Newspaper Page Text
""WWl 3WM gyiwpi!.,. . 4" - rs" ' c5S"'--:s"s ,5 -'. ,a"''r THE OMAHiT DAILY OMAHA. THURSDAY MINING. APRIL 16, 1874. vol. in. NO. 253. BirnirT tv l kg r iX. L J M Sv 5'' (r &) "IV L- ' 3 ri I' t & IHE DAILY BEE. EDWAKD 1.05L WATER, Editor and Prcp'r Office-JEo. 138 anilii"i tret,btw. lUnthanaxenist. TEEMS OF SCBSCRIPTIOK: .7.0 . 4.00 OBe..COI,r'.ixth.:ii adrance .; r six months. In ad ranee. three mrnths in adTanoe. 0-V tiot paid la adranae, $8 per a nll.tftd. 1 2.00 per annum will flMAHA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Cracker Ma"itaiT. McCLTJRE A SMITH, 185" Harney street, etstweenlltn and 12th. declS GIswa Picture Frame. J. IMnhart, 18C Douglas street, dealer In window glass and picture frame.. OUrf" ione to order. Jeweler. w n KAVDERS. Practical Watchmaker, mi4ttiSt.OTSiiu suffice, mini Boot nd Sboea. PHTUP LANG, 15G Farnham Wt,htween rreth d EtaTenih. W1W' Confectionery- cf I LATET. corner Twelfth and DoogUs rtMulactortrand Wholesale ItJfU solicited. ,p u TOrXTTft 3T ELLIOTT. CV-. j-ime. Ce ment, Hlr. etc 131 Farnham street. ftMS-3m DrOKKlata. J. A ROEDEB. Druggist, corner 12th and Harney street. fnanrenc itnia. FTtFNrn a McKN. Fire aiil Areldenl n.unre AgenU, nTer the Post oifi.. Pawn Oroker. M. ELO UTTER, No. 2u0 Farnhsul street. ItenlF" fnle ami Coal Ofllce. lOllN JOliMfcON, officers Fourteenth st. tiweenF.n . snd Douglas ; also, ticket- anTfro" Error. Drafts. Insurance, etc april-lr Laneslrr. A HEW LONItV opened t5ll FJeTeuth U Set wren larnbam and Dougl.s. The Ihtnn and ironini: will done t order first .-lass wo' rinuse ll Slcn Palnlera. IE1TMASN BEAM. Houe and lit PalulErT. Tenth stit. between Faruba., and Harney. pio Bol Paetorr. PRFVUJM 01' WORKS. Powel' Co., ,tr. ma "tVctur' heir celebrated Premium K Flvefrt pnmiutns aw rdJ bT Dug tajountr and ftite Fairs, an.- Pottawattamie CoVntT Iowa. Ord. r solicits irora the trade jsTTOHXKl'S. B. ESTAWUt HC TT. M. FRANCIS ESTABR00K& FRANCIS ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OFFICE 3. V. Cor. 14th and DoiirIu Oma- h Xeb. uicb21tf O. O. B LLOU. ED. B GLASGOW. Ballou& Glasgow, yTTORNEYSATLAW. OlUe in Creigh ton's rn-w block, southeast cor room, Jd floor. t?d OMAHA, - - " EB A X. B1LDWIX. GEO. II. O'BRIKX. ATTOKSEYS AT LAW. Offioe-C-iUwoll Block, Douglas Street, ai i u i - NEBKASKA. JOHN C." CO WET, A.ttornoy. Solicitor A1 C0DSSEL0R. OFFICE SO 2, VISflCHEU'3 BUX3C, OMAHA, IkEdBASKA. aarUf T. W. T. Riclai.rds, Attorney at Law, OBce 510 13th St., list. PirBliaHl and Douglas, Omaha, Xcb. P- 0. Bax 800. "uu SAVAGE &.MANDERSON, Attorneys at Law, FABNHAM 8TBEAT. Usnir. savAflr. I Omaha, Nebraska. CUABLKa F AWPtaVK. f " a. i. srau sko. k. raiicaarTT SPAUN & PRITCHEH, Attoraejs ind CoiiH&elors t Law. Office, 506 Twelfth tttreeU jtArmmm. Jm Ra 4vm, Omaha, Neh. l h W. J. CONNELI, Couxisollor sl Ijt AND Mstrict Attorney for Second Jd IcUl DUtrlct. OFFICE South aide ol Fsrnham, between Uth and 16th su., opposite Coart House, iebttf N. J. BURNHAM. ATTOUNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 2SJ Farnham Street OMAHA - NEB. KrlCs'l JOHN W. LYTLE, Attoniert-Law aad Solicitor Equitj. OFTIOE-OTer Flrrt Httloaal Baak, mal-U PARKE GODWIN, Attorney at Law (Campbell's BlocV,) 5091-2 THIBTEEKTH BTBfiET. OMAHA. Zi lu G. W. AMBROSE, Stttornov " Xict.'OT' KEDICK'S 01'EKA HOUSE OMAHA - NEK. arSU DEXTER L THOMAS, Altorncj aad Counselor "at Law. OrFICE-BooaH 1 isjcher'iTBioek, OMAHA - NEB. DEALEB VX Fruits, Confectionery, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. NK corner Farnham and EleTenth streets, OMAHA. - NEBRASKA. aep26lT FENCE POSTS, At Wholesale a-i Retail. BEST OF MISSOURI WHITE OAK AKD BarrOak Jence Posts, also wr Basie qoalitr, for sole cheap at 8. P KHjt wowiyard rtU JM CaalsMkSSllwtmar FcmrMflittv Who cares if George Francis did go back on Omaha? Tennie C. Claflin is here to take his place. She doesn't smoke nor swear, nor drink, nor commit any other of the small vices, and she also is fond of a Turkish bath. . Another evidence of Mormon ingenuity has just come to light. Tn tearing down the walls of an old Mormon building in Nauvoo last week a larce quantity of counterfeit coin was discovered. It was coined in 1840; very probably in obedience to a special revelation. Why should our Democratic con temporary go into spasms because Scandinavians or citizens of any other nationality who intended to settle upon homesteads in Saunders county, have seen fit to remain 4-f-Omaha until after our consus is taken? The victory of Johns(t)on The voice and verdict of the people. Herald. If tbo people are permitted to bava any voice in this verdict, Johnson's victory, like that of his confedrate namesake, Albert Sid ney, at Sbiloh, will surely be the death of him. That reminds us in voluntarily of one of Train's epi grams: "Another victory ciy dear Augusta; The German i rni) is on a bust-x Tea thuuund Frenchmen hate sane below ; Praise Col fnm whom all blc'lngsno'." Knocked.Down ! A remarkable fact can be acertain ed by iuvi'igiting our htock and prices that we bave reduced to a very low fizure all of our clothing and Genu', furnishing goods, far below the price of uny other house. Over coats in particular can be bought of us now at least 25 per cent less than our former prices. Quick sales and small profits is our motto. ?U. GOTTHEIMEK, feb.3-ly 20G Farnham street. Money loaned on diamonds, watches, jewelry, gem", pistols, and merchandise in general, at Ph. Gott heimer's, 20C Farnham st. Unredeemed pledges for sale. Railroad tickets bought and pold. BYBOK BBJED. LJJWJ.S. RKED BYRON REED & GO. The Oldest Established Real Estate Agency IN NEBRASKA Ccp a complete Abstract of Title to all Real stifle In Ottisha and Douglas coun j. 512 FonrtPenlh St.. flwalia. Vh. OMAHA CITTT STOVE STORE. E. F.'OOQK, 537 Utb St., between DoagU aha Oode Manufacturer of Tin. Copper and Sheet Iron W re, and dealer is Cooking and Heating stoves Stam Stamped. Jspinned and Trench Ware on ,n L Tin Koofinc, Gutters ana ipcujirrand Y ork done nl warranted. frbitf ban on NEW FOUNDRY The foundry tn canr.rf,gn with the Van Dorn machine shops, N.l. iJ3 AttAEY TRBK, Is n.w in operation. I am prepared to a Ore all kinds of castings. maliKTuj -W1I FEKWICK. XltS. K. H. pALMEB, Fashionable Dress and Cloak Maker, ftooms, 262 EoufiUsSt. near 15!h, (Up Btalrs. I cut rom Rctual measurement not from pMtcrus -nd wUI .vrantce satisfaction in all asts, Cattlir an I Fittlnj a Specialty. . 0-33. .3xr xjiaa:i3aBH.T. 13th St., bet. Farnham and Harney. All kindf of TAILORIKQ, CLEANING and SEPAIKINO done at reasonable rates ne"ftf IGlEdKGE ZANNKtt, CCampbe l's HI .) JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Eje Glasses snd Spectacles, 509 13th St, 01'AHA, KEBEASEA o STJewelry manufactured f order. Fine Washes, Clocks, and Jewelry, repaired and warranted. J. S. SilROPSIIIRE Attorney- at - Law, Effopi 9, Visscher'a Bloci, OMAHA, NEB. swi k, f: a N Ms o; 3 0 8 TELEGRAPHIC, MIDNIG-HT. Specially Beported for the -Omaha Daily Bee, by the Atlantis aa Pacific Telegraph Oo. The Senate Resumes ihe Con sideration of the Louisiana Election Bill. Mr. West Addresses the Senate in Opposition. &C, ttC.i fcC. 8BXATE. TVASiirxGTON', April 15. Bflnc clerk of the House announced at the Senate bar this morning, that tho House lias passed without amendment the Senate currency bill; alo that the House has parsed a bill amending acts providing for national currency and establishing free banking. The latter was re ferred to the committee on finance. The Houe bill making an appro priation of $93,000 to pay back sala ries of public school teachers in tho District of Columbia, was take up and passed. The Senate resumed the consider ation of Louisiana election bUl, and Mr. West addressed the Senate at length In oppo.ition, concluding by saying there was not a particle of testimony to show that Kellogg was not elected, and until this was proved, Congre?-s had no right to interfere. Mr. Carpenter stated ho had seen a dispatch from Now Orleans saying that although the Legislature of Louisiana had repealed the election law, it had on the last day of the session re-enacted it. Mr. "West protested Ignorance of such proceeding, and read a tele gram from Kellogg denying such to be the fact. Mr. Hamilton, Md., read a letter from J. Zacherie, New Orleans, stating that Kellogg had in his pos session a new bill which would give him control of the whole election machinery. Mr. Wet again denied any knowl edge of sueii "a thing, and was sharply taken to task by Mr" Baj-ard for speaking authoritively in a mat ter of which he was ignorant. Pending further argument the Senate went Into executive session and adjourned. MOUSE. Mr. Bundy from the committee on mileage, reported a bill abolish ing mileage to members of Con- gre&s, and providing for the pay- I tnpnt of the actual travolinsr oxnfin- ment of the actual traveling expen ses of each session. Mr. Maynard moved to rooom rnend the biU; Mr. Young to lay it on the table. House refused. The motion of Mr. Bundy for the previous question was seconded,and tup bill passed 18G to 49. Tfie"H"oui lhsn wont into the committee of tho whojo on'tho leg islative, executive and judicial ap propriation bills, Mr. Sv oodward in the chair. Mr. Coxofiered a resolution ro clt'ihg the exjstpnee of an architec tural defeot in tho nuw State Po partment building, and providing for a board of architects to examine it: Referred to the committee on pub is bujjdings. There was good deal of discussion over the salaries of employees of Iho House, some of which were Increas ed and some reduced. Tbp jtern of $50,000 for folding documents wa reduced q 525,000, and the number of folders reduced to twenty. After two pages of the bill were gone through with, tbo committo rose, and the House ad journed. Washington, April 15. The House committer on Terri tories to-day agreed to report a bill admitting New Mexico into the Union. Tho Senate committee on Territories reported in favor of the nomination of Edward McCook as Governor of Colorado' Territory, in placo of H. B. Elbert to be re moved. Beforo U)0 ways and means com mittee assistant secretary of the treasury, Sawyer, this morning, stated discrepancies between his testimony and Ban field's, were ow ing to imperfection of memory. Ha was certain in every case, he made " statements substantially correct. In tho District investigation this moraing, Mr. Jenkins testified that Mr. Chittenden's letters were de stroyed in "February ast Tho wit nes9,iiVanswer to a question y Mr. Merrick, declined to" stafo thla con tents of the letters, as Innocent par ties might bo Implicated. Witness did not doubt that Chittenden mis represent his influence in order to secure money for the services. Tho committee w ill consider tho advisa bility of osamjnjng Jenkins private ly to-morrow. Mr. Sawyer then quoted Mr. Bau fields testimony, in which he claimed he had never prepared any paper except by direction of the Sec rotary of the Treasury, or his assist ant, jjr, KaVygr mid. fBjmflcld had road his. testimony accurately, he would not have made such a statement He did not remember any conversation about the letter to Dr. Prcsbtiry, and jf It was called to his attention as Baufleld. tcstjtied, it was only cusory, and he signed it becauso it was checked by the proper person. He did not know Presbery was Sanborn's agent, but knew he had been Jn the govern ment employ a supervisor of the revenue. Mr. Sawyer mentioned the fact that his letter had the same origin and check as those of intro duction jfjven by Boutwejl and Richardson to supervisors arid col lectors of Internal revenue. He never said the law of 1870 contracted to authorize such contracts as Kelsey sought and never asked Banfiejd so to construe. Hp might have said the law was neces sary to collect taxes not accessible to government means of collection. The general impression conveyed by the solicitor's statement wqs that the solicitor's duties are those of clerk, all directions coming from the Sec retary's office. On the contrary, ex cept a decision to give or not to give contracts, the secretary commits the whole matter to tho solicitor and seeks his counsel and opinion as be ing a competent lawyer. VERY LATEST. 4 O'CLOCK P. a. THE EAST. Captain Lamarie, of the Steam ship Europe, Makes a Statement. Dawes Still Holds His Position for Senator in Massa chusetts. The Union Pacific Railroad Com pany Preparing an Attempt to Defeat the Bill of the House Committee on Pacific Rail road. New York, xpril 15. Captain Thomas, of the steamship Greece, has been preented magnifi cent chronometer and chair by the passengers of the Europe he saved. A letter was written by S. L. M. Barlow to President Watson of the Erie Railway, yesterday, accusing ex-Auditor Duran of treachery and falsehood in making recent charges against the management of tho Erio road, and expressing hope that President Watson will at ohco make a proper reply. Stocks opened advancing yester da3T, but fell at noon, especially the Pacific Mail, which fell 1 per cent. Gold was forced up to 114, at which figure, after several fluctuations, it closed. The principal stocks at the close fell from one-half to ono below the closing prices of Monday. Captain Lamarie,of the steamship Europe, has written a protest to be forwarded to France through the French Consul General here. He charges that tho second ollicer of the Greece begged him to leave his' vessel and consult on tho Greece with Captain Thomas. Thomas verbally agreed to put him on the Europo again after daybreak, and to take all baggaged provision oil her. He charges that all the Europe's1 boats were broken or pent adrift by tl English crowf"" and that "lie was violently detained from returning to his vessel. In de fence of his action, he says he acted with the human saving hu man lives under his cliarge. The Presbytery of Brooklyn yes terday rendered a decision in the case of the Lafayette Avenue Pres byterian CJiurcb, where Miss Smilej was allowed to preaoh with tlie ex pressed approval of Rev, Dr. Cuyler, pastor, some time ago. The Council decided that Miss Smiley's act was in violation of the Injunctions of Uio General Assembly. New Orleans, April 15. Tho river has risen about three inches, and is now from seven to eight inches above the high water ruarji reached in 1871. Tho water is over tho )evee at tftp lipad of Orange street, and is over a foot deep on the Mobile Railroad track from Jeflerson street to the lower end of the French market. The McCullon and Connell plantation crevasses are both reported beyond control," and nothing s ljkely to bp done with them until the river fajs ten or flftccn feet. Governor Kellogg to-day ad dressed a circular to all police justices in the river parishes saying tbat pxpgencies were bey ond all provided means to control tho threatened overflow,and advising them to go to work, build up and protect levees in their respec tive parishes, promising to recom mend'tlio'next legislating to reim burse means for money expended. St. Louis, April 15. The eommPteo of tjjp Board of Trade, appointed some days ago, to report on the proposition to estab lish a ship-yard at St. Louis for building iron steamers and barges, have submitted a lengthy report in which they exhaustively discuss the whole question. They recommend tho ostabjlshnient of a slupcyard here, and show that 'St', Loujs af fords greater facilities for building iron vessels than any other placo in the United States. They also say. assiiranpe on wooden' hulls which prevents steamboat men from successfully competing with railroads, as the insurance, and freight barges on wooden vessejs equal tjie railroad tarifts. The average life of a wooden vessel Is eight years, and the cost of repairs during that time is equal to the original cost of the vessel, while the average life of an iron hull is th,irtyrrtve years, and they are 'in " fcvery frespe'et supe rior to wooden ones. It is therefore plain that river men, to compete with railroads, rjust adopt iron steamers and barges, 'fhe commit tee heartily endorsed 'the project for the establishment of a lino of steamships from Charleston, S. C, to Bremen, and cordially approved the plan of opening a direot trado lwtween the Valley States and Brazil by putting on a line of steamers from Now prjeans to Rio Janerjo. The f pport, ' hich is published to-daj', contains a largo amount of information of great value to the merchants and business men generally of the Mississippi and Missouri valleys. Washington, April 15. The discovery of ComptroHer of Currency Knox'that the Senate fi nance bill, ;f it becomes a law, will result In contraption of pappr our rency, oauseq a great stir among in flationists. Logan denies it; Morton partially admits it There is every prospect that the President will sign it, Tho Union Bacific railroad com pany are preparing to attempt to defeat the bill of the House Com mittee on the Pacific railroad rela tive to the Omaha bridge. One of of tho leading arguments a that while the brfdge.bonds are made by a special act of Congress, a first lien of this'bill makfng the bridge a part of the road, subordinates the bonds to the, first and. spcoud mort gage bonds of the Union Pacific railroad proper, which would give the bridge bjnds very little security. Jay Gould is preparing to defeat the bill in the Senate if it should pass theHousp. Qdtnct, HL, April 15. During the performance of Cole's circus last night, Mr. fl)uval whUg dong his flying leaptjuough the hoop, accidentally struclTtha hoop ana leii Heavily to the glwnd, oreaKing nis arm in two pia Rochester,-!?'. Y., April 15. The second seiiion of the Indus trial Congress oflthe United States, composed of delegates of labor i ijf organ izationsJfr jih all pa ts cf the country, commenced yesterday in the Workingmen's Hall In this city. Chris Kans of the Crispins' Association delivered an appropriate address of welcome, after which a Committee oir credentials was ap- pomted.)The Committee reported Reprcentatives from New York, PennSjylvania, Vermont, Ohio, Indiaaa, Virginia, Illinois, Wiscon sin, Keiitucky, Iowa, West Virgin ia, Minnesota, Missouri, Michigan, Maryland, New Jersey, Connecti cut and Tennessee. Presidents of various national and industrial Trades Unions, and also the chief officers of tho Patrons of Husbandry, and several colored del egations'from Virginia were present A comniitteo on a revision of the Constitution and on Ways and Meant wore appointed. Davenport, April 15. Itfi understood hero that tho Davenport and St Paul Railroad will very soon pass into the posses sioivsof the Chicago, Rock Island and'Pacific Railroad Compaq, who ha5e long since been desiring a northern outlet from here. The Davenport and St. Paul road is now inoperation one hundred and fifty miles, but is very much run down. The Rock Island company will buy out the Pennsylvania Central inter est and complete tho road to St. Paul. When completed this will bo one of the best roads in Iowa. Washington, April 15. Tho Speakorlaid before the House a number of executive communica tions, notpf general interest Mr. Bundy, of Ohio, in the morn ing hour, reported from the Com mittee on Mileage, a bill to abolish the syjstem of mileage for Senators. Representatives and delegates, and providing that they shall receive only$actual traveling expenses to and from Washington, ouce each way idr the season of Congress. The Housd, by a vote of 67 to 81, refused to second the demand of the previ outquestion. ' Mr. Maynard moved to recommit tho bill ; yeas and nays were order ed. Boston, April 15. On the balloting to-day, the whole number of votes cast was 2G7. Dawes, 92; Hoar, 59; Curtis, 71; Ad ams, 28; Banks, 7; Washburn, 5; Whittier, 1 and Sanford, 4. The Legislature then adjourned. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH New York Money Market. New York, April 15. Gold 114. Money I per cent Sterling Exchange Steady ; 485 for GO days' bills, 4SS for sight. Governments 'Sis, 12121; 'Cos, 121121j; 'Cos new 119J 'C2s, 118i119; '04s, 120120 ; 'Cos, 1211121; 'Cos, now, 119J 119V;'G7s, 1201120; 'GSs, 120J 120; 10-40-, il5115f ; 5s, 115 110; currency5", 117117. Stocks Adams Express, 99 ; American Express, 03; United States, 70J Wells Fargo, 79: Bos ton, Hartford and Erie, S8; Western Union, 70J ; Lake- Shore, 74 ; Rock Island, 101; Pacific Mall, 46 V; C C & I C, 321; Wabash, 44 j; Erie, 3GJ; New York Central, 99 ; Northwestern, 53, prefd, 70; St Paul, 41; prePd, 63; Central Pa eifip bonjjs Qql; Union Pacific bons 85 J j Land Grants) 8J j U. P. stock, JUJ. Chicago Produce Market. Chicago, April 15. Wheat Firm; cash 1 241; Mav 1 f7; June 1 2&1. Corn Firm; May C5Jc; JuneGGJc. Oats Quiet; cath, 44c; May, 471c. Pork Quiet; cash and May, 15 95; June, 10 15. " " Lard Cash. 9 C21: Mav. 9 G5 bid. Whisky 95c. Rye Qujptjljttla offering t QQ 9j. Barley Inactive and unsettled; No S 1 65; No 3 1 SO. Hew York Produce Market. New York, April 15. Breadstufli Opened quiet; gen erally firm. Flour Quiet; superfine state and Western 5 75C 25. Wheat Spring 1 Cll 65; No, 2 Chicago 1 57l 78; No. 2 Mil waukee, spring 1 03 bid. Corn Firm; Western mixed afloat 8990; new 90. Oats Steady; mjxpd G364 ; white fl4Go, Rj'e Nominally unchanged. Barley Unchanged. Provisions Opened quiet; nom inally unchanged. Leather Steady, J ran Dull. " - Wool Fldt Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, April 15. Hog Receipts 10,400; actve; prices 10 to. 13 eonts higher; sales 5 000 00; common to extra, 5 255 75, closing firm. DENTISTKT, i- ,J" - tiMii-E$S DENTISTS, OFFICE. No. 232 FARNHAM ST. rr sta:cs, Bet. 136 L 14th Sts., OMAHA. ea-OMrat iracticni3 DeulUlu lu lliocity DR. A. S. BILLINGS, DENTIST, 834 3Ei-:ra3xxia. St.. Bet. 13th and 14th, up stairs. Teeth extracted without pain, by use of Ni trous Oxide Gas. sTOflire open atall hqar UfU PHY5ICIAHS. X3zr. O. tS. A0XT IIOJiCSOPHATIC Physician .aid Surgeon, raEicnros' BLOCK, Fifteenth and Eoug'as streets. Id npor, E corner oj. OSjcahourz,8 to-luam., to 4 p.m., 6 to S p. m mil Jul : i ( is. nr. Sursloal I.VANCAMP,M.D. Dispenses his own meddoea. and besides regular practice, makea specialities of Derann Dents and Disease Peculiar to Women, Flatc. la. Plies and other Diseases of the Bcctnm. Ornci and Beaidencn, Corner Farnham and lh Streets, nrst door to the right, up stairs Osswka.yek. Ad4nsIiWkBex04. 7j l2 i CABLEGRAM?. The Strike in the Cotton at Balton Ended. Mills Fifteen Thousand Troops viewed at Havana. Re- Statue in Honor of the Late Livingstone to be Erected Dr. in Edinburg. London, April 15. The steeamer Maliva with the remains of Dr. Livingstone, arrived at Southampton to-day. Paris, April 15. It is asserted that M. Beule, whose death was recently anuouuced,com niitted suicide. London, April 15. The strike in the cotton mills at Balton has terminated. The opera tives having agreed to go to work on the old terms. It is proposed to erect a statute to Dr. Livingstone in Edinburgh. Berlin, April 15. The Reichstajr by a maioritv of o, uas voieu in mvor ol tlie com promise amendment to tho army bill. In course of tho debate, Gen. Von Moltkc said that in conse quence of the obstinacy of Alsaco and Lorraine, it is necessary to keep the hand on the sword. Madrid, April 15. Admiral Topote, who went to Santander to direct the operations of the navy, and at tho same timo Marshal Serrano went north to as sume command of the arniy, and returned t this city yesterday and had a conference with the members of the Cabinet in the evening. He will return north to-morrow. London, April 15. During a terrific hurricane yester day, oil the southwest coast of Ire land, the 1866 Atlantic Cable ceased working. The fault is not yet local ized, but it is reported to be about 25 miles from Valentia. Havana, April 15. A review of all the volunteer coq)s n and arouiid Havana, was held on Sunday last by Capt Gen. Coacha. Fifteen thousand troops were present. A meeting to consider the finan cial situation is to be held at the Captain General's palace. Constantinople, April 15. Khedive informs Lesseps he will take from him the management of tlie buez canal and place it under the charge of his own officers, if Lesseps enforces his threat to dis charge the pilots and extinguish the light houses. London, April 15. A terrible explosion of fire damp occurred in the mines at Dukcnfield in Chester county, on the Manches ter and Staley Bridge railroad, to day. Forty-six miners were killed and many injured. Ottawa, Out., April 15. Owing to the deficit of 3,000,000 In revenue, tie Government found itnecessary to Increase the tariff, and yesterday morning took charge of all the telegraph wires icadincr from the Capitol, and held the same until after the Budget speech hail been delivered jn the evening. The, new tantfdo'es not teem very strongly in favor of protective police. The Finance minister on Intro troducjng the budget, moved that the resolutions to iniiwse on cigars a custom duty of 70c per pound; teas, green, or Japan, 6e; ooilee, ground or roasted, 3o ; on sugar, 25 per cent; on brandy, genuine alco hoi, rum, or whisky, per gallon, SI; rum, cordial, old gin, taflia sell, scheidam schnapps, bitters, $1.50 ; spirits and strong waters, per gallon, $1.50; fruits, preserved lu brandy and othcr8pirits,"Sl.50. Thefollow ing' articles were added to tho "list paying 10 per cent, ad valorem, viz. : Locomotive machinery and machinery ftirmills and fiiptqries which is not manufac tured in the Dominion. A number of other articles'are added to tho. 5 per cent list; tobaqco aiul snuff 12 per cent ;d. valorem duty, and 35 cents per pound; wines of all kinds 40 cents per gallon, except spark ling, 00 cents per gallon; all wines except sparkling, in bottle, 50 cents per dozen quarts; on all tparkling wines S2 pc.r dozen quarts and 83c prgalloii ; silks, satins, velvets, gold and silver jewelry, 60c ; plated ware,' fancy goods, hats, watches, cloi, 25c. A nuighar. vt manufactures amj piodu'cts of manufacturers were placed on ihe ppr cent list Seven and a half duty is placed, pn Uon. Tld Jnbinj Revenue" nocount Is amended to give on every gallon of spirits 73e ; snufTand manufactured tobacco, 20c per pound, and cigars 40c per pound. ORDINANCE SO. 30. An or linicce in regra to the Issuing of llcen- sei- Beit ordained hy the Council of the City of Cmalia: Sec. I. That all licenses which mar by tha provisions of any existing onlinance, be issued for a term of ft mouth? pr,shaU hereioa'Hr be ij;ut-l so as to terminate on the 1st day of J.nuary or the 1st dy of July of each year, and that theftcs of such licenses shall b the urne at now required by ordinance, provided that in the case o! liquor lionie, the rate lor the firl six mouths during which such license may run, shall bo the same as now required for al.censeforslx months, and for the time in excels ot six month, duriui; which such license may run, the rate shall be the same is require 1 for a lio-nse for one year. Sec. 2. That he licence mentioned la the first section hereof shalj be daeil on the first dsy of the nipmh In which the application therefore is made an J paid for according!? Sec. 3. That there shall te kept books of blank li-ene, by the Clrk, of sufficient num ber, which books ?hall contain not only blank Hccn-es, but alsostubb of the same, and sa bound Uat as tha licenses are to n from the book, thr stuLbql esch shall Cranio "bound in the book, and il fct each stub!) and licenv shall coouin corresponding numbers which "shall 1 conecutiTe through the book and each stubb u. ericas up u us jace tne numtjir cf lb. aa.Vtjac laacuijuw lb, (Ug sanra Sec 4. This ordiaaaca shill ba In force and tale ef&ct on the 15th day j At til, 18M. Ps.d April 3d. U71. '"' r Attest i ' - E D. KITTOJ;. J. S (JIBSON, C ly Qark. Pnwldet City CoulcH. Approted AprU 4lh, IS74, J.S.OIE'OM, P"-i Acting Major. Prvq u a it was usuro, jn- purcc9 jr wtHt.h Issued, the datecfrf.fg3iftt!e time lor which issued, and the amount of license fte rece.ved for tha H. C. TfALKEB, MANTJFACTUSEn AKD DEALER IK BOOTS & SHOES S10 Uth St. SetwteB Faxsham and Doajlas. PUI NEW SP eim: BKOIDSR,IB3 ! BMBIoOIDSE,IES FH1CES liOWUlS. TcIAlT 3SVSE. 20,000 Yards of Hamburg Edgings and Inserlings of tha Newest and Choicest Patterns of this Season's Importation. NEW WHITE GOODS, &C, New Victoria Lawns, New Nainsooks in Plaids and Stripes, j.ew sjiiuuiiets hi jriaius ana isxnpes, iew Swiss and Mnll Muslins, New Piques and Marseilles. Black Alpacas and Mohairs Another Case of these Pomilar Goods Just Opened. As we make a Specially oi the above goods, Ladies will find it to their advantage to examine our Stock befom purchasing elsewhere. New Spring itfilHnerv to Lo Opened Saturday, March T. marS S. A. BROWN, 248 Douglas Sires t, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY GOODS, CARPETS, AND OIL OL0TH An Immense. Stock of Fresh. New Goods Just Opened to be sold lower than any other house in the city, consisting of MERINOS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, BBPELLAITS. ALPACAS & MOHAIRS, also TELYET & BEAVER CL0AIOXG3. A FULL STOCK OF ShIAWLS. BLANKETS, FLANNELS MERINO UNBERWARE AND WORSTED G-OODS. TAlllsE liases IX GREAT VAKIEIT. A FDLL LIXE OP B.WLISH AND 'AM8RICAH CARPETS, OIL 0L0P33 , HiTPIV R733 AM BI1TS CHEAPER Z?KIAISr THE QHEAEPST HENRY BOOT Leather .and Findings, IJoot-Legs jiihI Goods shlped C. O.D. to cny part of the country G. SlRIFrLEiC, DEALER IN CHOCS HIES, Pi ovNfons l'ruit, Jful. t'enfociionery, Ttibifc,, AC, AC. Ac. S. K.rOU.olTKSTHnndFARXIIAM. npllltf Schneider & Burmcster Manufacturers of US, COPPER ASD SHEET IR0S WAIIE. DKALEKS IS Cooking and Heating Stores. 1 in Koofing, Spouting and Guttering don short Lotice and lc tne lsl manner. sepl24 d iiieen trrei IIS. J. K. YA.M4fcKCOHl, Eclectic Physician Residence and ofS'e No. 55V IS h st , between Dodge st. anl Capital jtciuio. Special attention paid to uUitetticJ and dis eases bt-cujiar to woium an I children. f!Hf. Jacob Komnitzer, "OOD, HORN and IVORT TURNER. DODGES.., betn 13th and Uth. "AlUIn snf lnrnnjexecital rfomp'lr an.d at recYIRi' " PVs mcIilOni"; MOFUMENTS, TOMBTQXEa, ETC, ETa JKWELEIW. JOHN BAUTIKIl, Practical Watcliinaker, 17 Faraiia'., 8. E. Cor. Uth St. OVAHA, " ' - . - . xEn fOUK PACKKKS. P, CCOKB. O. II. B1LLOC. COOKE II BALUlU. AKD CATTLE DEALERS. Orders far dressed bogs, b-cf and mutton promptly fUled. OFFICE IS CEEIGUTOX'S BLOCT, Omnha. ... N'ebrasha U. WLLIIELM. 3. TATLOB. WILLHELM Sc TAYLOR, litnand Chicago streets, Omaha, Nebraska, uflLsBissWT niissB- 9& - For sale In large or small o us n titles salted or smoked side meats, b eakfast bacon h ms, shoulders, dried bef and smoked buffalo. Pure leaf lard by the barrel, or put up in 10, 15.2.1 or 40 lb. sized cans. To our "IOKE SUCH" brand ol hams and breakfast bacon we lnrite the attention ol the trade. Orders promptly tUei. BSeaiai AT CminCKSHANE'S A. CHUI0KS1IANK, Cor. I'itii aad Farnham Sts,, FALL STOOEI, 1873 I D0H1. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HAWLEY WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL DHLER3 IX- AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Farm Machinery- and Wagons, Xo. 13 South lOthSJrect, mcl.11 X-X3.TOOX.-lNr, 2ST3233. FJBtASfKJ. Hiki&S DRAFBM AND DEALER IN GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. 'h!1 AsMirim nt of Imiiortcd Wooleus. AH Work Wr.rrnutcd. 232 FamhamSt, mb VwVt JACOB CZSS. 2S1 S-araham St., Bet, 141k IStli UNDERTAKER C. 51. SMlNIT, TAILOR, 171 for. taruham aiul KlaTcntli kts. AltUnds ol TAJLOUISO, leanin and le- iiairinz done at reasonable rales. A nne lot of 'UUNI-jHINO COODi cons.antlr on Land and kuid cLeai,. -lrtrifiif G. A. LEX1J(JUE"T. Mevohaut Tailor! 117 t'AKMIAH SC Next to corner of Ten'h stre-t, Leps on hand I a fine lot of Gents' Furnishing Goods. as -si: unto", oo. irowsa" -MA.NCFACICKEJ' Or AND OEALUB IX- Lambri-quius and Wiudow Shades, CHRMOS, EXGRAVIX.'iS AND PICTURE FRAMES. 27) Farnhaui street, corner Fifteenth Cnarlos Popper, WHOLES LE BUTCHER AXIS CATTLE ItltOKUt, SALT LAKE OTY, - - UTAH febKft S. JACOBS CEXTRAL (I0TIXG STORE! 18G FAEKIIAJI STREET, has a large assortment of Clothing; nats. Caps, Ac., which he will sell at prices to salt bis cus tsccra. Call aad sw. dl5U & SO., Shoe Uppers. melfldeivu & BURKS, ?P A Tir bJVall Oinana, Hob YAIVBOKX'S MACIILSE All kin Is of light and heaTy UACUIXEUY 3IADE & IIEPAIRED. "J Work Uuaranlecd.-($)i 258 E?ET OIBEBT, - OMAHA. siii?o PEIi DAY. Agents want Ail 111 -I...... r inlpIeoi., you, TToll Tk. more money at r. 1,,'r uuJ...1'' 8 niemsor ull th. time, than aT anythlX 0Ta Addres-HiriKaOK 4 Co.. Portlan r VAi?J?- n-T5yl ' .-, Mfc..uo cms I.VSGoyp, Practical Well ami Cistern Maker Makes, Ceang aal Repairs Wells & Cisterns .M!.S.f,pi n'OTk B"ntel. App Kn'i tT""010'' ou Ient'' "eet, oppoil House. febi7uij "WILLIAM SEXAUER. 225 raraaam Street, - - Oxaaa, Keh WIlOLUtLB ASI ECTAII. BBALXa IJf FURNITURE, BEDDING, ETC. JOHN II. GliEEIY, STATE MIXES, DEALER IN GRAIN, FLOUR AND FEED, COMMISSION MERCHANT CL1EK& rBEXCII. VHiolesale Grocers And dealers In BANNED G-OODS ED FRUITS, ETC." Grean Fruits their Season ORDEES WUOTB) XSD PttOMPItT IILUUJ ainy J rjOMWsT