Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY J3EK. f, DWABD H03E7ATER, Editor and Prcp'r. Ut'FtrU-Xo. J.IJj Fnilirm-st., Ucl, Hinth ar,4 Tenth. BUAimMR Dammumnai nv Ju uuiV't?v 1 MAHA DAILY o BEE WEEKLY BEE. runtisiiKn kvkry WEDNESDAY MOBNING- Ono copy, ono year, tn adYance SI fO " atx raonthn, to " throo " " i. iIk ft-' fii -h I i r L it -- an. 3vr copy ono year in advaticti 17 00 " etxmonttu t 7.'. one week .,..j IS OMAHA BUSINESS .DIRECTORY. CrackcrMnniifarlor) MrCt.Ortfi A SMITH, between inland 12th, li" Humor ttreel, iIkIS t( I'tirclinwlujr, ARrury. i A K Winaht. rVTBVKNS, C12 Thirteenth i.trcct, 0to M fllnsa nml Picture rniN. , , )' .7. Ilelnhirl, IM Douglas street, dealer In window kIiiii a M p'cturo trainee, (Haling don. 1J 6r Jcr, i 4 j Bj:,f Jcwctor. W. O. 8ANDKIW, PractlcM Watchmaker, B31 Hill Htrtff , opposite postuflke. scpUlf Hoot and Nixie. PHILIP LANO, I M Farnham street, between renth and Klerenth. fcbl7-ly oil rc f Fein ry . (K. I T.ATtiY, eornr Tw'cllthanl Dowzlai atrets, Manufacturer mi t Wliolcalo Dealer tu Candles and Confectionery. "Country, trade solicit!, j, t pltl Coal Dealer. ' I'OI.AND A ELLIOTT. Coal, Lime, Co dent, Hair, etc. 131 Farnham street. fcbl8-3ui , iA. DrtixgUU. J. A ROEnnn. Druggist, corner 12IU and tlarney streets. t Prill U nml Confectionery. LANDON A IUjDIUUGK. .dealers In Frulta rid Confectionery. Worth I'olo Soda, Water at lie 1'. O.KUnJ. uiayl-Cui ln.ura.nce AKonM. FltKNCH McKOON". Tire and Accident Insurance AgenU, over the I'ost office. Pawn Broker. M. KLdUTTEIl, No. 200 Farnham atreet. 1ol7tt wxr Ileal lUtnt. anil Coal Omce. JOHN J0UN80N, O0CO5O9 Vonrteenth at., between Farnham ami DouKlai ; also, ticket. to and from Kurope, Dratw, Insurance, etc. pr.U-ly t . ; . Jewler ami O.illclnri. J. P., sriPougli t. Watches, jt'Jocka, Jowclry, Hpoctaclo., uud Eye-gla-scs. Ib20-Iy Laundry. TrtfiHA STEAM LAUNDRY. Corner of Iwcntr-nrat and Itard itreeta. Order slate at Sallforala WlneOimpany. House ami 8lga Palnttr. LKIIMAKN A BEARD, Hoiim nnd Bhm fainter., Tenth at) cet, between Farnhan and Harney. P- U Hoi Factory. PREMIUM BOAP WORKS. Powell Co., .11 mamifactu:. tbclr celebrated tnlum r r. Five first pit nnurna awarded by Oowj ,t county and State Fair., and Poltawaltainlo unty, Iowa. Orders solicited (rota tlie trade. Mniunliijr mill Embroidery. BrAMPINO and EMBttOlDKRY "done to ordor, at Mrs M A I'olgor'B, 14th street, 3d door north nl Clili sgo, (east aid). Orders ten lo lett at tbnoffln o' tbo Orator A Biker H MOo. THE EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society, NEW YORK, r HAS AN ACCUMULATED CAPITAL l EXCEEDING $22,000,000. ' j inr'nllnreal estato nnd niorlM" In New York cSr. '"" N" Vork nml "n,,c,, H,,, Sif,ox,,rnncroM,atfu,,lcr',i5'Mr,y S9,o'oo,oqp Tho llrcj lnmro.1 ).y L0, JK'r fT.Bt. 'jff" ' fully .elected In dlir.'nnt .MrttW North Am; ". ra and VxrL, tun V ft A'V fle'd ol oi.ertIon. nil nddllL-njl ' ce-tlo-nl aiKtylo the PiiUrv liuU'era. Xlm HH auraucea acpiuaJd uiily.on tho MUTUAL PIMNCIELE. ki4 C . rife, i The aurplm proiiiliimt nro rtnrnel annually . to tho Insured Premiums nro received ami JOSSES PAID'INCASr ONLY. lamml ntyahle at tho.ilealh ot the Pollce aro. ' Injured. alsr uivalile ntlno c'ii m n cerimii niiinlirit ypai4- ty Pullclel are also Issued on tho TONTIlfS PlAN, Or on tVe principle hf accumu N"APJJ2J fc ilennllot.crloda, whlvh wasllrai.ojf ,c" PJ thl. Society, aiil I.b.Iwou rceomincnded and endorsed by eminent expert In LTEE -INSURANCE, Aint iivtoniltnirbiiiliips, men.. Forly-fonr lor rflilU ink hs ticaii caitifil anil wee lumulatrd on iho Prainluins TfiM nn Ha ronUno Uta Pelliiea, ntlAfoiif trenMon tho VjmJ rjTTjhtin(rEntlomentfolicies A1 f..U - - - , 'ii 1 IshiiM wtthln.Uo last fir? years. . Tlio lMiee tnrsot tha ftiiilttMn Llfa Aamraneo Sjclcty. roonvonlnxilutlyelytho Interest, of tho Polleyllloldora, an 1 III preieiitluxvtha toelo'y to tiolleo. thov foil that It h .tronir ela'nia .... ..i.trnTiinilAieii. Ituni) of th strict un.l lirlllRllllol llV ....... , .. r --.---., -,---,.,-L siinilcMurtmeiilsTO Korernnd. in the aunts W IIIUII IIS IM. .- jui4 In the adminlstrallon of tbo Soolal r, . A Perfect "Seourity ft E I riven for t lutur. Sh h of Krent Impor- L vtwtohnf.w;dlni1iiM4bUrlnurariM Nono Is mora prompt and juit In Its dealings. N, 'GRAIN, tn?iIfii-lGen!llltaniri' r k i Nebraska, and: Dakota , , $n Corlrtta.i;', OMAHA, HKH. ' ilidtf OROOB.Ha'01 00MI38I0N MEEOHAHTS. Clark te Trenoli, Wh'ole'sale Grooers, Cornor JJitrnliant, ami 1 1th st if Orders lollctlol and promptly Mled.'Sa ', k aaptidtl ""iaffij'H.'GBEEft, gTCATE MILLS t '4. I. I 'J PEALER IN UttAIN,FM)V?!EI)i. vOOMMISBlON . MF.ftC U A.N T VOL. III. Tim iron borno cpizoc s now over. Tins being it week of nrnycr, prny ing inachtncs otiglit to be in brisk tie-, ninnd. Tllft cotintv80ftt war in Snundorn county ia over, out that will not pre vent tho bcliigcrenU of tbo Anhlnnd weeklies from continuing their ludis cfous hoatilitics. Another gift lottery advertise ment has just reached us through a New York advertising agency. Wo re8pectfujly referred our customer to the Omaha organ of noble charities. WitAT-We know about farming is net worth telling, cleo wo mightjdiTcr somo wholesome instruations to our Sfoto Board of Agriculture. flint delicate tusk will, however, bo' deli cately nnd modestly performed by the horny-fisted editor of the JferalU. According to tlio JlerahVt Homo Gosslp.Ncw Year's l3ny In 18C0 wasas bright and cheery ns Nov Year's Day In 1871. o would cheerfully swallow this dose, if Homo Gossip, had not confessed, almost in tho samo brcalli, that a handful of old Hcttlcrs, including tho relator, had swallowed seventy-two quarts of chnmpaigno ou that bright" nnd cheery day. Brown uP.ars, mountain lions, short-tailed foxes, cotton-tail door, and all other rintlv& Jlocky Moun lain birds of proy will tako notieo that they nro not wanted, either at tlie Omaha Barracks or in tho Phila delphia menagerie. Gcnorul Bris bin has filled their places, and there is no nppcal from that august milita ry tribunal. Somebody, with two stars to his namo, occupied nearly n column of tho Sunday morning HtjiubUcan to prove that it was1 unconstitutional in tho Logisturo of Nebraska to abolish tho Adjutant Genoral's ofllco, whilo per contra the Governor had a con stltual right to crcato as many Ad jutan't Generals, Brlcndior Generals, and iMnjor Generals as suited his fancjv Thoso two stars evidently stand for ono of our bran new niili tin Generals, and wo would not do prlve him of his glory, oven If it re quired a new constitution to keep Kim in bras1! buttons, cocked hats, nnd stray turkoy feathers. Self-Interest prompts us to deal with thoso who givo us tho best bar gains. If you will step in. at PL. GotthotmcrV, No. 20(1 Farnham, you will bo convinced that you can buy n 'good suit of clothing, overcoats and furnishing good for loss money than inanv.oUicr houso in this eity. Como nnd prico our goods before buying olsewhere. my21yl Money loaned on diamonds, watched jowelry, genu, pistoln, nnd merchnndUo in general, at Ph. Gott hcimcr's, 200 Farnhum at. Unredeemed pledges for sale. Itailroad tickets bought nnd sold. Charles Shiverick 3VXo.aa.x.ra,o tu Wholesale & Retail - t - ka tu a.'t oBEALEB I If FurniturE BEDDINa, MI11R0RS, ETC. UAH THE REST STOCK IN" AND MAKia THE OMAHA, LOWEST PBIOES 203 Farnlicira St. h.'hl 9 mo wo KAtAwly i i i i - i r i , if. J, 1IURNHAM. JOHN E. JClil.I.KY. - Bunilinm & Kolloy, Attorneys arid (Counsellors , , - .at. Law, OMAHA. ,-.' - NEB. Vo. 200 TARNHAM BTREET.-NE.MtLr OPfQSlTl! GRAND, OEN I'll Ij HOTUIi. CoirntTons.ollclUM aud prqn)Ptly attended to, Otis H. Ballon, ' - - iaaa t TP Attorney at Law Officoorer First National Hank, Oxaa.fila.t augStT JOHN W, LYTLT3, lttornoyat-Law and Solicitor In Equity. OFFIOE-OtM Pint National Bauk, ' COR. THUITEENTH A FARNHAM STS. mayl-tf J01IN C. CO WIN, . A.ttorxoy, Solicitor AND-COUNSELOR. .OVFICK-NO '. YISSOHEIVa BLOCK, UMAIIA, inir'll KatHUASUA. ADVERTISE IN THE OHAUA VXlhlf i)EKi unammn.nmocmar TELEGRAPHIG Bpte'!allyKcporioa for tho Omelia Dally Etc, by the Atlantic and P.cIQo Telegraph 0). Fazttazasr. Affairs in Spain. Tho Young Ropublic bo Established on Basis. Likoly to a Firm NEW '1 Meeting of tho -Rpformod Epis copal Church Yostorday. "WASHIUiaTOIT. Doings in Congross. Washington, Jnn. Correspondence interchnticeil lust evening with gentlemen well lii- lormeti in opanisn niiairs nml lioluing intimnto relations with memborsof tho Spanish Legation, gave tho follow ing Information : Tho action of Gen. Pavia, in occupying the pnlaco when Cortes held its seasons, denote n rnd leal chnugo in tho present form of government Many circumstances in the past fow mouthi havo pointed to somo such movement. Tbo return of Marshal Serrano and others to Spain showed a desire to consider har monious" feeling in political matters, with n view to strengthen tho young Republic nnd establish it on 11 firm basis, not regarding tho efforts of Carlists in tlio north or interior. In Cartagena the people aro uivlded into a number of partici j tho most prom inent aro Ilepublicans aud Monarch ists, divided among themselves, ns aro nlso the ndhcrcnts of tho Iteptibllc nmong monarchists. This latter p.trty favors'tho elevation to tho throno ol Don Alphnnso, son of tho former Queen, Isabella. Tho Republicans nro nlso of several cliques, tho ruling element of which has a majority in tho present Cortes nro a r class who nro radical in their views, nnd wjiilo not ngrcc ing among themselves oven, are op posing nil efforts to establish a repub lic on amodorato constitution. Gen. Pavia Is believed to be acting with tho full concurrence, If not under tho itnmediato direction of Gastollar himsel. The latter has In all proba bility taken this method of netting aside tho other opposition elomcnt in the Cortes, with tlio view of bring Ipg to his aid vnrioiu men of inoder nto views, who desiro a mild govern ment free, from nil disturbing ele ments. Many evcnU of tho past three mouths load to show that ho has hopes for aid from tho monarch ists. Tho recent clinngot bi Ambassadors at Loudon nnd Btcst" show that both theso inou nro moderate, or greater Conservatives, ihnn tho men they re placed. They bdth favor n consli tuted Monarchy, though, if this could hot bo obtained, would profer a Republican form of eovernmont if it might bo freed fromitho Commun ist clement. 1 1 New York, Jnn. 5. Tho Reformed .Episcopal Church held a meeting in Stcinwny Hall yostorday, Bishop Cuminga nnd Rov. Mr. Fittwell olllcintinp. Tho ser vices wero participated in by a largo congregation. Dr. Cuinings road tho Coronation Hyinn.i which wis sung by tho congregation. Fittwell rem tho morning service, nnd after read ing a fow verses from tho Book of Isaiah by Mr. Suarch, Bishop Cum ings delivered a sermon, taking his text from 1st Cor., Urd chapter. Ho said tho Reformed Church was laying no now foundation, nud took no new departure. They would simply preach tho Gospel n. preaohed 1800 years ngo by thodisoiples, The Italian bark Rosa arrived last evening, bringing Oapt. Stewart nnd tho crow of tho baik Polly, from Ponsacola for Liverpool, which wan abandoned nt sea in a Milking con dition on Dec. Sho encoun tered a terrific gale, and the second mate, carpenter nnd five seamen v6ro swept overboard. On the following night a heavy sea swopt.plTthe stew ard nnd cook. Tho sl.ip having lost her masts, and being llablo to sink nt nny moment, tjic was abandoned nt the first opportunityr Walhinciton. Jan. 5. Tho Scnato and Houso convened at noon- to-day. Tho galleries of both houses wcro crowded. Great Interest is manifested in tho forth coming speeches of Air. Scluirz, In the Senate, on finances, anil... of Mr. Stephens, in the Houso, on tho Ciyil Right bill. . . ' In tho 8cnnto Mr. Anthony pre sentod a petition fropf ha colored citl?;f ijt(,Qf Ubodo Island, -Asking the passage of Jlr. Siimuor't. Civil Rights bill. Largo numbcrs.of pctiuoiiHi on vn tIoiis subjects werorcentcd, in eluding several on bankruptcy. A number, .of ; reeolutlona ou finance wero' oflbfeuV by Wrightx riatto nuu uticKingiiam. , In the House, R.II. Vhltcley.of Georgia, nnjienrcd land was sworn in. .Mr. Polaud, of .Vermont, Intro duced n bill rotating to court nnd udlcinl officers of Utnh: also a bill relating to circuit nnuoistrijt isoiirts. lip tlio united otaies. At thin hour, 1 v. M., a vast assent bly.Hralmpatiently awaiting tlio mo ment when tho ox-Vlco Prealdont of thn'Southern Confederacy shall rise iu hUaeat aud addrcs tho Houso, C,. . WABHINOTONi Jbll. 6. Tbo Vlrcltilu84 correspondence will bo'soiit W UioSenatovlth a piocUl rt3WKP fpm tho Prebldcrit Hhls af ternoon. Iiivitntlom lo a dinner, to ho given by Jhe Pesldent January 13lh, nro being iwued to'dojr, . 1, 1 OMAHA, TUESDAY-MORNING-, JANUARY New York, Jan. f. Tho cl nngo iu tho Spanish Govern ment coiH.'quent on tho reaction ngainit tin Republicans Is com mooted on by tho press this morning. Tho Herald thinks Catellar Is not madioft!icstu4rtodofytlioCortc3nnd becomo n military dictator. Liberal as his views were, ho would rather, no doubt, pco a moderate reaction ihail a succcHi ofolthor party. Scr rono, nl heart, is n monarcliist, nud in view of tho terriblo disorganisa tion of Spain, and tho necessity of a vigorous mi I power n monarch may bo deemed nccc-sary. Tho Her aid also H.iys, wo learn that the friends of tlio Government lcar that the events in Spain may deny tho promised reforms iu Cuba, nnd pro vent tiio negotiations for tho pacifica tion of tho Island and protection of American rights in Cuba. New York Jan. 0. Patrick Short, Wm. Murphy nnd James Connors nftor drinking freely last night becamo involved in n fight nt tho cornor of lC8th street nnd First Avenue, in which Connors stabbed Murphy nnd Short with n pocket knife; Short was cut in tho head and left enr, nnd Murphy ncross tho wrist. Both wcro Fcrionsly lh jurcd nnd wero removed to tho hos pital. Philadelphia, Jnn. 5. A firo occurred in Newman, Bone lock & Co.'s establishment, attached to their sugar refinery. Tho Lo Grand Plnco building, seven soiles high nml 100 feet long, was badly damaged. Loss $80,000; fully insured. Chief Engineer Johnson was severely ir,. jurcd in tho' right leg by n ladder falling against it. Auouhta, Ga., ja. 5. A firo occurred at y..Ven o'clock Inn evening in tlio Augusta Consti tutional office: Tho damngo caused was vory slight. A very denso fr,K prevails. ,, Boston, Jnn. C. IIio Clarmilon street Baptist coh was injured to tho oxtent of fro.OOO by firo yesterday. MARKEfsBrTELEGRAPH. Now York Monoy Market. New York, Jnn. C 1 p. jr. Money Fair supply nt 7c cur rency. Exchange Dull and steady; nom inally at -188 for GO days and 487 for sight. Gold Strong nnd very active; opened nt 111 3-1, declined 1-2, roso again to 7-8 and now Is 11 !l-8. Governments Firm nnd h!i;licr; U.S. sixed of '81, 110 1-4. Stocks Opened rampant ; nd vnnccd 1-3 to 1 cent siuco Saturday ; nftcrwnrda roso higher, from 1-4 to 1 14, nltornatcly week and strong, but firm. Chicago Produco Markot. Chicago, Jan. 5. Flour Firm; good to choice ship ping extras, ft 70(5G 25; low to me dium, 5 405 OS; supers, 3 00 Wheat Stendy; cash, 1 22; Fob., 141l 58; March, 1 27. Corn Qulot and linn; cash C4 1-3; Fob. 53 3-4. O.tts Steady; cash 49 1-4 ; Feb. 40 1-4. Barloy Firm; No 2, 1 45; No 3, 1 25; rejected 1 05. Ryo 70. Whisky 93. Pork Qulot; cash, 1 1 40; Feb., 14 9014 1)5; March, 15 25. Lard Nothing doing. . Now York Produco Markot. New York, Jan. 5. Flour Firm at 0 757 00. Wheat Strong nnd moderately ac tive; fair spring 1 581 13; choice 1 GO 1-2; winter 1 00. Corn Quiet and firm nt 55. Oats Quiet nnd firm nn 52. Ihrloy Quiot. Rye Quiet. Whisky Moro active nt 97. Pork Steady nt 10 CO. Lard 9J; spot, 9 3-4. If) f o O 3 o EJV CO ft P w 1 h rl o o o W O C-i sbi. . o I H W&4 o o m a i H GEORGE ZAflJNEH, (Cam bell's Ijlock,) JEWELBR AND OPTICIAN, Eyo (ilasses ami .Spectacles, Epo 13th St., OMAHA, NEBRASKA. PU" Jewelry iqaan'atiirel lo orJer. floa lValelies,Clocks. ar Jewelry, repalrwl anil warranted, kpICH Midnight Telegraph FOE.23iaST. Castollar Protests Against tho Rocont Coup d'Etat. WASKINGTOIT Proceedings of tho Forty-Third Congress. THE WEST. An Explosion in Oregon Minq, By Which Two JMinors Are Killed. 1, 1 MitfCQllcmooua. SEFATE. Washington, Jan. 5. Tho Scnato met nt noon, Mr. Car "ponter presiding. Mr. Edmunds, from tlio Judiciary Committee, reported back tho Housn bill to repeal tho bankrupt law, with amendments, nnd recommended that tho thin amended bill p.n. Tho bill ns amonded requires coiuurronco ol" onefotirth of tin insolvent credit, ors to force bim in :o bankruptcy, al lows protctfed paper to run sixty days, ullows u uiajority of creditors to tako tho caso out of bankruptcy any time, ond permits nny number of creditors to mnko composition of their own claims. Mr. Wright introduced a resolu tion instructing tho committee on civil sorvice retrenchment to inquiro into tlio expediency of reporting 11 bill making a leduclion of ten per ceut. of compensation of all govern ment officials whoso salaries exceed ono thousand per annum, or fivo dol lars per day. Mr. Cameron objocted, nnd it was laid over. On motion of Mr. Wright, the Houso salary bill was taken up with amendments reported by tho Scnato committee on civil servico nnd re trenchment, striking out the firt threo sections, nnd substituting therefor sections repealing tho net of March 3d, 1873, nnd fixing tho ial nry as It was prior to tho passage of that net, nnd further providing that compensation of tho several head of departments ha eight thousand dol lars per annum. A resolution was Introduced to tho Finance Committeo and ndoptad looking to nn addition of tbo bank ing law to prohibit btocklioldars uud officers of national banks Ixsiiig con cerned in prirnte banking business iu tho locality of a national bank where by the means of such bank may bu employed to advanco tho rate of in terest. Mr. Allison introduced a bill to regulate and YuoiliUto comment across navigable rivers forming tho boundary of States. It provides that all railroad bridges across such rivers shall bo declared public highways, and shall be equally open to the tiso of every railway having a torminus at or near such bridges upon payment to the owuar of such bridge and ap proaches tfiorafw, reasonable compen sation under limitation nud condi tions which tho hill iu detail pre scribes. Referred. Adjourned. HOUSE. Tho Houso met nt noon. Moro than n quorum was present, and tho galleries wero crowded with specta tors. Under cull of States a largo num ber bills present wero reforrod, in cluding n bill by Mr. Hoar, of Massa; chusottsfor a labor commission. Adjourned. , . ' New York. Jan. 5. Margaret FiUsimirfoils, aged 02, died in Bellevu- hospital yostorday, from want nnd exposure. A filthy dres which sho woro contained nine teen pocket), nnd in those was found threo hundred dollars Robort K. Johnson, Jr,, partner in tho supply hotiM of Crocker, Wood & Co., 52 South street, this city, com? milted suicide nt his residence iu Brooklyn yostorday. He had been vory unwell for a fow days previous. ly. . ! MApitiD, Jan. ft. Castollar, in a lettor to tho country, says ho must protest with all cuorpy against the recent coup d' ctitt. Ho' concludes: "My conjrcicnco will not permit mo to aisoclnto with dema gogues, and my conscience and honor refuse to occont tho situation created by bayonets.'' ' Sovcral 'mombors of tho majority which Mrotcd against Castollar now applaud tho stand ho has taken. Tho Capital is quiet, but there nro rumors of disturbances in Valladolid. " SANFitANcifioo,iJnn.i 5. An explosion of two hundred pounds of giant powder occurred iu tlio Oregon mine, near Austin, No. vnda, last night. Two miners. Gro gau and Ryan, were instantly killed, nnd ovor 200 fqet of shaft destroyed. Grogan'a body was not destroyed. A man named Brcdorio was terribly Injured. r Chicago Live Stock , Markot." Chicago, Jan. 5. Cattle Receipts 4,000; .yery, qulot and prices weak for shipping g'rnilq?:, a fw lots of really choice eold at 4 75C 75; common to good butch ors' oows and steers 9C54 JO) closing dull with mnnyttnsold. Hogs RocelpU 20,005; fairly ac tivc, firm and about ten cents hlgbqr; 6 15(J5 60 for commpn . trf chplce, wltoh mojj balei, over 050); casing 6, 1874. SEil'o'lAt SEMI-ANNNUAL CLOSING- OUT SALE OF BRT GOODS and MILLXNEY! For 30 Buys, Preparatory to Stook Taking, COMMENCING JANUARY 1st, 1974. Vho entire stock of Drcos and "Woolen Goods to bo closod ont rogardloss of coat. Extra ordinary Bargains in all tho Departments. Immonso Reductions irom our usual Low Prices to clear off our Wintor Stock, "'and as, without doubt, wo shall havo a quiok sale, thoso who wish to avail themselves will Savo Monoy by giving us an oarly call. r.XA' ocu uvotatio.ns , Another lot of thoso astonishing Poplins to bo clo' 2oc; Emprchs Cloth, choico ninnies, regular GOc quali Fancy Dress Fabrics. Great Bargains iu.Shakor am inrniilH 20c. usual price, 30c; Cotton Flannel. 12'l'-2c; Lonsdale Muslin nt 15; Good Prints Be. ' Wo shall oirar our specialty BLACK ALPACAS and Puro MOIIAI US at such prices as shall prove lo tlio most fastidious that wo are tho Leading House for these Goods. l ' mo most No cxnirircratcd htaton'KMit inndDnboutirnoda to iusiiro n n'lKv Anv nriL.ln unt nu i.i ..... 1... -.1 1 . . l,i .,.,.,o7, w.r.....l-.J vuu aiuiivj a vailliviwvit r.lfnl ! u mmto ffiiniftwa Ail Immense Stock of Fresh. New G-oods Just Opened to be SOLD LOWJGll THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THE CITY, O oxxitixi.s of MESiaSTOS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, REPELLANT3, ALPACAS AND MOIIATRS, ALSO VELVET AND 3HA.-V3I3K OIjO.S:i2srC3-S. A FULL STOOK OF SHAWLS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S MERINO UNDER WEAR AND WORSTED doODS ! ENG-LISI-I AND AMERICAN 'CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTING ItUGS AND r'VTS9 CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST !,, GIT7 4.' . r. jfACrJiJ, proprietor. TENIHI STREET, Jhlwcen Farnham ami Harney, Oil AHA, NEIJ. T1CII.SLS : l'er l)jy, Ol.itO j Tno itolU nn 1 I l-jlnj, 1 J3 t 0110 Sloil A Ixxlulnft, St.OO. THIS HOUSE, LSASE AND FURNITURE, FOR SALE ! a IK I'OU WANT An Alt l'lCMl CAl.Ii AT L. FREUDENHBIM & DRO., 2G0 Douglas St., Hot. lit niul l5tli. Selling On.t On Account ot Kcmovnl. Genuine French Merinos In all neir aiaJcii, AT 75 CENTS. BEST PRUTS ALAPAC WATERPROOF, HOSIERY .!3x cl 3W otlonsi, At rorresponiHDR Jirlicj. n7 Keokuk Markot, Corner Tenth ami PoJgo Ktrects. COOK A D.VM.OU, I'ro.s. J. 11. a ItHICN, Agt. Fresh' ami Salt Meats CONSTANTLY ON HAND. ALSO FISH, POULTRY AND GAME. netl (f mcaaaxrrEx-E- oq aa vc a, Duller In lliDiholnit lirind. nl Tlplrnll rivflni. 1 1 K U Hiker. Amerfum Uigl. tlneoit eiewii( tntueioj AIiq u variety o Key Wet and Xixupox-tod Oigara. A. nne variety ol iilliw, miioklnnait.l iiliu lo bnvos. MT.M'lO.NKUYiif nil iltacrljitlnns. N, 'J weeklies, am; (lire 1110 a tall. Wl Kariiliam st , M.Ulli and lOtu. riuiue, OMum." tint $10,000 Wortlipl Choicest qrooerlcjt to bo told within (JO day,; at Hie only exclusively OAIS23: QTonn, at prices that dely competition. J7J liodiro fit,, oppcxlle new 1'ostofllce. U, M, m--'Ul.'tl. scplS flu) NO. 168. . jSl3STX3 T3& mCESHANK'S -.'' clo-ed out nt 11 l2c; Delaines, 121-2 and 15c, usual prico 20 and l.llltV for 40c. S0cci.1l llnrimiim In linn n wlmu.r.t'l'.vill. .....1 ,,ii... ill flli.ik'nr rtml nil vnn u-lilln nn.l ,.,,.,,1 1.-1 1. 01. ..1 i.m.. , .. . a ' ""'" tL. A. CRUrCKSMANK, Cor. Kbtla and 3Tarnh.ani Sts,, FJIiIj STOOIC 1S73 I w &m 4'vija Jionp;i ?i7.rft. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL UAMfira iiwij HOTEL,. RKAIi ESTATE AQEN0IE8. nrnoN itBito. t kwis a. bksd BYRON REED & CO. Tbo Oldeat EatiblUhed Real Estate Agency IN NEBRASKA Keep n complete Abstractor Title, to all Ko.l Instate In Omalmaod DougLis county, r12 Fourteenth t., Omaha, Keb. Wiltl NEW GOODS ! O, STUIt'KI,KU A CO., SuccMHors toF l.JtcDoinlJ, Nil eo'ncrof 1 0t 1. nnd riiruham atreoU, runjujcl fully .niioiinco in Ilia citizens nf OmkiIih tlut wo lino Ju t opolied Chnlon OrorerlcN nml Provision, FRUITS, NUTS, CONFECTIONERY, TODACCO and CIGARS, Which wo wilt tell as low as the lowest In tho city. Ctilland oxnmlno our stock, uud price our Rood. Iw'oroliiiyliu elsiwhocu. toi ly F. COURT, Known m llio leadlnK BOOT DCAKER, QlOliiaha, during tlio list alxte-'n years, rne onimciid. his iirne atocW nt greatly rniucod raUs, No 18J Karnliau street, south aide, h twtculltliauilKth. nml MUSTARD & PICKLE WORKS, Cor. JackBon and I3lh ats, Pollers In (Iroeci ic.,aud Agofita (or rielschman'a Oozuproasaiecl Veat III 3m II1CCIC A TV r.lKNH. Saye Your Papar Rags ! Patronize Homo Industry! IMICIITIIOM), lfilaihllOO Dounlas atrett, ltwon 10th and llth, north aldo, maklnil ar raiiKeiuiiitatiliiilld a l'Al'Elt MILL IN OMAHA. Haslfe to piirclia.o neveral hundred InnH of runs of all kind, nt liunterii prices, ou di livery. J.'U Enoch Henney. JUSTICE OF THE 'PEACE, OrTICE-rOttr HlaU mnlj, corner 13th aiid furoliam atreet Am F.OKAcA.nST'I' ! " jiauiii tim uu roiunicil mm uiii i; hiTHK rnyoioiAHD. PR.C.E.TENNENT PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Oaicc No niOTwelllh atreot, west tld-, be twin I iiriilum an t Douglas. ltesIdeiHO-No IT) Twilllli Btreet, betwet llnwnnl mil Jatksiin. .Surijery In nil lis branches. Dr. F. O. Rood, Electro-Eclectic Physician, OITIOE-No 251 Do-lL-e street. tcenlli nud l'lIUentli let. Tour- Chronic nisca.esn spechlty. Oillco hours a to l a.m.,. luu.uu I ID o 1. M. , niiRlSIf urgloal Xloomi, I. VAN CAMP, M. D. Dlfpenaea his own mMclncs. ami besldea reitnlar practice, makes specialities of Dcranco uionta and DImwnh 1 focullar to Women, 1 Istu a, Ilia aud other Olseases of the Itectuin. ijmKS!c" 8n,l Kwl'lenco, Corner rarnham nnd Mill Htreeta, first iloor to tho rlitht, up atalra Omaha, Nob Addrcas Loclc.lkji "01. IrSliUwtf DE. W. PETERSON, Physician and Surgeon. Onico. No. 232 Chicago trcet, Ilctweenllnrtcentli and l'otirteciilli. Oftlco Houra-S to' 10 A. M.j and 2 to I p. f. , B.'a'lii) (Jeriunn ami Wciunllimvlnii lfliiKiitKessiMikcn. imvl.lK ELECTRO-MEDICAL AND HYDROPATHIC INSTITUTE. TUIIKWII UATII8. pouche, Shower, Tub, Hot and Cold II libs. rKlcctrl! Ity hwVlhii Movemeat, f e.llcate.1 VniHir. nnd oilier spec no renie-llM. Thy proprietor of this lustliii Ion Is trailing; with wonderful auuitw by the," oombliDd mil patwit at-encles, all form.,,! Hcro'iila, Ilhcumallsui, uculu mil chronic Ifropwy, (local ,...,1 .Icral),'i.a, Ko,!: ' ; ... . " ' ","' complaints, mi 1 11 1 h anduUillsn.ucsiocullar to nomoii. -o rtiiien s iwanlea In tno lmtltuto.-tI H0mee on WU .tree.. f I.Jween f n,r,u, . "" I'rnprlolor. U. P. It. 11. Drug Store, 00E. SIXTEENTH 4 TyEDSTEtt 018. Ifi'i'i0 n.,0'i 5l!?l'' "toro ,n NoithOmnhifor AJ0l!i.'aiJL'U'"!"' lerfuniory, Ac. PffYSf n tniu ami uiBricil. N1011 r Hull , at atom Joor and side door. NJ,!,,.TAl!a"tor,n,NKI I'Olll IIIITKIIS martS-tt D11. w. EDWAHDS I'rop'r. Tko Scandinavian Xru; t o x- o . No. R 1 1 1 Illi t.,ltwecti Dounlas nml I)Mko rnw MFillriiitu nml Kn110yooi.1I lii.laiilly o 1 hand, end sold nt uiivk.t 1 a tKV. rerscrlptloni Aomrately Pwpirod U y or nlht Agent for Union Coal and Mlulnn Vi',c., ulOml AXh.1. I.AWItllNri:, 1'r'iN Schnoirtor & Burmostor, Jlmiufaotiirera of TIN, COlTEIt ANI SHEET IHON WAitu. hi:am:ius in t'ookltigr mid Healing Slovcs. i.T!? Uoo!ln """HflndflutterltiBdonoon 33 3s -iNr a-. x: a-o za si . UANt'VACTUnmi Oil isn iiiii,.. . Lamlin.iiliw nnd Wlutlow Hliades. (UIHOMOS, KNUUAVINOS ANll MOT WW FRAMES. 2Jd 'ruluntroit.cornai- I'teatU, .1 -ir