Opening of tlie British Parlia
ment and Speech of
Queen Victoria , .
B odlaugh Marches 'Mid Joy
OUB Shoute , to a Beat
iu the House.
Farther Testimony in the Dnblla
Conspiracy Cnicn ,
Special Dispatch to Tin list.
LONDON , February 1C. A great
popular demonstration was mido in
Charing Orosa in favor of Ohw. Brad-
laugh to n PC it in the common * . D < > 1.
ogfttoa from Ljudon workman's olabs
and others rapt-ensutlng four hundred
provincial toia wore proaont , The
police authoritiea made orrangonif nta
to quell any dioordora Bradlaugh , in
a apeooh , announced if nothing waa
aald In thu houao of commons by 4
o'clock th'a afternoon about the bill
allowing roombora to make aflirmatlon
who doairo to do BO , Instead of taking
the usual parliamentary oath , ho
aliould then take hla Boat in the houao.
There was a largo crowd outaido of
Westminster palace yard , the gatoa of
trhlch wore well guarded.
BradlauRh entered Woatminater
hall at 4 p. m. Ho was much cheered
by hla aupportora there and outaldo
by the crowd.
At 4:30 : p. m. Bradlaugh took hla
naual Boat in the house of commoua.
The Times publishes an nuthoratlve
otatemont regarding ; the interview
Tuesday between ez-Emproaa Eugenie
and Prince Jerome Napoleon , which ,
It saya , has cleared up some private
miannderatandlng existing butvetu
the ox-otnpro s and thoprlnco and led
' to the formal recognition of iht latter ;
i * - ai the head of tbu Bnnnparto family
The gfiicral opinion in Parla political
circles is that dissolution of the cham
ber cf deputies will BOOU cccnr.
Parliament rcasiomblcd to-day.
The lollowiiig is the queen's epecch ;
MY LoRi > 3 AND GENTLEMEN : I have
summoned jon later than usual be *
causa of the latmiaa of last scsjlo . |
I urn Bttisfitid I maintain friendship
with all fotvigu powern. At the olusu
of last scenlou cf parllamont : I had the
picture of recording my gratitude to
my ten und laud force a for enpprois-
Ing rjpldly and completely n formida
ble rebellion in E ypt. Trai.q'iility
haa ainco been restored thoto
and clemency haa boon ahown by its
rnlor to the leaders of the rebellion.
The withdrawal of British troopa ia
proceeding aa expeditious ! ? aa pru
dence and circumstances admit. The
reconstruction of the government of
Egypt and reorganization of ita affulra
under the khedlvo has partly been
accomplished and continue to receive
my earnest attention. It shall bo my
endeavor to secure full provision for
the ezigenclea of order , for jnat rep
resentation of the wants and wishes
of the population and for ob-
aerranoo of international obli
gations. I have already been
able to fulfill my promise to the sultan
and powera that I would submit to
their friendly consideration the ar
rangements which appeared to mo
best fitted to insure the stability of
the khedlvo'a government , the pros
perity and happiness of the Egrptiane ,
security cf the canal and peace of
eastern Europe. My policy haa
been and wilt be directed to
thoao objecto. I rely confidently
r on Its fiual appreciation by other
IN countries A conference haa assem
bled at London to coneider measures
for better eccuring free navigation of
the Danube ) , which ia placed under
the fituirantoo of the powers nnd
forms part of thopnbliclaw cf Europe , '
The condition of Zululnnd and the
possibility of ronojved disorders there
haa ongaccd my moat aerlona atten
tion. With a vionr to preservation of
peace and order , I have moved the
former ruler be placed in possession
of the greater part of thu territory ho
hold before the war , I earnestly hops
thia will lead to the catabllanmont of
a moro Diablo government and the
maintenance of good relations between
the Zulu nation and the adjoining
Capo colony. Papers on thoao sub
ject ) will be presented yon.
Gentlemen of the house of com
mons , estimates for services the com
ing year in a forward state of prepara
tion , and will shortly be submitted to
[ NOTE. Up to 3:45 : a. m. the re
maining proceedings had not been
received , owlnjto the collapse of the
wire In the east , ]
Spe lal Dispatches to Tun Ilai.
DOBLIN , February 15. The exam
ination of prisoners charged with con
spiracy to murder government officials ,
was resumed to-day. The court room
was densely crowded. The prisoners
assumed Indifferent manners.
Other wltnessee wore then exam
ined , among them MM. Sharp , who ,
notwithstanding rumora concerning
her evidence , merely deposed seeing
the corpses. Moaglo identified Brady
and Fagen , but later said ho waa not
auro aa to Fagon. Ho said besides the
sou filing men ho saw four others enter
a cab and drive away furiously. Hla
hesitation concerning Ftigen caunad a
bad impreaalon , but the witness Is
abort sighted. M agle admitted that
neither he nor companion mentioned
what they sa < r until the Monday fol
lowing the murders. A constable .1 *
McNlcaro engine worka deposed that
he saw Brady and Kelly in
Juno , loitering around the
vice regal lodge at three in
the morning. Witness admitted on
cross examination he had been re
duced to the ranks when the police
men were making frivolous arreels.
The orown hopea Saturday to cloae
the ovidenca ogalnat some of the
prisoners and have them returned
for trial. Merabora of the press only
will bo admitted Saturday.
DUBLIN , February 15. James
Carey , aEilmamh&n prisoner , Ia very
LONDON , February 15. The gov-
ronmont will Introduce a bill for the
registration of Irish voters.
ALIONA , R'jssin , February 10 A
socialist pamphlet abuse * tlio River-
oign and calls nu the drmoras ( to
liberate thu country's oppressed.
Eleven of the socialists have b''oti ar
rested. A number of thu seditious
works have been seized.
LIVERI-OOL , Fobrnary 15. Arrived ,
the nhlp Qriosdalo.
QUEENSTOW.V , February 15
Arrived , the bark Ada Brown from
San Francisco.
VIENNA , Fobruaty 15 Wagner's '
Lohongenm will bo given in the opera
houan to morrow , and the court will
attend. Tiio Tapblatt s ys thit Wrg-
ner haa loft an autobiography. Throe
copies are said to exist.
BERLIN , February 15 The empe
ror has BO tit an autcgraph letter to
Count Von Moltko thanking him for
his nbJo di'fanso in the rolchstng of
the Gorman military oat I mutt a.
Artesian Wells on the Union Pacific.
Silt Lal o Tribune.
All through the great west the
question of water for domestic uao ,
irrigation , supply of steam engines
and locomotives , Is one of great Im
portance , nnd with the rapid settle
ment of the country becomes ono of
still greater interest. The Union Pa
cific , after having spent largo sums of
money In putting in long pipe lines to
bring water from elevated springs ,
substituted windmills and nteam en
gines for raising water In other places ,
have since adopted a system of arte
sian wolla at aavoral points along the
At Harper , located in the Horseshoe -
shoo bend of the road , east of Rock
Creek , a well was bored 400 feet ,
which furnishes plenty of wator. At
Rawlins a flow of wa'or waa struck
at a depth of 400 feet , which rises five i
feet above the antfjco , and is said to' '
bo chemically pure. Thia welt waa
drlllurl through loojo sand to n depth
of 300 foot , when it changed to hard
granito. At Thayer , west of Rawlinn ,
a well trua drilled to a depth of 930
fuot , tapping a good quality nnd Inrgo
quantity of water. At Filimore ,
twenty-one mites west of Rkwllnpr , a
well was drilled 1,400 through soft
rock , which caved bndly. Tubing is
used in this to pump w&tor from .1
depth of 4fO foot bjlow th ourfpoj ,
but the quality is good. At Tab.o
Rook , stiU farther wnst , R depth of
1 450 font was reached thrnth : ; safe
rock all the way , which caved badly ,
requiring to bs lasod , and the qua'iiy
of the water li not good. Ac Red
Desert a uic3 well 700 feet deep furn
ishes a good supply of excellent wator.
At Salt Wells a depth of 2,300 foot
was reached. Salt water waa tapped
at a depth of 500 foot , and it was all
dry below , BO the well was abandoned.
A Rock Springs a well was drilled
some years ago to a depth of over 800
feet , which passed through about
twenty aeomsof coal , making an aggregate -
gate of
The well was used for aeveral years ,
yet the water waa bad.
Another well' haa gene down to the
depth of 1,575 feet , of which casing
was usoi 1,035 feet. As the water ia
unfit to nao , this caalng will be pulled
out and the well abandoned. Thoao
familiar with the Union Pacific will
recognize the fact that all these wells ,
except the ones at Riwllns and Har
per , are in the Bitter crook country ,
the most desolate on the road , and a
locality which haa boon noted for Ita
bad water , alkali , and poverty of
everything good over since the daya of
overland emigration. For years after
( ho railroad was built the Union
Pacific kept water trains running to
supply the orgiuea and persona along
this pyrtion ot the rotd. Even now
they run water trains to supply the.
town of Rock Springs fend all the
minors there , making a total of 1,200
'Sir 1 500 people.
The wolla of the company have been
drilled at comparatively light cost to
the company , because they have the
boot tools und machinery and employ
men who are expert in thia class of
of work.
But ono of the most interesting ex
periments in artesian wolla la that
lately made on the Oregon Short Line ,
in the lava plains , eighteen miles 1 1
west of American Falls. During the ) I
past aeason , contractors ranking the
grade between .American Falls and
Wood River have had a hard time to
keep men and animals supplied with
water. The route goes hi an airline over
the lava plains , a distance of eighty
miles , with no water between the riv
ers. This well penetrated 185 feat
through lava , thlrty-firo through dark
aand and five through hard sand , i
striking a good supply of water. In
sinking this well the drill would strike
crovlces in the lava , causing the hole
to bo crooked , making it more diffi
cult to sink , and yet it went down at
the rate of twenty feet per day. To
test the well is was pumped at thn
rate of forty barrels per hour without
exhausting the supply.
Ferry Fixed Up
SpocUl DUpltch to THIS DBS.
WASHINGTON , February 15 , Sena
tor Ferry received a telegram this j [
morning from Raul Phllbrook , of
Boston , the original owner of the note
made by the Ottawa iron works for
(5,000 , endorsed by Ferry & Bros. ,
completely exonerating him from any
dishonorable Intentions or transac
tions in connection thorn * ith.
Money fur the Unmarried.
One of the most solid and tmbtitautlal
Institutions in thin country N the Mar.
riaga Fund and Mutual Trnet Asfr elation ,
of Cedar Itapida , Iowa. They are organ
ized under the Ir.wa of Iowa , and their of.
ficera and directors are among the leading
and matt tin mlaent bu Ine B men of Cedar
lUmdo , Kvery nrmarrled person should
have n In thin n toclatlon.
It \ a splendid investment , as safe a a
L'ovcrumoiit bond. You can just an well
Imve a good turn cf money to commence
married life on aa cot. A large number of
member * have been paid off , receiving over
800 per cent on their Investment , write
for circulars fully detailing thu plau , which
IR tlie ( ineit known. Do not poatpono it.
Gocd agents wanted. Mention where you
stw tbU notice , 15 3m ,
Quick , complete cure , all annoying
Kidney , Bladder , and Urinary Dls-
$1 ,
If yon want frrah or smoked fiih of
any kind go to UBO. Hoimrod's IGlh
Btrott grocery. thu&sat
A Blackmailing Grandmother Do-
stroyatliB Happiness and
Homo of Her Noico ,
A Baltimore Husband Learns
That His Wife IB Tainted
With Negro Blood.
One of the most sensational and In
teresting divorce suits over enacted on
the legal Bt C3 in this country will at
an early day engage the nstnto and
shining Blackstone talent of Balti
more. The romantic details of this
peculiar life.drama will certainly canao
the goealpa not only of thia particular
locality , but of the ontlro United
Slates , to wag their ronpootlvo tongnca
with great velocity and to roll their
Individual oyca with earnest amaze
ment. The story roads like a ro
mance , but every word is as true aa
gold. Five years ago among the
"young bloods" of Baltimore there
waa numbered a young gantloman ,
who by a happy combination of art
and nature was entitled to a high seat
in the arena of life. Ho was youthful
twenty-three years of age hand
some In face and stately and dignified
in form. Ho was the happy pos
sessor of $100 000 safely invested In
registered United States bonds , be
queathed him by an aged grandmother.
The young man had a very ariato-
cratlc and wealthy mother , and she
waa extremely particular in reference
to her aon'a choice of a domoatlo part
ner in life. On a bright , froaty mornIng -
Ing in the month of January. 1881 ,
the young man entered a fashionable
kid glove establishment on Lexington
street , this elty , for the purpose of
purchasing a number aavon lady's kid
glove , which waa the size that anugly
onoaaed his small and finely formed
hand . , there. To comprota an Indi
vidual world into a few words , he mot
his destiny. The young saleslady who
waited on him was a beautiful bra-
nette , with a moat engaging mien. It
waa the old and yet over now story.
When ho announced to his mother
that ho was golni ? to marry this y ouug
lady , there was a total annthllatio of
tho'domestic peace la that Madison
uvonno mansion.
As may bo Imagined , the marriage
caused a serious disruption of family
doe , but aa the young lady behaved
ao well under the circumatoncea , she ,
vraa so pretty and so bowitohitig and' '
so kind in manner to her mothor-ln- , that the old lady finally relented.
' [ > o years later the young couple
vtiro happily keeping house In a lux
urious manner , and the joyona pros
pective father was well known as a
ahrowd and onorgotlo broker. At
thia period of the young husband's
oxlatenco ho discovered that his wife
waa nalng largo amounts of money In
a very mysterious manner. Ho began
to expostulate with her. "Dear , " ho
kindly said , "I am wealthy , I know ,
but I can not stand these mysterious
and heavy drafts. What do yon do
or want with all this money 1 She
returned confused and evaslvo re-
piles , and the young husband waa
much perplexed by his wife's peculiar
About thia time the proprietors and
patrons of the "bucket shops" and
low gambling reaorts of thia city were
greatly amazed by the behavior and
display of wealth which an aged colored -
od woman delighted them with. She
was a very lli > ht mulatto about the
exact shade B.I . far as complexion went
of an ordinary cream puff wltlra
oouplo of tablospoonafnla of ginger in
ita culinory make np. She was a moat
Inordinate gambler , Boomed to bo completely -
plotoly carried away by the passion of
chance , and while a constant and
heavy loaer , was never short for over a
oonplo of hours at a time. She ac
tually appeared to own a gold .nine ,
Where aho got her money no ono
knew , arid she never told but oho had
it , and that waa all that waa necessary
for the particular business oho waa
then engaged in ,
Ono day the young broker found
himself the proud father of a red
headed , dimpled boy. Ho then did
not find ao much fault with hia wife
for what he considered extravagant
and UBolojs expenditure of money , .
and supreme content and unalloyed | -
happlnoaa hold high carnival wlMiln
hia castle walla. One morning when
thia cooing babe , now aged nearly two
yoara , Bat on his maternal grand
mother's knco a colored servant
brought her a letter fresh from the
hand of the wlord man In modoat gray.
She opened it with t amllo of peace ,
road it with a g&ap of horror , and then
with ono wild shriek of woo aho and
the Infant slmnltanooualy foil to the
floor. The letter , written in almoat
an Illegible hand and filled with an
abundant amount of phonetic spoiling -
ing , contained the following startling
worda :
"Your son's wife ia a nlggor. Ho
marrlad a nigger. I am her grandmother -
mother , and I am what you call a mu-
latto. You wonld think oho Is whlto
like yon white folks , but aho ain't. If
yon don't bcllovo mo oomo and aoo
mo. I aend my address , "
A name , number and the name of a
street waa at the bottom of thia dyna
mite hand grenade. Of course , when
the old lady recovered from her awoon
aho refused to believe that the note
contained the trnth. However , when
the husband heard of ita contents ho
immediately began a strict Invcatiga
tion , and when the facts in the caio
became ab convincing that the wlfo
could deny no longer , hla young and
charming brunette treasure , with tears
of anguish In her beautlfal dark eyea ,
confessed in her huaband'H armi that
colored blood did run in her veins.
It aoornsthat the old mulatto woman
camblor waa hia wlfo'a grandmother.
Ills wife's grandfather waa a whlto
man , and her parents wore white , her
mother having been moro auoccstful
at deception In thia line with her hus
band than the young wife had boon
with her young broker husband. The
beautiful brunette wlfo then certainly
had a very alight negro element In her
physical make up , It appears that
the old colored grandmother had for
years obtained "hush money" from the
young wife , / which aho Hpont on
her ruling passion gambling. The
old mulatto waa the waman who
had ao amazed the frequenters
of the low gambling holla of thia
city. When the young wife refused
to glvo the old woman money she
would threaten to write or tell the BO-
| cret to the ariitoontlo mother-in-Uw.
At last the wlfo , completely tired out
and disheartened by fttquontc'enianda
on her puree by the old fcmulo gam
bler , absolutely refused io lvu her
any moro substantial wealth , never
oven dreaming for a moment that at
that late d y the old woman wonld
actually carry her vllo throat into ox-
ocutlon. But In an evil hour , when
InfUmod by a quart of 5 cent rum , the
old female gambler did BO , with the
dire results stated.
Aa the young wife refntoa to glvo
up her husband , and aa her attorney ,
ono of the loading lawyora of this city ,
declares that under the peculiar clr-
onmatancca of the case the marriage la
local , It la stated that the young
broker , goaded on by his Indignant
mother , will instltnto proco'oillnga for
a dlvorco at an early dny. In appearance -
anco the unhappy wlfo resembles the
average pretty American brunette ,
and no ono riot conversant with the
faots as hero given would enppoao for
a moment that nho had a alight mix
ture of colored blood In her veins ,
Sullivan Saye the Science of
Old Boxers Was AH Bosh ,
He Is Ready to Meet the
Maori , But Blade's Talk
Ia All Wind.
Dj T ItfMph to the Past-DItpttch.
NKW YORK , February 10. John L.
Sullivan will probably spar no mere In
exhibitions with Joseph Ooburn. Hla
reason tor arriving at such a conclu
sion , Sullivan explained as follows :
"They may say what they chooao bout
old-tlmo boxora and aolonco , and thoao
very old-timers now among us take the
greatest paina to toll newspaper men
how great thoyonco wore , but they
are not what they claim to be. Ooburn
told a reporter at Auburn , N. Y. ,
when asked how I compared with box
ers of fifteen years ago , that I could
not oomo ap to them In science , but
wsa powerfully strong and muscular.
For hlmiolf ho said ho "had lost none
of his ol 1-tlmo science and cleverness. "
I know what I am talking about when
I aay that If Joe Ooburn is a fair ex
ample of the scientific boxers of his
earlier career , they mutt have boon a
very poor lot , for a worse or lees scien
tific aparror than Oobnrn It wonld bo
hard . to find. In fact ho Is very bad.
When I aaked him about the Auburn
Interview ho denied having Bald , a
word to the reporter but I know bet
tor , and after that I ahoirod him just
what modern science waa , I have
made up my mind that ho ia not good
enough for mo to box with , and I do
not think I am doing justice to myself
in traveling through the country with
him at an equal partner in the exhibi
tion business. "
"What are the chances of a battle
between yon and Mace or Blade ? "
"I don't think they are here to do
any fighting. I do not want to do anymore
moro fighting myself , but
and Blade , or the people who back
them , to brow-beat mo. What they
are trying to do la to create such an
Interest aa will make exhibition ! of
the'fiat capital. They had a financial
ancoosa and they had a year's adver
tising for $2,500. That la they pro-
peso a match with mo for $2,500 a
aldo. They will deposit a part of the
whole amount of the atako money ,
make tours of the United States and
England on the strength of the match ,
and reap a harvest bv advertising
Slado as the Maori , who ia to vanquish
the Boston champion. Having made
all the money they can make they
will then bo prepared to pay forflot or
their backer will attach the money In
theatakeholdera'handa. InmoouvLncod
they dent moan and don't want to
fight , If they do , lot them accept the
proposition my representative in
New York makes thorn , Ho
offers to back mo for 610,000 against
either Waco or Slado , the fight to take
place in alx weeks or three months
from algnlng articles. That proposi
tion baa
which thoira has not. I repeat that I
don't want to fight , but I don't want
to hoar , and won't have these ducks
from the other end of the world
boasting of what they can do and of
what they have boon , without giving
them a chance to make their state
ments good , and If they won't accept
fair propositions It la for.tho public to
judge whether Mace and the Maori
moan all they aay , or are trying to
hoodwink the people. "
Biackwoofl and the Four Eoviews
ONLY 810,00.
Four Leading Quarterly fioviews
THE EDINnunOH UEVIEW , ( Whig ) ,
totvatlve )
Ktllciland )
B'aokwood's ' Edinburgh Magazine
which Invo been established InUbli uuntir for
neatly half a cenlury , r regular y publlibed by
The LXOXARD SCOTT 1' CauriNr , 41 Uar.
ciay 8tr t , New Y , rk. Toe e publl.-vtlons i ro-
MBtthebMt foreign periodical ! In a coriYenlent
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TEitMs FOR 1883 ( including postage ) .
For any one Review t2 to '
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For all four Review , d rn
For HlackKood'iMigatlno , 2 00
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Fco BUckwood anil two Re'lewt 7 rn
For Blackwool an I tbroo Hevlowa g w
iorlllackwodacd four Rtvlowi lo QO
Single number of li/ackftoad / , 30 conti : ifni/l
number of Review , 71 centi. . *
The Leonard Scott Publishing Oo , .
41 Barclay St. , New ? ork.
Gen ! Insurance Agent
FhoenU Auuranc * Co. , of Lon 11
i 0
Wertchener , K. Y. , Capital - 1,000,000.00
th Merchant ! , ol Newark , N.
OUid KM , Phlladriphl * . C plUl _ . . 1.0
owo'i fund . . IW.91M
Offloo , JBovd'a Onera Homo1
Farms ,
! 5th&DouglasSt. :
f7No. 19 Full ot and now houio , | 3J'roorad , two
below and ono up-Btalrs. Eight foot culling below
and * e\enaboto. Urlck foundation , collar , etc.
A bargain , & 00. .
No. IS Largo two story house , 10 rooms , two
largo collan , good well and cistern , barn , etc. , on
W > bstcr and M street , 96,000.
No 17 Lot 60x185 foot , new lioujo of two
rooms brick foundation 100 barrel cistern on
Hamilton street near Poor ClaroConvcni $ GOO.
No. 1C House and lot on 17th near Glark St.
houao Sroorni etc. 81200.
No. 15 House of 3 rooms full lot on Fierce Bt ,
near 18th $1KX )
No. 21 Now hoiiseof 7 rooms , with corner lot ,
half mile wrst of Turntable ot rod street cara on
Sail dcrsBt. $1000.
No. B House of tight rcoma , barn etc. lot
60105 foot 12600.
Vacant Lots.
No. 253 Two hill lota on 10th Btrett near Lake
St. * 1COO.
No. 361 Twenty flro lot ) In Parkers addition
Just north of the end of red Btrcet car line 1400
each easy terms.
No. 850 Four lot ) on Delaware Et. near Hani *
com park , IG50.
No. 831 Ono half lot on South avenue , near
St. Mary'a avenue , ( 60.
No. atO-Elghtoen(18) ) Iota on 21st , 22nd , 23rd
ana Stundoru street , near Grace , (600 each , and
on cosy terms.
No , 310 Six beautiful residence loU on Cather
ine street , near Hanscom park , (4,500.
T eho beautiful rcnldcnco loU en Hamilton
street , near end of old streetcar track ; high and
1 Several acre and hall acre corner Iota on Cum
in g , Hurt nr.d California stroctn , In Lowo'a second
end addition and Park Pluco near Academy of
Sacred Heart.
Lota m "Pro poct Place" on Hamilton and
Charles street , Jmt wojt cf the end of Red Street
i Car track and "Convent of the bisterd of Poor
1 Clare , ono and one half tulle from poatofllco , and
ono mllofromll. P. shone , JIM ) to $500 each ,
only 0 per cent down arm 5 per cent per month
Lotuln Lcwe'a addition ono-lult inllo west of
end of Red Street Car track near Conrent of
Poor Clare Sisters In Shlnn'a addition , (125 to
(300 each , and onory easy terms.
Lota In Horbich's 1st and 2nd additions ,
Shlnn's , Park 1'Iaco , Lowe's 2nd addition. Haiti's
Lake's , Nelson's , Uanscom Place , Redlck'a ad
ditions , etc. , ola.
Lots In "Credit Ponder addition" Just one-
quarter mile south-cast ot Union IVolfio and B.
and M. R. It. depots , $260 to $ lDOOoach , very easy
Business Lots.
Three good business Iota on Dodge rear 12th
street , 22x120 fe t each , (1,600 each , or 1,600 for
all , easy terms.
Two ( pod builnesa lota on Farnam street , 33x
60 feet each , with frame bulldlnga thoron.renting
for about (6CO per year each ; mice (1,250 each.
44x132 feet on Farnam near lOthslreo ; , corner
Splendid Warehouse lot on Union Paclffo right
ol way , north of track and cast of Nail Works-
being 132 feet north f'onta o on Hiaon street ,
by about 109 feat west frontire on 10th at.
Farms a d wild lands In Douglas , Sarpy ,
Dodge , Washington , Hurt , Wavno , Slanton , and
other good counties In CMlcrn Nebraakrtfor sale.
Taxea paid , ronta collected , anl money loaned
on Improved city and country , proj erty at low
ratts of Interest.
$6.00 EACH ,
. . ,
Agency ,
15th and Douglas St. I
Omaha . Neb.
Antiquarian !
The bulldiiiR I n ° * occupy is to bo
torn down , nnd 1 n moT , ° nvod !
the removal of ao ' "H ? ? tock of val
nablo booUe.l . havov 1ooldo.d to B10 BP0 >
cial inducement * to b ' ) ok bnyors'or ' the
Next 30 I ays
Bach pnrohaaor of books to thortmt | < n
$5.00 & UPWARDS '
will rocolvo a ticket entitling htm to a
ohnnco of scouring the following ox-
oollont library :
Ilumo's Hlitory of Kngland , Svoli t E 00
tlacauley'a dilatory of Kngland , S vola. . . 6 00
Oreen'alllttory of Kngllsh People , 2 vols. 2 CO
( llbbon'a History of Home , fi roll 6 00
Orotoa History ot Oroeco , 4vola -I 00
History of th i Cru wlea , Ivol. . . . . . 2 00
I'lutarchN I.Uof , 3 vole 9 i CO
Ufa ol HherUnn 1 50
( IroruoIV 200
1 Oliver Cromwell a 0
1 Napoleon 2(0
Hairy Clrvy 2 (0 (
DanMWub tar 2 00
George Waah'njton 209
Horaoi Orceley 2 00
Ilenjunln FArnUltn 200
Htetihen A. Uauglaa 200
Andrew Jackson 2 GO
Abraham Lincoln 2 00
Nlclolasol ItUBsIa 200
| Mirle Antilnotto 2 00
KtnpreM Jo > oiihluo 2 00
Mary ttuilt 2 00
Shakspoaro. Dyron. Moore , Dante , Hood ,
Oowpor , Goldsmith , Chaucer , ( Crabbo ,
Montgomery , Herbert and Coleridge ,
12 voli. at (1.75 ; . . . ( SI 00
Dickens' Complete Works , IB vela ( 27 M )
Bcott'a ' " IB vela SI 00
Thackera'ty ' " 11 vela 1075
Marryatt'a " " 4vol 600
Library of Famouj Flo Ion , Droll , to
In all 100 Volumes , Published
at $160.25.
The drawing for the premium will take
plnco about the 15th of March next , In the
presence of ticket holder * , and duo notice
thereof will ho given ia the pnpcra.
Now is Your Opportunity to Got
a Library
aa well selected ns can bo found In the
Come Early.
larOrderafrom the countiy will rectlvo prompt
attention and their Interest will be cloiely guard-
Proprietor Ant ; uarlan Hook Store ,
fT-dlm 1C20 Doujlu Sire )
MftUor of Application offTulIu Schroeder
lor Liquor Licence ,
Notlco Ia hereby given that Julius Schroeder did
upon the Hth day of Feb. , A. I ) . , 1B83 , file hla ap
plication tothe Hoard of County Conmilsuloncra
of Douglas county , Nebraska , for license to sell
Halt. Hjilrltuous ami Vinous Liquors , atUlllard ,
In Milltrd Precinct , Dougloa County , Nebraska ,
from the 10 day of February , 1883 , to the 10th
day of Aumiaf , 18BJ.
llthero be no objection , remonstrance or pro
test filed within two ttcokn from Februtry 10th
A. D , 1883 , the Bald license will bo granted.
The Omaha Dee nownpapcr will publish tha
above nutlco once each week for two weeks at the
expense of the applicant. The County of Doug-
lo.i la not to bo charged therewith.
152' ) County Clerk ,
acknowledged to be the
beat by all who have put them
to a praolical tost.
Buck's Stpve Co. ,
& iiim > Foiu > ,
John G. uacoos ,
( Tormarly Olio A Jacobs.
[ Trom the Dovtoa QMn.1
Th above Is a good Ilkencis ef Mrs. LydU E. rink-
am , cf Lynn , Hau. , who aboreall other human b lnri
> y b truthf ally called tha > 'Dw rritnd of Woman , "
i soma of h r comipondenU love
lo call htr. pha
I x-alouil/ Toted to her work , which U th outcome
t * llfe-ituJj , and Is obliged to keep six lady
Mlitants , to help her aniwerth * lartra eorre pond Boc
ihlch dally poun In upon bur , rach bMrlng Ita special
urdtn ot luffrrln ; , or joy at rtleaMfrom It. nu
IrireUbl * Compound | i a m dlclna for ecxxl and not
rll purpotM. I ham personally InvMtlgaUd It and
rn MtliflKl of tha truth of thli.
On account ot lt < proven merits. It I ) recommended
pdpmcrltxidbythetMitphyitcUni In tha country ,
lie uiyst "H worka Ilka charm and saves much
In. H will com entirely th worst form of falling
f tha utcnn , Leuoorrhom , Imeulor and p&ln/ul
IcnjtniatlonallOrarUnTronbi ! > t , Inflammation and
( Iteration , Floodlng-i , all DU plae m nU and tha eon *
Mutnt * plnal wekne , and U etpaeUtl'y adapUd to
o Chan ( t of Ufe. "
It i < rrm atM evsry portion of tha aystam , aadgtva *
Bw Ufa and vigor. It removaa falntaMS , Batttltney ,
t troya all truTtni for stimulants , and nll'VM wwdk.
'M of tha itomaeh. It cuna Bloatlnff , Ilaadaohaa ,
ous mwtratlon , General Debility , BlMpl * nsM ,
fc VMlon and InJlstitlon. That fo line of b uiac
j3WT1 k 'iutlnit pain , weight and baekaeha , la alwaya
* rmank 'ntlj curnl by Ita us . It will at all tlmn , and
pder all v * 'num ' Uner' , act In harmony with tha law
bat ovf n. ' * no f"11114 jstem.
'II costs onU ' I1P ° r bottle or alt for tS. , and la told br
InnrliU. Arn * * d"lp required aa to ap clal cuis , anl
be names of nuxn * who hTO b * n rentored to pcrfaov
althbythonfo,0' th ° VcgeUblaCompoundcant
> talned byadilrt * Mra. IV with sUmpfor reply ,
I hf r homo In Ljnn , ataaa.
For Kidney Oomplalu" ' ° ' " * * r aei thhi compound ! *
oiurpanwd u abundam' taatlmonlols show.
"Mr * nnkham'sIJver nil , "s yaonowTlt r , "ar
Itlxit in llu teorld for > 'h8 eur of CoruUpatlon ,
Ulouimcss and Torpidity t.1' th " " ' - HfrBlooiJ
\irlflcr worka wonders In Its aTx-olal line and blda fair
s equal the Compound In Ita po > Clarity.
Ill must rwpcct her aa an Angel ' " < 7 "tow aoto
kibltlon U to do good to other * .
rhlladelphlara. < J ) Hra.A.H.tX.
Long Time