DR. A. COOK , | 4 CHRONIC DISEASES ! ' / . . i fl.v. ' Diseases of Women and Diseases of the Rectum a Specialty. The Dr. hasJjcon located In Coun cil Blnffj nearly two years , and hav- ng been called profcuaiotmlly auring that time into the best families in the city and surrounding country , takes pleasure in an nnnont'cing that ho has oomo to atay. His constantly incroas- Inp practice at homo , in thu niiclst of hla own people , is thu bnnt , ovidotKOof his skill M A SPECIALIST , and ho wiflhen it uudcratood , ouco for nil , ( hut his methods of treatment art ) STRICT LY Boioutifio ; that ho deapiaca quack- cry aa well among oo-callod "Regular" and "Homeopathic" practitioners an among travoltngcharlatana and "Oaro- Alls. " Ho has devoted fifteen years to the study and practice ot hla SPE CIALTIES and haa had the benoQt of the moat nklllful training in * the best , colleges and hoapltalo in the land , and has.no hoaitancy In promining the very beat results to be obtained Irora acleu- tificmedicino and surgery. SPECIALTIES , It rnuat bo evident to every oloao observer that no ono mind , howuvor gifted , can graap more than a muro smattering of medical scicmoo. The fiald la tuo largo and the natural dlris- lonu too numerous for anytnlng inoro th.tn a cur.sory viov of the vaat obsta cles to bo ticsouutornd by the " { po or * ! " pTiioMtiouor. Wa have our tun- iuuui surgeons and our eminent prac titioners of mudioine , ufif-r which fol low the noted apeelalista , embracing the Ere , the Kir , the Throat , the Langs , the Kidnoya and Bladder , Dla- oasoa of Woman , Insanity , &c , &o. , any ono cf which requires years of patlout study uud practice to insure proficiency aud ultimate BUCCOBO. The busy practitioner of to-day the "family" physician can no more onbr&ce all these specialties In his practice and do justice to his patients than ho can "buttlp up sunlight , " yet how many physicians In the western WATER WAVE Tent never require crimping , at Mrs. J. J. ajod's Hair Dtore , at prices never before touched by ny other hair dealer. Also a full line ot swltchw , etc. at crc&tly reduced prices. Also gold , vcr and colored nets. Waves made from ladles' own b ! r. Do not fall to call before purchasing slwwhere. All goods warranted a represented. MRS. J. J. GOOD , 83 Main street , Council Plugs , Iowa. KR8 , E , J , JIARDINO , H , D , . Medical Electrician AND GYNECOLOGIST. Oradmto of ffleatropathlo ItatltuUon , PhlU- delphla , Penna. Office Cor , Broadway & Olenn Avo. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , The treatment ot all dlseabea and p Infal dlt Bcaltles peculiar to tercalea a epoclaliy. W. R. VAUGHAN : JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Omaha and Council Bluffa Real Estate & .Collection Agency , In Odd Fellow's block , over Savings' Dank. ianS-tj EDW18 J. ABBOTT. Justice ol the Peace aud Notary Public. tl&Broadway , Council Bluffa Dr , J , Meaglior.ziOcuM , Aurisfc , AND SPECIALIST. In Chronic dlfeoecs , ofleta his services to all al filcted with dUtasea of th Eye , Ear , cr Chronic dleewesolany character. Warrants a euro In all Rheumatic afloctl na Can be consulted by mall or In person at the Metropolitan hotel , Council BluQd , Iowa. r , D. iDunfnsON , . L. imuaAtr. A. w. BTRIIT , President. Vlee-Prcflt , Cuhler. CITIZENS BANK Of Council Blnif * . Organized under the law ) of the Stita of Iowa Fold up capital t 75,000 f , Anthorlied capital 00,000 , ; InUrest paid on tlind depoelto. Draft ) Ittraed on tha principal cltltxi of the United Staled and EUIOJW. Special attention flven to collectlout and coirogpondeaca with prompt ntnini. J. D.GlmandMn , E. L. Fhui-ait , J. T.Hirl , Ur.lW.lWiJUco , J. W. Roller , ] . A. Mllbr A. W , Street , Jyldtl WiUTHERLIGH BP.OS , , Are now ready to contract for email castings ot every description In MALLEABLE IRON , GRAY IRON , And tiny ALLOY OF BRASS. Special attention Is called to the f < ot that the metals are mo ted In CRUCIELKU which gives the very best coatings , Burning Brands FOH DISTILLERS , BREWERS , PACKERS - ERS , OIQAR and TOBACCO FACTORIES , Etc. , Etc. , An w < > H ag Cattle Brands AHE NICELY EXECUTED. Works : Corner Sixth street and Eleventh aveuue , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. CURES SCROFULA , do. SORES , do. ULCERS , do. BOILS , do. ERUPTIONS , do. CATARRH , do. ECZEMA , do. RHEUMATISM , do. SKIN DISEASES , do. BLOOD DISEASES , SWIFT'S SPECIFIC REMOVES ALL TAINT , IIKBBDITAHY OK O7HUUWIBH. SWIFT'S SPECIFIC IS THE GKRAT BLOOD REMEDY OF THE AGE. Write for full particulars , and little book "Mes. gage to tha Unfortunate Suffering. T2.81,000 XUward will he paid to any Clietnliit who Will flnd , on an&lyala of 100 bottles of S. S. S. , one particle of Mercury , Iodide of Potassium , or othtr Mineral substance. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , Proprietors , Atlanta. Qa. Price of Small Size , _ . . f l 00 , . . - US BOLD BT AU < DUUOOISTS. coautry are FBBTBNDINO to do so , to the cost and Injury of their patients. CHRONIC DISEASES , The Dr. duoa not protund to cure ALL ohronio dlaoaaoa. Ho olalma , however , that yobta of patiout study and praotloo , in the hospitals and ! aa- where , give him advantages in their treatment whloh no ordinary praott- tlonor can po lbl ? have ; that ho CAN CURE } many caaos now prononncad INCURABLE by them , and glvo re lief tohuudfudsof others whoso dia- oaaos como within the range of his'SPE- CIALTIES. He is prepared to give the most approved olectrio treatment and modlcatod viper baths , when needed. P.xrtloa res'd ng at a dlatanoo , whose means will not admit of their taking a regular course of treatment here , will ba furnished blanks with questions , which can ba oinworod and returned to the Doctor , who will maka up hlo diagnosis and givjo treatment if desired , bat ho much prefers to make a COUNCIL BLUFFS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. * CIIICAOO , BOCK ISLAND AND PACIHO. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Kxt--B 0pm I Paclflo Ext..OlSam : Ex and Mall.9:25 : a m Ex and Mall.0:55 : p m D. Molnos ac.7:16 : a m | Dos Molnos nc.4JO : p m CUIOAOO , BORL1NOTOH AMD QOINCY. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Exf..S:30 : p m I Faclflo Ext..920 a m Holland Ex,020am Holland Ex.7:00pra : N. Y. Ex 4:00 : p m | Neb & Kag Ex..8ZO : a m CHICAGO AND MOKTHWISTIIIN. Depart. Arrive. AtlantloExt..6lBpm : Pacific Ext..0:15am : Mall and Ex.9.20am JI all and Ex" . . 0:15 : p ra Accom. ( Sat.Cu10 p m Accom. ( Mon..l:15puj : KANSAS Cnr , ST. JOB AND OOChOIL Depart. Arrl > o. Holland Ex..9:55am : I Express GMpm : Express 9:10 : p m | Mall and Ex..6'45pm DNION rAcirio. Depart. Arrlvo. Overland Kr.llSO a. m. Overland Ei,4.00 p. m. Lincoln Ex..11:30a. : m. DemcrEx . . .8:00a.m : , Denver Ex..7:00 : p. m. Local Ex G30ft. m. [ x > cal Ex 7:25 : a. m. " Ex fl.Ofia. ra. Emigrant..520 p. m. " Ex F-tiOa. m. WABADU , sr. LOOI8 AND rAClnO. Depart. Arrive. Mall and Ex. . 9:45 : am I Mall and Ex. . 420pm Cannon Ball. . 4:50 : p m | Cannon Ball. . 11:05 : a in RIODl CI1T AMD FAC1FIO. Depart. Arrive. ForBIoux Clty.TAS a m Frm Sioux 0' ; For Fort Nlobrara. Krm Fort Mlobrara , Kob 7:55 : am Neb * G:50pm : For St. Paul.-.7:40 : pm From St. Paul.,8 0 a m CHICAGO. HILWAOIII AND BT. PAUL. Lea\ Council UIuHs. Arrives Council Bluffs. Mall and Ex.920 a m I Mall and Ex.6:65 : pm Atlantic Kx. . | 5:15 : p m I Allan tic Ex. . . | 9:10 : a in aiicAoo , uawAuiKi AND ST. PAUL. Leaves Omaha. Arrives at Omaha. Hall and Et.7:15am : I Paclflo Ex 19:15am : Atlantic Ei. . | 3:40 : pm | Mall and Ex.7-25 pm Except Sundays , f Except Saturdays. { Except Mondays. ( Dally. Council Blufia Ss Omaha Street B. R. Leave Council bluffs. Leave Omaha. 8 a m , 9 a m , 10 a m , B a m , 9 a m , 10 a m , 11 a m , l m , 2 p m , 3 p Ham , 1pm , 2pm , 3 p m , 4 p m , 6 p m , 6 p m. m , 4 p m , S p m , 0 p ra Street cars nin half hourly to the Union Paclflo Depot. On Sunday the cars begin their trips at 9 o clock a. m. , and run regularly during the day at 9,11 , 2 4 , 6 and 6 o'clock , anuruu to city time. Playing Faro. Detroit Free I'res ) . "I am going to take yon Into the largest faro room In the city , " said the sport. "Soo all yon have a mind to , but don't talk until wo got out. " Through a saloon , past a cigar counter , to a billiard room ; thence up a carpeted stairway , at the top of which Old Sport stopped and exclaimed - claimed : "Now use your oyosl See that heavy trap-door , fitted with heavy spring bolts. When that door Is closed nothing short of a battering ram can break It opon. It in held open by a light spring catoh , and that la operated by a fine wire that runs along the floor , and down behind the bar , being never out of roach of that bartender's hands. If a policeman , or any ouo else whom they don't want up hero , starts for this stairway , down drops the door , and hq don't como up.rTho The stairway led to a well-carpeted hall , at the bottom of which was a green balza door. Passing this the visitors found themselves In a largo and well-lighted room the lair of the tiger. Gamblers usually speak of faro playing as "bucking the tiger , " but If any ono imagines that the ani mal Is other than a fat , slock , attrao- tlve-looklbg feline they make a great mistake. Only the furry ooat Is ox- poiod ; ono must join In the play In order to get a glimpse of the fangs and claws. Upon the green cloth that oovored a long table wore pasted the thirteen ojurds that comprise suit , there being oonilderablo ipaoo between them. personal examination and treat all patients hero , when possible , thus avoiding any ohanco of error in diag nosis , The Boot or treats all forms of ohron io disoftso , without mentioning any uno in partionlar , and has no hesitancy in saying that ho OAN and WILL qivu the boat treatment known to med ical science , and charge only a reasonable - able fee for hla'sorviooa. DISEASES OF WOMEN- This is ono of the SPECIALTIES to which the Dr. has devoted the best years of his life , and hundreds of women , now living , are ready to tosti' fy that they found relief at his hands when others had failed to benefit them. The "family" physician can not treat thoao diseases succosafully , for many important reasons. , ohlof among which is , that ho has not the time to devote to their study , nor the patience to do thoru justice. Nor Back of this table , with his black soft lat slanted down over his eyes to ihlold them from the light , sat a heavy Dullt man , with an onormons spark In his shirt front , a nobby anil of clothes ; dainty , whlto hands , the loit badly erupted with diamonds ; and keen , dark eyes that roved from end to end of the table continually. This was the dealer. At the right hand of the dealer , and near the end of the table , sits a man with a box before him that closely resembles - somblos a backgammon board. Across its two compartments upon wires are thirteen rows of buttons , fonr In a row , such as are used in counting bll- lards , They are hero used to keep count of the cards used by the dealer. This individual is very largo In the waistcoat , and his clothing Is very soody. His eyes are dull aud watery ; his face , though full and round , is sal low and pimply , and in its comer glows a bulbous nose that would sizzle If thrown into water. Ho is a happy man whenever Homo ono asks him to take a drink , and the waiter always brings him a tumbler full cf whisky. This man Is the case koopor. Opposite the dealer , there la a mot ley crowd. Along the ontlro sldo'of tbo table there Is a row seated. Behind - hind these are othora standing. The ono vho sits opposite the dealer , puff ing vigorously at a cigar which points upward and outward from the corner of his mouth , is a professional gam bler , who wins and loses with such ap parent nnooncorn as o suggest the probability that ho "stands in" with the bank. Next to him on the loft Is a grocer who acquired a passion for play whllo In the army , and ho hasn't spent a dozen evenings at homo with his family In a dozen years. Next to him situ a bachelor lawyer who com menced practice in this city nearly trYonty years ago , with oxcolfont pros pects. Ho is a good advocate , Is well up In the tricks of his trade and makes $3,000 to ยง 4,000 per year. Ho might better bo working somewhere for his board and clothes , for that is all ho derives from hla Income. The re mainder of it ho contributes to the support of gamblers. Ho Is a reckless player , and rarely goes homo with a dollar in his pocket. That fino-look- ing yoang man Is a commercial trav eler from the East. Ono of these nights ho will travel out of the conn- try , and then an eastern firm will commence investigating with a view of ascertaining how much they must charge up to profit and loss to make their accounts balance. The two palo youths have each got a rich "governor , " bnt ho doesn t govern thorn worth a cent , They are "firing" his money with a liberal hand. That foul-mouthed fol low who is loudly affirming that ho broke a bank once keeps a saloon and lodging honso on the Potomac. That stylishly dressed chap is a oappor for the bank , and the bronzed , nnkempt- looking man with him is a farmer who brought m a load of poultry and hogs In the morning , which ho haa sold for a good price. The capper saw him Belling thorn , and managed to fall Into conversation with him. Ho has treated him two or throe times , and I * now Uklng him around to BOO the iight , and especially If there U a little wickedness connected there with. "Oomo and take a drink , " uld the should it bo expected of him , In the absence , perhaps , of spooial training and oxporionoa , nnd in the hurry and excitement of general praolico The Dr. is prepared to treat all fa- male diseases in a skillful and scientific manner , having devoted aovoral yours to their study and treatment , both in the hospital and In uctivo practice , Diseases of the Rectum , These ombraoo Hemorrhoids , or Piles , Fistnlos , Fissures , Prolaps , or falling of the anui , tumors , oto , etc. , and constitute ono of the Doctor's loading spoclMtios. All rectal tumors are treated by the now method of In- jootlng and ara thoroughly and speed ily removed , with bnthttlaoruo pain OASOS of Piloa , from ton to twenty years standing , have boon permanent ly cured by thia now method , many of thorn residing ia and near the city at present. present.EPILEPSY , Many cases ot Ejilopsy , or Fits , sapper. "He's got some of the finest lourbon here yon over tasted. " Then , n a whisper : "It's free , too. Don't cost you a cent ! " Proof whisky Is A stranger to the granger's stomach Five minutes after lo is tolling that ho hasn't played a "koord" slnoo ho was a boy and nsod to play out in the haymow in the burn on Sunday. "Was yon lucky at cards' ! " inquired the oappor. "Yes , slroo , yon bt > t I was. There wasn't a boy in our neighborhood that jould bait mo playing hlgh-low-jack- in-tho-game ! " "Sayl" said the capper , nudging lilm in the ribs aud pointing to the bablo , "there's throd kings como out [ oner In snocouslon. Thoro's only ono inoro In the pack , and it's two to ono that that comes out winner. Lot's you and I put $5 apiece on it. " "No , I never gamble , " said the farmer , as if half ashamed to own it. "That's not gambling ; it's only making a bet that the king will oomo out a winner ; that's all. Here , I'll Eut up $5 for you"and a $10 bill was dd upon the king. A turn of the cards , and the king had won , The dealer throw out two now $5 bills , ono of whloh the capper passed to the farmer , Baying : "There , I'vo made $5 for you in a minute. If a man has got luck ho can make inoro money here in a day than ho can on a farm in a year. " Meantime , the dealer had boon she ill Ing the cards , and had dexter- oaely placed a king the second card from the bottom , a fact of whloh the capper was awnro. "Go on the king again , " he Bald to the farmer. "Even if yon lese , yon aio oven with the game. " Down wont th , bill on the king , and the next Instant the dealer placed a second five with th i first. "Yon are lucky,1'eaid the cappor. "If I had your hick , I'd brnnk the bank before morning , Lot's take an other ! " With the second glass of the power ful liquor departed the last vestige of the farmer's caution , and ho took a eoat at the table , bought a stack of chips , and , guided by the capper , commonoed'pluy ing recklessly. Ho won , then lost , lost again , doubled his bet and won , lost once moro , kept losing , and an hour later hla old wallet lay before him upon the table as empty as a tin horn. " ' tltod " said the dealer "I'm , , yawn- ing. "It'fl time to shut up , gentle men ; so lot's take a drink and go , " And outtnto the street wont the farmer , to reel to the hotel Btablo where hohad loft his horses , drlvo sadly home along in the small hours of the morning , , and to go to bed with nothing but an aching head , and a bitter , very bitter , lesson to show for all the hogs and poultry ho had raised in a season. The next morning ho told his wlfo that ho had his pocket picked at the market. March On , March on to Victory. Dndor date ot November 21 , 1681 , Mr. Albtrl If. lUndy , of Fratt and Whltn y Company , Hartford , Conn. , write * "H Tlngb uj a great nttttti from a wrer * attack of Kldnty DlieftM , and tnduied tor a long Urn * the lafeMi pain , man ; athef , and txtrem * can bo cured if taken in tlmo , and OB pocially in young subjects. The Dr. does not claim to euro all cases that oomo to him for treatment , bnt can point to numerous instances where R permanent euro has boon wrought within the last five yoars. Medicine * will bo sent by express when pationto cannot como to the city. TAPE WOUMS , These troublesome , parasites can bo removed in a few hours , with but little - tlo inconvenience to the patient. The Dr. will send medicines by express , with full directions for use , at" any time they may bo ordered. . The Dr , makes no promises bnt what will bo fulfilled to the letter. If ho examines you and finds your dis ease incurable , ho will toll you so in plain words ; if ho liuds yon can bit bonofittod he will treat you for a mod erate fee ana glvo you the benefit of all that medical science can doforyonr oiso. This is all that any careful weoknois that always attend this dread disease , Deluding the terilblo back-ache , alter trying doctor's prescriptions and many other so-called cures , without gaining any btneQt , I Mas finally icnuudod to take Ilunt's DcmcJyiand after us- ng It K very short tlmo I flnd myself entirely r - loved fiom the bick-aclio and other p lrn , and , bolter thau til tha other Improvements la my general boilth , my Kidney dlicnio It curad. II affords me great ptoaiuro to recommend Hunt's Remedy to all who may be suffering as I have ) een , as It Is oito and reliable medicine for Kid ney Disease. ' N Honest Indorsement. Mr. 0. T. Molvln , of Providence , It. I , , says "Believing , as I do , ttut an honest endorse ment cf all you claim for the virtue ] ot Hunt's Homed ) ' , I with pleasure attest to the ficb that ( ts atlan In reitorlng a healthy condlt'on to dis eased Kidneys and Liver Is , In my caao , little less lhan miraculous. " "Bo say wo , all of at , One , two , three , four of us , " and so on up to thousands , that Hunt's Remedy Is Incomparably the bo&t Kidney and Liver med icine known. LONE JACK , Mo. , Sept. 14 , 1879 , I have boon , using Hop Bitters , and have received great benefit from thorn for liver complaints and malarial favor They are superior to all other medi cines. P. M. BAUNEH. JOHN r.7ABr.Ha MOMI nCDAlIF Vlco Pwj'J. W. B. Diitiiui , floe , nnd Treat. TEF NEBRASKA MIUFiCTUBIfi 00 Lincoln , Neb MANUFACTURERS OF Corn PlimtorB Hrrrowu.Knrm Rolloru Bulky Hay Rnlcou , Bucuet BloviUlng WluumlllB , do We are prepared to da Job woik and nutinUj nilug for other parting. Addrtnual onion HKUBABKA UANUFAOTOUIMC CO Llnnoln. No Kzswansr r".i * ixi t i ; of lei- < n r iluttri UTOI | > rughtwork fj r'i tlm > i' tiaril utt tarv hrnl'i m-r'f . * iTivi" u t Mor'fti U Stlllll , It JlIU t til' rlru or nlnKl'j. old , "f jworli' lti or Unit uWi I * o , o , rUr on Hop Joft/pr * . - > Windier yonarf. . . . . . . 'roin ' t"tit wljto r J on ff l i - - ilitt your J Um I i fnrm.it JJ'iol elm * n > d > ckaiul&ff , > i > b ' ' . .nor itlmuullnv , lm lr ' nltbuuU'ituMfal tak * Hop Or ) . O l > Ianl , di > u c -111 tT llU . HUP Linear , fi taicrli. Vtuod. Uv r ot twrVM I UtA Of VpUt' You will ( IB curcdlf TOUUK lUJCCtSC * . Hop Blttert Uyauarcttm ply wr k and Iu ft > tiU < > , try NEVER III It may tiui- urn in nvtyour FAIL ' CO KI'U , life , ( that nun- Ixkul.K I dr * < Ji Tlra.te.Ovk practitioner should promise bin pa- fonts' It is all ho OAN promiao thorn and bo honest. Parties visiting the city for the pur pose of oonsnltitig the Dr. should ooino directly to his oflioo , where the boat roforonoos in the city will bo fur * nishodwhon desired , and where pa tients will also bo assisted in procur ing board and rooms at reasonable rates. OFFICE : NO. 36 NORTH MAIN" ST , ( Ono Block North of Broadway. ) Address all Letters to m , A , 'o , COOK , P. Q. Box No. 14G2 , ' Council Bl fe DOCTOR STE1NHARTT5 ESSENCE OF LIFE. FOR OLD AND YOUHO , MALH AND FKMAL . t li ft lure , prompt and effectual remods or indigestion - digestion , lyipcp la , Intcrmlttont > 'ovcre. Wont otAppotlto , Nervous Debility In all IU Stage * iVoak Memory , Losi of Brain Tower , Prostration , Weakness and general Loss of Power. It repabi ncrtom waste , rejuvenates the fiulod Intellect , . itronghthen * the enfeebled brain and rontorea lurpru ng tone and vigor to the exhausted or- ( am. The oxiwrlonco of thousand * prorw It to 1)0 an Invaluable remedy. Price , 31.00 a bottle. or six orW. For sale by all dru gl'to , or lent secure from observation on receipt of price by Dr. Stelnlmv t P. O. Box 2400 It- fl Mo- _ DOCTOR STEINHARTS SUPPOSITORIES ! The Great Popular UomcJy far Piles. 3urocuro forBlinil , niccdlng&ItchlragF And all forms of Homorrholdal Tumor * . These BurrosiToniM act directly upon th ooatu of the lllooil Vessels , and by their aatrlncent cts gently force the blood from the swollen ors , andby making the coats of the velaf trong , prevent their refilling , and hence a radi cal euro Is sure to foil jw their use , Prlco , 78 cents a box. For lalo by all JrureUts , or sent by mall on receipt of price , by Ea llnli Mndioal Instltato , 718 OHvo Stft FOtt CHICAGO , PEORI ST. LOUIS , ' MILWAUKEE. DBTHOR , HIAQAEA FALLS , NEW YORKBOSTON , And nil Polut * Eitst andBouth-Eatt. TllELlHKOOMPJUSKB lleatly 4,000 miles. Solid Smooth Steel Track II connections are made in UNION DfcPOTS hag a National Uoimtatlou ag being th re t Through 0 r Line , and li universally needed to be the FIHEOT EQUIPPED RlU- J In the world far all classes of travel. Try It and you will flnJ traveling k laiury Instead of a discomfort. Through TlUets vU rhli Celebrated Line li e at all offices In the West. All Information about Rates o l' re , 81eepU CM Aeocramodatlonj , Time Tablri , &c. , will bs cheerfully given by applylnlni ; to T. J. POTTER , Sd Vlco-J'res't < fc den. W ui.RerChlcago. PEROIVAL LOWELL , Qnn. Pa ecrwer Al. Chicago , W. J. DAVKNI'OUT , ( Jen. Afront , Council Dludi. 11. P. DUULL , TlcVtl JAffl. tnmo-od lv PERSONAL "Partsof the hunranbody cnliir eil , (1u > uloo3 ] and etrengtbened , " etc. , Is an Interesting all ert eomeot long run In our paper. In reply to I qu rien we will Bay that there Is no e > 1 lcno i f humbug ab ul this. On the contrary , the advert I ji ra or/ very highly In- Uorttid. Intorod ivl persona n ay get acaltd clr- culan git Ing all particular ! , giving all particu lar ) , li ! nddr liiir Erlo lleJlcal Co , , P. 0. Box 518 , UuuMlo , M. Y. Toledo ttrenlng B e. , I an ll-ly