Newspaper Page Text
3&tr "Sh OP -. . & ei OMAHA.- WEDNESDAY MORN APRIL 29, 1874. NO- 265. 4-'-tt- t ..- t , THE .OMAHA- AILY BEE VOL. ITL - " ' -.. Ja X ft MS h-S r M .Vfe Ri J f i it -- rHK PAllV BEE. EDWARD kOSEWAK, EdUac d Prttfr 1 Ofln-Io: 1 a--"-- . j .!.. a I & ,inumwt . 1 ... !". TEEMS" OF SBBSCBIPtlOlf: - ... r. In adranee- wiwt-,--i.v. , .druee. ii,. mrnths ??? will erir not pidiTBOe' K OKAHA BOSHESS BOOB. Cracker VnTLUBE A SMITM, M Harm? atract, toUtl tweenIlUindl2t- Glua PfcsWw aT-usV . & .a t a -. J. Erfahart, 1M Doo0s,sw-s. "SSii sriBdow lone to srlaaa " p Of irder. lewder. 'w n RAH DE88. Fwetlejl Ml 14th atrset, opt Boot ta- nin t.ahO: 15Fr' HtJiandEleTea'b. ' rnfetlcery Wil.ff- pOatOSMtV tobl7-ir. ?.t-te. MsDalsctor- aeswssw - . .i - ,.i rvisieeuonerv. -"- ... r,tf J ffiiciti. . . --f r-.fbAB -Lr-cmv v i3? ,Trt-Tf si". r.JU. 0 n5? JL"wi-Ai jU 4 k. -.-."-' ijrgjb-&-B- , &f. A BOEDER. Drooiit. cota-TO- cnT streets. U HCJUw. ---: rffc iispoe AK?n - t. (" LT R. rrrrCR. So. 0 Fa-nnam aw- ftel7U ,H. buuv. : .i .. nMsta Ke,U ", .-. tTHrteenth tL, Lohn johhw.""..;;. ticket. - """ -- ., weenFaX'"--" CL.TT xi wtu sid DoueUi;10'? fcnd from E.-.-OI. -"- JU, IBSWa-w, ; pr21-lT J . AndrTi , .(All ElTnth ??iA?r"i",sr sa,u.. h;, fctafhwt"0 - F. ilousealt" sh "-i; . Oalatm. 'LEHMAN , " . tii-M Firnhui ad fcintCT,TiUi .U-eet, betwe mumtl Kuney. - , , T.F.rTMAKN A BEARD. Ho bm ' Koap rttwri' PBEMIUM Wl-u-a-a- jua u nriu .. j SSSr io. S?T "" SiTidt-iTo- th. - -r A-ilOBHEiai-" J T- rcTnll()')K. TTlt. FRAKCIS- .ESTABR00K& FRANCIS ATT0RNEYS"1T LAW.- OFFICE-. W, Keb. Cr.llth. d D8fl.0a- n. BALion. KD.B.auAsoovr. Ballon &tUsgoTf, ' j-vTTORNEYSATLAW. yfe. room, 31 loo?. ' . $' B.IIBWW 0B1KBT. aVATTnTcNTRYSLAW ! aifUVTV BP).V &'"', Offic OaaweU Block, Dyuglaa Street L' ' ..., . to . foJIAHA. - - leKitl JOHN C. C0rt3? WVttorx.o3C cx,w 1FFICE-KO. 2, VISSCaES WUK3L, .tf ... W. T. Biclirircls, omey at Law. cc.iiuitn SU, UOU r. and Douzlas. Oauka, He. . P- 0. Bex 800. vlM AGE & MANDERSOU, ittoruey8 at Law, 2 FARNHAM 8TBBAT. -.SLOB, '----- m yBDi - ' - jZ ' iN l' PRITCHETrd Atteraers and Ceuweeeri wt Law OSoe, SOS Twelfth t. .fc-.. lor 1t . 0ak.-He. w. j. comraix. ounsellor Jb X",wr A1TD Jt. armrsa jftrlct Attoraej ler Sciiti Icil District. "" OFVICS South aide ol Farnham, hetvt 15th Klh at., oppoait Gout Woa ieM "T N.J, A.TT0BNEI ASD CODSSELL tf K. SSO Farahaa Street OMAHA '- HXB. mrlCOH JOHN W. LYTLEr lttoraerat.Law aa4 Eqaily. SelMtM-2 OFFIOb -OrwTirrt Satieaal mtl-U PAHKB GODiyi, r Attorney at XWr (Campbell' Bktk.l - 5091-2 T2IBTEEKTB STSSn'rOKAXA. aiS Im ' G. W. AMBBOSE , ft.ttornov - . - X KEDICt'S OPEKA BtlX 15 OXAHA- rER. arStl .i lf' wm r 'ivfi II DEXTER L. THOMAS, ' Frnsy aai Ceaasclor-at law. iswaWa aaaNk, NXB )1LAHA. . E JOB E. KKLLKT, I I Attomev 1 Counselorat'Law C r. 15tb a t wglaa f m7 t -0B. "COLLECTIONS SOUTTED AKD HaOXPTv J ly attends! to. charge nlas llec tloat are made, llou-cs to let and reata col ccted. It al estate bought and aol J. aplTtf How lat larket KPAt7I.stXO sWVAatJI at. OC 41k St aat. Fartkui aa Ksraey, "Have pedestrians the rights of the public streets?" asks the Xw York Herald. We should judge not from the appearance of Omaha sidewalks. The New-Orleans" Eepublican, of last Taesdsyj publishes a, tabular statement, estimating th damage already doneXby the flood in the Ksur of Louisiana, at nearly eighteen million dollars. The He York Herald discov rd TJvlnestone and ha enjoyed the supreme satisfacUon of burying I him. The Omana Jiwriuu cuuuia u have discovered Vining, and Mr.. VIning's near relatives- are getting aeriously alarmed at the possible fa tal consequences. Tins nexttlme' theGrand3t-f AlexfejJ'isijPnphiJ h will b ac companied by General S'fiouvaioff. It is to bo-'honedthe Omaha X,XX -iu i-j-.-fionnr-il ShnveL-off .1' ..' '-U-VX TTft .would lO BlttY pel !!" fcj er - - makesuc&an efficient Street Com- a . x l-JL .,. missioner. ri' aiATfoB Chase aiid' th City y. . w 1CouHett'winre'4iDP8 t6 ,mme" diate' sfepi for tlia appropriate re--eeptibntof ktha llouorablc. Baiqt I Jatrickpbannon O. Hawcs, whoac A '1 il.' 4 tUa Buijia "Wnihintrton correspondent, wjll leave the na tional capi tat for: Omaha,.durin&tiie preSet.wec-. 51 i L ,Knockeai)owj " A remarkable fact can be ascertain ed b.iBretigting our stock and prices tkat.wehas reduced to a very loirieura all of, our f cloUiiag and f Gente'. furnish od9, far oeiow tbe-price of any other house. Over cot iS-particulac can be bought of jiisnow at leait 25 per cent less than oar former prices.. Quick sales and small profitsis our motto. Ph. JQotthedE, . feb;3-lT 206 Farnham street, , Money . loaned on diamonds, watchesJewelry, gems, pistola and merchandise in general, at rh. Gott- helmet's, 20G Farnham at - Unredeemed pledges for sale. . . Railroad tickets bought and eold. 4Xt. BeCTTHEWTED 'OUK5. Theceatral tltj of tbe West Quito proud of late has gron, Ai d feeU It can no wait v J A gooA alced pond to own. Tbe greatest ciUea of tbe world Who wish to ent a swell, At once erect a ieerlr Upon their hlgneat hilL ,We rcad'IjrtbedsTs ofKcah " t a ' Tfcif water wo-ks were tried; -Tbe trouble was t er hadnosewerf, An so inepeori' oiea. Lt us tbeu remember - It water works we trjr. To pat In tea era coed andtlrorg. And make our itricu quite dry X And when 'the thlog Is done k-We'lI oaUWal eat once, , Then'i-rtijWJ.'Utth.t.a. ., WIU buy their hats ol hunce. For all new styles that i ow are out, Some ntty kinds or ore. You'll Awl btsm cheap at Bunco's j Famous New York store. Tbe CJjimp on Hatter of th j West, 2M Doug aaStrwat. mch2Sa .HOTELS liO-BESTADSAIiTi. "GRAND CEiNTHAI j?: 1KAE1, 1TBBA8EA Tbe largest and best howl between Chicago tawSsol B Frani udsco. jOtwnea new September 30th, 1573. sVHl U UOv. AXVAAu. cmpKiauir ILLINOIS HODgE. Ci' Between 9th and 10th. CHAsttLJCS JtMiitmitii Frpp. mchlltt TBEMONT HOUSE,. -Cor. 16th SL i(gpitg!ly. tHoajM pec week; Board M aVoAfiBg 'i nia'r'"Ff minenijiuurv0'' - anoar asu. Ht?'a f "B BTEOH REED A W. The OUeat EaUMUbed Real Estate Agency IHMEBBASSA Keep a complete Abstract of Title to all Eea. tKau In Oia ha and Douglas coumy. S'JslONT tT. X. TONUS LaaBsrrmtsit as4 Wiideir Shades, f.MRlOS, EXQBATINS AXD PICTURE FRAMES. 770 Fare bstw atjwt, corner FlftMtnlh i ''j "v tt- Lmmi m' M K mtmmmmi H Q ft W' . s o : 9 gli i mi d!li m- lu u - -r-I T g m rfl' -i Kr J - WASHINGTON LETTER. The Ani Business, Government (Printing Swindles. (Printi f ,Sanbom Case Marriage in; High Lile rersonaiuies, .cic. n -v Washtnotox, April 23, -.' ir Editor Bib: v t j From present indications and with the conditioir of important legiala'-" tlve matters, we may look for a pro tracted session of the' present-Congress. sriyfy. fejbbills of importance have been passed, and nearly, all of the aDnronrlation bilU hunjrfire.i JEhe reason for this state of affairs is partly due to the ovor-zealpusness on tho-paitof jsomomembers to ob- .tain for themselves?' .a record.for pvatghfulnessand economy. So.far has this economical spirit entered into tho proceodiugs, that legislation of this ohawetoT has become clogged, and it is only with tho greatest dif- Iculty that necessarj' appropriations can be made. Aims FOB NEBRASKA. Forseveral'tfays nast, a bill intro- Ulueod by Senator HitchcocK, au thorizing the Secretary, of War to issue arms tothepeopleoffebraskaj has been under discussion in the Senate. It wilL probably pass iu a few days. During the. debate, this morning, Sir. Buckingham, of Con necticut roUercd rn amendment that the Secretary alsoiissue-hrms to.; the Indians, Of course tuc amenu- mentVas rejeptedhufc Hvery aptly illustrated the ignorance of Indian character, possessed by a United jStates senator.uckmgham;Lproba- j bly never saw an Inuianxceptin a museum, but as ho will positively retire atthejjloitfof thepre3ent ses sion, hecan then have time to run out west and learn what an asslie made of himself, about something he knew nothing about. NEWS KOTES. y , Of course the curjenoypquqstion has beetkihe pjief (jpfcofcpnversalj-. Jion here'for some Ume pastL ' ThV inflationists liave a' clear, .wbrkintr Umajorityjn the Senate, and perhaps tue samp in tno ttouse. '.nere is a strong lobby hero from NoWrTVork and elsewhere working against a further increase, and, it is claimed' that the have the "President ..with them, 'It is claimed by them that ,he. wUl. veto auy bi tending to wards a further issue.' Thehvestigation of the District affairs has so far elicited nothing derogatory to the Board.of Public Works, and the memoralists have not made a singlo . point against Governor Shepherd, but on the con trary have clearly established the fact that ho is a man of great ener gy, spotless integrity, Ixnd an officer of. great executive ability. He has transformed Washington from an offensive mudhole into a beautiful an( attractive city, and., made it 'what jt 8.hVyjJdbtG;the pride of the Nation. ' "" THE GOVERNMENT PBIXTINO - . .OEEICE- This institution during ten yean lias grown to the last immense proportion's, employing -, W - . -,w nvop I "Ml people; but during this time it has ritko grown corrupt and rotten, as the investigation now .pending! snows, and it will -very probably" Ofc. abol ished. Tire present Superintendent, wlille perhaps not criininnlly guilty, has surrouhdea'hlmseh" vt'itjj a class of men who have taken advantage; of eveTydppor'tnhlty to' enrich them selves alpublic' expense. Perhaps the removal ofClapp- and .the ap pointment of a,compe.toht" man in. his stead "will ""work the necessary reform, but "certain it" is" that; a change Is demanded, and that ft -quickly. gj BUELL'S. CASE. We-recently had a conversation with'Mr. A. C. Buell, who, as you already know was arrested for slun .derlng Senator Chandler, and be informed the 'BEg correspondent that he could provq the charge to the satisfaction "of" an intelligent jury. We hope so, for Buell is a good and conscientious journalist, -.ana if Chandler, was", sober at thc'. time Buell said, he wjjs drunk, it was a condition in 'which be or his friends seldom find him. TIIECOSCINO MABBIAQE. '.Society Is all agog' over the coming marriiigesf''EarIy-in next month Miss Grant and Mr. Sartorris lead oiTtobo followed by Miss Minnie Sherman arid Engineer Fitch, cf tho navy. Mr. Sartorris' is" nere snaking arrangements for the event1 .He is a whole-souled youmr Entrlsh- irian with an income of $00,000 per year, and oomes of a good old Eng lish family. He and Miss Urant can be seen most every evening driving out in a four-in-hand e'quip page of the most gorgeous descrip tion. They arc 'generally accom panied by Mrs. Grant, which must certainly be vexatious to the joung couple, THE SANBORN AFFAIR, The smoke and noise of the above scandalous transaction has. not vet blown'bvbr, arid the crowd of finan ciers who are here asking the re moval of Richardson from the Treasury Department are using it ,with such efRct that it is very prob able -the 'President will notify him thaf his resignation is acceptable at an early day, Sanborn was before tho committee several times last week, and admitted one day that he "had made clear, after paving ex penses, $261,000. It U probable that the whole system of moieties will be abolished, and other means taken to collect deficient revenue. He.nry i Atkinson" Is here again rom Brownville, Pat. O'Hawes will probablyleave for Omaha' in a few days. For the flrt time, during tliis winter Nebrasklans are not plentiful here. Cottonwood. "WILLIAM SEX2.TJER. 225 Famiain Strtet, - - Oxaia, Hek WHOUCULE JISD StSXAll. BSAX.EB IX FURNITURE, BEDDING. ETC C. J stX&MaAaXTCT, vn tirmma KlereaaOa ,, All kinds of TAILOKISO, Oeanlns and re- pairl-g done at reiaonable rates. A fine lot of FUBSI.-HISG hoods consiaaUy on tand and Sold clieap. tfcCStf 6. A. LEMiqDEsT. MercliaTit Tailor! 190 FABJUUH T. , v Between Tenth and Eleven th StnnU. Gents' ynrnlehtng Goods. OUR VERY LATEST. Tuesday Night's Dispatches Specially Beported for the Oath Daily Bee, br the Atlantic and Pcic Telegraph Co. Congrosaional. SflXATE. Washington, April 23. At the expiration of the morning hpurIr. Wright moved to lay aside the pending order and proceed to consider the finance bill and the President's veto message.- Mr. Sherman moved they be made a special "order for Monday next. A long debate ensued. ilr. Logan of the Committee on military affairs reported favorably authorizing appointment and pro--niotions in the medical, and ordi nance department of the army. The morning hour expired, and "Mr. Wright moved the pending or der, JhEjlVOiiiaJana bill, be. laid .asiaeai)dTU)e finance bill with the President's veto be takVn up He said Mr. Morton gave notice" last week he would move to take up tbe bill to-day. He wassow confined to his house by sickness, but was rWiliing the bill should be taken no. Mr. Conkling said no notice had beeji .give that the bill wouki be called up to-day. Mr. Edmonds aid Mr. Schurz was absent, and re quested'hlm to ask the Senate not to -proceed to the consideration of the Jinance bill until his return on Thursday. "Mr, Sherman moved to make thc"speciaforder for Monday next. Mr. Conkling urged,. tbe pro priety of delaying the vote until the absent Senators returned, apd finally asked, unanimous- consent to have Friday-next at 2 o'clock, fixed fur the consideration of the bill, when tho 'vote would be taken without doubts Mri'Thurinan thought the. matter must provoke discussion. He didn't understand that there was a great diversity of opinion amongN the administration Sena tors. He longed for tho return of the goodold days of Andrew Jack s6n; when'the President had a ,wapjij6m.r nflutnco upon Coh: -,, - - -- . gress,, when'the polioy and view of the administration had some weight. v Mr."Edmonds said the difference between republican and democrat!) aaministratlons was that In thi former the President attended his constitutional duties, while jauKson'u aays lfeiaemocratic sona tors fated to support anv measure mm. of tho admfnlsfrallon he r was no?Y?ZaK??u m.we few x.orK allowed-to hold any position in bii party. "In tho republican party oveTy sen ator had the right to his own opinion rii n.. nneitn i.ii UJ 1AI31UUU IU Uta Mr. Thurman denied the correct, ness of Mr. Edmond's assertions and declared every successful" ad ministrationjfaad exerted aWrhole 'sbme influence on its party int'Con gress, and cited the San Domingo question as on where the President's executive influence was felCk.and Mr. Sumner, as an example of, sen ators, ostracised And removed 'train 1-theTicarroT-a-connnTttee bi iu of ins opposition to the executtye will. Mr. Edmonds denied that Sum ner was removed from tge foreign commission for that cause "or that he had been persuade-hy the ad ministration or his femty. Mr. Cameron saidthe chairman ship of the foreign cojEunlssipn. was given him while lie' wa3 absent from Washington And would hnvo Tbt;u declined on his return but for itliobvoFzcal of some ol'SumnGrfs mends, which ledthem to 'abuse him jfCamoronjHls relations with Qunmer were always most cordial, Mr. Hamlin eaid Mr- Sumner was moved from vthe bhalrmattsblp simply and solely for the reason that he was not upon, speaking terms with the President and the Secretary of State . After further discussion, Mr. Sher man begged theSenate to proceed with the business without further watte of time." " ' I'i? Objection was made to Mr. Conk ling's proposlUbh to make the bill the special order for Friday. Mr. Wright' 8 motion was then agreed to, 35,to 27. The chairthen announced the nnanqe tH betore the Senate. Thi? j juronuu WU3, Bflouio' me Din pass notwithstanding the objections of the President. No one taklno- th floor, the roll was called ; it resulted as joiiows; xcas-Allison, Bagy. Bareman, Cameron, Carpenter, ston, Lewis, Lotran. Mef 'rparw. xr0r. nman, Mitchell, Norwood, Oglesby, Patterson, Pease, Pratt, Robertson Spencer, Sprague. TiptQp. West, Windom, Tf right,' Nay, Anthony Bayard, BoutWeU, Bucklnirton Chandler, Conkling, Cragen, Davis tamonds, Fenton, Ferry, (Conn.) Feanagan, Frelinghuysen, Gilberts, Hager, Hamilton, (Md.) Hamilton, Uos,; .Hamlin, Howe, Jones, Scot t, Sherman, Stevenson, Stewart! otockton. Thurmftn. WnHioioi, qo ,oo ,. i . iiTT' -i :r.e" " . 'rf.r uuujjiu uie amrmative, the hill WOO !, ' v . Mr. Morrill of Main, rtnrvwuwi the bill, was paired with.Mortonln oung; itansom In favor, Schurz against ' Tho Senate Weflt intn ATA.nHr. j session and sqon adjourned, HOUSS. Mr. Negley asked leave to offer a resolution instructingjhe military committee to report a Bill amenda tory to the sailors';, and soldiers' homestead act, so thatall honorably discharged soldiers and sailors and their widows could acquire home steads on public Jands without being required to commence settlement and improvements. Mr. Donnel objected. The chairman of the military committee said the committee had the subject under considera. u7?' ?? woul report thereon, wuaiuoraDiB aiscussion oeeurred over an amendment increasing the appropriation for printing bank' e T o-r.7SrT b?ds from $5,000 to v:,'"""' -wawes, iioimes, and others charging that' the object of the amendment was to break up the present printing of notes and .;L,Tr" ?J . mattpr In th l,n iu TT. a"fr In the hands of the printing division of the treasury deraU-fmont. or, virtuaUy iu the hands of one man; it was also charged that one object was fo give the work to the Columbia Bank Note Engraving Company of Washington. Finally the discussion closed, Tho House proceeded to tteamwdmeotf, vwtV" vR wu. yvuw ver. tennis. iJarsey, gay (hlt Gotf wait; fiordoq. Harvey, Hitchoock. InxSlT Jrihn! TELEGRAPH 4 O'CLOCK P. M. He: iu i IlrT It has keen Agreed nit a Debate on ttM Message.. No Excitement, in Market Yesttri Fail ure-tf the Frei 't'Siv- ingsand Jryft.j '-V.A V The Grand Duke conaaay " Family tdl H'i ltad.i Zn:a ai New YorI a wasnington spec; says: It has been agreed by Sen: avor- force a depate on the ve:pessage, but will vote wjthoujfnllwCUssion, There is little doubliwtthat some measure rather liberal Jiieharacter, but not so unrestricted as be, be vic- - ... . i' - . ious, win oe agreea and will secure a majerity of irhouses. Tne veto message be taken up to-day. It is thought that ay 1st there wilj Ije a genera! ge of all building operatjorifcun tne. ten hour Question ed. The ten hour system is force in all iron iront worj '4.1nevery other department of i tnera is stromr opposition e: 1 (from pmploycs, but the bosses are. not unam- mous and tM; contest may result in their dejfiiL.. . No exiting" Influences in the stock market westerday.c Business was firm, aajMeelw l closed percent, higher db Saturday. " ' Wm5Bsh, creditor of Capron & Merriaa brokers of C. C. &, I. C. proceedings yesterday aeciareq inYoluntary mts. The rumored failure of the Freed man's Savings, ,fc Trust Company of Washington) did not effect -tho a!rr"" "c'1c' J"t;"u"i : J",-" marKets nere. jno rumor or ex utaui'u m irweunjan' OUVlDgB I T . .!. li. T..-- - oauii, as yni, iu- consequence oi embarrassments of the Washington concern; the maragerj however, says he probably will' be' compelled," iu the event of a run, to enforce a rule requiring sixty days' .notice, from deposit, as two-thirds of the depositors are colored persons. There is about $316,000 deposited. Snow commenced falling at 0 a. m. LoNnoN. 4prU;27. Tbe accoqntants appointed' to In vestigate the books of the Erie rail way' Company "Will sail for New York Wednesday. The Grand Duko Alexis is tho only member of the Imperial family who will accompany the Czar" on his visit to England. Washington April 27. Although Congress passed a bill for the relief of the sufferers by the overflow on the Lower Misslssipi, it has been found that no supplies can b sparetj from the various military stations In that regf on; therefore the Secretary of the War, after a private conference with the President, has directed the Commissary of Sub stance lo purchase $00,000 rations of meat, flour: beahs and rice, and to carry the law Into effect, asks an appropriation of $90,000. The esti mate is based, on a issue to 20,000 persons for twenty-five days. Washington. Aprjl.g, Jibe National -iTepublfcn--tnti-testhat the investigation into district aftairswlll ere long necessi tate a change of gevernment in tbe district. . Quite a large number of gentle men from New England, New York,. Cincinnati hd St. Louis, representing tbg steel consumers of the country r in the city- for tho purpose of having a hearing: before . the Ways and Means Committee in their peculiar interest, asking for a reduction of the -tariff on. steel. They represent that they cannot manufacture American steel and. Keep up a reputation for their .man ufactures. "" 1 Pittsburgh men are expected to be present to show that the present tariff is not onerous, but the con sumers are confident that they can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the committee that the tariff-works oppressively opon them. The com mittee will give these parties a hear ing on Tuesday. The position of Commissioner of the General Land' Office, made va cant by the resignation of Willis Drumojondr 'hMbeeri- Tendered" to Congressmen S. S. Burnett, of Mis souri, drom whom a replyregarding the matter is-fexpected to a day or two. A private letter from Gen. Sickles says thatiheHwill' return Jto the .United States In two months.' M? ' " m.m ' MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Hew York Money Market New York, April 28. Gold 1 IS. Money -4 percent, Sterling Exchange 4 88 for 60 upon.j LFBtoppa. Is Uttl noHPln If cl sfci days' bUls; 4 91 for light" Governments '81s 1 21J1 22 ; '62s 1 181 19 ; 64s 1 20!- 20 ; '65s 1211 21 : '65s new 1 19J 1 20: '67s J 20&1. 90 ; '08s 1 20 1 0-40s 1 151 15 j; 5s 1 t; s:l 10 Mew York Produce Market. New, Yorkj April 28. Bre&dstuffd Opened qultt; gen erally Arm. . Flour Firm, at-5 52 6 10. WheatSteady apd firm N,l spring, 1 '58l,55; choice I 5ftM, 159. .r ZrS Corn Quiet at 8487. Oats Dull at 6265. Rye AcUve at $1 101 14. " Barley $2 052 10. Highwines 98. Pork-8teady; cash $17,00; May 16 75; June 16 90; July 17 12. Lard Quiet and' steady; " cash lOStkSCaylQW, for whet by 8m ft Uvf& - Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, April 28. Hogs Receipts 4,875.. Market firm, but quiet Sales of common to medium grades at 4 SOfSiSsa. good to choice at 5 40.5 00. nWr -of sales at 5 005 50. ' CatUe Receipts, 3,700. Market , steady and prices unchanged. St. Louis Produce Market. St. Louis, April 28. Flour Quiet, unchanged. f "Wheat More active: No. 2 sprine 126 Corn Quiet, 6768Son track. Oats Inactive; 5153 on track. Rye Steady at 1 01. Barley Unchanged. Highwines--94 . Pork Quiet LardpjQuiet, 9S09 40 St. Louis Live Stock. St, Louis, April 28. Hogs Receipts 1,500; market steady; sales -of shippers at 4 60 5" 20; packers at 5 256 00. Cattle Receipts 1,000; market dull and inactive; sales of natives at 3 755 25 the extreme range. 0hicagri-Produce eTarket. Chicago, April 23. "Wheat Opened strong and shade higher. No 1 , 1 2S1 29; No. 2 124 1 25; regular closed 1 25 I 25; strictly fresh spot May 1 25J1 25 closed 1 261 2J; June at 1 25J 1 2f;-closed 1 251 2Q; No. 3, 1 18i 181; reJecfciT 1 10; Northi western firm; No. 2, 1 20; rogular 1 28J, Cora Dull, for cash, options quiet, owing to unfavorable Liver pool and New York advices. No. 2, 64; regular, 6464; fresh May cash, 63J64, closed 63; June 65J; rejected 6262; No. 2 afloat; 04. "Oats Active and firmer. No. 2 regular at 42; striotly fresh, 4Ci; rejectod, 42. Eggs Firmer; fresh 14. Flour -Dull, good to choice spring extras 5 500 00 ; low to medium 5 005 50; superfine 3 75a4 00 ; Minn. 5 75a6 75. Barley Dull, No. 2 looal 60, No. 3 1 35. Rye 91 Highwines 05. Pork Easy, May 1C OoalO 12, June 1Q '30. Lard Quiet, May 9 65, June 9 80. Victor Restaurant 15Q PAUU.Va STREET, (ktveen 10th and lltb, 7ICT0R DUCROSS, - Pror TABLES SUPPLIED 'ifflTH EVEB7THI50 In the Market Open From 7 a: m. to 12 p.-m. All Meals Served to Order. 0IBTEa3 BEQVED IS EVEET STYLE. 'Same in season. Prices to suit the time'. PASSENGERS Going East or South from Omaha And rolcts on U. P.U.B., should Uio th(' "LINCOLN ROUTE" ATCHISON & NEBRASK RAILROAD ! And secure for th'mslres the choice of Six ( 1'opular llouttsfrom Atchison to Chicago and St Louis, All making Reliabls Connections and being Equipped with Palms Say and Sleeping Car. All delay a'nd'InconTenlence arriving from Ferries acd transfers cm be aTolded West of Chicago and St. Louis by securing Ticket Tla ATOHISO.V anil tlif ATCIIMuX mi NEBHASKA H.11LUOAD. Direct and Reliable Connections are also made with the A. T. A S. F. B. It. for the Great Arkansas Vallej & Colorado. And with all lines running South tq points la Southern Kansas anil the Indiau Territory. AskW Tickets Tia LINCOLN & TCHISON CHAS. C.SMITH, Gtn'l Supt. S la29U W. F. WHITE, Gen'l Pass. Ag't. A'MSon. Kansas)' Save Your Paper Rags: Patronize Home Industry n.BERTHOLD, ICland 1C3 Pouglas aire between 10th ard lltb. north side, maklnz a . rpngements to buUd a PaP 31 ILL IN OMAHA, Desires to purchase several hundred tonso delherr. oi all sunda at Eastern prices, lasu on la? Cb.arles Popper, WHOLESALE BOTCHER AM) CATTLE BUOKEU, EALT LAKE CITY, febSTlt UTAH. TXxLitod Statoi Confectioners' Tool Works, Tlaos. ilills c& Sron Manufacturers of "" Confeotioners'Tools Slaehlnea, Slqalds, Ice Creana Frieiers, c Nos. 1301 & 1303 North Eighth Bfc.. PHILADELPHIA, PA. I Proprietors: 1 EsTABLisniD 1861." r -.VTALOOIIFS RPVT- lUOMiS,iUI.LS, Geo. M. Mills.' Atlsc P.Paiui eb. iJ upon appUcaUon. mar7d awfra U..S DEPOSITORY. ThG First National Bank OJB OTVT "ETA. Cor. Faraliai and 13th Rlrewte. THB OUDSST BANKING ESrABLISIlMKNl EJ KEUKASKA. (bv-5croT w Cucntze Brothers.) Sstahlis bed In IBM. Crsranlzal a a National Bank. Acznet M.Jai3 Capital aid PrOflta over - - - - (250, OOO C7T1CZBS AXS DiatCTORB a. CBEIGUTON, President. H.KOCNTZE, . VlceFmel. A.KOTJXTZB, Csekier n. . W. YATES, A1 Cashier. A. J. POPPLETON. AKorner. TIC3LETS for aaie to ait. pans of Europe ira the Ccnard asd Nat'ooal Steamship Llses, atd tea Basabnrg Anariraa Packet Compaay." im-u CLO G-ENTS' FUSiJTISiaillsrb- GOODS, 221 and 223 FARNHAM STREET, COR. 13TH ST- ' OTTR STOCK FOR THE s?K,iisra- -A.2srJD qjjjljlii seasou Is Complete noy; Our Assortment iu Cothing ; Gents' Furnishing Goods, Comprises th. Iatost ITovelties. THE LATEST STTZXES 12T HATS .A1TD CAPS. We Hare also a Full Line in T(YYk WE WILL SELL FAT.T. STOCK!, 1873 I R. A. BROWN, 248 Douglas Street DRY GOODS, CARPETS, AND OIL CLOTH An Immense Stock of yFresh. New Goods Just Opened to he sold lower than, any other house in the city, consisting of MERINOS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, ALPACAS & MOHAIRS, also YJGLVET & BEAVEil CLOAKINGS. A FULL STOGK OF StIAWLS. BLANKETS, FLANNELS, Tifl PIES' ja.3NTI3 OXXIXjTD3.23IM'S MERINO UNDERWARE AND WORSTED GOODS. TABLE LIXXEX IN GUEAT TAKIErY. A PULL LIXU OE E?f8LISH AND AMERICA! CARPETS; OIL CL9TH3 , MATPI33 RTJ33, ,AW;f ATS. CH EAPER TZHZATST OPEIE OHEAET CHARLES SSIIrJERIOK; Furniture, bedding, Mirrors, ; and everything pertaining to the FURNITURE and UP HOLSTERY trade; has largely increased his stock, and now has a complete assortment oi FINE, MEDIUM and LOW TV'?Si? gds bic?h he is offering at such REDUCED PRICES as "to make it to the interest of everyone desiring anything in this line, to examine his stock before purchase ing. PARLOR SETS, LOUNGES &c., UPHOLSTERED AND COVERED TO ORDER. CHAS. SEIVEEICK, 2Q3 Pftrn.taw.m Qtroot-Omajm, G. STRIFFLER, DEALEB N CROCS EZES, PiOTlVons, Iruim, Xut.o, Coufectlopcrj, Scyars, &c, Ac. &c. S. K. tGIt.oiTKKTiranaFARXlIAM. apllttt Sclmeider & ISurmestcr Slanofactnrers of riX, COPPER AND SHEET IRON - WARE. DEALERS IS Cooking and Heating Stores. Tin Roofing, Spouting sod Guttering don short notice and ic ihe beat manner, lltcea treet septfs dl J. .VAMtCOl) Eclectic Physician Besldepc? and ofl)re No. $55 16 h St., between I)odge it. ani Capitol neuue. Special attention paid to obstetrics and dis eases peculiar to women and children. 13tf. Jacob Kemiiitzer, WOOD, HORN and IVORY TURNER, DODOESt.. betnlSth an4 11th. Alik'tndtof )urDlagexecMtodpromp'Ir and at recftonaue prices. mi.uium, MOFUMENTS. TOMB iTOSES. ETQ , EXa JKWELKIui! JonSBAUlER, Practical Watclimakpr, 171 raraaaai , 8. C-v. 11th St. OXAHA. - . . KEB rOHK PACKKIt". D. COOXK. O. U. BilXOC. COOICE A. BALL(C. AND CATTLE DEALERS. Ordera for dressed bogs, txef and mutton . promptly filled. nnCK IS CBKIQUTOS'S SLOCX, Omavba. - - - Tie brmska H. snT.T.HKT.ST. t. TATLOK. WILLUliLJE k TATL9B, 17th and Chicago streets, Omaha, Ne raska, ysssssssssssssssnsfasaasssssa rf jlwFsBBBSSBBSSBBSSBBSSBBSSBBSSBBSBBSSBBsk. " H SfSSS m IVKssssssseErsssssM H - " 'frJUasssassT """'saasssssf II F'sW t "ft fgjJywrrLmLm II S fcp VSaBBBBBBBSrjwaSSBSSSBsW J " fuiisSBSBBBBBBrSvP W! V v9SHsaasssssssasssBSSSSBt?saassBsssasBSBsssssst l asP Tor sale In Iarje or Small quantities malted cr amoked slde-meau, beakfast bacon, h -mi. shoulders, dried beef aod smoked buffalo. Pare leaf laid bjr the barrel, "or put up n 10, 15. Z or 40 lb. siaed cans. To our "SOKE SUCH" brand of bams and breakfast bacon we lnrlte btteaUoa U tM U. Urdtn pronipUr- 4cJ(. as ealot M. HELLM&N THIERS- -AND DEAEEBS 1- OTJRQOODS LOWER THAN EYER. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FRANK J. -AND DEALEK IX GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. " t'oll Assorlmtnt of Imported iToolcns. All lVort Warranted. 232Farn3iamSt, - Omalia, Nob. fti .1 ml ' r VT. B. HICSABJDSOIT; OMAECA, PITCH, FELT AND GRAVEL ROOFER. AmI3Ianttrict.jrcr.of Drr'ant Kataratnl lloafliaud Slieatlilns FoH. ALSO DEALERS IN Hoofing, Fitcli, Coal, Tar, Etc, Etc l'liSP-01'18 Onicoo;P03ltath,Oa. Works, ,a -A. ZEL SIMPSO -5IAXDFACIUKEU AXD WHOLESALE . DEALER IN CIGAKS. 532 FIFTEENTH ST., rJ.-BXC3rEC1'C3vr BIiOQb:. HAW LEY WOOLE3ALE. AKD RETAIL DELERS IS AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Farm Machinery and Wagons, No. 13 South ldth Street, ffch X.I3V-C?OXa2NT. 3XTEB. atasssaaassasssnsaasaaasaassssssssnsasatsastasssa f, JACOB GISS, ( TAN DOliN'S MACHINE SAl aTarssbasa Ht Bet. 14th A 13Ui - IjPPJ I UNDERTAKER CL1BE & FRENCH. Vliojesale Grocers And dealers in BANNED GOODS IV B F1XU1TS, ETC. Green Fruits in their Season Oksna oucrrxa asd esaamx tiuxo i mill tmmmmBBInm ! AssssSssssKslesBlf LmL & C smil YftTTTIT'S rintlihio. M. HELLMAN & CO. BE PLANTS J RAMGH & TAILOR 3T33t...S: aotSmSUw 3sr, r25ml & BURKjS, All kinds of light and heary MACIIINEItY 3IADE & REPAIRED. tSTAU Vfork Uuaranlccdri5&. 233 HAEHET 0TEEST. 031AHA. 85 to $20 rERD.VY. Agents want ed A11 Llt.. nt .n,k i r. log people: of either sex, youn or oil, uuks more miner at worx for us in their spire mo ments or all thi time, than ar anrlhW tbe. Address ST1KSO.S Jt CO.. Portland,- Maine nuTojrl JOHN H. GEEEN, STATE MIXIaS DEALER ni - GR.UX, FLOUR AXD FEED, AXO COiIHISSI01 ilEEOHANX i 4 v, . -W-WmmmmMmi' -'- & ' ssssssssssssssssssssssssslsj3asssW---ia..-..- - t '.-.-... . isiiissasairwWjilUii.llW-sB?si LaT. . "