Newspaper Page Text
JsE" . JW I 4 -- i -."'-? .-x - - m -, rnflWP-4'x 4MH r - - nBi JtfMtfOMhVIV" THE )AILY BEE; D7E0 E03BWATBB, IMltcr and Piop'r. Ol'FH K-.Vo. 13H lurnlinm-.t., ", lict. Ninth and Tenth. T33SI 3VE eiopy one year In advance f7 00 " all months 3 7 one week It OMAHA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Cracker Mnnilfuclnr)-. 'mpCLHRH A SMITH. 1 Harner street. bet ween lllh and 12lh. dta.18 t( l'nrrlinvlii Agency. A 1! SIEYUNS. S12 Thirte'enlh street. Uniahi. dco 8t( (Jlrue and Ietura Frnmrs. J, flclnhart, Hi DourIm street, dealer Id window glass a M p'ctura frames, (flaring dune t't order. s2:tf Jeweler. . W 0. SAKDKIW, rraotlcil Watchmaker, 3l IHh street, opposite poslcftlce. sepllllf (loots mid Hlioca. PHILIP LANO, IV) I'arnhim ilrcel, betweon fiulU and Lleventh. febl7-ly kl ... .w.. ..,. k n. I. f .A.TEY. MrnM Twelfth ami DmlvUa Uriels. Manufacturer an J WhotesAto Dealer in (feiMilej i ii J Cotifcctlonerr. Couulrr train Ilsullcltod. ' apltf C09I Dealer. CO!, AND A Cl.t.tOrr. Coal. Mine. C- , unit, llalr, tc. 131 Karnham street, jlowis-ani Druggist. J. A KtlEDEU. Viuaittl. corner 12th and Uarnoy rtrcete. ; Fruits nml Confectionery. AKDON A IM.DltlDai;, ilo.itcn In Krultn Confectionery. North Tola Soda Wster at V nel', O.Mand. mayl-Cni Insurance Aseitla. Kl Flir.NCIt A McKUON. Firs and AcclJcnl laiuranco ageni, oicr mo run omce. 1'mvii Ilrokcr. M nLaUTTEIt, No. ZOOFarnhim street. 17tt I IUnl KitnlcnuilConl Office. JOHN JOHNSON, office JOT raarteenlh !., .twem I'arnliam and Dminl.ii ; alio, tickets i 'to nod (torn Ut'roift, Drafts, lusuraucv, .to. upr.i-ir mf .Tewiler nml OMffjjlnii. .t. F. 2il Doullf it. Watches. flocks, Jewelry, Spoctaclci, aud Eye-laisvs. Iswu-iy Imii'rulrr. OMAHA 6Ti:AM I.AUNtItY. Come.- of i lwnty-firstaiid Itird streets. Order slato ut I Zalltorula 'Vine Company. limine nml HIk I'nlnttra. I.rilMANN A DRAM). Homo anJ Stan Rilntitri .Tenth .fleet, twtwmli KaruhnM nnd 'ilitooy. ap28U Soap Faetorr. I'lMMIUM 80A1 WOIIKS. rowntl Co., ill lumiulnctiiie lliolr celebrated ' mluin 'r r i iTBiiraipniniiiins awnnipii nr iiout- .r county ana Btnto raira, ami rotuwaiutnie I ' ttnly. Iowa. Ortli ra sollf ltfl from the trade. dun il lie nlul Kmbrolilti-)'. Kl'AMPINO mil KMncniDFItY done to order, at Mra Jl A I'olger'i, Mth street, 3d uoor norm ui iit'Ko, luasi bhihj. uruiTBcrii I hell-It atllmrmee o' llio Groror & UaLer H MOo. TUB EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society, NEW YORK, HAS AN AmiMCLATRD CAPITAL EXCF.EUIXO $23,000,000. tn'r.1 tn rrnl rUln nntl innrlaneA 111 New Yorlc Cttr, In New York nnd Uiiltod Htatra rnoniH, nml ftcaniiv mcreiiuig uuier.n yennj .leruimo oi more man $9,000,000. Tha Htm Injured liy Ilia Hoc'cty are caro- tully B'locled In dlfr.irctit ol North Ain erkunnd l.urop1, ItiriilsnlnK liy thli broad He 1 ol onorallniis on nii'iiuonni auu rxcep Jln'nl nclrto tho Policy hoUerJ. 'llio 111- Viranct aramade only u tho lltfUTUAIi PRINCIPLE. lfi auriiliii tirenitiimi aroroturnel annually to tho Insured Prcmlumi aro reeelrod and LOSSES PAID IN CASH ONLY. 1M1M. urn ImmM mrnlila at tho death lit the tiisurd, alsi piyahln atllio oml of n certain '"numbarot years. Policies arj also lnuedoutlio TONTINE PLAN, !-Oron t'wprlnclplool aeJiimitlatlng profits for deQnlto periods, nhleh was nrHt Introducol hr tills society, anil lias nesn recominoaueu mm mdorsol hy emlncut experts tn LIEE INSURANCE, Ami livfndlna l)inlii"i men. Fortr-four twr a been oiuiidanil ricuuiulatidon the Proinluraspald nn Its TotitlDe l.Ho l'uliiles, andfotty par ciitit. on tha Tontine Endowmont Poiicies Issael within tlio last fire years. Tho Dlrec Korsol tha KitltiMn I.tlo Aimrance Hnelcty "mnfMint etLliiilrelr tho Interests Af tha VoUar-lIillirs, unl In preenttn tho foolo'y ' to notloo. their foil tint It Ins stroiii claims upm public contldonro, of tin strict ad eonsertlro principles by which Its rarl oin djpirtrusiitn ire Rirernoi. In the assets aud In t'jondmlnlstratlon of the Society, A Perfect Security . Jsglrep. firtlio future, which Is of great Impor tance to tliT.adcpoidliu upon their Insurance a at. . .1 1 I .., t ... of (ai.illlnu K'n iLtU Insuaanco Com pan jr hi bucU LrrfO acnual 'i(4UIHVUUUI M 'HE EQUITABLE None isiooro prompt and, Just In Its dealings. AGUXTS WANTKD.THItOliailOUT TMIi MTATR, W. N. GRAIN, Gon'l Tlanagor, Nebraska and Dakota, r3T VourloeiUlii.1., ODIAIIA, NII. did If QROOnUB & O0MMI3BI0H MEB0UANT8. Clark 6c Freuoli, Wholesale Grooers, Corner Fariiliaiu ami 11th &U. WWOrJrs iollcllel aud promptly Dlled.C eopuju JOMN II. GREEN, LSTATE MILLS DHALUU IN GRAIN, FLOUB AND FLED. AMD COMMISSION MEROUANT cor, If iBtb Ad Jaelueia SU MTtSVt VOL. III. Somb of our persecuted free luucn cittzans talk of emigrating to the Faro(e) Man.N. The New Orleans Republican sayu: "Next week wo shall have Lytlia Thompson nt ono theatro and tho 'Wicked World' Ht unother." Thf. telegraph informs us that an other bank cashier has confessed to sundry irregularities, amounting in the neighborhood of $05,000. An other evidence that irregularities aro not confined to -political ofllca holder). An Arkansas paper says that there is only ono politician in the State who is nbovo suspicion. Ex. That is ono tnoro than wo could muster in Nebraska. In tho opinion of a Wyoming con temporary wood goea farther when left out of doors than when well housed. Pome of.hU woodpile went half a mile tho other day. According to tho Council Bluflk Olobe the Spoon I.ako fool-killer now use, Omaha whisky instead of a club. Council Blun'i may therefore preparo for tho worst. An obituary notice of tho Olobe man is likely to appear in tho very next issue of that paper. And now wo learn that old Bill Allen's colored coachman eloped with a German servant girl, greatly to tho disgust of tho Democrats who elected Allen on a strictly nntismis ccgenation platform. There is only one consolation, Ohio probato courts are not restrieted by tho law of color in issuing a marrlngo license. JusTior. is not so much n mockery in Louisiana as It used to bo. A Now Orlonns justice has decided that whero two families occupy a house, ono family can't sing " Captain Jinks" over thirty times in succession without being liable to n fine for dis turbing tho peace. The Chicago InlerOcean some days pgo propounded tho conun drum, "What is money?" to which tho Toledo Blade replies: "Well,, that depends upon whoio you arc. In Chicago, it may mcau shin-plasters; In Toledo, gold; and in Warhington, greenbacks, while there nro places whero potmetal is money, nnd bras, of which there is such an abundanco in Chicago." . Self-interest prompts us to deal with thoso who give us the best bar gains. If you will step in at PL. Gottheimcr's, No. 200 Farnham, you will bo convinced that you can buy n good suit of clothing, overcoats and furnishing goods for less money than iuanyothc'r house in this city. Como and price our goods bo faro buying elsewhere. my21yl Monoy loaned on diamonds, watches, jewelry, gems, pistols, and merchandise in general, at I'll. Gott liuimor'n, 2QG Farnhatn st. Unredeemed pledges for salp. Railroad tickets bought and sohl. JOHN W. LYTLE, Ulomor-at-Law And Solicitor In Equity, OrriOE-Orer First HaUcaal Bank, COR. THIRTEENTH FARNIIAM BTS. Biayl-lf JOHN C. CO WIN, .ttomtiy, Molloitor AM) COUNSELOR. OFFICn-NO. , VISaCHER'S ULOCK, OMAHA, KEUDA8UA. marStf G. W. AMBROSE, e.ttar-xvv " t - Xjs.xt HEUICK'S OFERA HOUSE OMAHA, . NED.' trSll bAVAGE & MANDERSON, Attorneys at Law, Hi FAUN HAM BTRKAT, jaue w. iAVAOK, I Omaha. Nebraska. ClUKt.K" ywr)Ma. "ua,ncurasaa. j, s. arAUh. UKO. K. rKlTCIIKTTl SPAUN & PRITCHETT, Attoraoya lad Conusolors at Law. Office, BOO Twelfth Utrcet. P. O., Jjwt Hot 4(M, eb W, J. CONNELL, Oouuaellcr .t Xjmttc AN1 District Attoruoy for Second Jud icial District. OFFICK South tide of I'aruham, between lMh and 10th sti., opposite Court House. leWtl e. estakkooic. w. m. fra ncis Estaurook & Francis, Uk.ttOXXXOr'"A.tXjA.T77- Sptclal attention gtren to Court Practlca, OFFICK Cor. Fourteenth and DougUa ats Oinaha, Neb. janSl-U J Advertise in tlio Bee UMAHA TELEGRAPHIC. jpeclallj Rtpotted for tha Om&ia Dally Bee, by thr. AtUntlo nnd Paelfio Telegraph Co, Last Night's Dispatches, TORZaXCXr. Ecclesiastical Troubles in Germany. WASHHTCTOIT. No Official Information that In demnity Has Been Demand- . ed by Spain. . THE SOUTH. The Entire Ropublidan Ticket Electod in Memphis. MisoQllanoous. WAaniNOTON, Jan. 2. No official information has been re eelved comflrmatory of tho report from Madrid respecting indemnity to be demanded by tho Spanish govern ment in tho caso of the Vim'tnius. nor is it probable any such demand will be made. It It hbould be, pay ment, would, there is good ground for stating, bo refuted on the prin ciple established by tho Geneva tri bunal in dltallowancoof indirect or couse(iucntinl damages, llio pre paration of tho Virginlus correspon dence will bo completed to-morrow, and may be sent to Congress on Mon day. An appropriation by Congress of noarly two million dollars, gold, will bo renilirod In unliyfiiotinn nf nlatm. nuuncu oy vuo unitou estates anu British commission. Tho -teamshin Franklin, reported lost, has arrived at Key "West. Paris, San. 2. A Berlin special says government has absolutely determined to abstain from interference) with tho inner ecclesiastical organization of dicceses during the strugglo with tho Romish church, nnd to confluo its action to rigorously repelling auy encroach ments of Bishops upon State rights. Existing proscriptions, respecting administration ot dioceses when bishopries are vacant, will servo lor cases in which prelates shall bo turned out by government. These dioceses left without hoad will be administered by tho Vicar-General, who will, In his turn, bo dioccsed should ho not comply with tho letter of the statues. New York, Jau. 2. One thousand workinguion wore dlschaiged from tho navy yard tos day. Tho Spanish frigato Arapiles, which was released from her long con fiucmcut in floating dock to-day, grounded while being towed to the east sido of tho navy ynrd whero she intended shipping her guns, and is likely to remain last some time. San Francisco, Jan. 2. It has rained' hero incessantly since miduight last night, and still continues. ' The Now Year hiliday was gener ally observed. A Ci(ua steamer, duo since Sun day, has not yot been heard from. Reports from various portions of tho stnto show that tho rain tall has been very generally distributed. There aro fears of floods in tho Sacra meuto aud San Joaquin valleys. Walhinqton, Jan. 2. Tho public debt increased $G,V33, 272 during December. Not tho slightest anxiety is felt at tho Navy Department in regard to the safety of thcU. S. steamer Frank lin, which sailed from Boston Decem ber 23d, for Key West, and which, it is rumored, foundered, with all on board. She was not expected to reach her destination 'boforo tho Oth or Gth of January on account of tho course she took aud other cl re C in stances calculated to delay her. Detroit, Jan. 2. Tho grocery storo and dwelling of G, W. Aldorton, at Saginaw City, was completely demolished this after noon by tho explosion of a can ol powder. A four-year old daughter of Alderton's was killed instantly, and her mother and a plork named Williams wore badly burned. It is supposed to have been caused by the child pnttlug a lighted match into tho can. Washington, Jan. 2. Gen. B. J. Sweet, Deputy Commis sioner of Internal Revenue, died here yssUrday morning, after two weeks' illnces, with pneumouiii. Gen. Sweet entered tho volunteer army from Wisconsin, and was well known iu the West as tho commander at Camp Douglas, Chicago, at which city ho was aftdrwards appointed panslon agent. Ni:w York, Jan. 2. Tho sunken coal bargo at tho en trance of the floating dock whero tho Spanish frigato Arapiles has been confined has been removed and tho fricuto released. William Bantu, aged lf, was found dead and covered with blood yester day on tho stoop of Warren's Hotel, at Canal and Elizabeth strceti. Tho bar tender and fivo other persons havo been arrested to await investi gation into tho. cause of his death. Memphis,- Jan. 2. The entire Republican tlckot was elected yesterday. Majority for payor, 800; other much Urgor, OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY STEW YORK. An Extensive Coal Combination. A Review of the Virginlus Sur vivors. Cheorful Opening of the New Year in Wall Street. ASHL4.2TD, ITEB. The County Soat Takes a Sud den Departure. ISpcclallo the Omaha Dki:. Ashi.and, Neb., Jan. 3. Tho Ashland peoplo awoko yestor day morning and found they wore no longer living at tho county seat, but that it had been spirited away while thoy wcro quietly slumbering. The reason of this sudden leave-taking was that certain parties wore quietly working- their underground railroads for au Injunction, but tho county ofilcors, smelling a very largo mouse, took tho hint, nnd suddenly camo to tho conclusion that last night would be a good timo to change tho county seal; nnd accordingly about three o'clock this morning they took sev eral loads of books and paper, and moved silently but not slowly to Wuhoo. New York, Jan. 3. During the past few weeks prepars tions havo beeu making for tho con solidation of several of tho largest cum L-iiiiipuuies oi me couutry, anu it is now expected that by tho close of the present month, all arrange ments will be completed, and a new board of officers duly elected. Tho combination will consist of the Wjlkosbarre, Honey-Brook nnd Le high coal, and will probably bo de noted as tho Lehigh & Wilkesbarrc Coal Company. Tlio new coal com pany will compriso theso threo com panies, and will begin business with a capital of $10,000,000. The great Loudon fog, of which wo had nn excellent imitation two weeks ago, bus again spread over tho city. Last night tho air began to thickon, and at midnight so dense was tho fog that navigation on the river was difficult, and a dangerous undertaking. Fog bells were kept in motion all night. It lias not lilt ed this morning, but still hangs over tho city as over. The atmosphere is clcwe und damp, tho otrcots slushy, and tho weather generally most in tensely disagreeable. Tho steamship Ethiopia, which went nshoro tit Staton Island yester day, was drawu off last night by threo tugf, and brought up to this city. She was badly strained on her reefs, and hor cargo somewhat dam aged. Capt. Holbrook, of tho Staten Is land police, who attempted suicido recently by shooting, U now said to be out of danger, ilo has resigned from the police force. Andrew Donovan surrendered him self to tho police yestorday, stating that n few weeks ago ho wua en trusted with $4,000 in U. S. bonds by his employers, Rndekor & Co., at Austin, Texas, to settlo souio ac counts. Instead of attending to business ho sold tho securities nud spent tho monoy, now becoming ennilessnnd penitent. Ho wants to bo sent to Austin for punishment. He is held by tho police, but it is thought ho is imitating Irving, of Nathan murder notortoty. New York, Jan. 3. A review of tho Virginlus sur vivors will take place at Wirjellob. restaurant, in this city, on Monday next. Tho British atoninaiiln Tnrnrnnilnn. al arrived at this port yesterday with u iun cargo oi torpcuoes lor the United Stnfea Gnvr-rninonl. wlilnli had been ordered for the deftuce of tlio priucipal harbors on the coast, in view of tho nntklliillrv nf' wnr with Spain. Tho steamer proceoded to iv minis i-oini, wucre suo will be discharged. Piiiladelvhia, Jan. 2. Though no strike has occurred hero among tho Pennsylvania ralN road employes, transportation of freUbt westward is eroatlv itnnedod "by "tho blockade in the Western stales, aud owing to strikes there. Trains of empty cars aro being dis patched from West Philadelphia for points beyond Pittsburg, but no loaded cars nro leaving, nud train hands aro now only working half time. London, Jan. 2. Dispatches from tho gold coast re port that the British forces havo driven tho Ashantees before them and penetrated seventy miles into their country. Threo hundred Ashantees wero drowned In crossing the river Proh during their retroat. Tho gold coast is very unhealthy. Chioacio, Jan. 2. A special dispatch from points on tho railroad lines affected by th ' re cent engineers' strike reports that the striko is at an end. At Donnison,0., the engineers are applying for work again, and at Crestline they aro re suming their places, except those occupied ' y freight engineers who volunteered to run passenger engines, which they are allowed to keep, and tho recalcitrant nuRsenirpr nioinnnrn are put on freight trains. London, Jan. 2. A bt. Petersburg dispatch says tho articlo in tho treaty between Russia and Bokhard abolishing ulayery is directly due to tho exertions of Sec retary Schuyler aud all members of the American legation at St. Petcrt-lurg. DAILY CoLtfiintB, 0., Jan. 2. Tho striking ongincers hero still hold out, notwithstanding the striko Is breaking at other points. Tho trouble hero is they wauHheir lead ers taken back by tho railroad com panies, which' the latter are iudisi posad to do. Tho companies have notified all tlio engineers who want enjfjncs back to apply immediately. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. New York Produco Market. New York, Jan. 3. Flour Quiet. Wheat atcady. Corn Quiet and steady. Oats Steady at C003. Pork Quiet and firm. Lark Quiet and firm. Gold 1 10 7-8. Chicago Produce Market. Chicago, Jan. 8. Flour Quiet; good to choice ship ping extras. 6 605 87. Wheat FIrmp.r mul Citrlv .nilvv cash, 1 18 1-2; Feb., 1 21 1-2. Corn Quiet and firm; cash f3 7-8: Feb. 04 7-8; March 60; May CO 1-2. Oats Quiet; cash 38 1-2; Feb. 39 1-2: May 48 1-2. t Barlov Firm; No 2, 1 45; No 8. 1 13; rejected 9G1 01. Ryo-77. Whisky 93. March 1C 30. Lard Firm; cash 8 85; - Feb. 8 60 bid. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chioaoo, Jan. 3. Hogs Receipts 14,000; market qulot and easier, packers holding ofT; only fow sales; extreme range 4 90 6 6o ; generally 4 OOfflS 40. 9 I g 0 1 s !- P A 1-4 U " art CO w S p 8 M n i n a 93 - n SB .r o 0 0) I I 51 CO H GEORGE ZANiNER, (Otm bell's Block,) ' JEWELER AND OPTICIAN, Eyo Glnsses and Spectacles, W. Bt, OMAHA, tlEBBASKA. Jewelry manufactured to order. Flno Watchos, Clocks, and Jewelry, rana'red and warrantod, seplOtf Enoch Henney. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, OFFICE-Orer State Rank, corner lSlh and Faruham aUeeta. U201I Notice of Incorporation. Articles ef Incorporation of tha Odd Fellowa' Hall A.socl.tlou have been filed and rtcordej Iu the County Clerk's office, In Douglas coun ty, Nebraska, on pugeSIS, Hook of Incorpora tions. 1. Tho name of the Incorporation U the Odd Fellows' Hall AnsocUHon ol Omaha. 2. The principal place of transacting Its bus iness Is In the city of Omaha. Neb. 3. 'I ho general nature nf the buslucss to be transacted Is to hold real estate aud ptrsinal property necessary to erect and maintain a buiMIng and Its appurtenances In the a.ld city of Oinabu, to Iwus-d as an Odd Fellows' Hall, and for any orhfr lawful purpose. 4. The amount of capital stock authorized Is one hundred thousand do'lara, to be paid In an follows: 1,0 on or before October 16th, 187JJ $1,000 on or before Nov. 1st, Wi; li.wio rin or before March lat, 1874; $2,000 on or lie foreAntlUst, 1S71; 12,000 on or before May 1st, 1K71, and tte remainder at such times and In such manner as the Ucard of Dlroctors shall determine. B. Tho time o commencement of this corpo ration Is the 8th day of September, 1S73, and terminates on the 8th day of -September, mi. 0. The highest amount of indebtcdnosi or liability to which this corporation Is at auy tlmo to sablect Itself Is SM,000. 7. The affairs ol this corporation aro It Ikj conducted by a Hoard of twelve Directors chosen by the stockholders. , -...,., w- M' UWYEH, Prcsldoat. J. EVANS. Scorelwry. di27osalU N.J. 1IDNIIAM. JOHN V. KEI.LEY. Burnham & Kolley, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, OMAHA, - - NEB. Ho. 260 FAENHAM BTHEET, KEHEI.T r QPr-OSm; OBlHOOBH liuf. HOTEL. CoUfcUunssollclte! and promptly attended to. Otis II. Ballon, Attorney at Law. Offlca oxer First National Bank, OxaahA, m JKTol-t, augutl ADVERTISE IN THE OXAHA DAILY BEE. E a BEE 3, 1874. IT PAYS TO MORE GOOBS prices Hew Dress G-ood 25 Per Cent, CHEAPER than those Soiling out at COST GKRIE.A.a? BA.P,a-A.XiTS IN nCILXiHSTEK;-! $5,000 Worth to bo closed out in 30 days at COST I Consiatinrj f Trimmed and Untrimnied Nat, , Flowcw. Real and Imitation Feather., Black and Colored Silk v.,v7, rniu vsiuivi-ui, i.iuuuiii, OiU., c. llll'SO UOOtH MUST BE SOLD to make room for a L,VRGE STOCK o NEW- GOOBS, Suitable for our CHRISTMAS TRADE. J! M nrMc, M "l""10"' Will oP3n In a fcw day A. CHUICKSHANK, Cor. 14th. and Famaara Ste., r C3Vtk,X-IA.. ONTo. " jfjltjzj Stock, i$73 i ' R. A. BROWN, 248 Douglass street, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY MM, GAEPETS AND OIL CLOTHS ! An Immense Stock of Fresh New G-oods Just Opened to be SOLD LOWER THAN ANY OTHER. HOUSE IN THE CITY, MERINOS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, REPELX.ANTS ALPACAS AND MOHAIllS, ALSO VELVET AND BEAVER CLOAKHSTGS. A FULL STOCK OF SHAWLS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, . LADIES' AND' CHILDREN'S MERINO UNDER .WEAR AND WORSTED GOODS ! V.EBXl.33 X.iaST33Kr X3ST O-XX.33 A.T -CVA-XmaT-ST. -CL X1TXjX. XjI3NT JEJ 0& ENGLISH AND AMERICAN 'CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS MATTING- RUGS AND MATS, CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST! , CITY HOTEL, ljScg&fcB. VTjivwrig?;:V E. 'P. AG-iiJ, Proprietor. TENTH STREET, Between Famham ami Harney, OMAHA,' NEB. TKltMS j-l'cr Day, 81.UO Two Mcils and fxiUIn, 91 S3 J oua foal A IidBlng, 81.00. THIS HOUSE, LEASE AND FURNITURE, FOR SALE ! a IF YOU WANT AN A It 110 1. la AT OOBT, -CAIXi AT- L. FREUDENHBIM & DRO., 260 Douglas .St., IM. IU and 17th. Selling Out On Account of Removal. Genuine French Merinos In all new shades, AT .75 CENTS. BEST PRINTS 8 CE2STTS. ALAPAC WATERPROOF, HOSIERY -Axi. d 3NT otioxLM, At corresponding prices. n7 Keokuk Market, Corner Tenth and Pud go Btrccta. COOK A UAU.OU, Trops. J. II, GIIECN, Agt. Fresli and Salt Meats CONSTANTLY ON HAND. ALSO FISH, POULTRY AND GAME, nrtl tf Dealer In the choleeit brand of Detroit Clgrs, K O JUker'a Aiucrlciu liable tine-cut chew lug lohuco. Also a Tarlcty of Key West and Importod Olgars. A flue variety of Aui, smoking and ui to bicros. MTATIOKllVo( all descriptions. N. Y. wc.kliej, nndiiioiithly lujg.tluea. (Jive uie a call, Kl Fafiiham St., bet. Vlli und loth, ft'luiire, "Nam." a4tt $10,000 Worth of Choicest Groceries to ho sold nllliln CO dsrs, at the only exclusively -i OuOWDS STOX1.X, St prlcea that d.ljr.couiimtltlon, "Jl TtMi-.o 8t opposite ne I'osWfflw. B. U. bPENCKIt. MPI3 Sin NO. 166. AT- CHUZCKSHANK FROM NEW YORK AUCTION XjQ - wieir, TjBi.A.:rr is-visiR 1 CHPvrSTMAS, 18T3I L & J. WILBUR Offer ncholco collection of Hew Books PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, CEIROIiVIIOS, FANCY GOODS, FOR THE HOLIDA YS, A T 513 Fourtoontli St., Bojj. Faraham and Douglas. EEAL ESTATE AQEN0IE3, OVROM HICKO. LEWIS S. RlgD BYRON REED & CO. The Oldest E.tilllhed Real Estate Agency IN NEBKASKA Kcepacompleto Abstract of Titles ta all Kesl Eatato In Oinaha and Douglas lountr, 512 Foartecnth SU, Omaha, hob. fo'oltt NEW GOODS ! O, HTUiri.'I.ICU A- CO., Succeaiora to V I.McDonald, HH co ner uf 10th and I arnham streets, respectfully aniiouacu to tho citizens of jUmaha that wo havo Just opened a new stock of Choice Ctrocerlr mul l'ra l.lon., YllVlTa, NUTS, UOXFEOTIOXERY, TOBACCO and CIOAllS, Whlili w will sell as low as the lowest In the city. Call and examlno our stock, and price ntir ori.ula Ihi'a. 1.....I.. .!.. ' ..... ... F. COURT, Known ai the leading BOOT HCAKER, 'OtPiuaha, during the last sIxIbmi years, rec ommends ,l'l largo atoclt at greatly reduced xtfoisfltttstfr ,,rwl' ,oul" aa ts- WEEKLY BEE. rUBLMUED KYIXT WEDNESDAY MORNINGH t 3a n ivr One copy, one year, la adTance, tl W lnonth, W " thro ' TRADE DR. C. E. TENNENT, PHYSI IAN AND SURGEON. Itesldeuco-No. 41.1 Twelflli a'rret, betact Unwanl nu IJarkwin. " rdurgery in all lis branches. Dr. F. O. Heed, Electro-Eclectic Physician, Chronic Diseases a spochlly. Oinco botira 9 to 11 A. M.,2 to a nnd 7io8 p. u. augietf Qursloal Xloomn. I.VANCAMP,M.D. Dispenses his own raedclnc, and bestdoe SSIS'-S ni"' "'"K0' P,lJltU of l"rX iiind. ?,1w fwmlur to Women, I'lsfu a, Illes nnd other Dl.eisca of tho lUttuni. l tYuaVr " nJlt-ltuco, Corner Karnhaiu and n.Ul?lr w1' nr't,,1.0'- o Hie right, up atalra Oinaha, Neb. Address Loclc Box ''01. . " IrsiiUwif DR AV. PETERSON, Physician and Surgeon. OIUco. o. 232 Chicago Ircot, Uelwcon Thirteenth and I'ourtoenth. Office Hours-8 to 10 a, M.j nnd 2 to 4 p. u, nguTlin neriiiuii anil Sciiiiillnnvlnis languages spoken. uovlBtf ELECTRO-MEDICAL AND HYDROPATHIC INSTITUTE. TUIIKISU IIATIIS. Douche. Shower, T.I Hot mul tA 1U(I,M uu.i.iLii- .. llll. Movement, JkHllcalcd Vapor, and oilier .peclne ffttifcn.1i?.rite,.M!!!!.i?vw''' ill .",'oa,.?"'1 l"!c,,t entle, all forms ol Hcro'ula, ItheuiualUiii, fouto an 1 chronic), Dropsey, (local and goneral), Asthma, Dlspcj" la, JJver and Lung conii.laluU. aud alldli oascaof Klduoya,Hplne,Hkiti nnd llones, Af ailllull ,ll.A.'lMi tinf.Mll i. ... .. sMTI'jtlcn hoarded In tun Instliiil0.-i Otnce on Utla street, Iwtweeu IWnhim nnd Hariioy. mi. II. O. HAItlUm, g".'r I'roprlelHr. U. P. R. R. Drug store, COR. SIXTEENTH & WEB8TEH 8TB, illklndi Tor DUVOS PATENT ME 0 01 MP8 TIOLUB, Hrusli(, IVrfumnry, Ac. i'JIY3I. rure.1 day or light, and all orders ahsworod with caro and dlspjtih. Nioht Bell at storn door and side door. N.l. Agent for 1IUSKI DOltl BITlEBa marStf Uit. W. UDWA11D3, l'rop'r. Tlie Scandinavian Drug Storo. y.;.?.,A1i!iU ",i,,.,"twpc" no' and Dodge, limit. Uoillcliirti mul Kancy Hood. Constantly oj hand, and .old at Mm kit ratki! PtMcrlptlona Aocnrately Pieparod Uy ornlirht Agent for Union Coil and Mining Oi.'iOuil QlUiul AXM, l.AWUKNCK, lTop. Schnoidor & Burmestor, Manufacturers of TIN, COFVKH ANU SHEET IHON WAitn. PKALnrji in t'ookliif nntl Hcalinir Stoves. ill? '?l!!!, 8n,ou1llnf n'Oulterlngilononr , hort no lea and In the beat manner. 33Ijk Douglas stri'et. Mnm dlViSiiVite,.. , -r. -WWtrfJ.-J4 33 "Fl 1ST .TT "ir- .1- -v -rvT- s'l w j.- jhj nva UlUIIIfln.i.nHn A K Lambrequins nud Window Slutlei, --.ii.viuu lir AUU ORALEU IM. i;iiHUJiu, JSXUUAYINIIS AND PICTURE FRAMES. :70 FarnUamitrwt'orBw rifUaatk, , m ST Ml 2r 'at sCT 1 . V-ViV.T M4JA KOS5l. Km V4 -si r 4" .in. .a ' IIMKHil i ilml'ii , -