Newspaper Page Text
'ftfcHMiWP w '- !f r f ! lE DAILY BEE. OMAHA DAILY BEE. WEEKLY BE'E. H 2D E03E7ATB, Editor and Prep'r. i?l'fc Mo. I.T8 IoriUinin-.( i t Ninth end Tenth. runuwiKD KVKttr I WEDNESDAY MORNING! f ai' W XT. 3VE S3! pOpy ie rear In advance 17 00 I rUnionths 3 J onewetk 10 VX1RMO On copy, one year, 1b advanco SI to " itz months, ' .,.. 10 " thrw ' " VOL. III. OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING-, JANUARY 2, 1874 NO. 165. 1 fat. HP ) i'S '003 JK1 Iff L tl m , aUV num mwnress mpmiffiY. -..--u -4 t'vjchrv Mntiurxclnr)' LIU'. A SMITH, ltt .. jllllia:ill2Mi. Uarnar street, d18 tl Tue ill-fated Vlrglnlug bns gone down to tUo bottom of the pea, nud diplomatic reparation will find her beyond repair. & Pnrchutlng Acenry. STEVHNS, 812 Thirteenth street, deo StI Ulan null Picture I'mmr. .1. IWnhirl, lfW pouglis street, dealer In tnlotr Rlan add pcture frames. ""'In io to oriUr. "" Jeweler. . dm. 'HAN'H.IW, Fraetlcil Watchmaker, I l ith suet, opposllo poitcfflie. scpl2tf linpia mid Nlioc. PIIIT.IP IANO, lV)Farnhnuiatrcct,lotwten 'nth "d Elerenlli. Iebl7-ly I Coiii"lliincry. II L I.ATEY, corner I weiuu nnu wovgini Jit Maiiuisctflrerawl WboWlo Healer In ndles and Confectionery. Country t;;le McltcJ. "'"" Conl IJenlnrK. 'OLANR KLMOTT. Coal, Lime, Ce nt, Hair, etc. 131 Farnham Unit. ebis-3ut DriiKRl'l- A ltonnKIl. Priifglst, corner 12lh and ,, rnfT inrn-i. ' writlU nnrt-coMlVctlonCryr U ANDON A IXDHIOOi:, ilcaf." n Frilllj I I Confectionery. North t'ole bod Vat;r at V. o.Httnd. -mayl-Cm tumirnuce Acent". 1 ItraCH a McKOON. Firo and Accident ) ,urnce Agent, oyer tlio Post office. I'mtii IlroUer, . nLQUrrElt, No. 200 Farnham street. Iteal l&ttnlomttlCorU OIHcf. llIN JOHNSON, c.Tlco&OO Fourteenth t., een I'trnhitu nml 1 nlo, tickets id from la-rope, vraiu, uuukiiw, en, rtl-lf Tcvriler imil tlelnii. . mvrviMF oi i uaht!.-i it. Watches. ', Jewelry, Spectacle, pud Kyo-gtassos. jc-iv ten nil rr. UIA BTF.VMLAUNHnY. Corner of T.litst ann juto ilium .v. .-.- - iiIa Wiro Com any. House nml BfRii rainier. uvs A PKAUD. Hou8 anJ fclsn i.Tcnlh sticct.bstweeu Furnhaii nnil 1' J oa Fnciorr. PREMIUM EOA.1" WORKS. Tonnll Co., ' mini! '-tiiio llic'r colcLrAUJ' rnlum F1t fli't rritiiiutna nwi"i!ci Iit yon unWsmlFfHirali". and Votnrfiiltoinio S Xjt lia. Ortli th aol'rllM from i ia nuv. i' r tnmptii nml KmbroliUry. piMP'SO itid r.MnROIHFBY nono in ..l L. . . ... ..... a. a.u I Oil ... -. m ri a n ua ii iiui riiirn Jvinrlhof CnlOKP. (ea Md-). Oiilirscii TimdeatU of ltollin C. Smith Esq., secim to furnUlt tlio political bum racr brigade another opportunity to mnko a chargo upon the powers that be. KEARNEY CITY. TBLHOR APHIG. Qr.tM war, with all ita horrors, still stares us in the face. TIiojo Pawnee and Uto Indians arc now within eight miles of each other and our Adjutant General, still twenty mile? away. Bewaiui of "Your Unclo" nnd all othei.t41altvc3 who accidentally may meet you under distressing circum stances. Such is the (rco gift advice of tlio Chicago TiMu' reporter who was recently victimized by an un suspecting traveler. Teachers' Institute of Buffalo County "Don" Reports What Was Bone. Specially Reported for the Oman Diily Bee, by tho AtUstlo and Ftctfio Telegraph Co. ITEW YORK. Fun eh authentic information ribotit tho Ville do Havre disustcr is promised by tlio cabin reporter. Tlio particulars about this sea horror hnvo beon so mcigro that wo nro sure everybody will watch tho telegraphic columns for tho next vorsion of tho necident. St. Joe merchants nro laboring un dor tho impression that thero will be u stagnation in business after tho first of January, but tho St. Jotoph edi tors rcfuso to bo similarly Impressed. Thero is nothing liko keeping a stlfl upper lip nnd waiting to sto what turns up next. V XZ 33 i r. M 1U. -- Now that tho Herald has secured nn author for "The Plaln'H Ufe," lot us hope ho will nut sharo tho fa? the JFcrahli illustrious author on high-lifo and sheep raising on Lnra- mio plains. Sterling Qrnngers coulu not cparo Sterling Morton lor n trip to Japan whilo that Senatorial con test is pending. EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society, NEW YORK, iS an AcaiMur.ATrw capital i:X(Jl2El)IS $ft2-9Q009000. I. . . iu ..... ..I ...nvlaijAfl In Now Y .k Cltv. In Now York nnd United HUtej rtniU,andMeatiincrciug ". WiEZyrr tS9,po&rQ22: nccpramado only on tUo nriiTT ( T. TTJTNr,TPTjT3. 11 .iriilus preminra? aroretnrnol JU,''5 IP k I Insured 1'rciflUma nro rccclrcd and SSES PAID IN CASH OKLY. loi fro luei luya'jlo at the death ot tho ,"i ,". mrahlo etlue 0"d of W cerlnlll allr'ot yVKi! IWtoii-M Uo H.uedonthe TOHTINB PIiATST, Or on tve prtnelnlj of .ee muUII proMs Cyr It is claimed that there Is one fen turo j) wblch tho military family ot our.Qovernor differs radically with all other military families in the country. They get nlong without a commissary and quartermaster's de partment. But thot will not prevent them from presenting their claims for valuable services before tljq next Legislature. ? jlierot roan leflnlte period., which wn fin iniro.i i . thliSi loty.iuid hai bojn recouiumuuo. . rudor.elby cimneu.oxiciu in Vee insurance, Forty-four per iiairu on mu Ifo rollclei, IV And liyleidlnKliiuliicsimeii. lor t .-isnl. lni been eviiidwid rccumii C I'remluins paid on lti Tontine I.l aud oity percent, on um -.T-.niinfiFnHnwmBnt Policies L -" - t V ?onl it wllldn tli lm' flre yearn. Tho !' il the litnm ii u io A'!'""" dwij 5onl .oxcKidreW t'io lnteirti of the lluldra, an a proie uim ino rocio-y al'ie--i'a)l that It h". atron claim. V7"ii ch Its rail- lit tui administration of tho Society, AViy.lIuliUra, an t '.n proie illn-x tho t-ocle'y . dli! ..i.u.v.liirn liirt'li!. llV .liiirl.o.itiiro corernii'. In A n nhbl'e conillai'e, leetnii ol thi atrlet Hi V.ii i J iTfn f tr tho tuliir.S which I t Kret Impor- co tot luledcpoidllu tjion their nsuraiicj A -he ultimate auoiwrt ( tludi- f .m'.llf. ho 2 In.uaiuco Coiupauy liai Bitch Ure ntnual Perfect Seourity SB EXZUIT&BZXl no li woro prompt nud Just In lti dealings. CSTS WAKTttD .THJtOliailOUT III 13 ST.VTB,' W. N. GRAIN, Gen'l Manager, Nabraslca and Dakota, rm rourlfelitll ! OMAHA, hKIl. ilia tt .0GEB8 & O0MUI3HI0N MERCH&HT8, JvH Clark & rrenoli, 1 Wholesale Grocers, K Corner FavnUam aud 1 llh st$. V -Orden ollcltoi Bud promptly ,: The JYai'it Ligue, illegally and un ceremoniously suppressed by an Om aha postmaster,, baa been removed to Cincinnati, where the Inevitable George Francis hns issued his usual blood and thunder pronunciamonto. aL.ill.1.. i ..1 i- .L. nhiilHirnf Inir r upirem vu vu baso passions of unemployed w ingmen bring about a riot, the Train JAflue nnd its author will probably be summarily squelched, by the police Instead of tho postmaster. Red Willow. Beaveu Cukeic, Ned., Dec, 29. Enrron Omaha Bee: You will in nil probability havo no nl.W.tlons to hear from tho Beaver country its prosperity ttmo pros cut tho oxpectttious, hones, and whnt may reasonably bo expected! First, then, just whero wonro homo steading, nnd ill what we may ronfon sonably exrect by spring to call "Qllberton," as Undo Samuel h&a most graciously consented to givo us n Post OHice, that wo may then dato our communications from Gilberton, Red Willow county, Nebraska, which will look well in print. Well, this Is ono of tho lovlirst place within tho ontlro Stato of Nehrdskn, nnd no mistako ; I havo seen all parts of tlio State, and can mnke no exceptions. Tho Beaver Vnlley has no Buparlor soil In nny State. There is plennty ol timber, water-prlvllogts nnd lands to home stead. True, settlers are coming in fust, nnd by another full. ttinrn will be but lltllO bottom lUDU loH ; but, thero is enough whilo it is coiux. and whou tho bottoms nud wood lands oro taken up then there will ho thousands of acres of the up lands remaining, Tho climate in theso valloys ii all that one can wish. Not too cold, or too warm. Tho soil is adapted to tho raiting of all kinds nf prniri. fruit9, cranes, etn. Tnlincco crows well, and wo shall try cotton next season. Vast beds of coal exist on tho head wators of tho Beaver rivets. Drs. Dorr and Duck woith have discovered nnd locnted eomo very lino coal beds, and only about twenty five milos from us. It is bituminous coal, -and of a superior quality. Schools will bo started in the spring, and ovsry thing bids fair for a prosperous community. If you khould. happen to drop in this way pleajo glvo tu a call, nnd wo pledge ourself to treat you to a vory dollcalo buffalo steak nnd a turkey hunt, as that gnmo is a htaple in this immediate locality. Yours truly. O, E. Orton, Homosteader. Front Our TrarcMng Correipondenl. Kkahney City, Dec. 31, 1873. Ehitoii Oiiaua linn: That tho educationnl intercM of Buffalo county nro in good hands is pretty evident from tho largo atteuil anco nt tho Teacher' Institute, iti session here this week. This is tlio first ever held in tho western part of the Stnte, and was formally opened with a selection of scripturo nnd prayer, by J. J. W. Place, tho ear nest, energetic County Superintend ant, followed by music and singing. Mr. O. E. Hanson, tho efficient prin cipal of the Kearney graded school, pronounced a very alio nnd instruc tive address of welcome. Reports fiom the different teachers in the county exhibited a very prosperous condition of oil tho schools, and cavo a lnro nvcrago attendance. The teachers generally complained of .ho trouble and lo?s of tinio oc casioned by tho diversity of tho sc ries of books in the bunds of their pupils. Somo of them with fifteen or twenty scholars reporting throo or four scries of readers and spellers, and a still greater dlvcrslvy in math ematical and scientific books. This suldect interests the State Su perintendent of Education, and if ho has not already Inaugurated meas ures for its correction, he caanot com mence too aeon. Sixteen schools' wore represented, and there were present many friends of education from all parte of the county. 3r " Exercises,"! spelling followed the teachers' .-reports, conducted on the plus 'of writing sentences ivoiior.!re"edvby the superintendent. Ccssrrfsa had its "Mullins", nnd n lltin was here, who exhibitod him- sclt na ftu amusing specimen or the crude material that will thrust itself into tho orgenization ofH institu tions in a new country. The supei Intcndent gave the aentence,-fho Emornld is a species of Baryl," when our "Mullins, a roung-shoujdercd youth of the airy mustache persua sion, elongated himself upward half n block or more, nnu "would nwo to nsk if thnt burial meant to i.iler." The Institute forgot itsdignltyj Mul lins seemed dissatisfied; put on tlio wrong hat, nnd, when Inst teen might have been mietnkeu for a probable investor in town-lots. Othcrwiso tho spelling exercises developed a iair degree of proficiency. Mrs. M. A Judd read a very entertaining nnd oxhaustive paper, on the proper method of con- ucng common buiiuuk, iYiuf ui listened to throughout with intelll- Sent nnd respectful nt'.cntion. The ay was concluded with addresses of n general character by the teachers and others interested in the progress ot education. The second day has been devoted principally to class ex ercises ia BMrannsbiD, matbsmatlc undgrammer. uvfirjiainenaspaseBa Irregularities in Brooklyn. Tho Case of Maggio Jordan, who Aided Sharkoy to Escape. The Controversy Between the Pacific Mail Steamship Com pany and tho Union Pacific Railroad. WASHISTGTO H An Insinuation that the Virginius was Sunk by Order of Government. Philadelphia, Dec. 31. Godfrey Kuhl, n baker living on Frnnkfo-t street, was murdorad at 1 o'clocli is morning, lie wns struck ou tho head with a heavy instrument, his skull being frighfully crushed, whilo nt woik in tho bakery. The murderer then went to Mrs. " Kuhl'a sleeping apartment and choked her Insensible, stolo iifty-fivo dollars nnd escaped. It is bolioved that Kuhl's Jounieymnn, who disappeared this morning, perpetrated the deed. The polico nro searching for tlio murderer. Later.1 Frederick Hcidcnblnnt tho murderer wns arrested at 8 x. m. in n Lngcr Beer Saloon, nnd a bloody vcstwai found in his valise, nnd stolen money in his pockets. Ho confessed nnu says ho first shot Kuhl nnd then struck him with a shovel, llo is n native of Gcrmauy nnd has been in this conntry two months. jKnsr.Y City, Dor. 31. Tlio engineers on tho Eastern di vision of tho Pennsylvania railroad havo been in secret session for tho past threo hours to finally decide whether they will submit to a reduc tion of wages or turn out on n strike to-morrow. The officers of tho comi pnny nro npprchensivo of trouble. Lateu. Tho pilots, engineers and other employes of thp company, numberiug 176 men. hnvo sent in word thnt they ncccded to a reduc tion of 10 per cent. crirrrT1 uu end Kamra fcjrjtWM nasp Th nmfen of tll0 aptT?rtar, ananffrrWHyflL nnu happier, as a social party this lntenti07taa"begilv evenlns completes the programme. Don. GEQIGEZANJSEK, (Cam bell's Block,) JEWELER AND OPTICIAN, Eye Glasses and Spectacles, l). i I,, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. DW Jewelry manufactured to order. 'Fine Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry, repaired and w.rr,inttd. tcplGlt 7)ie Only COFFEE SALOON (OAFE) 45 12IU Mrcet, between Tarnnam aud Harnoy, East Side. nice corrEE, CHOCOLATE, etc., at any time. , decSldK r.AL3 H. 7B.S1TOH 489 TwcUth St., bet. Farnham aud IlnrncT. F. ALSTED lla Hie host cup ol Coffee, Cliocolat, etc., at aqy time till 11 o'c'o:k at nlbt. dc3 LEGAL NOTIUE, ra"rlckBirrttt, l'lalnllir, ts. Patrick Scully, derondiu. llcfoie Enoch Ilenney, JuttVeoI tho Teacc, In nnd fo.' Doi'x.js coanty, Ncbra.ku t OntheElhdayot Ocrenbcr, IS7,witl Jf t'ciJi .ldl an o.'.)eref altacliuieni 'i benboro act'onlortho.umof iJlftl. . ... AI. iElU' 8VA ITZ'.ANDr.R, itc30illtAwJY ':a!nl!0'e Atl rnoy. New York, Dec. SI. A Herald special from Paris says a fresh monetary crisis is apprehended in Berlin. Thero nro numerous hoHvy failures. It Is understood that no strlko will tako placo ou tho part of tho engi neers of tlio New York division of tho Pennsylvania railroad. Tho engineers held n conference with tho superintendent, at which it is be lieved a 'compromiso was effected. Tho terms wuro not made public. Tho engineers stated their willing ness to coutinuo work provided the reduction was not mado permanent, nud it is believed thisis tho base of tho compromise. The jury in tho caso of Maggie Jor dan, charged with niding Sliurkey's cacapo from tho Tombs, not being able to ogrce into lust ovening were loosed up for tho night. They will bo brought into court tins morning. The opinion h expressed that the jury will disagree. It is stated in milrond circles Hint the Central Riilrond of New Jersoy is about to leduco tlio pay ot its em ployes fifteen per cent. It is nlso slotcd that the New Jersey Central has purchaicd the Eastern Division, of tho Pennsylvania Central, which comprises that portion lying between Easion nnd Bristol ind is the feeder of the Delnwaro and Had ton Canal, of this State. Tho stock market was excited yes terday, with a general ndvnnco in prices. r" Gold,v firm. Money, easy. Ex chnngo, dull. Governments, strong. After next Friday, n now plajuof n noting foreign exchange will go into operation quotations will bo based on tho mint, value of pound sterliugin lederai money, tno new parol ox- Vl4itiu uciug . racuic Ainu announce their -r-'- . .i t .' one steamer per week for Aspiuwnll, and take freight for California for ono cent nnd n quarter per pound, with uu equivalent reduction on eastward traffic. Tlitfy ndvertiso thaf. their CJdnn steamers will cbmo through from Hong Kong to Panama via Yokahatna nud San Francisco, and thus connecting with tho Atlantic steamers via tho Isth mus. This arrangement appears to grow out of tho still pcuding contro versy between tho Steamship Com 'nnnv nnd tho Union Pacific Railroad Comnanv. in regard to thoienowulof nn old arrangement, whereby the two companica agreed to cortnin freight rates. Tho Steamship Com- pauy refuse to renew except on tlio same terms ns heretofoie, whiph thp Union Pacific Company are unwilling to concede A Washington dispatch to the Herald insinuates that tho Viiginius wns sunk by order of tho Govern ment, and asserts that the ato win" preparations wero a useless expense, ten millions being squandered to fat ten a few Government fnvorltes. A Herald special from Mexico vin Metamoraa says that a Guatamalian legislator has rcthed from tho Na tional Mexican Capital, for tlio reason that no Mexican Minister has been acceded to Uuatamnla. Tho First Methodist Chill ch is opened in tlio City of Mexico. Attornoy General Leon Gusman hns resigned his oflleo. Congress is in setslon nnd every thing goes peaceably. New York, Dec. 30. From nn offtcinl report of Lieuten ant Woodson, who was in command of tlio Virginius at the timo of her sinking, it nppcars it was only by the utmost exertions of the crow that tho vessel could bo kept afloat as long ns sho wns. Her engines were also in such n condition as to render her almost worthless. For four dnys tho then in tho firo room worked in the witter up to their knees, nnd nt tho time they left tho ship wero nearly exhausted. IT PAYS TO TRADE AT- 1 CHUIOKSHANK'S MORE GOODS FROM. WEW YORK AUCTION PRICES IDO"WjH:E& iojeeljlist ie-vier ! t Now Dress Goods, 25 Per Cent, CIEIEjeuPIEilR than those Selling out at COST' GREAT BARGAI2TS IN 3ILXiTISrEI?m.r...l $5,000 Worth to be closed ont in 30 days at COKSS Consisting of Trimmed nnd Untrimtned lints, Flowors, Real nnd Imitation Foathers, Black nnd Colorcd'S!?1 Wlity' Velvets, and Velveteens, Ribbons, &c, fcc. Theso Goods .." JrA' j, H,"j -MITTST IBIS SOLID to make room for a L,1HGE STOCK o. NEW GOODS, Suitable for our CHRISTMAS TRADE. Ladies will find nil goods marked in plain figures, nnd ovcry nrtiolons represented. Will open in n fow dnv another case of CHEAP PRINTS, to sell nt FIVE CENTS. . y A. ORUICKSHANK, Cor. 14th. and 3Tar3a.lia.nx Sts,, ,-k Slfnl OTVTJ1.TXJ.. KToto. FALL STOCK!, 1873 ! Ri aAia Trenton, Dec. 31. A specinl Mission of tho New Jersey Court of Pnrdons wns held hero yes terday to consider tho case of Mlchncll, n murderer. After n longthy session, in which nil tho testimony of physi cans regarding tho prisoner's mental condition was considered, tho Court unanimously refused to commute the sentence. Governor Parker has is sued a death warrant, and Mlchaell will bo hanged on tho 9th of January. Tho prisoner has not yet been in formed of tlio Court's decision. Madrid, Doc. 31. A ruptttro occurred botween Cns tcllar and Salmcron of a pcrious na ture, nnd it is stated an amicable set tlement of tho disagreement impos sible. Tho Cabinet remnins un changed until after the Cortes meet Friday, whon a reconstruction will bo attempted. Washington, Dec. 31. Supervisor Cobb, at Nashville, re ports tho destruction by Collector Wilkin", on tho Sd, of nine distiller ies, making a total of twenty-fivo in the tntril district ana live in tue sec ond district, during the raid just com pleted, v New York. Dec. SI. The jury in the Macule Jordan cafe Usannot agree, standing to 4 for con-vlction?- -Jificorder Hiickett this morning decldeifte lock them up nil dny it they don't agree. - - , 'Ci.feYKLAND.O., Dec. 30. Thero nVe rumors that tho Lake Shoro roa'd will atriko on Monday or Tuefcdny next, but no definite infor mation can bo obtnincd. Those who hnvo tho best means of information say no strike is contemplated. London, Dec. 31. It is reported hero that tho steam ship Elbln, from London to Hamburg has been lost nt sea, nnd 20 to 30 passengers drowned. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. DRY MS, EOWN, 248 Douglas street, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL fiABBi?ro! nm tin mnnimi v ? vmuuiv uuu viu UAJUiiitt An Immense Stock of Fresh New Goods Just Opened to be SOLD LOWER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THE CITY, O oia.sslMtixa.B of MERINOS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, REPELX.ANTS, ALPACAS AND MOHAIRS, ALSO VELVET AND BEAVER OLOAKIIsraS. A FULL STOCK OF StLAWLS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S MERINO UNDER WEAR AND WORSTED GOODS ! ENGLISH AND AMERICAN lCARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTING RUGS AND MATS, CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST to m CITY HOTEL, OBSTACLES to MARRIAGE, Happy Relief for Young lien from the effects of Errors and Almsci In early life. Manhood restored. Intiieillments to Marriage removed. New method ol treatment. New aud reniark aUerciaedlos. llooksand clriubrn tent free, In ..,!.! nrlnlm. l.Mr.ll. IKIWAItH AH- SOCIATION. No. 2 8oulh UlnUt bt, I'lilladel B kl'f, New York Money Market. New York, Dec. 311 v. m. Money Active at 7. Gold-Dull. Foreign Exchange Dull nnd lower; J 108I 10? for GO days; 1 09 1-2 for sight, ' r Hpcculntlon In gold is quiet; open ing price, 1 10 1-4 with a rieo to 1-2, bat now selling at 1 10 1-1. Governments Strong nnd I to 1-4 percent, higher, with good invest ment depinnd. Stocks Strpng throughout tlo morning; Stock Exchange ndjourned nfi p. m. io-qay, io iu u, . rnuj, Tho Gold Exchango will ndjourn nt 3 p. m, to tho snmo hour Fiiday. Erlo,4Q;U.F.,808!Y.U.,72 7-8. ii ii is ai 1 1 1 1 easai . .r r. t 'tar- - '- -t- -i-i saaaaaasai s - wIMP'UI" "k I.B..- n.jmfXJ""' . - fSMto tiiaafts"- E. T. IJiiG-ji:, Propiietor. TENTH STREET, Jlelivee Fumfam an J JKiraey, OMAHA, NEB. TKItUS ViV D:v, l.'JU Two Moalnaud UJilitj, 81 5 ono Moal & Losing, 81.00. THIS HOUSE, LEASE AND FURNITURE, FOR SALE ! IP AU11CI.1U AT COST -CALL AT- L. FREUDENHBIM & BR0 2C0 Douslas St., PHYQIfJIANB. DR. C. E. TENNENT, PflYSIilAN AND SURGEON. Onico No GIQTwoUtli sln'ot, weit sld-, li tween I'lirnham and Douglai. JtrsldoiiM-Ko 410 Twelfth street, betwee Uuwnnlniil Jackvin. "JTSurgory tu all lis hrnnchci. Dr. F. O. Reed, Electro-Eclectic Physician, urniMi o. lm street, bol, I Fifteenth. KiJnr- a' Bet. 14t and 13th. i.u I. n.i fnatiiiiilnn lnvlnv h lilffh rcnu. lion wr uonorauio aniuuii u .mra.ii urni-it Cm JOHN JI. GREEN, STATE KitLS y PRALUU IN GIUIN, FLOUU ANJ). KEI), COMMISSION HEKdBANT car, Klath and Jakaoa UU noTisti Self-interest prompts us to deal with thoso who givo us tho best bar gains. If you will step In nt PL. GottheimorV, No. 20G Farnham, you will bo convinced that you can buy a good suit of clothing, ovorcoats and furnishing goods forles money than iu any other houso In this city. Como nud price our goods before buying elsewhere. my21yl i. ,-i- su Money loaned on diamonds, watches, jewelry, gem, pistols, and merchandise in general, at Ph. Gott helmer's, 200 Farnham t. Unredeemed pledges for salo. JWlroad. Ijckejj bonghl and wld, MUSTARD & PICKLE WORKS, Cor. Jackson and 13th st. lleilw In Grocei tni.aud Agonls for I-lelschmati1 OoziaproisBiocl Yenat dlt 3ia IlltCK fV TIKTJKKB. WELL DIGGING. Hiivliu hid long experience In writ-digging, I am prepared to till all rdls I'ordeis for i1IrIur and or uiaklng cisterns, 'lenut luralrlnj leoiouuu.o. ciiAnr.ta uNoiiorr a co 6H TtntS iircvi, uj t'rim IJIII4I1.I, TU. ollliil CENTltAL GLOTlinCQ STOItE ! m FAnNiiAM STBCirr, S. JACOBS hi. i lures usorlment ot Clothlnz. Hats, Caps, .. II ... .. J... . b.ill lmld fllls. rni ii ha vriii iaii ai uri-wa u iu mm -- A. tonitri Oull and seo. dlEtf ADVERTISE fit THE BitooiCLYN, Docembor 31. SupervUor J. Prcutiss.Geo. Fisiter. and John W. Harmon havo prepared and preeeutod tho ljoard of Supervi sors of Kings County n vory startling report rolatingto Irregularities in the management of public instructions iu Ilrooklyn. The Commissioner of Charitios aro denounced aseither cor rupt or grossly incompetent. A com parative tublo and cost of supplies in Brooklyn and-New York, showini: that n profit of from 60 to 200 per cent, has been mado iu purchases of general morchandUo, nud by con tract, nnd tho nttontion of tho Gov ernor will bo called to tho whole subi ject for such action as he may deem porper. Washington, Dec. 31. Tlio correspondent of tho Chicago Trihuuo in this city has been misled by a designing person to make certain ,fnlEe assertions roaardlnz Geuoral II of ter tcudorcd his reslguatlou us nrmy officer nnd wns accepted id duo form, with tho custamnry and legal leave of nbionco granted ofijeers under suoh circumstances. tils contract with the Pullman Company, with which he is now conneotcu ns chief executive, expressly btlpulntcd that he should resign from the nrmy. tils friends say lio woulu not enter the service unless such a duty was Imperutlvo, He may havo drawn 5 1 & ornco Porter, Into Privato Secretary Goneral Grant. Tho truth is Por- E I O O P W w ot ! o 9 Selling Out On Account of Removal. Genuine French Merinos In alt now shades, his legal pay allowed him pending. lit iili.nnrn. lint this is cuslomarT OMAHA DAILY BiwlWif WiStj2d V ,a,v Cw$T' M H 8a IH M S mm B' O I o o W O O 8 AT 75 CENTS. BEST PRINTS 8 CEiisnrs. ALA.PAO WATERPROOF, HOSIERY .a.!xx cl DKT otjLoxLB. At corresponding prices. n7 Keokuk Market, Corner Tenth nud Podge Streets, COOK i. BALLOU, Props. J.lI.qilliUN, Agt. Fresh and Salt Meats CONSTANTLY ON HAND. AL60 CHRISTMAS, 1873! ? , & J. WILBUR Offer ncho'ce collection of Hew Books PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, CHROMOS, FANCY GOODS, FOR THE HOLIDAYS, AT 613 3Tovvrn.tb. St., and Douglas. 234 Pols tecuth nud h uironio DIrscsrrprrW-UflJihStir S to i. a. v., -j io o ana 7 10 8 t7 . angler iJriol Room. I.VANCAMP.M.D. his own rnodclnes, and bealde. rejalar Pir-tlce, makes snoclalltlerM Perango. ments and Plseasen Peculiar toWowen. Flsfii. a, I .les and other P.'seases ot the Heetam, T Office nnd BmIiUbm, Cornor Farnham sid Hthbticets, first door to tho right, up atalra Omjlis, Neh. Address Lock Bos ik. IrSldAwtf "S DR. W. PETERSON, Pliysician and Surgeon. Office. So. 232 Chicago." 'irtet, Hctwecn Thirteenth and rourteeuth. -f Offlco Hour 8 to 10 a. m.j nnd 2 to 4 p.m.' , nju'l'lio Clcnunn nntt Scnmllnnvlnn languages spoken. nuvlStf, 1 Bot. Farnham dlGtl REAL ESTATE AQEN0IB3, nVBOK RUBO. LtTU 5. IUO FISH, POULTRY netl If AND GAME. 67R0N REED & CO. The Oldest Estthltshod Real Estate Agency IN NKUItAHKA Keep a complete Abstract ot Titles to all Real uiaio in uuaacu anu uougiai lountf, S12 Fourteenth St., Omahtti Neb. felltt Please Read. We wou'desJI attention to our superior fa ellltlri ru-t'o'ng all kinds ot Tin, Copper, and CilvniilEtl-l.uu rrnrk on buildings, or any kind of Jt'jor con.-a:l fork. We i'j both HlACTIOAI, workmen,, ard perr.ons'Jysunsrl'ltende-eUand erery piece ol wo.ic doro In ojr ci rh'Uhm-nt. 'er ft a or;onn for Yan; Celebrated Ta tent Vo trb'e tiouhle-oren Co6klnz lUnie, foi lV.tPle ItsVences, Hotels, lldlnj Huutcs, and (icitautants., P'eaieirll and exanjlue It. UOUDAItll & IlEAU, 834 Douglas Street, Omaha. f, Oi Iock bn 3v4, m ? diirt NEW GOODS ! O. STllII'PLUIt & CO., 8uceesors to F I. McDonald, Hi: ooiner of loth and Fan ham streeti, ro.otfully annouuro to um tuiHii. ui uniia inui we iuvo tun opcnuJ a ncwitoclot Choice tlrocerlesi nud rrovslons, FRUITS, NUrS, t'ONFKCTIONEUY, TOBACCO ami CIGARS, Which wo will sell as low as the lowest In the (tty. Call and examine oar stock, and prtco will fewM. IW.UIU UUf mil eisswiiuio, iioa ly ELECTRO-MEDICAL AND HYDttOPATHIC IXSTITOTE, TUItKISII DATItS. Poiicni., Shower, Tub, Hot uud Cold lUtlis. Klectrlclty, Swe-llsU MoTCinent, Mwllcatcd Vapor, and otherapeclflo romoilles. Tho proprietor nf this Institution Is trestlrig with woudorful success by t hew combined aud patent agencies, all forma ol Hcroiuia, lllmunutlim, (acuta an 1 chroulo). Dropsoy, (local and goucril), Asthma, Dlspuiw sla, Urer ; and I.ung coiniilaluts.nndnll die. eaT",l'.!clano'""H',.1,ne'8km 0 Pones, At., and all dlseasos peculiar to women, MTI'atlenU lkiarded In tne Institute. "Oa Offlco on tth stroet, lutweou Farnham and Harner. p. 12. D. BAllltirrj, '" Proprietor. tTrftsll. It. Drug Store, OOB. BIXTEHTK k W1MTF.R STB, North Omaha for . Kiirui. waai BttftJ? OIANB 'PKEBOHIPTIOl parul uay or night, and , with taru and 1II.11.I1.1. Nioiit Mkli. at sloro dod . u. Ageui lor HUNi uanu-ti UiX. W. The Soai Dru No. smith t.,it Uruics (Mfltllclue Constantly 0.1 lumi. 1 Penoriptlons Aocoratl Agent for Union Coal olanit AXMi rTcaHSTT BOOT IMIAKER, Of Omaha, during Ihehstslxlem years, reo onimcnds hit Urge stock at greatly reduced rates, No 18S Farnham ttrwt, ath side, b: twciu 11th aniwtn. ' u.-otj HCUUGlUCr l Manufal HN, COPPEK AT WAUI3. JJf Cooklntr and .Tin lioonng. Pnoullng. hort notlco und lu llhl nuuxmi siriioi. -ssri -MAN UFA Lamliren miRon I .u jfcl :! A , A t n w mstS)mzi:z ai mmt :."'jW tAttf3''kA. mMts. . L Jv