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THE DAILY BEE-OMAHA SATURDAY FEBRUARY IT The Omaha Bee. PnblUhed every morntnir , except Snn. ay. The only Monday morning d Uy. " TKUMS BY MAIL- One Year..810 00 I Three Monthi.$3.00 Bix Monthi. . 5.001 One Month. . . . l.OC VHK WEEKLY BEE , published ororj Wetaesday. TERMS POST PAID- One Yew $2.00 I Three Months. 6C qirMonths. . . . 1.00 | One Month. . . . 2C AMERICAN NBWB COMPANY , Solo Agcnte Newsdealers in the United States. , CORRESPONDENCE Communl- latfon * relating to News and Editorial ojattora should bo addressed to the Eurrou or THE BEE. BUSINESS LETTERS All Buslne ; Letters and Remittances should be nd dressed to THE BEE POBLIBUINO COMPANT OMAHA. Drafts , Chocks and Postoffico Jrdcn to be m&do payable to the order of the Company , the BEE PUBLISHING 00 , , Props , E. ROSEWATER , Editor. SOIIE Ohio assemblyman has intro duced a bill to prevent the over crowding of churches. The law would have no application in Nebraska. MR. BLUNE'K forthcoming book will bo devoted to political subject * and a number of government official ! arc beginning to shako In their booti In advance of its publication. RxnoELLj one of the Indicted stai route thieves has withdrawn bis plot of not guilty and thrown hlnuelf upor the mercy of the court , Brady anc Dorsoy propose to die In tha lasl ditch. AN exchange which remarked thai "Ell Porkina 1 lying ill In Illinois , ' did an estimable man a great Injustice Mr. Perkins never lie * 111. Next t < "Oath , " ho Is the best liar it America. OINCINNATTI will not need any ap propriatlon for washing the strooto foi aomo time to como. The river L doing the work very thoroughlyljus now. Two millions dollars of damagi is already repotted to property wlthii the city limits. SENATOH elect Manderson leaves tc day for Washington to look over th Bcono of his future labors. There la widespread confidence throughout th state In the general's ability to moc the oxpectatlono of his many friend in Nebraska and elsewhere. Ho oa hardly help making a decided In provemont in the tone of the Nebrasl senatorial delegation , which to toll tt truth has not for six year * past bee much to brag about. HA ZEN , who has boon dolalllr 3krmy officers to work up political BBC timent in favor of the. signal eervli bureau , has'asked for an Investigatlc and Secretary Lincoln politely hln that a court martial will coyer ti case. The Taylor court martial wl furnish a good precedent for anothi reprimand by General Sherman , af t < which Hazen ought to bo at once re moved to make way for a oompotui successor , WHEN our now congressional del gallon gets itself comfortably arrange It will be time to hope hat the dl laion of plunder and patronage whlc has been hinted at in connection wl former delegations will bo a thing the past. Barter and sale of pub ! offices has taken place not a thonsai miles from Nebraska , and If curro rumors bo true there are oflho hoi I era now In the state who know wh J the phrase "addition , division ai silence" means. THE penitentiary Investigation tho1 that.somo minor changes are need in the management of the initltutlo especially In the under keepers. Ti men have been retained who we shown by a previous Investigation ' be utterly unfit for their poaitlot We refer to Oorcoran and Blanc i' The latter ii the man who killed ti convicts eeveral years ago. Even oa vlcts have Dome rights which socle is bound to respect. OF the seventy-six senators whc names are printed In the last odlti of the congressional directory , olg wero. born in Ohio , seven In Kc tacky , toven In New York , fa each in Pennsylvania , Georgia , V ginla , Maryland , Tennessee and Vi mont , three each In Maine , Matt ohusetts , North Carolina and Soc Oaiollna , and two each In Dilawa Illinois , New Hampshire and Rhc Island. No other atato produc more than one. Three wore born Ireland , ono in England and one Scotland. THE life of Richard Wagner 1 been compared to that of Ohas D&rwin. Like Darwin ho began w scarcely a believer , and one with all the greatest and beet am < his contemporaries ranged as elt enthusiastic or reluctant dlsclp Like Dwwln he has been a great i popular educational force. What the other was one wai to science , music. The long and fierce content to which hla theories gave birth tracted popular attention to his JEit as the evolution contest popu Iced knowledge of the deeper truth elenoe. FIXING THE TARIFF. If the republic * n party Is to stander or fall on Ho notion In reducing tariff taxation It will certainly fall , The exhibition which ito repre sentatives arc making of themselves at Washington in the effort to pleatc the monopolists is enough to disgust the country and destroy what remains of confidence In its management of public affairs. At the Inst election the verdict of the country from one end to the other was that the people are taxed too heavily and that a lower and more equitable ccalo of duties was necessary to relieve the public of need less burdens. There was no cry raised for free trade , but there was a universal demand - mand for a lower tariff. Ravition , not repeal , was the general request which thousands of Inlnlllgent republican ! joined In making. The debate over the tariff bill ha : shown that cowardice and greed arc the ruling motives in the present con gress. Men who know what the de mands of the country really are , foai to offend their local constituency bj votlnga reduction which might affeol unfavorably a mill or factory In the county whore they hail from , The worst feature of the business Is thai the tariff is being " fixed" by the agents of powerful Interests directly affected by the measure. The lob bies of powerful industrial 'monop olies rule the situation and diotato the schedules which receive the affirma' tivo votes of both houses , The iron interest , the stool interest , the ere in terest , the lumber and load interests , the sugar and wool interest and i score of other interests are all repre sented , and are compromising and ad justing duties so that there shall be no essential reduction of taxes in anj event. The pickpockets have packed the jury and taken possession of the bench. The diokorings and logrolling between the attorney ! of these powerful interests in the lobby and ou the floor are a dlrgracc to congress and the nation , The tar iff that is being concocted Is merely i compromise of these great interests at to the amonnt of tax they shall lev : on the people of the United States. With a forlorn hope before thorn a the opening of the present congress it looks na if the republican party wa bent through ita loaders on commlttta ] t political Buicldo This act will bo al the more criminal because it will tun over the government to a party eve : less fitted to rule it than the ropul llcan. HENBY GEOUUE'S arguments in favo of state land ownership are strong , be there Is just as much likelihood c carrying througl ) such a cchemo i there IB of annexing England to th United States , But there la on thing which can and should bo demand and that is a limitation of land owt ornhlp by individuals and corporation ! With millionaire speculators bnyln up every desirable tract and holding against would-be settlers , and corpon tions getting posaession of rcglor t largo enough for the formation c whole stated , moat of the doalrabl land in the country has boon alroad gobbled up. It is about time tht something was done to eave win public lana there is loft for notui settlers and to stop the accumnlatio of immense landed estates , in corapa : Ison with which these of the grot landlords of England and Sootlan palo Into insignificance. No rallroa grant not already earned should I permitted to pats Into the hands i any corporation. SENATOH INOALLB agnostic onloj upon Senator Bon Hill drew a bitt editorial from the editor of the Nc York Baptist Weekly in which the seater ator was denounced as "an Infidel When a religious newspaper edit dips his pen In gall and scarifies ser unrepentant child of the world , t flesh and the other follow , ho general does It with a brutality which partak m'oro of the other fellow's praotl than of the precepts of the Prince Peace. The sharpness and brlllian of Senator IiiRalls reply waa doubtle wasted on the oelf-uufficlont Pharls who assailed him , but it is very go reading for publicans and tinners. TIIE consolidation of the Mute Union with the Western Union w add $15,000,000 of stock to the | 8 ( 000,003 already letucd by the latt company. In other words , the cou th try will bo taxed to pay dividends < $95,000,000 of stock , reprcaontl lo property which could be dupllcat 3d for less than half the money. K * in successive consolidation of tologra In property emphasizes the necessity o postal telegraph controlled by t government , and conducted on bo is nosa principles for the benefit of i cs public. th od TUB house of representatives the Minnesota legislature on Wedn day , by a vote of 40 to 38 , Indefin ! B8. ly postponed tlio consideration ol B8.nd proposition to submit to the pooph he constitutional amendment prohibit teen the manufacture and sale of intoxl ( on Ing liquors. The Pionttr-Prttt s At- that It Is pretty safe to Bay that I art vote mules tha culminating polnl tr * the prohibition movement In the si of and that hereafter It will never CK so near BUOOMI as that vote Indioal OTHER LANDS THAR OURS The Interest excited by lu former Kavanauqh's revelations in the Dublin court , continues unabated as the ox- { nation of the Phconix park murderers continues. The prevailing opinion Is , that Kavanaugh's testimony cannot bo broken down , In certain points of his narrative ho is strongly corrobora ted by Independent withnessos. It is certain that the Phooaix park murders were committed in the manner describ ed by the witness , and there is nothing In the character and antecedents of .ho accused that weighs against the testi mony of Kavanaugh. It will rcquiro something moro than his evidence to hang them ; but what may bo necessary to fully establish thslr guilt will bo doubtloes produced by the govern ment. Reports of the death of Archbishop McCabe , who Is lying dangerous ly 111 at his residence lu Ireland wore current during the early part of the week , but have since boon denied. The archbishop cardinal is the highest prelate in the Irish church and has always obtained credit for possessing the greatest amonnt of influence with Rome. At homo ho la by no moans aa popular AS Archbishop Oroko who is considered moro patriotic and lots inclined to yield to British influences. News from the famine stricken dis ( rials in the north and west confirms previous reports of the dreadful desti tution prevailing. Many cases oi starvation have already taken place and the crop of potatoes will barely last a week longer. Urgent appeals are made by the local priests. The homo rnlera at the preoont ses sion of parliament are likely to make themselves felt. They already mustot 47 votes in the commonu and the cer tainty that they will ultimately con trol all the Irish Boats , makes it neces sary for the liberals t j pjlvo some re cognition to their demands. Mr , Healy , just before his committment tc Ktlmtlnham jail , announced that hie party had dovlsod a simple and practicable scheme by which an approach preach might bo made to self-govern- mont in Ireland. The preliminary demand is that , as an experiment aud by way of an installment of Irish au tonomy , all local affairs , auoh as tht management of rates and the appointment mont of magistrates , shall bo oonfidec to elected boards the conditions ol the franchise to bo , of course ( lthougt the stipulation is not mentioned in thi telegraphed report ) , not moro onoroui than they are in England. Anothci foatnro of the proposal is that oaoh oi the county boards thus elected nhal send delegates to a central council each of the four provinces into which Ireland Is historically divided to hav < ono of thesn small senates , and to ex oroiso therein the same power of leg islatlon with regard to private bllli which la now possessed by parlla mont. The moro closely Mr. Heuly'i plan is studied the more adroit am felicitous will appear its adjustment to the objections most fnqnontl ; raised against conceding to Irishmei the right to manage their own affairs It remains to be 'soon , however whether this modest approximation ti homo rule will be Incorporated li their party programme by the Par ccllitu members at the mooting t < which they have boon called , ani whether the Gladstone cabinet wil have the good sonao to avert a coall tlon between conoorvatlvoa and horn rulora by assenting to aach a reason able demand. Parliament opened on- Tuesday , The speech from the throne , as usual waa non-committal and afforded littl Information , Notice was glvun tha measures would bo Introduced by th cabinet for the creation of a court o criminal uppenls , for preventing coi rnptlon at elections and to ate are t English and Scotch tenants auitabl compensation for agricultural im provomonta. No mention is made i : the oablo reports of a proposed ei tension of the franoiso In the conn trios , but the nubjoct cannot well b postponed , Brodlangh had mad every preparation for a great papula demonstratloun attendant upon hi third attempt to take his seat in th house of commons , and about 7CO gathered around Trafalgar square a ho entered the parliament house. H was permitted to tnko his Boat withoc obstruction and shortly after , the at nonnooinont was made of the Intro ductlon of a bill allowing member elect either to affirm or take the oatl If this measure is passed Mr. Brad laugh's stock In trade is gone and th electors of Northampton will have th satisfaction of finding themselves rep resented by the great English radio undisturbed by his annual oxpulslo on purely religious grounds. Mi Parnoll was In his place an moved an amendment to the addrci In reply to the crown touching Iris matters and asking for a logislatU inquiry Into the right to Impriso Uoaloy , a member of ptrllamon The amendment was voted down by decisive vote , only 4 ? votes being n corded in Its favor. The vague terms in which the qacc alluded to Egyptian affairs thro IT r now light upon the situation , Moi may bo learned from Lord Djffarln dispatchnhtoh informs hiepovcrnmoi that the policy respecting Egypt mu assume ono of two forms either tl country must bo annexed to Gre Britain , or bo given a government i its own , and bo taught how to rnana ) it. The latter , ho argues , will takoi much tlmo that the country might 1 regarded as practically annexed , ov < though it bo 'temporarily. It is pla of to be soon that England Is gradual feeling her way to a permanent eco pany of Egypt. The causes whi lo induced the British to go to tb country will keep them thoro. Brlti Interests in the Sues canal and a i cured highway to India were the ii it- polling motives of the conquest , a - nothing short of a war with the gr < powers will ever cause the Engli ills government to loosen ita grip. No new ministry had been ( form te , In Franco up to Friday night thron me Fallleres resignation is In the hands si President Grery. The governme has released Pi inco Napoleon , and the people are recovering from the fright occasioned by the bombastic mani festo , The coDvsorvatlsm of the son- nto in scon in It ) rejection of the first claueo of Mr. Fabrus1 expulsion bill , This prohibits princes from holding any civil or military post in the ser vice tf the republic. Without this clause of course the other two have no reason for being. A more moderate measure , however , submitted by M. Wadding ton , was approved by a vote of 105 to 127. It provides that any seditions prince may be banished after a trial before the senate or a court of aselzjs. But the deputies will hardly bo In the mood for a compromise. The lisno being joined , therefore , it re mains to be soon which honso the country will support. The drift of opinion and events seems to indicate that President Grevy and the eonato will bo victorious. The now Djminlon parliament of Canada has just mot at Ottawa , but , as there are no now laws needed , the session promises co bo duller than usual , With Sir John A. Mac Donald several prominent figures have disap peared from the honso of oomraonn. There was , f jr instance , Sir Richard Oartwrlght , an nggressivo , combitlve politician , who was as vivacious and amusing In Ottawa as Lord Randolph Churchill has become in London. But the career of MacDonald has given ample proof that brilliant talents aud statesmanship of a high order are of little avail in the narrow arena of Ca nadian politics. Indeed , His doubtful whether the presence of Sir Garnet Wolsoloy , the hero of London , as governor general , would do much to ward making social life at Ottawa In teresting to Americans. Spain IB still suffering in ono of Ita limbs the cancer that wo cut out of our body In 18GO. The cabinet , however , in response to the incessant agitation of the liberal deputies , has stricken the shackles ] from the limbo of 40,000 black men , and at the same rate slavery wilt soon bo as oxtinot in Ouba as it is in Virginia. It is con soling to reflect , when wo consider the price wo paid for purging onraelvet of our long-standing sin , that the price was , In proportion to the result , not over adequate. For Spain hot been torn by internal miseries and civil war that manumission would have long sinoo put a period to. Free Onba , in ono sense at least , is not the dream It seemed ton years ago. All the Important German railway linen are now in the hands of the gov ernment. The few roads still owned privately will bo absorbed at no vorj distant day. It is already evident that the state ownership will reduce the cant of operation. That it will In crease the efficiency of the service li not so evident. Hundreds of super ] fluoua officers aud clerks and all the deadhead lists have boon abolished Pas os are not issued even to the rain ister of public works. Offiuoro of th < government have to pay for their rldei like private citizens ; if on duty the ] can charge up the amount as expenses The equanderlng ot largo sums fo ; palatial offices has been stopped , bu the comfort of travelers la said to bi regarded more than over. Irish Industry is at a low ebb. Froc tlmo to time efforts have been made ti improve it through the medium o Rational exhibitions. These effort have failed. Politics , in part , ha caused the failnrf , lack of adaptablllt in part , unreasoning prejudices i part. Another' attempt to stimnlat production by an exhibition of the re suits cf Irish workmar.sblp is to b made this year. A great show wil open up in Cork in July and continu for two or thrco months. In the pre sent state of the country Cork will be in many roppocts , n better place fa such an oxhibitlonthanDublin , thong the number of visitors will n.aturali bo much fewer in the smaller city Americans on route for England wide do well to visit 0 Jrk and go thence t Dublin. Ireland in rather a frnitfi field lor exploration. It io seriously proposed to dnplicat the Suez canal. It is 300 feet wide o the surface , but the banks slop s gradually that the channel at the hot torn is only 200 foot wldo. The eart taken out of this ditch waa loft ou th banks , of course , so that the remove of one of thoco banks to widen th channel would bo mote expensive tha the opening of a now ohanuol parallel The cost of this would booonsldorabl ; loss than that of the first , when tormi nnl docks had to bo constructed an provision depots all along. The nc' canal would be used for vesselspaasln in ono direction , and the old for thos parsing in the opposite. The plan hi not been definitely adopted , but it I under discussion , owing to the fac that the increase of traffic necessitate a constant outlay for the extension c sidings where vessels can paes. Farming In Eogland is in a var unsatisfactory condition. The seaso has been so very wet that the pro pects of crops have seldom boon won at this season than they now aro. an Illustration of the depreciation c farm property the experience of largo property-owner at Adst"cl near Buckingham , may be tskei For forty-eight years allotments < arable land have been made to labo era at rentals ranging between fort ; three and forty-six shillings per ncn Recently all these allotments wet given up , and the holdings wore li at public auction , when the highc bid nude \ra fifteen shillings an acr the next price being ten sUllllnt while for the remainder only two shil ings and sixpence could bo bad. BUmarek'a success in'dolng aw with red tape in the matter ot aidlt the Ibod sufferers , recalls Socrotai Lincoln's equally prompt action in r lloviug distress on * the banks of tl Lower Mississippi a year ago. Wht the oraperor proposed the dlstributlc of 600,000 marks from the Import Disposition fund , Blsmark auRgestt that the money should bo forward ) that very day direct to the places who it [ was to bo paid out , "for , " said h "tho money if Beat to the provlnol president might bo handed over to tl overnment treasury , and once the we all know that it is nythlng but i oa y job to draw it out again. " B for Alsace-Lorraine the chancellor w id quite willing to let Field Marshal V idb ! Manteuffol have charge of the fun of "Be ii a soldier and knows what it at to act promptly , " remarked Blsmw * CURES Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothacht , Ser * Throat , Bifclllnio. Hprnlnt , Ilrtlliei , llurni , fkmlitt. rVoit HUM , 1XD ILL OTMEU BOD1I.T PIUS AMD iCIIM. Bold t > r DmitfiU ted Detltri emywhtre. Fifty CtuU bottle. Dlr * tlomln II L njniH. THE CIIAIfl.ES A. VOOELKIt CO. MUA.TOUUJH30) ll lll-.or , Bd f.B.1. Judge Fllley , of PittsQold , Mam , was cured of rhoanutbm by St. Jacobs Oil. Are acknowledged to be the best by all who have put them to a practical test ADAPTED TO HARD & SOFT COAL .COKE OE WOOD. JHANUFAOTURED BY Buck's StpveOo. , SAINT LOUIS. PIERCY & 'Bft ' SOLS AOKNT3 FOR OMAHA. THE HORT LINE -OF THK- Milwaukee & St. Paul RAILWAY la now running Ita FAST EXPRESS TRAIN from OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFF ! WITH Pullman's Mapiflcent Sleeper -AND THE Finest Dining Oars in the World IF YOU ARE GOING EAS1 TO CHICAGO MILWAUKEE. Or to anv point beyond ; or IF YOU ARE GOING NO.TH To ST. PAUI , OR MINNEAPOLIS Take the BEST ROUTE , the Chicago , Milwaukee &StPaulB , ' ] Ticket office located at corner Farnam an Fourteenth streets and at U. P. Depot and i Mlllaid Hotel , Omaha. tSTfim Time Table In another column. F. A. NASH , General Arent. 0. U. FOOTE , Ticket Agent , Omaha. S. S. MERRILL , A. V. II. CARPENTER , GenoralManagor. General Pass. Agcn J. T. CLARK. OEO. H. HEAFFORD , General Sup't. Ass't den. Para. Ait " i no Nebraska National Ban ! Of Omuh.v Neb. f ultl tip Capita - - - - S25O.OO DIRECTORS I R. JOHNSON , President , ol Stee.o , Johntoa < Co. 1. E. TOUZALIN , Vice President , ol 0. , B. BH R. R. , Boston. ft. V. MORSE , ol W. V. Morse & Co OHN S. COLLINS , ol 0 , H ; & , J. S. Collins. M. WOOLWOUTII , Corjnsollor & Attorney- * Uw. Uw.REED.ot Byron Reed & Co. W. * ATES , Cashier , late Cashier ol the Fir National Bank ol Omaha , and connected wil the active management ot that Bank tine * I irganlzatton In 1863. OMNID lor business April 27 , 1B& , with It argent capital ol any bank In Neoraaka. OOLLKCTIONS receive specUl attention aud ch fea low t obtainable or elsewhere. ISTixiaT allowed on tlmo deposits upon lave kbit terms and upon account * oi banks and b n' . FoasiQK EzcniNoi , Government Bonds , at ; ounty and Ct'y securities bought and cold. It Is prepared to do a general banking bnsine u all Its details , anil In the treatment olcuitoi I will pursue the most llboral policy ronslitei J. E. BERGEN , AND FANCY GROCERIES W. Cor. 16th and Cumin ? Street. OAYIS & SHYDER , Go5 Farnam St. Omaha Nebraik 100 oo-o . .crEtxii tarellly selected land In Eastern Nebraska I sale. Urctt Bargains In Improved tairns , Oma clttpropert v Geo. P. Semh Real Estate Agencj 6th and Douglas 8 , , Omaha agency doea strictly a brokerage buslni not speculate , and therefore an ; balan ol our books are Insured aralnst lot . JACOB KAUFMAN , RKMO TED TO NO. 611 16TH DK1LXBIH ALL KINDS OF PURE WINE isB33jare 3Ji3C3i POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , UWIRQ M&OmKKnT , BELTING , IIOSB , BB48B AND IKON OTtiH03 . PIPK. r.t A PAOK1NO , AT WnOLKSALE Aim nBTAIIi. HALLADAV WINDMILLS GKURCH AHD 8CH80L SELLS Cor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb. SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR Ground Oil Cake. It la the best nnd cheapest food for stock of any kind. Ono pound la oqnal to three pounds of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Cake in the full nnd winter - tor , Instead of running down , will Incroaao in weight and bo in good market able condition in the spring. Dairymen as well as others who UBO it can tes tify to its merits. Try it and judge for yourselves. Price $25.00 per ton ; no charge for Backs , Address o4-ood-me WOOODMAN LINSEED OIL CO. , Omaha , Nob. M Hellman & Co. WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS , 1301 and 1303 Farnam St. Cor. OMAHA , NEB. NEW SAMPLE BOOKS. COMPRISING THE LATEST PATTERNS OF Wall Paper ! FOR 1883 NOW READY AND FORWARDED TO TIBIIS FREE OF EXPENSE. OUR NEW LOCATION. Change having been ren dered necessary by continued increase in business , is HOS. 106 , 108. 'IIP ' 112 WABASH AVE. John J. McGrath , Chicago. Wo have resumed the handling of WINDOW SHADES , and offer the only entirely new line of these goods now in this market. Price Hat upon roq nest McMAHON , ABERT & CO , , Wholesale Druggists , 1315 DOUGLAS STREET - - OMAHA NEB. MANUFACTaRKRS OF Carpenter's Materials ALSO SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , STAIRS , Stair Railings , Balusters , Window and Door Frames , Etc. First-class faoilltlee for the Manufacture of nil klndes of Mouldlnga , Painting and matching a Specialty. Orders from the country will be promptly exocitodi. addressall communications to A. MOVER , Froprle The Original nnd Only Regular SEED HOUSE in Nebraska. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN . . ff . . tLi JbU We mtko a rpeclalty ol Onion Seeds , Onlnn Sets , Blue Dross , ' T.mothy. Red Allalfa and WhU buying rtuS ANHEUSER-BUSCH Brewing Association , CELEBRATED KEG & BOTTLED BEER ? fi > THIS EXOBLLEHT BEER SPEAKS I FOR ITSELF , _ from any part of the State or the Entire West will be promptly shipped : All Our Goods- arc Made to the Standard of our Guarantee. GEORGE HENNING , " Sole Agent for Omaha and the West. S Office Corner 13tli and Harney Streets , Omaha , Neb ,