Newspaper Page Text
l8W?. AWJHPI llnlW, K.'WW" jjt -rf f!" V gwA'JiHw)!i iHIE DAILY BEE. WEEKLY" BEE I'ahllshnl otery ,,'i:dm:nday mokninw, OMAHA DAILY 1 EDWARD JUHEWATER, i;,Htoi- oiul I'liip'r. itlUf, 1 is Famliim ft . U t. Ninth nul Truth Jneeiipy.unuyearlnnthauM., 7 00 i six months ' 3 7B ' week " IS xjart.3vi;ar. One copy, line year, In advitici,... . " six mouths, ' . " three " " It Vol. II. Omaha, Tuesday Morning, April 15, 1873. No. 250. K2E I.,, I"; I' 'h K OMAHA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. A lirllon (limits, Ity .1 P. FARWELL, Twetllh street. 1 lawn 1'iirnhain and Doughs. llaU nni! Cap', tiools nuil Shot s, and Oovcrnmciit Clothing. I lil7-l y Artists' 'Matetlnl. III! ADV A MeAUHLAND. TO and M. Four J20" ItttOtl, Utltl NI.OI'K. ritlMI' t.VNO, K0 Fiirnh mi street, lictwccn Truth an I Eleventh. Id.lly t'oiiirrtloiit-r)'. II. I.. LATEY, corner Twelfth ", ''",f ' streets, Mamilacturcr ami Whulesilo Dealer lit Candles nut Confectionery. Country trade Mitlcltnl. "P"1 POLAND ' niuiit, icbia-aiu foil DeuletM. i rr. Cial, Lime, 131 r.irninm street. Cc- COAL. UNION GOAL AND MINING OIHcts East Nttlo 13th, bcf. Douglas mid I'arnlniiii. MINEIKANDDEALERSIN ALL KINDS 01' COAL. The news of the Atlantic disaster reached Council Bluffs Saturday, and created considerable excitement in the neighborhood of the ox-bow cor ners of Broadway. TELEGRAPHIC. Specially reported for Thi Omaha Rei, by the Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Company.) Tlio Advent of Spring. Colitectloiiery. KIIANIC U MrDONALD, dealer In Confec tionery, l-'rult, Uroccrlraaml Poultry. Unwt T, nil, nnd Farnhim. Lunches prepared to or- )y2ltf 12th nnd Art for travellers Unionists. .!. A llor.I'Klt. Druggist, corner Harney streets. liiHuriituu Audits. F RENCH A JttjKuUN. Vlt anU Accident nsiimnce Agent, over thoTnst otflie. JiiKttte of tliu Fenc-fi, JOHN .W. LYri.E. Juslltu of thu Pcato. Olflco over Vtatt .atlonal Hank. j(wUc( anil Optlclnu. I V. SAWVCIl, 2JI Rjuills t. Watches, Chick", Jewel . i SiijcUiIm, nn 1 Eye-glasses. Icb20-ly I.dCkalllltllliiK HELL II ANCIINO, Allen A Chandcfosse, lJkVt lths. ttoll Hangers, M-ch Inlstsand Kcu iwlj.ll "rs. (lucuiia Pistols cleaned au.r re paired. Safe looks a specialty. N.irlh.-Kil it.rncr Fariiiuni and 11th sis. leblSly kniiiidrr. OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY. Corner ot lwcnty-flrstandliuird streets. Order .late at California 'Vine Company. Pawn llroker. M. ELUUTTEH. No. 200 Faruham street Omaha, Nebraska. l'alitta, OH nml CUrtss. HP.ARY A McAIJSLAND, IM.1 and !U3, Four leenlh street. Ui0" Moatp Vmrtory. Ilti:.MIUM HOAl' WOUKS. I'owjll p-. .!?. niL,r'!V.,,,i" ".'lj!r.,.lj:.ilL?mf; u1.;:7UBWro7d;.w,;,l!cHe;hVo7ntl.eTrado. Noda Water Rlnniitacttirrrsi. t. III'.IMHOI) A CO., Mineral and So-taWa-tr. Dealer In Cider and llottlcd Weiss Heer. xkW llox W7. Omaha Stencil niatiuraetom No. 200 1'arnhara street, J. II. Pierce, prnprl ,tor. Orders taken for Beats. Presses, htamps, Haaio and Key Checks, ritenclls cut with dies making a letter at one blow. CLAltK & FRENCH, WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ALL 0BDERS TBOM THE COUNTRY Iroxxxiotly JS.XXoA 10-wtt Tho chains which bound our pralrlc streams have yleUe.1 one by one, Ilcforc the nll-pcrvadlng search of spring s re turning sun: ., , 8o tho fickle nddefi Kashlon, eter on tho wlnji, Still piles her lmy arts 'galiMt each returning spring. As Christmas' patron saint took his aliodo with ""nee, . . ..... . go now tho nod Icsi Kiuhton goes right there at mire Co., UlllllU Tor s It known that there's tho placo to get tho styles fur sprlntt, ... . Which alt unlto In saying are lust about tho thing. Now, gents, who seek thoouter man to crowu with graceful eae, Dunce has the hats to do It they cannot 111 to plcaso; . .. , And If yhur lulls seedy, nd you can't (lord a new, Iluneo will Ox it up so for a time 'twill do. .T." I1UNCK, New York Hat Store, 2M Dmiglas St., Iwtween rourtecnth and Kllteenth. iuar2Gtf Spotted Narativk has heard from the Modotw, and will, wo un derstand, have- to postpone his annual hunt until Captain Jack is disposed of. rs: FonsnY. is tolling Pennsylvania emigrants what ho knowsabout Texas. If ho would tell tltcm just how much ho is personally Interested . in the Texas Pacific, tho information might be of more valuo. WASHHTCTOIT. N BW JUMII9 GROCERY TIIKITHCIIKK, IIKALKR IN STORV iii Groceries & Provisions, Cigars, Tobaccos, drain and Produce, Toys, Motions, etc 0AB8, bet. Thirteenth and Fourteenth its. There is one spot on the Ameri can continent so hot just now, that Old Probabilities has no thermometer to indicate tho temperature. That snot is located around and about tho lava beds of Oregon. Boston Charlie, Bogus Charlie, and Scar-faced Charlie, Captain Jack's lieutenants, are not twins. Neither do they hail from tho American Hub, although they have acted as spokes men In tho bogua peace negotiations. THE MOST SEVERE MEASURES TO BE ADOPTED AGAINST THE TREACHEROUS INDIANS. As will bo seen by our cablo ad vices from Berlin, Prussia proposes to reconstruct tho upper chambers of her "Diet" at an early day. This, wo presume, is becauso that "Diet" docs telSll All goods delivered tree. Why do People go Almost Naked, when they can get Olothei for Nothing 7 Bargains lit SccoiuMiaiid Clothing ! A. MORRIS, Western Second-hand Clothing Store, 189 Karnliam St., has Just received a,iieiiLiif Sifund-hand ClothliiK. from Ban Francisco, which ho Is prepared to sell cheaper than tho clieaiml. Olve him a call If you want a bargain. apl-lm not agree marck. with tho health of Bis- Berlin, April 14. It is stated that the Prussian Lib erals In Landtag, intend shortly to introduce in that body, a bill looking to a thorough reform in tho upper house. It is thought this movement has some connection with the late revelations in the Stato railway frauds. Washington, April 14. By a general order issued to-day from tho war Department, Col. J. 0. Davis is appointed to tho command of tho Department of Columbia, vice Gen. E. It. S. Canby, killed by the Modoc Indians. AWHIN"C3-S I A Specialty Mntlo of Crank Awnings. lly HK.VJAM1N B. JONKM, uiarlt-tf -?s Furnham St. WHY IS IT THAT WM, SE.XAUER, 23Q 2T,.xxx1a..x3L &t., tMUlxMtei Riiolsnnd at lower prices than any ol ier tin .mil o uoaicr ni wmjii i .""v"" Is a PRACTICAL MECHANIC, and has NO RENT TO PAY. If ym do not Ipcllevo It, cull and otam'iia his Lirge stock of -ppTT3H.3ST ITTJIl pT beddehc ASD- Livo Oeeso Feathers, AND SATISFY YOUKriEI.F. aprll-dlf Fiumviv A: .inssi'..N.s Shirt Manufactory, XS30 3J,.x-axla.vxxi. fit. Keep on hinl a well assortcland lsrgo stock ol Shirts. All kin Is of Shirts mado In order. UroatlndutcmonUolljroa to rot ill dealers. Jau&l-codly ALLEN & CHAUDEFOSSE, uu uiul " Locksmiths, Boll IlatiKora o-xvcl TSn.oX.mtm. Stationary Engines, rrlntliiir and Stamping Presses, and Ma- . elilncry Repaired. SEWINd MACHINES REPAIRED. STEEL TOOLS AND STAMPS MAUI. 1U Awnlucs Manufactured and Repaired, Farming Implements Repaired, Truuksaud Valise Kcpalml. NAPE LOCKS A HFKCIAI.TV. Jobbing ol sll kinds neatly executed at mod erate prloo. Call aud seo them at their new shop, 141 St.. Bet. 9th and 10th, opposite Rek Office. niartG-tf Colfax County Nurserv Located on tho Union TarlUc Railroad, 78 miles ct of Omaha. Over one hundred acres In Tiec-s, Vines, Shrubs, Ac. w-SEND FOR PRICE LI8T.- The departure of Thomas Ficm Inr?. Marshal of tho Now Orleans fire department, on a pleasure tour for Ireland, is noticed by a Now Or leans contemporary as follows: Among the ship stores were twenty fivo gallons of something stronger than water, which, in all probability, the excise man will never smell, taste, or charge with duty. Tho voyago will consume seventeen days and all tho spirits. (Commui tested) North Platte, April 12. Eeitor Bee : Both tho Bee and Rejmbliam kA& tho other morning that snow plows were In operation in our place. I write to sav that vou are both mis taken. Wo don't uso that sort of Slows In this Eden of Nebraska. ur plows are mainly manufactured by the Nebraska Plow Factory, and aro used exclusively for farming pur poses. Wo have had a great deal of plowing, but it has been of the earth ly sort. There has not been snow enough to last twenty-four hours hero this winter. Yours, etc., Notlui". Address lelttl-cod-divfiim U. P. KIXXKY, Ncliuylor, Noli. BANKRUPT SALE. Crockery, China, and Olass Ware, SII.VIH-lI.ATKI WAUK, OXTTX1BK.Y. ODSTO., Will bo sold CHEAP, at I'RKMKR'S OLD STAND, 'ill FARSIIAM ST., commencing IWCx'olx CO, 187B.I lldiliiess Is meant, ns It Is th deslro to sell clean tho Iunkrupthtock. to make mom lor a now and complete; lino of goods pertaining to this branch of huslueis. ..,,., inatiiO-tf JOEI.T. URIIFIN. NEW MILLINERY STORE. MRS. JOSEPHINE KOCH has removeil her stock id Millinery tlood to No. BJJ l-iltceulh Inwt, lietwucn Douglas and Dodgo, where slio will bo happy to servo her numerous customers with an elegant, aoloctand uow stock olHirlng (loods, lust rxv&. martRI PREUERICK 1) ELLON K, Carpenter and Builder, SUPPLIES TUE TTxx"vowmm. Saab. I100U, The Iwst In market for slrength and conTen- lence. Plain or ornamental. Warrauted - , to give sitlsfaetlon. Call and eaaintne, at " 66S AND 667 THIRTEEiTH BTREET. lebll-tf FOR RENT. AN ELEGANT RESIDENCE Willi all modern Improvements. A HOOD IIARN attached to the premises. Corner Cali fornia and Twentieth streets. Five Store Rooms, Five Dwellings, Comer California aud Sixteenth streets. OPERA HALL, Oxio Storo Room, AND- ROOMB SUITABLE FOR OFFIOES, -IN RBDICK'S OPERA HOUSE, 33y Xj. 3B. HrTITiH, Offlce In Caldwell Block, mar3l-tf (West Entrance). JOHN O'KEEFE, MERCHANT TAILOR, Has the finest lino of Spring Goods In tho Market. Scotch OheroltSnlU, $35 ORDERS FILLED AT SHORT NOTICE. Wtildliu omnia m Specialty. l68FARNHAM8t,.htt. Tenth and Eleventh, sMk 9a rUUitL nprl2-Cm M0RTU.YUE SALE. hcrca, defimlt has been mailo In the pay incut ol the money secure! by a chattel mort gage, dated tho 30th day of Juno, A. D. 1871, executed by N. Rosenthal to F. L. blierharl, which slid mortgage was filed for record In the olllce of tho County Clerk of Douglas county, Nebraska, and recordod In Rook "K" ol Mort gages, at page 213, and was aealn filed for rec ord In said office, together with a statement ex hibiting the amouut due thereon, on the 17lh day of June, A. D. 1872, and duly recorded In Hook "L" ol Mortgages, at page St', and, whereas, the amount duo on said mortgage Is the sum of 11,000 aud Interest j now, iiicrelpre, by virtue of the power of sjle contained In said mortgage, notice Is hereby gl en pursuant to the statute In such case mail and provided, that the said mortgage will bo loreclosol by publlo sale or tne morigageu proiieriy, io-n ; The frame buildings situated on the east 22 feet ol lot 4, Id block 134, In tho clw ol Omaha, in ..1,1 IIaiioU. rountT. at the front door of on the 3d day of May, A. 1. said bulIdliiES, IS7:l. at 4 o'clock P. M. OUAHA,NKu.,Apr.Jll.mj.Ki.(5srEn Administrator of the estate of F. E. Eberhr.rt, lloCVUSCili W.J. Coskkli., Attorney. ap!2tf A. D McAusland Dealer In Ouu IF YOU ARE UOINU TO BUILD, BEND TO RUTTAN MATING VENTILATING ooiaciav.Ta,"sr, BL00MINOT0N, - ILLINOIB I'OH ClHCULAlf. W. A. PENNELL,Pres. ISAAC SMEAD, S.:'y. 8.11. FISHER, Bup't. UNION MARKET, jC.. I3C-A.T1.H.IS, Q40 XoiAX'teoaa.tlx JBIt. Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal, F18H, POULTRY, QAME &. VEGETABLES. aprU-ly Guns; Pistols, Ammunition, Materials, Cutlery, and Fishing Tackle. 244 DOUGLAS ST., Corner of 14th, OMAHA Repairing done promptly, other seals made to order. Notarial and mchttl, GREAT BARGAINS! Jan27-3m Croighton & Morgan, GROCERS -AND- CUMMISSI0X MEUCUANTfl, DEALEllS IN PROVISIONS, LIQUORS, &0. AOENTS FOR Fairbanks' Standard Scales. 203, FARNHAM BTREET, OMAHA NEB. dlfXifi!k9A penlay. Agents wanted I AH 01UU classes ol working iwoplo, o .atl. .., .nun. nr nt.l. l.iak.l llllira inOUSV at work fur us in tnolr snare moments, or all tne time, than at anythtiu clo. Addrtsu 1I Stluson A IV., Portland, Malno. stbva-lyS A very large HANKRUPT STOCK of OOOD3 Justrecolvislby Robins & Uiigltlln, Pawnbrokers, No. 137 Vsrulium Street, Consisting ol Rifles, llstols, and Shot-guns ol suiwrlor iiuallly and finish, both new and second-hand. Also a Urge lot of new and second-hand CLOTiiiNo, RLANKKrs, lumrs, HIIOIM, and mauy other articles, which we will self at half their value. Call at unco and secinoa HA11UAIH. aprS-lm Chicago & Northwestern RAILWAY. OOUNOIL BLUFFS PIONEBR SHORT ROUTE To all Points East! -Connections are made at Missouri Valley Junction with Sioux City Railroad, torbloux City; at Orand Junction, for Des Moines, Ot luinwa, Burlington, (lalesbiirg, Keokuk, Peo ria, etc.; at Dixon, with Illinois Central Rail road for St. Louis and all points South. aernaggage cuecaeu iiiruunu iuu .i,uiia. GUSH & JACOBS r m a (D X points, and uo extra cuarge lor irausicr mruugu t;nicagu. Pullman Palace S eeplug C'ars'on all Night Trains. Passengers to any point East or South should be particular to ask for and see that their tick ets read ! "Via Chicago & Northwestern Rail- ty." ft. A. STANWOOD. (leneral Ticket Agent. Wahinoton, April 14. General Sherman expresses him self very emphatically in rcgaid to the treatment wliicu suouiu do given to the Modoc Indians, aud feels con fident that hi dispatch to Col. Gil lem will bo carried out to tho letter if it is possible to bo done with the troops now under his command. If found that he has not a sutlicient number of troops more will bo sent him at once, aud that if necessary tho whole power of the Government will bo nut forth to avenuo tho death of Gon. Canby and those massacred with him. Tho President aud Sec retary Delano both deeply deplore the sad termination of the ctlbrts niad to tcttlo the Modoc question in a peaceable manner, and now agree with Gen. Sherman that tho most severe measures must be adopted to wards that people in conscquenco ol their late treacuery. Tho excitement and indignation in army circles is most intense, and tho same may be said of all circles here, and tho opinion cencraHy expressed is that the management of Indian affairs should at once be turned over to the war department. For several days past an announce ment has appeared in the uowspaters that tliero would uo a meeting unucr the auspices of tlio Indian Commis sioners at tho Congregational Church in this city. It also stated that Sec retary Delano would be present and deliver an address. Tho meeting came off to-night, though, in view of the lamentable news respecting the treacherous murder of General Canby, it was a decidedly chilly affair. Mr. Delano failed to appear. Gen. Howard read a prusy account of his own experience among the Indians, the burden of which went to show how tho Indians loved him, and he asserted that his photograph was car ried by Indians both on tho moun tains and plains. lie thought it was necessary to give the Jnuiaus citizen ship before anything could be done with them. The next speaker was Indian Com mission Smith. He thought that salvation was necessary to make the Indians peaceable, and told a story of a pious lady who thought powder and shot was the best gospel for In dians, but was suddenly converted to more humane views. The last speaker was Fred Douglas, who gave a brief history of Indian customs, aud mado a very able speech. The dcatk of General Canby wus briefly alluded to, but no attempt was made to palliate tho offense of the Modocs, and tho subject was quietly passed over. uenerai scnoueiu tcicgrapucu me following: Headquarters, Division Pacific, April 12. To General W. T. Sher man, Washington: The following report of the terrible butchery and murder has just been received : I have telegraphed Colonel .Gillem to let the punishment of the Modocs bo as severe as their treachery merits, aud I hope to hear soon that ho has mado an end of them. (Signed) J. M. Schofield, Major General Commanding. The reoort referred to is General Gillein's dispatch to Adjutant Gen eral Townschd, which has already been telegraphed. Lata information received here from Cuba states that it is believed that Gen. Pordilla, commanding at Ccnco Villas, has been captured by the patriots. A number of the Span ish Guards have deserted and gone over to the Cubans. The soldiers serving in the jurisdiction of Neu vitas have also deserted and joined tho patriots. The Cuban Generals, m .. I arli.HAAM a. a rt lrlnlnnln I irtint juueriUBVxuiut;6 mm t iiaiuui us.. are at tho head of three thousand men operating in tho neighborhood of Moyar. It is expected uy enthu siastic Spaniards in Havana that the loan of t20.000.000 to assist tho Gov ernment In defraying the expenses of the war against tho uuuans, will soon be taken. The government has returned tho confiscated propcrtyjof Don Martin Merces. Tne claims of persons whose real and movablo estates havo been embargoed for disloyalty are being thoroughly examined by the mixed commission. Up to a late hour to-night, no further dispatches havo been received from the Modoo country. Anxiety to hear from General Gillem is intense. ncsi, no settled purpose in our Indian policy, and this difficulty with Cap tain Jack and his baud with the ac tion of authorities, has been more than ordinarily injudicious. We arc told that tho War Department has, long known it was unwise and dan gerous to temporize with those sav ages, but the hands of the murdered General were tied by the Intrigues of tho Peace party at Washington, and ho was forced into an action that cost him his life. The Herald thinks tho peace sys tem is of questionable pcdlcncy, and believes many of the evils can be traced to the corrtint influences con nected with tho Indian Bureau, and tho mercenary chaiactcr of our In dian agents. New Yobk, April 14. The nows of tho murder of General Canby and tho peaco commissioners by Captaiu Jack and his band, pro duces feelings of tho deepest indig nation and horror among all clashes in this city and vicinity, and was the all absorbing topic ot conversation to-day. The tone of tho morning press is more or less condemnatory ot tlio Indian policy of the administra tion. Hoiioken, N. J., April 12. Medrick Klclver, Secretary Hobo ken Savings Bank, absconded with $26,000. The amount taken consti tutes half of the surplus, but the bank can stand the loss. Klel'sr's whereabouts not discovered. M.dniglit Telegraph FOREIGN. IMPROVEMENT IN DITION OF THE THE CON-POPE. MisoQllaxxoousr London, April 14. Advices from Adclaido say the wheat crops of South Australia is satisfactory. One hundred nud eighty thousand tons will bo availa ble for uxHrt. MAllltlCTM II V TKLKHHAI'll Clilraj(o Produce Market. Chicago, April 14. Flour Firm inquiry ; Minnc.-o u $G 7C7 60; choice X $G 00; good $0 00G 50; common $5 2505 1)5; supcrfino $3 254 25. Wheat Quiet; No. 2 cash $1 IS J ; May $1 22, . Juno Si 24 3-4 ; No. 3 $1 101 ; rejected 95c. Corn Quiet ; cash 31)-833 1-1; May 34 7-8; Juno 37. Oats Firm; cash 24 3-4; Mnv 28 l-428 3-8; Juno 30. Barley Quiet; No. 2G'J75; No. 3 GO; neglected 4044. Hichwincs Nominal at 8G 1.2. Pork Strong; cash $1G; May Paris, April 14. Piiuco Napoleon has addressed a letter to his constituents in Corsica, protesting aeainst his expulsion from France. He says tho Naiwleons havo twice been tho saviors of France, and their names can never be ban ished from tho hearts of tho people. They aro proscribed becauso they arc feared. rHYSIOIANS. DR, FRED. SAXENBERGER, Honitrpatlilc Physician, Surgeon nud Act'oui'lier, Office on 13th it,, bet, Jackson And Jones its, Nllclts patronage, and lll clto prompt at- .1 lull j- t uclldll tetid.UHti on all professional tails, chh hilly In women anu cuiiiircu uiscnscs. Ill ch.) I calls, DR, EMLBN LEWIS, HOMIKPATIIIC Physician and Surgeon. Okuck Southeast comer l Douglas and Thirteenth streets. OiriCK HeURs-8 to 10 A. H.,1 to 4 p. it,, ai.d sfur 7 r. l. Light and nllit 111 at the olllce door. fcb3-t! Constantinople, April 14. The Sultuu has sent twenty cacs of articles selected from his treasury to the Vienna Exposition. Roue, April 14. The condition of tlio Pope is so far improved that His Holiness was able to-day to give audience to several visitors. His. Mciiuflln ii Fowler, Physloiaiis and Surgeons. Office opposite llrand Central Hotel, FARNHAM STREET, OMAHA. Scclal nttentloii paid to Chronic dtcscaws dlsiiwesof tho eye uud ear, and those peculiar to female. An entirely successful modo ol treatment for Luiigtliseais. Consultation free aug23tt JONES HOUSE, 3.wolftliL (Stroot, lliet Douglas and Dot.i , in marly PllOrRtKTOK -C. SCHAIINIIoUtr, of tho SI. O'llil.-s Day Hoard, icr week, Jl. Hoarding ad lodging at tlio lonc-t title-. I'lie hu twe has Urn newly furnished aud repalre I. Iu2l-tf TltE)fONT "iLOUSlir Cor, 16th St. & Capitol Av. Day Hoard, SI ikt week from A lo tfii ; Transient npiD-codly Hoard slid Iwllng. yi must lay. Dr. A. F. Rudelius Has opened a dispensary at 514 FOURTEENTH STREET, three North of Post Office. door $1G 25 ; Juno $10 40. Lard Steady $8 50; Juno $8 cash 70. $S 35 ; May New York Produce Market. New York, April 14. Flour Irregular ; moderate de mand at G 75 to 7 15. Wheat Firm at 1 G4 bid; good Milwaukco afloat, held at 1 GG. Corn Strong and salcablo at G3)c for old in store, and G4c for new afloat. Oats Easier at 0353 1-2 for old in store. Barley Selling in car lots at 1 00 1 10. Whisky Firmer nnd more active at 91 J c. Freights Unchanged and dull. Pork Easier at 17Jc ; 17J bid. Lard Moderate business at 8 15. Gold-llSJ. H Pi S3 Eh fc 13 DEWEY & STONE, OLDEST ESTABLISHED FURNITURE HOUSE IN NEURASKA, I moon hand as Large a Stock audnstlieat a Varlelyof FURNITURE As can i e found In any establish ment; EAST OR WEST:! Havana, April 14. Bidwell was recaptured by tho po lice on the sea slioru twenty miles above this city. He bruNed his hands and legs severely when ho jumped from tho balcony of the prisun. Maps of this city nml the island were found upon his person, lie refuses to say who aided him in his eacapo. Bidwell's friends un doubtedly neglected to instruct hi in thoroughly u-t to tho route he should take upon leaving the city. Halifax, April 14. Beyond tho saving of u lew pack ages of eoods, nothing was done at the Atlantic wicck yesterday. Tho steamer Kansas laid at Halifax ycutcrday tho shore end of tho new cable. San Francisco, April 14. Tlio following dispatch, dated, Headquarters Modoc Excditioii, April 12: No important change. Mcachaiu may recover, but will have to have a finger amputated. Lamp was alarmed last night; ttr ingalong tho picket line caused a a talbc alarm. Colonel Green ennio near losing his life by the accidental discharge of a pistol in tho hands of another officer. The bullet cut the front of his cap away, and bruising itis forehead slightly. Bullets can't kill him. The attack on Colonel Mason yes terday was treachery. Lieutenant Sherwood, officer of the day, saw a white flag outside the picket line, and went to see what was wanted, Lieutenant Boyle ac companying him, found one In dian boy, who wunted thorn to to come up into tho rocks where he was. but thev would not. Steamboat Frank raised up from the rocks and called them to come, but they refused, when tho Indians opened fire on them. In tlio second volley, Sherwood fell, shot through the thigh, breaking tlio bone clobo to the hip. He was also shot in the arm, severing an artery. Troops turned out under Mason, Captain Egan leading tho skirmish line, and so rapid wcro their movements that they rescued tlio officers five htmdred yards outside of the picket line. Boyle was utihuit, but Sherwood was dangerously wounded. It was a plot to capture tho commanding officers of both posts, as well as tho commis sioners. They expect orders to move at any minute. Tho plot to capture tho commanding officers is evident. Tho Modocs f-ent for Gen. Gillem, who could not go for Col. Mason, who could not attend, and thus their lives were saved. For tho treatment of all Particular attention given to obstetrics and all sexual and private diseases, whether nmloor female. The Doctor can bo consul led at all hours, either day or night. julyTOIf J. J. HUNT, "ST. 57, OFFKJE-2011 Harney sf., Between Twelfth nud Thirteenth. Special attention paid to Chronic Diseases, and all Private Dlv.uiv, and tlio-o peculiar to Females. An entirely successful mode of treatment for Lung Diseases. JIUtf WYOMING IIOTISL Ira 1'. Illirby Co., Prop's. Omaha. Nebraska. S, H.oo Pih I'atulism (Iciicral .illlivs it tho 0. P. A. R'sHtcctly opposite. Also convenient In IlKi s-writl titket Wllit'l and buggago .IcjkjIs. ' Passenger Transfet Company oW c dtrcCtl opMslte. OmnlbuSHcs start fur all trVlns from this point, uud all burgage Is trausfariisl from this uouso. (luests notified ul the of trains. arrival nlufli trlnio anu'W.ltf. 1 V. FOULSON, M. 1)., Physician and Surgeon, (HOMEOPATIIlST.) OFFIOE-Tftclfth St., Eat Side, bet. Faruhara anil Harney. Special attention given tn Surgery nnd tho treatment of Cliionlcillujscs. nprlO-lf SS tirslorvl nooma. 1. VAN CAMP, M. D. regular practice, makes specialities of Derange ments and Dlsearcs Peculiar to Women, Fistu la, Piles and other Discuses of the Ucctum. OKi'irKaud Itesldetue, Corner Furnham and lUh Stritds, first door to tho right, up stairs, Omaha, Neb. Address 1xk llox 'JUL iTSIdAwtf L.F.Babcock, M. D. Spoclal attention given to OBSTETRICS, FARiMIC.i HOU.SIfi, SOI'l'll-WESTCOHM.UtiF HAllNl.V AND Font n i:th sni:r.M. BAY IIO.VKI) - - .;! 01) TRANSIENT, north, - 1. 00 lu.trlii,'7l MlfllAEI..!. MAHONCV, 1'iop. " "CALIFORHIA H0U5BJ FRITZ IIAFNEK, Prop'r., 3aVO "Ooxippltxri &t., ' ... i i 1. 1. veil! In, OM.Mil, - M II. llo.ii. I aud l. L meals, J . il.iSn.'. , l ilie tit) i. r week. .-Inl. I' , l.'ll-lllg, W ll'lllK hi.iril-ltoi OFFICE Over Omaha Natloual Hank. Residence on Cass street betncfti 16th. P. O. ImI Hnx'Ul. 1Mb an jyWtf DENTISTRY. Drs. Charles & Faul, IDZEZLSTTISTS, Office over JAi, Faruham stnt, lctwecn 13th and I4lh, Omaha. Drs. C. A P. itre tho oldest practising Dentists In tho city. Jan'MAwtt GTxxpBt: Opoiiocl Tiie OorAi'Al Hotel Tho new l.iilldliu at the southeast corner i.f I.ciHU'Viirtli nud Ceiilh sltcels, out' blink north of U. P. Depot jl7tf HIED. TIIIIM, Prop. OPEN DA 'i AND NIGHT, Victor Bestaurant till) FAUMIitM VI'IIKKT,' lltlnivn lUlli nud 1 1 1 It, ' VICTOR DUCROSrf, - ' Ptop'r. TABLES SUPPLIED WITH EVERYTIItTItl In the Mnrkei. All Meals Served to Order. 0VSTER3 8r,RVLrD IN KVEKY' Game in m'.'uxiii. Priif--(ii"fil 'the time Fremont Reduction Store. NEW GO0D3I L0 V CASH PKIJIISII "iVYndfiir I'lbellM Itoi hit, I'UI'.Mor. I. Mill. U. F. R. R. Drue Store, 00R. SIXTEENTH k WEBSTER 8TS. W. EDWARDS, Jl. ) iiiosi Emii.anii Proprietor, solicits your atriiuiigo, Hu ills pciisos uiul utcumlefy preuires iircscriptlous at all hours, and lit'sldes pintllcu makes tho trcitmeut o'l derangeinelilsaiul disease pe culiar lo women nnd children a h laity. Nimtr llKt.l. nt side dour oil Webster st. N. H. Agent for IIUNKI DOItl HITTERS. inarJ.Vtf LAWYERS. W. J. CONNELL Oounaollor t,t JLn.vcr AND .111(1- 187 & 189 Famham, Ret. 11th and 12th streets, OMAHA, Neb. iuar22-dawtf FOPS, Chicago Exchange, Cor. 13th aud Douglas Streets. Fine Liquors, Wines, OIOAHS, Imported Ale and Porter. Xsagor Boor. REFRESHMENTS AT ALL HOURS. utrConcert livery KvpiiIiir. novxt-ir District Attorney for Second ielnl District. OKFICK lut ililo of Twelfth, between Har ney nud lluwurd sliccts. fell tf inar'27-lf TIXM New Haven Organ If o Mnniifaclure tlie ('elt'hi'.iloil Jubilee and Temple ThoeOrgiu..iii iinsiirpis. In iuiliiynl tone, si) le of llu.-h, slnipllili) ti i, . ii . Ii ii' tlon, and iliiraMllly. Also, .MEI.ODI.ilN.H in miiIi.iis mvIit., nnd uui.uallotl In tone Scud fur Illustrated Oitalngue. Address NEW HAVEN ORHAN CO., Now ILni'ii, ('.inn, niAgeuts wanted. Mm-Siii wa' UNDEllTAKERST BR00MFACT0RY a)R. 17T1I AND CHICAUO. JOHN McOREAllY, PROPRIETOR, Fiiriilihes the Premium llroom, and warrants It first class. Ouiaha, Neb. leblStl New York, April 14. All tho morning papers comment on the Modoc massacre. Tho Herald says the instructions delivered to General Schofield means utter exter mination of Captain Jack and his followers. There will bo no desire to stay a hand of retribution. Indian .- nn sm sn I inlnnnHI fl l f 1 VAIllllltlb UKt'liir, cuuiiiiiaaiuiivto. .. ......- thronlsts may do their best to execute sympathy for these treacherous wretches, and to aavo tho peace poli cy, which has proved bo profitable to most of Us advocates, but the people will approvo of the sentence of ex termination. There has been no judgment, no forethought, no firm- New Firm ! New Goods! New Carpets! New Everything! ARE NOW RECEIVING A Stock or all of Large and Elegant New Styles Key West, April 14. The troops in Porto Rico have re volted in favor of a republic. Much confusion has resulted. The crews of two American vessels in iwrt bjivo disembarked to restore order. Aid has been asked for from Havana, and two war vessels aro about to leave that city. Boston, April 14. Suit has been instituted in tho United States court against Oakes Ames for thrco hundred thousand dollars, tho trial to take place in May. The suit grows out ot certain cotton transactions at New Orleans during tho war, for which tho gov ernment obtained judgment against A. A. luausitcid aud others, and now sues Ames for tho amount, alleging that ho was partner with Mansheltt. Memphis, April 14. Last Saturday a man named Vaughn, witlt half a dozen aliases, was arrested by tlio Chief of Police on suspicion of being tlio man who assassinated Gen. Tlios. C. llindnmn, of Helena, Arkansas, bomo four years since, while sitting near tho fire, sur rounded by his family. DuiiUtiUE, Iowa, April 14. Saturday night, II. O. Giinn, edi tor of tlio Scntinol, Warren, 111., was accidentally shot and dangerously wounded by his wife while carelessly handling a gun, thought to bo unloaded. E. ESTAHROOK. W. M. FRANCIS Estubrook & Francis, .ttox'zvoyatXjaxv Special attention given to Court Practice, OFFICE Cor. Fourteenth nud Douglas sts Omaha, Neb. Jan3l-tf SAVAGE & MANDERS0N, Attorneys nt Law, 212 FARSIIAM STREAT. Omaha, Nebraska. JAMK.S W, SAVACIK, LIIAHLKH P. MA.Mi:itSOK JOHN C. CO IN, Attornoy, Solioitoi' AND COUNSELOR. OKFIC1J-NO. 1, VISSCHER'S 1ILOCK, OMAHA, MUIIIASKA. marStf Dry Goods, CARPETS, JSTOTIOINTIS, 3D to., To which all friends and purchasers generally are requested to tall and examine HOUSTON &. GARRISON, 227 Famham Street. apr-3iu G. W. AMBROSE, Attornoy - vt - Xiaxv, REDICK'S OPERA HOUSE, OMAHA, T I "V O Xj I Saloon and Ucsdumui., 00R. NINTH AND TARNUAM STB., FRED. WIRTII A JOHN llll'.KH, Proprietors. CONCERT given by Prof. Schooler and tho new ORCHESTRION, DAV nud NKHIT. turThoOrchestrluii lioiiunf tlio lirgiit In the world, nnd pl.iya 7 J of tho nuttcst mid best music pieces, A D M 1 S S I 0 V, F R E E I dcc2-ly OBSTACSstoMARRIAGET Happy Relief for Youiu M''U fiom tho ellists of Errors and Abuses In earl)' 'Ifo. M.iuIiihi, reslorul. Imimllmen'M to Ma'iliio remotnl. New metliod of truitiuuut. New mid rein.irk nbhi reuiHilli s. Hunks and tirculars Kentfrie, In scaled onrelnpes. Address, IIOWAHD AS SOCIATION, No. 2 Niutu Miilli St., Phlladel pliia, l'u., an liistliu mill lug u liluli mm- tatloii lor hnnor.iblo coiilurt uud prnlissloual skill.'l tini inarS If NEH. James Piatz & Brother, DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS 2U7 DOUllLAH STIU.ET, OMAHA, NEHRAbKA. All kinds of foreign nnd domestic fruits, green vegetables, Irish IUIi, butler nnd eggs. All nr deis promptly filled, luarlDtf 0o.,g fGoddunl Rros. & DEALERS IN Nt. I.otila l'roiluce Market. St. Louis, April 14. Flour Dull nnd diooping. Some grades aro lower. Sujiertiiie fall 4 G04 00; extra, 6 000 70. Wheat Dull; No. 2 spring, 1 18 0 10; No. 3 fall, 1C0. Com Dull and drooping ; No. 2 31 1-2 to 33 1-2 on east track. Oats Quiet; No. 2 28c on cast track. Hogs 4 G0fi5 20. Cattle Texaiis, 2 000 00; fat natives, 4 256 12 1-2. Omaha Steam Heat ing and Plumbing Works! (IAS FITTINU k FIXTURES, IlKAI.KHS IN Wrought Iron, Pipe Fitting, Trim mliig, A.c. Also a large assorlino BRASS GOODS, Steam Pnmpi, Lift and Force Pampt, Wish- lUadt, Water CloieU, Bath Tab) and Shower Bathi pot up In tbe moat atUfaotory manner. I'lumbcrs' and Oas Fitlors' Material always on .lanu. FITZPATRICK, Douglas St.,Under llamlllon House txll7dt wSTOVES, I'UltNAOES, RANflES,, H TS'TTsT'Trr X. Tr -m . - w ....f , And Manufacturers of WIltK WORK I Motal And Job Work Jau23-ly XI. O O fl. XX Bm promptly attrndwl to. LEOIAL NOTICE. Hyrou M. S.on(er vs. (leorgo Lilly. To (leorgii Lilly, iiliMH,ndliigtleblor,ilefenilaiit i ou Mill tnko iiotlti. Uiul on tlio Villi day t.l .iuicii, ini.i, ii) run m, niieutwr ctuiinittiiciHl uu HLIIIIll 111 against you recover from 11,11 tho sum of two hundred and eigiuceii ami vu-nsi miliars nnd District ('nun, In I lout-la. (vuiuu ., ,.!.... , ,. .1 , inti iiiijet t oi ssi'i uetiifii r February Jt), Ib7.l spencer lor ground building sold by him to tnko notice tliut your ring t.i lulcre.t lie. duo Irtiiii vou in aui.l rent, uiul for n ...rlJiu you, nii will ii I mi vour nrnii. rtv tn i,r,.,jiua county has Ix-cn iilliithc.1 In m iiitluii, nud you will lie riiiulrul to answer In snld acltun on or befuro Juu2d, 187.1, or Judgment will n. entertsl agalnit )ou by iltfaufjf nud sjldpiop. ..Iv ...111 r -J ., - T Dates! this 5th day of lly his Attorney, apr7tlltwat 'of April, 187a. . HVRON M. SPENCKU. W. M. FiiAKtlfrJp MW1M "i -rnnmtiimvwniwwnrm riff t gtirwiiBh-ijri n i iffiff " &X&fftim;tAmiirmmi!i ftffivu,Mmai.wlw. - T-l i: afck. fj" i.,,.