Newspaper Page Text
,.3if?a!a wS. " j i j i j i i '" DAILY BEE ." -ii,T H . OMAHA. FRIDAY MORNING-. APRIL 17, 1874. vol, ni. NO. 254. v-T " y y. OMAH THE V 14 tf n K fV fHK DAILY BEE. EDVAl'D 1.0SEWATEB, Editor and Prtp'r Office S. 13 rubin aires. ltw. MtithnlTcntU. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: OMAHA BUSINESS DMTORT. Cracker JlanHtaetory- McCLURE A SMITH, 1S5 Hirwilwet. Cwtween 11th and 12th. dtcis Class uid Picture Frames. j Rrfnhart. 18 Douglas street, desler .In wiYdow !- and P'cture fr"3S'- tfSf " lone to order. Jewel W. O. SANDERS,. PracUr.1 W"""' 531 14th street, on"" I-otoO- aepl-U Unnta antl Mioe. PHILIP I.ANO.lKFarnUm.treet between r-oth and Eleventh, leui. j u i IATFY conwrTweUthand Dourits "- ' aUrtureVsnd Wholesale IValer In na&d Confectionery. nlirib-d. Conl Uealera POIJLND A ELLIOTT. C- ;'". - ljblS-3ra DrtiK?lts. J. A RUEDKU. Druggist, corn-r I2tb and Harrier strwis nnrnrtr Agent". FHFNrit 4 McKOOK. Fe at.d Accident B"rSr Aeen " the rt otfice. Pawn It rotter. H. ElJUTTER, So. 200 Fruhm street. Heal K nteanrlCnaltinire. r"zrv, Insurance, ate. pr21-lT t.anndrx A -FV I. USPKY opcnel at 5H FJe" nt, class "'t- ..on.r.n.lSUDP.Inun. nMN,h-ueineFarn an-. Printers, Tenth strew, re apigtf Harney. jol Factory. tl tntiufi.Mii:e 'ttlr etDr5Mbr Oooc- . -ointr and State raiij, spir w trade. ContT Iowa. OrdiTS kIicIUai from the trade. AlT.aWKY. , ESTABR00K& FRANCIS ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OFFirW W.Cor.Uthand djO h Neb. O.H.BU.L0H. .B GLASGOV. Ballou& Glasgow, ATTORNEYSATLAW. - OMAHA,. " ' EB a, BiLDWl.V. BALDWIN A :BBIEart ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office-Gduweil Wei, Douglas Street. OUAIIA. - " - " KEfA- JOHN C CO win, A.tforoy. solicitor M COUNSELOR. OFFICE-NO 2, VISSCIIEIfS BLOCK, OMAHA, SKIIUW"- Tnarfltf T. W. T. Richards, Attorney at Law, Offlcc 310 13th St., bet. Farnham and DongUi, Ouiulia, Xcb. T 0. Box 800. "u SAVAGE & MANDERSON, Attorneys at Law, 2X2 FARNHAM STREAT. jWEJW.unBt, I Omaha, Nebraska. CHABt-B" 9 VAJIDEWK. B. J. SPACfc. SK0- '"TCHSTT SPAUN & PRITCHETT, AUornejs ini Couaselora at Law. Office, 505 Twelfth btrecU tliM. Lork Rnr thi, Omaha. Seb. We J. CONNELL, Counsellor . 1m.w District Attorney for Second Jud. icial District. OFFICE South side ol Farnham, between lMh and ICth sts., opjwsite Court House. feWt! N- J. BURNHAM. ATTORN T AND C0DXSELL0U AT LAW, So. 280 Farnham Street OMAHA - - NEB. rcrhZwti JOHN W. LYTLE, Morncr-at-Lair and Solicitor Equltj. OFFICE-Orer Firrt Natloail Bask, mal-tf PARKE GODWIN, Attorney at LaTv (Campoell's Block,) 5091-2 THIRTEENTH STKEST. 0KAHA. ai lu G. W. ASIRR0SE, attorney m t XaAV7 KLDICK'S OPERA HOUSE OMAHA - KEB. arttl DEXTER L. THOMAS, AUoracj and" Counselor Jat Law. 0FPICE Soaas H ; iacierTBlock, OMAHA - NEB. DEALER IN Fruits, Confectionery, CIGARS AyD TOBACCO. NE corner Farnham and Elerenth streets, OMAUA. .... NEKUAbKA. sepSSlv How Lleat Market. SPACLBISa A JOUKDAX. 14ti St. Bet. FarmkAM aui HarMcr, . th 17 t CrssA Central- Heaves helps those only who help themselves. Johnson. The staff officers are all happy. Governor Furnas to starting a daily organ for them at the State Capital. And now they have two Govern ors in Arkansas. One of them is crying to arms! and the other is cry ing for arms. The Johnson-Baumer Court of In quiry has already-shed twenty gal lons of ink, and they have only reached one-tenth of the testimony. AVe can understand why St. Louis is opposed to cremation. Tho Chicago papers charge her with figuring the occupants of her oem eteries into her directory. If Mr. Johnson's friends are dis satisfied with the official canvassers let them engage Tennic C. Claflin. She is by all odds the best canvasser in the country. The raw recruits of the City Council will appear on dress parade this evening. Sergeant Major Lu cas and Corporal Stevenson, will act as drill masters. They need a new board of equali zation in the classic village near Spoon Lake. Their City Council has decided to assess ice in store at $1.00 a ton, and tax telegraph lines within the city limits at $15.00 per mile, and fifty cents per jole. Theue is balm in Gilead. Con gress is moving to the rescue of the oppressed and distressed newspaper publishers. The Lower House has already passed a bill abolishing postage on newspaper exchanges, and the probabilities are that the bill will pass the Senate. The Chicago Tbst says : "This will be good news to coun try editors. Their pay from sub scribers often comes in such ques tionable shape that it cannot be readily converted into currency wherewith to pay postal and other dues. Onions, potatoes, and sor ghum molasses, is good mate rial to have in one's cellar, but poor stuff sometimes to readily realize upon. One exchange comas to us, for instance, with a declaration that it will receive from delinquent sub scribers anything at all convertible, "from old clothes to pitchforks." Knocked 9own ! A remarkable fact ascer t lin ed by investigating our stock d prices that we have reduced to a very low figure all of our clothing and Gents', fumisbhig goods, Jar below the price of any other houe. Over. coata in particular can be bought of us now at least 25 per cent les than our former prices. Quick sales and small profits id our motto. PU. GOIVHEIMER, feb.3-lr 20G Farnham street. Money loaned en diamonds, watches, jewelry, gems, pistols, and merchandise in general, at Ph. Gott heimer's, 205 Farnham st Unredeemed pledges for sale. Railroad tickpU bought and sold. STOUUAUU t IIt'ni.ilUT, Market Gardeners ALL KINDS OF VEGETABLES AND plants, for ne. Or Jar addr:ed to us at our garden tor. 21st and Paul Strf ets, Will receive promptnttention. aplSJSm o-E-zxTtf xx:e:3Bx:eia? 13tli St., bet. Farnham aud Haruej. All kinds ot TAILOBING. CLEANING nrt REPAIRING done at reasonable rates aprfitf CARRIAGE hJJUUY ad WAGON .MANUFACTURER. N. E. CORNER of 14th and HARNEi STS, 1OULD ro'pectfully announce to tliepuh- V lie tint he Is now readr to fill all con tracts in ll,e above lines wiili neatness and dl'iutch. , S-Express wagonj cgcjtnjjr un had and lor sale. GEOftGE ZAKNEtt, (Cauipbe l's CI .) JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Eye Glasses and Spectacles, 539 1 St, 0XA3A, KEBBA8KA o Jfc5Jewelry manufactund It order. Fine Wati bes. Clocks, and Jewelry, repaired and warranted. J. S. SHROPSHIRE, Attorney- at - Law, Room , Visscher's r.locV, OMAHA, e NEB. s f O n H o u SI Oo - ph m Ot sJ & 8 o u u 8 o TELEfiRAPHIC.VElY LATEST. MIDNIG-HT. Specially Reported for the Oziaha Daily Bre, hj tie Atlaotio axd P-iciSc Telegrapl Co. -WSSHTGTOIT. The Financial Bill Reaches the Senate. fcc, &c, &c. SENATE. Washington, April 1C. Mr. Carpenter introduced a joint resolution, declaring tnat it was tho duty of the United States to recog nize the independence of Cuba, and that we observe neutrality botwoen the contesting parties. Keferred to tho Committee on Foreign Rela tions. Mr. Scott moved to take up the bill providing for the purchase of bonds of the Louisville and Port land canal. Republican members from Arkan sas this morning called on the President and Attorney General. At the suggestion of Mr. Conkiing to give Senators time to examine the report of the finance committee, Mr. Scott withdrew his .motion till to-morrow. Mr. Freelinghusen gave notice that he would on Tuesday next niovo to take up the supplementary civil rights bill, reported on Tuesday last. -v The Senate took up and discussed the bill to enable the Mennouitca of Russia to effect a permanent settle ment on the public lands of the United State., till the expiration of the morning hour, when the Louisi ana election bill resumed. Mr. Logan introduced a bill to enable disabled soldiers to receive money commutation upon sucli orders for artificial limbs, as dated before June 2G, 1S70. Referred. Mr. Ingalls introduced a bill amendatory to the Pacific Railroad. It requires the United States to pro rata on all freights carried over its line, in connection with other rail roads. Mr. West said that, when ques tioned yesterday as to the re-enactment of the election law in Louis iana, he answered that he had no knowledge of the fact. He under stood the dispatch from Gov. Kel logg, read by him yesterday, to say it was false that tho election laws were passed, hut after a closer exam ination he believed the Governor to have meant that it was fale he in tended to sign and promulgate here after a law which repealed the new ejection law, and to-day Kellogg telegnpbe4 him in answer to a dis patch asking'tho truth of the charge in regard to the passage of the laws, that it was true, but that the second one would not be signed. Mr. Carpenter commented on the action of Kellogg with "West, as being a dirty trick, and said Sena tors could' now i& for themselves how safe it would bo to "trust 'the stale in the hands of Kellogg aud his associates. Mr.Hamilton conlcuded his speech began yeitorday in favor of the bill, and Mr; Morton spoke $t length making a constitutional argument against it, and concluded with a re cltaj of the benefits the Kellogg government had. poijfcrred on Lou isiana. The Senate went into oxecutlve session and adjourned. The Senate committee on com merce to-day agreed to report and reqommeiuj the passage of a bill de claring the Paefip Stoumsjjfp Com pany, by failing to 6brve tho" con ditions on which an additional $500,000 subsidy was given, forfeit ed. "The same bill simply doclarcs as a matter of tho law, the forfeiture already recognized as a fact. " The Scuato financial bill reaches the senate to-day. Owing to an incorrect statement that 'tile bounfy laws had been passed by the present Congress, the Auditor's office is flooded witli lets. ters and requests of blanks for appli cation. Tho Postmaster General in a com munication to Congress, advocated the law compelling the payment of postage on airhewhpapers, " HOUSE. After reading the journal the House went into a committeeof tho wIjqJo on legislative, executive and judiclai'appropriatioji bjljs. Mr. Parker moved to strike out the item of $44,000 for newspapers and stationary for members; rejected. 'On Htofion of Mr. Hale tho amendment making' tho congres sional printer an officer of the United States, instead, as ntprcscnt, an officer of the Senate, was adopted. Mr. Holman moved to reduco the itepi of the President's salarv from $50,000 to $2q,Q0Q. He argued that the law of' the" 'last session increasing salaries including tne salary or the President, was un constitutional. He also criticised the items for the President's house hold bxpensps, Mr. Hale of Main, opposed the amendment audajd so much of the Presidential mansion was occupied for public purposes, that the family was huddled into smaller apartments than were oc cupied by thousands of private families all over the country, and declared none of the items for the Presidential mansion were personal perquisites. Mr. liuth-r of Massachusetts, took the statement made by Mr. Dawes sometime ago, which gave the Impression that the PresI; dent's office yielded the incumbent $300,000 turing thp term. He de clared that tlere had heen no In; crease, and substantially no decrease in tne appropriations tor tho Presi dent's household for many years. He compared the manners and style of oilicials duriugWa-shington's and Jefferson's time and the present, and asserted that the cost of main taining officials in former times was proportionately -greater thtn now. Mr. Cox commented in a humor; ous way upon Mr, Butler's speegh", especially the hitter's criticism of Mr. Dawes, saying that lie had sup posed Dawes anol JJutlerhad har monized theirdifferences on account of some little local Issue. Mr. Dawes replied to Mr," Butler's comments or his sppeech, and denied" that he (Dawes) had said anything as to the unreasonableness of a single appro priation for the President's mansion. What he had said in his speech re ferred to, had reference to the aj propriations for the executive estab lishment. Adjourned. 4 O'CLOCK P. M. THE EAST. The French Steamer Ameripue Foundered at Soa. The Currency Bill ta be Taken up by the Senate. h:- President Grant Refuses to Up hold Brooks as Governor of Arkansas. Washington, April 10. The House Committee on Indian affairs, which has been investiga ting Indian depredations in Texas, has taken a large amount of evi dence. The committee find that over 100,000 head of cattle have been stolen within the last '20 years, and that a large number of citizens have been killed and women car ried oft" into captivity. The com mittee are in favor of sending a commissioner to Texas-to take evi dence on the spot. The Senate Finance Committee will most probably, at its next meet ing, take up the House currency bill. It is believed that the amend ments will bo recommended, and when the bill comes before the Sen ate tlioe in favor of expanding cur rency will seek to tack on provis ions designed to destroy tho effect of Scott's amendment to thoSenato currency bill. The Senate select oommittee held another meeting last night. The committee now expect to make their report by Monday next. There arc one or two important differences between the members of tho com mittee, which if not settled, may re sult in two reports. One of these rciorts is in favor of a land wator route from the Ohio river to the sea board. Tho Houc Committee on Terri tories have decided unanimously to report favorably upon a bill for tho admission of New Mexico as a State. . RociiESTHii, April 1C. The Industrial Congress are in session here to-day, and discussed and adopted the following resolu tions: Resolved, That the Industrial Congress of the United States, rep resenting the producting classes, hereby issiio this protest the expan sion of ciurency issued by and through the manipulations of the national banking system, believing it to be robbery of labor and gain of all villains. Resolved, That we demand tho issue of a National circula ting medium by the Government directly to tho people, tho same to bo legal tender for all debts of pub lic or nrivato character, based on faith and' tho rosoureos of the couiu try without the intervention of so called National banks. Resolved, That a copyjof these resolutions bo forwarded to the pro sjtjiijg officer of the Senate, and also to tie Speaker of the Hqusq of Re presentatives. Philadelphia, April 10. The f-ecojul Congress of the North American Federation of the Inter national Society, which has been in secret session in Kensington Hall in this city, tince Saturday, closed its labors last evening. Business of im portance to all the branches of the society was transacted. ho sctjorjs that created the rjot in Tompkins Square, New York, on Jan uary, have been ousted. Delogatos were present from all the principal cities. The great council, with its headquarters in Nuw York, governs the order in Europe and America. Little Rock, Ark., April 10. The Circuit Court to-day rendered judgment of Ouster against Govern or Baxter, On rpni'prjng judgment Brooks qualified and took posses sion of tbo office, Baxter retiring. Baxter and his friends are at the Anthony House telegraphing to the country for the purpose of getting aid to take possession of otliee by force. Tho friends of each are much excited, and blood shed Is em inent. If the Federal Government does not interfere and send troops, the people will doubtless sustain Brooks, New Orleans, April 10. A duell was fought this morning at Tuolome Station, Mississippi, between Wallace Wood- and A. J. Backcmeh; the weapons chosen were pistols, and distance twelve paces. Backemen was shot through the tight thigh at the first fire, and Wood was unhurt. The cause of this hostile meeting was the placarding of each by the other Jn the papers and. pubHc places, on account of some business disagreement. Both were under thousand dollar bonds to keep the peace at the time ofthe encounter. It is reported that the entire party were arrested by the Mississippi authorities. The party included several newspaper reporters. New York, April 10. A petition asking the President to veto the bill intlating currency, signed by 2600 bu-iness men of New York, has just been forwarded to Washington. A Salt Lake letter gives an ac count of the capture of Bender, the noted Kansas asssassin, by the Mormon police. He has been wan dering west on the plains and moun tains for ten months, being afraid to to a"piroach any settlement or town. Another younger Bender has .$ince been arrested. The two sisters are still at large. AJLlttlc Rock, Arkansas, special says: The excitement over the Baxter-Brooks' contest still con tinues. It Is asserted that coup de etat, whereby Baxter was served with a writ of ejecting him from the Governor's office as g usurper, was planed by Moshsrs. Clayton and Dorcy when here, and failing to agree with Governor Baxter regard; Iig the management of tL full election. Brooks has revoked all of Baxter's militia appointments and commjssio'pctl B. F.'.Cotterson adjutant, and Jack Brooks a major general. Baxter is organizing a militia and says he will act vigorously, having plenty of arms at his disposal at the United States arsenal. Robert Newton will be apiwinted general, and there probably will be blood Jd "if the State gevernmnt alltwalhen t j fight it out. Ovr three hundred men under annswere on the State I House ground ,Jatt night. People are arriving eh masse from the country. Baxters-troops are con centrating. It was rumored last night that tho wmmandant of the U. S. troops regeivel orders to sup port Baxter. Th Stato House has been rendered impregnable, tne entrances being guarded by. howit zers. J ?New Yokk, April 10. Tho French steamer Ameriquo from NeV York to Havre, foundered btweenBrest and Havre. She left New York April fourth and touched at Brest April 14th. All the passen gors were saved. The agents in this city of the general Trans Atlantio Steamship Company, havo received a brief an nouuement of the lose of their steamer Amerique off the French coast Tuesday. She sailed from New York on the 4th inst, and was ten days out when the disaster oc curred. Tho company has no par ticulars concerning the cause of the disaster and is anxiously waiting lor particulars. Large crowds have gathered in front of the company's olfice'at 58 Broadway inquiring con cerning the fate of friends and rela tives who sailed in the Amerique. The news of the safety of all pas sengers and crew, with the exception of the second offioer, gave general satisfaction to inquirers. The news of the ""loss of this fine vessel, following i close on tho lass of tho Europe, has created a good deal of excitement in the oity. Thecargo of tho Amerique cousistied of forty thousand buh els of wheat, two hundred baies of cot ton, one thousand packages of hides, and other goods of miscellaneous character. Boston, April 16. Oitcthe balloting to-day, the whole number of votes cast was 2CS. Dawes, 92; Hoar, 88; Curtis, 7o; Ad ams,V'4; Banks, 8; Washburne, 1; Whittier, 1 and Sanford, 1. The Legislature then adjourned. " Wasuinoton, April 10. The following dispatch was re ceived last night at tho executive mansion: Little Rock:. To U. S. Grant, Preaident: Having been duly installed as Governor of the Stato of Arkansas, by judgment of a court, I respect fully ask that tho commanding of ficer at tho Arsenal be instructed to deliver tho arms belonging to the State, now in hi3 cusotdy, or hold the same subject to my order. J,S,3rqok, MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH Chicago Produce Market. Chicacio,. April 18. Flour Moreactiue; 1025c high er; good to choice extras 5 G56 25. Wheat Steady; cash 1 25; May 1 27fj June 1 29. Corn Weak; May 60,0; June 67 J Oats Quiet; cash, 40c; May, 47Jc. Pork Quiet; cash and May, 15 95; June, 10 15. Lard Cash, 9 02; May, 965 bid. Whisky 95c. Rycr-Qujetjlittloofrerjns at SjO Barley Inactive and unsettled; No 3 1 Go; No 3 1 39. New York Produce (Market. New York, April 1(J. Breadstuffs Opened quie"t: gen? eraUy firm, Flour Steady; Miperfino state and Western 5 750 90. Wheat l2c better; Spring 1 65 1 65; No. 2 Chicago 1 561 59; 2s o. 2 Milwaukee, spring 1 64 bid. Corn Firm; Western mixed afloat 00($92A: new SO. " 0'dtsl43feaUy: ? mixed 6264 : White 6407. v Rye Firm; Pennsylvania 1 12 1 15; Western aud Jersey 1 10(3), 1 12. Barley Unchanged. Provisions opened qulqt; nom inally unchanged. Pork Old mess, 15 7615 90; new, 16 7617 00. Leather Steady. Iron Pull, W6oI Flat. Chicago tive Stock Market. Chicago, April! 6. Hog 'Receipts 12,381; market aotivo and steady; hut closed 'weak and easer; 5 150 00 for common to extra. Washinuton, April 16. The President refuses to uphold Brooks as Governor of Kansas, and sent a message through to the At torney General to this effect. The matter is left to the State courts for decision. St. Louis Produce Market. St. Louis, April 16. Flour Unchanged. Wheat Firmpr; No. 2 spring, 1 271 27; No. 3 fall' 1 40. Corn Steady; 66 on track. Oats Firm at 4949 on track. Rye Qidet, 9495. Barley Dull. Highwines 93. Whisk- Steadv. Pork Quiet at" 11 7216 75. Lard Suniiner steam 0o. St. Louis Live Stock. Q. Louis, April 16. Hogs Receipts 2,00; market higher; light 4 705 00; heavy 5 25 5 75. New York Money Market New York, April 16. Gold 113. Money 34 per cent, Sterling Exchange 4S4483, Stocks -r- Adams Express, 98 ; American Express, 02; United States, 70; Wells Fargo, 78; Bos ton, Hartford and Erie, 38; Western Union, 75 ; Lake Shore, 74 ; Rock Island. 100; Pacific Mail, 45 J : CC4IC, 31; Wabash, 44 ; Erie, 36; Nw York Central, 00; Harlem, 126; St. Joe,31;prfd,36; U. P. stock, 35; O & M, 29j. Northwestern, 52, prefd,, 6.9., 5-aellHB HBBWBBH-B cxirs- E. F. 0OOK, 637 lti Bt, letVMa VngUt asi B064 Usimlactaitr ot TIB, Copper and Sbset Iron Wre, aad dealer la Cooking and Heating stoves Stamped, Jipsqnsd tad French Ware on hand. Tin BooSo", Gutters and SpctlBciad VTaci(4aaaeJ.sraatA .. fcfc2tf CABLEGRAMS. The Remains of the Late Dr. Livingstone Arrive in London. The Insurgents Make an Attack Upon the Fortified Encamp ment of the Spanish at Ortega. Madrid, April 16. Clement Duvornois, and several other directors of the territorial bank of Spain have been arrested charged with irregularities in the oonduct of tho affairs of tho bank. Havana, April 16. Tlie Spanish authorities report officially that 2,000 insurgent infan try and 300 calvarv. attack tho Spanish fortified encampment at Ortega, several times on tho 7th insf., and retired at night. Ex-Captain General Jovellar, and Ex-Intondento Vilevillo, sailed for spam 10-uay. Tho Gazcta says that the publica tion of Juan Palo's newspaper has been suspended only for one month. London, April 15. Owing to what ho regards as un favorable action of internationual commission in regard to tolls on tonnage through Suoz Canal. M. de Lecseps threatens to dismiss his pilots and extinguish lights in light houses, thus virtually closing the canal. A later dispatch from- Ashton states that forty-six bodies have been recovered from the mine at Dunkinfield. Southampton, April 16. The remains of Dr. Livingstone were disembarked yesterday and formally received, and escorted to tho railway station whence they will be conveyed to London, Dur ing the passage of the procession minute guns were fired and the bells of the cjty were tolled. Tho multitude of spectators who lined the route of the procssion was immenso, and the scene very im pressive. London, April 16. There is believed to have been one hundred men killed at the Duqkpn field mine expjosjon yesterday. The men who wore loft at the mine alive after the accident have been rescued. There is intense excitement at the mine. Tho explosion was caused by the uso of naked lights. Dispatches from Ashton under line last evening report that fifty three persons were killed by the collcry explosion at Dunkenfield, and fifty bodies have been recovered. Of the men taken alive from the mine, twenty arc injured.. Many bodies of the dead which havo'beeu recovered are so badly mutilated as to be unrecognizable. London, April 16. The train bearing the remains of Livingstone arrivpi jn Loirdon at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. There were but fow spectators at the de pot. The body was transferred to a hearse and followed by a line of carriages to the Geographical Soci eties room, where a pctliji was de posltei to await the'iin'al obsequies. SirWni. A Fergusoiij Sargent oer geon to the Quoon, has examined and identified the remains of Dr. Livingstone The pilot who took the steamer Europe from Havre, declares that the ship struck on some hard sub stance on leaving harbor Havre, but was not leaky VjUcn she left Brest. v-" "In the House of Commons to-day a bill suppressing betting houses in Scott, passed its second reading. City of Mexico, April 15 United States Minister Foster, has given a dinner in honor of Gen eral Corona, the new appointed Minister of Mexico, to the govern ment of Spain. Everything con nected, with, tho fete passed" off pleasantly. "" Three more assassins of the Rev. Mr. Stephens have been arrested, and one of them has been tried and condomed to death. ORDIJfAXCEXO. 30t. An or linsnee In regard to the Issuing of licenses- Be it ordained bjr the Council of the City of Oiniha: win Skci. That all licenses which mar hy the rrotlilans of -ny existing ordinance, V issued for a term ol 8 months or m re.shall herelna'itr be heurd roasto terminate on the 1st day of J nuaryorthe'ftday of July of each year, aad that the Ices of such license) shall b the same at now icquiivl Ly ohlinjn e, provided thiti"" the' case ol liquor llcenie.s the rate lor the Srit Ix mouths during which such license may run. shall be the same as now required for a license fer six months, and for tho time in eics ol six month, during whkh such license may run, the rate shaU be the same as (euJiral for a license for one Tear, ' Sec a. That h9-fices mentioned in the firs' section nercol (ball be dated on the flrt day of the month in which the application therefore is made ana paid for accordingly Sec. 3. That there shall le kept Looks of bUnklfene.,by the Clrk, of suciciept num ber, which liooks shall contain not only ljut iicen-es, but also stubbs cj, the same, and so bound that as the licenses are to n (mm the book, th-stulbof each sha'l remain bound in the look, and tt at each stubb and licens" shall contain corresponding nnmbrrs which shall 1 conrecutlrfl through tbebcgk to eaph stubb shall exi rM up n ! he the uumbnr of the lireuta taon from it, the person to wh m it was Issued. h? purpose for which issued, the date of it Issue and the time for which Issued, and the amount of license fea received for the came Sec. .. This ordininca shill lj in force and tAe efiVct on the 15th day of ArrU. 1871. Passed April 3d. 1474. Attest: E D. KITTON, J. B. fllBSOX, Otyqerk. Presldet City CoucclL Apposed April 4th, 1371, J, S. GIBSON, 'PW- Acting Mayor. Academy of Music. Moad j Eyenlny, A pr", 50lb. X.lit Only. RICHINGS-BERNARD'S OLD FOLKS WI8I0AL TT870S 008TUHE 0DH0EBT, By 20 Distinguished Artists Las tiles and Gentlemen. THE SELECTIONS ARE ARRANGED from Specimens of the Ancient asd lioJ trn Styles of rarous countries, with rich and eltcan costarsrs apprepriite tc tbe music. Rasa Musical Oems from the quaint and tonch-EgSoDgs and Anthems of "YE OLDEF TIMEW Ticisls, including r"rTl eats GaUerr - .si oo .'0 T"o bt Ut I at Wrmaa A Sbvban's Bastr. ei and titer Ylatvia. ij(tsu M. HELLMA.N & CO., CLOTHIERS G-ENTS' ZFULSTTSHIIIsrQ- OOOXDS, 221 aud 223 FARNHAM STREET, COR. 13TH ST. Is Complete now; Our Assortment in C othing i Gents' Furnishing Goods, Comprises th. Latost 2Tovelti9s. THE LATEST STTZXES HT SATS A2TD CAPS. We IIiiYe also a Full Line in BOY'S and YOUTH'S Clotliin WE WILL SELL OTJRG-OODS LOWER THAN EVER. JrtlMT R. A. BROWN, 243 Douglas Street, DRY GOODS, CARPETS, AND OIL CLOTH An Immense Stock of -Fresh New Goods Just Opened to be sold lower than any other house in the city, consisting of MERINOS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, REPELLANTS, ALPACAS & MOHAIRS, also VELYET & BEATER CLO UONGS A FULL STOCK OF StIAWLS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS MERINO TJNDERWARE AND WORSTED Q-OODS TABLE LIXXEX IX GREAT YAIUETT. A FDLL LIXE OF ENGLISH AND AMBRICAH CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS , MiTPWS RUiJS AM H4T3 CHEAPER rr31JUSr THE CHEAEPST OSZAIXjHJS shiverick. Furniture, Bedding, Mirrors, SS4r otS Pfrtainine: to the FURNITURE and UP HOLSTERY trade; has largely increased his stock anrlrVnw as a complete assortment oi FINE, MEDIUM mdLOW PRICED goods, which he is offering at q..oli tStttopti FRIGES Is to make it to the St of eve of dSffi anything in this line, to examine his stock before prichS? PARLOR SETS, LOUNGES &c., UPHOLSTERED AND COVERED TO ORDER. CHAS. SHIVERICK. Gr. STRIFFLEtt, DEALER IS CROCS HIES, ProTisions, Fruit,-; X'ul. t'onlecilonerj, Tobjcc , Sear, ' Ac, tc. &c. S. i:. Olt.otTKNTl'l suHaFARXIIAH. aplHlf Schneider & Buriiiest?r Manufacturers Qf riX, COPPER AXD SHEET IROX WARE. DEALERS IN Cooklu? and Heating SlOYe. Tin Roofing, Spouting and Guttering don short r.otlce and ic the best tnspqer. Itteen trret sept2 d) KS.J.E.VANOBRCttOK, Eclectic? Physician Residence and oSce No. 555 IS h St., between Dodge st. anl Caitol jrenue. Special attention paid to obstetric and dis eases peculiar to women and children. )tf. Ja$ol) Koiimitzer, "WOOD, HORN and IVORY TURNER. DODGE St., ben, 13th and 14th. i'AHUn sxtinrning executed promp'Ir and at reisonal Id priie. nidilOm.'S MOFUSIENTS, TOMBSTONES, ETC, ETC. JKWKI.EIUI. JOII.V DAC.VER, Practical Watchmaker, 171 FaralamVS. E. Cor. 11th St, OMAHA, , NEP rOIIK PACKKR1, D. COOKE. O. II. BAlLOU. C0OKR BAfclAlTJ. AND CATTLE DEULER3. Orders for dressed hogs, twef and mutton promptly filled, O STICK IX CaglQHTOX'l BLOCT, Omaha, - 1 tfebraaka a. W1LUIELH. t. TATLOE. WU.HELM ft TAYLOR, i:tnand Chicago streets, Omaha, Nebraska, For sale in larze or small quantities ulted or smoked side-meats, b eakfast bacon h ma, boulders, dried bef and smoked buffalo. Pore leaf lard by th birral. or put up in lft, 15. 11 or 40 lb. slied cans. To oar "NONE SUCH" brand of bams and breakfast bacon we lnilte tbcatuatlsB cl tba trad. Orders promptly wtuai WHSffiPsis BO -and dealers is- OUR STOCK FOR THE M. HELLMAN fc CQ. FAT.L STOCK, 1873 ! WHOLESALE AND REfAlL HAWLEY WHOLESALE AND AGRICULTURAL Farm .Mte-cliinery and "Wagons, rrehll FRANK DRAPEE & TAILOR AND DEALER IN GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. Full Assortment of Imported Woolens. AllWork Warranted. 232 FarnnamSt, B'h Vnd'r JACOB CXSS. 281 FarBhans St.. Bet. lstrs A 15th UNDERTAKER C. 7. HAMA1T1T, 171 Cor. Ktrnhiiu aud Elcvcuth Ms. All kinds of TAILORING, Cleaning and re- ? airing done at reasonable rates. A J lie lot of 'URMsIllNU COODd conslantlr on hand I and sold cheap. -tecXtf G. A. LEXUqUEsT. Merchant Tailor! 190 FARMIIAM HI'. ixiwnn imia inn cjeTtnm ciccets. Gents' Furnishmg Goods. -siaauraCTCBEV or ao DEar.KS - Lambreqalas and AYinJoiT Shades, CHttMOS, EXSRAYIXUS AXD PICTURE FRAMES. 10 Farnham street, corner Fifteenth Chajrlss Popper, WHOLES LE BUTCHER AS( CATTLE BROKER, SALT LAKE CITY, - - UTAH. fel371t S. JACOBS CEXTRaL C10TIXO ST0RE1 186 FAENHAM STREET, has m. 1am, avirinint Af riAlfifni Tr.f. fmrm 14c., which he will sell at pricea to suit bis cus atrs. Call and sat. dIJtf & BURKS, RETAIL DELCHS IN IMPLEMENTS, Xo. 13 South 10th Street, IjIwcoxjio-, ia-aej3r3. J. RAMGE - - Omalia, XTeb TAX DORX'S MACHINE All kinds of light and heaTy 3LLCIII.VEKY MADE & REPAIRED. S"All Work Uuaranteea.-m - 253 HAHMET STREET. - OMAHA. . fO CO1 P'"B OAV. Agents want p'J IU p) .!. AHcIaaea of work "gl.pleole.tlwrwt, youn? or old. mka muner at wor for us ,n thir smre m meriis-or ll th than a" nyth?o alia C1HS. IV.VOUOFF, Practical Well aud CNtcrn Maker Makes, CTeant anl Repairs Wella 4 Ciatena Gdianle-h,rap; ,V'ork warantee-l. App ailleraies Hotel, en ienth street, opposl Enjine House. f27iaj "WILLIAM SEXATJER. 225 rarnnam Street, - - Oaali, 3fe, TrHOLEJAtCaSDBETAlI. DEAlXa IX FURNITURE, BEDDING, ETC. JOHN II. GREEN. STATE MILLS, DEALER IN GRAIX, FLOUR AXD FEED, AND COMMISSION MERCHANT CLARK & FRENCH. VTiolesale Grocers And dealers In BANNED GOODS FRTJ1T3. ETC. Green Fruits their Season 0BDS8S SOUCITEO XSO PBOVPTLT I11ISB 83-lny ij a . Li ii! . m.muutiw a.ttumHi-. MW UF" ---