Newspaper Page Text
sj&- SF" " r 'Jtv n-f'-V THE BEE vi Mt;f 'T - v OMAHA, WEDN"tSDA.Y M( NING-. ARIL 1, 1874 Q ?- NO. 240 OMAHADAILY vol. in. . B J ? It F if, i;t F , H s I li V i t ?V . THE .)A1LYBER EDWABD hOSEWATEB. Editor ' . - .vii rarnlian' IMCbCtW. ;M.i-fc-JTct'th- TEB- OF SOUSCEIPTIOH: .4.00 2.W KSrif not pSi in -dTMiee, per -bi--1 be'o1ltlaMM-M--B-S OMAHA BUSINESS DPCTORT. Crocker IW-t rle r. .McCLUBEASMITH, IK a" tfttween Uth and 12th. '"" Glaaa a Pletsu "as-- J. Be-hart, 1W DougUs aire, - -indoVRlasa ami P'Ct-r. frame.. OUring ion to order. Jeweler. ,-, IP 1.AVR. lF.rnh.mrtrtw r nth Elwn'h. ' fonfrllontrT. i i iTFY. rorn Twelfth and Pmil roi ietr- JSI. rfr. IM .tr M.l&m rrtt !" J. A EOF-PKK. Dniodrt. rnrr 2H Msriwy strrKs inwrmnre n.rH MrViXIN. Fire end AcHo pawn Itrokrr M. FVtOTTr.K. . 200 Farnham at-- im:u L . ,F...t..nclClll10"w' Mi??.ClWAS -Iwm-ti I-""" -rW.fw. Insurance, etc. ncd from I t.1'1 !- prtl-lT oan4rTA Painters. Tenth street. "n " ,patI Barney .- fbemiu T"A aU n..n..l '? . ", l, tvw.i- 8oa To.-.. Wire. aA Potta-attami hi oanty and Ptstf Fairs, aivnr,..,. Co-ty Tnwa. mi ,nllclleJ!fminth ESTABR00K& FRANC'S ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OFF E-S. W.C.r.Hth.-d lg g---h, Neb. .H.-MA0U. ED. B GLASGOW. Ballon & Glasgow, ATTORNEYSATLAW. Oo,ln Crelghtooew . - OKA HA. fcA.BXLI.WIX. OK..0--rX. BliDWIX r.tBBIEW. ATTOUSEYS AT LAW. Offiee-Oalu-ell Block, Dough-Slree, OMAHA, - - " KEBKASKA. feblltf JOHN C. C0..1N, .XXoxrxKOT-- aoUoitor AM COUNSELOR. nrvrCE-NO 1. VISSCHEB'S BLOCS, OMAHA. KE.BA1A. arMf T. W. T. Klchurds, Attorney at Law, OBce 510 13th St.. bet. Far-ham and Doa?la, Omaha, Xc. T 0. Box 800. '"" bAVAGE & MANDERSON, Attorneys at Law, J4S FABNHAM 8TBEAT. jkb."""'- rOu,-bm-a CHAP!" nr" a. i. a-ac. t)M.i.ruTCH(n .ni nniTPUrTT SKAUW Gt rniiuuui n AtUrBej md Counselors at Law. OOce, SOU TweUtb KrmU ita r.v " ana. Omaha, Keh. W, J. CONNELX Counsellor tJ AKP District Attnniej Tor SeceM Ja- Icial DiktrlcU OFFICE South side of Farnham, between lMh and 16th ata., oppoalte Coort Bona-. fe'4 t! N.J.BUEWHAM. XTT0RLT AND COUNSELLOR AT LTT . Ca.S3rrnhai Street CIO HA NEB. -30:I 40 UN W. LYTLE, itlora cT-at-Law m- Srildtwr Eqalty. OFTIOB-OTer Fiwt Htlol Bab-, b1-U PAKKE GODWIN, Attorney at (Campbell) Block.) 50912 THIBTEE-TH fi In 8T&--T. 0M1HA C. W. A3IBR0SE, Cttornoy - -t l-c HEDIC-'S 01'ERA HOUSK OMAUA NEB. arU DEXTER L. THOMAS, Atorey aad C-Mler at Law. OFnOE-Eooa 8. VlKr'a Slack. OMAHA na - - NEB. TREMOST UOUSE, Cor. 16th St, dtCapitol Av. ar Board, H per iretk; Boar- aid Lodf-g "ronV$slo; Tran-enmiJOperday aprioaiT STATE MILLS DEALER GHATS, FLOUR AN FKE, AXD COMMISSION MEMOSJiKT, Or. MtBth l tTTORXKTS. The Democratic Convention play ed a savage joke on our shirt collar candidate. That Democratic convention ras as harmonious as a cracked snare drum. Canada Bill, is out of town and that will prevent Omaha from se curing a reform Mayor. Navigation on Salt river will re-open next Tuesday. The Demo cratic convention has just manned a craft to explore that briny stream. People who want to patronizo home industry had better invest in Wolfs black mailing Omaha direc tory. It was printed in Milwaukee. Mb. Edward Johnson had better muzzle the Herald. The premature laudations of that sheet have alrea dy made fifty votes for Baumer. THE case of Jones vs. Brown is to be tried at the Court House next Tuesday. The jury will be out all day, but the verdict is almost sure against Jones. Council Bluffs is sounding the loud timbrel over the report of the Omaha Water Works Committee. They were as fihy of thesb water works as the devil I of holy water. Whats the matter with the Dem ocrats? The Herald insisted upon nominating a ne party Board of Education, and they persist in defy ing their organ by insisting upon a square party contest When the Republican echoed the base and libc)Jou3 utterances pub lished by a Woif in shaop's cloth ing through his Milwaukee made Omaha Directory, it simply gave another exhibition of its venomous malignity. No decent Journalist would aid or encourage an itinerant scavenger In villifying a contem porary because its editor had declin ed to puff his advertising nostrums. Such dirty work can only be hired in thp columns of that collapsed concern. Since the Republican seems anxious to re-open the circu lation controversy, wo shall afford it an excellent opportunity at an early dai. Knocked Down ! k A remarkable fact can be ascertain ed by invpatigatina; our stock and prices that we Lave reJnced to a very low f.cruro all of our clotbing and Genu', furnishing goods, fr below t'ie ptice of. ny other house. Oter coats in particular cin be bought of ua now at least 25 per cent Ica than our former prices. Quick sales and amal profits is our motto. Ph. Gottiietmeb, feb.3-ly 208 Farnham street. Money loaned on diamonds, watcher jewelry, gem, pistols, and merchandifo in geneKil, at Ph. Gott heimer's, 206 I'arnham st Unredeemed pledges for sale. Railrond ti.-kets IwMieht iind wld VandaliA B.CT7TE IE1 -A- S T. 3 TRAINS DAILY ! K VK ST. " OOIS WITH Pullman Palace Cars theodgb: without ohakqs TO Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Louisville, Chicago, Columfcus, Pittsburg. Philadelpliia, Baltimore, Washington, A NEW Y OKIl Arrlral of Ti fram t' t "Weit. ONLY ONE CHANGE TO Cleveland, Juffalo & Boston TICKETS aC-sKS'S-K Keru r Koartb li. stunt 'la, . I on -, nd -tO.y Prlnclp-1 K-U--Sjr Uflicca In tur West. mias. barcock. c k khsselu S'lhcrn ra. Ae't, W.afu Pa-a. Ag t. Dali-s Texas. Xamsas t iit. lonNE-BisirsoN. chas. e. follett, a3Bt IsDiASAPO-ta. St Lobu. TAHiOH, tTl Csr. Karnbam snd KlaTcnt-i ta. Al kladt ol TAILORINQ, Hranlne and r nairl g done at rt"Hontl.'.e tatea. A fin e lot FUllNt-HIKa flOoDS coiu.asUj oa i and "ld ct'ean. -li;it Save T PapRr Rags J?aronize Home Industry H. BF.RTHOt.ri, 1M and IBS Tonsla. tn hetKH l"th and 11th, noith aldr, nuking a ra-Kemcsta to build .. PIPE It MILL IN OXaiIA, Dealrta to pure-tse aerrral hundred torn ran of all -liida at Eastern pricea. 6.,lt ddirrrr. to ' ' G. JL. LEXPqUr.ST, Merchant T 1T FAKn.N -f. Kelt to co iert,t Ten-h a'reet, lerp on hand a fine lot 01 .j' FaraU t MTal TELEGRAPHie. MIDiSTIGHT. Spedalljr Seponad lor ti. OBaha Dally Bt; hj the Atlaatio sad F ciflo Telegraph Co. Congr as 3iunal. Favorable Reports from the Finance Ctnmittee SENATE. Washington. March 31. Mr. Ferry from the Finance Com mittee reported lavorably on the bill authorizing the coinage of twenty cent silver pieces; placed on lile. The Senate then proceeded to the discussion uf the bills on the calen der; pending the discussion the morning hour expired, and the Sen ate resumed the consideration of the bill providing for resumption and re-issue of United Stated notes; and f. r free banking. Alter some discussion on the de cision of the chair yesterday, ruling out Mr. Sherman's motion to amend section 4, as not in order, pending Mr. Morton's motion to strike out the section, in the course of which it appeared that the decision of the chair was in accordance wilh the rules of the Senate, though at vaii auce with its practice. Mr. Carpenter, (Anthony in the chair), moved an amendment to ihe'l-th rule U'hjch would admit ol aa amendment to a section or para raph propo.-ed to be stricken out, a d move such an amendment i. p.iOtHie-Ce ; agreed to. Mr. Merrill Vt.) then moved to amend the 4ih section bysubstituting 90 per cent for 70 per cent, as the amount of United States notes to be retired as additional bank currency Mr. Morton's moilGfi tC 5triko out the 4th section, was then agreed to, -9 to 27, the following Western Sen ators voting in the negative : Chan dler, Hager, Howe, Jones, Sarsrent, Schurz, Sherman, Stewart, Thur man, and Window. Mr. Gordon offered an amend ment providing for free banking, and to give each state the same amount of circulation in proportion to the wealth and population, as the state of Maine now has. Mr Logan accepted this in view of his amend ment offered on Friday last, - Mr. Fenton offered an amend ment repealing section 23 of the act of June, 18C4, providing that na tional bank currency bo taken at par, and providing a central point of redemption in legal tenders for such notes; rejected, yeas 14, nays 87. Mr. . Buckingham offered an amendment providing for the re demption in January, 1876, in coin, or 5 per cent, gold bearing ten year's bonds of United States legal tender notes; rejected, ycas-fil,- nays 80r ""Mr. Sargent moved to adjourn; carried, 27 to 20. Adjourned. Mr. Fenton presented a memorial of South Carolina tax payers, ask ing relief from the misrule and cor ruption prevailing under the State Government Referred to Judiciary Committee. Mr. Sargent Col. presented a memorial of 7,276 citizens of Colo; rado, setting forth the evils of liquor traffic, and asking prohibitory leg islation. Referred to the Finance Committee. HOUSE. Washington. March 31. The bill was under discussion yc. tcrdaj', providing for the payment of bonds of the Louisville and f ortland canal company. Mr. Dawes presented a petition from the tax payers of South Caro lina, reciting an excessive taxation to which the people of that State were subjected, and that the pro coeds of such taxation "are system atically squandered and stolen and not used for the legitimate purposes of the Government, and asking Congress to consider their condition and devise some means of relief. Tho petition was referred to the Judiciary committee. At tho elosp of tho debate Mr. Clymer moved -"substitute for Mr. Wheeler's amendment proposing in the event of the State of Kentucky, refusing to cede the Jurisdiction of the canal to the United States. The tolls on canals shall be raised to existing "rates; rejected. Mr. Wheeler's amendment offered yes terday was then agreed to 130 to 95. The bill as amended passed and the Houap rasumed the consideration of the currency bill. Speeches vera made bv Messrs. Hubbell and Sherwood in favor. Mr. Movers introduced a bill for the relief of the commissioners to the Vienna exposition: referred to a committee. Adjourn ca, Washington, March 31. Efforts are making to Induce del egations of business men from lead ing cities to visit Washington and urge the exercise of the veto power in the event of inflation legislation being successful. The WayB and Means Committee have determined upon a personal ex amination of the Secretary of the Treasury and treasury officials in the Sanborn matter. Fears existthat Admiral Porter will not recover. He has a tumor in the stomach, Messrs. Dawes and Hoar have both practically abandoned their hopes of an election for United States Senator. Boston, March 31. The first ballot of U. S. Senator to-day resulted as follows: Dawes 95, Hoar 78, Curtic 76, Banks 6, Adams 15; necessary to choice 13S. Adjourned. FcovinENCE, March 31. Considerable excitement was oc casioned here to-day among busi nessmen owing to announcemeat that the National Bank of Com merce had entered proceedings in bankruptcy against the A. &W. Sprague Manufacturing Company. Petitions are in circulation and are being numerously signed by stock holders of the Bank, In question to induce its officers to suspend pro ceedings. Public feeling is intense on the street Cincinnati, Marcb,31. Thomas McGeehan in whose de fence C. L. Vallandingham was en gaged when he killed himself, was shot twice and mortally wounded at Hamilton last night He was re quired by the citizens to leave after the last trial and only returned a few dyi ago. . CABLEGRAMS, Arch-Bishop Wetcher Arrested and Imprisoned. The War in Spain. The Republicans still Advancing! Threatened Complications Be tween France and Germany. A Batch of Cuban News. The Escape of Rochefort. Havana, March 31. Carlos and Gorcia, for&erly noto rious highwaymen, who afterwards served as Insurgent leaders, but were pardoued. by Cabllero de Rodas and Antonio Gouzales, were discovered yesteiday by two gende arms en route from Santa Maiia Del Rosario to Jesus Del Moute, in the subuibds of Havana. Gen de Armes followed them, and on catch ing up at the latter place was as sisted by some policemen, who at tempted to arrest Goicia. He and his accomplice resisted, when shot were exchanged. Go uzalcs received live ballets in his body, causing his death. Gorcia escaped. A severe drought prevails in most parts of the jurisdiction of the island and animals are suffering for want of water. London, March 30. The Daily Telegraph's Australia correspoudent says Henri Rochefoot and his companions escaped from New Caledonia in a small open boat They had been three days at sea when they were picked up by a British sailing vessel and brought to Australia port. Rochefoot has tele- -ed to "ari3 for ""- - " tenuis to visit the United States and lecture in New York and other American cities before he returns to Europe, wheie he will probably lake up hi- residence in Brussels. Puus, March 31. I Recent debates in the Assembly.' from their, general tone audobarac ter. have w eakened the cotlidence of "the country in the permanence of the seven years Presidential system. The apprehension is 'becoming popular that France and Germany will soon be again involvedJn dan gerous complications, and that any early renewal of the late war avoidable. London, March 31. The report from Bilboathrough Carlists channels, is that;- fighting was resumed Saturday morning nd lasted all day- The Repjjblican attacked but inadeno impression on the carlists lines, meeting with repulsion at every point1 Their loss is estimated at 4,000 killed and wounded, while that of the Carlists at 1,000. London, Marcti"31. "" There ha9 been heavy losses on both sides in battles before Bilboa. Santader is crowded with wounded from the Republican ranks. The Carlist's bombarding.force has par tially suspended the bombardment of Bilboa in order to turn their guns against Servianos' army. London, 0 a. m., March' 31. The Messagerlcs Maritime steam ship Nile was lout on her last voyage from Hong Kong to Yokohama and all of her passengers drowned. A mong them were the Japanes Com missioners to the Vienna Exposi tion. -" m Madrid, March 31. Official advices from Marshall Serrano's headquarters, say his army Is advancing nearer to Abanto and maintaining bonbard ment on that town. Berlin, March 31. Archbishon Metchersbeen was arrestedat Cologne and imprisoned, unarges against stated. "him were not Paris, March 31. Gen. Cbanceyhas been authorized to declare Algeria in a state of siege, in order to restrain violent abuse of the radical journals in the colony. Madrid, March-. An official dispatch dated' Sombr rostro, Friday night, saj-s that the final attack on Abanto has again been suspended. Madrid, March 31. Cannonading at Abanto waa con tinued on Saturday andv. Sunday; Tne condition of General Loma Is Improving. , Chicago, Hock Bland mid Pacific II. 11. THE GRAND CENTRAL BOITE r-ROU 0JJAIIA TO CIIJCAG0 AND THE EA'ST, Via Dea Moines WTerport and Rock Island. All rs!sei txi Trains are equipped with the v'Ernso"OUsK l atkt Air Bri bs and Miller's Pa eu talety P.atforni and Cuupltr. 2 Fast Exprr" Ti aln LeaT Hatlj. C ntuclln;: us fol o: AT Dt" JIOINE- wl h the Dea Mulnea Vsller Railmul, tur Oik .Out,, Ot.uuiwi, Keokuk and St. AT i 1M L -llh the Central Railroad of low. f..r all polnis n..rt. to SuPaui. ATWhSl lIUEi.TY with the Borllngfn, Cedar Kspids A Miunesoia RMlioad, for Bur incton elsr Kapuls, I uboque ft . Pail, At WIL1 ON UU.SC- IOM with the t)ut -We-trn tai ch for HBaUne. Wsshi poi and all p int toutk- Al DAVE PORI 'wlihthe l-ate-pon - ai Pa 1 lUllroadlor po ma nonha AT iO K I-LAN1' wlthtba Wtrn Union i:a Imad lor Fr-p- t, Beloit. 'da-', Mli lrauke an I a 1 pointa in nonhern I llnol and Wlc nln. r Ai R H.K. LSIAM -llh tna uocuc-o, v c fj!smtn Su Louis R Utoad foi 5tv Louis . nd pMnts outh. iW Al RCK ISlADwttl t' e PcrlaAPck Tjl.-d lUilrojd for PeoiU an .iata aU AT BU "KAU JUNC w th b-stlch. tor Mtu rv. Larere, Chilllcothp and,lVoria. AT LA SALl E with thelUfsol. Ceatral Ball road for points uoithandaaBih. AT CHICAtjO with aU liiaat,orUiard goaih. . THROUGH" TICET8 to all Eastern eltiea, Tla his Una, can be procured, and ny injor nation i.buinrd. conomiDz pntnta ai the tietofic-of tberouinja . li' Famhim St., Omabsuaid laost the patadpal Jc-et oAotf ibsuaid 1 the 11' e alon. o tbe U PJJL BaLgC-rp riieckrd Tbrfinfk . U rrtnflp I Ks-tfB Po UW. A.3I V Tl, Gei'l Pa-s'r Art CbTai tt Un'''i ajo. r H. -ACET, as 8rnrE Ticket A jent. Saa'lWaaMcnA. ' VERY LiTEST. 4 0'CL0Ck. THE .'-EAST. The Inierr ion of Travel and Freigh the Erie Rail- Ceased. Memor, in Honor of Senator Su rl! Cooner Insti- rt . it . ' titftrLast Night. 1 t-E 5, The CMhierrof Security Bank, New?Torxf Aosconds witn uveiuu.uuu. .,..,-- -o- Senator Elected in ssachusetts as yet. NETTrYoRK, March 31. The interru tion to travel and general tra ha9 ceased, on the Erie road freight, &c, is now beinsr run rough as usual. Detention of usIiims lias lasted 2Gth Inst No from Thurs passenger t: wentthruugu ULtil Sunday, an terdav. O freights until j-es- rable inconven- lence was" cai :ed to both live stock andjperi ble freight. a siecial says: A Susduehai That ult-bugh e strike is virtually ended nd th striKers acccrtintr their pay;-the wn will be held under toe ma: al law soineuiue yet Tjpbps artf provisioned for an extenuwi siege. TheJolonel !t the First Pennsyl vauiCregimenls was notified that theyfltrlkers lad fifty pounds of? nitro a glj'cerine and intended t) bloiv up the machine snbpsand he immediately doubled tbecuards.. T I,rie olllcials ap et The company prherid trouble io aooui one lion dollars by the sfrike. UP The Board of ircctors and Secu- rlty bank of tin city, have decided to dL-continue sine, it uavintr ceas.Kl to be pn table. The bank c luilure and by lost heavily by its cashier ab ouding with over 3100,000. Depositors will lose noth ing. Stockholdgrsgcttrom 30 to 50 conts on the dollar, Stocks were decided weak yester day afternoon, the only exception being Union Pacific, firm. The weakness was caused by the depies sion in Loudon Sjpck Market, and news of the panicTjfaere, the latter, however, waslutcorduoratcd. The District Attornevhas procured a list of loans negotiated on worthless ecurities bv S. Callaiden, ox-Bank JExamincr nationniuanks. here, and '"Philadelphia. 'The whole amount exceeds 3400,000. The banks ad vancing money were the National Bank and the Commonwealth, t-ince suspended, S3",000; Continen tal, $2,000; American National, $12,000 ; Atlantic National, suspend ed, S7,000 ; First National, S12,000; Shoes and Leather, 514,000; Third" National, $10,000; National Mer chants', S2.000 ; National Currency, $21,000; Civing National, S1.000; Gceau National failed, $11,900; Ninth National, S10.000; Union Square Bank failed $17,000 ; Broad way National, S10.000'; Fourth Na tional of Philadelphia, S120.000. ' A London dispatch received on Wall street yesteiday afternoon just before the cljie of business, reported a severe depression in domestic 'f-e-curitics therewith a decline, averag ing three per cent and a panicy feeling hi the murker. This nws, if conlirped to-day, may causecon siderable excitement on Wall street The war between the great railroad trunk lines on thesubject of carrying immigrants is assuming interesting proportions, and is likely to result in a great reduction of rates, much to thebeneflt of emigrants. The Erie, Pennsylvania and New York Cen tral roads are engaged In a hot com petition on the inatter. One of these companies, it is said, contracted with a majority of steamships to carrv their their emigrant passen gers west, paying the steamship companies 20 to 30 per cent commis sloj. A letter from Judgo Pierpont to Senator Sherman, Chairman of the Senate finance committee, publish ed to-day, takes strong grounds against Jnllation, advises finding of legal tender by issuing 5400,000,000 worth of 30 years gold bonds of whicb,S20,000,000 can be sold month ly, for'greenbacks. National banks he recommends be allowed to de posit with the treasury $100,000 or more of these bonds and receive national currency-with ten per cent of face value of bonds, also advises govprnrnent (o except coupons in payment of Eastean duties. New York. March 31, Memorial service In nonor of San tor Sumner was held last evening at Cooper Institute bj the colored people of this city with grand suc cess. The pillars in front of the platform was draped In mourning, and over the platform were "the words : MDo not let the civil rights bill fail." J. Butler presided, and after prayer by the Rev. Mr, Thom as, he pronounceu an eloquent eujo gy on the departed Senator, who ho described in glowing teiins, as the liberator and benefactor of the col ored people in this country. Sew Havek, March 31. In the case of the State vs. Alex. Troupe, of the evening JJnion, ac cused of charging one Ellis with being a ballot box stutter, was de cided In the City Court this morning by Judge Harrison. The defendant was found not guilty, the Judge de ciding thrt what was published was true There is great excitement among Democratic ward politicians aad Troup threatens to have Ellis prosecuted. Jersey City, March 31. A large amount of freights has ac cumulated at the Erie depots here, and there are but very few carloads of grain from the west. This accu mulation it is claimed will cause no block on the road, and the Superin tendent states that everything will be working smoothly and all freighs becleared off within three daj-s. It is reported that the strikers disabled, forty-five engines. Juut.t CI i ., -xarch 31 Mrs. 31. K.3Ietzeler, clalrvoyaut, convicted of causing deaU by abor tion of Ida W. vau of, day was sentenceC ten yeVfs in tne state prison anu pay a fine of 1 3-11 - r uvuan. L-v ? -iir NoSU. S. E 53 $Jf KARXETS BY TELEGRAPH. i t .3 v New York Monearket. New York, March 31. Monoj Good supply; 45 per cent Exchange Dull and heavy ; 4 85 for 60 days, 4 88 for sight Gold-Oyened active at 113, fell to 112t, and is now selling at 113 J. Governments Strong, especially 10 40s: coupons 1 15: resistered. 1 14 ; currency 60 1 17. Stocks Opened feverish and ex cited; U P, principal feature, ad vanced 38 J; WU advanced to 80; Lake Shore 75 to 80. The market is now steady without snecial fea ture ; Erie 38 j ; W U 80; U P 33. New York Produce Market. New York, March 31. Breads tuffs - Quiet. Flour Stead; superfine State and Westerns 756 15. Wheat Firm; higher prices ask ed, but not obtainable. No. 1 spring 1 481 62; No 2, Chicago 1 521 52; No. 2 Milwaukee spring, 1571 58. Corn-Quiet and steady at 8790. Oats Quiet at 5560 for mixed. Ry! Unchanged. Barley Unchanged. Pork Old Mess 15 2515 50rnew 16 5016 16 75. Lard 99J. Leather, iron and wool unchang ed. Chicago Produce Market. CincAao, March 31 Wheat Firm; cash buyers' at t J'Jj; April, 1 1UJ; May, 124$. Corn Quiet; cash, 01; April, 61J; May, 64. ' Oats Steady; cash, 42j; April, 42J;May, 4Qt ''' Barley Nominal; No. 2, 1 5S 149. Highwincs 93c bid. Rye 9092 bid. Pork Steady; cash, it 00; April, 15 00; May, 15 25; June, 15 50. Lard Quiet; cash, 9 12; April, 9 12J9 15; May, 9 259 30. St. Loiiis Produce Market. St. Louis, March 31. Flour Dull and unchanged. Wheat Dull ; prices unchunged. Corn Steady at 6162 on track. Oats Steady; 49 on track. Barley Dull at 1 63. Rye Higher at959Sc. Whisky Stead a: JJj. Pork Firm ; 16 00. Lard Steady $t 9o: Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, March 31. Hogs Receipts 9,000; market quiet, with sales at 5 006 00; com mon to choice bulk, o 255 50. t- Louis Live Stock. St. Louis, March 31. Hogs Receipts, 1,567; Market" quiet ; 4 755 00 ; heavy, 5 255 50, & if rH h0 O n A i b R o H o 0. V CO O g o 41 xi u lil o o Dg 51 oti ffl f 0 o d 0 8 i PQ ?. Jacob Kemnitzer, "WOOD, HORN and IVORY TURNER. DODgES. n 13th and Uth. A'l llnd of tnrnl g executed iimmp'l- and at i eason ab'a i al&. uibluraS UNION MARKET i j car dto JFI. ct9L.JtrbrS S87 JPifteezxti Stir Between Douglas aod Dodge, UEEF,PORK,MUTT0K AJSP- -r E3a.Xa. 'IFH, F0UL1ET. OAKE 4 VEGETABLE ..T &C rs -4A perl7- Anemi -anted 1 f0 I" $U All rUtwa m -i.rklnv , io o fit'ier rex, ' oani or old nUrmo't iaar fP'k for as in ihelr spa e m nienis, 1 1 i- .t nie.than at an JthlDg elw. AUdres ) u . ca Pnrtipt v.(n ro.R. O. COOKK. O. II. B LLOC. COOK- BALI V. AND CATTLK DEaLEUS. r drrtard hogs, b rl and mutton prontp ly fUlrd orncB tx carts-tox ' bukx, ,.. -- - - - leraka Orders Ox Cliarles Popper, WHOLESALE BUTCHEB Al CATTLE BRIlKEa, BTAKEaTY, - - UTAH. fel27U NEW GOODS ! O.STRirfLKH, Saece--or to F LMeDonald, E eo ner of 10th and Farnham street., respectlnlly announces to thedut.iOu-tbat - h.-t ipeo-i "5CT ane-stoe-oi - Clilc oC,e and Fr -laloaa FB11TS SUT.SC0SFECTI0SE1.T, TOBACCO aod CIGARS, Which be will ill aalo- atblowt In the citj- Call aod ex-mine ha Block, and prlca US9oaabe-wabsT-4wtwbcr dailT. NEW SPRING AT CRUICKS3aNK, E-MIBEOIIDE-RZEi!S! em:3eozideeibs ! PRICES XiOWEB. TK,"T EVER. 20,000 Yards cf Hamburg Edgings and Insertings of the Ne-wrstaad Choi cest Fatten: of this season's Importation. NEW WHITE GOOD?, &0. New Victoria Lawns, New Nainsooks in Plaids and Strip 33, New Jaconets in Plaids and. Stripes. New Swiss and iViul Muslins. New Piques and SVTarseLles. Black Alpacas and Mohairs Anothsr Case of these Popular Goods Just Opened. As xr mnka a Specialty ol the above goods, Ladtts will finl it to their advanta3a to eximina our Stock before purchasing elsewhere. New Spring Millinery to be Opened Satnrlay. Maroli 7. aisrS - BA. - E. A. BROWN, 218 Douglas Street, DRY GOODS, CARPETS, AND OIL CLOTH An Immense Stock of Fresh New Goods Just Opened to te sold lower than any other house in the city, consisting of MERINOS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, REPBLLANTS, ALPACAS & MOHAIRS, also VELVET & BEAVER CLOAIOSGS. A FULL STOCK OF SdAWLS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, Tiai-ies' a.xr o r :iif is' MERINO UNDERWARE AND WORSTED GOODS. TABLE IIMTEK IK GREAT TAME IT. A FULL LINE 0 EKGLI-H AND AMERICAN CARPETS, OTi CLOTHS , MIT .HI M13, m MATJ. CTH-EULJPJEIJEZ, T,SI-AlT T-HIIE C-EEC-B AEST JP Furniture, Bedding, Mirrors, and everything pertainina; to the FURNITURE and UP HOLSTERY trade; has largely increased his stock and now has a complete assortment oi FINE, and LOW PrtlOLD goods, wiiich ne is offering at such REUOED PR OES as to make it to the interest of everyone dp.siriug anything in this line, to examine his stock befo e purcnas ing. PAR LOR SETS, LOUNGES &c, UPHOLSTER! D AND COV-ERED TO QRD.K. irc10-rd EYkOS tlbU. LEWIS . JCO BYRON REED & CO. The Oldest LsUMlstied Real Estate Agency IN NhHUAA Keop a complete AbUrart of lllle to all Baal sil i tein Oin ha and tkiuglos cuud r. ht Konnif rtili M.. (ImuliH. Neb. 3 d WvKD It UIsTHAIIOx. Th-Ilpi:l.t arolOiaha Prelnct Ko. ibwe, will it at lh? office 1 Laclen V. al-, Jutl.e ol theP ace, et entrancjol Cald 1 t-Iock. idi eiuI,:H .uil4t mays I Airil, A. I .la71, f-oiu the i.oursoj 9 a iu to ." p. m. 01 salil daja f r corrections a d ad.ilt on.. MircJi .6, lo74. t7i LUi IEn F II A LE, IiloistcabSd Wakd. nits LtAcuorr, 1'racUcal "Well and CIteru Maker Makej, Ceari id J Impairs Wella&Cuttrat Good an I tbrap. 'Vork gairanteel. App ai llerrke's Hotel, on lealh st xt, oppori En.liir House. Utuil Legal Noticq, Whercasddault ha been made in tbc rondl ilono( chaitei moitjjjga Leariog U.te May 1st 1873, exwule.. bj Ji.nieU hcele and uTuursio tu Luun Ko-., to .ecure tbe pay ui ut ot to p oia sorj notes (onbo ruuiol SljO.sch, I ereu tlje wIiUmi. uor. gM,e, and tCT t"lr pa jab e to sjIu LuuIm U us. i.r or 'cr, t.t nx ai.J leu bulbs (rcini -l.le re p.t.ilel). si.d ;en4 ly lo.nuin etrstat tlie aieoi telre perw Of. icrti uum,i0 berth said note U I maturing has Iwwi ui orl and .aldmurlg gna-bigntU toOils II li.llou, aud wi e eas s la uiorusi;" " rtcciTtd fur rrcurd Iu the ottl e ol Ilo Clerk ot Va gUs Couuty, eOIa3t. May 2d, A, V. 1873, at 'OoMots, a. St.. and reuirdwl in FookM ol MorLa.e. paAeo49, aua abereas there Is cMaial to l due on -aid last ui, turing pute. at ti.o dau ol b Hrl pubilutiun ut tb nutlee, the rum of Sill. 7. beidis8eu.isuf (Tuttst, wh.cbls the lull riuunt due ur to beuuue due unaer said iuurtga..e. No , tberei-rr, bjx irtue of 'be po tro site, couta ntd la said niMitjpixe, I liailexpusefor.alrtoiueuijutslbik! rat tbe fr.ui lur tbrprei iMa, kunn ss the Uelle Union he tie, No 157 Kruhim tie-t, luttie C t of Omshj. i nun y and Slate afor .ld, n h.'3 si . t uf M-nh 1 74. at lu o'clock . M . tbe I lluwlug prep rt docribed in said moru aje.tuw.t: Tbe frae buiidiK sliua e on ib et -1 feet of lo s uneacd to, In bio k li l.uii-r d and tbl't-four, ou Farnham street, in ti e lynf tuaba. County 1 Uoi f i s, an fetate of Nebr si., and l,truierlx ki.owuaslbe rur pen ls.ur-ur, more tj tent y 'l-e belie Unlou ibnaue; also all right and t tli to i be 1 a ol tb-s preulMW on wbic said bulldlnj Is slluale : alio one lor cbsi,oucoc., o e ir-rooinstoe, lx (Us decant rs, three Olttrr lioltlr-. ucock-isli slf er,.lz patcl bar s oo. on- plated shaker, two.-iner-, one heatlnj riore, o e luoilkg glass, tenty fo rb r tumb rs, twenty-four I -roomtha rs eight .pttoons one barroom wa er wl r. too irunt window urula-, iw curtans, cne vludnw si Iruib, use ofSce stote-, onebar-ro. m pi cber, twe r chalra oue st pl.dd r, hre liasi faucets an three floor , i, , saiuly beiln 1 id mortne. li I U. HtlXOU, A ilgnra uf said nioitgaKe. Spiun A Pi It a it, itorneys, Tue inon ss e Is a llou. nod to the 30 a day cf Aurll, lt74, at 10 o'clock A. X , at tbe same l,.e. O U. BALLOU, AsiUneeof mortgige. ispann A Frltcbrlt. Atiorneya. mc&ntl W arc li 31. t, 187 1. City Meat Market. Bee? c-gtantly oa haad LARGE SOPPy OF Bee-, Pou-xc IBTTOS, P0BI.Ta-Y, GAME -AXE VSOrET. A. CRUICKSHANK. Cor. lth. and Fara-iam Sts , L.T - . STOOEZ, 1873 I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL C-HTS. SHIVSHTCK, 20S ft .3 a. B -oo -r r -lT- -l. WHOLESALE CANDIES, I am ncrw manulacturing sll rarietias of sjods and will sell at -B.A. ST.BT E? ER, T O S. Dealers In this -late u cl not w.nit to tri Eist f i L'AXDlKS. Atiial isolitIIil. SiS2S;S."S" ,a.T.T, Do-glas -t- mclilit Coxr 12tt, HAW LEY & BURKS WHOLESALE ANDHETAILDELERS IX AGRICULTURAL IMPXEIVIENTiS Tar. --lacliiiiory and Wagons, So. 1 a So th 10lh Street, mchll F. D. COOP.SR, AN"D WHOLE- AGICTJLTTJI-AL Cor. X-tt. and Uraoy StM-, WHITXEY, BATJSEIIjI.VX & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, ITo, 247 Douglas Strsst, OJ5wC.E-C-A., mcbnyi avTFOU 7nE J FRANK DRAPER AND DEAL"l IX GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. Fa'l Assor m m ol Ud Vfuolttm. lll Work Warranted. 2.32 rarnhsm St.. m .1 ! VANJIOl-S'S M,V(JUINE AU kinds of light and Leary 1CACULNEKY MADE& BEPAIBED. W&-AU 'Work Guaranteed.- J53 HA--ET BT2EET, - OJCAHa. sep-itl JOHN OAUMKR, Practical IVatelimaker, 171 Tta - S. E. Cer. llti Et AHA K BEAK" 0ODS - xna3.v X-XlVCC-iXaTa-, NTG3. VLE DEALEU IK IMPLEMENTS, Omnha. mrhl2tf - - sr: DTJPO'T POtTDFtt CO. HIB J. RAMGE & TAILOR zi.3-.a- ITb, (JACCB Cl'i-. Vara-mu act. 14th TJNDESTA2IB. -: lCth, f il i A n n "