Newspaper Page Text
F > l\ rrG OMAHA DAILY BEJI : , JANUARY 23 , THE DAILY BEE , Mornlntr , Jan 23,1 I'Atterfton Rolli coal. Jprcdcrick TH B Hfttlcr. 'BcmUSKTjl.S KarniB. Donne , Helinhln Hnttcr. ernl SUTjI.S Wild Lindn. Olo/es nt tlic ! ) ' . ) cent dtoro. 'Hie wcatlwr Un Ain delightful. 1'incst Toilet nrilcU's nt Haxo'H. DlinlnSKLhS Uu-dncn 1/otn. Oo to Snxe's for Rood cigars. -C od nK-JtinK .it tlio rink. jnnllitf lieiuia SIiLLS ) HOIIBCH and Ixitn. ] 5cm5 SKLL 1'roiicrty. Iteinis SlCLT'.SKesIdcntcii und Ixttx. licinU SELLS City Mupn at lOo each. A. P. Jnhniitoii , lcntiHt.lnc ( > b'H block. Vncc'tie Virus ut Kutm'rt. jlUf 1'insr CI.AHS Reef ut llancdorn'H. d28-tf IV-h VACCJXH ju t iecoid nt Benila KKNT8 KIMIHCH , I/tH , Knnns. cicifee. . LINDQUiSTThc : Tailor , ISOC.Karn- num. j3-liii Crui I'at "Kuril to fiirniih Iho crini nii lluiil that Knrucy tliirnU fur ? WAXTKI ) To rout n itciir.iblo dwelling IIOUHO. Address box-1(5 ( , city. jiin'JItl Tlie Uiiinn Catholic f.ilirary nnsocin- tinn will 1'INC the fiiHt viitertiiiiiintnt of thu . new jour thin evening. Tlwcanoof l' t Ford , chargitl witlinN- H\iiltnncl battery upon .Mrn. Uarney Slmn- lion , will ronif up fur tiial to-iiinrrnn nfti'iiiixiu ut 2 n'eliiuk , Tliu udjoui ami invotinn' of the Itonnl nflViidc and citi/oni will nif < : t to icsiinK considuriitiiin of thu ri'puil of the piivin ciuiimittve to-niglit. Salu of Meats for Kntlierint ltot'n ( opi'iti-il toilajat Kdhnliu and lit iclcson'i ithtiy flui.U'Hn ; , ' jiroipecU. She IH tint and will l private p.irty took ] > lnu Friday at thu residence of Mr. Win'PiicilicHtn'Ct ' , hotwti'n lOthnnil lltli. About tln'i ty jiernom were present thi-re MIIK K""d HIUMC , a Hjilvndid HIIIICI | | and n daiicii uhich cvfryhmly cnjoyvl hn , Uarney Shannon PWOH arrcHtod Sut unlay on u warrant clmrgltin him will iaaaing u challenge to ii ht 1'atrick Venn n < luel. Tliu cx-coiincJhiinii from f'u ) Tliird WAD nrrlgncd and deairod to pout ] H > ne cxamhiatlon , Ho K&VO $ )00 boncli fur apicaranc < ncxtWodncHday afternoon Kobert Glyun bccnuio the surety. ANOTHER KICK. "Many People" IProtost Against tin # Post Houeo Location. In smallpox isolation is a matter o the utmost importance , Bays the na tional board of health. Our board of health has isolated pest house within a few rods eacl way from which there are brick yardi employing a hundred or moro o hands who earn their living there am u few blocks from a college filloi with children of all a es , and in a thickly settled noij < hborhooi where all rebel a ainat such doings. A post house might with tin name justice to its immediate r sidunt bo' put in the heart of the city a where it is. Wo in this locality liavi lived for years where every broez that moved was reeking with stuml from tlio slaughter houses and diiir " yards , nor lias the filth been movei i > away from these places , but throwi into the crook lo carry its burden o disease still farther on. Must wo always pay taxes for th privilege of living in such misery And now injury must bo added to ou already insulted rights in the form u pealilenco and death perlups. Our homes are hero , and where cai wo go from this lerriblu thing , forcei upon ns ! Who dan wo go to for pro ' lection but to the high ollichils of th cityf MAKV PKOI-I.K. Wilrnor's Safe Kidney and Live eod-lw NEW BANK. AHunduomo Bulkllnufor Thlitoont Htroot.J TJio Omaha National bank 'wi to-day begin to tear away ( ho ol building on Thirteenth strool , butwce the bank and thn alley , proparalor to thu erection of a new block. Th now building will havu a sixty-six foi front , by Bovcnty-six feet deep , an tlio height from the sidewalk to tl cornice will bo sevimty-nmo fee The foundation will bo < gray Bundslonu and aupuretrui turo of [ iressed brick , with terra cell trimmings. Thu bank will use all 11 apace in the first story while thu so I ! end , third and fourth stories will I arranged for olliccH. It is expected to complete thu buih if ing in timu for occupancy by thu fa f88li. iProof Poiitive. Wehave theinoHl jionltlve and convh ting proof that TIIOUAK' KCI.KCT 10 OIL In.i i a moKt effectual kjieclfiu for Ixidily | > In. Iu caws of rheuinatfijn and neuralvla ! fives Jnitant relief , ] < j.w ARNDT'S ' CASE. T Found Guilty by the Jur.v bn One Count of thuln diottnont. The Plon for tlio Jje lontMj ami tlio In iSr Btructlon\tjf the Judgo. LINCOLN , Jnmiary 21. The trial of August Arndt hns junt closed. Mrs. lamoH Nnvillo testified thnt Mr. Arndt uaino to the liouso nnd wished to otnploy Mr. Novilln as counsel and that lie ( Arndt ) would have Judge Dundy removed from the bench in case he did not decide certain matters in Ilia favor. During Iho testimony of this witness Arndt jumpnd up and violently lently objected to wlmt wan said by the willies : * nnd counsel. IFo ( Arndt ) did not wind to bo considered insane or crazy on any mibjoct. Mr. O'JJriuii testified that ho hud been retained by Arndt us counsel in cortnin ( Uses , Had hold conversations about his cases against the I' . I' , road , nnd ho ( Arndt ) aaid the courts werolools of the U. P. , and that thu nfliccrs of the court would miller if ho was not suc cessful in his cnsei. Mr. .John I. Hedick testified tint lie had benn em ployed aii counsel for Mr. Arndt. Ilia evidence was not very dill'eietit from thivt of others. Mr. Schultx wan recalled and cross - examined in regard tovhat said between him ( SIiultTi ) nnd Mr. Popploton in regard to the cases of f . Arndt. lie ' win also questioned in . regard to n certain article entitled "Judicial Murder , " published in TIIK HKI : December Kith , which ho denied having written , hid go Dundy then tool : the stand. The judge thrust hia hiiiulH into his . pockets and awaited thu questions of counsel with great complacency. The - judge testified that certain threats snitl to have been niado by Arndt had boon reported to him by a. great many Individuals. The threats wore to the ellbcl that he ( Arndt ) would put him ( thu judge ) out of the way ; also , that - Mr. Arndt'ft attorneys suggested that thu case against the Union Pacific railroad bo postponed bec.uiHU of these threats. Tim judge said also that ho - WIIH doubtful whether the throatH - made by Arndt would inlluunco his opinion in thin cut tain cam > . Had conversations.with Arndt in reg.ird to the matter of these indictments. Arndt denied having made any threats of violence , but miid he would make i the points in thu caiu'so plain that he ( the judye ) could not avoid deciding in his lavor. No letter received from ' Arndt contained any tin eat iigiinst u hia ponton. Thu government rested the case hero. On the assembling of the thu court at 2 p. m. , ttie defendant Arndt , WIIH put upon the aland nnd testified in , iiis own behalf. Testified thai hu never nnidu a threat ngninst .ludge , Dutuly. Ho then detailed the con versation ho had had v , ith thu various attorneys whom ho employed at dif ferent times. They told him ( Arndt that the judge would not reinstate hie case and no said ho would OOMPKL the judge to reinstate his case. The question was asked if he intended to take the life of Judge Dundy , which ho answered in the negative ; but it was excluded by the court. Did not intend to ob struct in any way the operation of the court. He did not employ attorneys to go nnd settle with the railroad company to hia disadvantage nnd disgrace of himself. Witness said 10 ho became angry , and that ho wished a rebellion would como und tear \ \ 1 the 1T. P. road from Umahu to 1t > Francisco nnd Icavo not n rail. Wit of ness then wont over several convors.v tioiiH with attorneys , and that in then ho limy have nmdoBomo throats againal .Fudge Dinidy , but that if ho did mala i Hiieh threats ho made them in ungci and excitement and did not have anj intention of impeding the due counu of justice. In regard to the organization zation testified to in Saunders county , that the only object was to prosu' cuso certain cases against the i railroad company and that he ( Arndt ; had no commotion with it. Witness testified that he believed in an iin- seen God und that lie was consciou IK of his obligation to toll the truth mi- dor oath. During tlio testimony tin I'O witness became very much excited nl zoh < times , and it requited thu joint oll'orl of counsel and court to quiet him. ry All in all the witness told a roasona def dm bio and quite straight forward story m Mr. Lumbertioii tliuu of presented tin case of the government to the jury. lie The closing argument to tlio jury on ? the part of the defense , was an do quont plea. Mr. Charles Kediel ur of spoke earnestly for nearly an hour The substance of hie uddiess wim ni follows. Lid iin CJontlumen of the jury ; -Four m five montlta Mr. ago Arndt was i lie 'o- client of my father and myself , am tlio first wo know of Ins connectioi with the criminal branch of the coin- was about thu time when y u als or learned of it through thu newspapers in which his name wits conneetei with curtain terrible suspicions There was n grant noise made abou this man. Ho was a terrible man , in th awful criminal , I ID was a cummunia and n socialist , and nil thu paper published thu suspicion that ho wn thu murderer of U'utson li , Smith ill Ho was a dangerous mini , about \\hos neck the rope of iho gallows was fas en tightening. And when ho was ai rested upon the present indiclnieii II thoru was hardly a newspaper whlcl did not say that n greater villaii otml never wont unhung. Such a man th ho prosecution expected to prove him i this court. Hut as timu goes on ot.of found that Instead of being indiete yo of for the heinou.s rrimo of murder , th no- grand jury adjourned with , ut lindin tin anything ng.iinst him. Mm noi .1)1) ) you find that there is an in oc- dictment wherein hu in charged wit having threatened the lifu of .liuly Dundy for the of purpose impedin . Id. all thu administration of justice in thi court. So , after nil this imiso , yo find the charges ugninst this man at simmered down to an indictment t this kind and tlio , government H0\ \ In. admits that the thivutcnlnu letter * . were nothing but vapor. Tlfu judg In.It himself has denied their wuatwicc and on tlio other hum ! nays hu S r vive loHcrn which wore uniformly fourteen * ami rehpuctfiil. Do not allow impression to pre vail in your minds that in this prose cution the reputation of Judge Diind.v needs vindlcifion. or his pursnti liro- toc'.ion. Thep.tsn it Mtnply between the United SinAn , r. presented by lion 0. M. l/imbertoii mi ono aide and Animt ? Arndt on Hir othor. It matters nothing to Judge Dundy what you do with this man. Ho did not advise this prosecutson. 1 do not bo- licvo ho thinks thii man should be > found guilty. The question is whether these threats were made in such a way that you could reasonably suppose that ho intended by them to Itillucnco or impede the duo administration of justice. Within n short limp public senti ment has been changing about thin great scoundrel. The pcoplo arc be ginning to think there must bo some other reason for this prosecution than ho merits of the case. This man has had thn rnilrond company to light ; ho has been followed by the detective bloodhounds ; his lawyers have oold him out , nnd perhaps ho is now re ceiving the first grain of nymp'Uhy which a cold-blooded world has over extended to him. Ho slamls before Ibis bar us n man of good characlor. Nol a word has been said against his character. T do not deny thai my client turtle tiitmtnnpaitmt the life of the judge but that docs not prove the caio. The thi > at must be adopted to eUcoluato tlio perpetration of the crime. There is not ono man on thirt jury who be lieves Arndt madu these threats to his confidential lawyers with the intonlion that they should roach Iho pars of the judge , nnd tlum influoncohm decisions in the suits. It has been shown that when the thre.itn wcro made Arndt was laboring under the impression that he was a wronged man ; that there was no hope for him in nstrange country with a great corporation to fight and everybody against him ; and believing that hu had a good and just unit , ho said lhat if the court did not decide in hm favor he would kill him. These lawyers who heard these threats did not pay any attention to them till six or seven months at tor the threats wore madu. Now , if they really thought Arndt meant to kill the judge , why did they not go to him and tell him hu was in danger and ask him to piotect himself / It is an as tonishing fact that the only witnesses to UICHO threats were men who nt some time liavo buen his confidential advis ors nnd professed friends. All thu ' . witnesses prefaced their testimony with the statement that ( hey had been Arndt's attorneys Wlii'it this man was rululing to his iillorneya the story . of his wrongH and sorrows , and tin lawyuis intimati'd that there might be ROIIIU ditliculty in obtaining his right it is no wonder if hu did threaten tc kill thu judge if ho did neb do him justice. What was the ellcct of these threats Judge Dundy himself siy.i that tin case was postponed at the requcot of Arndt's attorneys. You do not need to inquire what their reasons woro. When the case was reached , the judgi said hu had hoard these throats and did not know whether ho was in condition lo do justice to the casonm refused to proceed unless both partici requested him to do HO. They BO ro ) ( [ Hosted. Thu case came up nnd tin judge decided against Arndt. Has not this man had moro than hi shuro of trouble in this world ) In thi trial it in the rights of Arndt and no the character or safety of Judge Dumb which is nt stake. ' 1 his man's right . are something you are bound to respect JUDOK FOHTKH'H y The crime which thu prisoner is cuscd is a very grave and aoriou u offense . . . , yet . . in this . . . as . in all cases tin defendant is clothed with the presumption d sumption of innocence until he i found beyond reasonable doubt to bi 1n \ : guilty. The first point for yon to de t- cide ia whether Arndt made thi threats which are clurgcd aguins him. Kivo or six witnesses have tes in : tilled that he did not mtiko them , un he H.iid himself upon the whites stand that he may Inivo aaid some ( thing against thu judge. If you decide that ho did mak - these threats , yon must then onquir , whether Ihoy actually did inlliiunce . obstruct or impudo the due admiiih trution of justice in this court , Di ) they influence , Judge Dundy so tha * hu madu any other dispositon of thi . case than he would have done if thu * had not boon made I Was the cas delayed on this account > Did h through four , or delicacy or any feel ing of improurioty , decline to hear o nniku any other disposition of the cas . than ho otherwise would have done I < Then , if you decide that tlies , threats did result in inlluenuing , ba Blinding or impodi'.ig the administra tinn of justice , you must inquire if th defendant madu thum with the intun tion of producing this result.Vlin was his motive in reiterating thus threats at times and places where the would bo likely to reach the ears c Judge Dundy' The jury retired about twelv a o'clock , and late in tlio afternoon n turned a verdict of guilty upon on indictment. Sentence will be pronounced upo 30 < Arndt Monday or Tneni1ay of nes , week. The law sets the maximtn limit at SI,000 line and a year's in 8.lit prisonmcDt It IH probablu that th lit sentence will be cimparatively lijjh st The Dolnga ot Jolin Doo. A farmer came in town Ironi Sari . county Friday to see the placi Ho saw more of it than ho calculate upon. After u while ho wound up u ir- irnt Twelfth street. Ho opened nogotii ch lions with a lady of not doubtful repi iu tation , and put up a forfeit. Then 1 hu sickened of hia bargain and wank inmi his bargain back. Hu didn't got i mi An appeal to a policeman resulted i ed his being nrroatod und thu woman hu arrest also. Both spent the night i jail. .Saturday the former settle , both lines and his name went on tl ii- book as John Dou. It was not a su iith cmful fmaneial operation. ng Buoliim'v .iirinoa * 3nlvn. us The best sulvo in thu world for out ou bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rhoun no fever Bores , teller , chapped hand of chillblains , corns nnd all kinds i JW skin oruplions. This salvo is gun 'rs anteod to give poifect satisfaction i 'rsS every case or money refunded. 1'rici 2Dc jwr box. For sale by & McMaiioN. Omaha. THE FRY FAMILY. Grand Concert at Boyd's Opera HOUBO , Saturday Ni ht. Srtcrod Concert on Sabbnth Evening , It is not often that our citizens are favored with so chaste and elegant an entertainment as these given by the Madauio Fry concert company on Saturday nnd Sunday evenings at Boyd's grand opera house Brief as wan the announcement of their coining , it sufficed to fill the largo house on Saturday night with H select and.unusually appreciative audience , and HOldotn has a crowd gone nwnj fcolintr so well repaid an on this occasion. The programme included fifteen numbers , well selected und rendered in most oxquisilo taste. The orchestra won favor from the first , the overture "Nymph of tin Mountain" and Faint's "Ooldun Wedding" being faultless ! } . played. Thu c met baud made a de cided hit in Lock wood's "Oathoriim llomo"und Levy's "Young America. ' Madame Fry , who possesses n pure , , mc//.o-soprano \oico , has an im pressive slaco pieseiico as well , ant' was especially pleasing in Gang's "Nighlinualo Trill. " She is also a master of Ihe 15 cornet nnd wet deserved applausn to the encore ii Arbiui's "Fnvori" and variations. IIIT daughters. Lulu , Kujjonie , ami Alta have inherited her musical talent to a great degree and met with i1 reception amounting almost to at ovation. Almost every piece was encored cored , nnd the evening was crnwnot with such success as rarely falls to the lot of any artists who visit us. The announcement of. the sasrci concert last evening filled the house to overflowing , scarcely a seat boinj , . obtainable in parquolte , dress or fami ly circles. Iho programme prcecntot was an ac'mirablo one , and , no doubl had it not been Sablnth evening would have been doubled by encores the audience , decorous us it was , bciiif , unable to restrain a most decided applause plauso at 0110 or two points in the pro The vocal trio , "Steal A.way to JUHUB , " by Madame Fty and daughtorH , was beautiful , and the 'Avo Maiii . " with violin obligate , ° by M'ldamc Fry and Alta , not less so. The quartette for horns was well re ceived mid the imiguificcnt icndition of"ll'jck of Ages , by the company band was dimply grand. Perhaps the most beautiful tiling of thu ovmiing was the contralto solo , " Not , Ashamed of Chiist , " by Miss Lulu Fry. This young lady must bo re garded as the sweptest singer and the most accomplished nnd unaffected ! player in the company and cannot ap pear too often. The closingsolection , a vocal trio , "Home Sweet Homo" . was charming. The programme was interspersed with appropriate readings by Dr. Stalling , who just before the last u . number returned the thanks of the audience and of thu Lutheran congre gation in particular , under whoso aus pices the company appeared hero , for 10 the rare treat they had afforded their hearers. : It would bet u line thing if such on- . tertainmei\tH could be oftener secured , and Madame Fry and her talented daughters boar away with thorn some : thing more than the admiration and good will of the people of this city , whom they Have charmed by their exquisite c- quisito music. cus 10 BOBBIE BUKNS. 0- 0is be Celebration of the Poet's Birthday e- Anniversary In Omaha. e10 10 st On next Wednesday evening the id Burn's club , of thia city , will colo- SH bralo , by a grand banquet , the li&d ! anniversary of the birth of Kobort Burns , that illustrious Scotch poet whoso memory all nations delight to honor. Unusual preparations have v been madu for thu celebration this id year , and , doubtless , it will bo \ \ ith- " out exception thu grandest occasion of ; thu season. Thu following is the table su progruuuuu after which the dancing lie prou'rammu will bu taken up , and jlor everybody will bo allbrdi-d a hearty or good time : Sl ! Burn's HiUd Anniversary , Maxonic Hall , Wednesday , January 25th so 188' ' . b- THOMAS FALCONKII , a- A. 0. TKOITI' , President. lie Secretary. n- .at Welcome by the President. ISO Tiiaut of tliu evening Tlio .Memory of Oy BlllIH f Band. .There wart u had was I'o n in Kyle Itoaponsu Mr. Jlonicr Stull Hong Mr. J. Korthrui Baud . . . "Yimki'u Dooillo re- Sung Mias I.i//.lo Caltici wooii renu Toast Keot andAmericr nu linnd. . . , ( iid ) Save thu Queen , Htn Hpnnh'leil Banner. on Kespoimt . . .Ituv.V. . I ! . OiiHiLiiul SOUK Mr. Charted MoUoimh txt liiuul . . Vu 1'iinU-H unit r.rnec , Kti im Houtf . Miaa.MaggH Beni'd'Hoi Toast. ho Band. . . . A Man'ri alnn for a' 1'hat lit. Tim Old l.o } ? C\ililu. Itodpoiisc , . . . .Mr. I ) . C. Brook HOIK Mr. .1. W. Wilkln BIIUK , Mlstfliln ( ilbaol : Toftwt. . The I.aitie py limul Shu'a but Ias.flo My I/u u Yo lto iKimo Mr. A.U. Troin > eden Hong Mr. A. Wllkin HOUR ami Choriu Ureen CSiow th on Ittuhea O' . iu- SEHIOUS ACCIDENT , he . OlirUtlan Amloraon Fulla Into u Qull unU lironlca Ilia Ann. II'H nj A serious accident occuriod Fri jlo day about 8 o'clock near the corne lieof Jones and Klevonth streets. Chris tiaii Aiulerson , a yotiiig s\vod ii coiu ] > any with two others , was procoediiu uloni { Eleventh street , when ho inadi 1 ta , a mis-dtep ami was procipitatei in , into the gully below. Ho foi ! ) , about fifteen feet and struck 01 of his face and arm. His faci was very badly cut and bruised , am in his right arm was broken. Thi , injured man's companions carried bin to thu Hotel Denmark , where hi boarded. Dr.Merrium was called am ot Anderson's fractured limb , and uwcd up the injuries to his fnco. 'hu unfortunate man will probibly > n confined to his bed for several weeks. KATHERINE ROOERS. The Gront English Actress In Gnlnton nnd Loah. On Tuesday evening next , Kathrino llogcrs , thecolobrated English actress , will open on engagement at the Academy ot Music in a grand double bill , including "Galaton , the Statue , " ind ' 'Leah , the Jewish Maiden. " Miss llogors steadily maintains her place in thu front rank of finished actresses , nnd as an emotional artiste of acknowledged ability. Shu also appears with the moat magnificent costumes and stage Huttings ever put on here. The Denver Republican says : The clussically beautiful character of Galatoa seems to bo ono especially adapted to her ntylo of acting. It is a wonderful creation , the very pretty pictures she forms , with all the grace and ule anco that art and study could devise , at the same time so relincd and natural that it Hormod to bo n rn treat to the audiuneu lust night , judging from the applause given as enuh little snttiru WIIB brought foith. As Leah she grasped the character like a true artist , and evolved the meaning and purpose lo the letter. In the curse accno she win grand ; she looked like mi inspired prophetess , so fJiiipU'ie wm hi'i" conception of the scene. Tins Ihti'hn ' ; , ' p.itlnts of Miss Uogor'H voice li'U'i.l , t uispohsivo echo in the henits uf .ill who \vitnuHded her acting hist night. Thu applause was n series of ovations. Messrs. Myer llnapke , the whole sale grocerc , luivo ivmoved to NOM. 1817 and 1H1S ) Douglas street. Their rapidly increasing business demand ed not only more room but double thu facilities of thu old stand. It is ono of our oldest and most solid 1 ouscj. janM-tit A DUEL. Ex-Councilman Shannon Wants to Fight Insldo of Three Weeks. The difficulty between Uarney Shannon and Street Commissioner ' 'ord , which was alluded to in Fii ay's BUB , culminated in the fo ! owing ciiAl.r.i.Mii : 'o Patrick ' .mi. I heie'n ' i illi-iro y > n to li ht me or § 000 " -1 ' ( ( ) ( , i Midi' , in any way ou nniy i-iiooso , .uid at .my jdace and inuMon IIMIIU , uithin tlin-is weeks , or In ing u suited my wife. T hero- ly Ininiil you as a bar. U. SHANNON. It ia hoped that tlio police will not How aiij body to be murdered , and it s suggeutod that if a duel results the ontibtiuits be compelled to fight at he corner of Fifteenth and Fnrnam voapons two inch and a-half nozzles Siamese couplers , the free use of the rydrants to be tendered the duellist 'or one-half day. By that time Bus - ley's blood would bo thoroughlj cooled. Real Estate Transfers. The following are all the transfer of real estate recorded at the count clerk's oflico during the five days end ng Friday , as reported by John L. yicCaguo , real eatate agent and con royancor : Augustus Kount/o and wife lo A. 0. UtholF , lot 5 , block 2 , Kountzo's fourth addition , w. d. , § 200 , City of Omaha to Omaha it North- urn Nebraska railway , right of way : rom Nicholas to F.irnam street , SL - This is for the- track now in use by : ho St. Paul , Minneapolis t Onitilui "inc. John F. Buhni and wife to Jas. H. Thompson , s. w . ' of n. w. | of sec. 5 , Loivn 15 , range l.'l , east , w. d. , § 400. Churchill Parker and wife to I'.uii \V. Horbach , lot ii , block 5 , in llor- bach's 2d add. , w. d.rS700. - Deniiug estate by Itulph Gaylord , idminisliator lo C. C. House ) , s. \ of n. e. | and n. A ' of s. e. ] of sec. lit , town li ( , rango'lO , deed $1,200. Elizabeth and . .lamesV. . Davis to Ilobart Williams , s. e. , | of 'n.V. . | of sec. 2 ( ' , town 15 , range 12 east , w. d. , $800. Byron and Lewis Uccd and wives , to I. C. Brnnor , lot 3 , in block 15)1' ) , , w. d. § 700. Geo. Armstrong and wife to Chris tian Johnson , south \ of lot 11) ) , block 2 , in Armstrong's addition , w. d. § 100. IXivid Cooke nnd wife to U. 0. H ousel , north of southwest j of . section I in township L > , range I ! ! east , w. d.SW > . Nancy llouck and Dorsuy B. llouek to Altha Hullo Kelsuy , south I of lot 15 , in Millardnnd C.ildweH'aaildilioii , w. d.-l. C'has Siovew lo John ( iriobel , the now. A of sec. ! t , tort-n. 15 , range 11 east . d.-$2-J07.BO. , w. - $ , - . United States to CJoo. W , Hastings , no. J ot nw j , see , 27 , town. 10 , r.uigo 1 1 cast. Patent. United Slates to (5eo. W. Hastings , assignee , nw. | of nw. | and s. i of nw J of sec. 27 , town. Hi , range 11 east P.itunt. Board of Trnclb. l Pieaulent Chirk has received a communication from thu Council Hinds board of trade , Hiking tint u committee be appointed to confer with : i committee if their boatd in regard to the construction of a wagon ; bridge across the Mibnomi to connect thu two cities , This committee will bo appointed at the meeting on pav ing Monday night , TIIOS. ( ! in > o.s , hecretury. Nitioiml V'OL-Uti' . | .i. , Jai.uuj _ ' ! Then , was a cocking ni.i.n nt Cork's Itnn , six mih'a from Pi tubing , Iwt nighr. llirds from tins ciij , Wheeling , W. Ya. , and Stuubenvillu , Ohio , took part , seventeen battles were fought nnd 5,010 changed hands. The main lasted four hours. Pittsburg won nearly all the tattles. "BLACK-DRAUGHT" makes chills NARROW ESCAPE , A Horeo Goes Through tbo Ice Below the Bridge. A Warning to Those Who Cross tue Uivornt That Point. yulto an exciling scone was wit nessed last evening , on the river bank just opposite Boyd's packing house , which came near resulting very seri ously. It appears that yesterday morning Mr. C. E. Mayno wont over to Conn- cil Bluffs , taking the dummy train and intending to return on the i ! o'clock run. Ho drove his valuable roadster , "Oscar J'helps. " and had his light buggy ued only on special occasions. Being busily engaged , ho missed the dummy on his return and concluded to come back across the ice , driving down to a point just below - low the bndgu to make the crossing. When part way over , ho observed Bomo boys who \\vvu skating making violent signs at him and stopped to see what was wanted , when one of thuni cnmo up nnd told him he was driving on dangerous ground On getting out and examining the ice he found his liorsu's fete ieet within six incties of a space where ice had been cut out and the new ica was BO thin thai Iho boy who warned him readily broke it through with his sknto. Mr. Mayno then made n widu detour and had nearly reached the Nebraska shore when suddenly his horao broke through with his fore feet. Hu got out and unhitching him pulled the buggy back and then took the horse by the bit and tried to got him on thu solid ice. The animal , however , lloundercd about so thai ho broke the ice in all directions about him , letting himself and his owner down in the water. Mr. Mayne sciambled out , but the horse worked himself tinder Ihe ice , all but his head , which rested on a cake of ice which alone prevented him from being drowned. Mr. Mayno hastened nahoro and secured the assistance of several of Mr. J. E. Boyd's men , who took topes , planks , etc. , and finally suc ceeded in getting the horse out , in n half dead condition. Dr. Chambers was telephoned for and the horse taken to one of Mr. Boyd's stables , where ho was cared for until he WIIH in a condition to bo driven home. The accident happened about -f o'clock and it was ( ! o'clock before the 'iiirs-o rescued tiom his perilling condition. It was a wonder thatho was over ro-t-ued at all. A m-owd of not less than 000 people gathered on thij bank : ind watched the c-Jlbits made to save Ihe anuival. A number of teams had crossed in the name locality during the day nnd ir is a matter of surprise that some did not meet the same fate , bur it is evidently dangerous business and the ice is not in fit condition to risk teams on , so that it will bo well to look out in making nuch crossings un til another cold snap strengthens the ice bridge. The point at which tl > o accident happened was just where all the filth from Boyd'a packing house is discharged into the river and the work was done in the taco of sicken ing filth and stench. ALMOST CRAZY. How often do we see the hardworking ing father straining every nerve and muscle , and doing his utmost to sup port his family. Imagine his feelings when returning homo from a hard day's labor , to find his family pros trate with disease , conscious of unpaid doctors' bills and debts on every hand. It must bo enough to drive ono almost crazy. All this unhappiness could bo avoided by using Electric Bitters , which expel every disease from the system , bringing joy nnd happiness to thousands. Sold at fifty cunts a but tie. Ish & McMahon. (8) ( ) SPECIAL NOTICES. TO LOAN MONEY. NOTIOU-AdvertiwuH'nt To Loan , For Kale , I.o-t , Found , WanU , Doardinc , ftc. , will bu In- i > ertcd in these columns once for TKN CUNTS per Una ; each subsequent Insertion , KIVECEJiT. per line. The ; first rouertton ne\ur less thun OKNTH MONEY TO LOAN Sunn ot 31CCII to * MO , lo tf time , real oalato security. Albert Hwartzlander , Attorney at Law , S. K. corner 16th -ml Douglas , 051-24 ONKV TO LOAN Call at Law Olllte cf D M L. Thomas Room 8 Crelehton Dlock. To loan at from 8 to 10 per cent IPtJll.UU' ' on good real ostateaceurlty , by IW. ISAAC EinYAUUfl 1109 Farnhnm St. l-OA At per centln- /VtU.UUU terebt In sums of $2,500 and upwards , for 3 to 6)earn , on flrst-claes city and ( arm property , Ilpuu IlKAt ESTATE acil Lo\y AOHNCY. 16th nnd Donates Hts HELP WANTED. ii al lioiinunoik , Apply ut northttwt coi note ! llainl ton and IVr MH. , Hliiuii Hnildltlon. atw-tf - V place to tctnl to lirnciIn cltj WASTBD- or out In country. Al'l1' ' ) a' Hill ) I'uin ln St. U70-23" ANTKIi-To rent a de lrable tl eling ) W house. Aililrexi lioi 4(1 ( , Oiij ' " 71 tf \NTEU A till to do general houwwnilt , U7NTEU uarntrSth and HunarJ St. 971'Jt' ' \XTH1I-A ilrl for jciieral hbum ork , lit 'lli ' N ISth St. , bet. CtteaanJ CalKnrnU | 972'21' TAM'l'll A oed eel , woman. L. Mo \v Co ) i , niur government corral ) . 00224 \\TANTiH : Twoglrla , a coTpettnt cook ntiil \ \ < ii-ondgirlat southwest corner of St. Mar ) n aienuo and 20th St. 60.1- * \Xr.l.VTKU I'lrut-c ' ! i ooV , OMQ wro mulir \V.linilaliHMt ! fiul but flr t I'atHiiciil apply Also u j'iod < \ - ttnltcr Voply at lliliFtr'i'nn ' ' _ _ i li dl ' ( lining in in IliuCil ) lintel. i > H ? . . . \ \ , K - " \ sbod HIHV nKik lit si C'li rl Hotel Al'l'l ) ' " " ' ' " & - - ' > Y ' 'llouie , ll'-huml Ja k i > n ' ' 'I. ' . . ' ! tf ANIrKI > > Uiufaiiiiriii , ' muirn antn a \ \ iiiKHicn man In Oiuaiiaana In nvrj nit ( D | alund.t taki-u ) A fuu biiiulrixl dollar i vrvnvt ) lo ) ia ) Mr , 'Ooilj on deliter > alter 01 dir b tit Ii < ' < .ii8 curud foi tin ) .u > u : Jljj p. r Inontli protl guarantied. 'Ihe limit t > cai ililng Inirtiuatioa Kjllrltwi A. H AILSlll l > i ( ( ) . iillroadwa.t. : . . New \ork U.ll-Jl VTrANTED-Fundlnir bridge and ichcol Ixnidx YV H.T. CUrk.IlflUvuo. \\TANTKO I. Gllliuky & Co. nnu liuri'liand > \ the junk buvlneju of 11. llcrthold , at lOiO trn't , where they will continue the bu lnt s , and b > fair dealing and pi } ing good prlcw they propoe to Inn-rise the trade. They Kolklt lurtloK who ha > e old Iron , nig , Junki i I ineUlt to give them * call. 79jlmo SPEOIAL NOTlOES-Gonni'UHi ' UANTKD A lev , ilav totfi CM ' n bo c- cotnmmlnUd with tlrtlaw UH Nwnlut 1 n MM riftfonalilo rite. I , quire . i35 llowud , /i ' ' " " ' between Oth and lOih S'B , - children a b ardirs In ft'cln-t WANTKD-4 10th and California St. IU. . LOOM 13 7f.7-tf FOR HEN r HOUSES AND LAND. rio IT-KENT "i-'uTn I.TC.T rooms ; . far L light house-keeping. * 15 a month. 2211 C.lliornlaSt . . . , R > 'T CIUHI'-HOUM , 4 rooms , > t < l > le , cittern , Ac. , kouth or > l 10th SI. Fn.julic .1. L. McCitguo , Opp. post orllcp. ( K15-tt JJIollTtTjNT A ne r ro'tago o ( U rootm , 'Jl < rt ' ) . Inquire on premlms. 037-21. [ ion ItKNT Feb. 1i < t commodious brick r rf- I ' ilrnrp , norncr 18th ami Ktrnham Ss. ; Ap- nlt to.Mri I. . A. lit cr , Tabor , Krcnont Co. , InCTtt U'ltrcmcii Jpaln-J. OH tf ; ITUill KI T Kt > u room * , inltOKO witl b rn , . ' K. corner ? 6th and l.icnport. . Also furo turc for Halo. Knqulreon promltr * . H10-19 1J > ) H ItK.ST Out1 nl the bcatttorc * on tl ulnR i ? Ht. iXlx'JI. hv January 1,1882. 820 tf liMMi KhM jj rurni tieu toomi > o\c > 1 ? ch nt ' Kiclmnco.H. 15 cor. lath anil D strielB. iSii * 1OtPtNT ! : Ntcilyliirnltliea rooms w.ili or JJ Hi'hovit boanl. Haawnnhto prlcifl. 2018 Ca n SL * 7 't-tl J71011 ItKNT Ktirnlihiil rooms , north .tie ol J California St. , ! M iloor u iwt ol 21st. . . ftltcrjji. in. 434-ti I7IUII KGM Untta u of ruonm , fill and ilftfrni23riland8t min > V HVUnL . Kn. ' ' quire nl M. V * ; KcnncJ > , ai a' liltli St. 740-tf BALE' ' the French" llou u nnd . ( c-Uur.iiit , No. fi-'O South 10th ttuct , nlll bu forsilv In thu catly jart nl the cummer , rcmotn lor olTorlii } ' , the sumo nt this ilin-li ) to iinbk'bujir to nrraio ! his lin lnos In tlmolorbujlnif. I' . WI Cl. 043.11 _ _ _ _ _ T.10II SALE New mllcli cow anil eilf , corner Kkholai m il ICtli St. ccs - fjIOKt.VI.E Missouri hickory woo I at lied- j iiiixnV , ICth St. OM.iS" .10U 1 rrcl ht.illlon , CJ-dc < dili' , 8 1' jcaraolil , \\il'lili'K ( IdbO poilicl. , 1 Ma-k Htilllon , \ Nornmn } Morgan , 5 years old , uclsh- Ii K lf > f > o pounclfl , took fir * prciulum \ebtaika btato Fair , 1831. 1 Kentucky JacK , black , uuijrh'ng ' about 80(1 ( poumli , 4 jcars cM , took llrst promlum at Ncbra ka State Fair , UhOaml 18S1. Inqulro of Chas Ncbcr , Farnui llnu u , Cjl > . His tf SALK A first-clans book and tit onrry EOIl buslnc'D , carrying n lull llncot tot , no tions , zcpcyra wall paper , molding * . In fact evcrj thine ; clolnif ft humncss of 310,000 a } tar ; 1 locAtion ; cheap tent ; can be bought on ti-rnis by oed part > . Will sell , out not trade. AUilnsj OL'S SCHIIAOE'3 IIAXAK , Spl 914-tf Fremont , N'cb. FOR SALK Four octlon < i of HheUIntf and S Kooil countcH. Inquire at D. W. Saxc , Opera Hou o 1 harruacj. 1127-tf T7IOU SALE OU UK.VT A ( jroccrv Btoro and Jt ; butther shop , doln n good bublncw. In- cpilr at thlioHliu. ! )12-U ) FOHSAIjE A ncarlj ncwsldtbar top bugy , cheap ; cash or time. Addrcaa I' . O. iltuwcr jt : , city. COl-tf SALli Full lot and : i "null houses near EOH . r. iieKt | , sujoo. Jicc.i uc , Onp. r. o. . SA1.K 2 nice counters and 2 Bllvcr plated T.10U ' > m ( . .vscs , at Rco. II. 1'vteibou'd , SOI South 10t i jst. 741-tf 71DK L-AU. virwlllexcha go for Omaha pro- 1 putan lnii > roi'i | see on of land nrljnln- iU' a station on f. lv. U. H. M. DUNHAM. 1I12 rnriilnniat.jOiniha. 72U3mt 71011SAM ; "r tr.ulc 'or city property , on _ ' paii 01 horses , hirneia and wa on. Adiiros fa. Y. , thUolIlCj ; Tg-3 tf SALK A'Jon focn-ycar-oll n r-o FOIl to ( IrlvcHin 'lo or double Uu quire ot Ocorirc C'unllold , Canlltld FOU BU1UK KSTADHOOK & COR. trilSOELLANGOuo OF SMAI.I. PIJSI KSS MAMAURMKNT wanted by expcrlcncid tunii. Small salary. I'.O.llov 502 City. fl8.U "VTOTICK Having closed out my business enL L10th St. , I have authorized ( Jlmrl.u Ilrandes to collect all m > bookateountsand payall latiili- tlea If found correct. DKHN11AKD LAM E. 007-21 One sack collte marked " A. G. ' herlb- LOST , Nrb. Supposed to bo lost hctuten U. P. transfer dummy and the Northwestern depot. Kh c dollars reward will be paid for i a return to A. L. StraiiK , 10th and Farnham St. 1150-23 * A NV 1'AIU'Y With a cash capital of a few jrV thousand dollar and dcsitoin of Roln ; In to business can learn of an unusiully oed p- portunlty bj inquiring of W. O. Taj lor , at Ilrad- street Agency , Omaha. 9CO 23 * LOST Dlamonl c'rop car-rlnj , ' , set In gold end enamel A liberal reward Mill bo paid for it ) return to the Dee olllce 1157-21 * JUKI'S For the ne\t SO cla\s , \\u will , oh the S reciipt ol sixty cents , send to any address , xMpild , one of our unlanndrrd drtHS S-hirlB. : 'obitltelv only ono &hirt sent to one udilro s. EUIUKV : sin TC < > . . Olli-lm ' MarscilleH , 111. ITintNISHbl ) HOrSIS Within three blocks of JL ? i > ostolko. ! liiUiruatlC10 ( | Hod c. 1I2U-K "Vj U'l IUi : 10 C'ON I HAUT Hh.--Scale.l propo- i. > hala will be reeeUed until 12 o'lock noon , January III , 1882 , lor the erection and coinplo- .ion of Imlblinj'for IhoAcadtiny ol the loirt. I'mim nnd tpeciflc.itloiii'oii Icwatolllco ol llildLllc .t .Mendelksrlin , Aruhlicrts , Omaha , Neb , wlitrn bids w 11 be reiehcd. Iho ri 'ht ia reaert cd to reject any or all bidti. II2--31 TNST'-'IICTIOS'S ( 'l'en on typo writers ; also 1 nuehiiics for Kile. IIUI.L k AUK1COO 'arnham.nBcnto RemlnKton Tjpo writers. 881-20 * rtOOMS For single gentlemen ; nNo one front room \\ith piano , aouthnrcBt corner l th nnd Capital a ; enuc. EoO-tf KJJ1B1 NEW CfTY MAl'.S , 10o. Mounto B Maps. 82.60. OhO. I' . BKMI8. DOHTKAITb IN CIHAVOM 1'nbtile and Oil , JL i Iso decorative rmintinp. MIIS. D. IU- WAUDNnil. room 1. Jacob's Block. S42-H , KM1B' AI.El ) HAY At A. II. Sander's Feed Storel B 1013 Harncy St. slD-tf EMIS' HEAL ESTATK EXCHAMJE. S B 1m pave , EDWAED KUERL MAQISTBll OF PALMYSTU11Y AND CONDI TIONALIST , 403 Tenth Streetlutw'cen Farnhuin andllainey. Will , with the aid of guardian spirits , obtain for any ono a glame at thu pant and present , and on certain conditions In thu in turc. Itootx and Shoes made to ordir , Perfect Ahsokitely Purs. This iiowdor nrver arlii < . A m\r\el of purity , triiutlnanil \ litliHnnicnM lloro icononikar than the nrillniri Kinds , anil i.innot lie cold la com petition with the multitude of low tot Knrt wclirht , alum or pho > ph tc iK ) dcr ' , ' Sold only In C'IIN. \\m \ \ M. llMiI.Nf , POWDEK CO , I .