T THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY SEPTEMBER 19 , 1881 ' j RELIEF RESTORED. Saturday's Account from Elboroi Indicates an Improvement of Symptoms , His Coughing Loss Arduou and the Expectoration Less Purulent. A Fooling of Relief Generally Prevalent at Long Branch , Favornblol SjniptomB , However over , nra not Doomed Perma nent nnd mrty Disappear- Hntlonnl Associated LONO BiiANcii , September t7. Tlio cftrlicst report this morning show that the president had apparently passed n comfortable night. Konp o the attending Burgeons were rcquircc nt the patient's ' bcdsido after 10 o'clock and none wora of course called. The surgeons loft Franklyn Cottage about 10.:30 o'clock , when the cottnpo wa closed , nnd remained BO until 8 o'clock this morning. It was only opened to allow thpso who were on duty during to the night to loayo .Nurses brought out the informntioi that the night wan a quiet and com fortabl * ono and there had boon A STEADY DECLINK in all the unfavorable symptoms This , to seine catcnt , allayed an in creasing feeling of anxiuty over the long delay in issuing the morning bul letin. The anpearani.es wcro gjvoi personally to the agent of the Nationn Associated Press by two of the presi dent's immediate attendants , who Jiat on duty throughout the night. I)11S. AONEW AND BL1HH visited the president together nt 8 o'clock this morning. After they had Loon in consultation it waa informally announced that the bulletin would bo delayed , but would probably bo a favorable ono. It wa.s stated that the delay was for the purpose of enabling them to make a very complete exam ination in order that the bulletin might convoy the exact condition of iho president. The delay occasions anxiety , nevertheless. Some of the president's attendants state that ho has hold his own during the night , Lut HAH MADE NO GAIN , Dr. Boynton'fl exact langungo being : "Tho president hud an unexpectedly favorable night , but has gained noth ing. " The weather is much better to-day clear and warm but high winds still prevail. 9:30 : A. 31. BULLETIN OFFICIAL. ELHEKON , Sept. 17. At the morn ing examination and dressing of the president the temperature was 09.8 , pulse 108 nnd respiration 21. The iluctuations of the pulse during the night varied from 110 to 130 , the temperature during this tiino not do- vioiing much from normal. Ho slept y > > to well , taCtng nourishment at tfio Benck ; p..Vr interval ! ! . His cough was not 'oublesomo * 'and the expectoration was moderate. The discharge from the wound is moro healthy , and the color ot the granulations has slightly improved. ( Signed ) D. W. BLISS. W. J. HAMILTON. The original draft of the official bul letin waa uivon to the press by Dr. Agnew and was in his hand-writing for the first time ninco the removal to Long Branch. Dr. Bliss said subse quently : "Well , I do not fool so blue as last night. I think the president is batter than during the evening and there are good grounds for EXI'EOTINO SOMETHING DBTTEll , Attornpy-Ponoral MacVoagh said the conditions were moro favorablo. The discharge from the lungs is better - tor in quality and loss unhealthy. While ho could not say that ho was greatly encouraged he thought there waa loss grounds for anxiety than last night Dr. Agnew was aakod , if in his opinion , there was danger of ' THE PRESIDENT'S ' DEATH. Ho refused to express nn opinion upon the subject , but said there can 1)0 no doubt that the president ia a very sick man ; neither can there bo doubt that ho ia better to-day than yesterday or last night , but it can't bo said how long this will last , Dr , Boynton , who has not usually boon hopeful , says thia morning that there has boon not only n subsidence of un favorable symptoms , but also AN ACTUAL 1M111OVJMENT ; that there ia no immediate danger , and that the next twenty-four hours will bo better than the last. Ho nays yester day's fluctuations were the greatest fiinco ho waa sick. The latest rumor u that tha trouble ia complicated with continued malarial symptoms , but thin is denied by the doctors. If malaria ia present , it is claimed there will bo another rolopso Sunday. The presi dent's mind to-day is again clear. TTo lias taken as much nourishment as usual. NOON BULLETIN UNOFFICIAL. The president's condition , as numinod up , is as follows : Ho slept better than nt the same tiino yester day , when ho was in the midst of a febrile riso. There has thus far boon no marked change durinc the day ; no perceptible gain nor loss. Pulse 102. COL. JIOCKWELL , who eat up with the president all night , said : "Ho ia butter and will Jiavo u good day. Ho is not dead yet Tjy great odds. If ho ia going to die from this trouble it ia going to take a * i good deal yet to kill him , 'nnd it ia 1 going to tuko n long tiino to do it , too. ; The president ia tough and ho can K stand a great deal yot. " P5 | ' . * Instantly Killed , ' h' flj ( Special IMipalch to Tin I ) . " LINCOLN , Nob. , Sept. 10. Alvin A , McGiiiro shot and instantly killed Elijah Ynnarikon. They quarreled about the woman wjio afterwards beam - am McQuiro'a wife , Yanarikon called to BOO her , was refusu admis- ion , and ho kicked' thu door down , 3fcGuro ! then shot him. i \ \ ELECTRIC BRIEFS , National AwotUtwi I'rc s. Postmaster-General James. Score tary Hunt nnd Secretary Windon arrived in Now York fiom Boston 01 Saturday evening. Peter Iligtn'ns was assassinated a Moredian , Miss. , by ono Thos. Sulli van. van.A rascal named John Monroe , _ o AVnyno county , 111. , wedded a Mis < McCarthy , of respectable parentage After ho had spent what money lit possessed , ho packed his family nn < effects in a wagon and started foi Missouri. On the-way ho villainous ! ) demanded that his wife , who , to hoi additional misery , was in child-birth got out of the wagon to got dinner. Complying , though reluctantly , to hit brutal demand , ho drove oil" and lefl the poor wife to die from oxposuio. Monroe was subsequently arrostoi and jailed. The convention in Dublin of lam' leaguers Saturday adopted resolutions setting forth that it was the duly ol tenant farmers in Ireland to give each laborer employed on their farms one- half aero of tilled land for cauh twdn- ty-fivo acres of his holding. Andrew Kountzoman , of Pittsburg , Pa. , upon being discharged from jail this morning went to the residence ol his wife , assaulted n man with a brick , knocking him Bonsolossfound { Ins wife in the yard and attacked her with n bar of iron , fracturing her skull and causing wounds from which she can not recover. Ho then cut his throal and died a few Moments later. Contributions are being liberally forwarded from all parts of the coun try for the relief of the Michigan suf ferers. There is such widespread dis tress , however , that it is thought 10- 000 for six consecutive days will bo necessary to keep people from perish ing. English mills continue to close. Oyor 5,000,000 spinnurs are reported to bo idle at Oldham alone. London dispatches from Candahar indicate that the nmcer has gained much of his lost ground and has quite an advantage over Ayoob Kahn. At a mooting of the Trades Union Congress , of London , Saturday , a lot- or over the signature of Minister jowell was road , which thanked the lologatos in behalf of the American ) cpplo for their resolutions of friend- hip and sympathy for President Gar- field. VEST VERSUS GRANT- Senator Vest Strikes n Forcible Blow nt the Ex-Pi csldonti fatlontvl Associated 1'rcsa. ST. Louis , September 17. Senator Vest , of Missouri , responding to an nvitation to attend the to-day con- odcrato reunion at Moborly , has ex ited much comment by an attack ipon ox-President Grant. Ho says : 'I had foolishly hoped that the tears nd prayers of the south over the ying president would at least have lodoratcd this unworthy man to a ccond Imto and passion , but General iraiit has declared in an address that lonsions must bo given only .to Union oldiurp. The insinuation is disgrace- ul to him only who mokes it. No onfoderato has over asked n pension nd Gen. Grant well knowit. What rug lias worked so inWvollpus n liaiifco in this man since his testimony t Cairo a year ago , that thoao who rare the gray were as true to the Fnion as those who were the blue ? CRIMINAL RECORD , atlonnl Associated 1'ruas. HEK JUST DESERTS. LITTLK ROCK , Ark. , Sept. 17. nfonnation is received hero this torning that Jane Campbell , a color- d woman living near Dyke Mills , ja. , killed two children , aged 10 and 2. The woman beat out their trains with a pine knot or some trivial act of disobedience , ftor the inquest , and when the causa f death became known , a mob of whites and blacks dragged Mrs. Campbell from her cabin , tied her to stake , and , despite her screams , lit- rally roosted her alive. The crime nd punishment is without parallel in lie criminal annals. Railroad Fatality. National Auoclateo ; i'rcM. EtMiHA , N. Y. . September 17. A ollision occurred between the two iastward bound freight trains on the few York , Lake Erie & Western ailway this morning , eight miles cost if this city. Five persons wore : illod two instantly and a sixth is atally wounded. THUKE CHILDREN I1URNKD. MAKRUAU. , Texas , Sept. 17. A olorod man and wife , named John- 3ii , residing ton mile * southwest of arthago , Panola connty , loft their liroo small children at homo alono. 'ho fother dropped a coal of fire from iis pipe as they we'nt out , from which ro originated. The children were all ) urned to death. Recovered. National Associated Frees. DKTHOIT , Sept. 17. Four bodies mvo bcon recovered from the wreck f the propeller Columbia , which'wont own a week ago to-day , near Frank- ort , and will bo brought to this city > y the revenue cutter Andrew John- on. Conceded toTliolrDemnudi , National Associated 1'rvu. JACKHON , Ohio , Sept. 17.The triko of the minors of llorao Greek valley came to an end to-day by Iho operators pgreoinf to give the advance of ton cents per ton asked by the mi- icis. Work will bo rommcd Monday. FREE OF COST. Dn. KINO'H NEW DIHCOVEUY for 7onsumpUon , Coughs and Colds Asthma , Bronchitis , etc. , is given away in trial bottles free of cost to ho ivlllicted , If you have a bad ough , cold , dilllculty of breathing , loaracnoss or any affection of thu hroat or lungs by all means give this vondorful remedy n trial. AH you aluo your existence you cannot ( lord to lot this opportunity pass. Vo could not aflbrd , and would not ; ivo this remedy away unless wo iiiew it would accomplish what wo hum for it. Thousands of hopeless asoi have already been completely ured by it. There ia no medicine in lie world that "ill euro one half the .isos that Du. KINO'H ' Nnw Diboovjjuy vill euro. For sale by 0) ) lait ft McMAHO.x , Omaha , CRAFTON. A Town that is Springing into Now Life , Great Need of Proper Irrigation - tion in Nebraska. Some of the Mont Prominent Easi ness Features of tbo Plnco- Cortcspomttnco ol The Icc. ! GHAKTOX , Nob. , Soplombor 18. Grnfton was IhoWyinorowitU which the B. & M. fought Button which was then without n depot aa Blue Springs is to-day. After Suttou got her dnpot Grafton drooped , in fact before that the Graftonitcs weakened and many of 'horn wont , liouso and all , acrosi 'tho pralrio to Sutton , but lalor ycara Itavo proved that there ia plenty of room for both towns and to-day Grafton - ton claims ? v heavier grain trade thail cither of the more populous rivalathat arc east and west of her. mtirriNO WHEAT. Thrco largo eluvatora arc busy all the time handling the wheat now com ing in. G. II. Warron's elevator has been enlarged and rebuilt to accommodate the pressure. Steam has recently been introduced in this elevator and now it will clean and transfer grain with rapidity. LIVE STOCK. A largo amount of horned cattle and hogs are fattened for market in this vicinity , and the shipments arc on the increase with great rapidity. In the course of tiino all the surplus [ ( rant of this country will go to mar ket either bellowing or squealing , as tko farmers wako up to the fact that Nebraska is not designed to compote with Minnesota for raising wheat , but that she can beat the world tor producing cheaply the beef steaks and hums that are so much prized as to always bo in demand at high figures. coux is' KINO , and it ia corn that Nebraska farina produces in the greatest perfection. It is corn thai- makes the richest and best beef and the most delicately flavored mutton and pork , otm OUASSKS. The buffalo and the bunch , where can their equals bo found ? Rich nnd uicy from top to the roots , winter LIU ! summer they are cngorly eaten and supplemented by huy which nakos a wondotful crop. This land s bound to bo the par.tdiao of stock arm owners. imotmi. The lack of rain his not boun so ovorcly felt in this locality as in the outhern central counties , but as Penn sylvania is moving for irrigation , vould it not bo well to recognize the undoubted fact tli.it Nebraska does iced irrigation at least as much iw . 'onnsyhlinio ? At Grafton I loticod ono of the Hazen wind mills ceoping up a little crook that would rrigato a twenty aero field if the stream were properly led out over the cultivated surface. In all my travels [ never saw but ono spot of Nebraska and that was irrigated , and that gar- Ion patch was a wilderness of vegota- ion that furnished iho city of North ? latto , Nob. , with all the "garden truck" that was wanted. The alkaline soil without irrigation vould grow nothing but grease wood. [ t was too alkaline to produce grass enough to cover the ground , but , with irrigation , eastern products were dwarfed into insignificance. Why not experiment n little ? Won't some- 3ody irrigate ton acres somewhere by digging ditches from a wind-mill and urning the water through first ono ditch and then another ? I venture to assert that an experienced irngationist will produce on ton aorca of irri gated and carefully prepared South L'latto land live hundred bushels of wheat , It is worth trying. Won't some ono put up a big wind-mill or two and give the country the benefit of a practical teat of the capabilities of our soil when enriched by n regu- ar and copious flow of water ? Why can't ono of our railroads hire a Utah 'armor to como here and try it on ? Ull'llOVEMKNTS. The Grafton steam flouring mil's ' mvo now the patent process , and , in 'act. they have boon thoroughly over- lauleil and refitted. They have four run of burrlia , and Mr. J , A. Ellis , the proprietor , tells mo that they have all the wotk they can do. Mr. H. 0. Pricp has built him anew now buildim ; for his bank of Grufton , and it is a daisy and as neat as any country bank in Nebraska. I am willing to voiituroa nickel that Dr Bullard's niw drug store and ofllco are also models for a town like Graf * ; on , and judging from the numerous calls the doctor receives , it is altogeth er probable that ho is as busy as ho cares to bp. Dr. B.illard nevertheless iccompunieil your correspondent , and ay his influence I got n wonderful subscription list in Grafton. It is not often that I meet with a bettor spool- lion of the educated public spirited jentlomnn. QIUUTEUS FOIl THE CUOWI > . Mr. A. 0. llicharda lias recently : akon charge of the only hotel in town and ia trying to do the best ho can with a miacrablo old rickety con tracted building. It ia a pity that soiiiu ono won't erect a hotel here that will fill the demand of a town that lias the importance aa a shipping point that is accorded to Grafton , Two restaurants started on the day I visited Grafton , J. G. JFoFaddon nnd another man , whoso name I did not loam , are the investors. They ought to succeed , and yet , unless they can find some place to give sleeping quarters to their patrons the demand of the town will not bo any where near filled. THE LAND in this vicinity , BO < ho people boast , is just n ttitlo ahead of any other spot in Nebraska. Whoi ) ull the land is so rich and productive it is not un common to mid men claiming that the jxncl spot they call homo is just a lit- ( lo better Mian any other , Here the gentle roll of the surface and thn blackness of the foil indicate that the agricultural possibilities are wonder ful , and , without doubt , witli a good year Grafton could make an astonish ing exhibit. This year of grace has , however , been n graceless year , and the crops are fur below the average. The bolt covered by the hail storm extends to within two inilca of the town of Grafton. High prices equalize matters , Jiow- over , and perhaps give a margin on the good side so thai in dollars and cents the fanner of Central Nebraska will show good crop ruturns , probably above the average. A weekly paper hnabson started by a handsome- young editor who has made it a very handsome shoot , and ho ought to bo handsomely supported for lie stands by the people's interests in a handsome manner. However , some handsome young girl should take him in her handsome arms and cook ImndBn'ne dinners for him and rear his handsome family , and that would bo doing the handsome thing by Grafton's handsome editor. In the list of public improvements I missed the school house that Grafton is building. It ia a fine structure and will cost $1,000. It will bo ready for the winter term of school. CaptReal , the owner of 1,400 acres , is making his property into a stock farm. Ho has an elegant residence and is surrounding himself with all that makes life desirable. Grafton needs and should have anew now depot. If the B. & M. wants to retain the friends she has in this town and got more of them she can't do better than to ECO that her Grafton depot keeps pace with the progress be ing made in all directions. For business review of Grafton sco advertising columns. RANOEH. Honorable Mention- Of all the remedies on earth that well may claim attention , Dr. TIIOMAH' Jici.KC- Tllia On. commamli especial mention. For wondrous power to cure disease , its fame them's none cnn throttle. Its merits tire not In the pulf , but are inside the bottle , llhcumatisin , neuralgia , sere thront , asthma , bronchitis , diphtheria , tc. , nro all cured by Thomas' Eclectria Oil. eodlw WOMAN'S TRUE FlUEND. A friend in need is a friend indued , This none can deny , cspeciall when assistance is rendered when ono is spiely afflicted with disease , moro par- ticulary those complaints and weak nesses so common to Our female pop ulation. Every woman should know that Electric Bitters are woman's true friend , and will positively restore her to health , oven when all other reme dies fail. A single trial will nlw.iys piovoour assertion. The are pleas ant to the taste and only cost oO cents a bottle Sold by Ish & McMn- hon. (1) ( ) RHEUMATISM , Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Bacbsofio , Sorenett of the Chest , Gout , Quinsy , Sore Throat , Swell ings and Sprains , Burns and Scalds , General Bodily Paint , Tooth , Ear and Headache , Frosted Feet and Ears , and all othof Pains and Aches , IT < . Preparation on arth tqoali BT. JACOW Ori M a * nfe , * ure , tlmplfi and cheap Jlxleroal tmedy. A trial cntaili but the comp.rmUT.lj totting outlay of 50 O nf , and cTtrjr on * lutTer. ( M with pain can bar * cheap and poaltlre "roof Ol IU elalmi. fff , Plrtctloni In B1 rn Infv * ( v. V f OLD BY AILDBUOOIBT8 AKDI5BAIEM IN MEDICINE. A. VOGIXSR & CO. , _ * t , 1880. SHORTJ.INE. 1880. KANSAS CITY , St , Joe & Council Bluffs u til * asw _ Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST From Omaha and the West. No change of can between Omaha and u . iX > uU , and but one between OMAUA and NKW YOUK. Daily Passenger Trains IIACIIINO ALL EASTERN AND WESTEHN CITIES with LESS CJIAKQES and IN ADVANCE of ALLJ OTHEK LINES. Thi entire line u equipped with Pullman * ! Palace Sleeplns Cant , Ial co Pay Coaches , lllller1 * SaMy 1'latlorin and Coupler , and the celebrated Wcstlnghonso Air-brake. /3T8i-a that 5 our ticket ro d VIA nANSAS ClTf , 8 P. JOSUl'U & COUNCIL DUUJrTS Kail. rovl , la St. Joaqili and St. Ix > ul . TIcUU for tale at all coupon atatlon * In the Went. J. r. UAItNAUD , A < C. DAWES , Qcn. Supt. , fit. Joseph , MoJ Don. 1'asa. and Ticket Ayt. Bt Josepli , Mo 5 I AKBY lloiinrJi , Ticket Ajunt , 10SO t'arnham > trvct A. D. BMIU > t'eneral Aircril , OMAHA. JIB DISEASES -OKTHE _ EYE & EAR DR. L. B. GRADDY , Oculist and Aurist , LATE CLINICAL AOSI8TANT IN ROYAL LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL. Ucferenccs all llcputiblo Wiytlclmi of Oinalun. tfOlfice. Corner 15th nnd Farnham Stt. , Omaha , Neb itiiiiiicU A , G. TROUP , ATTORNEY AT - LAW Burfock MM. J. 0. Itobcrtson , I'lttalmnr , Ta , , writes : " ! wai sulTcrlnt'from general tlililhtr. want of np- petite , comtijution , ctp. , no tint mo wnn bur den ; niter usltiif llunlock Blood Hitters I felt bet * tcr than foroais. 1 cnnnot pralao jour Itlttirs too tnudi. " H.GIM * . of RulTato , N. Y. , urltce : "Vonr Hiirdock llfood Illtlcrn , In thronloillKn csot the Wool , lUcr anil I.Itlncjf , ln\c licen flcrallv nmrkcd w.tli jticccn. I Imto u < u < l them nijncfl \\llli bc t results , lor torpidltvof tholhcr mil In CMC of a frlcntl of iiilno ixitlcrliit , ' from ilro ] > y , the effect M as nmn clous.1 UrucoTurner , nochontcr , K. Y.wrttcs"I ( : hn\c been subject to ecrlons disorder of tbo kldnc B. anil unable to nttcnd to husliifss : llunlock lilooil Hitters relict oil 1110 licforo half nbottlovoa used , t feel confident that they will entirely euro me. " K > A'cnlth Hall , ninghampton , N. Y , , writes ; "I lufferctlUthn dull pain through inv eft IUIIR and Bbouldcr. Lost my spirits , appctltn and color , nnd could vtlth illtllcuHy keep up nil day. Took jour llunlock niood IMtcrs ni di rected , and line fc t no pain since first neck af ter using tlivin , " Mr. Noah Bates , Klmlra , N. Y. . writes : "About four yearn ago I h id an attnck of iiHlousIctcr.nnd nc\cr fully recovered. My illtrc. the organs were weakened , and I would no completely pros- tratcd for ibjs. Alter utlng two bottles of jour llunlock I'.lood Illttcra tlic iniprofctncnt as so xltlblo that I va njtoiil hcd. I can now , though 01 j carg of ago , do a fair and reasonable ibj'a work , 0. Bliekct Uoblnson , proprietor of The Canada rrosbjtcrtan , Toronto , ( Jut. , writes : "For jcarn I suHirul LTuntly from oft-recurring hcnilachc. I used jour Himlock Illood Hitters vslth happleat results , and I now Iml ! lujsclf In better htalth than for years past. " Mrs. Wallace , HulTalo , N. Y , . writes : ' -Ihave used Dunlock Dlood Itlttcni for ncnous and btl- lious hcadachca , and cnn recommend It tonujono requiring a euro for bllllousncss. " Mra. Int Mullholland , Albany , N. Y , writes : "For c > cral } tars 1 hat e Buffered from oft-rtcur- ting blllloui hcadaLhei , iljspcpsla , and eom- plaints peculiar to in ) BOX. Since lifting jour Uurdock DIood Hitters I am entirely relieved. " Price , 31.00 per Dottle ; Trial Bottles 10 Cti FOSTER MILBDEH.&Oo Props , . , , , BtTFFALO , N. Y. Sold at vt holcsalo by Ish It McMabon and C. F. Goodman. Jo 27 cod-mo LEGAL NOTICE. John McFaddcn will toke notice that on the lOthof August , IbSli Clmrlcs Brandc * , Juitlcoof thu 1'cacc , of 1st precinct , Doughs Co , , Neb , , is- filed an order of attachment forthosumof @J0.2S in an action pending before him , \vherein Arne iCratz is ] > lalntilf and John McFodden defendant , that property consisting of household tunilturo and implements ha been attiu hcd under Raid order , bald cause \vas vontlnucd to 21st of September , 1831 , , 10o'clock p.m. Jt AltNO KItATZ , I'latntiff. PROBATE NOTICE. State ol Nebraska' , Douglas County , cs : At a County Couit , held nt thu County Court Hooin , In and for fc-ikl County , Aucrubt 1st , A. f D. IbOl. Present , HOWARD B. SSJini , County Judge. In the matter ot the estate of Joseph II. Not- son , deceased : On reading and filing the , ctltion of Martha S. Nclaon , iirajin. that the Instrument , P-- . . 'i rf--- w- - - - i. - - - - - letting to ho "a ifnly authenticated copy'of the I ast will and testament ofld deceased , nnd ol the prohato * thereof , by the Circuit Court of Fountain County , State of Indiana , and this day Illed in tills Court , may bo allowrd and recorded , us the las twill aml.tistamcnt of salt ) Joseph II. ' Nelson , dcctaecd , In and for the SUto of Ne braska. Ordered , That August 27th , A. D. 1SS1 , at 10 o'clock a. m , , Is a&ilgntd for hearing said petition , v hen all persons Interested In Bald matter may appear at a County Court to hs held , in and for said County , nnd thovf cause w hy the praj er of petitioner BhouM not be granted ; and that notice of tha pendency of said petition and Iho hearing thereof , bo sl\en to all persona Interested in said matter , hv publishing a copy of this order In Tint OMAHA SVKKKLY DUE , a newspaper printed In said County , for tlirco succcssh o weeks , prior to Bald dnv o < hearing. [ A true copy. ] 1KHYAHD B. SMITH. auglO-u3t County Judijo. To Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific Memory , Palna in the Iliclt or Bide , and disease * ' " 'that lead to Consumption Insanity and early gra e The Specific Medicine li being used with wonder ful success. Pamphlet ! aent free to all. Write for them and get fall par ticulars. Price , Spodflc , 11.00 per package , or ilx pack * ages for 15.00. Address nil orders to D. SIMSON MEDICINE CO. Noi. 104 and 100 Main St Buffalo , N. T. Sold In Omaha by C. F. Goodman , J. W. Bell , i , K Isb , and all ifru glitaoi ory where. * SS-dwl . B HB M HMM If you are a loan " "roan of lev encrtbythoBtrulnpC tcnitolllnKorernilL TOUT duties avokl nlKlit woik , to rci- atlmnUntsand uao tore bralnnerveand Hop Blttera. . I waste , u-o Hop B. If you are youtiK and I -urterinK from any In- dUcntluu or ilMpul ! lion i K you are luar- riod or alnitlo. old or I | Touna , mOtfilns from poor health or laninilihl I Inir on a U < 1 of alck- Jieaa , rily on Hopl IBlttors. . . Tliouaands die an. ' nuolljr < r o m ome aHow'SP I farm ot Kidney need * clcnnnlnc.ton-1 > dlM.ua tliat inlul't inir or ftlniuinllnif , ' haTO boeniroientcd wUliouUnturfcufni ; , by a tlmolr u&eof taUo Hop HopBlttera Bittern. , O. I. O. or urinary fom- li an absolute plaint , dUeasef and Irreilhtn OttIlO ( c > IUf'l. . | HOP We c n r e fur bmcrli. blood.l drnnLcnneii livtroTnenttn UK ot opium , You will be ] tobaccoor KToutuall narcotic * . Hop Bitter * } ] Soldbydrnfr- Ifjcuarerlm liU. bind for wonk and lotftplrltcd.trjT ply NEVER L1n.uUr , It I It may iior Dirrua save your FAIL HT'Q CO. llfo. It hae , anvcd hun Ro b. trri V. T dreds. ATorotito , Oat. Business College , THE GREAT WESTERN QEO. n. RATHDUN , Principal. Greighton Block , OMAHA , WitllASKA. : for ClrcnUr nov sn.t | tf ilc ot nl'lllty , to reprtscnt CHAMIlEltS' lllctlon.ry of Unl. \crtal KiionlcdKo. Compltto Cjilopjidla of Kcrv Day \\'ant . Tht U the Mott Utcful and Conijuct Literary Atblcu'incnt of the Ago. U Ins no iocrH.tltore. \Vewnnt comjHitont Solliltora. No iwildkrn nrixlftpplv Circular * . L\IIIL' full ile.tliitloii , iciitonappltraUon. J. H. OKAMllhllH , bt. Loulf. Mo. , Chicago , 111. , Atlanta , 0 * . Geo. P. Bemis REAL ESTATE AGENCY , 15th and Dodge 8tt. , Omaha , Neb ( This agency docs mRicrLTa brokerage buslnc-fs. Doci not tpituUtv , and thcrcfora any barptlni on UH bool.a are Injured to Iti ( atroui , intttad ot bcliii ; gobbled up l > v the a.'tnt j HEADQUARTERS -FOR- Wo desire to call the special attention ot the trade to our- elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PRICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan * Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overshirts , Overalls Hosiery , &o.no\v open , Wholesale only. SHREVE , JARVIS & CO. , Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts , I n ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , MAHA , NL'B. The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAILORDERS. if 18-mo FEARON & COLE , Commissson Merchants , 1121 Parnham St. , Omaha , Neb. Consignment . ! mode us til recelt e prompt attention. References : State Dank , Omaha : Plati & Co. , IJaltlmorc ; Feck & Knnshcr , Chicago ; M. Werk & Co. , Cincinnati. I. OBERFELDER & CO , , IMPORTERS AND JODDEIIS OP MILLINERY & NOTIONS , , 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. The only exclusive wholesale house in this line in the west. . o. WHOLEBALE GROCER , 1213'Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. GunsAmmunitionSporting Goods FISHING TACKLE , BASE BALLS , and a FULL LINE OF NOTIONS AND FANCY COOPS. MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Ne J , The Largest Stock and Most Com plete Assortment in The West. * ' fijH We Keep Everything in the Line of Carpets , Oik- cloths , Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures and Lace Curtains. > WE HAVE GOODS TO PLEASE EVERYBODY. 1313 Farnham St. , Omaha , WM. F. STOETZEL , Dealer in Hardware , Cooking Stoves TIlsT Stove Repairer , Job I orker and lanufacturer Tenth and * . Omaha Jackse" - - - , Neb