THE DAILY BEE-OMAHA FEIDAY FEBRUARY 16 if Omaha Bee Published every morning , except Sni sy. The only Monday morning dally. " TERMS BY MAIL One Voar..810.00 I Throe Monthi.$3. ( Bit Months . . 5.00 I One Month . . . . l. ( CHEVEEXLY BEE , published OTOI We Incaday. TERMS POST PAID- One Year . $2.00 I Three Months. ( Qlz Monthi . . , . LOO | One Month . . . . ' AMXIUOAN NEWS GOHFAMT , Solo Agen ! Newsdealers in the United State . | CORRESPONDENCE Oommnn ( tfons relating to News nd Kditorii patters thonld bo addressed to the KUITO or THE BEE , BUSINESS LETTERS All Builnc Letters and Remittances should bo a dressed to THE BKE PDBLISHINO COMPAQ OMAHA. Drafts , Checks and Pontoffic Jrders to bo niado payable to the order o the Company. The BEE PUBLISHING 00 , , Props E. ROBEWATER Editor. PICKING the pookots of the tn : payers at Lincoln is jnat as much robbery bory M rifling thorn at their homos. IT looks as if the present legislator * wai the jobbers' bonanza , and 1 is being worked for all it is worty. LOOK oat for the now nickels. En terprUIng citizens of Washington ar washing them with bronze and panaln ; them for five dollar gold pieces. SUSAN B. ANTHONY aalU for Enq land in a few days. Mrs. Qoagar wll 'remain at L&fayotto nntll her llbo trouble has boon brought to a focas. SOUK ton thousand bill have beet introduced in congress during thi past year and a half. Nine thousand nlno hundred and fifty might just ai well have been omitted. BILLS to protect the primaries arc now pending in the New York and Ohio legislatures. The bill to pro tect primary elections in Nebraska ought to bo speedily brought to a passage at Lincoln. THE clerks at Washington who gotten ton hours' pay for doing novon hours' work are breathing easier Inoo the item dealing with their case has boon stricken out of the general appropria tion bill and reported in a separata moaanto. CITIZENS who refuse to clean their gutters ought to be promptly waited upon by the polico. If by shameful negnoot our streets arn allowed to re main in their present condition several thousand dollars will bo lost by our citizens through flooded collars. OATTAIN PAYNK and his raiders do not seem to be the only Intruders on the lands of Indian territory. A list of 2,400 intruder ! have been sent to Commissioner Prlco with the request that they bo summarily turned out. This looks as if there was Immediate employment for four raoro companies of cavalry. CAPTAIN PAYNE and hlo raiders do not seem to bo the only intruders on oho lands of the Indian territory. A list of 2,400 Intruders have boon sent to Commissioner Prloo with the ro Imost that ahoy bo summarily turned out. It looks as If there was Imrno dlato employment for four more com panics of cavalry. EVERY dispatch adds now partlon Ian to the tale of disaster wrought bj the Ohio floods. Bach a calamity ai the abnormal rlso of the rivers in thi east in midwinter is unprecedented. That the distress among the lufferen from the floods is appallng la showi by the reports of the various rollo committees in Ohio and Indiana. Thi country will now be called upon t < check their contributions for thi Rhine sufferers and devote their char Ity to relieving the distress of theli own people. Tur. committee on commerce art certain that there can be no objootlot to their now and revised river am harbor bill. They claim that all thi creeks , trent brooks and canals havi boon left out , and the items rooora mended are for necessary improve monts. But there is every probablllt ; that before it gets through the houa It will bo extended to its original pro portions. Fifty members are waltlni for a chance to Insert a steal for th bonoQt of their localities , and to drlv another bargain before they retlr from public life , . THE Herald and Republican bav crossed owords over the qnestlo whether the Grand Army of the Hi public Is a political orgaulzatioi Those who ought to know doclai that it is not. Probably no comr&c will deny that the organization is mac USD of by designing men for politic purposes jntt as the Masons and Oc Fellows societies are frequently d verted to assist member * in roachli office. There IIAS boon some live partisan work done by comrades the G. A. R , [ not a thousand mil away from Omaha but presumably Is unfair to charge their trickery the organization which they ha ned to boost themselves into proa aeuoe. A NEW REVENUE IiA.W. The demand for a change in on revenue law is general and omphatl Ijnd every section of the state Is in torcstod In the passage of a troasnn which will remedy the deficiencies o the present law and equalize laratloi in Nebraska by distributing its burdens dons whore they belong , The present law is lame in sovora particulars and especially in the pro visions which relate to the taxa tlon of the property of cor porations. Under Its oporatlot three classes of railroad property amounting in value to an aggregate o millions of dollars have escaped assessment mont every year , and the rovonui which their taxation should havi brought Into the treasury has boor collected from the people of the state The books of the state auditor shov that the railroads of Nebraska havi never paid a dollar of taxes on tholi side tracks and switches. In Douglai county alone there are over 300 miles which If valued as the ought to bo , a $5,000 a mile , and assessed at thi usual discount , would give ui a half a million dollars additional o taxable property , A levy of two po cent for county purposes would ndc 110,000 a year to the revenues o Douglas county , and an equal * amoun to the fnuds in the city treasury wbllo the state would also ro < cclvo its share of the taxes This shameful evasion of taxes cat never be remedied as long as the rove nno law stands in its present con' dltion. A second and very Important evasion < sion of taxation by the railroads it ho failure of the managers to list all the raw materials in their shops and yards for purposes of taxa- ion. Not a dollar has been paid by any of the railroads in this state npon ho immense amounts of construction material used in the operation of their oads. The millions of feet of timber nd lumber , the thousands of tons of allroad and scrap Iron , of copper and oad , vast stores of chemicals and oils nd supplies representing several mil- ions of dollars , entirely escape taxa- Ion. The railroad storehouses arc xompt , while the merchant who has bar of load or a barrel of oil is com pelled to return it for assessment. Three years ago Sidney Dillon in ils annual statement to the directors f the Union Pacific road returned 5850,000 worth of raw material on laud. Since that Ltlmo the quantity laa boon very materially increased , nd there is no doubt that the B. & 1. has half a million of dollars ol tores and supplies at tholr varioni bops and yards. But beyond all this and above all his , the franchises of those corpora Ions which the constitution express ! ] equlres shall be listed for taxatloi lave escaped without a dollar of tax , 'ho franchises are the extraordinan nd exceptional advantages foi condnotlng tholr business , glvot o the corporations by the looplo. They possess a market value nst as much as the roadbed and rails , And the franchises of the railroads k Nebraska are worth many millions o : dollars. The duty of the legislature is t ( pass a revenue law which will take al iheoo omissions into consideration one hose members who pledged themselves solves to remedy the shameless ova slous of taxes in this state will gross y betray their trait if they pormi ; he present session to close wlthon taking every precaution necessary tc make the railroads like private cltl zona boar their full share of the bur dens of maintaining the government BOMB comment is being excited bj the fact that the president has madi no apparent move towards the oxeon of the civil service la * , All crltlclsn aa yet is premature. A fnll mont ] yet remains before the act goes lot effect and Mr. Arthur has no donb > eon keeping np a good deal of think ngslnon its passage. The only pares os who need to worry themselves ar 10 odd thousand clerks and snporuu morories whom the enforcement of th measure will affect. As far as an ; ne else Is concerned it is harmless. A DILL la now pending in the login aturo that will relieve the connell jrcat deal and enable them to carr ut needed improvements , It prc Ides for a special levy of four miller or police and fire protection , indc ondont of the general fnnd. Thi will enable the council to make use c ho general fnnd without figuring ou t the end of each month what fixe barges muit bo mot from it for paj raent of the city employes. A NUMBER of reasons suggest then selves why the proposed commorcli roaty with Mexico ought to bo rotlfio > y the senate. The first Is the coi talnty which it promises that Amer ! cans can under its operations at one control the greater portion of th trade of the country to the oxclnsio of the Gorman and English houses wh have monopolized all of iUoommerch advantages. The now treaty proposi a limited reciprocity in trade advai tagoa between the two countries , allot Ing alarge number of specified artloli to be admitted ou both sldea free < duty. Twenty-eight unmanufaoturo Mexican articles are put on the fn Uit by Ita Una * . Ax twenty of the , are already unaffected by our tariff s difficult to see how , in this Instance , the industrial barons and Washington can make much capital out of thoii stock cry of the dangera of nnro strictod trade , The opening of Mexico to onr mnnu acturora and capitalists will bo a real and substantial gain to the people ol ho country at largo. Mexico is civ ering npon a now stage of internal lovolopmont. Both her imports one exports are steadily increasing , whlh American produce &nd manufacture ! mvo gained steadily in favor during ho past four years. The country ii icing rapidly opened up bj extension of three great railroad ays ems largely built by American capl alNhat possible reasons can b < offered for onr people's refusal tc brow down all the artificial barrier : which have boon placed In the way ol rado , and to open np now and oxton- Ivo foreign markets for our produce and manufactures ? Under the provi ions of the treaty the advantage ! com to bo all on our side. Neglect tc olza npon so favorable an opportunity will be scarcely less than criminal , GENERAL HAZEN and the signal ser vice are placed in a very unfavorable ight by the Investigations of Oon- ; rossman Boltzhoovor , of Pennsyl vania. It seems as if since General rloyor's death the service had become horoughly demoralized. Every one cnowa that the character of the pre dictions is not what it was. Thoii rrors have become subjects of com mon remark and the predictions are radically worthless. Very few peo- > lo now read the signal service prodlo- , lens to BCO what the weather is golnp o be , while very many observe the weather to note how the signal service las boon mistaken in its forecasts. A good gaossor will make more hits n a month than the signal service will , 'ho trouble seems to be , first , that [ azon Is entirely unfit for his position , iat ho has used his office to fill the orvico with favorites and aupernnmor- ties , and that ho has devoted more mo to endeavoring to secure favor- bio congressional legislation than he ias tn maintaining and increasing the fficioncy of his department. It lookt s if a change will bo necessary and iat no change will bo effective whict oos not begin with changing the load of the bureau. A Poem of Poker. outivlllt Poet. Last night Mr. F. D. Oarley had t nest agreeable party of gentlemen ai la honsoT Among them wore Mr , ohn Mason Brown , Mr. George M. ) avio , Mr. Arthur Carey , Mr. W , O. iarrls and General Basil Duke. Mr , ) avie improvised the following gone rhloh was sung to an air from "Pa ionce" by Mr. W. 0 , Harris , wltl brilliancy and power. The Post doei not understand the technical termi used In the song , but they wore per eotly intelligible to the gentlomei ) resont. KIKCJ AT THE KODND-TABLE. Air from "r Uonco. " f you want to play the game in the wa ; way to bring you fame , And yon have of cash to spare , Do not bother with the fools who havi written out the tules , But drop in an easy chair ; 1'111 ' you np little "jigger , " just to anl innte your figure , And banter them all to play ; fever mind the art and science put Ii luok your whole reliance In the Wattersonlan way. Then perhaps some one may say , As you make your mystlo play , 'Any one can understand he aunt hold i mighty hand ; So , no matter what's dealt to me , From his manner and expression , I nn forced to the conceeeioo , ' lie may take that pot from me ! " When you get a little hand that you thlnl will never stand , Don't give up your ante ; rust remember it's a law everything is ii the draw - And call ( or the usual three ; .f the size and colors differ , moke yon drink a llttlo stlffer , Pot a bad look in your eye ; With the swagger of a duffer take th chances of a bluffer , And stack your chips on high , for perhaps some one may say , As you make that sort cf play , 'Ills nerve Is so delicious 'twould delud the most suspicious , And he hold the edge on me : From the way he sips his whisky I am cer tain It's tro risky , That youBf man's raise to see. " If yon try a iluth and fall , and are let with hobby tall , Let your courage leave you not ; Take another drink of liquor , never le your spirit filoker , And lay for tha lovely pot , With a mighty show of fire raise the rlffl higher higher Never mind how the other one plays ; Knock your knuckles on the table put u all that you are able And ask , "Who wants to raise ! " Then , surely all will say , As you play that "nervy" way : 'Surely he U no beginner , but a hardens old sinner- He can't bo deceiving me [ may deserve a censure , but I dar'sen' ' make the venture ; Hit game's too deep for me ! " When the game has reached its clo < where you'll stand , nobody know Then , call by the Restaurant. Order oysters , crab nnd pheasant , and tb pomplno so pletsant , And the tender-hearted pate fols grai ; Thou , a little nip of liquor juit to wor the stomach quicker And , along about two or three , You should saunter home ti bed , with towel round your head , To your wife and fainileo. Then perhaps your wife will say : "It's his . juit guileless way. It's perfectly apparent hes a recula knight errant In the cause ol chnrltee ; Yet , I can't help being jwslous of the Mi ions and Odd Fellows , Who have kept him out from rael" DOXHO a heavy business Th stone-yard. [ Ooailor Journal Doin a light business The gas works.- [ Drummer. Doing a safe businosa- The bank-vault works. [ Baton. D < Ing a grave business The cometot company. [ New South. Dolnir medium bnslneM The eplritnllsti [ Grip. Doing a rattling business- Thu tin shop. OCCIDENTAL JOTTINGS , WYOMINd. One of the the stamp mills at Cummin ins closed down on account of the henv snow. The Indebtedpeis of Albany county , n shown by the treaiurer's report , is $34 , 459.37. A now strike of rich gold quartz was re cently made in the Gold Hill mine , Cum tnlns , It in said the vein is fonr feet thlcl and very rich. The condition of 1)111 Nye , the humoris > f The Iiaramle Boomerang , is not mud letter , and fears are entertained lest h should die. The editor of the Laramle Boomeran ound forty-two errors on two pazes of Th [ tocky Mountain Tribune recently , and h thinks his search was not careful either. The snow Is drifting on the Union Ps cilia railroad between Cheyenne ml Lara mlo so as to cauio ranch trouble and laboi The Cheyenne papers are commended b .heir readers for their war on GOT. Crosb ; of Montana , llereis a specimen dispatch "Carbon , Wyo. , February 10,1883 , Edlto Dbeyenne Sun : Bully for yon ! lilt th ilear-eyed mocacin mouthed Crosby again 3ut be gentle ; Macaroni and Michael An ; ole have caused softonning of the brain I ilml Carbon has a telegraph pole that ho cured that disease , and can again if necei sary , Yours , for the suppression of ou' ages and extinguishment of tender feel DAKOTA. Three thousand feet of sewer pipe wer aid in Fargo last year. Grafton's growth In buildings in on year has been over $325GG5 , Aberdeen , la Brown county , is talkbj of bnlldlnc a street railroad. Potatoes are worth 81.60 ptr bushel ii Jrand Forks and can hardly be obtainei or that amount. In the last six months Elk Point ha done n business amounting to betwcei 8150,000 and 8200,000. The county commissioners of Cat county have apportioned that county Int < twenty-eight townships. The Union elevator at Fargo contain 75,000 bushels of wheat which is beini hipped cast at the rate of 3,500 bushel > er day. There is a rumor to the effect that th ocation by the extension of the St. P. , M t M. railroads towards Turtle mountali has been definitely settled. The Germans of Morton county bav ield a meeting to devise means to Bern eliof to the flood sufferers in Germany They will give a concert. The records at Fort Fembina prove th present winter to have been the coldest ii leven years. The average temperature fo he first twenty days in January was eigh een degrees below zero. COLORADO. The new Denver ceurt house will bi occupied about the 1st of March. Central City wants a better system o water supply. The present works are In adequate. The Elk's club hold an entertainment ii Denver on the 12jt inst , , which prove- - very successful. The street railway company bos bee : organized in Durnngo. The pipera of In corporation have' been filed in Denver. Notwithstanding the cold weather an snow a lance number of immigrants ar going into the Uncompahgrp Valley. The 85,000 organ in the First Baptia church in Denver was damaged to th kmonut of (1,000 , last iweek , by some ut cnown hoodlums. The legislature baa appropriated $300. XX ) to build one wing of the Cipitol build ing , * and $100,000 to buy a portion of tb ground on which It is to be located. Brick Pomeroy is organizing a con pany to build a railroad from BakervlUe t the summit of Gray's Peak. He has raise 1200,0 0 , and the work will be commence soon. soon.The The Denver Tribune prints an accoui of the peculiarities and oddities of men bersofthe present Colorado legialaturi To do the subject justice the year's editio of the paper should be given it. A caae has been commenced in tt United Htates Court at Denver , In whic Joseph L. Phllllpi. claims 82,000,009 froi the BaBsick mining company , one of tl heaviest concerns Tn the State. Phlllli waa the original discoverer of the mine an claims to have been defrauded. IDAHO. Negotiations are in progress for tt erection of gigantic smelting works i Ilailey. It is reported that the Minnie Moo : mine , five miles southwest of Hailey , hi been sold for $1,000,000. Abont thirty Wood river mines lei summer shipped ore to Halt Lake , a di tance of over 300 miles , the owners rccol Ing an average of over $188 per ton nft < the smelters' charges had been deductei The Mayflower , Jay Gould , Bullion , ( K. , Minnie Moore and Idnhoan mines , a within eight miles of Hailey , have ftoi SrOO.OOO tb $1,000,000 in sight , and w ! average an output of half a million dollai each this year. It is stated In Lewiston that Mr. 0 borne , surveyor of the Oregon Snort Liui is missing. It is feared that he becan enow blind and h lost in the mountain ! Hi left Lewiston Saturday morning for came fifceen miles up Snake river. . searching party has gone out after him. MONTANA. The bullion shipments from Bntte du : Ing last week were valued at $110 , 3S. Beaverhaad county has never been mat ped. There are other counties in the te : ritory In a similar position. The Grat adobe building in Montana wi built 33 years ago at Fort Lewis , which now known OB Fort Benton. The built Ing is still standing. The proprietor of Hunter's hot sprln ; says that Hufua Hatch of New York : endeavoring to lease the hot springs froi him through bis attorneys In Washingtoi D. 0. The Bozeman j ) l contains one ma charged with tampering with the mall ODO with murder , four with burglary , t\v with grand larceny and a number of othe : for varloui offences. Felix O'Neill has fied a suit at Butt against the Utah Northern railroad ft $ 5,000 damages for injuries received 1 the falling of a building In which ho w ; working under tbo orders of a supcrh officer. WASHINGTON TERRTORY. Several wathouts occurred on the Nortl ern Pacific near Ainsworth , a few d ; ago. ago.Mrs. . A. W. D y and her BOH , Arthi Maynard , while descending a dough bat of Seuttlo In u mull bov , on the first < February , ujvct the boatanl were throw Into the water , the boy being drowne He was 4 year * and ten mnnth * old , Thi wera recently from SpoUen Falls. George Thormnn , H stranger employ ) an a firumu on the rallrout at Seattle , f < oil * moving train at U'&ton nd we ; thrcugh a trestle. He had an arm and leg broken und wa < otherwl o to serious injur.d that he died bafore rsaohing tow NEVADA. A dilutee mutton echool has been e Ublbhed at Kino , and the MonmUi ! will have a chance to acquire the Kuglli language cheaply. A. coufltot has srl < en in Nevadu betwoi Dl trlot Jurtge Boardnmti , of Reno , M the legislature , It nbi r that Walt Mamdeu , a member of the asMmbly , is i Important wltneis for the state In the til of the notorious swindler and confidcn man , Fitzgerald , 1U Wileon , etc. He w eubnumued , but b lni ? un blo to 'obtain rekasa from hi * legislative duties , he U the matter before the house , which paw an order refusing to allow Mardscn leave ofabience and had it served on Judge Joardman. The question as to whether the Uril d SUtos authorities or Elko countv , Nev , , shall stand the expense of the trial of the U'ntello trixln robbers is being diecus ed atElko , For the attempted murder ol Messenger Ross , the robbery of the train lands and the attack on Wells , Fargo & Do.'s car they are ntncnf.Ua to the state aw , but in attaching the vehicle or cai if a common rarrier containing the Uni'ec ! Hates mill there Is committed an offinst against the postal department of the Unl ted States. OREGON. The Willamette river , four miles obovi ? ortland , Is gorged with slush ice , Ham Boyd , formerly mayor of Portland Or. , and for year * one of tbo most enter prising and influential citizens , has beet sent to the poorhuuse. Cornelius .1. Murphy the Portland forg er , recently from Sin Francisco , where hi was employed in ibo cnnttm house , bai > een sentenced to ten years In the peniten tlary. CALIFORNIA Fur seals have appeared in the Straiti of Fuca , unda fleet ol vessels will be fittoc out , and it is expected the catch will b < largo. largo.Wong Wong Ah Long , who shot and killed i 'ellow countryman at Sonoma about twc month ago , h s been sentenced to flfteer. yean' Imprisonment at San Quiaten. W. W. Murkham , a San Jnm polio ? ' man , has been convicted of a felony in rc < ceivlng a bribe from a Chine * e rambler , whom he promised Immunity from arrest , There are 512 students registered in the formal school at San Jose , not Including he training department. With vhltlng eaohers there are over 550. To ore arc .63 In the senior class , which la in two sec. Ions. The citizens of Santa Ana , L's Angele ! county , are ridding themselves of the Cnl nese wash-house nnlsanou by purchasing he property occupied by them and order , ng them to the outskirts of the town. A band of sixty Indians has been seen near Owen's itation , in the GUa valley , Dhe settlers are much alarmed and feai a repetltltlon of the massacres of a yeni ago. aa they are unprotected , the tnihtarj all being at the posts. The Sacramento Bee snys a number ol he grand jury states that the late board if supervisors not long ago appropriated $150 $ to buy a patent wooden leg for a pan , > er , or claimant , and that the expenditure was charged and allowed under the head of "permanent repairs and improve , ments. " ARIZONA. One hundred Mormon families have ar rived at Smlthville thus far this season. ThoNovajo Indiana in Arizona hav ( 900,000 sheep and 200,000 gents , the re suit of an investment of $30,000 made foi them by the government two or thro reatiago. ' The bill introduced in the Arizona leg sluture to aid in the constructfon of thi Prescott and Thirty-fifth Parallel roac irovidea that the supervisors shall , iseui $200,000 $ in county bonds to exchange foi a like sum in railroad bonds. Blood Poisoning. John McCnllongh , the actor , says ol ; ho use of cosmetics : "Blood poisoning from the uio o : face paints is in my opinion not enl ] an absurdity , but it ia sheer humbug and any respectable doctor or chemla acquainted with tholr proportleo wil toll yon so. I have been on the stuci for the past twenty-five years , and , o course , like every other actor , had t < use them in my make-ups , Look a my face and judge for yourself Whether I am n sufferer or not b ; their uso. " ( Kir. MoOnllough's fac was ipotlesa , and. there wore no indi cations that ha had at any time been i sufferer from the nse of the varlon paints and cosmetics ) . "It is claimed that yon were a vie tlm of blood poisoning nomu year ago while playing with Edwin For rest. " , "Yes , there was such a statement bnt it was a story made ont of whol cloth , 1 never was tick from an ; such cauao. I buy the best kinds o palnto and cosmetic * , and have novo : ynt found them injurious. "Of course if an actor h.-u a cut 01 Doro on his face the use of cosmotlc causes irritation ; still , oven then have never boon affeotod with any die ease or ailment on that account. T bo brief , I have never known or heari of any instance of an actor or actres being laid np by blood poieouing When I say this I don't mean to con vty that the nso of Chinese vermiliou for Instance , which is sold for a ruer song , will not iojuro the f-ica or sys torn of an actor. No respectable nctor however , who has nny regard for hi health would buy such snuff. " Bow to Bo Ueautlful. London Truth. Whatever the internal application o hot water may effect , girls desirous o having a goud complexion would d well to apply it to their faces. The ; Bhorld either dip their faces into basin of very hot water or apply thi water with a sponge. At first they an Hko lobsters , bnt in a few moment this la replaced by the tints of peache and Hllos , CURES Rheumatism , Neuralqia.Sciatica Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache , Ser Throat. Bwrllln , Ppraliu , Hrulict , llurni. Koulil * . Kro.t llltM. 1KD ILL OTHUt BODILY MI.V8 1RD ICUCS. old bj Droi tfiu ted D&l r > Tir7 btr * . Flftj C oU tallli. Directions In U Lilian" . TUG t'UAHI.EH A. VOUEI.KU CO. u i , TCKJIURiCO. ) lulll r . BdHC. . J DR.F.SCHERER TKKAT8 BCCCRAsrCLLT ALL Chronic , Nervous and Spocia Ucdlclno ( urnUhcd a ) oSce. 0 a < x , M. TV. oorcei 19th and Fairum rtml D > er Merchant i KatlonU Bank , Omaha , Neb Offlca Hours 9toUOft. : m. , 1 to5and7 t 9) < m Residence 1111 south 13th Uwt. MCCARTHY & BURKE , Undertakers 218 UTH ST.BET. FARNAM AN ! DOUGLAS POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , mi * . Humnnnr , negro , ff * VS&f1 * " " " HALLAUAY WIfMISIS CHURCH AMD SCHOOL SELLS Cor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb. SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR Ground Oil Cake. It ia the beat and cheapest food for stock of any kind. Ono ponnd la equal ; o threes pounds of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Onko in the fall nnd win- : or , Instead of running down , will Increase in weight and bo in good market- ible condition in the spring. Dairymen aa well aa others who nao it can tes tify to ita merits. Try it and judge for yourselves. Prlco $25.00 per ton ; no chnrgo for sacks. Address WOOODMAN LINSEED OIL CO. , Omaha , Nob. M. Hellman & Co. > v WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS , 1301 and 1303 Farnam St. Cor. OMAHA , NEB. McNAMARA & DUN WHOLESALE DEALERS IN KENTUCKY AND PANNSTIflNIA WhiskieS ! in Eond or Free , Also direct Importers of WINES , BRANDIES AND ALES , Jobbers and Manufacturers of Fine Onr Agents for Jos. Schlitz1 Milwaukee Beer , Bottled and in Kegs. 214 & 216 S. 14TH STREET , - - - OMAHA. . HEB. McMAHON , ABEKT & CO , , Wholesale Druggists , 1315 DOUGLAS STREET - - OMAHA NEB. MANUFAOTURKRS OF Carpenter's Materials ALSO SASH , DGORS , BLINDS , STAIRS , Stair Railings/ Balusters , Window and Door Frames , Etc. Flint-class facilities for the Manufacture of all kindes of Mouldings , Fainting and matching a Specialty. Orders from the country will be promptly executed. BrUroaun , ! ! wmmimWti'-natn A. MOYKK. Pmprls The Original and Only Regular SEED HOUSE in Nebraska. 0. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Agricultural * , * mtffmm a m i M i i i | i rf * " 5 N. W. Cor. Hth JsrfiS * . Ki H I H ! I ) S D-- " * Grass , Hedge , J , " ] mtfu , i M JJ Omaha , Neb. Wo mike a specialty of Onion Seeds , Onion Seta , Blue Gross , Timothy , Red Alfalfa and Whit * - < 8 Clover , Osage and Honey Locust. Dealers and Market Gardenera will ga > o money by buying of us * 3T end for Ca'alogue , KHEE. ANHEUSER-BUSCH Brewing Association , CELEBRATED KEG- & BOTTLED BEEE , THIS EXCELLENT BEEE SPEAKS FOR ITSELF , Orders from any part of the State or the Entire West will be promptly shipped ; All Our Goods arc Made to the Standard or onr Guarantee. GEORGE HENNING , Sole Agent for Omaha and the West , Office Corner 13th and Haraey Streets , Omaha , Sob ,