Newspaper Page Text
HjHj ; rt j THE )AILY BBE.1 "W.EI EOEETnUTEE, Editor ui Tivft OiriVKXft, las I, I i. lntb and Truth, I f ropy nnc year In advance, . ..T7 OO " ! tnifi .. . B 5S out -ruck .. ......... JS OIAHA LMESS DMJTQBL CruVrr MannCr-lory- Mi "Lmt A SMITH. IK Harney street, lurtwaonllthandisth. d.18 Tl Fari4valng Jac;cj-. A E ETETKSK Xl Thirteenth street, mshi doe til CI ait ar.d Picture Frame. J Edchart, ItC Itmiclu street, dealer in wlnBn- el'" add Jikaur. Ironies, nisiing dons te order (ICtf J cirri t. "W. a RAIEH5. TrartleM -Watrumatrr, Kl 14th street, opposite posleflice. stpl2tl flouta JLHd Mi!tv rUlUP I.AJSO, 1S6 rarnhara etrert,1iitwrii rsoth and Uerenth. lel17-ly Con f r 1 1 onery. H. L 1.ATET, comer Twelfth and Pnuelss ttrerta, Mauulacturrr and tCholcxule Itolnr in Oitidlee and Coalectionery. Country trade ollclted. apltl Coal Dealer. rOIAVD A ELLIOTT. Ciml, Lime, Oe Bent, Hair, etc 1H Famhatn atruot. leMs-Sm J. A IiOEDEE. Drugglrt, corner 13th and Earner streets. Frolta and Confectionery. LASPOH A EUdUKQE, dealers In Fruits nd OunlcetioiiorT. Xorth i'ole hods Water at JjT. O.HUnd. mayl-Cm fuacraxsre AcmMi rnnKCIl a HcClX): Fire aud Accident Insurance AgBUU, rcr the Tint olfica. Pawn Urotcr. M. ELO UTTER, So. 300 Farnham vtrart. nl"tl Real KutaUe ana Ctwl OJKce. JOHM SftDSSOK, offiftMH ro Jrtrmtb St., tHrtwirti Faruuatn and Uiiujfn ; alnd, tickets to and troin-EiTojm, l'rafla. Insurance, etc ajir21-lT Jrwilrr and Oyrtlcinn. J F. SAWSIK 22 Kuuslas at. Watches, nock, Jewelry, bjwctuclea, and Eye-slu. lsbao-1 r OMAHA BTFJLM LAtTJTDnT. Corner of I-wnnty-Crst and Izard streets. Order slat, at SaUlorula M'lne Company House and Men Talntrra. IXtlMAKS A JUEAM), Ilouse and 8lcn Painters, 'Xoutli atnmt, between Farnbaio and Qaxnr-y. ap:6 tl pVoa) Partory. PfiEMIOTU HOJ tVOUES. Powrfl Co., . niiuitjartu:t their iliilira1ed ralum i. 'le Omt primiunis awarded l)T tour fountr and State Fairs, and Puttatraltanre tf, lora. Ordiirs siiliclled frnm tiie trade fttfttnplnc; anil Etaurolarrx. irrAMPTXO mid fJIItROIDFKY done In viTrtnr. at Mrs M A i olror'a, 14th atntt. "3d donr north of Clilrgi, (eas s1d) Ordi rt ten A tielntt altlmnfuie n' the GrnTer A liaker 5 VI Oo. T EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society, SEW TOEK, H.VS JS ACf UlfULJlTEI) CJLFITJLL EXCEEDING $22,000,000. Inree'cd in real rs-'J'te and niortCTSes In 'JTew ' Turk C3tr, in Hew Tnrt and "United Mates Uiiida. and etiadilr iucreaslnc under, a jearlf manna ol iuotb than S9,000,000. The llres lnsnre'1 Iit the Pot'etr are rcriw lolly e-leciedln Olffiirrnt parts ol Nnrth Am nrlra and "Curnp-, Iiirnlshlnc 1 this la-nad "tle'd nl prtlnnv nn additional and awp tlo al safpO'to the Policy holders. The in surants era made only on the MUTUAL PRINCIPLE. The surplus premVnms are returned annuallr tu the Insured PremJmni are rcceired aud LOSSES PAID IN CASH ONLY. Policies are lssned nayahle at the death nt the lnioreil, nl jiiyahle nt the "d ol a certain liumhar o! years. I'uUclet ara also issued on the TONTINE PLAN, Or on t principle of necumulatinc. profits lor ilsGnlte jierlods yrUKh ai Jinn imrodnred lr this horlety and lies lieen reromnieaded and iidorMil hy euiluunt cx)wru in LIFE INSURANCE, And by leading haziness min. Forty-Ionr per 'iwiUh slieen esiied and eccumulat'd on ilia Prrialums iid on it.-Tuatlne Idle PullUea. andlony r eenUiu ibe Tontine Endowment Policies Itinel irlthln the 1as Bee years. The Uirec-tu-tn! the Cqulti tie tale Asinranee 9 clrtr represent the intmtwtt vt the rollry-Uoldors atil In preentlns the tocle'y to nuilm liter foil -that it his etronr. ela'ms ilpin public rnnnlenie, '-ecmln lit the strict aud eonwratlre irlnipl by which its tstI nus departments -re governed. In the assits aal in the administration ol the bocietyf A Perfect Sectirity IstUenlor Jheiutur, whlculi nf prat impnr tsnrs to those depe dln: upon their insursnre lor the ultimate euvpart at their l-ralllas Jso L.U. Insusanca Company has such Ure atBual trail tactions as THE ZQTXITBIJD JCoaslsraore prompt and just in its destines. tAREini irAXTsxujrnBsorGiiecT 1I1IC BTATK. - w. n. ORAir, ' - Gen'l Manager, Nebraska and Dakota, ' SIT roarleraUisl, OMAHA, AEB, dlGU OK00EKB fc OOKiniBIOH aTEEOHlKTS. Clark & French, Wholesale Grocers, Corner Farnbim and lllh niu aaVOrder solicited and promptly Ailed "W aej.Kdtf JOHN II. CREEN, STATE KILLS I'CALEBIK 6RAI5, FL0UE A1) FEE, COMMISSION MERCHANT Oar. Vsastli suasl Jaeataaaa Sts aoTltU VOL. HI. Some of our perweuted free lunch ! cltlzeui talk of ctnirating to the ' Tro(e) Islands. The New Orleans fitpullican mjk "Next week we snail inre Ljdi Thompson at one theatre and the 'Wicked World' at another." The telxrspn informs tu that an otlierliknk caoltlcr bad confcMied to sundry irregularities, amounting in the neighborhood of $65,W0. An other evidence that irregularities are not confined to political office holders. As Arkansas psper sajs that there is only one politician in the State who is nbure suspicion. Ex. That is one more titan ws could mnt.terin Nebraska. Iy the opinion of a Wyoming con temporary wood goes farther when left out of doors than wben -well housed. Soma of his woodpile went half a mile the other day. Acookdiko to the Council Bluffs Globe the Spoon Lake feol-killer now uses Omaha whisky instead of a club. Council Bluffs may therefore prepare for the worst An obituary notice of the Glolt man is likely to appear in the very next issue of that paper. Axi now we learn that old Bill Allen's colored coachman eloped with n German servant girl, greatly to the disgust of the Democrats who elected Allen on a strictly anti-.mi-cegenation platform. There is only one -consolation, Ohio probate courts re not restricted by the law of color in issuing a marringe license. Justice is sot so much a mockery in Louisiana as it used to be. A New Orleans justice has docided that where two families occupy a house, one family can't aing " Captain Jinks" over thirty time in sneceasion without being liable to a fine for dis turbing the peaoe. The Chicago Inter-Ocean some days fgo propounded the conun drum, "What is money?" to which the Toledo Blade replies: 'Well, that depends upon whete you are. In Cbicngo, it may mean shin-asters; in Toledo, gold; and in Washiucon. greenbacks, whilt there are plnces where pot-metal is money, -and brass, -of which there is such an abundance in Chicago." Self-interest prompts us t deal with those who giro us th best bar gains. If you will step in at I'L. Gotthcimer's, No. 20C Farnbam, you will be convinced that you can buy a good suit of clothing, overcoats and furnishing goods for less money than in any other house in this city. Come and price our goods before buying elsewhere. my21yl Money loaned on diamonds, watches, jewelry, gemi, pistols, and merchandise in general, at Ph. Gott heimer'R, 20G Farnham L Unredeemed pledges for sale. Railroad tickets bought and sold. JOHN W. LYTLE, itterBej-Att-Law 4 Solicitor in Equity. CniOX Ortr TitA XaHonal lank, COIL THIETEESTH A FAESHAM STB. tnayl-tl JOHN C. CO WIN, Attorney. Solloltoi AM C0US8EL0B. OFF1CE-K0 2, TIfiSCHEII'S BLOCE, OKAJIA, XEBBAJSKA. snarStl G. W. AMBROSE, i.terTrx-v m.t - Zj m.- KEBICK'S OFEKi. BOUSE OMAHA, - JfEB. arttt bAVAGE L MANDER5PN, Attorneys at Law, au FABKHAM STEF.aT. JAKKS W. SXTa, cvaMjca r yiwvr.e.fnr. Omaha, Kenraska. 3. a. STAO. tan. a-rtrtcuxTrl SPAUN L PR1TCHEH, Attorneys lad Coanselors at Lair. Office, 80C Twelfth Btrect. W. J. CONNELL. Oounaellor at Xmxsjv District Attoraey for Secead Jot iclal DistricU OFTICE South aide ol Farnham, net ween lMh aud lCih au oni-oalle Court House. Ie4U C BSTABHOOE. w.tL. rvuvae Estabrok & Francis, TtOXXXyaaa,tXaaBVV7- Bjuclal attention given to Ooort PraoUoa. 'OfTlCaV Cor. roortesnlh and Ikauflsa aU Oiuaha, Kah. JanSMJ Advertise inlhe 3e OMAHA DAILY TELEGRAPHIC. Eneciklly EenartSB far the Omaha Dafly Era, s7 tie Atlantio aafl 7cio Telepann Oo. 2TXW S'O.RB.. An Extensive Coal Combination. A Review uf the VirgintHS Sur vivors. Cheerful OpRM ef the New Yew in Wall Street Nrw Yoek. Jan. S. The first day of the new year in Wall street was s satisfactory one to all who tided through the dark dars of the panic, and held on to their Tarious properties and different olfi ceswhere interest and dividends up on Investments were disbursed, were crowded with people anxious to ob tain money, which it was some time ago feared would not be paid All railroads, however, except in a few unimjiortant instances, met their ob ligations promptly. Bonds which failed to pay coupons are pre paring to fund coupons and floating debt until they are able to earn monsy enough to meet their obliga tions. Banks are steadily improving in depoiu? and in their xe-erves; loan certificates are nearly cancelled, the amount outstanding vesterday being only $970,000. The improve ment of business jirospectsis not con fined to Wall blreet alone, but from every part of the country en couraging reports are reoeived of the progress ol financial recovery. Manufacturing establish ments are again starting up, and mo ney is becoming more plentiful. Bailronds are carrying much larger freights at less exjiense, owing to the universal reduction of wages, and with the curtailment of expenses in all brancbet of trade. It it believed all establishment and c irjwrauons now-upon a sound bais will be able to pay large and earned dividends. Nrvr Yoek, Jan. 3. During the paBt few weeks prepar tions have been making for the con solidation of several of the largest coal companies of the country, and it is now expected that by the close of the present month, all arrange ments will be completed, and a new hoard of officers duly elected. The combination -will consist of the Wilkesbarre, Honey-Brook and Le high coal, and will probably be de noted as the Lehigh & Wilkesbarre Coal Company. The new coal com jiany will comprise these three com panies, and will begin business with a capital of $10,000,000. The great London fog, of which we had ah excellent imitation two -;" -Ei --a Trwa -t. city. Last-night the air "began to thicken, and at midnight so dense svos the fog that navigation on the river was difficult, and a dangerous undertaking. Fog bells were kept in motion all night. It has not litt d this morning, but still hangs over the city ub ever. The atmosphere is close and damp, tbi street slushy, and the weather generally most in tensely disagreeable. The ssamship Ethiopia, which went ashore at Staten Island yester day, was druwn off last night by three tugs, and brought up to this city. She was badly strained on her reefs, and her cargo somewhat dam Cd, Capt. Hclbrpok, of the Staten Is land police, who attempted suicide recently by shooting, if now cuid to l out of danger. He has resigned from the police force. Andrew Donovan surrendered him self to the police yesterday, tatiug that a few weeks ago he -was en trusted with H,000 in U. 6. bondB by his employers, Jladeker &. Co., at Austin, Texas, to settle some ac counts. Instead of attending to business he sola the securities and spent the money, now becoming penniless and penitent. He wants to be sent to Austin for punishment. He is held by the police, but it is thought he is imitating Irving, of Nathan murder notoriety. Nkw Yoke, Jan. S. A review of the Virginius sur vivors will take place at Wjpjallos' restaurant, in this city, on Monday next The British atcamship Internation al arrived at this jiort yesterday with a full cargo of torjiedocs for the United States Government, which had been ordered for the defence of the principal har.Sorp on the coast, in view of the possibility of war with Spain. The steamer proceeded to Willett'i Foint, where she will be discharged. PfliLADr.U'HiA, Jan. 2. Though no strike has occurred here Among the Pennsylvania rail road emj'loyea, tuinsjortation of freight es ward i greatly imjKjded by "the blockade in the Western States, and owing to strikes theie. Trains of empty cars are bein -dispatched from West Philadelphia for points beyond Pittsburg, but no loaded cars are leaving, and train hands are now only working half time. Lokdok, Jan. 2. Dispatches from the gold coast re port that the "Brituh forces have driven the Ashantees before them and penetrated seventy miles into then- country. Ihree hundred Ashantees were drowned in crossing the liver Proh during their retreat. The gold coast is Tery unhealthy. Loxrojr, Jan. 2. A St. Petersburg dispatch asva the article in the treaty between Busaia and Bokhard abolishing slavery is directly due to the exertions of Sec retary rjchuyler and all members of the Aaeerieaa legatie. at it. Peters OMAHA, MONDAY MORISTINGK JAlnJAIlY'5, 1874 CoLriiEVfi, 0 Jan. a. The sinking engineers here still bold out, .notwithstanding the strike is breaking at oilier joint. The trouble here is they want their lead ers taken hnck by the railroad com. pauiea, which the latter are indis. posed to do. The companies have , notified all the engineers who want J engines back to y immediately. j MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Hew York Produce Market Nrw YotK, Jan. 8. Flour Quiet. Wheal Steady. Corn Quiet and steady. Oats Sleedy at G0G3. Fork Quiet and -firm. Lark Quiet and firm. Gold 1 10 7-S. Chicago Produce Market Chicago. Jan. 8. Flour Quiet; good to choice ship ping extras, o o05 87. Wheat Firmer and fairly active: cash, 118 1-2; Feb., 1 21 1-2. Corn Quiet and firm: cash 53 7-8; Feb. f.4 7-8; March 6C; May GO 1-2. Oats Quiet; cash 8S 1-2; Feb. 391-2; May 4S 1-2. Barley Firm; No 2, 1 4D; No S, 118; rejected 9501 01. Bye 77. WhiRky 93. Pork Quiet; Feb., 14 S014 65; March 15 80. Lard Firm; cash 8 85; Feb. 8 50 bid. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, Jan. 8. Hogs Eeceipts 14 000; market quiet and easier, packers holding off; only fsw sales; extreme range 4 P0S 5 50; generally 4 SOfoS 40. S3 o 30 tU 1 9 P 1 3 GO s h a g s n If s 5 1 m $ 02 H 03 03 s I 135 M H n w s so ea GEORGE ZANNER, (Ckm "bell's Keck,) JEWELBR AND OPTICIAN, Eye Glasses and Spectacles, 1) i Bt, OKAEA, VEEKtEEA. o sWJrwelry manulactured to ordor. Fire Watches, docks, and Jewelry, repaired and warranted. eeplGtl Enoch Henney. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, OFFICE Orer State Hank, corner 18th and j aruuHiu su-eoia. IUUU Notioe of Incorporation. Articlps Df Incorporation ol the Odd Fellows' Hall AasorUtlon hare lieen f.led and recorded in the County Clerk's ofhee. In Doufliii cdud tr, Xeliraska, onjugeSJS, liooko! Incorpora tions 1. The name ot the lncirporatlon is the Odd Felloas' Hall Association l Omaha 2. The iirlnciiml place uf transactinc Its hus Iness Is iu the city ol Omaha, Nch X. 1 he trneral tiatnre ol the husincss to he transacted is to hold real ee'ate aud pent-tial proiny nwTssary to erect and maintain a hull line and its appurtenances In the sMd city ol Omahs to Ik-us d os au Odd fellows' Hull, and lor any oilier Uwfiil purpose. 4. Theamoant of capital stock authorised is one hundred thousand do lam, to lie paid iu as follows Sl.noo on or More Octolmr loth, Vili, St.OOO on D- holore Not. 1st. 1873; S2.V0O on or helore March St. lKTs. M.WIO on or luv. lore AP'll 1st, p37, 3,01)0 uu or More May 1st, It'l, aud t e remainder at such times and Iu such manner as the heard ol IUrectors shall determine. N The time nt commencement ol -this corpo ration is the Sth dsy ol beiitrmlwr, 1K7S. aud terminates on the Stb dsy nj Srptemlier, 1"72. fi. The highest amount ul indelilodnesi or liability to which this corporation is at any time to solijeri liJt is tcr.,Uoa. 7. TheatUlrsbt this corporation are ta he conducted hy a Hoard uf twelve Directors i,tueu by the stockholders w. jj iwrai,rresidsnt, J CTAKfi. Secretary, d..?iua4t '.J ItrSHAU. JOHN E. ETXIXT, Burnham & Kelley, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, OMAHA. - - NEB. le. :M0 TMtlfHeK BTIIEET. HEATtLT OrrOBHl. OUAKI) OEE lhL DpTEh. Collertuins suUetieu sad iiromptly altonded to. jsatl Otis n. Ballon, Attorney at Law. Office over First JCatlonal Sank, lXM CTo-to. angeu JLSYLRTISE IX THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. E Sunday Night's Dispatches, 2TORXIGIT. Sk Casteilar Defeated Twice by a Vote of the Deputies in the Cortes. Great Excitement Prevails, but Order Has Been Maintained. "WJLSSIXTGTOIT. Conflress Will Meet To-Day, With Ninety Per Cent of its Members Present. sKiscallfca.sous. Waehikgtos, Jan. . Oeneral Ejcklrt, in a telegram to Secretary Fish received htn at a late hour to-night, says Casteilar resigned his position as Secretary of the Span ish itetiuVilir 1.1.1'.....-. r. l.t Saturday morning. His resignation wns rlelivwi in .V... o.-. :t , .,wv -u uu oftce wane in seESion. A consultation of the lead ing Generals of the army immediate ly ensued, at which terms were acreed upon by which Marshal Sherraus BUOllld hr.ri urn! rartwr,.,:.. el ,H vwsauMO bur CUV eniment. The Cortes having ratified tmBitrrAntrnmt -pnft.n. l. a himself as President of the Executive power of the Eepublic He has aUo announced his ministry, along which are Ssgesla, Secretary of State and Treasury, Amevo Topeto Minister of Marine. General Pavia, who led troops into the halls of the Cortes and dispersed that body is to be tried by court mar tial fot rebellion. The Bepublican troops and militia hare been disband ed and the streets of Madrid are un der command of artillery. Although great excitement prevails no blood has been shed. , Wauiwoton, Jan. 4. It is now well understood that the Texas Pacific railroad company will ask for a subsidy in money or bonds to aid said road, but will seek to have some way provided by which the interest on its bonds to the exs tent of 1-4,000 per mile may be guar anteed, so as to permit negotiations in Europe without a runious effect. The plan has been proposed as follows: The Government to guarantee inter est on low rote bonds, and the com pany to give up to the Government all iu assets, exceptfcig fixed percent age of profits, to be used for running expense, the Government to appoint a commission to take charge ot sale of company's bonds, and to nav tb proceeds into the Trpasurv, to be used as ajlund for the settlement of !It aiT r.nmT.r"","pnt also to re- the transportation of mails and'Gov- Ami vn e ws n4 atn al itl C? a -A. - t """cui .mincum. jui. oeoii. will be here in a few days, and will then decide upon the course to be pursued by the company. Dr. L. H. Carrie, of San Francisco, has finally settled all his accounts as late internal revenue collector of the First District of California, prior to ita consolidation with the Third Dis trict His accounts are said to be satisfactory. Under the net authorizing the ex penditure of $50,000 for building a postoflice department for the in creased postal car service, the Erie, and Baltimore and Ohio railroads have been benefitted largely, but the Pennsylvania railroad has not The reason for this is said to be the fail ure of the Pennsylvania railroad to extend the courtesy to the officials of the poBtoffice department Washington, Jan. 4. Nearly all thcltepresentatives who went home for the holidat s reti rned. and the bouse will be open to-mor-j row wim nearly yu per cent of the members present The supplement ary civil rights bill is the first thing to be considered alter the morning hour, but as the call of States for bidB, and resolutions is in order for each Monday hour, it may run till 2 o'clock, for Speaker Blaine holds that on Monday it runs, commonlv, until all the States are called, as it'is the only day when each mamber has the right to present a bill without its being subject to objection by agree ment with the previous question. The civil rights bill is to be con sidered at 4 o'clock Tuesday after noon, and a vote is to be taken ; re marks that will command most marked attention will be those by Messrs. Stephens "and Damarise. Stephens, it is understood, will take the grcuud that the question Is one for State aud not for fedeial action. Mapehj, Jan. 4. The new Ministry is announced to day, ronfctituted as follows: Senor fiagasta, Minister of Foreica Affairs; Snor Zearla, Minister ef War; Senor .n-iiee, jumimer oi xne interior; Ad miral Topiti, Minister of Justice; Senor Garrey, Minister of Finance. n is soinouncod tuat the new Gov ernment will immediately convene the Cortes and demand tie issue of a proclamation boldly proclaiming Prince of Astorias as Kingof Spain. Alphons, Prinoe xf Astorias, is the eldest son of ex-Queen Isabella, and was born Nov 2&ih, 1B57. WAEHisciTOir, Jan. 4. The correspondence between the governments of the United States and Spaiu on the Virgiuins question is ready for transmission tn Congrs to-morrow. It will be Bern to th President carlv to-morrow morninc and unless he desires to read it over bofbre sending it to Congress, it will probably be kept till Tuesday. New Haten, Jan. 4. Afire broke out last evening in the building occupied by the New Haven Palladium, damaging the cof fin warerooms of May & l'omeroy to the extent ot $1,000; insurant . Vl, 200 in the .Etua. BEE IT PAYS TO TRADE A AT MORE GOODS PROM NEW YORK AUCTION PRICES LOWBB THAN" EYEB I New Dress G-oods, 25 Per Cent. CKIEiA.PSK, than those Selling out at COST $5,000 Worth to bo closed out in 30 days at COST I Consisting of Trimmed and Uutrimmed Hals, Flowers, Bcal and Imitation Pentium BlnrV .,a nt Velvets, and Velveteens, Bibbons, &c, &c7 These Good. " Clore(J SI!k IkCTTST BE SOXjXD to make room for a LARGE STOCK o XEW GOODS, Suitable for our CHRISTMAS TRADE A. CRUICKSHAXK, Cor. 1-itlx aad 3Taraliara. Sts, a. A. BEOWN5 248 Douglas street, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEY OOOBS, OARPITS ABB OIL CLOTHS ! An Immense Stook of Fresh New Goods Just Opened to be SOLD LOWER TILLS ANY OTHER HOUSE Ef THE CITY C3 OXtSlsatiXLC r ' MERINOS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, REPELLENTS ALPACAS A1STD MOHAIRS, ALSO VELVET 4JSD SEA.-VSK, CXO-AiKIIISrGrg A FULL STOCK OF SSAWLS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S MERINO UNDER WEAR AND WORSTED GOODS ! ENGLISH AND AMERICAN 'CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS 5IATTING- RUGS AND MATS, CHEAPER TKANT THE CHEAPEST !,.' CITY HOTEL, fTjiasai t! Va'?1' art99x aaWeaiBaBaE!?rftrlsLaa'VTimTajr m Htwft '1sTliTaflLa.aa.aa.aaaaaaaBl staBaaBaaBaaBaaLastKWjasVQLl tffjTp " i S TaVlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasS- iWi ViHHgflla3HklLE7KflBfiHHte'Bi(( 4n fir 4lisaBaaBaaBaaBsBBBaBaaBaBMCi tl IBfaaK I laaBaBaaB ll aaBsflBBaaala'aBB VaaaaaSsaalBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaW 1 "W.. "I WrtT-H. Prnniintnr TENTH STEEET, Ectwccn Fcmham and Harney, OMAHA, XEB. VDAt BMC T Tiar Cl l.s . T .t. -1. n..JI T . 1-1 . ....... -. KMSl-rorIaj-,S10,TwoMutlsauaIaln,.$lSJ,uBMealA 200 !.(.. THIS HOUgE, LEASE JfflD FURNITURE, FOR S&S ! - aa. ! nn IP TOD WAST A S A BH OL s. WWT "m'aferT ,M3 ast a - . . I AT OST ? CAtiAT- L FREUDENHSIM & BRO., 2G0 Douglas St., Bflt, Ut aud 3 nth. Selling Out On Account ol Unmoral. Genuine French Merinos Id all new sUadrs, AT 75 CENTS. BEST FEINTS 8 OEHSTTS. ALAPAC WATERPROOF, HOSIERT A.:-- tX JT otlona, At corraspaudinc lirlrca. 7 Keokuk Market, Corner Tenth and I)rv1 Ktrfuitx. COOE A ItALLOU, ITos. 3. II, GliCnN, ArX Fresli .ind Salt Meats OOKETJUOXT OK ILAKD. AlfiO FISH, POULTRY AND GAME. nrtl U Iealarin the rholrest lirsnds sf I f troll Clfrs, A. C Outer s American Lsl tins-cut cUi-rlnc loo.ccn. Also a Turiotj ol Ucj-W est and Xuportod 01sn.xts. A Bn.Taristf of pljm emoUnf and lilur to hsrens TrilRVol all dmerijtiniis j mcmciul, lV4f arutiflru m . ltti tub nd lDvb, m lerurc -wiia," ik $10,0 0 0 IVnrth oICholcMt Groflarles to ho void vlthlo SO dsrs, at the only ixrlus'rel STOAX, u. prlwis that defy coiriistltlon. S7J Iiodm fit,, opjwslte nsv I-osiaUis. II. M. ei'IiUEIl. sf It em NO. 167. FALL STOCK, 1873 ! NTTTATi rTTI aT A fN rv.-v e ' umiJUAb, lbio i E. & J. WILBUR Oflur a choice culloctloo ol Hew Books photograph albums, oieeiroiivios, AKlt FANCY GOODS, FOR THE H0LIDA YS, A T 513 Fo-artseatb, St., Bet. Faraham and Dauslas. EEAX ESTATE ASE50IES. trrxoK KKED. xx ma s. aria BTRON REED & CO. Tbc Oldest Established Real Estate Agency IKXEEKACXA r)i a romplate Abstract o! Titles to all Iteal ' T"jtflt1jk In flmiliB ariA ........w 612 FonritenUi St., Omaha, elt. lehltt NEW GOODS ! G RTiX.irPA.UH CO., Bnerr.'inrtlDri.VcDnnald, KE r0 tin-nt Kith and raraliam struct!, rmeotlull)- annoince to the cUtaens nt Omaha that we have just uiHitmd a new stock ol Clioli-e Rror.erlra and rrsvlslous. rUCITS, UTa,C0SrECTI0XEUT, TOE A CCO and CIGABS, TTblch wu will sell as low as the liivrst In the city Call and examine our aiocfc, and iirlre onr Roods lie ore hayine rls'wliera. ilrB ly F. COURT, "T3nnnn Tv r A Xrvn H7?T , , ,-AKER, S' ifSWi.iT atuaJS n'! nuir?!' """'' auth "a"l b- twum Illasadlllta. aiuj J.uowa rs the leading WEEKLY BEE. rcrusuED rrrer WEDNESDAY MORNING IH.3VT ne iry, one yrar. is afirtase, sn six mnntha. ....... ... vtt " throe - " OarAITA. KTol. PHTEIOUKS. DR. CE.TEXNENT, PHYSi IAN AND snRGEnSL Offlcr Kn KOTarUtli stiwt, west sld , Ik-ta-Bcn 1 urnliam ani DhurIss Unvnru autl .iat.l:iin sHr-ourRnrr Id uu i.r h-surlim. Dr. F. O. T?.fofl 1 Electro-Eclectic Physician, I OITIOE-Kn. 2M Jloflr, street. lwL T',. twntli nnu I'litiiontu. Chronic IHstnu-s a siirolaltr Offiro lionrs S to 11 a. li., 2 to Gaud 7 to E r si . nuciett ttrnioal Hoo L VAN CAMP, M. D. , MayZZSZ??2&l Vrfflftwd.S.XoS 3 "-fife?"' DR w pETERS0nt iPliysician and Surgeon. Office. -'o. 252 Chlcciro trwt, JlotiTcnTlnrtticiilli and rourtmnth. OfliwIInurs B to 10 a, x., nufljlosr M. l.Tlir German aud Scuufllunrlau laucuaswsjKikcn. noriHtf ELECTRO-MEDICAL AND HYDROPATHIC IXSTJTCTE. ' nT7.!?S,?,?ATH,8- !'H..Showrr.TUt., Dot and Oiild IUitI... KlectrlUty, SwaJlsn a3ormsnt,Mwlleat(d Vaiior.andnthflr.iwdflc .nmiedlM Thy lirnji-intor uf this lusUtutinu Is trebling with wondBiliil subo. lir thhso eimblnad and iateut aftfuelm, kU lorms ol hcro'ula, I.tmuuiailaui, mcula an! Lhroulo). Ilrojwej, (lial and puncrali. Asthma, JUsiiei. sla, IJsrr and Lunc coiuiilaluu. and all dls- I sesnt Idni-ra, s.ilnu, Mtln and Hones. As . . and all dlscatus icultar to wnmen jwrfvtlouu HiiardBd In tn. Institute.- I Oflica on Wh sueet, Utwran I arnhsin and I "gat.1y iTnin-lHtiir. U. P.H. R. Drugstore, OOE. EIITEEIirTH & WEBSTEi: BTB, i it tne most rllslile store In Noith Omaha fur av. "t,1 'Virw', .4w nnii A'sLAjuJ rj 6irE30EIPTI,oTBrtr.t Jttre4 asy or nltui, and u ordars answeie With fMst aslifi Hi.i....l, AlUAJl44f " irt- e4 " " " " aaiail'aauJUs KlfJlfT IttM.I. nl !. A- ..j .(J. a -,-- - --"- ," " "m "o iiue a nor. , - ...f- Tiie Scandinavian Drue X O x- aa. . CimsianUy oj tiaud, and sold at liw-trr Karra. roncriwloM Aoitratelj Preptrsa is j oralrbt .((ent lor I'nion Coal and Mlnlnc Co.'s Coal cltonl AltO, i, A VTXLS. CJZ, I'roi Schneider & Burmester, Manufacturers of ro, corrru axd shelt inox "VVAIin. DKALEKB I Cooking and Hratlnp SIotm. Tin ltminnR, hpuutlur and Guttarlns don.oa hurt i.utlce aud In the lest uauuor. at7 KoucUs sapuldlf 1. -MAitrracTcaea or swd ukalxx iw- ml)r-qnli)i aua WInflotT Skeai, j fwuoMos, tsqkijishs xi I PICT FMAXES. I7B rrnl'''ticaraar FUUantU. oclly leaw E. i ? I tl sr y 1 ,i - i