Newspaper Page Text
v \ THE DAILY BEiirOMA EA , SAPURDAY. FEBRUARY IT Ttio NebrasKa national Bank , Oi' OracJi * . Neb PaW up Capital. - . $ U60,000 Or so for buslncso April 27 , 18S2 , wlth lh KcttcAflu : uj 4iiK itNebrMk * . DIUECTOllS ! JOHNSON , Preeldento ( SCeele , Johnton i TOUZALIN , Vice Freddeot , of 0. , D 4 Q U. R. , nouton. W. V. MOUSE , of W. V. Morse A Oo. JOHN S. COLLINS , of O. U. fit J. 8. Oolllnt. J. M. WOOLWOUTlt , Counsellor and Attorney. at-Law. o L. 8. REED , of Dyron Reed k Co. H. W. YATES , Caahter , late Cashier of the First National Rank of , connected with Iho active manafrcm < > iit of that Rank since Iti organization In 1KC3 OOU.RCTIONS receive special attention and that ( o ) lowest obtainable here or elsewhere. IflTiws T allowed on time deposits upon favor able terms and upon accounts of banks and bank * II. Foknios EXCIUNOI , OovcrnmcntRondi , and County and City fccurltlrs and sold. U upreparrntt ( general banking buslnisp oun U details , an 1 In the treatment of cuttora all vrlUpumno ths inoat liberal policy consistent with > afe banting . PRODCJUW Spedil Dlipatcbcs to Tun Un. OUIOAOO. OHIOAOO. Febiuarv 1C. Wheat Unset tled ; No. 2 sprint ; , 1 ODJ@1 lOJt ; rejected , SOcCom Com Iligher ; f > 7Jo ; rejected , Glc. O ta Flrtn and hlpher : 3D3c. Pork-Kirm nnd higher ; 18 V0@18 25. Lard-Firm nnd higher ; 11 40 11 45. LIVE STOOK 8p lil Dlrpatches to Tni B . BT. LOUIS. ST. Louis , February 1G. OUtle Dull and evy ; little done ; all prades weak and drooping ; exports nnminally 575@600 ; heavy shipping , 5 25@5 CO ; light , 4 60@5 00 ; common to ( air butch- erj' , 3 tO@3 75 ; good to choice butchers' , 4 00@175 ; stockers and feeders , 3 B0@ 4 CO. Sheep Slow nnd unchanged ; common to middling , 3 25@4 00 ; f < ! r to good , 4 25 @ 4 75 ; prime to fancy , 5 00@5 50 , KANSAS OITT. KANSAS CITY , Februiry 16. The Live Stock Indto itnr report * : Cattle luppluK grade * weak ; butchtiH1 steady ; tuttivn steeiM ( f 1,200 to 1,500 Iba sold nt 4 75@5 iG ; "foclcors mid teod- era. 4 T0i < 4 bU ; cows , 2 7 > * ) @ 3 75 HOROHi .her ; packers , C CO .700 ; light , 6 40@G 00. Sheep 07 Ibs. averages sold nt 4 30. NO MARKETS. The wires worked badly last night and the mnruota wore not received in time to b ) printrd. OMA.HA M&KKiLi'S Wholonulo frloev uritn or THW OUAHA Urn , t FricUy UveniDg , February 1C f The only chances rofoitod in the market are as follows : Sugars advanced Jc. Syrups advanced 0@Ge per gallon , Hams advanced } cent per pound. Lird advanced i@Jo per pound. Klce advanced Jo per pound , Coffee advanced i@lo per pound. Carbon Oil advanced J@le per gallon. i Grain Doallnsa WHEAT.-Cash No. 2 , Olio ; cash No. 3 , 7Gio ; rejected , 53Jc. BARLEY.-Cash No. 2 , 73c ; No. 8 , 41c. 41c.RYE RYE Oasb. 62o. NEW MIXED CORN-406. OATS-SDc. SEEDS Flax seed 96o per bn. Produce ) and Prcvltlona POTATOES B0@60o per bushel. ONIONS-GO@55o per bushel. U , BUTTER -Choion country. lG20o. I 13GGS 25s pickled ; freah , 28@32c. HONEY Califorala , parlo , Jl. APPLES Per barrel , $3 00@3 10 OYSTERS Booth's nnd Platt'a Bole oysters. - 10ctitwlarrl , 30 ; mediums , 25 , FLORIDA ORANGE3-5 GO. LEMONS 84 26ffi4 50 per box. BEANP Navy per bushel , 2 75@3 00 CHICKENS-l > o perlb. TURKEYS-lG@18o per pound. Qrocors L.1et CANNED GOODS Oyatare , 2 H ( Field's ) , per OMO , 84 00 ; do 1 ft ( Field's ) per caao , 2 75) ) do 2 lb ( Ctandard ) , per case 390 , Btr.vsvborriiM , 2 tt , per cane , 2 40 raspberries , 2 ID , per caas , 3 50. Daw song , 2 lb , per cwa , 3 45. Bsrtlot pears per cade , 243. Whortleberrie per case , 275. Egg phuiw,2 Hi percijio/ Green gages,2 lb per , 2 SO ; do choice , B > per caoa 1 GO. Pine Apples , 2 lb , per cus 4 005 75. Peachiw , 2 lb per case , 3 00 do 3 lb , case , 4 00@4 60 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 lb , pe ca e,230 ; do pie , 0 It , per dozen 2 30. FLOUR Jobbing price' , Jack Froa St. Louis winter ) 83.90 per 100 Ibs. ; To peka Patent Kamaa , $3.85 : Minuohaha Minnesota Patent. $3.70 ; Shawnee Kanc > winter , 63.10 ; Easle , XXXX winter $3.00 ; Triumph spring , best , 82.80 ; Chris tian's superlative , 3.G5 ; bran , per ton $14.00 ; chopped feed. $28.00 ; Queen Be flour , per sack , 3 25 ; Nellie Wye , per sari 29flB CIGARS Powdered , lOJe : Cut loa lOlc ; Granulated. 9jc ; Confectioners' A 91s ; Standard Extra O , 8jjc ; Extra 0 81c : medium yellow , 7ie ; dark yellow , 7i < SYRUP Standard Com. , 42o , bbla Standard do , 44 gallon kego , 9205 ; Stan dard do , 4 gallon kcgt > , 91 90. MEATS Hams per lb. , 13c ; B bacon per lb. , 13c ; clear side bacon per lb . lie ; dry salt tides per lb. , 9Jc ; dry salt shoul I- ders per lb. , 9a ; bacon shoulders per lb , , 8Jc ; tierce lard per lb. ; lie. SPICES , Pepper , 21) ) Alliipice , 18s ) Cloves , SSo : Nutmeg , 81 00 : Cassia,24oj Mace 8100. L \RD-OmahaRefinlntnRCo. : Tierces , 12n ; 40 and 50-lb cans , l ? $ < s ; 20-lb cans , 123c ; 10-lb palls , screw top , 12ic ; ,5-lb do , 124oj 3-lb do , 123c. UIOE Toul iaaa prime to choice , G $ @ 7c- fair , 6J 7ii ; Potma , Olc. , _ , . FISH No 1 mackerel , half brls , 0 76 ; No. 1 mackerel , kits , 100 ; family mack erel , half brls , 4 75 ; family mackerel , kits. 85c ; No. 1 white fish , half brls , G 00 ; No. 1 < XFFB C. Klo , lair , list Klo , oed llic ; jffiros to choice , 12 to ISJc ; Old eov't Jo/j , 2iiQlld2 ! Mocha , 28Jct ArbuoWe's , 141c. 141c.CrlEESH Full Cream , Uo | Part Bktm. lOJo. . _ LYE American , 3 81 ! ; Greenwich. 3 40 : Western , 275 ; North Star , 2 OGj lewia' lyo. 4 60 ; Jewell lye , 276. FEED-Jobbing prices , Chop feed $1.50 per 100 Ibs , ; chop corn , 8L40 ; bran , 70o per 100 Ibs. HOMINY-New , 84 25 per bbl. SODA In lb papers , 83.20 per case ; keg NEWPIOKLES Medium , in barrels 8700 ; do in half bbls , 4 00 : smalls , in bbla 900 do , in halfbbls , 600 ; gherkins , in bbls , 11 00 ; do , ID half bbls , 6 00. STARCH. Pearl , 4Jc ) Silver Glosa 8Jo : Corn Starch , 81o EiceldorOlosa , Jo i Corn , 71o. TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 16@55i Choice. 60@76o ; Imperial , good , 4045o ChpiM , 60@76c ; Young Hyson , ( rood , 80 i@f GOo ; choice , 65c@Sl 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf BGc ; Japan , choice , 60@75o ; Oolong , good 85@40 ; Oolong , cho.oo , 40G5j Souchong " good. 35@40c ; choice , a545o. V"l ROPE Sisal , i Inch and larger , lOJo * 1 inch , lly 1 inch , llio. * * n WOODENWARE Two hoop palli w 1 76 ; three hoop pall. , 2 00. Tub. . No 1. 8 60 ; Pioneer washboards , 1 86 Uonbli drawn 2 80 ; Well buckets , 8 60. LEAD Bar , 81 65. VINEGAR Pure ppl eitr * , lee pore apple , ISot Pressing pure aoole , 16o SALT. Dry loada , per bbl , 1 65) ) Ash toe. U MM k * , 8 60 ; bbl * dairy 60 , 6t , 8 60 SOAPS Klik'aSirnu Impo-W , 8 iB ) Kirk's cutlnot , .1 60Klrk > stnnditld , H 76) ) Klrk'9 white Russian , 625 : Kirk's Entocii , 21G Kirk1 * PrAlrlo Qcesn , (100 ( cftkci ) , 40 ; Kirk'f ' magnolia Ujz. , POTASH Pennsylvania canr , 4 ruse , In rase , 8 85) ) Babbitt o Kail , 2 do : . lu , 1 90 : Anchor lr.ll ! 'i doIn CMC 1 HO. PEANUTS Ro.vtt * ! , choice , red Ten. newce , IOo per lb ; fancy while , lOJo perlb ; raw white Virginia raw , 10o | roasted , 1 unlit CANDLES Boies , 40 lbslf > , l&fc ; IK xos 4U Iba. , 16 oz. , Ga , lf > S < MATCHES Per caddlo , 95c ) round , 83 10) ) square , cacos , eo 40. Dry Good * 1WOWN COTTONS-Atlautlo A , 8Jc ) Appleton XX , 7o ; Atlanta A , 8c ) Boott FF , 81oj Buckcyo LL , 4. , 7o ) Cabot W , 71c , ' Chlttonanco A. GJc ; Great Falls E , 8c ; Hocsior , 6Je : Honc t Width , 81c. In dian Head A , 8Jo ; Indian Standard A , 83c ; Indian Orchard d , w. , 8c ; Lawrence LL , 7c ; Mystic River , 7Jc ; Poquot A , 8Jc ; Sbawmut LL , 7c ; Utlca O , Glo ) Wachuv ett B , 74c ; do A , 8ioj do E 48,13jc : Wai- cott BB. 8Jo. FINE BROWN OOTTONS-Allondala 1.4 ; 7Jo ; Alligator 8-4 , So ; Anryle 4-J , 7 o ; Atlantic LL , 6lc ; Badger State X 4-4 , 7c ; Bonnlngton 0 4-4 , Gjc ; Bnckeyo S. 1.4 , 6 jco Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 8Jc ; Laconla O 39 , 80 ; Lehigh E 4-4 , 90) ) Lonsdale 4-4. lOc ; Popperell N 30 , 7c ; tfo O 32 , 71c ; do R SO , 7Jc ; do E 89 , SJo ; Pocariat 0 4-4 , 7Jc ; WamBntta4-4 13o BLEACHED COTTONS Andro-eog gin L 4-4,94cBlackstoneAA ; inrporialfafc ; do do half bleached 4-4,9c ) Cabot 4-4,81 ; Fidelity4-4 , 9JcFruit ; of the Loom , 94 ; do can.brlc4.4,12jcdoWaterTwlBt,104cGreat ; ; FftllsQ , 9Jc ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12c | Lonadalc , lOc ; do cambric 37 , 12Jo ; New York Mills. 124c ; Poqnot A,10o ; Popporel N O Twills , 124c ; PocwhcntM 4-4 , OJo ; Pociiwet 4-4 , 8 c ; Utloa , lie ) Wamsntta O X X. 124c. DUCKS Colored ) Albany K brown. 8c ; do 0 , drab , lie } do XX utripoe and plaids , 12Jo ; do XXX brown and drab , stripes and plaids , 12Jc ; Arlington fancy , 19c ; Bnmswick brown , SJo ; Chariot fancy 124o ; do extra heavy , 20cj Fall River brown , extru heavy , lljc ; Indiana A brown IRoNeuonsot A brown. 16o T1UJUINUB Amosheag A U A 32 19c ; do XX blue 82 , ISfc ; Arrowacna , 94c ; Claremout B B.lGJo : Conestoga extra tra , 17Jo : Hamilton D , llio Lewiston A 30 , IGc ; Minnohaba 4-4 , 20c ; Omega super extra 4-4 , 28o ; Pearl River 32.16o ; Putnam - nam XX blue stripe , 12c ; Shetncket 8 lOio ; do S3 12o : Yeoman's blue 29 , 9o DENIMS. Amoakoak , blue and bronn lGo ; Andover DD blue , 15c ; ArlingX blue Scotch , ISJo ; Concord OOO , blue aw brown , 12c ; do AAA , do do 134 ; do XXto ilo do llio Haymaker's blue nnd brown. 9Ac ; Mystio River DD atripe , I6\c \ ; Pearl River , blue and brown , 16c ) Uncasvlllo , blue and brown. 14Jr. CAMBRICS Barnard , < iho ; tMrtyetone lining , 24 inch' double face , Sju ; Chruov A pliued , fc ; Manhattan glove fiuifh , GJc Newport do Cc ; do glazed , Gjfc ) Vequot do Gc : Jjookwood kid unish 6c. CORSET JEANS Amory , oAndroa coggin satteen 8Jo ; Clarendco , 'i cCones ; o"ea tntteons , 71c ; Hallowel Ro ; Iiijdi Orchard 74c ; NarrigRn3ettiniproveHc Panporill sattnon 94q ; Rockport , 7J . PRINTS Aliens , OJc ; Ainiviwn , CJc ; Arnold , 7c ; Berwick , 4jo ; Cocbcco , 7c ; Couoiloa. fi'c ; Dunkirk , ; Dunnell , 6i7o ( ; Eddystone. 7c ; Glonceater , fie ; Harmony , 6&c & ; Knickerbocker , 6)c ; Mar ri no D , 7c ; Mystic , Glo ; Spracucc , Go ; Southbridgo , Cc ; do. Ginghama , 7c ; Marl , bore , 5c ; Oriental 6&c. GINGHAMS Am-vjkeag. 12Jcj Amoa- keug drooa 9J | Argyle , lOlo ; Atlantic , 9c ; Cumberland , 7ic ; Highland , Tic ) Konllworth , Sic ) Plun kett , 10o ) Sna OBX. Be COTTONADES Abbervllle 18Jo Agate , 20c ; American , lie : Artlsian , 20o ; Cairo D and T , IS&c ; Olaricn D and T , 17Jc ; Deccan Co.slripeED&udT,16o ; Key stone , ISJc ; Nontuckot. 19c : Nonpareil , 16o ; Ocean D r.nd T , ISJc ; Royal , 16J i Susoex , 12o ; Tioga , 120) wachuaeU shirt- ! n < ? jbecks , 12Je : do , Nankin , 12c ; York , plain Nankin , IZta ; dochecks , stnpea anc fancy , 12fc ; do , 8 oz SOc , SHEETINGS Androscoggin 10-4,27(0' do 9.4 , 23cdo ; 8-4 , 22c ) Continental O 42 , llo , Fruit of the Loom 10-4 , 274) ) Now York millR98 , 85o ; do 78 , SOc ; do 68.224c PembrkelO-4 ) , , 25c ; PequotlM , 284c , dc 74 , 19c do 49 , IGc ; Pepperell § 96 , 29o do G7. 21cdo ; G7 , 18o ; Ut2ca CO , 3Go ; di 58 , 3240 ! do 48.17o. Paint * Oil * and Varnlthea OILS 110" carbon , per gallon llo ; 1GO * headlight , per gallon IfAc ; 175 * headlight , per gallon , 22c 150 * Water White , 21c ; linseed raw , per pnllon , 33 ; _ linseed , boiled per gallon , tGc ; lard , winter Bli'd , portal Ion , 1 00 : No. 1 , 85c ; No. 2 , 7Gc ; castor XXX. per gallon , 1 25 ; No. 3,1 20 ; nweet , per gallon. 85c : sperm , W. B. , per gallon 1 75 ; cab , W. B. , per gallon , GOc ; neatsfool extra , per gallon , 7oc ; No. 1 , 65c ; lubri eating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; summer , IGc golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 3r > c ; No 2 , SO : nperm , signal , per gallon , SOc ; tur peutino , per gallon , 65c ; napthn , 74' , per sallou , 18o ; 64 ,17c PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha P. P. . 6Jc ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , 6J - ; Marseilles green , 1 to 5 It ) conn , 20o French zinc , giaon seal , 12c ; French line , red seal , lie ) French zinc , in varulnh asst , 20c ; French ziacc , in oil n&rt IGa ; Rnw and burnt umber , 1 9 > cans 12c ; raw and burnt Sienna , 13c : vandyke brown , * . $ refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black and Ivory black , 16o ; drop bla < k , 16c ; Prussian blue , 5iOc ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; cbrvnne green , L. M. & D , , 14cblind ; and shutter green , L. M. & D. , 14c ; Paris green , 18o ; JLudlan red , IGc : Venetian red , 9o ; Tuscan dro , 22c ) American Yermlllod , 1.4P. , 18c ) cbrcme yellow , L. , M , , O , & D O , , 18c ; yellow ochre , 9c ) golden ochre , 16 ; patent dryer , 8c ; graining colors : light oak , dark ooV. wawnt , nbostnut nnd ash 16o. Dry ° alnti White lead , 74o ; French zinc. IOo : Par whiteing 24c ; whiting gildera , IJJc v. hi ting com7 ! , l c ; lampbl&ck German- town. 14c ; hmpblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prus sian blue , 55c ; ultramarine , 18c ; van dyke brown , 8c ) umber , burnt , 4 : ; umber , raw 4cDienna ; , hum t , 4c ; eionna , raw , 4a Paris green genuine , 23c ; Paris green com' 20c ; chrome green , N. Y. ' 20c ; chrom green K. , 12c ; vormlllion , Eng , , 70c ; vermillion million , America , 18o ; Indian red , IOo rose pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Cokouoso 2o : Venetian redAm. . , IJc ; roi lead , 7ic chrome yellow , genuine , 20o hromo yel low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle EC ; ochre French , 29c ; ochre , American , 2o Winter's mineral. 2Jcj lehhh brown. 24c spaniah brown. 24 < , ) Prince's mineral 8c VARNISHES Barrels per rallon. Furniture , extra , 31 10 ; furniture , No. 1 81 ; coach , extra , 81 40 ; each , No. 1 81 20 ; Damar , extra , 81 76 ; apnn , 70o ; as. phaltum , extra , 85c ) sheila ? 3 GO ) hard oil finish. 81 SO. rloavy Hardware List. Iron , rates , 9310) ) plow steel , special east , 7c ; crucible , 8c ; special or German.Gcj cast tool do. 1G@20 wagon spokes , set 2 25@3 00 ; hubfl , per sot , 125 ; felloeg , sawec dry , 1 40 ; tongnes , each , 70@85c ; axles each , 75c ; square nuts , per ft , 7@llo washers , per lb. 8@18o : rivets , per lb , lie coil chain , per lb , 6@12c ; malleable , 80 Iron wedges , 60 ; crowbars , 60 harrov teeth , 4c ; norsoshoes , per keg , 6 00 ; sprint steel , 7@8c ; Burden's horseshoes , 5 3H Burden's muleshoes , 6 60 3Ha SHOT. Shot , 81.85) ) Buck shot , . a Oriental Powder , kegs , $6.40 : do. , ha kegs , 83.43 : do. , quarter kngs , 81.88) ) Bkst Lair , kees , 83,85 : Fuse , ner 100 feet GOo. BARBED WIRE In car lots , 8 25 $ 9 25 per 100) ) in less than car lots. 8 i@ ( 9 75 ner 100. ; NAILS Rates. 10 to 60p , 425. ; ] Hldet hurt. Etc. HIDES Green butcher's bide , 6@74 , cured 78c ; bides , preen Bait , part ourei ( , 74chides.74c ; ; dry flint , sonnd , 13@14o ; dr . , calf and kip , 12@14c ; dry aalt hidessound 10@llc ; green calf , wt. 8 tolGC * . . ll@12e green call , wt , under 8 fta , p r tklu , GOc irreen pelts , 60@81 25) ) green lamb skim , , 8125@150 : damaged hides , two-third raU . , cut icored and one grab , classed two tLJrdfl rate , ) branded hides 10 per eent , Ofl Coon skins , No. 1 , 45c : No. 2 , 30o ) No. 20j ) No. 4 , IOo. Mink , No. 1 , SOo ) No. : 16oj No. 3,160) ) No. 4 , 60. Fox , No.U . 60o ) No. 2 , 26o. Bknnk , No. 1 , b26c - 6Go ) abort strip * , 40oj narrow rtrlpta broad itrlpo , IOo. Tallow Jo , Leatncr Oak solo , SBo to 4'Jo ; hemlock sold , 2n to 35o ; hemlock kip , SOc to 100) ) runner , 65o to 80o ; hemlock calf , 85o to 1 20 ; h-nu- lock upper , 23o to 2Go ; oak upper , 21. ) nlllcfttor. 4 00 to C CO ; cnlf kid , 3aCc * V < o ; Grolsen kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; onk kip , 80o to 1 00 ; oak crJf. 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kip , 1 10 to 1 W ; French onlf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rur- ectte. G 50 to 7 CO ; linitiKs , G 00 to 10 W ; toppings , 9 00 to 10 50 ; U. L. Morocco , JtOo to 35o ; txibblo 0 , D. Morocco. S."o ; sitr.ou ! 1IAUNKS3 No t star oak , 42o ; No S do , SUc ; NL 1 Ohio oak , S8o ; No. 2 do , 35o ; No. 1 Milwaukee , 37cj No , 2 do 1Jlo ! , Lumber. WHOLtSALI. Wo qnote lumber , lain and sblngloo on' cnrs at Oinuha at the following prlco ! JOIST AND SOANTLINO-10 It. and uudor , ? 22 00 ; 18 ft. , S23 GO. TIMUKKS 16 ft. nnd under , 822 00. TIMUKll AND JOIST 18 ft. , 523 GO ; 2C ft , 823 % 22 ft. , $23 GO ; 24 ft. $20 CO. FENCING No. 1 , 4 nod 6 lu. , C24 00 ; No. 2T 822 00. SHEETING - No. 1 (2nd ( ocmraon boards ) . (20 00 ; No. 2 , 318 00. LIMK 1'er barrel , $1 35 ; bulk per ons- 40o ; Oomout , bbl , ? 2 25 Iowa plaster , bbl , 82 60. Ilnlr per bn. 40c. Tarred felt 100 Ibs. $3 CO. Straw board. 83 60. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 912 ; Morris Bun Blossbnrg , 512 ; Whitebrcast lump , 85 50 ; Whitcbreaat nut , SS GO ; Iowa lump , 85 60 ; Iowa nut ftG 50 ; llook Spring 38 : Anthracite , 811 5012 00 ; Colorado , 800 , Druiri DIIUG3 AND OHEMIOA L3 , & .cld , Carbolic , COc ; Acid , Tartarlo. G5o ; Balsam Copabin , par lb , 70o ; Bark , Sassafras , per lb , 14 1) ) Calomel , per lb , 75o ; Clnchoiudia , per oz , 81 1C ; Chloroform , per lb. 1 00) ) Dover's powdon , per lb , 81 40 ; Kpiom Salts , per lb , SJc ; Glycerine , pure , po bl. 31c ; Load , Acetnto , per lb , 22o OIL Castor , No. 1 , per gal , * 1 2G ; Oil , CastorNo. . 3 , per gnl , 81 1G , Oil , Olive , per gal. 81 GO ; Oil , Origanum , 50 ; Opium , 4 75 ; Quinine P. & W. & R. & S. , per oz , $1 85 ; Potassium , Iodide , per Ik 81 75 ; Salacm , per or , 40o ; Snlphnto o Morphine , per oz , 33 85 ; Sulpnur flour per ID , 4c | Btirohnlne. ner oz , SI < < 5. Llquora. ALCOHOL IBS proof. 125 per wine gallon ; extra California spirits , 187 proof , 1 25 per proof gallon ; triple refined itpirita 187 proof , 1 23 per proof gallon ) ro-diutlllod whiskies , 1 00@1 50 ; fine blended , 1 60 ® 2 GO ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@7 00 ; Ken tucky nnd Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00@7 00. BUANDIKS Imported , 18 001000 ; domestic 1 404 00. GINS Imported , 4 E06 00) ) domoatio , 1 40@S 00. . USUUM8 Imported , 4 60@6 CO ; Novr Kncland. 2 00@4 00 ; domeatie , 1 60(3)3 ( ) GO PKACH AND APPLE BRANDY 1 76@4 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported par onso , 28 00 ® 3 i 0 ; A marl Ma , cnso , 1200(0 1600. CLARETS 'or case , 4 60@16 00 WINES Rh no wine , per case , 6 00 ® 2 00 ; Oatavba , per case , 4 00(37 ( 00. Olcsara and Tobacco * . FINE CUT In pails. Hard to Beat ! 7Gc ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , SOo , Favorite , G5c ; Rocky Mountain , COc : Tancy , 660 ; Daisy , GOc. In tin foil Cntlins O. S. , 6 lb boxes , per lb C3c | Lori Durham , m Glo ; Dukes Durham , 16 oz , 46c ; Seal ol North Carolina , 16 oz , 46) ) Seal of Nebraska - ka , 16 oz , 88c ; Lone Jack. 4 oz , linen bags perlb , 81.86 ; Marburga'Puck 2 oz , tin oll,65o ; Dog Tail 65c. Wool. Merino nnwas ed , light , 14 © 16o ) hnsvy.o , © ISlGc ) medium unwashed , light , 18@20 washed , choice , 82o ) fair , 30o ; tub-ding ; and w. , 2So ) burry , blaokand Dotted wool 2@6o loss Horses and Mulei. The market is brisk and all gralos ure -tiling well at ( light advanoo in prices The demand for good horses exceeds tbi supply conridoraoly. Prices range an fol lows : Fine single drivers , 9160. to 00. ) Extra draft horses , 8176. to 225. ) Common draft heroes , 8100. to 160. ) Extra farm horses , QUO. to 126. ) Common to good farm horses 890. to 8100. ) Extra plugn , 660. to 76. Common plugs , 820. to 840. MULES. 16 to 154 hands ( extra ) , 8125 to 160. ; 14 } to 16 hande , $100. to 140 14 to 145 hands , 175. to 100. ) 18J to 1 hands , 860. to 7B Tins. If yon are sick Hop Bittern wll Buroly aid Nature lo making you we ! when all else falls. If you are costive or dyspeptic , o are Buffering from any of the nuinor pus diseases of the stomach or bowole it ia your own fault If you remain ill for Hop Bittora are a sovereign remedy in all such complaints. If you are wasting uwtiyj V7lth an ; form of Kidney disease , stop tomptin Death this moment , and turn for euro to Hop Bitters. If you are sick with that tcrrlbl sickness Norvousnosa , yon will find "Balm in Giload" in the use of Ho Bitters. If you are a frequenter or n res dnnt of a miosmatio district , barricad e your system against the scourge of a 11 countries malaria , epidemic , bilious and intermittent fevers by the use of Hop Bitters. If you have rough , pimple or sal low skin , bad breath , pains and aches , and fool miserable generally , Hop Bitters will give yon fair skin , rich blood , and eweeteat breath , health and comfort. In short they euro all diseases of the stomch , Bowels , Blood , Liver , Nerves , Kidneys , Bright's Disease. $50o will bo paid for a case they wil not euro or help. That poor , bedridden , Invalid wife , sister mother , or daughter , can 2 made the picture of health , by a few bottles of Hop Bitters , costing but a trifle. Will yon let them Buffer ] ; Ferry Weakening. Special DIspMch to TUB Bn ; DETROIT , February 1C. The ballot : taken for senator to-day shows Ferry , weakening. . In the legislative bribery investiga : tion this morning the witnesses Bailey . and Church were further examined. Nothing now was elicited , but yester day'o testimony was further con firmed. W. G. Thompson , mayor nof Detroit , was put on the stand. Ho ; . testified to being in Washington last > , spring , and waa called on by Ferry , , who requested his oo-operatlou ) In seonrinq the delegation from ; Detroit to the state legislature ) who should favor Terry's rebellion witness demurred , giving among othoi reasons hla opposition to Ball , col lector of customs of Detroit ; Toarj then said ho had taken pretty gooc ! care of Boll , paid about all ho owoc him , caring for himself , relatives ant friends therefor ; Thompson agreed tc support him ( Ferry ) if hi could have the Detroit custon honso ; Thompson accepted , cami back to Detroit , procoedoc to fix things for Ferry , did all hi could , made speeches at the conven tlon requesting the nominees for thi legislature to vote for Ferry , the rose | lutlon being handed him by Wm , , A. Gavett , special treasury agent . subsequently he learned Ferry'intend ed to appoint Bell , whereupon he wrote Ferry , dissolving partnership ' announcing his determination to d I A true strengthening medlolno an ( health renewerU Brown's Iron Bitten TUB FJjOODc ? . Koliaf Measures BolnK Tnkon in Now York nnd Blaowhoro. BpocUl Dllpitchos to Till El. T1IK ItlVKll IT MEMrillS. MEMPHIS , February 16 The river at noon to-day marked within two ftotand seven Inches of the danger line and within four foot nine inches of the highest point ronohod hero Init spring , nnd rising nt the rate of ( on Inches a day. It will surely go over the bunks below hero in many plices nhcro the levees broke last yunr and nro not repaired , Plntitora nro mak ing preparations here for the worst. So far there hiw boon no lutonnptlon in Iho railroad lines loading out o ( the olty. AN API'KAI. PROM INDIANA NEW ALBANY , February 10 lllver is rising half nu inch per hour , and oovou and nhnlf inches Just uif'ht , and tnoro water is coming. One hundred houses are gone , t > nd twalvo handrcd are in the water. Five thousand poo. plo are homeless. The loss la over $1,000,000. If the threatened wind and rain comes the loss will bo great' or. Congress , the legislature uul the people are appealed to. INCREASING DANQKR. CINCINNATI , February Iti The water continues to recede about an inch and a half an hour , und at 0:20 : wan sixty-four foot , four Inches. The Indications are favorable for rain , which is dreaded now as a psatilonco. NO MORE DANDER. PITTSBURO , February 1C. The high water li again subsiding here , but still rising slowly &t headwaters. Weather clear and pleasant. No more danger. TH * HIGHEST POINT LODISVILLE , February 16. The river at 1 p. m. reached the highest point , forty-four feet , five inches , thirty-three inches higbor than the flood of 1832. Expoot to continue ris < ing slowly. RELIEF FOR TUE BUFFERING. NEV YORK , February 16. The out ferlng from the floods at Cincinnati did not attract attention here until this afternoon. Jay Gould nt once dirootcd that $1,000 ba sent. To suggest n general movement among bunlncss men the Wosloru Union au thorizes itn officers to transmit all money for the benefit of the eullurora froo. froo.BOSTON BOSTON , February 16 Prominent citlzono mot at the mnyor'a office and dovlsed measured of relief for the sufferers by western floods. A CONTRIBUTION. CINCINNATI , February 16. Drexel , Morgan & Co. , New York , tele graphed u contribution of $5,000 this afternoon. FEARS ON TUE WA1U81I. INDIANAPOLIS , February 10. Ap peals for help from Jeffersonvillo and Now Albany wore received here today. Supplies were immediately sent. The governor , auditor and secretary o" state wore appointed a committee t < disburse the funds appropriated by the leglslatuor. Reports from Lifay otto , Pern and other points ray tht Wabaah is rising and overflowing. Snrlons damage if feared. STATE Of NEBRASKA , lee Douglas County.l JOB > At a County Court. h'U at tha County Court room , in and ( or sal J county , January 29th , A D. to83- Present A M. Chadwlck , County JutlL'e. In the matter of the adoption of Llllb Wartuaby an Into t. On read I B and flllug the pcH'lon of I'orcy Ai thur Wnrtuaby , fillicl cf iald chlld.praylne tha' ' Ooo'go A. and Miry Harry may bo permittedtc adopt said child , tnd also the petition of nali' Utorffo A. and tliry Harry that they may 1) ponlttcd'o to do. Orderfd , that February 19th , A. D. ag"3 , at 10 ' 'c'ock ' a. in , s nsslRocd for he u Ins ; sal I p tit on whonal peruons Intercated In s-xld matter may appear at a county court to ba held , I and for eaid county , and fhow cansi why the prajer of petitioner shou d not h * Bruited ; and that notice of thu pendency rf m < d | icUtlon and the hearing thereof , be given to all persona Interested In Ba d mi ter , by pub l hm a copy of ting order In the mVmDallv I1 co , a newspaper printed fn sild ounty , for threeeucds fie w eki , prior to tbo aid day of hearing. A. M. CHADWI ; K , [ \truiCopy. 1 County Judge. Ian 31-3W SJia Story of tfio Sowing Machine , 4 hacdmsu UtUa i > imiHo : , blot am ] # el icr * vlih ncmaiouj cazri'laga , will b $ m5N AWAY ct put-offlco t'f The Blazer" UaanVaolurfag doai- rncy , fZ will bo ME > In mall , pcil pull , tc tuv pcr'cn llvinc at dlatJisco ( rm uci offlr.ei ftin SlUKer Mnnnfacturing Qo , Offiot , K Union Hqnt.w SPECIAL ORDINANCE NO. 355. For Lc\j Ing a special tax for ( he construction and repair of ildewalkn. Bo It ordained by the City Council cf the city of Omaha. Srciiu * 1. That the Bo\cral sums set opposite to thb following ( IcscrllH-d prcm sos , to wit : John McCiaiy , lot B block Io , 81 12. E Dora Brown , lot 7 bl tk 10 ? 9 20. Fred Kumpf , lot S block 23 , 1 65. John McCrar ) , Iot4 tiloc.k2.l , 12 B3. Jollill Qccn.l tsTandSblook 103. (11 96 , John O Lie. e ( if lotGbloc * 337 , 87 70. W A Thra I , lot 7 block 3H 9 70. John II Levj , lot 8 Llo k 838 , * 14 45. KateC Iio ! n , ehf lot fl bloo t S9 , 83 22. Uios 11 Connor , w hf lot fi block 339 , 8 H Jn e 11 Finley , \ 1 7 bli ck 3 'l. 810 84. John U Jones , s 33 fuel lot 8 bKck 339 , 87 87 H 11 d , J B Kolsom , lot 7 block V CJ , 21 38. Oma aCity , lot 5 bl i.V II , J2I 68. I owU I eJer , Lt 0 2 , Ilotbach'M 2d addU 1 * CavaoBgh , lot 1 b ock 3 ,'H U Add ) ' ,11a'a , s'.M < hsmplln , s ht lot 2 block 3 , Hotbach's 2J addition , 81 83. ) J A lioibith , n hf ot 2 bloc * 3 , Hotbach'D 2d Julu a Uonn lly lot 2 block 10 , Koumio k Kmh's addition. J.07 . , , , ] VIlas lliotlieni , lot 0 block 11 , Billon's ftddltlsn WM. llobort Townsend , lot 10 b'ock 12 , Bhlnn's od- ° Midi J EIcuel , lo 4blotklC , K V Smith's addl. diho Bo ng the cost and cxpenwg , approved by hole Uty Council for repair and con tnictlon of Ido- walks In front of and adjoining Bald preml-ui loby Clurlo * Oirdmcr In'tmreuance of a contract > n- tered Into by the City f f Omiha with 0 ftiles 0 rolner , and afUr the Uliun.ol tbo ownei thereof , to do lh arne , after due notlcj bo and th 'came are hereby ie po't Ively levied and owes ed agalntteach of stld lot * parts of I ti , and nrimlin , pajabo to the Lit ) Trcaaursr within fllty { M ) daj from thla i uato. Sec. 2. This ordlnanco h il take effect and bo InforcJfrom and af er IU p Passed Februuy B , 18X3 rresldcnt City Council pro Urn. ; i. 13tli , ! . - Tbe a taxes are now due and payable to the a Treuurer and 1I1 become delinquent on Aprl 4th. 18S3. alter which dat a penalty of ten K . cent will to added together with Intereat at th r to fcf one per cent per month In advance , TRUMAN BUCK City Treacurer. . ( .b It 51 Real state Agency FIVE ACRE I /"VTTQ FOR SALE , WEST OF SARATOGA SCHOOL HOUSE $100 AN ACRE. 8I10O BALANCE r Long Time AT 6 PER CENT Houses and Lots IN ALL PARTS OF THE OTTY GSBCQXO2E1 RESIDENCE LOTS 3,645' ' ACC ; : STOCK'FARM . 25 Miles from Omaha. , - - - . - LOANS NEGOTIATED ] , , - 154)0 FarnaalSreot * : . ( UF-8TAJI18. ) WSSSS LEHMAMM , I' ! JOBBKIl OF AND DOW SHADES 'EASTERN ' PRICES DUPLICATED. . 118 FAR"-AM ST. - - OMAHA W110UMAU8 AND HEVAlti DKAtnU IN ' SJ8&K1 Lath , Shingles , Pickets , 8A8H , DGGKS , BLIK08 , MOLDINGS , U , CF , MTSTATK AOKK1 TOR IULWACKKK CEHKKT OOUPANT ) Nfoar TD'niou Pacific Tnnot. WATT A MORGAN & CHAPMAN , 1213 Farnam St. . Omaha. N * h HAS THE BEST STOCK IN OMAHA AND MAKES THE LOWEST PRICES IMPORTANT WROVEMENTS Have now been finished in our store , mak ing it the largest and most complete FURttlTURE'HOUSfc In the West. An additional story has been built and the five floors all connected : with two HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS , , One Exclusively ior the uio of Passengers , These immense warerooms - roomsthree storps , are 66 leet wide are filled with the Grand est display of all kinds of Household and Office Furniture evei shown. shown.All All are invited to call , take the Elevator on the first floor and go through the building and inspect the stock. GHAS. SHIVERICK , 1206 , 1208 tand 1210 Farnam Street , Omha & On Long Time Small Payments AT MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. A. 1IOSPE , JR. , 1511) ) Dodge , Omitlia. Single Brooch Loading Shot Guns , from $5 to $18 , " Double Brooch Loading Shot Guns , from $18 to $75 , Muzzle Loading Shot Guns , From SB to $25 $ , ' Finning Taokoi , Base Balls anil all kinds of Fanoy Goods , Full Stock of Show Oases Always on hand,1 Imported and Key West Cigars a large line of Meerschaum and Wood Pipes and everything re quired in a first class Cigar. Tobacco and Notion Store , Cigars from $15 per 1,000 upwards. Sender or Price List and Samples. DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTER V HOTEL HOTELS PROPRIETORS TOWNI- ARLINQTON. j. a. MciNTinc , Lincoln , Neb. WEATHERLY HOUSE , A. a. WEATHERLY , Manning , Iowa. 3 REYNOLDS HOUSE , O. O. REYNOLDS , Coon Rapid * , owi. BARATOQA HOTEL , J , 8. 8TELLINIU8 Mllford , Neb. MARSH HOUSE , E. MANS , BROWNSVILLE N b COMMERCIAL HOTEL' JOHN HANNAN Otromiburg He HALL HOUSE , A. W.HALL Loulivlllo | OITY HOTEL , CHENEY & 80LARK. Blair , No .J OOMMEROIAL HOTE. , J. Q.MEADJ Nellnh , Neb , GRAND CENTRAL e.SEYMOUR | , Nabraika Olty.'hel ' ) MISSOURI PAOIFIO HOTEL , P. L. THORP , WeoplnsWfttor.N COMMERCIAL HOUSE. ' A. O. OAAFN'ER , Hardy , NOD GREENWOOD HOUSE , W. MAYFIELD , Greenwood , N D OOMMEROIAL HOU8C , t. BTOREY. Olarlnda , Iowa ENO'S HOTEL , C. L. END , Eremont , Kol > ' CXOriANOE HOTEL , O. U. HAOKNF.Y , Aihlnnd , Neb METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LOVCLL , Atkinson , Neb MORQAN HOUBC , E. L. QRUBB , Qulda Rood , . OUMMIT HOUSr , 8WAN & BEOKFR Orocton , In , HOUSTON HOUSE , OCO. OALPH , Cxlrn , IB REYNOLDS HOUSE , O.M. RCYNOLD3 , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER , Auduboit , la , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. BURQE38 , Hoola , lal CITY HOTEL , DI A. LLIAM8 , Harlan la , PARK HOUSE , MR3. M. E. OUMMINQB , Oornlng , la. NEBRASKA HOTEL , JL. | AVERY , Btanton , MERCHANTS HOTEL Q.W | , BURK. Burlington Junction U COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Blanchard , la. PARKB HOTEL , f. M. PARK , Bhenandoah lc , OOMMERO AL HOTEL , HCNRY WILLB , Dayld Olty , Neb BAQNELL HOUSE , OHA8. BAQNELL , College Spring * , la OOMMEROIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vllllica , la. JUDKIN8 HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , la , DALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Grovela | COMMCROIAL HOUOE B , F.8TEARN8 , Odebolt la WOODS HOUSE , JOHN EOKERT , Oiceola , Neb. DOUOLAO HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , Olarks , Neb. DEDFORD HOUSE J. T. QDEEN. Bedford la. ARLINQTON HOUSE J. M. BLACK & SON , W rjiHlle Wo NORFOLK JUNOTIONHOUSE A T. POTTER , NorfolkJunctlenNah WIN8LOW HOUSE a. McOARTY , Beward , Neb. AURORA HOUSE M. B. JONES , Auroar Neb. OnOZIEU HOUSE O. R. ORO'ER ' , Sidney. Nab , AVOOA EATINQ HOUBC D. W. HOOKrlOLD. Avoca la. CENTRAL HOUSE LOOKWOOD & 8HATTUOK , Red Oak FOSTER HOUSE C pt. JOHN FOSTER , Lewli , l . WHITNEY HOUSE ! E. HAYMAKER. Orliwold , U. DEPOT HOTEL , O. L. CHAPMAN , Dunlap , l LU8K HOUSE. J A LU8K , Logan , la. now CITY House , W. H. MORTON , DowOIU.ift AQQER HOUSE JAQQRR& BON , D nl on , ft HAllMON TAMA OITY , IA , , Hinnoa & Katie * Flop.