall oiruui. Hiigur iuiM)ricr. Tho challenge recently made by Georgo Drown, champion of Halifax, N. S., to row with Joseph II. Sadler, champion of England, or any man in tho world, in a single scull race, has been tftken up with but little delay, and on thlssiika2f the Atlantic, Ilcrn ard Biglin acceptiiTg-lUa-clia!Jenge tor his brother John, inc race is to bo for 1,000 a side, a distance of five or six miles, and to bo rowed iu Connecticut, or at Springfield, Mass.. on tho same course Paris and Ward Crews rowed over. The Herald's Washington special says that whilo Caldwell hangs by tho hair of a quibblo over a prcce pice of infamy, Powell Clayton shel ters himself behind a rampart major ity report, and Rogy asserts upon his honor that his skirts aro spotless, and suspends his Senatorial functions, depending upon inquiry and acquit tal by his peers. New Yoiik, March 19. The Foster case was submitted to Gov. Dix yesterday, and this forenoon he announced his fixed intention not to interfere with tho courso of jus tice, and refused to grant the com mutation of tho sentence asked for Foster. Under theso circumstances tho execution will certainly take place on Friday, tho twenty-first. New Youk, Marcn 19. A steam-pipo burst in tho engine room of Dunbar & Jackson's planing mill. Fourth avenue, and considera ble excitement was created by the rush of steam, and tho cries of those inside the building. Georgo Taylor, the engineer, and his two sons, aged 10 and 18, were badly burnt. The damage to tho building is slight. New York, March 19. The Communist Society celebrated tho second anniversary of tho Paris social revolution by a banquet aud ball last night, l'ivo hundred per sons wcro present. Roston, March 19. Caritain Tower, tho well known marine diver, having volunteered to go to a placoofl Doxbury, whero tho steam yacht Graco Irwin went down Sunday, Collector Russell tendered him tho use of a government tug for that tmrpozc. Captain Tower left tliis morning mid hopes to recover tho bodien of ex-Mayor Ritchie, and others who aro supposed to havo gone down with tho vessel. Nothing whatever from the Graco Irwin has yet washed ashore. The inhabitants on the coast where the vessel sank express tho opinion that had thcro been life-lioat stations on tho coast, tho lives of tho-o on board would havo been saved. St. Louis, March 19. Tho striko on tho St. Louis, Kansas City and Northern railroad still con tinues. Trains have been stopped at different points to-day mill tho strik ers seem determined to suspend tho operation of tho road. Armed po lice from this city aro at various nlaccs alone tho lino but thov are not strong enough to prevent tho mob from at least partially carrying out their designs. Tho military have not been ordered out, as reported hut night. Somo trains moved from Moberly to-day under guard of police. HnooKLYN, Maich 19. A desperate nliray occurred between some truck drivers last evening, one man being almost murdered with a cart rung. Win. Wheeler, a truck man, was driving his truck along the Hamilton avenue railroad track, and when near Peck street, two other truckmen, William and Thomas Gil Ian, droe up behind and ordered 1 it in to turn aside and let them go past. Wheeler said he could not, owing to the number of vehicles on the sides. Tim brother-, thereupon, seized it cart-rung apiece from their trucks, and commenced to beat Wheeler on the head in a horrible manner, factoring his skull. Whdclcr will probably die. Tho assailants arc arrested. Fiiankfoiit.Ky., March 19. The destruction of property by the fire at Lawreuceburg on Saturday night, last, is larger than it was at first reported. It is said that sixty buildings were destroyed. Tho flno Court House and the Christian Church were saved. Nearly all tho urovisions in tho villains were burned. Frankfort has subscribed $2,000 for tho relief of tho sufTercrs, and tho legislature will probably appropriate $10,000 for tho same purpose. Lexington, Ky., March 19. The Kentucky Statesman (jiows' paper) announces its suspension to day, as does also tho Observer and Reporter, thus diminishing tho news paper press of Lexington to tho daily Press and Gazette. The Statesman, however, announces a meeting ol the Republicans of Lexington to be held on Fiidity next, when a plan will bo submitted forthc continuance of the Statesman, or the starting of another one of similar tone. Louislvii.E, March 19. Dispatches received here from New Orleans announco the suspension of tho Crescent City Rank of Sow Orleans. MAUftKTS UV TKL.KUHAl'11. ClilinKi, I'rmliire Mnrliet. Chicago, March 19. Wheat Firm and unsettled ; cash, I 20 INS ; April, 1 20 7-8 ; May, 1 21J ; No. !l, 1 09 ; rejected, 92c bid ; no sales. Corn Firm; cash, ill ",- ; April, :llc; May, .(!, c; June, H7 1-lc. (ats Steady ; cash, 20 l-4c; April, 2i5:t.c; May, 29 Jo: Juue,:i0 Me. Rye (He bid. Uarloy Strong; No. 2, 7:!7(5e; No. !1, lilG:ic; rejected, a8-IOc. Higliwines Finn at 87c. Pork Steady and fairly active at 14(i.r)14 70; April, 14 70; May, 14 8.r)14 90; June, l.'i 10. Lard Steady; cash, 7; ; April, 7 9-10c; May, 8o; June, 8 1-lc. Me iv tnrk I'roduce Dlmltct. New Youk, March 19. Flour Fairly active; steady at l! 90(T;7 20. Wheat Retter; good milling in demand at UG(7,fi(5 1-2 for good No. 2, ailoat. Choice held at l8. No. It, olli-4. Corn Held at 00 1.2c; "tore at G5 1-2, afloat, for old. Oats Steady at OS. Barley Strong. Whisky Lower, and iu moderate demand ; sales nt 929:. Closing at lower prices. 1'IelgUW-l.CM ?.V'J l-.'C bill. Pork Firm, and salable at W)1S 1-4 for small lots. Lard Firm; hold nt 8 M07 1 8c. bid. Dressed Hogs Scarce and stiong, at 0 3 47. Gold ll.rj.J-S. James Platz & Brother, DEALEUS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS JU7 DOUGLAS STItEKT, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. All kinds of foreign and domestic fiuits, green wgetahle, fresh lish, butler and ct'gs. All ol der promptly tilled. FARMER'S HOUSE, SOFT H-WEaT CONNER OK HAUNEY AND FOURTEENTH SUtNETS. 1HY UO.VRU $4.00 TRANSIENT, per day, 1.00 mnrlVT! MICHAEL.!. MAHONEV, Piop. Burlington & Missouri River R, R, in Nebraska, TITVTI3 T-A.0BXj33 INo. 23.1.' To take effect Monday, March 10, 1873. i , 1: x v it , stations. wrsr, i:ast. ., l:iu ii. m. . l.oi " ... I!.M) " ... 1;M " ... 1:11 " ... 1.01 " .JJ.11 " ,l 2.311 " ...12.00 " ...I1:S1 ' ...I1M2 '' ...11:18 " ...ll:til " ...10.52 " Plaltsiuoutl 11:1 a. m., Oreaiipolls II:M " . Omaha 10 JO " . llellewie 11:03 . UPlatto 11:3H " . Oreaopulls ll::i"i " . Orcaopulls . Concord 11:17 " . Ianilsvllle 1'2.1W " . South llcnd 1V:21 Ashland. ,...12.40 Greenwood,. Waicrly Newton Lincoln Lincoln Donton Highland .... Crete Crete Dorchester,. Exeter Fairmont.... Gralton Harvard Inland ..12.31 ... I:ti7 ... III!) 10,:i3 1:30 p. Ii 10 23 2:11 .10.02 S.S.I f.fl 2 M !1:I7 4 OH . 4.'2il , 4-37 , B'41 (i:l I I..27 , 11:40 . ".( , 7:2S , 7:M1 0.41 IU7 !l.:i2 0.14 , S.ll . " . 7: IS " . 7.07 ' . I..41 " , C.ll " , C:ll ' . u.ol ' . MH ' .3:11 " . B..V7 " . !.:' a. in, Hastings Juiilalu Juniata Kenesaw taiwcll Fort Kearney. 8,12 Kearney Juml'ii.. S.lo " Tralos Eatweea Omaha and FlatUmoutlil Z Le.iveaud nrrlieai follows: I'l.ATTSMOl'TII. I .cue l:3n p. iii. Iae 12-23 " Airlre ll:Mla. in, Arrlir HW " OMAHA. Arrive.., 4.17 p. in. Arrlie x oo " lave 10 loa. in 7.00 " Beatrlco Branch, . num.. WKST. itiiii. iu n:37 B21 " ,.... G3J STATIO.MI. Crete IM Wilt.... Caldwell ... lhatrlis SOW, II. , c.ll a. m. . 3.J7 " . 5: U " . 1:10 N. II. The lime given above Is that of Omaha, uud is CJ mluutea slower than that ot Chliago. C. F. MORSE. Supt. U. O. MANCHEirtP., Um. Ticket Ajt. Midnight Telegraph. FOREIGN. SERIOUS RIOT RETWEEN ENG LISHMEN' AND IKI-rll-MEN. Miscellazxoous. London, March 19. Gladstone and Ills cabinet col leagues were in consultation four hours yesterday. Nothing yet as to the result. A serious riot between Englislimon and Irishmen occurred at Wolvert hampton, near Rirmiugham yester day. At least three thousand persons were engaged in the conflict. Firo arms and knives were freely used. There was much bloodshed, though eases of fatal injury aro reported. Glandstono proceeded to Windsor to-day and submitted to the Queen the names of the incoming cabinet. Pa ins, March 19. The Assembly this afternoon rati fied, without a dissenting voice, the treatty signed Saturday last between Thiers and Count Von Arniiu, Gor man Ambassador, providing for pay ment of tho war indemnity, and the evacuation of French tcrritorv. ST..Pi:rr.ui3iiUii(t, March 19. Jas. L. Orr, Minister of the United States to Russia, was ieeciod by the Car to-dry, anil presented his" cre dentials. Panama, March 19. The practicability of n ship canal through Nicaraguu has been settled by the labors ot tho present United States surveying party. Montreal, March 19. At the fuo at the St. James Hotel yesterday, .Mary liranuiii died ef siiiTocatiou. Hildcck, who fell from tho window, died this morning. Two other arc suilering from dangerous injuries. Losses about $20,000. Washing ion, March 19. The Senate confirmed Sawyer as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. Gov. McCook having declined re appointment to the Governorship of Colorado Territory, tho President will send to the Senate tc name of S. 11. Elicit, of that Territory, as his successor, to take effect on the 17th of April, the expiration of MeCook's term. Among the nominations to-day were Samuel II. Ebert, Governor of Colorado, vice McCook, resigned. Washington, March 19. Senate The Caldwell ctse was resumed to-dav. Mr. Conkling said Mr. Caldwell was legally elected, and he could not vote to pronounce tho seat vacant. Mr. Conkling gavo way for an ex ecutive session, when the Senate ad journed. New York March 19. A special from Huston says Judge Shipley refused to grant a injunction to prevent foreclosure by bond holds era in the cuso of Boston, Hartford and F.cie Railroads. It is stated that three prominent employees of the Erie Railway hac been .'iiyended until investigation is made of Utflr reconncctiou with the former man agement. At a meeting of thu Republican Central Committeo last evening, le- marks wcremauc by prominent mem bers to the effect that Mayoc Have mover was not to bo regarded as a The Council of Political Reform last evening passed resolutions agains' tho proposed now charter. Chicago, March 19. Tho Tribune's commercial article of Thursday will state that receivers of grain here are disposed, unless re lief from tho present State inspection be devised by tho Legislature, to take the matter into their own hands and appoint their own inspector, and nay the charges for such inspections. That they claim tho right to do, aud the charge will bo welcomed by the Hoard of Trade and tho warehouse men. A violent miow storm has raged this evening, an inch having failed at midnight San Francisco, March 19. Company A, Fourth Artillery, aro ordered from this city to tho seat of the Modoc war, and will march Friday. Tho Constitution arrived from Panama this afternoon. All well. About ii vo hundred tioops arc in the field at tho present time, await ing orders. Canby's plan seems to bo to surround tho lava beds uud starve tho Modocs. For that pur pose, four posts aio to bo established on tho outskirts of tho lava section and tho shores of Tulo Lake. St. Joe, March 19. A collision occurred early this morning about two miles east of this city on tho Hannibal & St. Joo Rail road, between two Irclgut trains. Tho engineer aud fireman of the westward bound train, Joseph Proc tor and Frank Dye, wero killed, and brnkeman Peter Daly sllglitly in jured. Tho engineer and rWoman of tho other trair jumped and escaped uninjured. Trains aro running on this end of tho Kansas City road, the strikers having been quieted. Nl. I.iiuU I'rmliu-o Mnrki'l. Sr. Louis, March 19. May, Corn -No. 2, 32 on east track; 3 1(3)841 in elevator. Oats Quiet; No. 2 2027 on east tuck ; 27. 23 iu elevator. Pork Easier at 15 7510 00. Hogs No market. Cattle Firm ; fair to extra -1(30. Flour Steady and unchanged. Wheat Firmer; No. 2 spring, 1 '22; do soft Iowa, 1 a.r, seller April; No. 3 fall, 1 7: No. 2 do, 1 90. seller DR. FRED. SAXENBERGER, llnmojpathlc Physician, Surgeon nml Accoiichpr, Office on 13th it., bet. Jackson aud Jones its. Solicits patronage, and will rUp prompt at tendance on all profes.lonal calls, r-iK-c l.ill j- In women and children diseases. octldtf DR, EMLBN LEWIS, IIOMIKPATHIC Physician and Surgeon. Ornt K curlier of Douglas and Thirteenth streets. Okkick lUl'iH-.S to lu A. ,, 2 to 4 p. !., and after . M. Light and uiglit Ml at tho Qfficp ilimr. fcUMI Drs. McUufllii & Fowler, Physicians and Surgeons. OfUccopposltn Grand Central Hotel, FAHNHAM STItEET, OMAHA. Special attention paid to Chronic dleseases diseases nt the eye ami ear, and those pisMillar to females. An entirely successful mode, ol treatment for Luiigdlseases. CoiisulUitlun free aug'ilir Dr. A. F. Rudelius Has opened a dispensary at 511 I'OUilTEKKTII hTItEET, three door North of Post Office, For the treatment of all diseases. Particular attention glrcn lu obsletrira and all sexual and private diseases, whether male or female. The Doctor can I consulted at alt horns, either day or night. July2'Jlf J. J. HUNT, M. D., OFFICK-200 Harney ,sl., Rotwivn Twelfth and Thirteenth. Special nllenlloii paid to Chronla Discuses, hi all I'rhatc, and llmo peiullar to 1'enmlc. An enllii'ly succeaslill iiioJe o( treat I He nt fin Lung Discuses. JMtf 3n-Rloal KoomH I.VANCAMP,M.:D. Dispenses Ills own nicdcliies, and liosldcs regular practice, makeaaiieeLilltlei of Dcriiige incuts and Discuses Peculiar to Women, Fistu la, lllcs and other Diseases of tho Rectum. Okkick and Resilience, Corner Farnh nil and I llli Streets, first door In the right, up stairs, Omaha, Neli. Address Lock Hoc 'Jill. :itdtwir L.F. Babcock, M. D. intuition KOfli to OBSTETRICS, OFI'ICEOfcr Omaha National Hank. Residence on Cass street betweeu 13th an lfith. P. O. Luck llox W. JyUdlf DENTISTRT. Drs. Charles & Paul, DENTISTS, Office over nj, Farnliam street, lietwern 1.1th and Ulli, Omaha. Drs. C. A P. are the oldest practlslut; Dentists In (lie city. Jau'2dAmf U. P. K. K. Drug Store, G0R. SIXTEENTH it WEB3TER ST3. NiiTirKiiiTiuc Wuiminii Ci.tNSi:s. W. E. EDWARDS, M. 1 1.. VIUIM Emh.anii, solicits )uur patronage, Hu dispenses his on medi cines, uud hesldiH legular praclho makes the treatment of derangements unit diseases pecu liar to women audi hlldicnu riicclalty. I'lOjiClill'TloNs accurately prepaied at all hours. Light, mid night hell al sldu dour, on Webster nt. N. II. Farmers and otbcis from tho country bavk riuic uy learlng )onr ohukus as yuu u Into town. leli lilOlf LAWYERS. W. J. CONNELL, Oo-u2Xollox-evtXat,-CT7- AND District Attorney for Srcoml Jud icial District. OFFICE East side of Twelfth, Inlwenu liar uev uiid llowaid sheets. febl II E. EbTAIIROOK. W. M. FltANCIS Estabrook & Francis, ittoi'uoywaat'Iiii.'cir attention given lu Cuurt Practice, OFFICE-Cor, Jan31-tr Fourteeulli and Douglas ids Omaha, Neb. JOHN C. CO WIN, Attorney, Solioitoi' AND COUNSELOR. OFFICFNO. 2, VISsCHER'S 1ILOCIC, OMAHA, m:uhaska. mat 81 f ii. W. AMBItOSJ, Attoz-noy - ,t - Xjvc7cr, REDICK'S OPERA HOUSE, OMAHA, - NF.II luarSIf Omaha Steam Heat ing and Plumbing Works! HAS rriTIXd ii FIXTURES, UKAt.KIU IN Wrought Iron, Plpo Fitting, Trim, in lug, &c. Also a largo assorlmo BR4.SS' GOODS, Steam Pomps, Lift and Force Fnmpi, Wash- itanda, Water Oloaeb, Bath Tabs and Shower Batha pat np in the most latlifactory manner. Plumbers' nml (Ins Fitters Mali-rial nlwaj's ou .iiinti. FITZPATRICK, I)oiigla St., Under Hamilton House MANDAMN TEA. MRS. C. M. LOGAN, Ageut for The Woman's Tea Company A largoaupply for the rapidly lurnaslucilo. maud at Mrs. ATKKINhON'S.inr. Seventeenth, si. and Canllol av., and Mrs. LOU AN S, cur. Cass and Eighteenth .U. fli2.ti The "Victor" S.M.Co.'s NEW SEWING MAl'HI.SK "YIOTOB" Runs very Easy, Runs very Fast, Runs ory Still. Hal a New Shuttle Superior to all 0tber. Defies Competition. (heat hiipriMPiiients lu Noodle. Cannot he Set Wroiijr. Mrt-AGENTH WANTED. Address THE "VICl'Oll" S. M. CO. No. Ill Tenth stint. Four doors west ot llio.idway,N. '. feliMiii THE New Haven Organ Co Manufacture tho Celebrated 'v Jubilee and Temple These Organs are unsurpassed in quality ul lone, at) lo of finish, simplicity of construc tion, and durability. Also, MCl.ODrON'.j lu various stylo, aud unequalled iu tone, Send for Illustrated Catalogue. AddlessNEW HAVEN ORGAN CO.. New lluieii, Conn. ,gents wanted. leUI-aiu Millions of Acres ! Comprlsini; ninny of the MKST PliAlllll!. LANDS Iowa and Nebraska, AMI I Oil S 11 K II Y TltK Iturlliijrloti & Missouri RhorR. R. Company, OX TEX YEARS' CREDIT, AT SIX PERCENT. INTEREST. No part of Prlnrlpll due fur two jcaisfium piinhaso, mid ufteru aids only one-uliitli) earl). PhhIiii Is Hill pay fur laud and iuipiiittiuculN Tin1 l'lleisul theso lands are low, IiiukIiii; Kcncutlly III lima, Inuu S In $11! per neie, mid III Neln.iska hum f I tu (12 per an e, nilh Mime hss and some muie. They nry luiiiidlui? In soil, luinllon, water supnly, tliiihei, and oilier iidMintaecs, In pie-iIm-Iv thu Kamu maimer as itunl hi r 1 irds. All theso peciillailtles ul eiery lot ntl'cred foi sale, m.i) 1st li allied nt tho iilluo ul the laiud Commissioner, or ul tiny ul the local agents uloiu; the line; but einyniau Mill, ol luiirse. examine III person the hind Im expects lu culliiatc, and the luuillti u here Is In Ui his future home, and for I his ei try fuiillh Is otleiisl. Those IoH.t mid Nebraska Lauds Ale not exceeded tu fertility, IsMtity, und all ultraillousainl advantages ul hxallly and soli whiih urui'ssinllal in tho estliustlun ol farm eis, by any rigiou lu the world; whllu trade, mauulaitures, arts, science, and all tho attend ants of icliueiiieiit nud luxury, which culm prlMM.ui Introduce! and limit maintain, are iullciw lug rapidly the inirdi nl lettlemenl. 'ihiillallruiul lauds already sold lime liecii Mondcrlully Improved, and tho liicuasu iu their Milne is lare, lu many cases nlmo.t In credible. .Much equally pood land remains unsold, and can he purchased al low rales, uu thu sauin easy lei ins ol payment and with equally good pro pei Is ul steady aud large. Inireaso lu value. TERMS OP SALE. '1 lie purchaser pays at the outset, una year's luleiistal six per cent, uu Iho iilucw,( Ids laud; at thu end ul a ycur ho iniikis aiiutber payment n bix per tent, uulj-f At Iho end uf thosisoud yiar by makes pay ment id one-nlnlli part of tho principal of the pun basil money nud una Jem's lull rest ul sic perivul.uii Ilia leiiuluder, aud Iho sjiiim nl Ihrt end of cmcIi siuvmsive )car tlieie.illi I, un til all lias Ins n paid. If he chooses to pay cash down, or oiic-thlid cash and the lialanca lu ono nud two Jesrs, with interest at ten per cent, annually, ho Is allowed un outright discount ol '20 per cent, or one-llllh from tho ten year price of the laud. lUS-Roller ternia than llieao have never beem ollerod. anclnrabahty VttGTViiU. - - mnies wuopurciiasoiurcasii iceclvo a ttt lllicatoof Punhase, and a Warranty Deed as tool at It can Im executed. If iiurcliUHcsl either on Short Creditor Loug Credit, a Contract or a Hand fur a Deed la eio (iitisl, and, so soon as alt the piymenls aio made, n Warranty Deed, (nelruni any inriiui br.uice, is glien, preclsi Iv as lu the case of lands purchased for cash clown. So abstract of tltlo is necessary, as It Is well known that the lauds weiu graiitisl dlreilly to the ralliuad company by thu United Stales. OinOULAHS Containing full and reliable lufiirmatliin con cerning thesu lands, tho region iu which they are situated, towns, schools, .oil, tlimate, pro ducts, stock, markets, railroads, etc., arc lur nlslusl gratuitously, sSkju ron tiikm. Eiery Individual who has any Idea nl seek ing ii home In thu far West should secure a lupy without delay, and read It through carefully, It will bo the best preparation ho can have. Sootional 3OCn,j?m On n largo scale, showing tho exact location all our lauds In Iowa, furulshcUfor .Mient each, nndaliullir mips uf our Tunis hi N braska at Iho samo price. Apply to or address GEORGE S. HARRIS, 'JmmI Commksioner, AtllUItHNOTON. IOWA, fur Iowa lamils. At LINCOLN, NEfl., ftr Nebraska Ijtids. febu-tf Seeds, Plants, Trees, PREPAID UV MAIL. Mv new priced Deserlpllio Calabijue n Cliohol'luwiriiuil Garden hecsls. '23 sorts of illlicrlnr SI. New aud thulie Mirlolles uf Ul HlllflllllS llf.l.n 11 .,., . .!. complete assortment In Iho country, will I sent gratia to any plain address, with P.O. Imix, '1 ho truo Ciihi Cud Craulierry fur upland nrlnn and, J per i.Ooo; St pur 100; prepaid byinall. 'lrado list todealeis. Seeds on Com mlssliin. Agents wanted. R. M. WATSON, Old Colony Nur series nud Seed Warchouso, Ply mouth, Mass. Established 1812. nmrlO-tt gGoddard Bros. & Co.,S DEALERS IN wSTOVES, PJJRXACES, RAXdES,, TINWAB.B, And Manufacturers of WIRE WORK I gnxotai hooHubQ And Job Woik promptly attendod lu, an2ft-ly JOHN II. GttEEN, STATE MILLS DEALER IN i run uiui ornamental Trees, Hhrul.s, llver greena, l!p.;s, Graiics, Lllllos, Small Fruits, lluusu nud llordcr Plants and liiilhs : nun yesr graftisl Fruit Trees for niiilfliiL.. I.v.ili ki, c. URAIX. FLOUR AXI 1'CKI), ANII COMM 1 S S I O N M E RO II A N T, (Cor. Mulli ai, J Jackauu Hta noTlbii V"3sZk.JJH2XL'"i vA2SSijJ&&trmtii?isn M' r