Newspaper Page Text
iaS aiuO rTHE iwl3J3ET OMA.HA, MONMY MuBNlNg AROH SO, 1874.' volJiil NO. 2c8 OMAHMMILK BEE. - ' ft f 1-. 1 THE iMILY-BBE. EDWAfD l-.OSEWATKB, Editor Frrp! " c Bee Xo. ia Mral t.lttw. M IhiadTerth TEUMB OK SCUSCRIPTIOH: r-opy,o,ye"'. tn adTan-e 7 00 1x "tith 1b adranc. 4-0 llirea m Btk ra'artTiaee . . ?.' sMTIf not pJJ 1 sstfaace, H P una w IT be- oil trd MM MAHAJ BUSINESS DDHCTQRY. Crcfcer ffMaCartviy. MCCT.CKE SMITH, ISi Harney rtraat, tfctweea lltJ and 12th. dU Cllsoa nl Pietmr Tnmf. J. BrfPhrt,lW Dourlii street, dealer .in window gUi and p.ctnrfrasefc-.laais ioue to order. - T ?. Jeweler. - Jt W. O. 8ANPFRS, Practiejl rtaUnmatjr, 631 Hthatreet, opposite poatuBce. . (l and """ J-niUP USO. lKF.rnbatSitrf Ovtween riband Eleventh. ' fcM.-lr rprrtiiT-, rr -' Tsnt Vn-inlactureran.1 Wbol-rm-sl-r in ui. s r.fiinwT. Country traJi ff:.a"" ' ?-vfiiPtf- r ? . s; Coal nlr mi WW-m T7 v J nniivn A EIJ.IOTT. O. - - .t tUir.etv WIFarsifca tni - riray J. jl miEDRK. Prompt, enrn-r "' it strwt ' ii rnnronrf .rsrn a VrKt-- Fire and Accident rrS'" '. T " ? 0,6CN rvm II roller. M. FI3DTTini. Xo.1100 Fmh tnUi j r!iL:rSoEir;wic.; w,7" V. ttm tmnrinnLfU. prtl-lT r ?.- Y.r.,i,.m n Doizl.-. Th? ku work. ,.. n.l Ulan lnier. Hu-ney. .ilS 4 r. or. niiutn Wn)' 1 UOltr- Fie 6ret nium "r",J ,8sS?,swwsss!s ATTOR5TBYS. ' r ESTABRO JC ! .H -" Aestabrook&fwncs ATTOKNEYS AT LAW. f OFFIf E-S. W. C.r. 14tk 1 D-'1", .9s"- Bf. -!.. """'" o. n. B&yp , ". wi-" " 7 BnGf Glasgow, MTTORNEYSA'TIAW. FOffieoCrelsbton'.me block, Kuitheut cor 1, OMAHA. - -- N"- I C. A. ltDTriK. . CM. L'f BUBWIX r'BlIET, . lATrUBJsis at riAn. O01c-CaW wU Bloti, Douglu BtitV, OSIA1IA, - yliISKA. JOIDf C. COAIN, v Attomoy, bolloito AM CODSSEWW. OFFICE-NO -i, VlrHiCISER1 BLOCK, OMAHA. NK'fUAMKA. tnmrW' T; W. T. Richards, Attorney at Law. Office 310 l-lt'i HU, Wet. Faraham and UoHlas, Oiaaha. Scb P- 0. Box 800. u'14tl bAVAGE & MANDERS0N, Attorneys at Law, 342 FAKSIIAM 8TBEAT. Omaha. Nabrwk. iTj.kpao.. . o.i"nranT SPAUN & PRITCHEn, Attorneys ni Cu"?kp at lw. IA Ivk Dot n. Omlha. KeJu W. J. CONNELX nvvMMAllAi A.t Xj " -m - IV AXI , Jid- iT uuincL Aiinnn . klal Mitrlet. OFFICE Booth M of Famhmm, Mntn Ix.BOttNHAM. JOttN KKLLEEY. liurnliaiii & KeUoy, 1 Attorneys and Counsellors ( .at Law, ) OMAHA, - - NEB. rKo. 26 FA&HHUL 8TKBET. JfiUB 0PPG?ITC QEAJTD 0CTTBB "BOTHU CbUttUos oUclwdand proapur atUDded to i - 1su. JOHN W. LYTLE, ittoraer-Et-Law nat 8lUtr. Ealtj. i . t v F OFFIOE-Otk rirrt IfttfMsI Mk, PAItKE.GODWDfi o-txir j Attorney at Xaw (CunpMli Block.) 5091 2 THTBTEESTH STKSBT.-9I AHA- 2 ltH G. W. AMBROSE v iT'A - . ."fe KEDICKnrOPEl H OMAHA NBRi DEXTER L. THOMAS, iitoney a" Cvwulir a Law. OFFlbE-SMa V Vlwr Jloei, OMAHA c - - NEB. TREMOXT UOJJSE, Cwv-Wth St-.-Ctpttl-Avr - ST BaM. 4 per W: K" ? from fs to I . ...... . '' Bt,fT3Ir6r rpr-roJlT 1 IS i BBCGLAil ilTKGT tJHB Fliadie'Furiiisliiiig Store Just opmai-viih a Urat lodt-ciUW -. -cini-ini ui.oniwin,. MADAME FOY'S CORSETS, aOMPSOK GLOVB - FITTIXO CHII.. UIU'A 11AI.MS.1U.U nilUkiA cd Biny otitcr. AUa ..-lu. ILE ASE GIVE ME a CALL eb-li. S.B.hH3l. JkUiBl i" Qrorp- mpmhoTM of our School Board are beginning to smell a mice In that Nightingale meal bag. The Herald's preferred candidate for Mayor sports four Christian names and a broad-brimmed shirt collar. . Is spite of the Iowa militia and the new law against mutual bruis ing, a lively prize fight occurred near Red Oak Thursday. Onlt five Democrats in the House voted for the transportation bill, and the bill was carried by just five majority. Trlhat Nightingale songster can lay" low and keep mum he may yet manage to warble in our $200,000 cage on Capitol HUL 'It only takes seven votes you know. 'WiIEEE and when did Mr. Harri son Johnson get that medical diplo raT " By Tfhat rule of logic does lie 'assumthat the Bee's reference to "Doctor Jofinson concerns him ? us ' Reverend Mr. Moriiis, as a Government whisky inspector, is the right man in the right place, but ' when the Reverend whisky Tnaaipalator tries to play t?e tem perance reformer he assumes a very awkward role. Mr. IIaiuiisos Jonxsox pro claims through the Herald that he is in the saddle, upon the horse of justice, and will go forth to battfein the interests of the industrial classes to.relieve them from the oppression of corrupt-politicians and grinding 'monopolies. That's a noble mis sion. How about free trade, are you still in favor of that hobby? Axn.if the the Omaha Bee wants to know how it docs, or don't stand, on the temperance crusade, let it consult its own dumb columns for the last six'wet-ks and Itrmay or not ascertain what other people arc to tally unable to findouL Ilerald- If the Bee had reviled and de nounced Temperance in the morn ing And its Editor had delivered a rabid temperance speech in a church during the afternoon of the same day, it might have been necessary to explain its acrobatic performan ces. Knocked Sown ! A. remarcaoie uictcan oe aceriain-yj ed by investigating our stock and prices that we have rednced to a very loir fiarure all of our clothing and Gents', furnishing good, far below tlie price of nny other bouhe. Over co.iU In particular can be bought of u now at Ieat 25 per cent lew than our former prices. Quick sales and ftmall profiU is our motto. . ril. GOTTHEIMER," -feb.3-lv 206 Fnrnhm street. Money loaned on diamonds watches, jewelry, gem, pistols, and merrh:indii in general, at Ph. Gott heimer's, 206 Fi-rnhnm st. Unredeemed pledges for sale. Railroad tickets bought and wdd. e. A. LESIQUEST, Merchant Tailor! 147 FAR II AM ST. Next to corner of Tn Ii n'mt, Ltrp on band a fine lot of t-3' 18"n3 Ftunieii ceds C. 7. SAMA1TXT, TAIIjOH. 171 Cor. VwLTnhmm mMiI BIecnlh !. At Lindi of TAILORING, Cii-itiinz and r piiri g dune at rewnal.!e tales. A fin lot FlIBsf-HlSU OOuDS rooi.anUf on ha and "W eliexp. ee26t Save T PapsrBags; Patronize Home Industry II. BERTHOf.n, 164 and 16J Tonsla areo between loth and Ilib, aidr, miking a rasement t-. build a TAPES MILL O OXVHA, Dealrea to purcUan Mrerel botidred tona na ul all kiadi at bittern prices. CaU aeuT ierr. Jal raos bxed. X.KWU a. BEKD BTRON REED & GO. Tb Oldect Ertablisbed ileal Estate Agency r. IV NKBEASEA Kevp k ftimp'tU Alatrart ot Tl)e to all Baal atFcte in Oa ha and Douglsa cvunty. SIS. fourteenth St.. Omaha. eh. PHTSICUN8. BKS J. K VA.NDKIICOOK, Eclectic Physician BeaUtw and oOe No.155 16 h t , between lkJi.e tt andta, itol renue. Secial ttention paid to obletric and dl ratei ptruliar lo women anJ cbUdren. Hiti. . JDX-m W KOSKEOPHATIC "Pliysician a nd Surgeon, inalOHTOirS BLOCK. Ttttaenth and r-oagaa itrectt, 3d floor, E coruer room. O&e boon, 8 to 10 a m. , 1 to 4 p ja.f 6 to 8 p. m Bealdence ICth and G raro it. II I tf i JB-ux-slojtl Room T. VAN CAMP, M. b. DfiimiMi bia own meddaaa. aad beaido. regular practice, makea ipeciaUtlea of Derangt meau aad Plaeaaea Peculiar to Women, Fiito- la, PUea and otber Diaeaaea of the Kectum. - Omciud BeaideBe, Corner FBrnhamianc villh titmu, first door to tbo rfeht, up atain Vfcaaks. Neb. Addraaa Lork Box "tH. 3.d W.iKD B.illslUAIIO.i. HTbneait arofOiaha Precinct Ko thrre, wUI -it at the uiEre t Lucien K. . , Juti o!tbeP-ce, west entrancs of Caldvil hlorK nu 2uJ,3J and 4ta daya I Ai ril, A. 1 . 157 1, fiojn tbe.ouraof Is m to A p. a. of said daja torrectfi'naa-d addit out. March SO, 1 Wt. tTtJ LU IEV Y H IX, lttoirrcAKSo Wa b. HJEW-IVHaT MAKtr. SPACLDUG JO Pit OAK, l,:a SU Bet. Faraham aad Harney, ScUTjaS O; poll: Oraad Central." Vffl LATEST. MIDNIGHT. jprcUlly ileported tor tbo Ocuta Dftlly Bre. hj tfat -tlaatio ud P cific Trlegnph Oo. General Schenck Mentioned as Richardson's Successor. - Admiral Porter Improving. Fearfulr,Acdident at,. Pouoh- - keepsie. Dr. Livingstone'sl Remains Ar " riva-atSuez: - - ' Wasttisgto'. Mirrh 30. The condition of Admiral Porter a' a 1 ite hour to-night, is stated by J members of his family to be slight ly impovedJ though not so as His disease is said to be a tumor in the stomach, which at times pro duces spasms, causing immense pain. Notwithstanding seeming author ative agents of the rumor that Judge Richardson will shortly retire from the Treasury Department, and that there are very good reasons Sot be lieving the rumor to be true, and also that It will be confirmed wi.hin a few weeks- Judge Richardson, it h thought, will go to Europe in ca pacity more suitable to his taste than duties of the Treasury Depart ment General Schenck Ls most promi nently mentioned as successor of Richardson. "WAsniXGTOX, March 29. After mature deliberation on Dio Lewis's suggestion to begin a w men's crusade in Washington the temperance leaders have decided that in view of the pecular difficul ties likely to be encountered, not to adopt but make united efforts to "Or ganize temperance societies and in duce persons to join them. Fears are entertained that the prayer' movement would meet with diap proyarof mcjsbers of Congress and thofianjuro the temperance cause by prejiMicing tlie Legislature against measures prohibiting which Con gress is asked to sanction. Daily praver nlngs in behalf of total abstinece are to rw tlr.ued tins week. The ladies propose to visu the saloons in companies of two and three and make personal appeals. Poukeepsik, N. Y., March 29. About four o'clock Saturday af ternoon, as the ferry boat, J. C. Doughty, was- leaving at this place, a horse belonging to Mr. Welsh of Ulster county, became unmanageable and backed the wag on containing Mr. Welsh, his wife and child oft the boat, and before assistance could be rendered, all were drowned except Mr. Welsh, who was fatally injured. New York, March 29. The steamer Uvlonia .-ailed yes terday for Aspinwall, with 740 tons oi freight Pnn.ADKr.rinA, March 29. Pu-suant to orders from Governor Hartranfi,the 11 rstreglmcntcf Penn sylvania militia has been under a Tub all day waiting developments at the Susquehanna department. Three hundred and fifty will leave for that placo at 8 o'clock to-night. The first city troops and cavalry have been ordered to night o the scene of trouble. Begun, March 29. The German parliament has tak en recess until April ninth. LoifDON, March 29. A Standard special dispatch from Berliri, reports that Bimarck threatens to resign in consequence of oppeition in Reichstath to the army bill. Rome, March 29. The Italian Chambers adjourned yesterday to meet on the fourteenth of April. Loxpon", March 30. It is rumored that there is trouble botween Roumania and Turkoy, growing, out of tjie, action of the formerfor Infringing upon customs and tariffs, with European powers. Rome, March 30. It is reported that King Victor Emanuel has burnt an address sent to him from a number of citizens of Trieste, because it contained obnox ious sentiments toward Austria? Paris, March 29. It is currently rumored that Rochester Paschal Green has es caped penal colony from Xew Cale donia to Austria. TheAssembly adjourned yesterday until' the 12th. Great excitement was,created here on Saturday by a rumor of the death of ex-President Thiers, which proved to beunfounded. The Republican candidates for the Assembly have been elected in the Department of the Haute Marne. Madrid, March 29. Marshall Serrano's attack on Pedro has been successful. The Carjists were drjvpn before Santa Carlist forces in Valccnela un der the command of General Santa and hava been defeated by Govern ment troops with a loss of elghtv killed and two hundred taken prison ers.. In the last engagement before Bilboa, General Primo de Reviva was seriously and General Loma sUghtly wounded. JLoxdok, March 29. The steamer bringing tlie remains of Dr. Livingstone arrived at Suez and left by canal for Southampton. The Times correspondent at Mar shall Serrano's headquarters tele graphs that the los In the battlfeof Friday, before Bilbia, were enor mous. When the National troops heard this they refused quarter. General Loma "was seriously wound ed and two of his colonels killed. The Queen will review the troops of the Ashantee expedition atr 10 o'clock at Windsor' Cattle. After the review a dinner will be given the troops. Baronet will be con ferred on General Woolsey. CABLE GRAMS. The Great University Boat Race. Cambridge Comes out Aktad. Wreck of the Ship Moses Day. jju;n ln.,- - w-i, March 28. The boats having been placed in pasition, all preliminaries settled, signal given from the umpires, and bjth bjats shot forward in a great struggle for. the University cham nlfinsliin. Thev kent well together. j both crews displaying good ad van- I n w a dh 1 AtvAAll Av r rwtm i w r m w i l UlgV U.11U C1H.UCUI UiUUlUUCllUtil appearing to obtain material advan tage .until they came to the soap works when the " Cam bridge commenced gaining stead-"" ily, and at Hammer Smith,-! bridge a terrific struggle took place for the lead, both, crews 'strained every nerve. Caotato, however, still continued ahead, and at Carney Rich the boats were about a length apart, and Oxford had no 'chance of regaining lost honors. Cam bridge, without beingheaded during the whole race, passed the winning point two lenghth3 in advance, ,Ai the successful crew passed the win ning line a prolonged shout aroc from the multitude, and taking ujj reached along the whole line. The backers of Cautab3 were Jubilent over the successive victories of their favorites. The winning crew was quickly surrounded by congratula ting friends, and cheer after cheer was given In honor of their victory. London, 9 a. jr. March 29. To-day was a great daj' in aquatic circles, and has been long looked for. The light oared contest be tween Cambridge and Oxford, opened bright and clear. The usu al crowds of pedestrians at an early hour, and the roads to Thames dense- j ly threuged. livery highway from i London Is crowded with vecbicle of every description, and the bridg es crossing the river are already crowded. -Every available stand point is . eagerly sought for, and crowded with people, and steam boats of nil kinds. Busines of all kinds Ls neglected to witness the great struggle for the blue ribbon. Xevcr was London more numerous ly represented, Cambridge being favorites. The water was smooth, and everything was favorable. The race to be from Putloy to West Lake; distant being three miles and three-quarters. London, larch 23. The great university" boat race was rowed this morning, and Cam bridge is again the victor. The suspense Of the day is over, and Ox ford retires with another qefeat. London, March 28. There is a prospect, for a good-'day for the University boat race. The rowing of the Oxford Crew has grer.tly improved. The odds" at 6 to 4 on Cambridge. T"' Rome, 'March 28. . The Brigands in Calabria have been exterminated. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Kew York Money Market. New York, March 28. Money Easy, 34 per cent. Foreign exchange Firm but dull; actual bu-ine-s at 483 for 60 days and 488 for sight. y Gold Opened active and lower; caused by realizing tales under in fluence of apprehension lest Secre tary of the Treasury willvIncrcae his gold fale3 next month; price opened 1 13 1-81 13 1-4. Governments Lower, l-8l-4. Currency band? 117: V- i Stocks Less active and excluded ana volume or business less impor tant; heavy tone pervaded the market at opening and prices drop ped olT 1-4 to 3-4 per cet. in early trade but afterwards there was re covery of 1-8 to 1 per cent., and at this hour market it steady. Erie 40 1-4; U. P. 37 1-4; P. M. 47 7-8; W. U. 80 3-8. New York Produce Market. New York, March 28. Brcadstuffs opened quieh Flour Quiet; superfine State and Western. 5 75 G 10; extra, 6 25 6 50. r.1 Wheat Dull, No. 1 spring 1 56 (oil 00; No. 2 Chicago 15'11 52; No. 2 Milwaukee spring 9192; new8993. Oats Easy; Western 1 6Q170. Corn Firm ; Western mixed a1oat,-91tf?93. Rye Nominal. Barley Unchanged. Provisions Opened dull. Leather, Iron, and Wool un changed. Chicaco Produce Market. Chicago. March 28. r Flour Dull and unchanged; good choice spring, extra,-6-3SG OS; me dium 5 003 25. f- Wheat Steady and firm; fapril 1 19J; May, 1 23. , ' f Conu Wealtcr ;"" cash. 62162i ; april, G2j; May," 64, "' ' "if" Oats Steady; cash, 43c; April. 43; May,.46J. ' -' Barley Strong; No. 2, 1 54; No. 3 1 371 40; rejected, 1 251 32. , Rye Firm; 9092bid. Highwines 93c bid. Pork Firm; April 15 00; May, 15 5. -j - Lard Firm; April 9 12, May 930. I rl Phlpirm I iua CaI U.La CnicAOo, March 28?J Hogs Receipts 9.703: market ac- .. , j, - '. ,- -. uve anu nrm; prices about ..the " same as yesterday. Cattle Dull; 4G. Rheerv ArHro rm Ki?vQ r .-, .., ;u. j St Louis Produce Market' St.- Louis March 28. Flour Dull and unchaBged. Wheat .Nominally lower. ? Corn Slow at 63c in elevator. Oats Firm at 50c In elevator. Barley Dull and unchanged. Rye Higher at 93c, Whisky Unchanged. . . Pork igher at 15 7518 J.- 4ard Firm at 9c ; no sales. " i St.-Louis Live Stock, A St. Loci?, March JM. Hogs Receipts 345; Market 4 nrm; light, 4 005 00; medium, 5 105 40 ; heavy, 5 50 5 75. tea o TEIMAFIUl More Bodies .Recover from the Wreck of thfCrJBS - cent City? - - 4f- -its- Th8Strikers.onjthari3 Rail road ResunwWork. J?Pnc?rninjU. the C,fnt0gl.,5?d r Sp'aI to ttoiafaa BSX.J Sax wurexsco, March 28. A disgatcUfroni' San "Diego, saj-s the propeUor Colima lost three blades on the 15ta hrt.tvandput in for Corros Island. She was put in tow of steameriArizona, bound for San Francisco onj,the 27 th Inst. Washington, "March 28. The controversy- concerning the Clinton, Iowa, Railroad bridge ending in the SeaatecjmmitteeLond Commerce, ueaivanaevere nas maue an arjruiiiuiu in iavur n iul use of the bridgoby all railroad companies. The committee has ta ken no action. " g? The Presidents ofthe Union Pa ci'V nvrl of the KafiVa? Pao" Rail roads have had a hearing lefore tlie House Committee cu l'uci u liail roads. The pre'Idents Indicated a desire to adjust their, long pending differences concerning pro-ratiujj. No concbifl Vn wa reached. Western Republican representa tives point with satifactiiiii to the fact that the,McCrary transportation bill was opposed by thealmost unan imous voto of the democracy, and that for the second time this session the democrats, as a paHy, have op posed the demands of the farmers' movement. Washington, March 28. Admiral Porter has been confined to the house for several weeks with serious Illness, and was taken very bad last night, and to-day his con dition is so. critical as to seriouslj alarm his friends. The"Farrngut prize claims will be paid without further delay. The prize list has been completed and transmitted totheFourih Auditor, "who willjiay claims on application of the claimant. A special from London gives the following shipping items. The ship Sloses Day from San Francisco was wrecked on the coast of Min dano. The crew took boats and landed atMinH"?.. The St. Mark, from San Francis co for Liverpool, arrived at Cadiz with pumps broke and fourteen feet of water in her hold. She wascorn overboard five hun dred tons of her cargo. New York, March 28. A large meeting of the Erie Rail road laborers on a btrike was held in Jersev City last night, when it was resolved to accent the terms of the company to work for seventeen and a-half-ccnts per hour. The men resmo work this morning. Austin Black, and J. Dusenbury, gold brokers, were arrested yester day on an indictment of fraud by the Grand Jury, charging them with attempting to induce perjury of evidence. It is in connection with their, suit in Uio Supreme Court, Feb-"arv 18, lat, bv Austin Black and P. Spaiddlng, against the Continental Bank, to recover $G3, 125, with interest, from May 1st, 18GG, upon a check deposited with the plaintiff, who hud an office at 19 Broad street, by John Ross a forger, and which have tlie certifi cation of ' the bank. Ross was a gold speculator, and in May, 18G6, committed a large numbor of forgeries, aggregating about five hundred thousand dollars, with which he escaped. He purchased fifty thousand dollars in gold from Black & Spaulding, giving a certifi cate check on the Continental Bank for 5G4,000. The officers of the bank deny the certification of the check, and charge collusion be ween the firm and Jchn II. Dowell, to obtain payment of the check' Bail in each case was fixed at $10,000, in default of which the prisoners were las', night com mitted. A special .from Sumpter, South Carolina; eays A. Furman and Sam Vincent' negroes, were, hanged on Friday, morning; for the 'inu.der 6f Scott, a whitejman, abaut eight weeks ago. The murder was one of the most Brutal on record. At least 10,000 people witnessed the execu tion. .fc'J."P. Atkinson, a discharged Cus- tom House officer, was arrested yes- teraay aiiernoon ior aucmpung i ussassinateR. G. Joyce, a special agent of the Treasury department. The attempt was made on one of the upper corridors of the Custom Hoase,. after business hours, and created ah immense excitement in the Government offices. '"'' - SJew York, March 28. TheJ'acifiq.Mail Steamship Com pany receivea at their ofVce, to day, the following cable dispatch from Aspinwall : The "steamship Mohingo sailed March ICth from Panama for San Franci. o i ; City of Gautemala" arrived at Aspinwall March 19th and sailed thence for Sew" York -March 25thj Coustltu "tion arrived at Panama from San 'FiwieteaitzMarch 21st; Acialio sailed from Aspinwall for New YwCOfarch 23d ' an"r 'Henry Chauncey arrived at Kings ton, Jatncla,'March 21st, .and sailed l. III. UM.T V. .WIU .. MM, .. .. W U... arrived March 24th. ,Last Bight at midnight the ex press on the Long- Island Railroad as It passed Farmingdale set tlie un- ;Jerbru6h on tire, and in a short time. the inhabitants or that village were aroased to extinguish the flames. f The village wras saved.notwlthstan- -du&j-xne-wina mew temauv it is said that two men namop; Albert son were burned to death, but the report l's not confirmed. About four hundred acres of timber were burn ed, over. Loss estimated at $150-, 000. Jeffersqx City, March 28. As Is usual In the closing dav3 of .a kjnslative body everything is on the rash here and the lower House Is working day and night despite a Uteres opposition, on tie PAtt of about a score of members. The bill Impropriating $81,400 to complete, rfeteh and support the St. Joseph LiaaUc Apsr". Tkwas passed. -a a oi v I Sr. Louis, March 28. The leading manufacturers of this city have organized an association for the purpose of protecting them selves against State Legislation, ad verse and detrimental to their In terests. The association Ls composed of representative men of the various branches of manufacture here, and kit is understood to have grown or ine emra 10 pass a revenue bill, now penamg m the Legislature; which, as ls asserted, i3 to impose an indiscriminate taxation upon tije manufacturing interests i)fthe city aaAState. Gerard B. Allen, averv I prominent citizen and wone of the most extensive manufacturers of the city, is President of the associa tion. r Newv York, MaroU-23. Bank' statement reflects a 'liWln- net reserve amouhting to $543,225, and the excess ouer tho twenty-five per cent legal requirementis now $19,410,075. l" The following are the figures. Loans Increased $ 311,300 Specie Decreased 1,25,700 Legal Tender Increased... 4,007,000 Deposits uecreasca 1,200,200 Circulation -Increased 9,100 Memphis, Ma-ch 23. The officers of the steamer Cap ital City which arrived from below at midnight, report thatthe budies of Mr. Ostrandcr, Sir. Mundv, and ab v abjurfourteen"yoars-rld, with red hair, had been found near the wreck of the G-ecent City,-and were awaiting instructions from their friend'. Captain Goodc, who went down on the steamer Future City last' night, will take charge of them. Wasiu.vuto.n, -jiftrch 23, Tlie Treasury Department this morning issued a ci c lai letter re voking the'orders rcla'ing to Pow Gr' attonioy, dated December 18th, 1872, and removing an ordenlisued May 23d, 1872. Xoxdox, March 23: The Prine of Wales and, children, and the Dake of Edinburgh have arrived and taken their po.-ition In the umpires boat. The Cambridge i3 the favorite by odds. Boston, March 28. On first ballot in tlie Legislature to-day Hoar received 75 votes. Cbr tis G8, Dawes S3, Adams 13, Banks 7, scattering 3. Twenty members have gone home. Richmond, Va., March 23. Colonel Jas. Mayo, State Treas urer, was arrested this morning for the embezzlement of three thous and dollars. He was xommitted for trial. Wabhinotov, March 2S. Tho Senate has passed a bill re moving tbe political disabilities of Thomas Hardeman of Georgia, and Wm. T. Cabell of Texas. BnooivttYN, Maroh 23. The Congregational Council ls still in secret session and the pro ceedings are carefally kept from the public. : d a o O CD W i CQ rl 0 CQ H H O U go OJJ 91 o o cd CO rn m a 2 fl U 9. f1 t j t CB U o o fl en 4 Jact)b KcmKltzer, WOOD, HORN a? d IVORY TURNJlE. DdEOES ., Ittn 13th ard 11th. A'lLIrdortnrnIrxecCtidpromi Ir an at .ML-i,Dab!eraie-. tuchl cij Schneiiki; lUirincstcr Mxnufar titers ot rix, COPPER .xi) Eirr n;o 1 , WAUK. kk.m.kiw in Corikiug an 'I Heating motpx. Tin Koodnj, Spoatl'r ami uttering 'ira .iiort" 1 otlctr an-i Ir chit vl llten trpfti manner. l4cll Jei 3T ST . X. X O XV JE3 . -xa.NrracirBkv or axu psatKH i- 1 jimbr qalHs and Window Shaibs. 'HIUIXOS, EXmtAYINUS AXI' ' icPJCTURE FRAMES. 270 Farnhs-n iiiwt, rornr Flftntb ASsIl.XhE'i Jl'uTlt E. n the District Court of the : T t State for tb I'Mrlet 01 NehrasVa la Bankrupted In tba ml terotBrrsn m peacer, Bankrupt. To whcnl It Q3T coucrrn i Th un-lersUi-ert. tharlei t HoaV-h'rear gtTe Dotio- orhls apjoint"- tuient as'v aaign 01 the, estate of iTioa M.Spenear, of Qaha. In th Ouuntjr of Doujlw. n aaid dU rlct, and who . lowll; ou the-Rt'idir of ei.ruarT, A I). 174, adjnned bankrupt upon tbe pe itlon 01 hl creditoia. Itatei at Osulu the ad atr of M rrh, A. D. 1871. ti U HOUSEL. mcblCvSU AuLoaa, .. - PKOUATE N01ICE. rot'OLAi COfXTT " At a Probate Court held at Pro'a. Toon Koota, In and for a 11 r na r, Marrb lltk, A. I. It 4. Pre-nt, m. LFntMtr.fif In e Jodje. In tbe mattfr of tbe estate of Jobn O'Brien. On filing the duly rerifled petition oMnasta ti WVO'Hrlen praying tbst administration of aid eatata mar be granted bfr. Ti?red.Tbt ATrll". A D. 1374 at 13 o'crock A.H.,ba braedforli arlns said j-ttl km.whenallpeTMna laterertedln aaidmattr mzr app'aratapre bateeourttobebeldattbepro ai court roin, in and for said conntj', and show cause by ths prayer of petitioner should not be srast a; and ttat notice of lt pecdeney r.l said pa Itlon and the hearing tbrreof, b-idren to all persoia Interested In Jd matter, by publU'dilg a ropy of this order fn tbeomaba Wek'j e , anars- paKrprin m tn sal t county. lortnrees: iTe w(ju, prior to tzui day oi a carta?. I tracoDT.r wm. i. par rY asuuuut rmsxf J . - - -m m .. .. . - -v 8 IlfHi Jlif mm "MW9 & out," "iiw- - fr EMBBOIDEBIES ! EMBB03 ?llli.. 20,0C0,Tards cf -Hambur- ' v Nw Yictona Lawns, New Nainsooks in Plaids and Stripes; rew Jaconets in Plaids and Stripes. New Swiss and Mull Mnslins, New Piques and Marseilles. Blacklpacas and Mohairs Another Case of these Popular Goods Just Opened. Aa we make a Specially ot tbe above purcb&i-ing elsewhere. New Spring lillinery to be Opened . burs: E. A. BROWN, 248 Douglas Street; WHOV33LEUXn;iEr..T, DRY GOODS, CARPETS,? Ail Immense Stock of Fresh New Goods Just Opened to be sold' lower than any other house in tlie city, consisting of . URlflOS, IMPRESS CLOTHS, RIPSLLANTi, ALPACAS & XOHAIKr.,aIso YELYET & BEARER CL0ATON0S. A FULL STOCS: OF SdAWLS. BLANKETS, FLANNELS, MERINO TJWDERWARE AND WORSTED G-OOD3. TABLE LIXKX IX Git FAT YAR1E1T. A FULL LIVE OF EKGLim AW riMERiCAN CARPITS, 01 , MiTPni R'JIS, AND MAU cheaper rrsiA.isr tihie cheapest CHABLES SHIVEBICK Furnituire, Beddisg3 Mirs-oir and everything pertaining to the FURNITURE and UP HOLSTERY trade; nas largely increased his -stock ard now has a eonrolete assortment oi SINE, M DIU vL and LOW PRICED goods, wiiicti he is offering at such REbUOED PR GES as to make it to the interest of everyone dp sirin anything in this line, to examine his stock befo e purcha ' ing. PAELOBSETS, XOXJKGES &o.. UPHGLSTERTD AND COVERED TO ORDE trftp rd UNION MARKET H.. J.. HAH.BI8. 337 JB'iftooxxTjea. JStx- Petwem tout;la5 and IHxlf. I5EEF,1MKK,MUTT0: AND T JB .A. Iji . 'IPH, POULTRY. QIVZ k VEQETABLE ..1T JKVritAL (IOIIXU STUHE! 1S FAt KUAM STREET, S. JACOBS has a large assortment of tlothin?. Hats, Cjr-t Ac., which he will ell at prices tg suit ttli rui. inmrri. Call ami ee. dIStf TAILOR, 13lh SL, bet. Famham and Haruci. All kind of TAIMlKINt!. CLEANING an REPAIKINH .Innri raita aprMI D. COOKK- COOKK . o. it. n n i.. v. oc. FOHEL. 3?ACK:SIIS j. A.D CVTrLKDEaLEUS. Onlora lot !np-l hp liif and mutton nromp 1 j- fillf.1 , ' ' nrrics ii CBEioirro.f s otonr. 'huahff,. m m NciirnlH Cbarles Foppsr, VEOLBSALEDDTCHEB AMI PAtTLE ItHOKKK. SXI.T LAKE CITY, - - CTAII fellTtt 13 . 7" 1 3ST JO T3L X-ZVX . UKALEB IN Fruits, Confectionery. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. NE corner Famham and Elerenth streets, OMAHA. .... NEkIIAsKA. aepMIr NEW FOUNDRY Tba foundry In connection with the Van Dora utchine ahupa, sr . aso maket -trku Is new In operation I am prepared to make ill kinds-of cstinu. fe'ttimS W SI. FESVICIT. '' f Tsi is i . ,., HALL STEAM ENGINE SUCCESSORS TO HALL BROS., M sanfacturars ol Steam BngizLSs 1 1 Mlaia mb I Mill M.tchlnerj, TBtallfll-rir. Oasin k. and all kinds inow VqfWr Klnth u4 KtebcU) StrMts. Vll' Iffk?! f3fiTsifP LaaV w& mm w w if mm m sK. - AT OB 31CSSHAN. PRICES ZjOTSS. TH.1T FdginKS ardlnserlings of tha Newest and Choi of this season's Importation. NEW WHITE GOODS, good, Ladies will Cud it to tlioir Cor. 1-sttli aad JTJlXjILi STOCK 1S73 I IL OLOT OKAS. SH1V2HXC3X, 203 Prn)iaru Bij'oo" Om.2x'. WHOLESALE CANDIES I am now ia.anulactur.Dg all varieties of ejods and will sell at E.A. STEIRIN" PKICES. De.ilcrs in thij State ircl not want lu so East f .1 CAXDIKS. Atrial isoUcIleI. BS2?R7 Z.ATS'Sr. Oox- 3.2tlx mchltt HAW LEY & BURKS WHOLESALE AND I5ETAIL Dt-LEBS IN AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS UTarra. Macb.ia.ery and TRTagohc X. 13Soith lOJliSrcct. nch'l F. D. COOPER, MAlSTT-aTACTTTStER CP "WACOITS, ND vrilOLEUVLE DEALEU IX AGICULTURAL Cor.l4th n. cl 23" liioy St., WIIITXEY, BAUSEI131AX & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, ITo. S47 Douglas Sfcrsac, O-LVL-AJEi-A., - mch;7yi AGKXT.S FOR THC FRANK J. SD DEALrniN GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. Fnll Assortmuil cf Import 1 "WuolrLS. AHWrk ilnrntntrd. 232 St., - - Oiaalia. Nob. Sbt3 od ID VAX DOItN'sS MAC111XE All kinda of light and heTj MACHIXEUY A1E REPAIR! I. M&AU Work UuaranlceJ.1i 25 H ASSET STSEET, - OJfAHA. i-i'tt 5; jtijix rt.uiKit, Practical Watolimakcr, 171 riralinT 3.E.Cr.lltiEt. - - N BBASr (OUAJiX. - - K'E - Bm- i S7SR. V5" &0. S advantjigc to examine our'Stot-k beforet- Saturlay. Marcn V ".'I,- A. UK ULU Kb II A INK, fr Faraliasa. Sts., OXXlAll XsirvcOX3NT, TO-!2:&. IMPLEMENTS, m-hliif cj-r - - 3T DUFOXT P 0TT BB RAMG-E & TAILOB JACOB CIS3, Ml Vmraltniu Ht BcSMIh A lOih, 1J rTVWjnftrrvmSj cSPCT j UNDERTAKER. sssK JE '"sLaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafc. jsSsLLLIrcLLLL. iiai. &m .ijH rci m i a . "2. Jf